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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elevers ängslan inför att kommunicera på målspråket i engelskundervisningen : En litteraturöversikt

Tove, Antonsson, Jarl, Emma, Veronica, Fogelström January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish curriculum is and has been evolving for as long as it has existed. Since 1994 the communicative proficiency has been one of the most central aspects of the English subject in Swedish elementary school. However, an ever-evolving issue is the increasing Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA) among pupils. This causes difficulties in the development of communicative proficiency. This literary review aims to find aspects of the educational situation which can be altered to decrease pupils FLA and FLCA. This paper has a basis of five articles and one thesis which have been reviewed and analyzed. The results show several aspects which can have an impact on pupils FLA and FLCA. One of which being that students are less anxious when they feel that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. Another aspect that can decrease pupils' FLA or FLCA is when they can experience their proficiency evolving. For this development to occur the amount of time spent learning the subject is central. The conclusion of this paper brings forward several both social and organizational factors that can be altered in favor of the pupils feeling less FLA and FLCA. / Kursplanen i engelska har under de senaste 40 åren fokuserat mer ochmer på den kommunikativa förmågan. Samtidigt har elevers ängslankring att kommunicera på engelska ökat. Att elever upplever en ökadForeign Language Anxiety (FLA) och Foreign Language ClassroomAnxiety (FLCA) skapar ökade utmaningar för att i klassrummet kunnautveckla elevernas kommunikativa förmåga. Under dennalitteraturöversikt undersöks och problematiseras hur elevers FLApåverkas av tidig språkstart, men även hur man kan planeraundervisningen för att minska FLA in klassrummet. För att besvaradessa frågor har artiklar och avhandlingar sökts fram i flertaletdatabaser. Resultatet som framkommer är att elevers FLA och FLCAminskar då de inser att misstag är centrala för språkinlärningensamt att deras förmågor utvecklas med tiden. Det framkommer även attelever har en större språklig utveckling av att börja med engelska tidigt,dock är det inte fastställt att detta har med åldern på eleverna att göradå det även kan bero på fler undervisningstimmar. Sammanfattningsvisbeskrivs både sociala och organisatoriska aspekter avundervisningssituationen som är centrala att överväga för att påverkaelevers FLA och FLCA.

Zpětná vazba ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Feedback in Czech Language Courses for Foreigners

Plísková, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores teacher's feedback, its definition, types, and is specifically focused on feedback moves in context of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The aim of this thesis is to present current research on the feedback in the context of teaching a second/foreign language and describe how the feedback is used in Czech language courses for foreigners and what instruments teachers use for such purpose. The first part is focusing on the feedback as part of the educational dialogue and communication in the language classroom; introducing some concepts and hypotheses of second language acquisition in which feedback figures. We also provide a description of feedback, both positive and corrective, and we present current studies concerning feedback within language learning. The empirical part carries out conversational analysis of transcribed recordings of participant observation in Czech courses for foreigners, in which we focus on feedback moves of lecturers. The thesis includes glossary explaining relevant terms translated into Czech. Key words: Feedback, positive feedback, corrective feedback, communication in the language classroom, error correction, Czech for foreigners, conversation analysis

Analyse des interactions dans la classe de langue en Corée : cas des apprenants coréens face aux enseignants de français natifs dans l'enseignement supérieur / Analyses of the interactions in the class of language in Korea : case of Korean learners in front of French native teachers in the higher education

Kang, Shin Tae 09 December 2016 (has links)
La langue est sans aucun doute le reflet d’une culture et en cela elle permet à deux peuples non seulement de communiquer mais aussi de se découvrir. C’est la raison pour laquelle ce travail vise à répondre à deux objectifs : le premier est d’optimiser l’enseignement des langues, ici le français en Corée, le second est de favoriser les échanges entre nos deux pays en mesurant la portée culturelle véhiculée par une langue. Pour cela nous avons cherché à identifier les contraintes de l’apprentissage du français en décrivant les interactions entre enseignants français natifs et apprenants coréens dans l’enseignement supérieur en Corée. La constitution d’un corpus d’interactions authentiques mettant en contact 180 apprenants coréens avec 7 enseignants au travers de 13 cours de FLE a permis de décrire des phénomènes interactionnels récurrents d’ordre sociolinguistique. La grande distance linguistique séparant le français du coréen s’est manifestée par des incompréhensions et des malentendus d’origine phonétique, morphosyntaxique et sémantique issus de transferts entre les deux langues. Pour surmonter ces difficultés linguistiques, nous préconisons d’accompagner les cours de grammaire d’une immersion en langue cible par des cours de conversation. Mais notre étude montre combien les habitudes d’apprentissage des apprenants coréens, entre silences, rire d’embarras, hochements de tête et autres gestes illustratifs palliatifs à des lacunes langagières, doivent être prises en compte dans toute démarche didactique. / The language is undoubtedly the reflection of a culture and it allows two peoples not only to communicate but also to discover each other. It is the reason why this work aims at answering two objectives: the first one is to optimize the languages teaching, here French in Korea, the second is to favour the exchanges between our two countries by measuring the cultural significance conveyed by a language. For this we tried to identify the constraints of the learning of French by describing the interactions between French native teachers and Korean learners in the higher education in Korea. The constitution of a corpus of authenticinteractions putting in touch 180 Korean learners with 7 teachers through 13 courses of FLE allowed to describe interactionnels recurring phenomena of sociolinguistic type. The linguistic great distance separating French of the Korean showed itself by incomprehensions and phonetic, morphosyntactic and semantic misunderstandings of origin stemming from transfers between both languages. To overcome these linguistic difficulties, we recommend to accompany the grammar courses with an immersion in target language by courses of conversation. But our study shows how many the learning habits of the Korean learners,between silences, laughter of embarrassments, nods and other palliative illustrative gestures in linguistic deficiencies, must be taken into account in any didactic approach.

Getting started : Children’s participation and language learning in an L2 classroom / Komma igång : Barns deltagande och språkligt lärande i en förberedelseklass

Čekaitė, Asta January 2006 (has links)
Denna avhandling handlar om en förberedelseklass med elever (7-10 år) som har ett annat hemspråk än svenska (arabiska, kurdiska, thailändska). Utifrån empiri som samlats in genom videoinspelningar och observationer under ett års tid i en förberedelseklass studeras elevernas deltagande och språkinlärning i det dagliga klassrumsarbetet. I studien kombineras språksocialisationsteorier med en konversationsanalytisk ansats som bygger på detaljerade transkriptioner och analyser av interaktionen. Mer specifikt studeras elevernas kommunikativa praktiker såsom de utvecklas i klassrummets interaktionella ekologi och på ett sätt som situerar elevernas svenska språkutveckling inom ramen för deras konkreta klassrumserfarenheter. Tre återkommande kommunikativa praktiker identifieras och analyseras ingående: (1) påkallande av uppmärksamhet; (2) självselektioner till talturer i flerpartsamtal; (3) språklek och metapragmatisk lek. Resultaten presenteras i fyra studier. Den första artikeln fokuserar på hur eleverna påkallar lärarens uppmärksamhet under individuellt arbete. Studien visar hur de uppgraderar sina försök att försäkra sig om lärarens uppmärksamhet genom att använda både verbala och icke-verbala resurser, inklusive affektiva markeringar och klassrumsartefakter. I den andra studien analyseras elevernas självselektioner i lärarledda samtal ur ett longitudinellt perspektiv. I artikeln framkommer hur deltagandet i dessa aktiviteter är intimt relaterat till språkliga och interaktionella kompetenser med konsekvenser för elevens ’identitet’ i klassrumsgemenskapen. I den tredje studien utforskas barnens metapragmatiska lekar. Studien visar hur de skapar skämtsamma episoder i vilka de överträder lokala normer för språkbruk. I den fjärde studien analyseras slutligen barnens spontana språklekar, vilka kan ta formen av egeninitierade ’språklektioner’, ett gemensamt utforskande av språklig form och mening, som även innefattar något av ett offentligt framträdande för kamratgruppen. Sammantaget, visar studierna olika aspekter av informellt lärande i ett klassrum och lyfter fram praktiker som hitintills ofta förbigåtts i forskning om andraspråkslärande. / The present thesis investigates L2 learners’ participation and language learning in a Swedish immersion classroom (ages 7-10). The data consist of video recordings and observations of classroom (and recess) activities, during one school year. Methodologically, the present thesis combines insights from language socialization with detailed transcriptions and analysis, inspired by conversation analytic approaches. More specifically, the learners’ communicative practices are studied as they emerge in the interactional ecology of a specific classroom, situating Swedish language (L2) development within the concrete classroom experiences of the learner. Three communicative practices were recurrently identified in the children’s classroom repertoires: (i) summonses; (ii) self-selections; (iii) language play, including metapragmatic play. The findings are documented in four studies. The first article focuses on how L2 novices solicit the teacher’s attention during individual seatwork. It illustrates how the novices upgraded their attempts to secure the teacher’s attention by employing multimodally structured summons turns, involving affective stances and displays of classroom artefacts. In the second study, an L2 novice’s self-selections in teacher-fronted (conversational) activities are analysed in a longitudinal perspective, showing how participation in such activities was related to language, and interactional skills, that were consequential for ‘learner’ identity in the classroom community. The third study explores the children’s metapragmatic play and demonstrates how they created joking episodes, involving transgressions from local classroom norms. Finally, the fourth study analyses children’s spontaneous form-focused language play. It demonstrates that such playful episodes and transgressions from ‘correct’ language form recurrently evolved into spontaneous peer-run ‘language lessons’; a form of aesthetic explorations of language form and meaning, involving multiparty public performances. As a whole, the present studies illuminate different aspects of informal learning in language classrooms, highlighting practices that have largely escaped systematic attention in much prior work on second language acquisition.

Increasing the impact of ICT in language learning : investigating the effect of teachers' ownership of microblending CALL in the classroom within the WST model of ICT use

Bish, David William January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to address why the adoption of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) within the language classroom is so varied, and its success so unclear, despite fifty years of investment and research. The huge promise of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) driven results has created an imbalance in language teaching, where initiatives are brought about from outside the classroom, with teachers held accountable for their adoption. My reading of the literature is that lack of consideration of the teacher’s role in implementation of classroom technology has led to mismatched expectations and performance. If the nature of the teacher’s contribution is recognized, I believe that this can lead to more effective use of ICT, which I have set out to show. My study, based on a survey of 319 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers across the international group of 31 schools in which I work, seeks to put the teacher back into the picture by examining where their enacted beliefs in social constructivist pedagogy best align with classroom use of digital technology. I coin this emerging praxis ‘microblending’, a pedagogy rooted in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and contemporary methodology, and I seek to demonstrate its relevance in this study I test the viability of measuring teacher’s microblending readiness through application of Technology Acceptance Modelling (TAM) in an EFL setting to produce a model that explains the variation in classroom use of ICT. My model is based on a critical replication of the WST (‘Will, Skill, Tool’) model, a TAM model which has so far only been used in mainstream classroom teaching. I have updated, created and piloted new instruments within the scope of the study, which are now already in use within the institution where I carried out my investigations. Using both linear regression and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) techniques I explored how these measurements of the learning environment can explain a teacher’s application of technology. This first attempt appears to explain over 89% of the variation in classroom use of technology, which already exceeds the predictive power of several contemporary models in use in parallel fields of education. Given further work to refine and apply the model, a valuable improvement could be made in how teachers work with ICT in the language classroom for improved learning outcomes.

La présentation de l'enseignement de langue étrangère : aspects relationnels et décisions interactionnelles en classe de l2. / Towards an analysis of L2 teachers' self : Teaching style, rapport and interactive decisions

Aguilar Rio, Jose 09 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail se situe à la croisée de la didactique des langues étrangères [L2], des sciences de l'éducation et de la psychologie sociale. L'hypothèse de départ porte sur la possibilité que des enseignants de L2 montrent, face aux apprenants et au cours d'une rencontre en classe de L2, des comportements allant au-delà de leurs fonctions institutionnelles d'organiser, faciliter et participer à la communication. Il est question caractériser la manière dont des enseignants de L2 se représentent leur métier. Nous travail adhérons ainsi au courant des études sur la cognition des enseignants qui explorent leurs croyances hétéroclites. Nous avons d'abord observé des rencontres en classe de L2 en présentiel que nous avons ensuite analysées à la manière de l'analyse conversationnelle. Le recours à l'analyse conversationnelle nous a permis de déterminer la manière dont les participants co-construisent la rencontre en classe de L2. Certaines des pratiques repérées chez l'enseignant, telles que la désaffiliation, la légitimation du rire, ont été caractérisées comme des actions motivées par ses croyances. Enfin, le recours à des entretiens d'auto-confrontation a permis de confronter les enseignants avec leur propre pratique afin qu'ils la commentent selon leur logique et leur ressenti. Ce dispositif a rendu possible un dialogue entre le chercheur et les enseignants grâce auquel leur savoir-être enseignant a été caractérisée finement. / This work is at the crossroads of applied linguistics – namely foreign language [L2] teaching – education studies and social psychology. Its ultimate goal is to characterize the way in which L2 teachers represent their profession. This work draws on teachers' cognition studies in order to explore the heterogeneous beliefs of teachers. It also draws on conversation analysis [CA]: the classroom observation conducted in four fields has produced recordings that have become L2 classroom transcripts. The use of CA has helped to determine the participants' attitude as they coconstruct the situation in which they participate – namely a L2 classroom, which constitutes, in principle, an institutional setting. As regards the L2 teachers, the identification of certain practices – their disaffiliation, their choice of subject, their legitimation of laughter – indicates the possibility that they have made certain decisions according to the manner in which they co-manage the classroom situation, but also in relation to their own beliefs. Finally, we use recall-interviews, by means of which the teachers are confronted the teachers with their own practice; this may conduce to their characterising their own actions according to a certain pedagogical logic, but also according to their feelings. By means of integrating these three sources of information a dialogue between the teachers and the researcher has become possible; this dialogue has allowed for a fine description of the teachers' teaching know-how.

Zprostředkovací jazyk ve výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka / The Mediating Language in Teaching Czech as a Second Language

Dušková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the code choice in the language classroom, particularly with teaching Czech as a foreign language. This thesis is an excursion into contemporary teaching Czech as a foreign language and its main aim is to explore the role of the code choice in CFL teaching and find out the motives of this choice on the part of the teacher - whole thesis is therefore primarily concerned with teacher's code choice in the language classroom and with factors that influence the choice. This aim is realized with the use of several case studies that examine in detail the code choice in several courses of Czech for foreigners using participant observation, semi- structured interview and the results of previous similar studies are taken into account. In conclusion, the results of individual studies are compared and we tried to find out trends and key factors that could play an important role in the code choice in the language classroom. Key words : Czech as foreign language, classroom language communication, case study, teacher talk, code choice, mediating language

La ansiedad y los aprendices de español como segunda lengua

Feuerstein, Amanda L. 29 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Lavando a Alma: análise do contexto de uma sala de aula de língua inglesa de escola pública sob a luz da teoria do caos/complexidade. / Letting It All Out:analyzing an English classroom context in a state school based on chaos/complexity theory.

FERNANDES, Fernanda Rodrigues 13 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:19:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Rodrigues Fernandes.pdf: 606573 bytes, checksum: 1d7825886416330cd4570c30afe3eef2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-13 / This research is an ethnographic case study that analyzes, in a descriptive form, the English language lessons in a second year high school classroom in a state school in the city of Goiânia. For this, we conducted a participant-observation research study, which, according to Spradley (1980), occurs when the researcher observes what happens in the research field and also participates in the activities that occur therein. The aim of this study was to know the difficulties faced by the actors in the classroom examined in order to propose what we call action or intervention to help control one of the known difficulties that, in this case was indiscipline during the English classes. Our proposed action was to carry out activities that would promote peer interaction and cooperative and/or collaborative learning, encouraging students‟ participation in the classes (FIGUEIREDO, 2006; OXFORD, 1997). During the research, we realized that several factors influenced the English classroom dynamics and thus the students‟ behavior. Therefore, the classroom under study and the issue of indiscipline in the English classes could not be seen in isolation. In order to best understand this reality, we used chaos/complexity theory (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997), comparing the English language classroom to a complex system. According to Larsen-Freeman (1997), complex systems are dynamic, complex, nonlinear, chaotic, unpredictable, sensitive to initial conditions, open, selforganizing, adaptive and sensitive response. By proposing this perspective of the classroom as a complex system, this study helps to understand that the difficulties experienced in the English language classroom, amongst them indiscipline, must be faced by all those who, directly or indirectly, take part in this complex system. / Este trabalho se caracteriza por ser um estudo de caso de base etnográfica que busca analisar de forma descritiva as aulas de língua inglesa de uma turma do 2º ano do ensino médio de uma escola pública estadual localizada na cidade de Goiânia. Para isso, realizamos uma observação-participante, que, segundo Spradley (1980), ocorre quando o pesquisador, além de observar o que acontece no campo de pesquisa, também participa das atividades que nele ocorrem. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as dificuldades enfrentadas pelos atores da sala de aula analisada a fim de propor o que denominamos de ação ou intervenção para ajudar a contornar uma das dificuldades verificadas, que, no caso, foi a indisciplina durante as aulas de inglês. Nossa proposta de ação foi a realização de atividades em pares que pudessem promover a interação e a aprendizagem colaborativa e/ou cooperativa, incentivando assim a participação ativa dos alunos nas aulas de inglês (FIGUEIREDO, 2006; OXFORD, 1997). No decorrer da pesquisa, percebemos que diversos elementos influenciam a dinâmica da sala de aula de língua inglesa investigada e, consequentemente, o comportamento dos alunos. Dessa forma, a sala de aula analisada e a questão da indisciplina nas aulas de inglês não podem ser vistas de forma isolada. Para compreendermos melhor essa realidade, utilizamos a teoria do caos/complexidade (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 1997), comparando a sala de aula de língua inglesa estudada a um sistema complexo. Isso porque ela apresenta características próprias desse tipo de sistema. Segundo Larsen-Freeman (1997), os sistemas complexos são dinâmicos, complexos, não-lineares, caóticos, imprevisíveis, sensíveis às condições iniciais, abertos, auto-organizáveis, sensíveis à resposta e adaptativos. Ao propor essa perspectiva da sala de aula como um sistema complexo, este estudo contribui para entendermos que as dificuldades vivenciadas na sala de aula de língua inglesa em questão, dentre elas a indisciplina, devem ser enfrentadas por todos aqueles que fazem parte direta ou indiretamente desse sistema complexo.

Výuka angličtiny na českých středních školách z pohledu bilingvních žáků, kteří mají anglofonního rodiče či žili v anglofonní zemi / Teaching bilingual adolescents for whom English is a heritage language or who have lived in an Anglophone country, and who are studying in Czech secondary school English classrooms: the students' perspective

Jirásková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
(in English) The present thesis explores the issue of teaching heritage language learners and returnee students in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes in Czech secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to examine the experiences of heritage language learners and returnees in the EFL classroom, their strengths and weaknesses in English, their attitude towards English language learning in terms of potential anxiety and motivation, as well as heritage language learners' wishes in relation to language instruction. These issues are investigated from the perspective of the students themselves. The theoretical part reviews the relevant literature on heritage language acquisition and teaching, and on the effects of experience abroad on language acquisition. Moreover, it is complemented by discussions of differentiated instruction and language education for the gifted, two areas which can prove helpful in terms of finding suitable solutions to the problems encountered by the target population in foreign language classes. The empirical part is qualitative and consists of the analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews with three participants, gymnázium students from Prague. Insights are provided about the interconnectedness of the students' life experiences, their general beliefs about language...

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