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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma releitura da subordinação / A reconsideration of subordination

Callegari, José Carlos 19 April 2012 (has links)
A subordinação jurídica é elemento preponderante para a caracterização da relação de emprego, base de incidência das normas do direito do trabalho. Diante disso é de fundamental importância entendermos seu significado e dimensão no contexto contemporâneo de profundas transformações no mundo do trabalho, que alteram inclusive a forma como o direito se insere na realidade. A subordinação do trabalho ao capital cria um grupo de detentores de mão-de-obra que necessitam da proteção do direito do trabalho. Essa análise é importante para entendermos o mundo do trabalho e a indispensável proteção jurídica que lhe é conferida pelo direito trabalhista. O presente estudo tem por objetivo lançar olhar estruturante sobre essas questões para incrementar a proteção trabalhista e regulamentar as relações de trabalho a partir dos valores da função social do trabalho e da melhoria das condições econômicas e sociais dos trabalhadores. / The legal subordination is an indispensable element for the characterization of the employment relationship, base of the standards of labor law. Considering this is wich fundamental importance to understand its real meaning and dimension in the contemporary context of profound changes in the workplace, including altering the way the law is part of the reality. The subordination of labor to capital creates a group of holders of manpower that need the necessary protection of labor law. This analysis is important to understand the world of labour and the necessary legal protection conferred on it by the labor law. This study is looking to shed on these structural issues to increase labor protections and regulate the labor relations from the values of the function of labor and the improvement of economic and social conditions of workers.

Uma releitura da subordinação / A reconsideration of subordination

José Carlos Callegari 19 April 2012 (has links)
A subordinação jurídica é elemento preponderante para a caracterização da relação de emprego, base de incidência das normas do direito do trabalho. Diante disso é de fundamental importância entendermos seu significado e dimensão no contexto contemporâneo de profundas transformações no mundo do trabalho, que alteram inclusive a forma como o direito se insere na realidade. A subordinação do trabalho ao capital cria um grupo de detentores de mão-de-obra que necessitam da proteção do direito do trabalho. Essa análise é importante para entendermos o mundo do trabalho e a indispensável proteção jurídica que lhe é conferida pelo direito trabalhista. O presente estudo tem por objetivo lançar olhar estruturante sobre essas questões para incrementar a proteção trabalhista e regulamentar as relações de trabalho a partir dos valores da função social do trabalho e da melhoria das condições econômicas e sociais dos trabalhadores. / The legal subordination is an indispensable element for the characterization of the employment relationship, base of the standards of labor law. Considering this is wich fundamental importance to understand its real meaning and dimension in the contemporary context of profound changes in the workplace, including altering the way the law is part of the reality. The subordination of labor to capital creates a group of holders of manpower that need the necessary protection of labor law. This analysis is important to understand the world of labour and the necessary legal protection conferred on it by the labor law. This study is looking to shed on these structural issues to increase labor protections and regulate the labor relations from the values of the function of labor and the improvement of economic and social conditions of workers.

Le lien de subordination juridique dans les relations de travail / The legal subordination link in labor relations

Pépin, Nicolas 08 July 2010 (has links)
La notion de subordination juridique est en confrontation directe avec l'évolution du marché du travail. Face aux contraintes du droit du travail, le salariat est fuit ce qui favorise les montages juridiques mais aussi les réelles alternatives. Ces dernières alimentent aujourd'hui le phénomène des travailleurs économiquement dépendants qui témoigne de l'extension d'une zone grise aux frontières du salariat. Il devient donc parfois bien difficile de définir le contrat de travail. Pourtant, les enjeux sont importants, notamment au regard de l'infraction de travail dissimulé. La subordination juridique étant le critère distinctif du contrat de travail, il convient de faire le point sur les approches successivement proposées par la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Le but de cette thèse est d'essayer de faire le bilan de cette notion instable pour prévoir et proposer les évolutions possibles. / The concept of legal subordination is in direct confrontation with the changing labor market. Given the constraints of employment law, the wage is leaking which promotes legal arrangements but also the real alternatives. These now supply the phenomenon of economically dependent workers, reflecting the extension of a gray area into borders of employment. It becomes increasingly difficult to define the employment contract. Yet the stakes are high, particularly with regard to the infringement of concealed work. The legal subordination is the distinguishing criterion of the employment contract, it should take stock of approaches successively proposed by doctrine and jurisprudence. The aim of this thesis is to try to take stock of this unstable concept to predict and suggest possible changes.

Le statut des médecins du travail (approche juridique) / The status of the company doctors (legal approach)

Touré, Djénèba 14 June 2017 (has links)
Officiellement généralisée par la loi du 11 octobre 1946, la médecine du travail s’impose aujourd’hui à tous les secteurs d’activité. Pour veiller sur la santé et la sécurité des travailleurs, la loi a confié aux médecins du travail une mission de prévention consistant à « éviter toute altération de la santé des travailleurs du fait de leur travail, notamment en surveillant leurs conditions d'hygiène au travail, les risques de contagion et leur état de santé, ainsi que tout risque manifeste d'atteinte à la sécurité des tiers évoluant dans l'environnement immédiat de travail» (Code du travail –article L.4622-3). Bien que tous les médecins du travail remplissent des fonctions identiques, les règles qui leur sont applicables varient en fonction de leurs secteurs d’activités. En conséquence, on constate une grande hétérogénéité des statuts. Cette étude présente le statut des médecins du travail des services de santé au travail non agricole et le statut des médecins du travail des fonctions publiques. A travers un état des lieux, la thèse apporte un éclairage précis sur l’hétérogénéité de leur statut et conduit à s’interroger sur la mise en place des règles plus homogènes. / Officially extended by the law of October 11th, 1946, occupational health has nowadays become part of all business sectors. To ensure the workers’ health and safety, the law entrusted the occupational health practitioners with a risk prevention with the aim ‘to avoid any deterioration of the workers’ health due to their work, including looking after their work hygiene conditions, the contagion risks and their state of health. It also covers all clear risks linked to third party safety working in the immediate work environment (labour law – article L.4622-3).Although all occupational health practitioners have similar duties, the rules that they apply can vary according the business sectors. Therefore we notice a wide variety of status. This study deals with the status of the occupational health practitioners in the occupational health department of the non-farm and public service. By analyzing the current situation, this thesis gives a precise perspective on the heterogeneousness of their status and leads to questioning setting up more homogenous rules.

Le statut juridique des travailleurs et des entreprises de plateformes en droit du travail : une analyse comparative

Lamontagne, Joannie 08 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies caractérisant la quatrième révolution industrielle engendrent, actuellement, une transformation du marché du travail à l’échelle mondiale. Notre mémoire s’intéresse à l’une de ces nouvelles technologies, les plateformes numériques et plus particulièrement, aux plateformes numériques de travail. Apparues il y a maintenant plus d’une décennie, des zones grises demeurent et persistent relativement à la situation des travailleurs de ces plateformes. D’une part, sont-ils liés par un contrat de travail entre un employeur et un salarié ou par un contrat d’entreprise ou de service entre un client et un entrepreneur ou prestataire de services? D’autre part, en raison de leur relation tripartite de travail, qui est leur employeur? Au cours des dernières années, différents États sont intervenus législativement pour encadrer le statut des travailleurs et des entreprises de plateformes en droit du travail. Un constat ressort de ces interventions : une sélectivité de droits est reconnue à ces travailleurs. Ainsi, dans ce mémoire, nous nous sommes intéressée à savoir si l’application des statuts juridiques existant déjà dans les lois du travail permet de protéger les travailleurs de plateformes en leur reconnaissant les mêmes droits que les autres travailleurs. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à une étude jurisprudentielle de deux systèmes juridiques caractérisés par des approches différentes : la France (modèle binaire) et le Canada (statut intermédiaire). L’analyse de la jurisprudence française nous a montré que les critères constitutifs du contrat de travail permettent de reconnaître, dans des contextes organisationnels précis, le statut de salarié aux travailleurs de plateformes. Au Canada, notre recherche nous a permis de constater que ces mêmes travailleurs peuvent être considérés comme des entrepreneurs dépendants là où ce statut existe dans la législation. Ces statuts permettent aux travailleurs de plateformes de bénéficier de protections. Cependant, le statut de salarié rattaché au modèle binaire est plus avantageux pour le travailleur puisqu’il donne accès à une large protection. / The new technologies describing the Fourth Industrial Revolution are currently causing a transformation of the labor market on a global scale. Our thesis focuses on one of these new technologies, digital platforms and more particularly, digital labour platforms. During more than a decade, grey zones remain and persist in regards to the situation of workers on these platforms. On the one hand, are they bound by an employment contract between an employer and an employee or by a contract of enterprise or for services between a client and a contractor or service provider? On the other hand, because of their tripartite employment relationship, who is their employer? In recent years, several countries have taken legislative action to regulate the status of workers and platform companies in labor law. One observation emerges from these interventions: a selectivity of rights is recognized for these workers. Thus, in this thesis, we are interested in knowing whether the application of the legal statuses already existing in labor laws makes it possible to protect platform workers by recognizing the same rights as other workers. To do this, we conducted a jurisprudential study of two legal systems characterized by different approaches: France (binary model) and Canada (intermediate status). The analysis of French case law has shown us that the constituent criteria of the employment contract make it possible to recognize, in specific organizational contexts, the status of employee for platform workers. In Canada, our research has enabled us to observe that these same workers can be considered as dependent contractors, since this status already exists in the legislation. These statutes allow platform workers to benefit from protections. However, the status of employee related to the binary model is more advantageous for the worker since it gives access to broad protection.

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