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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personal personnel : the effects on teachers and administrators of a failing school due to high-stakes testing

Blades, Carley Lyn 01 January 2008 (has links)
This research analyzes the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and the Florida A+ Plan, in an attempt to understand how people personally responded to the changes that occurred in a school setting as a result of the mandates of standardized testing. The focus will be on the reactions of the administration and the changes the administrative body of a high school was forced to make, and focus will be placed on teachers in regards to teacher focus, instruction, and their view of student perceptions of the testing, before during and after the test is administered. The focus of this research is Roberts High School, an inner-city high school that went from a failing school, with an "F" status for five consecutive years to that of a school with a "D" status-missing the "C" status by a mere five points. This dramatic change happened after the state of Florida took control of the operations of the school, as dictated by state mandates, due to the failing performance of the previous five years. This research is conducted in an attempt to understand what caused the significant gains as cited by the results of the testing, how teachers and administrators responded to and implemented these changes, and to see if the controversial standardized testing that is taking over the nation's schools is meeting the aim of No Child Left Behind-to close the achievement gap.

The Value of the Critical Angle Board in Diagnosing Handedness

Cooper, William E. 06 1900 (has links)
The present study addresses some of the problems in human handedness studies by noting the manual choices of one hundred twenty elementary pupils in the first through fifth grades. It discusses the value of the Van Riper critical angle board, the correlation indices of handedness based upon different types of activities, and the divergence with respect to degree and pattern of hand preference in the children.

Topicalization and Left Dislocation in English and Serbian / (Tematizacija i leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku)

Miškeljin Ivana 06 September 2016 (has links)
<p>The aim of the dissertation entitled Topicalization and<br />Left Dislocation in English and Serbian is to describe<br />and offer a generative account of the syntactic and<br />information-structural properties of topicalization and<br />left dislocation in the languages in question, two<br />superficially similar preposing structures which<br />express the same propositions, but are not felicitous in<br />the same context. The analysis is not contrastive in the<br />sense that we are looking for English-Serbian<br />counterparts or vice versa, but the tertium<br />comparationis are the phenomena of topicalization<br />and left dislocation. The fundamental diagnostics of<br />differentiating between the two variants of left<br />dislocation identified in Serbian is laid out, viz.<br />Hanging Topic Left Dislocation and Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation. The dissertation also explores how<br />informational structuring of an utterance determines<br />contextual choices. The lexicon provides the input to<br />the computational system which by means of features<br />builds structure via phases and also gives rise to<br />displacement. The data related to information structure<br />come from the numeration. The results of the research<br />indicate that the notion of a topic should be<br />deconstructed in a combination of the features [+/-<br />a(nchored), +/-c(ontrastive)], similarly to L&oacute;pez<br />(2009), anchored in the sense of Birner &amp; Ward<br />(1998), and contrastive in the pragmatic sense of Titov<br />(2013), whereby [+/-c] is parasitic on [+a].<br />Topicalization in both English and Serbian, and<br />Contrastive Left Dislocation in Serbian mark topics<br />vii<br />[+a, +c], whereas Hanging Topic Left Dislocation<br />HTLD in both English and Serbian marks topic [+a, -<br />c]. It is argued that adding pragmatic features in<br />addition to formal ones relevant to the derivation by<br />the operation which forms the numeration does not<br />offend the Inclusiveness Condition either. The<br />interpretation of an element marked as a topic is the<br />result of its featural content and its syntactic position,<br />reflecting the interaction of syntax, prosody and<br />pragmatics. Pragmatic features are valued but<br />uninterpretable in the numeration rendering the<br />syntactic object containing it active for syntactic<br />operations. Probe (pragmatic) features trigger<br />Agree(ment), but not displacement. It is an edge<br />feature that drives movement or Internal Merge. It is<br />argued that topicalization in both English and Serbian<br />is generated by movement. The edge feature on C<br />(Force) licenses the TopP if it is required for the<br />interpretation and if it is structurally possible, as<br />observed by Jim&eacute;nez-Fern&aacute;ndez &amp; Miyagawa (2014).<br />Unlike in English, the non-phase head T in Serbian<br />can inherit an edge feature from C and license the<br />TopP in the Spec,TP in those structures which are said<br />to be incompatible with topicalization in English. The<br />head licensing the left-dislocated element is realized<br />as comma intonation, as argued by Emonds (2004). It<br />is argued that Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both<br />English and Serbian is derived by base-generation of<br />the left-dislocated constituent in its surface position<br />(adjoined to a CP), whereas Contrastive Left<br />Dislocation in Serbian by movement (also to a<br />position attached to a CP). What moves is the<br />resumptive pronoun, and then co-reference is<br />established upon adjoining of the left-dislocated<br />element via the operation Match or Match+Agree of<br />Boeckx (2003), which is the only way not to violate<br />the Inclusiveness Condition. Although both<br />Topicalization and Contrastive Left Dislocation mark<br />contrastive topics, they have different discourse<br />distributions, as confirmed by our corpus, thus this<br />adjoining of a left-dislocated element is justified. In<br />the case of Hanging Topic Left Dislocation, coreference<br />between the left-dislocated element and the<br />resumptive pronoun is established via the operation<br />Match of Boeckx (2003). If the resumptive pronoun is<br />a clitic, it moves to the second position in its intonational phrase triggered by the phonological requirement. Hanging Topic Left Dislocation in both English and Serbian marks referential topics and it is</p><p>also a topic-promoting device in Serbian, as argued on<br />relying on our corpus.</p> / <p>Cilj doktorske disertacije pod nazivom Tematizacija i<br />leva dislokacija u engleskom i srpskom jeziku je da<br />opi&scaron;e i ponudi generativni prikaz sintaksiĉkih i<br />informacijsko strukturnih osobina tematizacije i leve<br />dislokacije u pomenutim jezicima, dveju naizgled<br />sliĉnih struktura za pomeranje reĉeniĉnog elementa u<br />prednje polje koje izraţavaju iste propozicije, ali ne<br />odgovaraju istom kontekstu. Analiza nije kontrastivna<br />u smislu da traţimo englesko srpske ekvivalente ili<br />obratno, već je tertium comparationis pojava<br />tematizacije i leve dislokacije. PonuĊeni su i osnovni<br />dijagnostiĉki testovi za razlikovanje dva oblika leve<br />dislokacije identifikovana u srpskom, naime leve<br />dislokacije odvojene teme i kontrastne leve<br />dislokacije. Disertacija takoĊe istraţuje kako<br />informacijsko strukturiranje iskaza odreĊuje<br />kontekstualne izbore. Leksikon obezbeĊuje ulaznu<br />informaciju sistemu sintaksiĉkih operacija koji putem<br />obeleţja gradi strukturu u fazama i takoĊe dovodi do<br />pomeranja. Podaci vezani za informacijsku strukturu<br />su dati u numeraciji. Rezultati istraţivanja ukazuju na<br />potrebu da se pojam teme ra&scaron;ĉlani na kombinaciju<br />obeleţja [+/-a, +/-c], sliĉno L&oacute;pezu (2009), anaforiĉno<br />u smislu Birnera &amp; Warda (1998), i kontrastno u<br />pragmatiĉkom smislu Titove (2013) pri ĉemu je [+/-c]<br />zavisno od [+a]. Tematizacija i u engleskom i u<br />srpskom jeziku i kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom<br />obeleţavaju teme kao [+a, +c], dok leva dislokacija<br />odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku<br />obeleţava teme kao [+a, -c]. U radu se dokazuje da ni&nbsp;dodeljivanje pragmatiĉkih obeleţja pored formalnih obeleţja relevantnih za derivaciju putem operacije koja formira numeraciju ne naru&scaron;ava uslov ukljuĉenosti. Interpretacija elementa obeleţenog kao tema je rezultat njegove kombinacije obeleţja i njegove sintaksiĉke pozicije, &scaron;to odraţava interakciju sintakse, prozodije i pragmatike. Pragmatiĉka obeleţja su vrednovana, ali netumaĉiva u numeraciji ĉineći sintaksiĉki objekat koji ih sadrţi aktivnim za sintaksiĉke operacije. Upravna (pragmatiĉka) obeleţja uzrokuju slaganje, ali ne i pomeranje. Obeleţje ivice je ono &scaron;to pokreće pomeranje ili interno spajanje. Argumentujemo da je tematizacija i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku generisana pomeranjem. Obeleţje ivice na upravnom elementu C (Force) dozvoljava TopP ako je to neophodno za interpretaciju i ako je strukturno moguće, kao &scaron;to su formulisali Jim&eacute;nez-Fern&aacute;ndez &amp; Miyagawa (2014). Za razliku od engleskog, nefazni upravni element T (upravni element obeleţja vremena) u srpskom jeziku moţe da preuzme obeleţje ivice od C i dozvoli TopP u Spec,TP u onim strukturama za koje se smatra da nisu kompatibilne sa tematizacijom u engleskom jeziku. Upravni element koji dozvoljava levu dislokaciju se realizuje kao intonacijska pauza, kao &scaron;to predlaţe Emonds (2004). Argumetujemo da je leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u engleskom i u srpskom jeziku nastala generisanjem levo dislociranog konstituenta u mestu realizacije (pridruţenom CP projekciji), dok je kontrastna leva dislokacija u srpskom nastala pomeranjem (takoĊe u poziciju pridruţenu CP projekciji). Ono &scaron;to se zapravo pomera je rezumptivna zamenica i onda se po pridruţivanju levo dislociranog elementa uspostavlja koreferentnost putem operacije uskladi ili uskladi+sloţi Boeckxa (2003), &scaron;to predstavlja jedini naĉin da se ne naru&scaron;i uslov ukljuĉenosti. Iako i tematizacija i kontrastna leva dislokacija obeleţavaju kontrastne teme, one imaju razliĉite diskursne distribucije, &scaron;to je potvrdio na&scaron; korpus, stoga je ovo pridruţivanje levo dislociranog elementa opravdano. U sluĉaju leve dislokacije odvojene teme, koreferentnost izmeĊu levo dislociranog elementa i rezumptivne zamenice se uspostavlja putem operacije uskladi (Boeckx 2003). Ako je rezumptivna zamenica klitika, ona se pomera u drugu poziciju u svojoj intonacijskoj frazi, &scaron;to je&nbsp;uzrokovano fonolo&scaron;kim zahtevom. Leva dislokacija odvojene teme i u englesko i u srpskom jeziku obeleţava referencijske teme i takoĊe je sredstvo unapreĊivanja teme u srpskom, kao &scaron;to se argumentuje na osnovu na&scaron;eg korpusa.</p>

Randomisierter Vergleich von Medikamenten freisetzenden Stents mit minimal-invasiver Bypasschirurgie für isolierte proximale LAD-Stenosen – Ein 7-Jahres-Follow-Up

Rossbach, Cornelius 22 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
OBJECTIVES The aim of this analysis was to assess the 7-year long-term safety and effectiveness of a randomized comparison of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with sirolimus-eluting stents (SES) versus minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (MIDCAB) surgery for the treatment of isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions. BACKGROUND Long-term follow-up data comparing PCI by SES and MIDCAB surgery for isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions are sparse. METHODS Patients were randomized either to PCI with SES (n ¼ 65) or MIDCAB (n ¼ 65). Follow-up data were obtained after 7 years with respect to the primary composite endpoint of death, myocardial infarction, and target vessel revas- cularization. Angina was assessed by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification and quality of life with Short Form 36 and MacNew quality of life questionnaires. RESULTS Follow-up was conducted in 129 patients at a median time of 7.3 years (interquartile range: 5.7, 8.3). There were no significant differences in the incidence of the primary composite endpoint between groups (22% PCI vs. 12% MIDCAB; p ¼ 0.17) or the endpoints death (14% vs. 17%; p ¼ 0.81) and myocardial infarction (6% vs. 9%, p ¼ 0.74). However, the target vessel revascularization rate was higher in the PCI group (20% vs. 1.5%; p < 0.001). Clinical symptoms and quality of life improved significantly from baseline with both interventions and were similar in magnitude between groups. CONCLUSIONS At 7-year follow-up, PCI by SES and MIDCAB in isolated proximal left anterior descending lesions yielded similar long-term outcomes regarding the primary composite clinical endpoint and quality of life. Target vessel revascularization was more frequent in the PCI group. (Randomied Comparison of Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents in Patients With Proximal Stenosis of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery; NCT00299429) (J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2014;-:-–-) © 2014 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

Avaliação da função sistólica biventricular pelo speckle tracking em pacientes com anemia falciforme / Evaluation of biventricular systolic function by speckle tracking in patients with homozygous sickle cell anemia

Braga, João Carlos Moron Saes 28 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A doença falciforme (DF) é a afecção hematológica hereditária de maior prevalência no mundo, sendo que a anemia falciforme (AF) é a forma mais grave com elevada morbidade e mortalidade. Alterações cardíacas são reconhecidamente associadas à AF, como aumento cavitário, hipertensão arterial pulmonar e disfunção diastólica do ventrículo esquerdo. No entanto, ainda não existe consenso quanto à função sistólica ventricular nesses pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de investigar a função ventricular de pacientes com anemia falciforme utilizando o strain e o twist ventricular obtidos pelo speckle tracking bidimensional, e reconhecer os indivíduos sob maior risco cardiovascular, em que a instituição precoce de tratamento específico poderá beneficiar essa população. Métodos: Foram recrutados 40 pacientes com anemia falciforme (23,5 ± 9,3 anos; 24 homens) e 40 controles saudáveis pareados por sexo e idade, submetidos à entrevista estruturada, ecocardiograma transtorácico, cintilografia pulmonar ventilação perfusão e coleta de amostras de sangue. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos à avaliação ecocardiográfica convencional padrão e subsequente avaliação offline do strain sistólico biventricular e estudo rotacional do ventrículo esquerdo utilizando speckle-tracking ecocardiográfico. Resultados: Os pacientes com AF apresentaram volume do VE indexado, massa do VE indexado, pressão arterial pulmonar e E/E\' médio superiores aos controles. As medidas de FE do VE, excursão sistólica do plano da tricúspide (TAPSE), Strain Global do VE (longitudinal, circunferencial, radial) e Strain Global do VD (longitudinal) não evidenciaram diferenças entre os grupos. Twist VE se mostrou reduzido em comparação aos controles (7,4 ± 1,2? vs 10,7 ± 1,8? , P <0,0001 ) e Tempo de pico de rotação apical prolongado (366,7 ± 26,1ms vs 344,6 ± 11,7ms , P <0,0001 ). Algumas variáveis se mostraram fortemente relacionadas ao twist VE, como índice de gravidade clínico (Rho= - 0,97, Z value= - 6,05, P < 0,0001), relação E/E\' médio (r = 0,94, F valor= 156.9, p<0,0001), IVDFVE (índice do volume diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo)(r = 0,81 e p<0,0001) e pressão sistólica arterial pulmonar (r = 0,72 e p<0,0001). Conclusões: Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que o twist ventricular esquerdo derivado do speckle tracking bidimensional encontra-se alterado em pacientes com anemia falciforme e função sistólica ventricular preservada, avaliada pela metodologia convencional, e existe forte correlação entre o twist ventricular esquerdo e o índice clínico de gravidade, relação E/E\', índice do volume diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo e pressão sistólica arterial pulmonar. / Background: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most prevalent hematological condition in the world, with sickle cell anemia (SCA) being its most serious form, displaying a high level of morbidity and mortality. Cardiac changes are known to be associated with SCA, including an increase in cardiac chamber size, pulmonary hypertension and left ventricle diastolic dysfunction. However, there is still no consensus regarding the ventricular systolic function in these patients. The purpose of this study is to investigate the ventricular function of patients with sickle cell anemia utilizing the strain and ventricular twist, obtained by two-dimensional speckle tracking, as well as to identify individuals with higher cardiovascular risk, in which early application of specific treatment could benefit this group of people. Methods: 40 patients were recruited with sickle cell anemia (ages 23.5 ± 9.3 years; 24 males) and 40 healthy control individuals paired by gender and age, submitted to structured interviews, transthoracic echocardiogram, pulmonary scintigraphy and collection of blood samples. All individuals were submitted to a standard echocardiographic evaluation and subsequent off line evaluation of the biventricular systolic strain and rotational study of the left ventricle using echocardiographic speckle-tracking. Results: Patients with SCA presented LV volume indices, LV mass Indices, pulmonary arterial pressure and E/ E\' ratios statistically higher than the control individuals. Measurements of Ejection Fraction (EF) of the left ventricle, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), Overall LV Strain (Longitudinal, Circumferential, and Radial) and Overall RV Strain (Longitudinal) did not present differences between the groups. LV twist was significantly lower in relation to the control group (7,4 ± 1,2? vs 10,7 ± 1,8? , P <0,0001 ) and prolonged time to peak apical rotation (366.7 ± 26.1ms vs 344.6 ± 11.7ms , P <0.0001 ). In addition, some variables showed themselves to be strongly related to LV twist such as the clinical severity index ( Rho= - 0.97, Z value= - 6.05, P < 0.0001), E/E\' Ratio (r = 0.94, F value=156.9 e p<0.0001) ), left ventricle end diastolic volume index (LVEDV index) (r = 0,81, p<0,0001) and pulmonary systolic arterial pressure (r = 0.72 e p<0.0001). Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that the left ventricular twist derived from two-dimensional speckle tracking is altered in patients with sickle cell anemia and a preserved ventricular systolic function, evaluated using conventional methodology and that there is a strong correlation between left ventricular twist and the clinical severity index, E/E\' ratio, left ventricle end diastolic volume index and the pulmonary systolic arterial pressure.

Insubordination ouvrière en Argentine (1973-1976) : contribution à l’élaboration d’un « cinquième récit » des années 1970 / Worker insubordination in Argentina (1973–1976) : contributing to a “fifth reading” of the 1970s

Thomas, Jean-Baptiste 03 December 2014 (has links)
Les années 1970, en Argentine, sont marquées, jusqu’au coup d’Etat de mars 1976, par une intense montée de la conflictualité sociale en général et de la conflictualité ouvrière en particulier. Cette situation, ouverte par le Cordobazo de mai 1969, taraude les bases du régime militaire de la Révolution argentine. En 1973, le retour du péronisme au pouvoir après dix-huit années de proscription ne permet pas de juguler cette poussée. Après la mort de Juan Domingo Perón, cette dernière se poursuit sous la présidence d’Isabel Perón. Elle débouche ainsi en juillet 1975 sur la première grève générale de l’histoire argentine tournée contre un gouvernement justicialiste : c’est le Rodrigazo. Parallèlement, au sein des secteurs les plus radicalisés du mouvement ouvrier, des structures de coordination et d’auto-organisation, les Coordinadoras, font leur apparition. Ce travail, qui englobe la période constitutionnelle allant de mai 1973 à mars 1976, se centre sur les tendances à la rupture entre la base ouvrière et populaire péroniste et « son » gouvernement. A la jonction de l’histoire sociale et de l’histoire du mouvement ouvrier, puisant dans la presse de l’époque, commerciale autant que militante, ainsi que dans l’histoire orale, cette étude se veut comme une contribution à un « cinquième récit » des années 1970 en Argentine. A la différence des quatre lectures historiographiques ou « récits » qui ont prévalu depuis 1976, (« récit des militaires », « théorie des deux démons », « récit du renouveau », « récit kirchnériste »), ce travail a pour objet d’analyser les conditions d’émergence de cette conflictualité sociale, ses différentes modalités d’expression, sa cristallisation à travers diverses formes d’organisation et d’auto-organisation, mais également la façon dont la gauche radicale des années 1970 intervient en son sein. / Until the coup of March 1976, the 1970s were characterised in Argentina by a dramatic increase of social conflict in general, and of worker conflict in particular. This situation, which was initiated by the Cordobazo of May 1969, goaded the military regime of the Argentinian Revolution. The return to power of the Peronists in 1973, after 18 years of proscription, could not stop the deepening conflict. It continued after Juan Domingo Perón’s death, and throughout Isabel Perón’s period in power. In 1975 it led to the first ever general strike in Argentinian history, which was orchestrated against a justicialist government: the Rodrigazo. Simultaneously, in the most radical sectors of the workers’ movement, coordination and self-organisation structures (the Coodinadoras) began to appear. This work covers the constitutional period from May 1973 to March 1976, and focuses on the widening rift between Perón and the workers and the population at large. It aims to contribute to a “fifth” reading of the 1970s in Argentina by positioning itself at the crossroads between social history and labour history, and basing itself on mainstream and militant press coverage of the time and oral history. Unlike the four historiographical readings which have predominated since 1976 (the “military reading”, the “two demons theory”, the “renewal reading”, and the “kirchnerist reading”) this work aims to analyses the conditions from which the social conflict emerged, the different ways in which it expressed itself, its crystallisation through various forms of organisation and self-organisation, and also the role played by the radical left in the process.

Les gauches radicales est- et ouest-allemandes à l'épreuve de la nation réunifiée

Joly, Anne 08 October 2015 (has links)
1990 wurden linksradikale Akteure aus West- und Ostdeutschland Teil des gleichen Staates und somit gleichsam Teil eines selben Ganzen: der deutschen radikalen Linken. Die große Vielfalt der ideologischen Strömungen in einer höchst heterogenen Szene wie der radikalen Linken machte die Entstehung einer gemeinsamen kollektiven Identität ohnehin schwierig. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht herauszufinden, wie Akteure aus Ost und West, die sich selbst als „linksradikal“ bezeichneten, im Laufe der 1990er Jahre versucht haben, sich in der neuen, de facto gemeinsamen politischen Szene selbst und gegenseitig zu verorten. Wie wurden die neuen Verhältnisse nach dem Zusammenbruch des Realsozialismus und somit dem Wegfall vieler Bezugsrahmen und Paradigmen des Kalten Krieges neu definiert? Wie sah die deutsche radikale Linke ihre Rolle in diesem neuen Kontext? Gab es spezifische ost- bzw. westdeutsche Antworten auf die neue Situation? Nicht zuletzt wird gefragt, ob ost- und westdeutsche Akteure gemeinsame Kampfinhalte entwickeln konnten. Die Nationsfrage wird in der vorliegenden Studie unter zwei Aspekten verhandelt: Erstens als Erfahrungsgeschichte einer sich neu zu bildenden „deutsch-deutschen Linken“ in Ost und West nach 1990. Zweitens ist es eine Geschichte der expliziten Auseinandersetzung mit den neuen Themen „deutsche Nation“ und „deutsche Geschichte“, wie sie vor allem von Seiten der antideutschen bzw. antinationalen Linken diskutiert wurden. Diese Auseinandersetzung hatte sowohl Auswirkungen auf das linksradikale Selbstverständnis der berücksichtigten Szene als auch auf den Verlauf der Neuvereinigung der ost- und westdeutschen Komponenten dieser Szene. / In 1990, East and West German actors who viewed themselves as members of the “radical left” suddenly became part of the same collective: the German radical left. Yet the contexts in which these actors had been politicized and socialized had been quite distinct prior to the fall of the Wall. The purpose of this study is to examine the modalities by which these actors – East and West – were unified in the course of the 1990’s. On what bases did they – in an environment which remained highly heterogeneous – define the shared reality which is a precondition of any rapprochement? What was the influence of the legacy of the East German leftist opposition’s political experience in the GDR? The position known as antideutsch or antinational particularly attracted our attention. It developed among the West German left in the wake of reunification. It also contributed considerably to redefining the structure of the scene in the East and the West in the second half of the 1990’s. The dissertation throws light on German political culture following reunification, on the one hand, and on the disorientation of the German left after the collapse of Real socialism, on the other. Furthermore, it introduces the East German dimension, which is often neglected by research, in the history of the Western European left.

Essais sur les oubliés de la société dans les pays émergents / Essays on the left-behinds in emerging countries

Huang, Yang 30 August 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois chapitres indépendants sur les enfants de migrants restés au village en Chine, ainsi que sur les personnes âgées vivant seules en Thaïlande et au Vietnam. Le premier chapitre traite de la manière dont les frais de scolarité dans les zones urbaines affectent la migration des enfants en Chine. Nos résultats suggèrent que des frais plus élevés empêchent les travailleurs migrants d’amener leurs enfants avec eux dans les zones urbaines. Nous trouvons également que les travailleurs migrants dans la situation la plus précaire sont les plus touchés par une augmentation des frais de scolarité. Le deuxième chapitre étudie les répercussions de la migration interne des enfants adultes et de leurs envois de fonds sur l'offre de main-d'œuvre de leurs parents restés en zone rurale au Vietnam. Les résultats montrent que les mères ont tendance à travailler plus si elles ont des enfants migrants, mais à travailler moins lorsqu'elles reçoivent des fonds de leur part. À l'inverse, les pères sont moins touchés par la migration de leurs enfants et par leurs envois de fonds. Le troisième article examine l’impact de la retraite universelle introduite en Thaïlande en 2009 sur le bien-être et l'offre de main-d'œuvre de ses bénéficiaires et de leurs conjoints. Les résultats empiriques montrent que ce régime de retraite ne génère pas d'impact significatif sur la pauvreté ou les dépenses des ménages, mais recevoir une retraite a un impact négatif important sur la participation des bénéficiaires au marché du travail. De plus, les hommes comme les femmes réagissent à la perception d’une retraite par leur conjoint en quittant leur emploi et en restant inactifs. / This dissertation consists of three independent papers on the left-behind children in China and the left-behind elderly in Thailand and Vietnam. The first paper addresses how school fees in urban areas affect child migration in China. Our findings suggest that higher fees deter migrant workers from bringing their children to urban areas, and more vulnerable migrant workers are most affected by an increase in school fees. The second paper investigates the impacts of adult children’s internal migration and remittances on the labor supply responses of the rural left-behind parents in Vietnam. The results show that mothers tend to work more if they have migrant children, and they tend to work less when they receive remittances from their migrant children. Conversely, fathers tend to be less affected by child migration and their remittances. The third paper examines the impacts of the universal social pension introduced in Thailand in 2009 on the well-being and the labor supply responses of the recipients and their spouses. The empirical results show that the social pension scheme does not generate significant impacts on household poverty status or expenditures, but receiving social pensions has a significant negative impact on beneficiaries' own labor market participation. Further, both men and women are found to respond to their spouses' pensions by leaving their jobs and staying inactive.

Análise histomorfológica de corações com atresia e estenose  mitral na síndrome do coração esquerdo hipoplásico / Histomorphologycal Analysis of Hearts with mitral atresia and stenosis in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Abuchaim, Décio Cavalet-Soares 26 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A Síndrome do Coração Esquerdo Hipoplásico (SCEH) compreende um espectro de malformações estruturais cardíacas caracterizadas por um hipodesenvolvimento significativo do complexo coração esquerdo-aorta, que apesar da evolução do tratamento, continua sendo um desafio. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar diferenças morfológicas e histológicas em corações com atresia e estenose mitral na SCEH. Métodos: Estudo de 33 corações com SCEH e nove corações normais (controle), divididos em dois grupos, atresia mitral (AM) e estenose mitral (EM), obtidos em necrópsia e submetidos a análise morfológica dos segmentos da aorta, características da valva mitral e tricúspide, septo inter atrial, miocárdio, cavidades ventriculares e análise histológica com as colorações e hematoxilina/eosina e picro-sírius. Resultados: Observamos nove espécimes com Atresia Mitral e Atresia Aórtica (AMAA), 27,2%; treze com Atresia Mitral e Estenose Aórtica (AMEA), 39,3% e onze com Estenose Mitral e Estenose Aórtica (EMEA) 33,3%. Encontramos associação significativa de predominância de coronárias tortuosas no grupo EM (?2= 4,911; P=0,027) e a dominância coronariana esquerda está em 75% dos casos de EM, com diferença significativa entre os dois grupos (?2=9,298; P=0,01). No grupo AM encontramos correlação significativa entre aorta descendente e arco aórtico (r =0,692; P=0,039) e entre aorta descendente e istmo aórtico (r=0,796; P=0,010).No grupo EM, há correlação significativa entre as variáveis: Anel mitral e comprimento via de entrada de ventrículo direito (r=0,523; P=0,045); Anel mitral e istmo aórtico (r=0,692; P=0,003); ventrículo esquerdo cavidade e aorta ascendente (r=0,643; P=0,010); Arco aórtico e istmo aórtico (r=0,678; P=0,001); Aorta ascendente e arco aórtico (r=0,444; P = 0,044). Não existe diferença significativa no tamanho dos miócitos (coloração HE) entre o grupo AMAA e o grupo EMAA/EMEA (P=0,427), porém existe diferença significativa entre AMAA e controle (P=0,011) e entre EMAA/EMEA e controle (P=0,023). O percentual de colágeno (coloração de picro-sírius) é significantemente diferente entre os três grupos (P=0,0001) e o grupo AM é o que contém maior percentual de colágeno. Conclusões: 1. Na SCEH os corações com EM apresentam significativamente coronárias tortuosas e dominância coronariana esquerda em comparação com AM; 2. No grupo AM encontramos correlação significativa entre o diâmetro da aorta descendente e arco aórtico e entre aorta descendente e istmo aórtico; 3. No grupo EM, há correlação significativa entre as seguintes variáveis: anel mitral e comprimento via de entrada do ventrículo direito, anel mitral e istmo aórtico, cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo e aorta ascendente, arco aórtico e istmo aórtico e arco aórtico e aorta ascendente; 4. Há hipertrofia dos miócitos nos espécimes com AM e EM em comparação com o grupo controle; 5. Na SCEH o percentual de colágeno é superior ao grupo controle; 6. O grupo AM tem maior percentual de colágeno que o grupo EM / Introduction: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) comprises a spectrum of cardiac malformations characterized by a significant underdevelopment of the left heart-aorta complex, which remains a challenge despite the progress of treatment. The objective of this work is to identify morphological and histological differences in hearts with atresia and mitral stenosis with HLHS. Methods: 33 hearts with HLHS divided into two groups, mitral atresia (AM) and mitral stenosis (MS) and nine normal hearts (control),obtained at autopsy, submitted to morphological analysis of aortic segments, mitral and tricuspid valves, atrial septum, infarction, and ventricular cavities and histological study with Hematoxylin/eosin and picro sírius stain. Results: There were nine specimens with aortic atresia and mitral atresia (AMAA), 27.2%; thirteen with atresia Mitral and Aortic Stenosis (AMEA), 39.3% and eleven with Mitral Stenosis and Aortic Stenosis (EMEA) 33.3%. There is a significant association of prevalence of coronary tortuous in the MS group (x2 = 4.911, P=0.027) and left coronary dominance in 75% of cases of MS, with a significant difference between the two groups (x2 2 = 9.298, P=0,01). In the AM group we found a significant correlation between the descending aorta and aortic arch (r=0.692, P=0.039) and between the descending aorta and aortic isthmus (r =0.796, P=0.01). In the MS group there was a significant correlation between variables: mitral ring and length inlet right ventricle (r= 0.523, P=0.045), mitral and aortic isthmus (r=0.692, P=0.003), left ventricular cavity and ascending aorta (r=0.643, P=0.01); Aortic arch and aortic isthmus (r=0.678, P=0.001), ascending aorta and aortic arch (r=0.444, P=0.044).There is no significant difference in the size of myocites (HE staining) between the group and the group AMAA EMAA / EMEA (P = 0.427), but we found significant difference between AMAA and control (P = 0.011) and between EMAA / EMEA and control (P=0.023). The percentage of collagen (picrosirius staining) is different between the three groups (P=0.0001) and AM is the group that contains a higher percentage of collagen. Conclusions: 1. In HLHS hearts with MS present significant tortuous coronary and left coronary dominance compared with AM; 2. In the AM group there is a significant correlation between the diameter of the descending aorta and aortic arch and descending aorta and across the aortic isthmus; 3. In the MS group, there was significant correlation between the following variables: length and mitral inflow tract, mitral and aortic isthmus, left ventricular cavity and the ascending aorta, aortic arch and isthmus aorta and aortic arch and ascending aorta; 4. There is myocite hypertrophy in specimens with AM and EM compared with control; 5. In the HSLS collagen percentage is higher than control; 6. The AM group has a higher percentage of collagen than the EM group

Writing Revolution: The British Radical Literary Tradition as the Seminal Force in the Development of Adult Education, its Australian Context, and the Life and Work of Eric Lambert

Merlyn, Teri, n/a January 2004 (has links)
This thesis tells the story of an historical tradition of radical literacy and literature that is defined as the British radical literary tradition. It takes the meaning of literature at its broadest understanding and identifies the literary and educational relations of what E.P. Thompson terms 'the making of the English working class' through its struggle for literacy and freedom. The study traces the developing dialectic of literary radicalism and the emergent hegemony of capitalism through the dissemination of radical ideas in literature and a groundswell of public literacy. The proposed radical tradition is defined by the oppositional stance of its participants, from the radical intellectual's critical texts to the striving for literacy and access to literature by working class people. This oppositional discourse emerged in the fourteenth century concomitant with nascent capitalism and has its literary origins in utopian vision. This nascent utopian imagination conceived a democratic socialism that underpinned the character of much of the following oppositional discourse. The thesis establishes the nexus of the oppositional discourse as a radical literary tradition and the earliest instances of adult education in autodidacticism and informal adult education. The ascent of middle class power through the industrial revolution is shadowed by the corresponding descent of the working class into poverty. Concomitant with this social polarisation is the phenomena of working class literary agency as the means to political and economic agency. While Protestant dissenting groups such as the Diggers and Levellers were revolutionary activists, it was Methodism that formed a bulwark against revolution. Yet it was their emphasis on self-improvement that contributed to an increasingly literate populace. Radical texts produced and disseminated by individuals and organisations and read by autodidactics and informal reading groups are seminal in the formation of a working class identity. Spearheaded by the Chartist movement, education became a central ethic of working class politics and the civil struggle for economic and political justice throughout the nineteenth and well into the twentieth centuries. The avant garde movements of the early twentieth century are analysed as a strand of this tradition. The narrative of the thesis then moves to the penal colony of Australia and explores the radical literary tradition's development there. Early colonial culture is seen as having a strong impetus towards a developing a native literary expression of the new land. Where conservative colonial literature struggled to differentiate itself from formal British literary models, the radical heritage and its utopian vision of a working man's paradise gave definitive expression to the Australian experience. This expression was strongly influenced by Chartist ideals. The British radical literary tradition is thus seen to have had a dominant influence in the development of a native radical literary tradition that strove to identify the national character. Socialist thought developed in Australia in concert with that in the parent culture, and anarchist and libertarian trends found a ready home amongst independent minded colonials. Yet, in preventing the formation of a native aristocracy the small radical population made a compromise with liberalism that saw a decidedly conservative streak develop in the early labour movement. There were little in the way of sophisticated radical literary offerings at first, but from the mid-nineteenth century a vanguard of radicals produced a thriving native press and other fugitive text forms. At the turn of the century the native radical literary tradition was vibrantly diverse, with a definitive style that claimed literary ownership of the Australian character. However, exhausted by the battles over WWI conscription and isolated by censorship, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was able to subsume the vanguard position from the socialists. The Party laid claim to the Australian radical literary tradition, at once both strengthening it with the discipline of a Marxist ideology and diminishing its independence and diversity. Party literary theory centred upon the issue of class, developing a doctrine of socialist realism that communist writers were expected to practice. How well a writer adhered to socialist realist principles became a measure of their class position and loyalty. Drawing more from primary sources, the thesis develops an analysis of the intellectual development of the Australian post-WWII writer Eric Lambert through his experience of class instability during Depression and war. The study examines Lambert's decision to join the Party and his literary response to his experiences of war, the Party, the turmoil of 1956 and life after the Party. Lambert's body of work is then analysed as the unintentional memoir of a writer working as an adult educator in the radical literary tradition. Lambert's struggles, for artistic independence within the narrow precepts of Party dogma and with class tensions, were common amongst intellectuals committed to the communist cause. Like many of his peers, Lambert resigned from the Party at the end of 1956 and suffered a period of ideological vacuum. However, he continued to write as a Marxian educator, seeking to reveal that which makes us human in the humanity of ordinary people. It is concluded that, while the Party did much to foster disciplined cohesion, the mutual distrust it generated amongst its intellectuals suppressed the independent thought that had kept the radical literary tradition alive. Although the Party developed an ideological strength within the radical literary tradition, its dominance over thirty years and subsequent fall from grace acted to fragment and discredit that centuries-old tradition which it subsumed. An argument is made for a reinvestment of the centrality of the radical literary tradition in the education of adults for the maintenance of social justice and the democratic project.

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