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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití her k opakování slovní zásoby na úrovni A2 (podle SERR) / Games for Vocabulary Revision at A2 level (according to CEFR)

ŠILHANOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Games for Vocabulary Revision at A2 level (according to CEFR) is focused on the possible ways how to use games for vocabulary revision in English language teaching at lower secondary schools. In the theoretical part there is mainly described the theoretical view on games and their importance for language teaching. There is a description of different kinds of games and their basic typology in general, the language game and its typology and also the theory of vocabulary revision. There are also described the several types of books written by different authors that can be used for vocabulary revision. The practical part is focused on the basic description of documents such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (level A2), the Framework Educational Programme and the School Educational Programme, that were used in my project at lower secondary school. In the next part, there is a detailed description of the collection of games that were used in the lessons of English. These games were focused on vocabulary revision according to the particular coursebook in the particular class. The main aim of this diploma thesis is to discover if it is possible to include games to language teaching and if the game can motivate the pupils for their active participation in the classroom.

Peut-on parler de Dieu aujourd'hui ? : De Wittgenstein à simone weil / Can we speak of God today? : From Wittgenstein to Simone Weil

Sekino, Tetsuya 08 June 2016 (has links)
On est consciemment ou inconsciemment influencé par le scientisme et le positivisme logique. Nous posons donc une question : Peut-on parler de Dieu aujourd’hui ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous choisissons deux philosophes : Wittgenstein et Simone Weil. Selon Wittgenstein, « sur ce dont on ne peut parler, il faut garder le silence ». Ce qu’il veut dire par là, ce n’est pas que Dieu n’existe pas ou que Dieu n’est pas intelligible comme le disent le scientisme et le positivisme logique. Ce qu’il veut dire par là, c’est que Dieu existe effectivement, mais que l’on ne peut parler de lui en raison de la limite de notre langage. Or, la faute de Wittgenstein consiste à détourner les yeux de l’intelligibilité religieuse ou métaphysique. En ce qui concerne Simone Weil, elle parle de Dieu dans ses écrits et ses lettres. Qu’est-ce qui lui permet de parler de Dieu ? C’est le premier intérêt de ce projet. Et le deuxième intérêt consiste à déterminer l’expérience mystique de Simone Weil, car l’utilisation du mot « mystique » dans les études sur elle est assez arbitraire. Le troisième intérêt est de mettre en relief la relation entre la non-lecture et l’intuition chez elle. Enfin, le cinquième intérêt est de traiter la relation entre le bouddhisme zen et la pensée de Simone Weil. A travers nos études sur le concept d’intuition chez Simone Weil, nous proposerons une autre vision du monde que le scientisme et le positivisme logique. / We are consciously or unconsciously influenced by scientism and logical positivism. So we asked a question: Can we speak of God today? To answer the question, we focus on two philosophers, Wittgenstein and Simone Weil. According to Wittgenstein, “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” What he means by that is not that God doesn’t exist or that God is not intelligible as say scientism and logical positivism. What he means by that is that God does exist, but we can’t talk about him because of the limits of our language. But the lack of Wittgenstein is to look away from religious or metaphysical intelligibility. As for Simone Weil, she speaks of God in her writings and letters. What allows her to speak of God? This is our first point of interest. And our second point of interest is to define the mystical experience of Simone Weil, because the use of the word “mystical” in studies of Weil is rather arbitrary. Our third point of interest is to highlight the relationship between “non-reading” and intuition in Simone Weil. Our fourth point of interest is to explore the relationship between Zen Buddhism and the thought of Simone Weil. Through studying them, we will answer this question and, through Weil’s concept of intuition, we propose a worldview that is different from scientism and from logical positivism.

Practicing the law of human dignity

Chatzipanagiotou, Matthildi 03 March 2016 (has links)
Die philosophischen Grundlagen der Meta-Dimension des Rechts auf Menschenwürde lösen eine Fragestellung aus, die die Grenzen der Disziplin des Rechts übertrifft: wie könnte das Transzendentale als ein Aspekt der Bedeutung von Menschenwürde dargestellt werden? Das Beharren auf der nicht-Bestimmung des Menschenbildes oder auf dem Begriff ‚Gott’ in der Präambel des Deutschen Grundgesetzes, wie es sich in der Deutschen Dogmatik widerspiegelt, gepaart mit dem Bestreben nach einer Fall-zu-Fall ad hoc Konkretisierung dessen, was Menschenwürde bedeutet, inspiriert diese Untersuchung von ‚etwas fehlt’ [‘something missing’]. In postmoderner Art und Weise beschreibt diese Geschichte das Gesetz der Menschenwürde als Trojanisches Pferd und bietet hermeneutische und literarische Grundlagen für eine affirmative Haltung gegenüber einer ''leeren'' Rede im juristischen Diskurs. Die Forschungsfrage erweckt und umkreist die polemisch verbrämten Begriffe von ‚Leere’ und ‚Black Box’: Warum erscheint der Rechtsbegriff der Menschenwürde ‚leer’? Oder wie ist er ‚leer’? Warum und wie ist er eine ‚Black Box’? Wie erscheinen Manifestationen des Konzepts abstrakt wie Universalien, aber im Einzelnen konkret? Die ontologischen, sprachlich-analytischen und phänomenologischen philosophischen Erkenntnisse, vorgestellt im ersten Kapitel, bilden die Linse, durch die fünf maßgebliche Fälle des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes – über Abtreibung, lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe, Transsexualität, staatliche Reaktion auf Terroranschläge und die Gewährleistung eines menschenwürdigen Existenzminimums – im zweiten Kapitel analysiert werden. Die philosophischen Quellen werden nicht als Momente im langen Verlauf der Menschenwürde in der Geschichte der Ideen eingeklammert. / The philosophical underpinnings of what may be called the meta-dimension of the law of human dignity trigger a question that surpasses the boundaries of the discipline of law: how could the transcendental as an aspect of human dignity meaning be portrayed? The insistence on non-determination of the Menschenbild [human image] or ‘God’ in the Preamble to the German Basic Law [Grundgesetz] reflected in German legal doctrine, paired with the commitment to case-by-case ad hoc concretization of what human dignity means inspire this story of ‘something missing’. In postmodern fashion, this story portrays the law of human dignity as a Trojan Horse and provides hermeneutic and literary foundations for an affirmative stance towards ‘emptiness’ talk in legal discourse. The research question rekindles and twists polemically framed ‘emptiness’ and ‘black box’ contentions: Why does the legal concept of human dignity appear ‘empty’? Or, how is it ‘empty’? Why and how is it a ‘black box’? How do manifestations of the concept appear abstract as universals and concrete as particulars? The ontological, linguistic-analytical, and phenomenological philosophical insights presented in Chapter One compose the lens through which five benchmark Bundesverfassungsgericht cases – on abortion, life imprisonment, transsexuals, state response to terrorist attacks, and the guarantee of a dignified subsistence minimum – are analyzed in Chapter Two. The philosophical sources are not bracketed as moments in the long course of human dignity in the history of ideas.

後現代組織對策略之再思考 / Rethinking Strategy in the Postmodern Organization

林俊杰, Lin, Chun-chieh Peter Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 組織乃社會網絡的一員,其必須正視後現代主義者對當今後現代社會的觀察,以及必須面臨的嚴苛挑戰! 本論文旨在探討後現代主義思潮對當代組織的影響與啟示為何?部分當代管理情境(或稱後現代情境), 例如,追求一切可能性、對簡單之渴望、感性的思維、 不確定性、 快速變遷、不連續性、模糊、 無界限、解構、 去中間化、 片斷化、 以族群取代社會階級、 多元化、尊重差異、超現實、以及反宰制性規則等等,對當代組織(或稱後現代組織)現在或未來在策略擬定時的影響與啟示為何? 面對後現代情境及其挑戰 , 後現代組織現在或未來對策略之再思考為何? 後現代組織未來可能適用之新的組織模式為何? 以及後現代組織對策略之再思考的實務作為為何? 本研究主要以文獻探討與次級資料檢索之檔案研究法為主,資料檢索的對象(含個案資料之來源)是以探討較高層次的概念性策略新思維為主。至於屬於研究輔助性質之個案部分,則以屬於營利性質之全球知名多國籍企業、由製造導向轉型為服務導向者、或者可印證本研究所探討之策略新思維者為主。 經由本探索研究後發現,面對後現代主義思維的衝擊,以及後現代管理情境的挑戰,組織應該重新檢視其前提假設、回歸策略本質、勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線以避開面對面競爭、重新尋找組織在數位世界的價值定位與經營模式、專注核心、建立社群、培養廣義「顧客」----利害關係人之新的忠誠度、善用所有利害關係人的關係與優勢、 注重組織內外部的整合以及策略要素之間的整合與一致性、擺脫語言牢籠(規則)的束縛而賦予員工彈性、持續尋找任何強調彈性結構、網絡關係、溝通效率、以及民主化機制的組織模式或概念。 最後,對於全球的多國籍企業,本研究建議其必須在全球的產業分工體系之下,勾勒遠大的構想、開創新的價值曲線、發展世界級的核心能力、建立或主導某些內外部社群或電子企業社群、採行time pacing策略以穩健成長、強化跨產業或跨國之組織與策略整合的作為、時時檢視與修改任何宰制性的政策或規則、以及繼續尋找與試行任何可能且可行的組織模式或概念。 / Abstract Organizations that are parts of social network must take into account those issues discovered and criticized by Postmodernist and those severe challenges facing organizations. This dissertation tries to explore those impact and implications aroused by postmodernist for contemporary organizations, those contemporary scenario (postmodern scenario) facing organizations, such as in search of possibilities, in need of simplicity, sensuous thinking, indeterminacy, a rapidly changing environment, discontinuity, ambiguity, boundarylessness, borderless, deconstruction, disintermediation, fragmentation, social class replaced by tribes, diversity, apprizing difference or otherness, hyperreality, and against governing rules, that will affect the strategic planning of organizations at present or in the coming future. In addition, this dissertation also tries to explore that currently or in the coming future how organizations rethink their strategies while facing postmodern scenario and its rigorous challenges, what forms, models or concepts of organization design that organizations can apply, and those managerial practices that organizations have ever executed. The research methodology adopted by this dissertation is primarily literature review and secondary data exploration. The target data including cases are focused on those conceptual strategic thinking. Those cases that are mainly complement to this dissertation are those distinguished multinational corporations (MNC) that have ever been transformed from manufacturing-oriented to service-oriented, or are able to prove partial strategic thinking reviewed in the dissertation. In the face of those thinking impact stirred by postmodernist and challenges resulted from postmodern managerial scenario, this dissertation concludes that organizations should review and rethink their assumption for the world, revisit the essence of strategy, picture and propose the big ideas, create or explore new value curves to avoid cruel face-to-face competition, explore new value positions and business models in the digital world, focus and develop core businesses and competence, build and manage communities, cultivate new types of royalty for those stakeholders partnering with organizations, utilize the relationships with and advantages from stakeholders, emphasize and advocate internal and external organizational integration and consistence and alignment for strategies, free from the cage of language and empower employees, keep exploring those organizational models or concepts that advocate or propose flexibility, networks of people, efficiency of communication, and spirit of democracy. In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that under global industrial value chains, multinational corporations should picture and propose the big ideas, create and explore new value curves, develop best-in-world core competence, form or dominate some internal or external communities or e-business communities, adopt strategy of time pacing for sound and moderate growth, reinforce cross-industry or cross-nation integration for organizations and strategies, keep reviewing and modifying any governing policy or rules, and keep searching and experimenting any latest possible and feasible models or concepts of organization.

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