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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating ChatGPT's Effectiveness in Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired / En utvärdering av ChatGPTs effektivitet inom tillängligt innehåll på webben för synskadade

Holmlund, Miranda January 2024 (has links)
Web accessibility is essential for making the internet available to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. This study explores ChatGPT-4s potential in improving webaccessibility for visually impaired users by evaluating its effectiveness in interpreting andconveying web content with accessibility issues.The methodology involved creating websites with intentional accessibility barriers, craftingprompts to simulate real-time issues, and using ChatGPT-4 to provide solutions. Data was gathered from both visually impaired and those without disabilities, who rated ChatGPT-4s responses on relevance, conciseness, clarity, and usability using a 1-5 Likert scale. Results showed that ChatGPT-4 had 64.42% effectiveness in assisting with web accessibility, particularly in summarizing and clarifying content. However, issues such ashallucinations and false information were noted.This study underscores the promise of ChatGPT-4 in enhancing web accessibility and emphasizes the need for further refinement to ensure accuracy and reliability in real-world applications. / Tillgängligt innehåll på webben är en nödvändig del för att skapa ett internet som är användbart av alla, även personer med en funktionsnedsättning. Denna studie utforskar potentialen hos ChatGPT-4 som verktyg för att förbättra tillgänglighet på webben för synskade genom att utvärdera verktygets effektivitet att tolka och förmedla innehåll på webben som har tillgänglighetsproblem. Metodiken innebar att skapa webbsidor avsiktligen innehållandes tillgänglighetsbarriärer, skapa prompts för att simulera realtidsproblem, och att använda ChatGPT-4 som en lösning. Insamlingen av information innefattade data från både individer med och utan en synskada, där personerna rankade ChatGPT-4s svar på kriterierna relevans, kortfattadhet, tydlighet och användbarhet på en 1-5 Likert skala. Reultatet visade att ChatGPT-4 hade en effektitvet på 64,42% i att hjälpa med webbtillgänglighet, och särskilt effektiv i att summera och förklara innehåll. Dock så uppvisade verktyget problem såsom hallucinationer och falsk informarion. Denna studie visar prov på ChatGPT-4s potential i att förbättra tillgänglighet på webben, samt understryker att vidareutveckling behövs för att garantera korrekthet och tillförlitlighet i verkliga applikationer.

Large Language Models as Advanced Data Preprocessors : Transforming Unstructured Text into Fine-Tuning Datasets

Vangeli, Marius January 2024 (has links)
The digital landscape increasingly generates vast amounts of unstructured textual data, valuable for analytics and various machine learning (ML) applications. These vast stores of data, often likened to digital gold, are often challenging to process and utilize. Traditional text processing methods, lacking the ability to generalize, typically struggle with unstructured and unlabeled data. For many complex data management workflows, the solution typically involves human intervention in the form of manual curation and labeling — a time-consuming process. Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI models trained on vast amounts of text data. They have remarkable Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities and offer a promising alternative. This thesis serves as an empirical case study of LLMs as advanced data preprocessing tools. It explores the effectiveness and limitations of using LLMs to automate and refine traditionally challenging data preprocessing tasks, highlighting a critical area of research in data management. An LLM-based preprocessing pipeline, designed to clean and prepare raw textual data for use in ML applications, is implemented and evaluated. This pipeline was applied to a corpus of unstructured text documents, extracted from PDFs, with the aim of transforming them into a fine-tuning dataset for LLMs. The efficacy of the LLM-based preprocessing pipeline was assessed by comparing the results against a manually curated benchmark dataset using two text similarity metrics: the Levenshtein distance and ROUGE score. The findings indicate that although LLMs are not yet capable of fully replacing human curation in complex data management workflows, they substantially improve the efficiency and manageability of preprocessing unstructured textual data.

Enhancing Industrial Process Interaction Using Deep Learning, Semantic Layers, and Augmented Reality

Izquierdo Doménech, Juan Jesús 24 June 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La Realidad Aumentada (Augmented Reality, AR) y su capacidad para integrar contenido sintético sobre una imagen real proporciona un valor incalculable en diversos campos; no obstante, la industria es uno de estos campos que más se puede aprovechar de ello. Como tecnología clave en la evolución hacia la Industria 4.0 y 5.0, la AR no solo complementa sino que también potencia la interacción humana con los procesos industriales. En este contexto, la AR se convierte en una herramienta esencial que no sustituye al factor humano, sino que lo enriquece, ampliando sus capacidades y facilitando una colaboración más efectiva entre humanos y tecnología. Esta integración de la AR en entornos industriales no solo mejora la eficiencia y precisión de las tareas, sino que también abre nuevas posibilidades para la expansión del potencial humano. Existen numerosas formas en las que el ser humano interactúa con la tecnología, siendo la AR uno de los paradigmas más innovadores respecto a cómo los usuarios acceden a la información; sin embargo, es crucial reconocer que la AR, por sí misma, tiene limitaciones en cuanto a la interpretación del contenido que visualiza. Aunque en la actualidad podemos acceder a diferentes librerías que utilizan algoritmos para realizar una detección de imágenes, objetos, o incluso entornos, surge una pregunta fundamental: ¿hasta qué punto puede la AR comprender el contexto de lo que ve? Esta cuestión se vuelve especialmente relevante en entornos industriales. ¿Puede la AR discernir si una máquina está funcionando correctamente, o su rol se limita a la presentación de indicadores digitales superpuestos? La respuesta a estas cuestiones subrayan tanto el potencial como los límites de la AR, impulsando la búsqueda de innovaciones que permitan una mayor comprensión contextual y adaptabilidad a situaciones específicas dentro de la industria. En el núcleo de esta tesis yace el objetivo de no solo dotar a la AR de una "inteligencia semántica" capaz de interpretar y adaptarse al contexto, sino también de ampliar y enriquecer las formas en que los usuarios interactúan con esta tecnología. Este enfoque se orienta particularmente a mejorar la accesibilidad y la eficiencia de las aplicaciones de AR en entornos industriales, que son por naturaleza restringidos y complejos. La intención es ir un paso más allá de los límites tradicionales de la AR, proporcionando herramientas más intuitivas y adaptativas para los operadores en dichos entornos. La investigación se despliega a través de tres artículos de investigación, donde se ha desarrollado y evaluado una arquitectura multimodal progresiva. Esta arquitectura integra diversas modalidades de interacción usuario-tecnología, como el control por voz, la manipulación directa y el feedback visual en AR. Además, se incorporan tecnologías avanzadas basadas en modelos de aprendizaje automática (Machine Learning, ML) y aprendizaje profundo (Deep Learning, DL) para extraer y procesar información semántica del entorno. Cada artículo construye sobre el anterior, demostrando una evolución en la capacidad de la AR para interactuar de manera más inteligente y contextual con su entorno, y resaltando la aplicación práctica y los beneficios de estas innovaciones en la industria. / [CA] La Realitat Augmentada (Augmented Reality, AR) i la seua capacitat per integrar contingut sintètic sobre una imatge real ofereix un valor incalculable en diversos camps; no obstant això, la indústria és un d'aquests camps que més pot aprofitar-se'n. Com a tecnologia clau en l'evolució cap a la Indústria 4.0 i 5.0, l'AR no només complementa sinó que també potencia la interacció humana amb els processos industrials. En aquest context, l'AR es converteix en una eina essencial que no substitueix al factor humà, sinó que l'enriqueix, ampliant les seues capacitats i facilitant una col·laboració més efectiva entre humans i tecnologia. Esta integració de l'AR en entorns industrials no solament millora l'eficiència i precisió de les tasques, sinó que també obri noves possibilitats per a l'expansió del potencial humà. Existeixen nombroses formes en què l'ésser humà interactua amb la tecnologia, sent l'AR un dels paradigmes més innovadors respecte a com els usuaris accedeixen a la informació; no obstant això, és crucial reconéixer que l'AR, per si mateixa, té limitacions quant a la interpretació del contingut que visualitza. Encara que en l'actualitat podem accedir a diferents llibreries que utilitzen algoritmes per a realitzar una detecció d'imatges, objectes, o fins i tot entorns, sorgeix una pregunta fonamental: fins a quin punt pot l'AR comprendre el context d'allò veu? Esta qüestió esdevé especialment rellevant en entorns industrials. Pot l'AR discernir si una màquina està funcionant correctament, o el seu rol es limita a la presentació d'indicadors digitals superposats? La resposta a estes qüestions subratllen tant el potencial com els límits de l'AR, impulsant la recerca d'innovacions que permeten una major comprensió contextual i adaptabilitat a situacions específiques dins de la indústria. En el nucli d'esta tesi jau l'objectiu de no solament dotar a l'AR d'una "intel·ligència semàntica" capaç d'interpretar i adaptar-se al context, sinó també d'ampliar i enriquir les formes en què els usuaris interactuen amb esta tecnologia. Aquest enfocament s'orienta particularment a millorar l'accessibilitat i l'eficiència de les aplicacions d'AR en entorns industrials, que són de naturalesa restringida i complexos. La intenció és anar un pas més enllà dels límits tradicionals de l'AR, proporcionant eines més intuïtives i adaptatives per als operaris en els entorns esmentats. La recerca es desplega a través de tres articles d'investigació, on s'ha desenvolupat i avaluat una arquitectura multimodal progressiva. Esta arquitectura integra diverses modalitats d'interacció usuari-tecnologia, com el control per veu, la manipulació directa i el feedback visual en AR. A més, s'incorporen tecnologies avançades basades en models d'aprenentatge automàtic (ML) i aprenentatge profund (DL) per a extreure i processar informació semàntica de l'entorn. Cada article construeix sobre l'anterior, demostrant una evolució en la capacitat de l'AR per a interactuar de manera més intel·ligent i contextual amb el seu entorn, i ressaltant l'aplicació pràctica i els beneficis d'estes innovacions en la indústria. / [EN] Augmented Reality (AR) and its ability to integrate synthetic content over a real image provides invaluable value in various fields; however, the industry is one of these fields that can benefit most from it. As a key technology in the evolution towards Industry 4.0 and 5.0, AR not only complements but also enhances human interaction with industrial processes. In this context, AR becomes an essential tool that does not replace the human factor but enriches it, expanding its capabilities and facilitating more effective collaboration between humans and technology. This integration of AR in industrial environments not only improves the efficiency and precision of tasks but also opens new possibilities for expanding human potential. There are numerous ways in which humans interact with technology, with AR being one of the most innovative paradigms in how users access information; however, it is crucial to recognize that AR, by itself, has limitations in terms of interpreting the content it visualizes. Although today we can access different libraries that use algorithms for image, object, or even environment detection, a fundamental question arises: To what extent can AR understand the context of what it sees? This question becomes especially relevant in industrial environments. Can AR discern if a machine functions correctly, or is its role limited to presenting superimposed digital indicators? The answer to these questions underscores both the potential and the limits of AR, driving the search for innovations that allow for greater contextual understanding and adaptability to specific situations within the industry. At the core of this thesis lies the objective of not only endowing AR with "semantic intelligence" capable of interpreting and adapting to context, but also of expanding and enriching the ways users interact with this technology. This approach mainly aims to improve the accessibility and efficiency of AR applications in industrial environments, which are by nature restricted and complex. The intention is to go beyond the traditional limits of AR, providing more intuitive and adaptive tools for operators in these environments. The research unfolds through three articles, where a progressive multimodal architecture has been developed and evaluated. This architecture integrates various user-technology interaction modalities, such as voice control, direct manipulation, and visual feedback in AR. In addition, advanced technologies based on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models are incorporated to extract and process semantic information from the environment. Each article builds upon the previous one, demonstrating an evolution in AR's ability to interact more intelligently and contextually with its environment, and highlighting the practical application and benefits of these innovations in the industry. / Izquierdo Doménech, JJ. (2024). Enhancing Industrial Process Interaction Using Deep Learning, Semantic Layers, and Augmented Reality [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205523 / Compendio

Code Generation from Large API Specifications with Open Large Language Models : Increasing Relevance of Code Output in Initial Autonomic Code Generation from Large API Specifications with Open Large Language Models

Lyster Golawski, Esbjörn, Taylor, James January 2024 (has links)
Background. In software systems defined by extensive API specifications, auto- nomic code generation can streamline the coding process by replacing repetitive, manual tasks such as creating REST API endpoints. The use of large language models (LLMs) for generating source code comprehensively on the first try requires refined prompting strategies to ensure output relevancy, a challenge that grows as API specifications become larger.  Objectives. This study aims to develop and validate a prompting orchestration solution for LLMs that generates more relevant, non-duplicated code compared to a single comprehensive prompt, without refactoring previous code. Additionally, the study evaluates the practical value of the generated code for developers at Ericsson familiar with the target application that uses the same API specification. Methods. Employing a prototyping approach, we develop a solution that produces more relevant, non-duplicated code compared to a single prompt with local-hosted LLMs for the target API at Ericsson. We perform a controlled experiment running the developed solution and a single prompt to collect the outputs. Using the results, we conduct interviews with Ericsson developers about the value of the AI-generated code.  Results. The study identified a prompting orchestration method that generated 427 relevant lines of code (LOC) on average in the best-case scenario compared to 66 LOC with a single comprehensive prompt. Additionally, 66% of the developers interviewed preferred using the AI-generated code as a starting point over starting from scratch when developing applications for Ericsson, and 66% preferred starting from the AI-generated code over code generated from the same API specification via Swagger CodeGen.  Conclusions. Increasing the extent locally hosted LLMs can generate relevant code from large API specifications without refactoring the generated code in comparison to a single comprehensive prompt is possible with the right prompting orchestration method. The value of the generated code is that it can currently be used as a good starting point for further software development.

Prompt-learning and Zero-shot Text Classification with Domain-specific Textual Data

Luo, Hengyu January 2023 (has links)
The rapid growth of textual data in the digital age presents unique challenges in domain-specific text classification, particularly the scarcity of labeled data for many applications, due to expensive cost of manual labeling work. In this thesis, we explore the applicability of prompt-learning method, which is well-known for being suitable in few-shot scenarios and much less data-consuming, as an emerging alternative to traditional fine-tuning methods, for domain-specific text classification in the context of customer-agent interactions in the retail sector. Specifically, we implemented the entire prompt-learning pipeline for the classification task, and, our investigation encompasses various strategies of prompt-learning, including fixed-prompt language model tuning strategy and tuning-free prompting strategy, along with an examination of language model selection, few-shot sampling strategy, prompt template design, and verbalizer design. In this manner, we assessed the overall performance of the prompt-learning method in the classification task. Through a systematic evaluation, we demonstrate that with the fixed-prompt language model tuning strategy, based on relatively smaller language models (e.g. T5-base with around 220M parameters), prompt-learning can achieve competitive performance (close to 75% accuracy) even with limited labeled data (up to merely 15% of full data). And besides, with the tuning-free prompting strategy, based on a regular-size language model (e.g. FLAN-T5-large with around 770M parameters), the performance can be up to around 30% accuracy with detailed prompt templates and zero-shot setting (no extra training data involved). These results can offer valuable insights for researchers and practitioners working with domain-specific textual data, prompt-learning and few-shot / zero-shot learning. The findings of this thesis highlight the potential of prompt-learning as a practical solution for classification problems across diverse domains and set the stage for future research in this area.

Cross-Lingual and Genre-Supervised Parsing and Tagging for Low-Resource Spoken Data

Fosteri, Iliana January 2023 (has links)
Dealing with low-resource languages is a challenging task, because of the absence of sufficient data to train machine-learning models to make predictions on these languages. One way to deal with this problem is to use data from higher-resource languages, which enables the transfer of learning from these languages to the low-resource target ones. The present study focuses on dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging of low-resource languages belonging to the spoken genre, i.e., languages whose treebank data is transcribed speech. These are the following: Beja, Chukchi, Komi-Zyrian, Frisian-Dutch, and Cantonese. Our approach involves investigating different types of transfer languages, employing MACHAMP, a state-of-the-art parser and tagger that uses contextualized word embeddings, mBERT, and XLM-R in particular. The main idea is to explore how the genre, the language similarity, none of the two, or the combination of those affect the model performance in the aforementioned downstream tasks for our selected target treebanks. Our findings suggest that in order to capture speech-specific dependency relations, we need to incorporate at least a few genre-matching source data, while language similarity-matching source data are a better candidate when the task at hand is part-of-speech tagging. We also explore the impact of multi-task learning in one of our proposed methods, but we observe minor differences in the model performance.

KARTAL: Web Application Vulnerability Hunting Using Large Language Models : Novel method for detecting logical vulnerabilities in web applications with finetuned Large Language Models / KARTAL: Jakt på sårbarheter i webbapplikationer med hjälp av stora språkmodeller : Ny metod för att upptäcka logiska sårbarheter i webbapplikationer med hjälp av finjusterade stora språkmodeller

Sakaoglu, Sinan January 2023 (has links)
Broken Access Control is the most serious web application security risk as published by Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). This category has highly complex vulnerabilities such as Broken Object Level Authorization (BOLA) and Exposure of Sensitive Information. Finding such critical vulnerabilities in large software systems requires intelligent and automated tools. State-of-the-art (SOTA) research including hybrid application security testing tools, algorithmic brute forcers, and artificial intelligence has shown great promise in detection. Nevertheless, there exists a gap in research for reliably identifying logical and context-dependant Broken Access Control vulnerabilities. We modeled the problem as text classification and proposed KARTAL, a novel method for web application vulnerability detection using a Large Language Model (LLM). It consists of 3 components: Fuzzer, Prompter, and Detector. The Fuzzer is responsible for methodically collecting application behavior. The Prompter processes the data from the Fuzzer and formulates a prompt. Finally, the Detector uses an LLM which we have finetuned for detecting vulnerabilities. In the study, we investigate the performance, key factors, and limitations of the proposed method. Our research reveals the need for a labeled Broken Access Control vulnerability dataset in the cybersecurity field. Thus, we custom-generate our own dataset using an auto-regressive LLM with SOTA few-shot prompting techniques. We experiment with finetuning 3 types of decoder-only pre-trained transformers for detecting 2 sophisticated vulnerabilities. Our best model attained an accuracy of 87.19%, with an F1 score of 0.82. By using hardware acceleration on a consumer-grade laptop, our fastest model can make up to 539 predictions per second. The experiments on varying the training sample size demonstrated the great learning capabilities of our model. Every 400 samples added to training resulted in an average MCC score improvement of 19.58%. Furthermore, the dynamic properties of KARTAL enable inferencetime adaption to the application domain, resulting in reduced false positives. / Brutet åtkomstkontroll är den allvarligaste säkerhetsrisken för webbapplikationer enligt Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP). Denna kategori har mycket komplexa sårbarheter såsom Brutet behörighetskontroll på objektnivå (BOLA) och exponering av känslig information. Att hitta sådana kritiska sårbarheter i stora programvarusystem kräver intelligenta och automatiserade verktyg. Senaste tekniken (SOTA)-forskning, inklusive hybridverktyg för säkerhetstestning av applikationer, algoritmiska bruteforcers och artificiell intelligens, har visat stor potential för upptäckt. Trots detta finns det en lucka i forskningen när det gäller tillförlitlig identifiering av logiska och kontextberoende sårbarheter relaterade till Brutet åtkomstkontroll. Vi modellerade problemet som textklassificering och föreslog KARTAL, en ny metod för att upptäcka sårbarheter i webbapplikationer med hjälp av en stor språkmodell (LLM). Den består av 3 komponenter: Fuzzer, Prompter och Detector. Fuzzer ansvarar för att systematiskt samla in applikationsbeteende. Prompter bearbetar data från Fuzzer och formulerar en förfrågan. Slutligen använder Detector en LLM som vi har finjusterat för att upptäcka sårbarheter. I studien undersöker vi prestanda, nyckelfaktorer och begränsningar hos den föreslagna metoden. Vår forskning visar behovet av en märkt dataset för sårbarheter relaterade till Brutet åtkomstkontroll inom cybersäkerhetsområdet. Därför genererar vi anpassade dataset med hjälp av en auto-regressiv LLM med SOTA few-shot-prompting-tekniker. Vi experimenterar med att finjustera 3 typer av endast avkodare transformers som är förtränade för att upptäcka 2 sofistikerade sårbarheter. Vår bästa modell uppnådde en noggrannhet på 87.19% med en F1-poäng på 0.82. Genom att använda hårdvaruacceleration på en bärbar dator för konsumenter kan vår snabbaste modell göra upp till 539 förutsägelser per sekund. Experimenten med varierande storlek på träningsprovet visade på vår modells stora förmåga att lära sig. Varje 400 prover som lades till träningen resulterade i en genomsnittlig förbättring av MCC-poängen med 19.58%. Dessutom möjliggör de dynamiska egenskaperna hos KARTAL anpassning vid inferringstid till applikationsdomänen, vilket resulterar i färre falska positiva resultat.

Round-Trip Translation : A New Path for Automatic Program Repair using Large Language Models / Tur och retur-översättning : En ny väg för automatisk programreparation med stora språkmodeller

Vallecillos Ruiz, Fernando January 2023 (has links)
Research shows that grammatical mistakes in a sentence can be corrected by machine translating it to another language and back. We investigate whether this correction capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) extends to Automatic Program Repair (APR), a software engineering task. Current generative models for APR are pre-trained on source code and fine-tuned for repair. This paper proposes bypassing fine-tuning and using Round-Trip Translation (RTT): translation of code from one programming language to another programming or natural language, and back. We hypothesize that RTT with LLMs performs a regression toward the mean, which removes bugs as they are a form of noise w.r.t. the more frequent, natural, bug-free code in the training data. To test this hypothesis, we employ eight recent LLMs pre-trained on code, including the latest GPT versions, and four common program repair benchmarks in Java. We find that RTT with English as an intermediate language repaired 101 of 164 bugs with GPT-4 on the HumanEval-Java dataset. Moreover, 46 of these are unique bugs that are not repaired by other LLMs fine-tuned for APR. Our findings highlight the viability of round-trip translation with LLMs as a technique for automated program repair and its potential for research in software engineering. / Forskning visar att grammatiska fel i en mening kan korrigeras genom att maskinöversätta den till ett annat språk och tillbaka. Vi undersöker om denna korrigeringsegenskap hos stora språkmodeller (LLMs) även gäller för Automatisk Programreparation (APR), en uppgift inom mjukvaruteknik. Nuvarande generativa modeller för APR är förtränade på källkod och finjusterade för reparation. Denna artikel föreslår att man undviker finjustering och använder Tur och retur-översättning (RTT): översättning av kod från ett programmeringsspråk till ett annat programmerings- eller naturspråk, och tillbaka. Vi antar att RTT med LLMs utför en regression mot medelvärdet, vilket tar bort buggar eftersom de är en form av brus med avseende på den mer frekventa, naturliga, buggfria koden i träningsdatan. För att testa denna hypotes använder vi åtta nyligen förtränade LLMs på kod, inklusive de senaste GPT-versionerna, och fyra vanliga programreparationsstandarder i Java. Vi upptäcker att RTT med engelska som ett mellanspråk reparerade 101 av 164 buggar med GPT-4 på HumanEval-Java-datasetet. Dessutom är 46 av dessa unika buggar som inte repareras av andra LLMs finjusterade för APR. Våra resultat belyser genomförbarheten av tur och retur-översättning med LLMs som en teknik för automatiserad programreparation och dess potential för forskning inom mjukvaruteknik.


Shamik Roy (16317636) 14 June 2023 (has links)
<p>Nowadays an increasing number of people consume, share, and interact with information online. This results in posting and counter-posting on online media by different ideological groups on various polarized topics. Consequently, online media has become the primary platform for political and social influencers to directly interact with the citizens and share their perspectives, views, and stances with the goal of gaining support for their actions, bills, and legislation. Hence, understanding the perspectives and the influencing strategies in online media texts is important for an individual to avoid misinformation and improve trust between the general people and the influencers and the authoritative figures such as the government.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Automatically understanding the perspectives in online media is difficult because of two major challenges. Firstly, the proper grammar or mechanism to characterize the perspectives is not available. Recent studies in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have leveraged resources from social science to explain perspectives. For example, Policy Framing and Moral Foundation Theory are used for understanding how issues are framed and the moral appeal expressed in texts to gain support. However, these theories often fail to capture the nuances in perspectives and cannot generalize over all topics and events. Our research in this dissertation is one of the first studies that adapt social science theories in Natural Language Processing for understanding perspectives to the extent that they can capture differences in ideologies or stances. The second key challenge in understanding perspectives in online media texts is that annotated data is difficult to obtain to build automatic methods to detect the perspectives, that can generalize over the large corpus of online media text on different topics. To tackle this problem, in this dissertation, we used weak sources of supervision such as social network interaction of users who produce and interact with the messages, weak human interaction, or artificial few-shot data using Large Language Models. </p> <p><br></p> <p>Our insight is that various tasks such as perspectives, stances, sentiments toward entities, etc. are interdependent when characterizing online media messages. As a result, we proposed approaches that jointly model various interdependent problems such as perspectives, stances, sentiments toward entities, etc., and perform structured prediction to solve them jointly. Our research findings showed that the messaging choices and perspectives on online media in response to various real-life events and their prominence and contrast in different ideological camps can be efficiently captured using our developed methods.</p>

An initial investigation of Automatic Program Repair for Solidity Smart Contracts with Large Language Models / En första undersökning av automatisk lagning av solidity smarta kontrakt med stora språkmodeller

Cruz, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates how Large Language Models can be used to repair Solidity Smart Contracts automatically through the main contribution of this thesis, the Transformative Repair Tool. The Transformative Repair Tool achieves similar results to current state-of-the-art tools on the Smartbugs Curated Dataset and is the first published tool that uses Large Language Models to repair Solidity Smart Contracts. Moreover, the thesis explores different prompt strategies to repair Smart Contracts and assess their performance. / Detta masterexamensarbete undersöker hur stora språkmodeller kan användas för att automatisk laga solidity smarta kontrakt genom verktyget Transformative Repair Tool, som är detta masterexamensarbete huvudsakliga bidrag. Transformative Repair Tool presterar liknande som dagens bästa verktyg inom automatisk lagning av smarta kontrakt på Smartbugs Curated datasettet och är det första publicerade verktyget som just använder stora språkmodeller för att reparera solidity smarta kontrakt. Dessutom så utforskar denna rapport olika textprompts och dess prestanda för att laga smarta kontrakt

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