Spelling suggestions: "subject:"laserdoppler"" "subject:"farbdoppler""
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Numerical and experimental study of confluent jets supply device with variable airflowAndersson, Harald January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, application of confluent jets for design of ventilation supply devices has been studied. Similarly, numerus studies have been made on the potential and application of variable air volume (VAV) in order to reduce the energy demand of ventilation systems. This study investigates the combination of supply devices based on confluent jets and VAV, both in terms of the nearfield flow behavior of the device and the impact on thermal comfort, indoor air quality and energy efficiency on a classroom-level space when the airflow rate is varied. The method used in this study is an experimental field study where the confluent jets-based supply devices were compared to the previously installed displacement ventilation. The field study evaluated the energy efficiency, thermal comfort and indoor air quality of the two systems. In the case of the confluent jets supply devices, airflow rate was varied in order to see what impact the variation had on the performance of the system for each airflow rate. Furthermore, the confluent jets supply devices were investigated both experimentally and numerically in a well insulated test room to get high resolution data on the particular flow characteristics for this type of supply device when the airflow rate is varied. The results from the field study show nearly uniform distribution of the local mean age of air in the occupied zone, even in the cases of relatively low airflow rates. The airflow rates have no significant effect on the degree of mixing. The thermal comfort in the classroom was increased when the airflow rate was adapted to the heat load compared to the displacement system. The results lead to the conclusion that the combination of supply devices based on confluent jets can reduce energy usage in the school while maintaining indoor air quality and increasing the thermal comfort in the occupied zone. The results from the experimental and numerical study show that the flow pattern and velocity in each nozzle is directly dependent on the total airflow rate. However, the flow pattern does not vary between the three different airflow rates. The numerical investigation shows that velocity profiles for each nozzle have the same pattern regardless of the airflow rate, but the magnitude of the velocity profile increases as the airflow increases. Thus, a supply device of this kind could be used for variable air volume and produce confluent jets for different airflow rates. The results from both studies show that the airflow rate does not affect the distribution of the airflow on both near-field and room level. The distribution of air is nearly uniform in the case of the near-field results and the room-level measurement shows a completely uniform degree of mixing and air quality in the occupied zone for each airflow rate. This means that there is potential for combining these two schemes for designing air distribution systems with high energy efficiency and high thermal comfort and indoor air quality. / Under senare tid har applikation av Confluent jets för design av tilluftsdon studerats. Många studier har även utförts över potentialen av att applicera variabelt luftflöde (VAV) för att minska energianvändningen i ventilationssystem. Denna studie undersöker möjligheten att kombinera Confluent jets-don med VAV, både med avseende på den lokala flödesbilden och dess påverkan på termisk komfort, luftkvalitet och energieffektivitet i en klassrumsmiljö där luftflödes varieras. Denna studie baseras dels på en experimentell fältstudie där tilluftsdon baserade på Confluents jets jämfördes med befintliga deplacerande tilluftsdon. Fältstudien utvärderade energieffektiviteten, den termiska komforten och luftkvaliteten för båda typerna av tillluftsdon. Confluent jets-donen testades under varierat luftflöde för att se påverkan av flödesvariationen på ventilationens prestation under de olika flödena. Utöver fältstudien testades Confluent jets-donen experimentellt och numeriskt i ett välisolerat test-rum för få den detaljerade flödeskarakteristiken för den här typen tilluftsdon vid varierat luftflöde. Resultaten från fältstudien visar på en jämn fördelning av den lokala luftsmedelåldern i vistelsezonen, även för fallen med relativt låga luftflöden. Luftflöden har ingen signifikant effekt på omblandningen. Den termiska komforten i klassrummet ökade när luftflödet anpassades efter värmelasten jämfört med de deplacerande donen. Slutsatsen från fältstudien är att kombinationen av VAV och Confluent jets-don kan användas för att minska energianvändningen på skolan och bevara luftkvaliteten och den termiska komforten i vistelsezonen. Resultaten från den experimental och numeriska studien visar luftflödet och lufthastigheten i varje enskild dysa är direkt beroende på det totala luftflödet genom donet. Dock är flödesfördelningen mellan dysorna oberoende av de tre olika luftflödena. Den numeriska undersökningen visar att flödesprofilen för varje dysa är konstant trots att flödet varieras, men amplituden för varje profil ökar med en höjning av luftflödet. Det betyder att tilluftsdon av den här typen kan användas med VAV för att producera Confluent jets för olika luftflöden. Resultaten från båda studierna visar att luftflöde inte påverkar fördelningen av luften vare sig längs luftdonen eller på rumsnivå. Fördelningen av luften är nästan helt jämn längs donen och på rumsnivå är omblandningen och luftkvalitet den samma för varje luftflöde. Det betyder att det finns potential för att kombinera det här två teknikerna för att designa luftdistribueringssystem med hög energieffektivitet och hög termisk komfort med god luftkvalitet.
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Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for TurbofansFelgueroso Rodríguez, Andrés 04 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En un presente marcado por la continua lucha contra la contaminación y el cambio climático, la investigación en mejoras tecnológicas que permitan una transición aceptable para la sociedad hacia un futuro más ecológico ocupa un papel fundamental. En concreto, la aviación es un foco constante de innovación, ya que es considerada una función indispensable en una sociedad tan globalizada como la actual, pero con unos niveles de contaminación preocupantes. En este aspecto, el desarrollo de motores con altas eficiencias es un paso clave para la transición medioambiental. Sin embargo, estas alternativas presentan un reto tecnológico en cuanto a su gestión térmica basado, principalmente, en la necesidad de aumentar la refrigeración. En este contexto e impulsada por el proyecto "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio experimental de geometrías de intercambiadores de calor de superficie para la refrigeración del aceite motor mediante el uso del aire del flujo secundario del turbofan. Actualmente, existen una serie de limitaciones en cuanto a las capacidades para llevar a cabo un análisis y diseño detallado de este tipo de intercambiadores de calor debido a la falta de instalaciones que permitan un correcta, completa y robusta caracterización experimental. Las principales fuentes de datos se basan en cálculos numéricos validados a partir de extrapolaciones en condiciones de cuestionable aplicabilidad.
A lo largo de la tesis se presentan los resultados obtenidos tras una detallada caracterización de cuatro diferentes geometrías de intercambiadores de calor empleando tanto técnicas intrusivas como ópticas. Se utiliza un banco de flujo capaz de generar una corriente de aire típica alrededor de los intercambiadores, mientras que un sistema de acondicionamiento de aceite controla el punto de operación por el lado caliente. Para recrear de manera más realista las condiciones de funcionamiento, se presenta una metodología para generar de manera automática pantallas de distorsión que pueden reproducir una distribución bidimensional de velocidades objetivo mediante la manufactura aditiva de paneles de porosidad variable. Este modelo, analizado mediante CFD y validado experimentalmente, se utiliza para reproducir el perfil de velocidades típico presente en torno al intercambiador en una circunstancia real de operación.
Tras definir métricas relevantes que permitan analizar el comportamiento de las distintas geometrías, se llega a la conclusión de que los problemas aerodinámico y térmico están altamente acoplados en estos dispositivos, demostrando la necesidad de un cuidadoso diseño para mejorar las actuaciones del intercambiador. Los resultados muestran que puede llegar a obtenerse una mejora de más de un 12% en la caída de presión y casi un 20% en el intercambio de calor. Además, se ha confirmado el impacto del uso de la pantalla de distorsión, con variaciones del orden de 10% en ambas variables. Los resultados también muestran que es posible realizar una caracterización preliminar de manera fiable con un modelo impreso en 3D, en cuanto campos de velocidades, pérdidas de presión y frecuencias propias corregidas.
Con el análisis llevado a cabo en esta tesis, se puede concluir que es fundamental tener una instalación experimental que reproduzca las condiciones de funcionamiento reales de un motor para realizar estudios relevantes de intercambiadores de calor. Además, es necesario el uso de métricas adecuadas junto con el desarrollo de una metodología exhaustiva, fiable y robusta. Los resultados y metodología presentados en en esta investigación pueden llegar a tener un impacto importante tanto a nivel académico como industrial, ya que abren la puerta a desarrollar sistemas de gestión térmica más eficiente en unas etapas de diseño preliminares que son más asequibles económicamente, consumen menos tiempo y tienen mayor flexibilidad para introducir modificaciones. / [CAT] En un present marcat per la lluita contínua contra la contaminació i el canvi climàtic, la recerca en millores tecnològiques que permetin una transició acceptable per a la societat cap a un futur més ecològic ocupa un paper fonamental. En concret, l'aviació és un focus constant d'innovació, ja que és considerada una funció indispensable en una societat tan globalitzada com l'actual però amb uns nivells de contaminació preocupants. En aquest aspecte, el desenvolupament de motors amb altes eficiències és un pas clau per a la transició mediambiental. Tot i això, aquestes alternatives presenten un repte tecnològic quant a la seva gestió tèrmica basat, principalment, en la necessitat d'augmentar la refrigeració. En aquest context i impulsada pel projecte "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" de Clean Sky 2, aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en l'estudi experimental de geometries d'intercanviadors de calor de superfície per a la refrigeració de l'oli motor mitjançant l'ús de l'aire del flux secundari del turbofan. Actualment, hi ha una sèrie de limitacions quant a les capacitats per dur a terme una anàlisi i disseny detallat d'aquest tipus d'intercanviadors de calor a causa de la manca d'instal·lacions que permetin una caracterització experimental correcta, completa i robusta. Les fonts de dades principals es basen en càlculs numèrics validats a partir d'extrapolacions en condicions de qüestionable aplicabilitat.
Al llarg de la tesi es presenten els resultats obtinguts després d'una detallada caracterització de quatre geometries diferents d'intercanviadors de calor emprant tant tècniques intrusives com òptiques. Sutilitza un banc de flux capaç de generar un corrent daire típic al voltant dels intercanviadors, mentre que un sistema de condicionament doli controla el punt doperació pel costat calent. Per recrear de manera més realista les condicions de funcionament, es presenta una metodologia per generar de manera automàtica pantalles de distorsió que poden reproduir una distribució bidimensional de velocitats objectiu mitjançant la manufactura additiva de panells de porositat variable. Aquest model, analitzat mitjançant CFD i validat experimentalment, sutilitza per reproduir el perfil de velocitats típic present al voltant de lintercanviador en una circumstància real doperació.
Després de definir mètriques rellevants que permetin analitzar el comportament de les diferents geometries, s'arriba a la conclusió que els problemes aerodinàmic i tèrmic estan altament acoblats en aquests dispositius, demostrant la necessitat d'un disseny acurat per millorar les actuacions de l'intercanviador. Els resultats mostren que es pot arribar a obtenir una millora de més d'un 12% a la caiguda de pressió i gairebé un 20% a l'intercanvi de calor. A més, s'ha confirmat l'impacte de l'ús de la pantalla de distorsió, amb variacions de l'ordre del 10% a les dues variables. Els resultats també mostren que és possible fer una caracterització preliminar de manera fiable amb un model imprès en 3D, en tant que camps de velocitats, pèrdues de pressió i freqüències pròpies corregides.
Amb l'anàlisi duta a terme en aquesta tesi, es pot concloure que és fonamental tenir una instal·lació experimental que reprodueixi les condicions de funcionament reals d'un motor per fer estudis rellevants d'intercanviadors de calor. A més, cal fer servir mètriques adequades juntament amb el desenvolupament d'una metodologia exhaustiva, fiable i robusta. Els resultats i metodologia presentats en aquesta investigació poden arribar a tenir un impacte important tant a nivell acadèmic com industrial, ja que obren la porta a desenvolupar sistemes de gestió tèrmica més eficient en unes etapes de disseny preliminars que són més assequibles econòmicament, consumeixen menys temps i tenen més flexibilitat per introduir modificacions. / [EN] In a present marked by the continuous fight against pollution and climate change, research into technological improvements that allow an acceptable transition for society towards a greener future occupies a fundamental role. Specifically, aviation is a constant focus of innovation, since it is considered an essential function in a society as globalized as today's, but with worrying levels of pollution. In this regard, the development of motors with high efficiencies is a key step for the environmental transition. However, these alternatives present a technological challenge in terms of their thermal management, based mainly on the need to increase cooling. In this context and promoted by the Clean Sky 2 "Aerodynamic upgrade of Surface Air Cooled Oil Cooler (SACOC)" project, this doctoral thesis focuses on the experimental study of surface heat exchanger geometries for engine oil cooling using the use of secondary flow air from the turbofan. Currently, there are a number of limitations regarding the capacity to carry out a detailed analysis and design of this type of heat exchanger due to the lack of facilities that allow a correct, complete and robust experimental characterization. The main data sources are based on numerical calculations validated from extrapolations under conditions of questionable applicability.
The thesis presents results after a detailed characterization of four different geometries of heat exchangers using both intrusive and optical techniques. A flow bench capable of generating a typical air current around the exchangers is used, while an oil conditioning system controls the point of operation on the hot side. To more realistically recreate operating conditions, a methodology is presented to automatically generate distortion screens that can reproduce a two-dimensional distribution of target velocities through additive manufacturing of variable porosity panels. This model, analyzed by means of CFD and validated experimentally, is used to reproduce the typical speed profile present around the exchanger in a real operating circumstance.
After defining relevant metrics that allow analyzing the behaviour of the different geometries, it is concluded that aerodynamic and thermal problems are highly coupled in these devices, demonstrating the need for careful design to improve the exchanger's performance. The results show that an improvement of more than 12% in pressure drop and almost 20% in heat exchange can be obtained. In addition, the impact of using the distortion screen has been confirmed, with variations of the order of 10% in both variables. The results also show that it is possible to carry out a preliminary characterization in a reliable way with a 3D printed model, in terms of velocity fields, pressure losses and corrected eigenfrequencies.
With the analysis carried out in this thesis, it can be concluded that it is essential to have an experimental installation that reproduces the real operating conditions of an engine to carry out relevant studies of heat exchangers. In addition, the use of appropriate metrics is necessary together with the development of a comprehensive, reliable and robust methodology. The results and methodology presented in this research can have a significant impact both at an academic and industrial level, since they open the door to developing more efficient thermal management systems in preliminary design stages that are more affordable, consume less time and have more flexibility to make changes. / The respondent wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through
the Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) of Univer-
sitat Politècnica de València under grant PAID-01-20 n◦ 21589.
This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertak-
ing under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No 831977 Aerodynamic upgrade of Sur-
face Air-Cooled Oil Coolers (SACOC) / Felgueroso Rodríguez, A. (2023). Aerothermal Characterisation of Surface Heat Exchangers for Turbofans [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/195852
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Pharmacologie des variations de débit sanguin oculaires chez le rat au moyen de la débitmétrie au laser par effet DopplerHétu, Simon 01 1900 (has links)
La débitmétrie au laser à effet Doppler (LDF) constitue une méthode prometteuse et non-invasive pour l'étude du débit sanguin local dans l'œil. Cette technique est basée sur un changement de fréquence subi par la lumière lors du mouvement des globules rouges dans les vaisseaux. Une nouvelle sonde LDF a été testée pour sa sensibilité à évaluer la circulation rétinienne/choroïdienne sous des conditions hypercapniques et en présence de diverses substances vasoactives ou suivant la photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes chez le rat. Après dilatation pupillaire, la sonde LDF a été placée en contact avec la cornée de rats anesthésiés et parallèle à l'axe optique. L'hypercapnie a été provoquée par inhalation de CO2 (8% dans de l'air médical), alors que les agents pharmacologiques ont été injectés de façon intravitréenne. La contribution relative à la circulation choroïdienne a été évaluée à la suite de la photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes. Le débit sanguin s'est trouvé significativement augmenté à la suite de l'hypercanie (19%), de l'adénosine (14%) ou du nitroprusside de sodium (16%) comparativement au niveau de base, alors que l'endothéline-1 a provoqué une baisse du débit sanguin (11%). La photocoagulation des artères rétiniennes a significativement diminué le débit sanguin (33%).
Des mesures en conditions pathologiques ont ensuite été obtenues après l'injection intravitréenne d'un agoniste sélectif du récepteur B1 (RB1). Ce récepteur des kinines est surexprimé dans la rétine des rats rendus diabétiques avec la streptozotocine (STZ) en réponse à l'hyperglycémie et au stress oxydatif. Les résultats ont montré que le RB1 est surexprimé dans la rétine chez les rats diabétiques-STZ à 4 jours et 6 semaines. À ces moments, le débit sanguin rétinien/choroïdien a été significativement augmenté (15 et 18 %) après l'injection de l'agoniste, suggérant un effet vasodilatateur des RB1 dans l'œil diabétique.
Bien que la circulation choroïdienne contribue probablement au signal LDF, les résultats démontrent que le LDF représente une technique efficace et non-invasive pour l'étude de la microcirculation rétinienne in-vivo en continu. Cette méthode peut donc être utilisée pour évaluer de façon répétée les réponses du débit sanguin pendant des modifications métaboliques ou pharmacologiques dans des modèles animaux de maladies oculaires. / Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) is a promising, non-invasive technique to assess local ocular blood flow. This technique is based on a Doppler frequency shift of the backscattered light due to the movement of the red blood cells in the vessels. A new LDF probe was tested for its sensitivity to assess the retinal/choroidal blood flow variations in response to hypercapnia, diverse vasoactive agents and following retinal arteries photocoagulation in the rat. After pupil dilation, a LDF probe was placed in contact to the cornea of anesthetised rats in the optic axis. Hypercapnia was induced by inhalation of CO2 (8% in medical air) while pharmacological agents were injected intravitreously. The relative contribution of the choroidal circulation to the LDF signal was determined after retinal artery occlusion by photocoagulation. Blood flow was significantly increased by hypercapnia (19%), adenosine (14%) and sodium nitroprusside (16%) as compared to baseline values while endothelin-1 decreased blood flow (11%). Photocoagulation of retinal arteries significantly decreased blood flow level (33%).
Measurements in pathological conditions were then obtained after intravitreal injections of a B1R agonist. This kinin receptor is overexpressed in the retina of streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats in response to hyperglycaemia and oxidative stress. Data showed that B1R was upregulated in the STZ-diabetic retina at 4 days and 6 weeks. At these time points, retinal/choroidal blood flow was significantly increased (15 and 18 %) upon injection of the agonist, suggesting a vasodilatory effect of B1R in the diabetic eye.
Although choroidal circulation most likely contributes to the LDF signal in this setting, the results demonstrate that LDF represents a suitable in vivo non-invasive technique to monitor online relative changes of retinal microcirculation. This technique could be used for repeatedly assessing blood flow reactivity to metabolic or pharmacologic challenges in rodent models of ocular diseases.
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Nonlinear dynamics of microcirculation and energy metabolism for the prediction of cardiovascular riskSmirni, Salvatore January 2018 (has links)
The peripheral skin microcirculation reflects the overall health status of the cardiovascular system and can be examined non-invasively by laser methods to assess early cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, i.e. oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. Examples of methods used for this task are the laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and laser fluorescence spectroscopy (LFS), which respectively allow tracing blood flow and the amounts of the coenzyme NAD(P)H (nicotamide adenine dinucleotide) that is involved in the cellular production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy. In this work, these methods were combined with iontophoresis and PORH (post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia) reactive tests to assess skin microvascular function and oxidative stress in mice and human subjects. The main focus of the research was exploring the nonlinear dynamics of skin LDF and NAD(P)H time series by processing the signals with the wavelet transform analysis. The study of nonlinear fluctuations of the microcirculation and cell energy metabolism allows detecting dynamic oscillators reflecting the activity of microvascular factors (i.e. endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, sympathetic nerves) and specific patterns of mitochondrial or glycolytic ATP production. Monitoring these dynamic factors is powerful for the prediction of general vascular/metabolic health conditions, and can help the study of the mechanisms at the basis of the rhythmic fluctuations of micro-vessels diameter (vasomotion). In this thesis, the microvascular and metabolic dynamic biomarkers were characterised <i>in-vivo</i> in a mouse model affected by oxidative stress and a human cohort of smokers. Data comparison, respectively, with results from control mice and non-smokers, revealed significant differences suggesting the eligibility of these markers as predictors of risk associated with oxidative stress and smoke. Moreover, a relevant link between microvascular and metabolic oscillators was observed during vasomotion induced by α-adrenergic (in mice) or PORH (in humans) stimulations, suggesting a possible role of cellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>oscillations of metabolic origin as drivers of vasomotion which is a theory poorly explored in literature. As future perspective, further exploration of these promising nonlinear biomarkers is required in the presence of risk factors different from smoke or oxidative stress and during vasomotion induced by stimuli different from PORH or α-adrenergic reactive challenges, to obtain a full picture on the use of these factors as predictors of risk and their role in the regulation of vasomotion.
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Contribution à l'estimation paramétrique de signaux à variation sinusoïdale de la fréquence instantanée et à amplitude variable : application à l'anémométrie laser à effet Doppler pour l'acoustiqueLE DUFF, Alain 16 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'anémométrie laser à effet Doppler (ALD), dont l'utilisation est très répandue en mécanique des fluides, peut aussi être utilisée pour la mesure de vitesse particulaire acoustique. La nature vectorielle de cette grandeur permet de caractériser les champs à structure complexe ce qui autorise, par exemple, l'étude de phénomènes acoustiques au voisinage de parois vibrantes ou de discontinuités géométriques. L'ALD offre, pour ce type de problème, le double avantage de présenter une bonne résolution spatiale de la mesure et de ne perturber que faiblement le champ à explorer.<br />Le Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine est équipé d'un banc de mesure conçu pour la mesure de vitesse acoustique. Depuis près de huit ans, les recherches se sont orientées vers la validation expérimentale de cette technique ainsi que vers l'élaboration de méthodes de traitement des signaux propres à extraire la vitesse particulaire dans un contexte de traitement différé et avec l'hypothèse d'un signal Doppler d'amplitude constante. Cependant, pour que l'ALD soit exploitable efficacement il est indispensable de concevoir un système de mesure, simple d'utilisation, permettant d'accéder rapidement à la vitesse acoustique et prenant en compte la nature variable de l'amplitude du signal Doppler.<br />L'objectif de cette étude est donc de proposer des méthodes de traitement du signal adaptées à l'estimation de la vitesse particulaire acoustique, dans le cas d'une excitation sinusoïdale, et de définir une architecture matérielle et logicielle indispensable à cette mesure. Celle-ci s'opère à partir des composantes en phase et en quadrature du signal Doppler ramenées en bande de base à l'aide d'un dispositif de démodulation analogique spécialement développé pour cette application. Trois estimateurs sont alors proposés : le premier est basé sur le calcul de la dérivée de la phase du signal Doppler. Sa principale vocation consiste à initialiser une deuxième méthode d'estimation basée sur la recherche du maximum de vraisemblance. Le filtrage de Kalman étendu constitue la troisième méthode explorée. Enfin, les formes analytiques, approchées mais précises, des bornes de Cramer-Rao montrent l'influence des paramètres du problème sur la qualité des estimations. Par la suite, des simulations statistiques de Monte-Carlo permettent d'évaluer la qualité des trois méthodes. Une estimation sommaire des complexités algorithmiques des estimateurs complète également cette phase d'évaluation.<br />Enfin, la validation expérimentale des techniques d'estimation s'articule autour de deux expériences. Dans un premier temps, la mesure de la vitesse de déplacement sinusoïdale d'une pointe d'aiguille montée dans un pot vibrant permet de confronter les résultats obtenus par ALD à ceux que donne un vibromètre laser. Dans un second temps, la mesure de vitesses particulaires acoustiques rayonnées par un haut-parleur électrodynamique, est proposée. Les valeurs issues de la mesure en champ libre par ALD sont alors comparées à celles des vitesses de référence obtenues à l'aide de la méthode du doublet microphonique.
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Multivariate non-invasive measurements of skin disordersNyström, Josefina January 2006 (has links)
<p>The present thesis proposes new methods for obtaining objective and accurate diagnoses in modern healthcare. Non-invasive techniques have been used to examine or diagnose three different medical conditions, namely neuropathy among diabetics, radiotherapy induced erythema (skin redness) among breast cancer patients and diagnoses of cutaneous malignant melanoma. The techniques used were Near-InfraRed spectroscopy (NIR), Multi Frequency Bio Impedance Analysis of whole body (MFBIA-body), Laser Doppler Imaging (LDI) and Digital Colour Photography (DCP).</p><p>The neuropathy for diabetics was studied in papers I and II. The first study was performed on diabetics and control subjects of both genders. A separation was seen between males and females and therefore the data had to be divided in order to obtain good models. NIR spectroscopy was shown to be a viable technique for measuring neuropathy once the division according to gender was made. The second study on diabetics, where MFBIA-body was added to the analysis, was performed on males exclusively. Principal component analysis showed that healthy reference subjects tend to separate from diabetics. Also, diabetics with severe neuropathy separate from persons less affected.</p><p>The preliminary study presented in paper III was performed on breast cancer patients in order to investigate if NIR, LDI and DCP were able to detect radiotherapy induced erythema. The promising results in the preliminary study motivated a new and larger study. This study, presented in papers IV and V, intended to investigate the measurement techniques further but also to examine the effect that two different skin lotions, Essex and Aloe vera have on the development of erythema. The Wilcoxon signed rank sum test showed that DCP and NIR could detect erythema, which is developed during one week of radiation treatment. LDI was able to detect erythema developed during two weeks of treatment. None of the techniques could detect any differences between the two lotions regarding the development of erythema.</p><p>The use of NIR to diagnose cutaneous malignant melanoma is presented as unpublished results in this thesis. This study gave promising but inconclusive results. NIR could be of interest for future development of instrumentation for diagnosis of skin cancer.</p>
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Gastrointestinal mucosal protective mechanisms : Mudolatory effects of Heliobacter pyroli on the gastric mucus gel barrier and mucosal blood flow in vivoAtuma, Christer January 2000 (has links)
<p>The gastrointestinal mucus gel layer and blood flow are two important mechanisms for protection at the pre-epithelial and sub-epithelial levels, respectively. <i>Helicobacter pylori</i> might circumvent these mechanisms and elicit a chronic inflammatory response with consequent ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. In this thesis, the physical state and properties of the adherent mucus gel layer was studied from the stomach to colon. Furthermore, the acute and chronic effects of <i>H. pylori</i> on the integrity of the mucus gel layer and mucosal blood flow were studied in the anesthetized rat.</p><p>A translucent mucus gel covers all studied segments of the gastrointestinal tract during fasting conditions, with the thickest layers in the colon and ileum. Carefully applied suction revealed that the mucus gel was a multi-layered structure comprising a firmly adherent layer covering the mucosa, impossible to remove, and a loosely adherent upper layer. The firmly adherent layer was thick and continuous in the corpus (80μm), antrum (154μm) and colon (116μm), but thin (<20μm) and discontinuous in the small intestine.</p><p>Following mucus removal, a rapid renewal of the loosely adherent layer ensued. The highest rate was observed in the colon with intermediate values in the small intestine. Mucus renewal in the stomach was attenuated on acute luminal application of water extracts from <i>H. pylori</i> (HPE). In animals with a chronic <i>H. pylori</i> infection the mucus renewal rate was unaffected, but the total gastric mucus gel thickness was reduced and the mucus secretory response to luminal acid (pH1) attenuated in the antrum. </p><p>HPE from type I strains acutely reduced corporal mucosal blood flow, measured with laser-Doppler flowmetry, by approximately 15%. The reduction in blood flow was mediated by a heat stable factor other than VacA and CagA. Inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide production with Nω-nitro-l-arginine augmented the decrease. However, ketotifen, a mast cell stabilizer, completely attenuated the effect of the extract as did the platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor-antagonist, WEB2086, thus depicting a detrimental role for the microvascular actions of PAF.</p>
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<i>Helicobacter pylori</i> and Gastric Protection Mechanisms : An <i>in vivo</i> Study in Mice and RatsHenriksnäs, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The stomach is frequently exposed to hazardous agents and to resist this harsh environment, several protective mechanisms exist. Of special interest is the gastric pathogen <i>Helicobacter pylori </i>which causes gastritis, ulcers and cancer but the mechanism leading to these diseases are still unclear. However it is very likely that <i>H. pylori </i>negatively influence the protection mechanisms that exist in the stomach. </p><p>The aims of the present investigation were first to develop an in vivo mouse model in which different protection mechanisms could be studied, and second to investigate the influence of <i>H. pylori</i> on these mechanisms. </p><p>An in vivo preparation of the gastric mucosa in mice was developed. This preparation allows studies of different gastric mucosal variables and can also be applied for studies in other gastro-intestinal organs. </p><p>Mice chronically infected with <i>H. pylori</i>, were shown to have a reduced ability of the mucosa to maintain a neutral pH at the epithelial cell surface. This could be due to the thinner inner, firmly adherent mucus gel layer, and/or to defective bicarbonate transport across the epithelium. The Cl<sup>-</sup>/HCO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup> exchanger SLC26A9 was inhibited by NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>, which also is produced by <i>H. pylori</i>. The mRNA levels of SLC26A9 were upregulated in infected mice, suggesting a way to overcome the inhibition of the transporter. Furthermore, the hyperemic response to acid pH 2 and 1.5 was abolished in these mice. The mechanisms by which the bacteria could alter the blood flow response might involve inhibition of the epithelial iNOS.</p><p>Water extracts of <i>H. pylori </i>(HPE) reduces the blood flow acutely through an iNOS and nerve-mediated pathway, possibly through the endogenous iNOS inhibitor ADMA. Furthermore, HPE alters the blood flow response to acid as the hyperemic response to acid pH 0.8 is accentuated in mice treated with HPE. </p>
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Gastrointestinal mucosal protective mechanisms : Mudolatory effects of Heliobacter pyroli on the gastric mucus gel barrier and mucosal blood flow in vivoAtuma, Christer January 2000 (has links)
The gastrointestinal mucus gel layer and blood flow are two important mechanisms for protection at the pre-epithelial and sub-epithelial levels, respectively. Helicobacter pylori might circumvent these mechanisms and elicit a chronic inflammatory response with consequent ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. In this thesis, the physical state and properties of the adherent mucus gel layer was studied from the stomach to colon. Furthermore, the acute and chronic effects of H. pylori on the integrity of the mucus gel layer and mucosal blood flow were studied in the anesthetized rat. A translucent mucus gel covers all studied segments of the gastrointestinal tract during fasting conditions, with the thickest layers in the colon and ileum. Carefully applied suction revealed that the mucus gel was a multi-layered structure comprising a firmly adherent layer covering the mucosa, impossible to remove, and a loosely adherent upper layer. The firmly adherent layer was thick and continuous in the corpus (80μm), antrum (154μm) and colon (116μm), but thin (<20μm) and discontinuous in the small intestine. Following mucus removal, a rapid renewal of the loosely adherent layer ensued. The highest rate was observed in the colon with intermediate values in the small intestine. Mucus renewal in the stomach was attenuated on acute luminal application of water extracts from H. pylori (HPE). In animals with a chronic H. pylori infection the mucus renewal rate was unaffected, but the total gastric mucus gel thickness was reduced and the mucus secretory response to luminal acid (pH1) attenuated in the antrum. HPE from type I strains acutely reduced corporal mucosal blood flow, measured with laser-Doppler flowmetry, by approximately 15%. The reduction in blood flow was mediated by a heat stable factor other than VacA and CagA. Inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide production with Nω-nitro-l-arginine augmented the decrease. However, ketotifen, a mast cell stabilizer, completely attenuated the effect of the extract as did the platelet activating factor (PAF) receptor-antagonist, WEB2086, thus depicting a detrimental role for the microvascular actions of PAF.
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Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Protection Mechanisms : An in vivo Study in Mice and RatsHenriksnäs, Johanna January 2005 (has links)
The stomach is frequently exposed to hazardous agents and to resist this harsh environment, several protective mechanisms exist. Of special interest is the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori which causes gastritis, ulcers and cancer but the mechanism leading to these diseases are still unclear. However it is very likely that H. pylori negatively influence the protection mechanisms that exist in the stomach. The aims of the present investigation were first to develop an in vivo mouse model in which different protection mechanisms could be studied, and second to investigate the influence of H. pylori on these mechanisms. An in vivo preparation of the gastric mucosa in mice was developed. This preparation allows studies of different gastric mucosal variables and can also be applied for studies in other gastro-intestinal organs. Mice chronically infected with H. pylori, were shown to have a reduced ability of the mucosa to maintain a neutral pH at the epithelial cell surface. This could be due to the thinner inner, firmly adherent mucus gel layer, and/or to defective bicarbonate transport across the epithelium. The Cl-/HCO3- exchanger SLC26A9 was inhibited by NH4+, which also is produced by H. pylori. The mRNA levels of SLC26A9 were upregulated in infected mice, suggesting a way to overcome the inhibition of the transporter. Furthermore, the hyperemic response to acid pH 2 and 1.5 was abolished in these mice. The mechanisms by which the bacteria could alter the blood flow response might involve inhibition of the epithelial iNOS. Water extracts of H. pylori (HPE) reduces the blood flow acutely through an iNOS and nerve-mediated pathway, possibly through the endogenous iNOS inhibitor ADMA. Furthermore, HPE alters the blood flow response to acid as the hyperemic response to acid pH 0.8 is accentuated in mice treated with HPE.
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