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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sezoninio darbo teisinis reguliavimas Lietuvos Respublikoje / Legal regulation of seasonal work in the Republic of Lithuania

Rėkuvienė, Violeta 11 December 2006 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos 48 straipsnis nustato, kad „kiekvienas žmogus gali laisvai pasirinkti darbą bei verslą ir turėti tinkamas, saugias ir sveikas darbo sąlygas, gauti teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą ir socialinę apsaugą nedarbo atveju“. Šis principas suponuoja kiekvieno žmogaus teisę laisvai pasirinkti darbą, laisva valia sutikti dirbti; teisę laisvai disponuoti savo sugebėjimais dirbti, galimybę laisvai pasirinkti veiklos rūšį ir profesiją. Laisvė pasirinkti darbą reiškia ir tai, kad asmuo savo noru gali nedirbti. Laisvės principas leidžia žmogui priimti sprendimus dirbti nuolatinį arba terminuotą darbą, dirbti ne visą darbo laiką, t.y. būti iš dalies užimtam. / The purpose of final work for master‘s degree is to examine the legal basis of seasonal work in the Republic of Lithuania, to estimate the particular regulatory features of seasonal work, to underline the main problems, to give recommendations and conclusions. The purpose of final work for master‘s degree is elaborated by setting problems that determined the following structure of final work for master‘s degree: in the first part of work the author analyses the theoretic aspects of seasonal work that are concerned with the concept of seasonal work and the labour contracts for seasonal work and their fundamental features; in the second part of final work for master‘s degree the author gives particular regulatory features for seasonal work in the Republic of Lithuania (making labour contracts for seasonal work, changing and breaking them, working hours and the time of breaks, the salary, also there is provided the analysis of seasonal, temporal, and terminal labour contracts).

A Comprehensive Review of Labor Litigation in China: Focus on Labor Dispute Resolutions and Judicial Interpretations

Lee, Ching-chin, 15 June 2011 (has links)
Due to the planned economy, the labor relations in China had been merely an extension of the administrative relations for long. Led by collectivism, collective labor relations based on individual interests actually did not exist in China. In fact, the labor relations, aimed to protect individual labor interests, turned out to be a complex of labor interests, trade unions, and the administration. Although the factors such as labor interests, trade unions, and governmental regulations could be found in China¡¦s labor market, the causes of them were quite different from those in western countries. Accordingly, the conceptions derived from Taiwan or other developed countries couldn¡¦t be entirely applied when we analyzed the labor relations in China. The transition of the legal system of labor relations in modern China can be grouped under the two categories: preventive regulations and remedy measures. The former contains the implementation of labor standards, the enforcement of collective labor contracts, and the administration of labor contract system while the latter covers labor supervision and labor disputes resolution regulations. During the establishment of China labor laws, the regulations of the labor dispute resolutions tend to correspond with labor condition rules. Different from the policies of dealing labor disputes in western countries, the labor dispute regulations in China strictly follow the three stages: mediation, arbitration, and litigation. In such an inflexible procedure, the clients have no freedom to choose preferred methods or measures. Most of all, since labor litigation is the final stage of the procedure, the judicial interpretation of the supreme civil court has a great impact on the results of labors¡¦ relief-seeking. In other words, it plays a crucial role in the field of labor dispute resolutions. To have a full understanding of the labor dispute resolution system in China, the research begins with labor litigation and systematically examines the relations between arbitration and judicial review.

As novas faces da subordinação no contrato de trabalho / The new visage of subordination in labour contract

Andrade, Tatiana Guimarães Ferraz 16 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho é voltado ao estudo das novas nuances da subordinação no contrato de trabalho, diante das transformações no modo de produção em razão da globalização e do advento de novas tecnologias. Para justificar a pertinência do estudo, demonstra-se a equivalência entre a livre iniciativa e o valor social do trabalho, de modo que a economia e o trabalho devam caminhar juntos, evitando-se desequilíbrios no sistema. Diante disso, faz-se necessário abordar a evolução histórica do subordinação dentro do direito do trabalho, bem como as definições do trabalho subordinado e os critérios empregados pela jurisprudência, diante das lacunas da lei. Consolidado o estudo da subordinação, procede-se à análise dos fatores externos que levaram as modificações no mundo do trabalho, como a recessão econômica da década de 70, os processos de globalização e a consequente automação dos modos de produção. Tais fatores levaram à criação de novas formas de prestação de serviço, que não se adequam ao padrão do trabalho subordinado, mas, ao mesmo tempo, não podem ser consideradas como autônomas, em sua integralidade. Assim, gera-se uma evasão social de trabalhadores marginalizados da proteção adequada, já que não se encaixam ao modelo praticado pelo direito do trabalho, dividido entre trabalho subordinado e autônomo. Nesse cenário, apresentam-se propostas da doutrina e jurisprudência para solucionar o problema e adequar os critérios de subordinação à realidade do trabalho. / This dissertation aims to study the new forms of subordinations in labour contract, due to the transformation in the way of production after globalization and the introduction of new technologies. In order to justify the importance of the study, it demonstrates the equivalence between free enterprise and the social value of work, so that economy and work shall walk together, avoiding disturbance at the system. Furthermore, it is necessary to refer to the historical evolution of subordination into labour law, as well as the definition of subordinate work and the criteria used by jurisprudence, considering the lack of law. Once established the study of subordination, it will proceed to the analysis of external factors that provoked modification in work, as the 70s economical recession, globalization process and automation of the ways of production. These factors conducted to the creation of new forms of services, which are not adjusted to subordinate work pattern, but at the same time, cannot be considered as full self-employed. Indeed, it generates a social evasion of employees, marginalised form correct protection, as they do not fit to the model practised by labour law, which is divided between subordinated work and self-employed. Finally, it presents proposals from doctrine and jurisprudence in order to give a solution to the problem, and adequate the subordination criteria to work reality.

As novas faces da subordinação no contrato de trabalho / The new visage of subordination in labour contract

Tatiana Guimarães Ferraz Andrade 16 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho é voltado ao estudo das novas nuances da subordinação no contrato de trabalho, diante das transformações no modo de produção em razão da globalização e do advento de novas tecnologias. Para justificar a pertinência do estudo, demonstra-se a equivalência entre a livre iniciativa e o valor social do trabalho, de modo que a economia e o trabalho devam caminhar juntos, evitando-se desequilíbrios no sistema. Diante disso, faz-se necessário abordar a evolução histórica do subordinação dentro do direito do trabalho, bem como as definições do trabalho subordinado e os critérios empregados pela jurisprudência, diante das lacunas da lei. Consolidado o estudo da subordinação, procede-se à análise dos fatores externos que levaram as modificações no mundo do trabalho, como a recessão econômica da década de 70, os processos de globalização e a consequente automação dos modos de produção. Tais fatores levaram à criação de novas formas de prestação de serviço, que não se adequam ao padrão do trabalho subordinado, mas, ao mesmo tempo, não podem ser consideradas como autônomas, em sua integralidade. Assim, gera-se uma evasão social de trabalhadores marginalizados da proteção adequada, já que não se encaixam ao modelo praticado pelo direito do trabalho, dividido entre trabalho subordinado e autônomo. Nesse cenário, apresentam-se propostas da doutrina e jurisprudência para solucionar o problema e adequar os critérios de subordinação à realidade do trabalho. / This dissertation aims to study the new forms of subordinations in labour contract, due to the transformation in the way of production after globalization and the introduction of new technologies. In order to justify the importance of the study, it demonstrates the equivalence between free enterprise and the social value of work, so that economy and work shall walk together, avoiding disturbance at the system. Furthermore, it is necessary to refer to the historical evolution of subordination into labour law, as well as the definition of subordinate work and the criteria used by jurisprudence, considering the lack of law. Once established the study of subordination, it will proceed to the analysis of external factors that provoked modification in work, as the 70s economical recession, globalization process and automation of the ways of production. These factors conducted to the creation of new forms of services, which are not adjusted to subordinate work pattern, but at the same time, cannot be considered as full self-employed. Indeed, it generates a social evasion of employees, marginalised form correct protection, as they do not fit to the model practised by labour law, which is divided between subordinated work and self-employed. Finally, it presents proposals from doctrine and jurisprudence in order to give a solution to the problem, and adequate the subordination criteria to work reality.

Skončení pracovního poměru - srovnání české a španělské právní úpravy / Termination of the labour contract - comparison of the Czech and Spanish law

Stanzel, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is the comparison of the Czech and Spanish labour law focused on the law dealing with the termination of the labour contract, forms and methods of this termination in Czech and Spanish law and description of law connected with that plus description of some groups of employees who deserve a special protection of their labour contracts and special labour conditions. This paper tries to highlight some differences in law of these two countries and the consequences of these differences. This paper can be divided into three parts. In the first part, composed by first three chapters, there is the general concept of the labour law, its' position in the system of law and its' historical development, including changes in the relation between labour law and civil law. There are here the basic terms and principles of Czech labour law and Spanish labour law as well. There is possible to see the origin of the labour law and changes in this law until nowadays by following the historical context, than it is easier to understand the differences of both legal systems. The second part of this paper describes in the fourth chapter the particular forms of termination of the labour contract in the Czech and Spanish law and the differences of these forms in law of both countries. This shows that...

Įmonės vadovų sutartinių santykių su įmone reguliavimo ypatumai Lietuvoje ir pasirinktoje valstybėje / The peculiarities of regulation of relations between the company and its executives in lithuania and a selected state

Samuolis, Justinas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Įmonės vadovas yra neatsiejama įmonės organizacinės sistemos dalis, be kurios įmonė negalėtų įgyti teisių bei prisiimti pareigų. Tačiau ne tik buvimas juridinio asmens valdymo organu, bet ir jo darbuotoju, sukuria tam tikrą įmonės vadovo ir įmonės teisinių santykių kompleksiškumą. Šis kompleksiškumas pasireiškia tuo, kad iš vienos pusės įmonės vadovo, kaip juridinio asmens organo, santykiai su įmone yra reguliuojami civilinės teisės normomis, o iš kitos – jam, kaip ir kiekvienam darbuotojui, privalomas darbo teisės normų laikymasis. Toks įmonės ir jos vadovų santykių reguliavimas dviejomis savarankiškomis teisės šakomis, neretai sukelia sunkumų nustatant, kuri teisės norma vienu ar kitu atveju turi būti taikoma. Siekiant geriau suvokti įmonės ir jos vadovų tarpusavio santykių pobūdį, šiame darbe yra nagrinėjami pagrindiniai aspektai vienaip ar kitaip susiję tiek su darbo teisės, tiek su civilinės teisės reguliavimo dalyku. Todėl analizė apima įmonės vadovo teisinio statuso prigimties bei raidos tendencijų vertinimą. Įmonės vadovo teisinio statuso specifika sąlygoja kiek kitokį šio subjekto darbo teisinių santykių reguliavimą nei paprastų darbuotojų. Bandant atskleisti šiuos skirtumus yra analizuojami darbo sutarties, sudaromos su įmonės vadovu, skirtumai nuo panašių civilinių sutarčių, šių darbo sutarčių sudarymas, rūšys, sąlygos. Be to, aptariami kitokie nei paprastų darbuotojų darbo santykių su įmonės vadovu pasibaigimo pagrindai bei šių santykių pasibaigimo procedūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Chief executive is an essential part of company’s organizational system and a company could not obtain rights and assume obligations without it. However, being not only a governing body of a legal entity, but also its employee, gives a rise for certain complexity of legal intercourse between the company and its chief executive. This complexity means that on one hand intercourse between company and its chief executive as a governing body are regulated by the civil law, while on the other hand the labor law rules are also applicable to him as to every other employee. Such dual regulation of relations between the company and its chief executive raises some difficulties when determining which legal norm has to be applied in certain circumstances. With the intention to comprehend the nature of intercourse between the company and its chief executive, this paper deals with major legal aspects one way or another related to regulatory subject of both labor and civil law. For this reason the analysis include the assessment of the nature and the development tendencies of legal status of company’s chief executive. The particularity of its legal status determines somewhat different regulatory regime applicable to a chief executive comparing to labor law applicable to ordinary employees. Aiming to display these differences the employment agreements with chief executive are analysed in comparance with similar civil contracts, as well as conclusion, types and conditions of such labor... [to full text]

Know your rights! A basic guide for domestic workers in South Africa

Labour Research Service (LRS) 06 1900 (has links)
The demand for domestic services has increased globally during the last two decades and today domestic workers constitute a large portion of the workforce, especially in developing countries. Yet domestic work is undervalued and poorly regulated, and many domestic workers are underpaid and unprotected. This has been recognised by international organisations, such as the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The struggle of domestic workers has lead to improvements to their rights and conditions in many countries. Yet working conditions and wages remain poor in many countries, including South Africa. This booklet sheds light on this problem. There are 888 000 domestic workers in South Africa, which accounts for 7% of total formal employment (Labour Force Survey, May 2010). The vast majority of these workers do not belong to a trade union and do not partake in collective bargaining or are unaware of their rights to bargain and to join trade unions. The South African Domestic Services and Allied Workers Union (SADSAWU) is a trade union for domestic workers in South Africa and campaigns for the improvement of rights and conditions of domestic workers. It recognises that it is not as powerful as it could be and it would have a bigger influence on the legislating authorities if there were more members which were strongly organised. There are numerous difficulties to organise domestic workers, some are related to the education level of the workers and some lies within the nature of the work (many are live-in workers and therefore have no contact with other domestic workers as a natural part of their work). However, SADSAWU has over many years built up a lot of experience and developed a solid vision to build a strong domestic workers movement, and is therefore well placed to fight these difficulties. This booklet also serves as an organising tool for domestic workers. The aim is to raise awareness of the rights of domestic workers and to encourage workers to organise.

Durban based COFESA affiliated CMT clothing manufacturing firms : their upgrading opportunities.

Gannon, Shaun. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of Natal, Durban,2002.

Contratos de performance sob risco e na ausência de incentivo

Constantino, Luiz Felipe Monteiro 31 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Luiz Felipe Constantino (constantino.lf@gmail.com) on 2012-10-01T23:52:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - FormatadaFinal.pdf: 1877901 bytes, checksum: 586e0424a6d2af6580e20588f159f408 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vitor Souza (vitor.souza@fgv.br) on 2012-10-02T14:09:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - FormatadaFinal.pdf: 1877901 bytes, checksum: 586e0424a6d2af6580e20588f159f408 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-15T17:58:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - FormatadaFinal.pdf: 1877901 bytes, checksum: 586e0424a6d2af6580e20588f159f408 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / This paper shows that fixed wages are not the optimal solution for a labour contract when the worker’s outside option is a function of a factor that can vary. The worker’s contract will include a bonus that will also be a function of the same factor that modifies its outside option, even though this factor does not depend on his effort and the agent is risk-averse. This result contrasts with the classical theory according to which one should only allocate risk to the employee when such contract is necessary to provide incentives for greater effort from the agent. Another conclusion of this paper is that there is a limit to the risk the employee assumes in the optimal contract, i.e., the value of the bonus is an increasing function of the difference of the values of the worker’s outside options between the possible scenarios only until a certain point, after which the size of the bonus is fixed. / Este trabalho mostra que a solução ótima do contrato de remuneração do empregado não é de salário fixo quando sua utilidade reserva é uma função de um fator que pode variar. A remuneração ótima do empregado incluirá um bônus que será também uma função do mesmo fator que modifica sua utilidade reserva, mesmo que tal fator não dependa do seu esforço e que o agente seja avesso ao risco. Esse resultado contrasta com a teoria clássica segundo a qual só se deveria alocar risco ao funcionário quando tal contrato fosse necessário para prover os incentivos para um esforço maior do agente. Outra conclusão desse trabalho é que existe um limite para o tamanho do risco que o funcionário assume no contrato ótimo, ou seja, o valor do bônus é uma função crescente da diferença dos valores da utilidade reserva nos diferentes cenários possíveis até certo ponto apenas e a partir de determinado valor para essa diferença, a magnitude do bônus se mantém estável.

La modification de la relation de travail : étude comparative des droits coréen et français / Changing the working relationship : comparative study of Korean and French law

Lee, Eunjoo 06 May 2019 (has links)
Le contrat de travail est continu sur une longue période. Des conditions de travail du salarié peuvent être modifiées ou ajustées à tout moment pendant la durée d’une relation de travail en fonction de raisons diverses. La modification des conditions de travail, ou plus généralement encore, la modification de la relation de travail influence directement la vie privée et professionnelle du salarié et touche par conséquent en profondeur le salarié et l’employeur. La possibilité qu’un salarié puisse négocier son contrat de travail avec son employeur au moment de la conclusion du contrat, est en pratique faible. Il est donc nécessaire que le régime de la modification du contrat de travail garantisse que les conditions de travail convenues au moment de la conclusion du contrat de travail ne peuvent pas être modifiées unilatéralement par l’employeur indépendamment de l’avis du salarié. Les systèmes juridiques coréen et français reposent sur la force obligatoire du contrat de travail. Il est donc évident que le consentement du salarié est nécessaire pour modifier les conditions de travail du contrat de travail. Le régime de la modification de la relation de travail dépend de la limitation du pouvoir de l’employeur. En France, depuis 1996, a été introduit un système jurisprudentiel distinguant changement des conditions de travail et modification du contrat de travail. Avec l’évolution de la jurisprudence, le régime de la modification du contrat de travail se concentre sur le contrat de travail, il attache de la valeur à l’opinion du salarié en considérant le salarié comme une partie au contrat. En revanche, en Corée, la jurisprudence a mis l’accent sur l’interprétation de l’exercice du pouvoir de l’employeur en fonction de l’existence d’un motif raisonnable. Par ailleurs, à la différence de la France où le règlement intérieur a un domaine limité le règlement intérieur coréen joue un rôle similaire à celui d’un contrat de travail en pratique. À cet égard, si la modification du règlement intérieur est défavorable au salarié, le consentement du groupe de salariés doit être obtenu. Même si le consentement est exigé et même si le salarié a un droit de refus, le salarié qui refuse est toujours exposé au licenciement. Le concept de consentement du salarié est souvent trop fragile pour que l’on puisse se contenter de son existence et considérer qu’il s’agit d’une protection suffisante. Ainsi, il est nécessaire de rechercher la véritable volonté du salarié plutôt que de constater son consentement formel. La modification de la relation de travail ne doit pas être axée sur l’exercice de pouvoir de l’employeur, mais doit être interprété concrètement dans le contexte de l’évolution de l’environnement du travail et de la vie professionnelle du salarié. / The labour contract is continuous over a long period of time. The worker's working conditions could be modified or adjusted at any time during the duration of a labour relationship with various reasons. Changes in working conditions, or more generally, changes in the labour relationship directly affect the worker's private and professional life and therefore it has a profound impact on both the worker and the employer. The possibility that a worker could negotiate his labour contract with his employer at the time the contract is hard in practice. It is therefore necessary that the regime for amending the labour contract ensures that the working conditions agreed at the time of conclusion of the labour contract cannot be unilaterally modified by the employer regardless of the worker's opinion. The Korean and French legal systems are based on the binding power of a contract. It is therefore obvious that the worker's consent is required to modify the working conditions of the labour contract. The regime for modifying the labour relationship depends on limiting the employer's authority. In France, since 1996, a jurisprudential system has been introduced distinguishing between change of the working conditions and modify of the labour contract. With the evolution of precedent, the regime of modification of the labour contract focuses on the labour contract, it attaches value to the worker's opinion by considering the worker as a party to the contract. Whereas, in Korea, the precedent has focused on interpreting the exercise of employer authority on the basis of “reasonable cause”. Moreover, unlike France, where the regulation of employment has a limited scope, the Korean regulation of employment plays a similar role to that of a labour contract in practice. In this respect, if the amendment of the regulation of employment change unfavorable to the worker, the consent of the group of workers is required.Even if the consent of worker is demanded and even if the worker has a right of refusal about the suggestion of employer, the worker who refuses is still exposed to dismissal. The concept of the consent of worker is often too fragile to be satisfied with its existence. Also, it is difficult to assume that workers' consent is fully protected. Therefore, it is necessary to find method for reflect the worker's real intention. The change in the labour relationship must not be focused on the employer's exercise of authority, but must be interpreted concretely in the context of the changing work environment and the worker's professional life.

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