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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výzkum volného času dětí a mládeže v České republice po roce 1989 / Research on leisure time of children and youth in the Czech Republic after 1989

SOJKOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the research of leisure time of children and youth in the Czech Republic after the year 1989. It deals with this subject from the side of institutional and organizational (support) arrangements, staffing and thematic contents. The first two chapters present basic theoretical introduction into the topic of leisure time, which is crucial for understanding the context of following text of the thesis. The first chapter provides a basic explanation of general terms. It defines the concept of leisure time, introduces the age categories of children and youth and describes the specifics of their leisure time. The second chapter is devoted to the leisure time research itself. At first it provides general information about research ? it is a brief explanation of the types of scientific research and a survey of the methods and techniques of research in sociology. Then it recapitulates the history of research on leisure time in foreign countries and summarizes the research on leisure time of children and youth in the Czech Republic before 1989. The third chapter consists of a list of thirty selected research works. Their individual characteristics tell who realized them and when and what kind of leisure time activity of children and youth they were focused on. The fourth chapter presents a summary of the research of leisure time of children and youth in the Czech Republic after 1989. It attempts to systematize the obtained knowledge about scientific departments, scientists and research topics. This final fourth chapter was created on the base of the overview of the third chapter.

Inkludering - för vem? : Inkludering i klassrum och fritidshem sett utifrån tre olika perspektiv

Östling, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
In this essay I have examined the inclusion in the school, specifically in the classroom and leisure time center. Inclusion means briefly that all students, regardless of their capability for school work, should be part of the planned teaching, and also be able to assimilate the knowledge that is intended to be conveyed. During my years as an educator in classroom and after-school center I've seen how this inclusion is very complicated to implement and sometimes impracticable. I have investigated how inclusion works and how it does not work in both the classroom and in the leisure time center. I have done this by examining the inclusion from three different perspectives: student´s, educator´s and school´s. I show and discuss how different inclusion can be perceived depending on which perspective you look from. I also describe how inclusion is shaped, both positively and negatively, by external factors, so-called framework factors. I discuss how these framework factors provide or do not provide educational opportunities and how they condition the educator´s practice. Opportunities that sometimes are taken advantage of and sometimes overlooked.

Dilemman kring fritidslärarens uppdrag i skolan

Beata, Kudela, Kourosh, Safinia January 2016 (has links)
Our aim with this essay is to examine the challenges that recreation teachers faces at their workplaces. We especially focus which cause difficulties for the implementation of recreation teacher’s assignments. We hope to highlight the difficulties and factors which act as a barrier to recreation teachers. The questions that we are trying to answer are: what perceptions in their daily work recreation teachers shave of their mission? What challenges do recreation teachers experience in the implementation of their mission? What solutions and aids do recreation teachers use to meet these challenges? We will use a qualitative method in our essay. Data collection includes interviews with four recreation teachers in three different schools. The empirical material will be analyzed and interpreted from a socio- cultural perspective and by means of other research in this area. The result shows that recreation teachers are experiencing challenges but are trying to carry out their mission through a variety of methods in order to provide children with basic care.

Vliv výchovných strategií ve volnočasovém zařízení Drak na životní postoje dětí / The influence of educational strategies in leisure time institution "Drak" on the life attitudes of children

Medáčková, Petra January 2019 (has links)
children's lifestyle řešen problém pedagogiky volného času především z hovného. Záměrem této studie je zkoumat vlivy volnočasových aktivit na dítě. Její hlavní otázka směřuje k volnočasovým aktivitám dětí a budoucí životní styl, přístup dalšímu vzdělávání či výběru profesní dráhy. Klade si oblastech působí pravidelná sportovní činnost na rozdělena na část teoretickou a teoretické části se autorka věnuje popisu středisek volného času z různých pohledů, dále oblasti pedagogiky volného času, různým činnostem, mapuje oblast životního stylu dětí a sportovní aktivity. Součástí teorie jsou také profesní orientaci. Empirická část obsahuje kvalitativní výzkum. Výzkumné šetření bylo provedeno pomocí polostrukturovaných rozhovorů a dotazníků, výsledky byly následně analyzovány. Empirická část zjišťuje, v jakých oblastech působí pravidelná sportovní činnost na životě dětí, které byly sportovními aktivitami nejvíce ovlivněny.

Laisvalaikis kaip vertybė jaunimo vertybinių prioritetų kontekste (VPU studentų atvejis) / Leisure time as the worth in the context of the priorities of the youth's valuables

Eigelienė, Sigita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Vykstančios reformos tiek politiniame, tiek visuomeniniame, tiek ekonominiame šalies gyvenime didele dalimi yra savaime suprantamos, tačiau visuomenė yra nuo jų pervargusi. Natūraliai didėja įtampa, auga užimtumas, atsiranda vis daugiau ir įvairesnių socialinių problemų ir pan. Laiko trūkumas, per dideli darbo krūviai, vis didėjantis užimtumas bei nesugebėjimas atsipalaiduoti laisvalaikiu bei pailsėti nuo varginančios kasdieninės įtampos tampa mūsų gyvenimo dalimi. Darbo tikslas - išsiaiškinti, kokią vietą laisvalaikis užima jaunimo prioritetinių vertybių skalėje, siekiant nustatyti veiksnius, turinčius įtakos požiūrio formavimuisi. Darbo metu buvo siekiama atsakyti į šiuos uždavinius: išanalizuoti laisvalaikio sampratą, formas ir funkcijas; susipažinti su vertybės aiškinimais; pateikti laisvalaikio kaip vertybės sampratą kitų vertybių kontekste; nustatyti veiksnius, įtakojančius jaunimo laisvalaikio praleidimo formas ir būdus; išsiaiškinti, kokią vietą laisvalaikis užima jaunimo prioritetinių vertybių skalėje. Darbo metu iškeltos penkios hipotezės. Pirmoji hipotezė, jog daugelis studentų laisvalaikį supranta kaip galimybę skirti laiką savo mėgstamam užsiėmimui, pasitvirtino. Antroji hipotezė, jog skirtingų specialybių studentai laisvalaikiui skiria ne vienodą vietą vertybinių prioritetų skalėje, nepasitvirtino. Trečioji hipotezė, jog studentų požiūriui į laisvalaikio praleidimo būdą didžiausią įtaką turi draugai, žiniasklaida ir finansinės galimybės, pasitvirtino iš dalies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The over going changes in political, social and economic life of the country are understandable though the society is tired of them. The tension grows naturally as well as busyness, more and more various kinds of problems appear. The lack of time, the speedy pace of work and life, the inability to relax and have a rest from fatiguing tension of everyday become the part of our life. The aim of the paper – to find out what position does the leisure time occupy in the scale of the priorities of the youth‘s valuables as well as to determine the factors forming the attitude. Throughout the paper there was the object to get the following goals: to analyze the understanding of the leisure time, its forms and functions; to get acquainted with the interpretation of valuables; to present the understanding of the leisure time as the worth in the context of other valuables; to determine factors that make influence to the forms and character of spending leisure time; to find out what position does the leisure time occupy in the scale of the priorities of the youth‘s valuables. The fifth hypothesises there upraised. The first hypothesis that lots of students understand the leisure time as the possibility to dedicate time to their favourite occupation was proved. The second hypothesis that students of various specialities administer uneven position of the leisure time in the scale of the valuables failed. The third hypothesis that the attitude of students’ towards the form of... [to full text]

Moksleivių laisvalaikio organizavimo sociopedagoginės prielaidos / The presumptions of students free time organization

Ruplėnienė, Virginija 07 June 2005 (has links)
High quality organization of students’ leisure time and their motivated participation is a relevant issue for teachers in Lithuania, as well as in other countries. The importance of students’ leisure time activities in such a complicated social context is without doubt very important. The aim of this graduation paper is to reveal the presumptions of students’ free time organization. The tasks of this graduation paper are to analyse the tendencies of students’ leisure activities and the principles of extra-curriculum education, to reveal social factors having influence upon students’ free time, to study the problems of organization of students’ free time and occupation, to prepare the recommendations for the organization of students leisure time in secondary schools. Analysis of the presumptions of students’ free-time policy and leisure time problems has been done. Using the methods of descriptive analysis and quantitative assessment, questionnaire research on students’ free time organization in Biržai region has been carried out. The results of the research confirmed the presumption that insufficient supply of students���� leisure time does not ensure the quality of positive socializing. The results of the research also revealed the main problems of organizing free-time activities at schools which include insufficient financial support, organizational difficulties, the absence of proper microclimate, poor students’ activity, devaluation of traditions and spiritual values... [to full text]

Skaitymas kaip akademinio jaunimo laisvalaikio praleidimo būdas (VPU atvejis) / Reading as a students' leisure time activity (Case of VPU)

Mikalauskaitė, Dalia 27 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tema – Skaitymas kaip akademinio jaunimo laisvalaikio praleidimo būdas (VPU atvejis). Darbo problema, aktualumas ir naujumas. Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje, kur visų svarbiausia tampa informacinė visuomenė, tampa būtinybe įgyti žmogiškąjį ir kultūrinį kapitalus. Norint juos tinkamai sukurti, reikia nuolat mokytis. O norint mokintis, reikia skaityti daug įvairios literatūros. Nors skaitymo klausimais yra domėjęsi ne vienas mokslininkas ir nors yra atliktas ne vienas skaitymo ypatumų tyrimas, Lietuvos studentai šiuo klausimu yra menkai analizuoti. Kadangi šiuolaikinis jaunimas yra ateities pasaulio kūrėjai, tampa būtinybe išanalizuoti, kaip jie vertina skaitymą, jo vertę ir ateitį. Darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti VPU akademinio jaunimo skaitymo ypatumus laisvalaikio kontekste. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti ir apibendrinti sociologines laisvalaikio ir skaitymo sampratas; 2. Išanalizuoti jaunimo laisvalaikio praleidimo būdus Lietuvoje ir užsienyje; 3. Atskleisti jaunimo skaitymo galimybes, motyvaciją bei lektūros pasirinkimo problemas; 4. Empiriniu būdu ištirti skirtingų VPU studentų specialybių skaitymo ypatumus laisvalaikio metu. Tyrimo hipotezės: 1. Į universitetą įstojęs jaunimas laisvalaikiu skaito mažiau nei skaitydavo mokydamiesi mokykloje. 2. Dažniausiai akademinis jaunimas laisvalaikiu skaito romantinę literatūrą ir detektyvus. 3. Moderniojo pasaulio technologinės naujovės (kompiuteris, internetas) neskatina jaunimo skaityti elektronines knygas – dažniausiai jaunimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work theme – reading as a students’ leisure time activity (case of VPU). Research problem, relevance and novelty. In today’s world, where information society is becoming more and more important, it is necessary to gain human and cultural capital. If a person wants to develop the values appropriately, he has to learn all through his life and to read lots of books of different kinds. Although lots of researches have been done in order to study reading peculiarities, there are only a few analyses of Lithuania’s students’ attitude to reading. Since today’s youth is the builder of the future, it becomes necessary to analyze their reading peculiarities. Aim of this work – to analyze VPU students’ reading habits in their leisure time. Research problems: 1. To analyze and summarize sociological conceptions of leisure time and reading; 2. To find out how youth spend their leisure time in Lithuania and abroad; 3. To study students’ possibilities to read, motivation for reading, and problems of choosing what to read; 4. To do the empirical analysis in order to find out reading habits of VPU students. Hypotheses of the research: 1. While studying at university young people read less than they did at school; 2. The most popular kinds of books that students read are novels and detectives; 3. The new technologies of modern world (computer, television) do not encourage young people to read electronic books – students still prefer reading the printed ones; 4. Students of humanities read... [to full text]

Šeimų, auginančių jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikus, laisvalaikio turinys: tėvų ir vaikų požiūris / The contents of leisure time of families, raising young school-children: the point of view of parents and children

Janulytė, Simona 02 July 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir jų tėvų požiūris į laisvalaikį ir jo turinį šeimoje. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir jų tėvų laisvalaikio turinį bei požiūrį į laisvalaikį šeimoje.Tyrimo metodika: siekiant atskleisti vaikų ir tėvų požiūrį į laisvalaikį šeimoje bei laisvalaikio turinį, buvo atlikta tėvų (globėjų) ir vaikų anketinė apklausa. / In an era of rapid scientific, technical progress, economic and cultural changes, the meaning of children‘s leisure time activities becomes very important to their education and socialization. During leisure time activities children undergo various situations during which they gain social experience, accumulate real-life experience, foster the culture of communication, and expand their knowledge. The subject – young school-children and their parent’s point of view on leisure and its contents.

Význam zájmových činností v období pubescence / Meaning of extra-curricular activity in pubescence

HODKOVÁ, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on interests on leisure activities of the children attending elementary school (2nd grade of elementary education in the Czech Republic). The aim of this thesis is to analyze the task of leisure activities of these children, more specifically kinds of activities they prefer. Theoretical part of the thesis firstly, explains the meaning of terms: interest, leisure activity and last but not least leisure time. First chapter explains the term interest in more detail and also reflects evolution of interest of children and youths. Following chapter offers insight into leisure activities from the point of view of psychology and education. Third chapter is focused on leisure time and explains its functions and reality among youths. In this part I also introduce leisure activities either organized or random ones. Next chapter introduces the most important organizations which offer education in the field of leisure activities. Last chapter is basically the overview of the theoretical part of the thesis. Empirical part of the thesis is based on questionnaires and discovers how youths spend their leisure time. The main aim of these questionnaires is to identify leisure activities which are preferred among youths and more specifically for how long period of time they are dedicated to the certain activity and how important is for them, and all of this depending on sex.

Volný čas dětí v kontextu rodinného prostředí / The leisure time of children in context of family world.

MIKEŠOVÁ, Monika January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis of "The leisure time of children in the context of the family world" focuses on the leisure of children in troubled families, compared with functional families. In thesis is working with the concepts of free time and the family, and the family environment, is involved view the educational, sociological and psychological. The aim is to indicate differences in leisure time activities for children from different backgrounds families. This is problematic families and functional family. For these types of family environment that criteria. Criterion family functioning are adaptability, cohesion, family communication and absence of risky behavior. Functional criteria will therefore exclude the above criteria problematic environment. I will work through the issues of theoretical knowledge and empirical methods. The chosen method is observation and semi-structured interview.

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