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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laser decontamination and cleaning of metal surfaces : modelling and experimental studies / Décontamination et nettoyage laser appliqués aux surfaces métalliques : études théorétiques et expérimentales

Leontyev, Anton 08 November 2011 (has links)
Le nettoyage des surfaces métalliques est nécessaire dans différents domaines de l'industrie moderne. L'industrie nucléaire cherche de nouvelles méthodes de décontamination des surfaces oxydées, et les installations thermonucléaires nécessitent le nettoyage des composants face au plasma pour enlever la couche déposée contenant tritium. L'ablation laser est proposée comme une méthode efficace et sûre pour le nettoyage des surfaces métalliques et leur décontamination. Le facteur important influençant le chauffage et l'ablation laser est la distribution en profondeur de l’intensité laser. Le modèle de propagation de la lumière dans une couche diffusant sur un substrat métallique est développé et appliqué pour analyser les caractéristiques de distribution de lumière. Pour simuler les surfaces contaminées, l'inox AISI 304L a été oxydé par laser et chauffé dans un four. La contamination radioactive de la couche d'oxyde a été simulée par l'introduction d’europium et / ou de sodium. Un facteur de décontamination de plus de 300 a été démontré avec le régime de nettoyage optimal trouvé. Une diminution de la résistance à la corrosion a aussi été montrée après un nettoyage laser. Les seuils d'ablation des surfaces ITER-like (représentatives d’ITER) ont été mesurés. Une vitesse de nettoyage de 0,07 m2/W∙h a été trouvée. Pour les surfaces miroir, les seuils de dommages étaient déterminés pour éviter les dommages lors du nettoyage au laser. La possibilité de restaurer la réflectivité après le dépôt d’une couche mince de carbone a été démontrée. Les perspectives de développement ultérieur de nettoyage laser sont discutées. / Metal surface cleaning is highly required in different fields of modern industry. Nuclear industry seeks for new methods for oxidized surface decontamination, and thermonuclear installations require the cleaning of plasma facing components from tritium-containing deposited layer. The laser ablation is proposed as an effective and safe method for metal surface cleaning and decontamination. The important factor influencing the laser heating and ablation is the in-depth distribution of laser radiation. The model of light propagation in a scattering layer on a metal substrate is developed and applied to analyse the features of light distribution. To simulate the contaminated surfaces, the stainless steel AISI 304L was oxidized by laser and in a furnace. Radioactive contamination of the oxide layer was simulated by introducing europium and/or sodium. The decontamination factor of more than 300 was demonstrated with found optimal cleaning regime. The decreasing of the corrosion resistance was found after laser cleaning. The ablation thresholds of ITER-like surfaces were measured. The cleaning productivity of 0.07 m2/hour∙W was found. For mirror surfaces, the damage thresholds were determined to avoid damage during laser cleaning. The possibility to restore reflectivity after thin carbon layer deposition was demonstrated. The perspectives of further development of laser cleaning are discussed.

Reconstruction de la Dynamique Précoce d'un Orogène : Mise en évidence de la Transition Rifting-Collision dans le système est-pyrénéen (France) par la Géo-thermochronologie / Reconstruction of early orogen dynamics : geo-thermochronological evidence of the rift-to-collision transition in the eastern Pyrénées (France)

Ternois, Sébastien 05 July 2019 (has links)
Les orogènes collisionnels sont classiquement décrits comme le résultat de l'accrétion continentale de marges proximales. Cette accrétion conduit à la surrection des reliefs et à l'export important de produits d'érosion dans les bassins d'avant-pays qui les jalonnent. Dans ce schéma géodynamique sont alors uniquement considérés les domaines pré-orogéniques les moins déformés. Pourtant, un nombre croissant d'évidences géologiques de terrain indiquent la conservation voire la réutilisation de structures héritées de la phase extensive précédant la convergence et la collision au coeur des orogènes. À partir de l'étude géo-thermochronométrique de la bordure orientale du domaine hyper-étiré nord-pyrénéen (massif de l'Agly, Zone Nord Pyrénéenne) et de son avant-pays précoce (synclinal de Rennes-les-Bains, Bassin Aquitain), cette thèse a pour objectifs de décrire l'évolution d'une marge distale au cours des premiers stades de convergence, de quantifier les processus source-réceptacle associés et d'apporter des contraintes temporelles et paléogéographiques quant à la création des tout premiers reliefs pyrénéens issus de son inversion. Grâce à l'utilisation du multi-thermochronomètre (U-Th)/He sur zircon et apatite, deux épisodes de refroidissement sont mis en évidence dans le prisme nord-pyrénéen (Campano-Maastrichtien et Eocène), chacun d'eux synchrone d'une phase de subsidence dans le bassin d'avant-pays. J'ai ainsi pu proposer un modèle équilibré d'évolution d'une marge distale hyper-amincie par inversion de structures héritées, chevauchements de socle et sous-placage continental se matérialisant par une signature thermochronologique claire de refroidissement sans érosion au début de la convergence. L'absence d'enregistrement de refroidissement au Paléocène par l'arrêt prématuré de l'inversion précoce dans le prisme nord-pyrénéen indique l'absence significative d'érosion et la position bordière de ce prisme par rapport à un édifice déjà construit plus à l'est à cette époque. Pour caractériser cet édifice aujourd'hui disparu du fait de l'ouverture du Golfe du Lion, j'ai utilisé une approche détritique de double datation in situ (U-Th)/He - U/Pb sur zircon et mis en évidence une histoire de dénudation rapide pendant le Campano-Maastrichtien, caractéristique de la création d'une topographie précoce. Ce travail montre pour la première fois clairement la migration progressive de la déformation d'est en ouest par l'inversion de structures héritées au début de la convergence pyrénéenne, ce qui suggère l'existence d'un domaine ouvert à l'est à la fin de l'épisode extensif précédant la convergence. Cette étude met en avant le rôle de l'architecture des systèmes hyper-amincis dans la formation des orogènes collisionnels et confirme les liens étroits existant entre un orogène et ses bassins d'avant-pays. / Collisional orogens are classically described as the result of continental accretion of proximal margins. This accretion leads to the creation of relief and to the important export of erosion products in the directly adjacent foreland basins. In this geodynamic scheme, only the least deformed pre-orogenic domains are considered. However, a growing number of geological field evidences indicate the preservation or even the reuse of structures inherited from the rifting phase preceding convergence and collision within orogens. By conducting a geo-thermochronometric study of the easternmost, inverted hyperextended Aptian-Cenomanian rift system (Agly massif, North Pyrenean Zone) and the adjacent early retroforeland (Rennes-les-Bains syncline, Aquitaine Basin), this thesis aims to describe the evolution of a distal rifted margin during the first stages of convergence, to quantify the associated source-to-sink processes and to provide temporal and paleogeographic constraints regarding the creation of the very first Pyrenean reliefs resulting from inversion of the margin. Using the zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He multi-thermochronometers, I show that the Pyrenean retro-wedge records two clear phases of orogenic cooling, Late Campanian-Maastrichtian and Ypresian-Bartonian, which I relate to early inversion of the distal rifted margin and main collision, respectively. I have thus been able to propose a crustal-scale sequentially restored model for the tectonic and thermal transition from extension to peak orogenesis in the eastern Pyrenees, which suggests that both thrusting and underplating processes contributed to early inversion of the Aptian-Cenomanian rift system. The absence of Paleocene cooling record indicates little to no erosion of the Pyrenean retro-wedge, suggesting the existence of a more easterly source area supplying early retroforeland sediments at this time. To characterize this eastern edifice, which has since been destroyed by the Oligocene-Miocene opening of the Gulf of Lion, I used in situ (U-Th)/He - U/Pb double dating on detrital zircons and show rapid denudation rates during early convergence, characteristic of early topographic growth. This work shows for the first time clearly the progressive migration of deformation from east to west by inversion of inherited structures at the beginning of Pyrenean convergence. This suggests the existence of an open domain in the east at the end of the rifting phase preceding convergence. This study highlights the role of the architecture of hyper-thinned systems in the formation of collisional orogens and confirms the close links between an orogen and its foreland basins.

Adaptive techniques for ultrafast laser material processing

Stoian, Razvan 18 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Le besoin d'une très grande précision lors du traitement des matériaux par laser a fortement encouragé le développement des études de l'effet des impulsions ultra brèves pour la structuration des matériaux à une échelle micro et nano métrique. Une diffusion d'énergie minimale et une forte non linéarité de l'interaction permet un important confinement énergétique à des échelles les plus petites possibles. La possibilité d'introduire des changements de phases rapides et même de créer de nouveaux états de matière ayant des propriétés optimisées et des fonctions améliorées donne aux impulsions ultra brèves de sérieux arguments pour être utilisées dans des dispositifs très précis de transformation et de structuration des matériaux. L'étude de ces mécanismes de structuration et, en particulier, de leurs caractéristiques dynamiques, est une clé pour l'optimisation de l'interaction laser-matière suivant de nombreux critères utiles pour les procédés laser : efficacité, précision, qualité. Ce mémoire synthétise les travaux de l'auteur sur l'étude statique et dynamique du dépôt d'énergie ultra rapide, avec application aux procédés laser. La connaissance de la réponse dynamique des matériaux après irradiation laser ultra brève montre que les temps de relaxation pilotent l'interaction lumière-matière. Il est alors possible d'adapter l'énergie déposée à la réponse du matériau en utilisant les toutes récentes techniques de mise en forme spatio temporelle de faisceaux. Un couplage optimal de l'énergie donne la possibilité d'orienter la réponse du matériau vers un résultat recherché, offrant une grande flexibilité de contrôle des procédés et, sans doute, la première étape du développement de procédés « intelligents ».

Property Modulation Of Zinc Oxide Through Doping

Kekuda, Dhananjaya 03 1900 (has links)
Semi conductors are of technological importance and attracted many of the re-searchers. ZnO belongs to the family of II-VI semiconductors and has material properties well suitable to UV light emitters, varistors, Schottky diodes, gas sensors, spintronics, ferroelectric devices and thin film transistors. It has been considered as a competitor to GaN, which belongs to the family of III-V semiconductors. This is due to the fact that ZnO of high quality can be deposited at lower growth temperatures than GaN, leading to the possibility of transparent junctions on less expensive substrates such as glass. This will lead to low-cost UV lasers with important applications in high-density data storage systems etc. One of the most popular growth techniques of ZnO is physical sputtering. As compared to sol-gel and chemical-vapor deposition, the magnetron sputtering is a preferred method because of its simplicity and low operating temperatures. Hence, detailed investigations were carried out on undoped and doped ZnO thin films primarily deposited by magnetron sputtering. The obtained results in the present work are presented in the form of a thesis. Chapter 1: A brief discussion on the crystal structure of ZnO material and its possible applications in the different areas such as Schottky diodes, spintronics, ferroelectric devices and thin film transistors are presented. Chapter 2: This chapter deals with various deposition techniques used in the present study. It includes the magnetron sputtering, thermal oxidation, pulsed-laser ablation and sol-gel technique. The experimental set up details and the deposition procedures are described in detail i.e., the deposition principle and the parameters that will affect the film properties. A brief note on the structural characterization equipments namely, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and the optical characterization equipments namely, transmission spectroscopy is presented. The transport properties of the films were studied which include Dielectric studies, impedance studies, device characterization and are discussed. Chapter 3: The optimization of ZnO thin films for Schottky diode formation and The characterization of various Schottky diodes is presented in this chapter. P-type conductivity in ZnO was implemented by the variation of partial pressure of oxygen during the sputtering and are discussed. A method to achieve low series resistance hetero-junction was achieved using thermal oxidation method and the detailed transport properties were studied. The optical investigation carried out on the ZnO thin films under various growth conditions are also presented. Chapter 4: This chapter deals with the processing, structural, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of Mn doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation. Structural investigations have shown that the Mn incorporation increases the c-axis length due to the relatively larger ionic size of the Mn ions. Studies conducted both at low and high concentration region of Zn1¡xMnxO thin films showed that the films are anti-ferromagnetic in nature. The transport measurements revealed that the electrical conductivity is dominated by the presence of shallow traps. Optical investigations suggested the absence of midgap absorption and confirm the uniform distribution of Mn in wurtzite structure. Chapter 5: Carrier induced ferromagnetism in Co doped ZnO thin films were studied and the results are presented in this chapter. High density targets were prepared by solid state reaction process and the thin films were deposited by pulsed laser ablation technique. Two compositions were studied and it was found that with increase in substrate temperature, c-axis length decreases. Optical studies suggested a strong mid gap absorption around 2eV and could be attributed to the d-d transitions of tetrahedral coordinated Co2+. The presence of ferromagnetism in these films makes them potential candidates for spintronics applications. Chapter 6: It has been reported in literature that o®-centered polarization will drive ferroelectric phase transition. Motivated by such results, substitution of Lithium in ZnO was studied in detail. The structural and electrical properties were investigated over a wide range of composition (0-25%). The ferroelectric studies were carried out both in metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) configuration and are presented in this chapter. The appearance of Ferro electricity in these films makes them potential candidates for ferroelectric memory devices. Chapter 7: This chapter describes the studies conducted on Mg doped ZnO Thin films grown by multi-magnetron sputtering. The hexagonal phases of the films were evaluated. All the films exhibited c-axis preferred orientation towards (002) orientation. Micro structural evolutions of the films were carried out through scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Ferroelectric properties were investigated in both metal-insulator-metal (MIM) and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) configurations. It was observed that the Mg concentration increases the band gap and the details on optical investigations are also presented in this chapter. Chapter 8: ZnO based thin film transistors have been fabricated and characterized using ZnO as active channel layer and Mg doped ZnO as dielectric layer. Excellent leakage properties of the gate dielectric were studied and presented in this chapter. These studies demonstrated that Mg doped ZnO thin films are suitable candidates for gate dielectric applications. Conclusions: This section presents the conclusions derived out of the present work. It also includes a few suggestions on future work on this material.

Stress and Microstructural Evolution During the Growth of Transition Metal Oxide Thin Films by PVD

Narayanachari, K V L V January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
System on Chip (SoC) and System in Package (SiP) are two electronic technologies that involve integrating multiple functionalities onto a single platform. When the platform is a single wafer, as in SOC, it requires the ability to deposit various materials that enable the different functions on to an underlying substrate that can host the electronic circuitry. Transition metal oxides which have a wide range of properties are ideal candidates for the functional material. Si wafer on which micro-electronics technology is widely commercialized is the ideal host platform. Integrating oxides with Si, generally in the form of thin films as required by microelectronics technology, is however a challenge. It starts with the fact that the properties of crystalline oxides to be exploited in performing various functions are direction dependent. Thus, thin films of these oxides need to be deposited on Si in certain crystallographic orientations. Even if a suitably oriented Si wafer surface were available, it does not always provide for epitaxial growth a critical requirement for controlling the crystalline orientation of thin films. This is because Si surface is covered by an amorphous oxide of Si (SiOx). Thus, during growth of the functional oxide, an ambience in which the Si itself will not oxidize needs to be provided. In addition, during thin film growth on either Si or SiOx surface stresses are generated from various sources. Stress and its relaxation are also associated with the formation and evolution of defects. Both, stress and defects need to be managed in order to harness their beneficial effects and prevent detrimental ones. Given the requirement of SoC technology and the problem associated, the research work reported in this thesis was hence concerned with the precise controlling the stress and microstructure in oxide thin films deposited on Si substrates. In order to do so a versatile, ultra high vacuum (UHV) thin film with a base pressure of 10-9 Torr was designed and built as part of this study. The chamber is capable of depositing films by both sputtering (RF & DC) and pulsed laser ablation (PLD). The system has been designed to include an optical curvature measurement tool that enabled real-time stress measurement during growth. Doped zirconia, ZrO2, was chosen as the first oxide to be deposited, as it is among the few oxides that is more stable than SiOx. It is hence used as a buffer layer. It is shown in this thesis that a change in the growth rate at nucleation can lead to (100) or (111) textured films. These two are among the most commonly preferred orientation. Following nucleation a change in growth rate does not affect orientation but affects stress. Thus, independent selection of texture and stress is demonstrated in YSZ thin films on Si. A quantitative model based on the adatom motion on the growth surface and the anisotropic growth rates of the two orientations is used to explain these observations. This study was then subsequent extended to the growth on platinized Si another commonly used Si platform.. A knowledge of the stress and microstructure tailoring in cubic zirconia on Si was then extended to look at the effect of stress on electrical properties of zirconia on germanium for high-k dielectric applications. Ge channels are expected to play a key role in next generation n-MOS technology. Development of high-k dielectrics for channel control is hence essential. Interesting stress and property relations were analyzed in ZrO2/Ge. Stress and texture in pulsed laser deposited (PLD) oxides on silicon and SrTiO3 were studied. It is shown in this thesis that stress tuning is critical to achieve the highest possible dielectric constant. The effect of stress on dielectric constant is due to two reasons. The first one is an indirect effect involving the effect of stress on phase stability. The second one is the direct effect involving interatomic distance. By stress control an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of 0.8 nm was achieved in sputter deposited ZrO2/Ge films at 5 nm thickness. This is among the best reported till date. Finally, the effect of growth parameters and deposition geometry on the microstructural and stress evolution during deposition of SrTiO3 on Si and BaTiO3 on SrTiO3 by pulsed laser deposition is the same chamber is described.

Laser-Induced Damage and Ablation of Dielectrics with Few-Cycle Laser Pulses

Talisa, Noah Brodzik January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation et identification de paramètres pour les empreintes des faisceaux de haute énergie. / Modelling and parameter identification for energy beam footprints

Bashtova, Kateryna 05 December 2016 (has links)
Le progrès technologique nécessite des techniques de plus en plus sophistiquées et précises de traitement de matériaux. Nous étudions le traitement de matériaux par faisceaux de haute énergie : un jet d’eau abrasif, une sonde ionique focalisée, un laser. L’évolution de la surface du matériau sous l’action du faisceau de haute énergie est modélisée par une EDP. Cette équation contient l’ensemble des coefficients inconnus - les paramètres de calibration de mo- dèle. Les paramètres inconnus peuvent être calibrés par minimisation de la fonction coût, c’est-à-dire, la fonction qui décrit la différence entre le résultat de la modélisation et les données expérimentales. Comme la surface modélisée est une solution du problème d’EDP, cela rentre dans le cadre de l’optimisation sous contrainte d’EDP. L’identification a été rendue bien posée par la régularisation du type Tikhonov. Le gradient de la fonction coût a été obtenu en utilisant les deux méthodes : l’approche adjointe et la différen- ciation automatique. Une fois la fonction coût et son gradient obtenus, nous avons utilisé un minimiseur L-BFGS pour réaliser la minimisation.Le problème de la non-unicité de la solution a été résolu pour le problème de traitement par le jet d’eau abrasif. Des effets secondaires ne sont pas inclus dans le modèle. Leur impact sur le procédé de calibration a été évité. Ensuite, le procédé de calibration a été validé pour les données synthétiques et expérimentales. Enfin, nous avons proposé un critère pour distinguer facilement entre le régime thermique et non- thermique d’ablation par laser. / The technological progress demands more and more sophisticated and precise techniques of the treatment of materials. We study the machining of the material with the high energy beams: the abrasive waterjet, the focused ion beam and the laser. Although the physics governing the energy beam interaction with material is very different for different application, we can use the same approach to the mathematical modeling of these processes.The evolution of the material surface under the energy beam impact is modeled by PDE equation. This equation contains a set of unknown parameters - the calibration parameters of the model. The unknown parameters can be identified by minimization of the cost function, i.e., function that describes the differ- ence between the result of modeling and the corresponding experimental data. As the modeled surface is a solution of the PDE problem, this minimization is an example of PDE-constrained optimization problem. The identification problem was regularized using Tikhonov regularization. The gradient of the cost function was obtained both by using the variational approach and by means of the automatic differentiation. Once the cost function and its gradient calculated, the minimization was performed using L-BFGS minimizer.For the abrasive waterjet application the problem of non-uniqueness of numerical solution is solved. The impact of the secondary effects non included into the model is avoided as well. The calibration procedure is validated on both synthetic and experimental data.For the laser application, we presented a simple criterion that allows to distinguish between the thermal and non-thermal laser ablation regimes.


MARIANA GISBERT JARDIM DOS SANTOS 15 December 2022 (has links)
[pt] A pandemia da COVID-19 instaurou inúmeras pesquisas sobre a doença, a qual foi atribuída à tempestade de citocinas. Embora, as vacinas sejam eficazes para combater a disseminação da COVID-19 e, recentemente, tenha sido aprovado pela ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) o fármaco antiviral Paxlovid (Trade Mark), no tratamento da COVID-19, estudos sobre formas de tratamento ainda são necessários. Dentre as novas estratégias terapêuticas, a utilização de nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs) tem se destacado devido o potencial efeito antiinflamatório. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as eventuais propriedades antiinflamatórias das AuNPs, sintetizadas por ablação a laser pulsado (PLA) em água, em macrófagos RAW 264.7. Ademais, o presente trabalho visou investigar a possível ligação entre o efeito imunomodulador das nanopartículas e os produtos secundários obtidos através da reação de redução da CO2 (CO2RR) ativada por PLA em água. Nesse sentido, foram analisados a proliferação, a citotoxicidade, os níveis das espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) e das espécies reativas de nitrogênio (ERNs) nos macrófagos RAW 264.7 submetidas ao tratamento com as AuNPs e expostas ao lipopolissacarídeo (LPS), o qual foi utilizado como agente precursor do processo inflamatório. Em conclusão, os resultados apontaram que AuNPs na concentração de 10 (micro)g/mL não tiveram caráter citotóxico e diminuíram as EROs e ERNs. As AuNPs demonstraram promissora atividade antiinflamatórias com reduzidos valores de citotoxicidade, o que aponta para uma futura aplicação clínica. / [en] With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous studies on the disease were initiated, a disease originated from a cytokine storm. Although vaccines are effective in combating the spread of COVID-19 and, more recently, the antiviral drug Paxlovid (Trade Mark) has been approved by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) for the treatment of COVID-19, studies on forms of treatment are still needed. Among the new therapeutic strategies, the use of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) has been in the spotlight due to their potential antiinflammatory effect. This work aims to study the potential anti-inflammatory properties of AuNPs, synthesized by pulsed laser ablation (PLA) in water, in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Furthermore, the present work aimed to investigate the possible connection between the immunomodulatory effect of the nanoparticles and the secondary products obtained through the CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) activated by PLA in water. In this sense, we analyzed the proliferation, cytotoxicity, levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in RAW 264.7 macrophages subjected to treatment with AuNPs and exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which was used as a precursor agent of the inflammatory process. In conclusion, the results showed that the AuNPs at a concentration of 10 (micro)g/mL did not have a cytotoxic character and reduced ROS and RNS. AuNPs demonstrated promising anti-inflammatory activity with reduced cytotoxicity values, which points to future clinical applications.

Development and Application of IDMS Based Procedure for total Sulphur in Copper Metals and Its Alloys

Phukphatthanachai, Pranee 05 April 2019 (has links)
Bei der Schwefelquantifizierung in Kupfer und anderen reinen Metallen zeigte sich in der Vergangenheit eine mangelnde SI-Rückführung und zusätzlich inkonsistente Ergebnisse, wenn verschiedene Methoden verglichen wurden. Um diesen Mangel zu beheben ist ein Referenzverfahren erforderlich, welches SI-rückführbare Werte mit einem zuverlässigen Unsicherheitsbudget ermöglicht. In dieser Studie wurde ein entsprechendes Referenzverfahren zur Quantifizierung von Gesamtschwefel in Kupfer basierend auf der induktiv gekoppelten Plasma-Massenspektrometrie und der Isotopenverdünnungsanalyse (ICP-IDMS) entwickelt. Um diese Probleme zu lösen wurde mit Hilfe der Ionenaustauschchromatographie ein Schwefel-Matrix-Trennverfahren entwickelt. Dieses Trennverfahren wurde mit ICP-IDMS kombiniert, um Schwierigkeiten mit der Kalibrierung zu lösen und fehlende metrologische Konzepte einzuführen. So wurden die in diesem Projekt erzielten IDMS-Messwerte für die Kalibrierung von GDMS und LA-ICP-MS verwendet, beides Verfahren die im industriellen Einsatz üblich sind. Dadurch konnten mit beiden Routineverfahren zuverlässige Ergebnisse erzeilt warden, die zudem auf SI rückführbar sind. Darüber hinaus wurde ein auf der LA-ICP-IDMS basierendes Verfahren entwickelt, um den Probenvorbereitungsschritt von ICP-IDMS mit Schwefel-Matrix-Trennung zu reduzieren. Die Vorteile dieser Methode sind ein geringerer Arbeits- und Zeitaufwand, die SI- Rückführung der Messergebnisse und eine für LA-ICP-MS vergleichsweise hohe Genauigkeit. Die Schlüsselrolle hierbei spielte der innovative Einsatz von Polyethylenfritten als Trägermaterial der aufgelösten Probe. Dadurch war die Quantifizierung von Schwefel in Kupferproben mittels LA-ICP-IDMS möglich. Die wesentlichen Parameter wie Absorptionseffizienz der Fritten und Matrixeffekt wurden untersucht. Das entwickelte Verfahren konnte mit Hilfe der ICP-IDMS vollständig validiert werden. / Sulphur quantification in copper and other pure metals in the past revealed a lack of SI-traceability and also showed inconsistent results, when different methods are compared. Therefore, a reference procedure is required to enable SI-traceable measurement results accompanied by a sound uncertainty budget. In this study, such a procedure was developed for the quantification of total sulphur in copper using inductively coupled plasma-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (ICP-IDMS). For solving these problems ion exchange chromatography was applied, and a sulphur-matrix separation procedure was developed. This procedure was combined with ICP-IDMS to solve difficulties with the calibration and to realize metrological concepts. An application of the IDMS procedure was realized by using the measurement results of specific copper samples values for calibrating glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS) and laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS). Both techniques are considered routine techniques. Thus, they could provide reliable results which are traceable to the SI. Additionally, a procedure based on LA-ICP-IDMS was developed to significantly reduce the sample preparation step of ICP-IDMS with sulphur-matrix separation. This procedure is less laborious and the measurement results are still SI traceable and offer a comparatively high accuracy for LA-ICP-MS. Key for this development was the innovative application of polyethylene frits as support material for the dissolved sample. Thus, the quantification of sulphur in copper samples by LA-ICP-IDMS could be realized. The essential parameters are investigated such as the absorption efficiency of the frit and matrix effects. The developed procedure was fully validated by means of the ICP-IDMS results.

Nanomanipulation and In-situ Transport Measurements on Carbon Nanotubes / Nanomanipulation und In-situ Transportmessung an Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren

Löffler, Markus 20 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
With the advent of microelectronics and micromechanical systems, the benefits of miniaturized technology became evident. With the discovery of carbon nanotubes by Iijima in 1991, a material has been found that offers superior porperties such as high tensile strength, excellent electrical and heat conductivity while being lightweight, flexible and tunable by the specific atomic arrangement in its structure. The first part of this thesis deals with a new synthesis approach, which combines the known routes of chemical vapour deposition and laser ablation. The results concerning diameter and yield fit well within an established model for the nucleation and growth of carbon nanotubes and extend it by considering a larger parameter space. Furthermore, conventional laser ablation has been used to synthesize C-13 augmented carbon nanotubes, whose diameters depend among the usual synthesis parameters also on the C-13 content, an influence which is in line with the changed thermal conductivities of isotope mixtures. Manipulation of carbon nanotubes inside a transmission electron microscope forms the second part of this thesis. With the help of an in-situ nanomanipulator, several experiments involving the mechanical and electrical properties of carbon nanotubes have been performed. Two-probe resistances of individual nanotubes have been measured and the observation of individual shell failures allowed for the determination of current limits per carbon shell. With the help of electrical current, a nanotube was modified in its electrical characteristics by reshaping its structure. By application of DC-currents or square current pulses, the filling of iron- or cementite-filled multi-wall carbon nanotubes has been found to move in a polarity-defined direction guided by the nanotube walls. Depending on the current, nanotube shape, and composition of the filling different regimes of material transport have been identified, including the reworking of the inner nanotube shells. The application of a high driving current leads to a complete reworking of the host nanotube and the current-induced growth of carbonaceous nanostructures of changed morphology. Utilizing the obtained results, a transport mechanism involving momentum transfer from the electron wind to the filling atoms and a solid filling core during transport is developed and discussed. Finally, measurements of mechanical properties using electrically induced resonant or non-resonant vibrations inside the transmission electron microscope have been observed and important mechanical parameters have been determined with the help of a modified Euler-Bernoulli-beam approach. / Mit dem Aufkommen von Mikroelektronik und mikromechanischen Systemen wurden die Vorteile miniaturisierter Geräte augenscheinlich. Mit der Entdeckung von Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren durch Iijima 1991 wurde ein Material gefunden, welches überlegene Eigenschaften wie hohe Festigkeit, exzellente elektrische und Wärmeleitfähigkeit zeigt, während es zeitgleich leicht und flexibel ist. Diese Eigentschaften können durch eine Änderung der spezifischen atomaren Anordnung in der Nanoröhrenhülle beeinflusst werden. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertationsschrift behandelt einen neuartigen Syntheseansatz, welche die bekannten Syntheserouten der chemischen Gasphasenabscheidung und Laserablation kombiniert. Die Ergebnisse bezüglich des Durchmessers und der Ausbeute lassen sich gut mit einem etablierten Modell der Nukleation und des Wachstums von Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren beschreiben - sie erweitern es, indem sie einen größeren Parameterraum berücksichtigen. Des Weiteren wurde konventionelle Laserablation benutzt, um C-13 angereicherte Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren herzustellen, deren Durchmesser nicht nur von den üblichen Parametern, sondern auch vom C-13 Anteil abhängt. Diese Abhängigkeit geht mit der veränderten thermischen Leitfähigkeit von Isotopenmischungen einher. Die Manipulation von Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren in einem Transmission-Elektronenmikroskop formt den zweiten Teil der Dissertationschrift. Mit Hilfe eines in-situ Manipulators wurden vielfältige Experimente durchgeführt, um die mechanischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften der Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren zu bestimmen. Zweipunktmessungen des Widerstands einzelner Nanoröhren und die Beobachtung des Versagens einzelner Kohlenstoffschichten erlaubte die Bestimmung der Stromtragfähigkeit einzelner Hüllen. Mit Hilfe eines elektrischen Stromes konnte eine Nanoröhre durch die veränderung der Struktur in ihren elektrischen Eigenschaften verändert werden. Unter Verwendung dauerhaften oder gepulsten Gleichstroms konnte die Eisen- oder Zementit-Füllung der Kohlenstoff-Nanoröhren in eine polaritätsabhängige Richtung bewegt werden. Die Füllung wurde dabei durch die Wände der Nanoröhre geführt. Abhängig von Strom, Form der Nanoröhre und Zusammensetzung der Füllung ließen sich verschiedene Bereiche des Materialtransports identifizieren, u.a. das Umarbeiten einiger innerer Kohlenstoffschichten. Ein hoher Strom hingegen bewirkt eine Umarbeitung der kompletten Nanoröhre und strominduziertes Wachstum von Kohlenstoff-Nanostrukturen mit veränderter Morphologie. Mit Hilfe der gewonnenen Resultate wurde ein Transportmodell entwickelt, welches den Impulstransfer von Elektronen an Füllungsatome sowie einen festen Füllungskern während des Transports diskutiert. Messungen der mechanischen Eigenschaften, welche mit Hilfe von resonanter oder nicht-resonanter elektrischer Anregung von Schwingungen im Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskop durchgeführt wurden bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit. Durch die Beobachtungen konnten mit einem modifizierten Euler-Bernoulli-Balkenmodell wichtige mechanische Eigenschaften bestimmt werden.

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