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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing about everyday beauty in a northern village:an argument for diversity of habitable places

Rautio, P. (Pauliina) 25 October 2010 (has links)
Abstract The two rhetorical approaches to Finnish Lapland are the mythical and the miserable produced in the realms of tourism and politics respectively. The locals comply with neither. In this research the notion of beauty is used in seeking to understand how life is perceived as good-enough by particular villagers of a remote northern village. The scope of this research is novel theoretically and methodologically. The combination of everyday life aesthetics and education outside of institutional art education is rare and the method of data collection, collective correspondence, is created for the purposes of this research. Education is approached in this research as our perpetual growing in everyday life. Education and aesthetics receive support from sociology and human geography as well as environmental ethics. The theoretical frame leans on Ludwig Wittgenstein's notions of language use: language is woven into the actions of ordinary life, used not only to describe but to act on and transform the world. The objectives of this research in brief are to 1) complement art-centered definitions of the notion of beauty, 2) argue for the significance of diversity of habitable places, and 3) to contribute positively to the prevailingly negative research rhetoric on life in northern Finnish villages. These objectives are tackled with research tasks unfolding as descriptive, interpretative and methodological respectively: 1) of what kind is perceived beauty in everyday life led in a small northern village? 2) What is the significance of considering beauty in everyday life? 3) What kind of data does correspondence yield on perceived beauty? There are four women participating in this research. They exchanged letters on the topic of everyday beauty once a month for a year. Together they comprise a group that varies in ages, education, employment, family structures and the length of stay in the village. What they share is a view of their home village as a good-enough place to live in. The main data consists of 44 letters supplemented by 10 interviews. The letters have been read as one correspondence and as four individual sets of letters. Recurring themes, the temporal and spatial evolving of them as well as the performative aspects of writing have been addressed. Beauty has been found to reside in an iterative linguistic process rather than fixed in objects or even themes. Beauty articulates condensations of significant relations the perceiving individual holds in her life. As such beauty in everyday life is relational, active and pertains to steering of one's life. The ability to relate to the environment in which you live in a personally meaningful and creative way is found to be facilitated by an environment of diversity. Rather than keeping the rural North habited I argue for ensuring that it is habitable for those who wish to live there. This means realizing that people craft good-enough lives in different ways relative to their everyday life environments. / Tiivistelmä Lapista puhutaan kahdella tavalla, joista kumpikaan ei tavoita täysin lappilaisten itsensä arkikokemusta: Lappia värittää paikkana joko myyttisyys tai kurjuus. Näitä kahta kuvaa ylläpitävät pääasiassa turismi ja politiikka. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytetään ilmausta "kaunis" yritettäessä ymmärtää elämää pohjoisessa pienkylässä riittävän hyväksi koettuna. Tutkimus on sekä teoreettisesti että metodologisesti monitieteinen ja uutta luova. Arjen estetiikan ja kasvatustieteen yhdistäminen taidekasvatuksen sisältöalueen ulkopuolella on harvinaista. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty aineistonkeruumenetelmänä kirjeenvaihtoa, ja erityisesti sen kollektiivista muotoa, joka on kehitetty tätä tutkimusta varten. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kasvatustieteen avulla arkeen kietoutuvaa kasvua ihmisenä. Sosiologia, kulttuurimaantiede ja ympäristöetiikka täydentävät kasvatustiedettä ja estetiikkaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys nojaa Ludwig Wittgensteinin huomioihin kielen käytöstä arjessa. Kieli on kietoutunut arjen toimintoihin ja on käytössä paitsi maailman kuvaamisessa myös sen muuttamisessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteet ovat lyhyesti: 1) laajentaa "kauniin" taidemaailmaan nojautuvaa määrittelyä, 2) argumentoida ihmisen elinympäristöjen monimuotoisuuden puolesta sekä 3) täydentää lähtökohtaisesti positiivisella tutkimusotteella pohjoisen pienkylien elämästä tuotettua pääosin negatiivista tutkimusretoriikkaa. Tavoitteita lähestytään kolmella tutkimustehtävällä, jotka jakaantuvat kuvailevaksi, tulkinnalliseksi ja metodologiseksi. Tutkimustehtävät ovat: 1) minkälaista on kaunis pohjoisen pienkylän arjessa? 2) Mitä merkitystä on kauniin pohtimisella arjessa? 3) Minkälaista aineistoa kirjeenvaihto tuottaa kauneudesta? Tutkimukseen on osallistunut neljä naista. Jokainen heistä on kirjoittanut kirjeitä kauneudesta arjessaan ja vaihtanut kirjeitä kerran kuussa vuoden ajan. Naisten iät, koulutustaustat, työllisyystilanteet, perherakenteet sekä kylässä asuttu aika vaihtelevat. Heitä yhdistää näkemys kotikylästään riittävän hyvänä asuinpaikkana. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen aineisto koostuu 44 kirjeestä, joita täydentää kymmenen haastattelua. Kirjeaineisto on luettu sekä yhtenä kirjeenvaihtona että neljänä osana, kunkin osallistujan kirjeet erikseen. Kirjeistä on tavoiteltu toistuvia teemoja ja näiden ajallista ja tilallista muotoutumista. Lisäksi kirjoituksia on pohdittu harkittuina esityksinä. Kaunis on todettu jatkuvaksi itseään korjaavaksi kielelliseksi prosessiksi sen sijaan, että se olisi paikantunut kiinteästi esineisiin, asioihin tai edes teemoihin. Arjen kaunis kiinnittyy kunkin elämässä merkityksellisiin suhteisiin. Kielellisenä prosessina kaunis ilmentää aktiivista ja luovaa toimijuutta ja liittyy elämän ohjailemiseen. Monimuotoisuus tukee kykyä muodostaa ja tiedostaa merkityksellisiä ja luovia suhteita elinympäristöön. Sen sijaan, että tutkimuksessa argumentoitaisiin pohjoisten kylien asuttamisen puolesta tutkimus esittää että pienkylien asuttavuus tulisi turvata sellaisille jotka haluavat asua kylissä. Tämä edellyttää ymmärrystä siitä, että ihmiset tekevät elämästään riittävän hyvää laadullisesti eri tavoilla erilaisissa ympäristöissä.

Developing Writing Skills Through Letter Writing

Dwyer, Edward J. 01 April 1996 (has links)
Intended specifically for tutors who want to use proven teaching techniques but who have limited time and resources, this book offers dozens of teaching ideas as well as useful information on curriculum development, instruction and appropriate reading materials.

Developing Writing Skills Through Letter Writing

Dwyer, Edward J. 01 January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

The pastoral letter in early Christianity up to the early fifth century C.E.

Kim, Joohan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation aims to trace a Christian letter tradition, i.e. the pastoral letter type, during the first five centuries of this era. With this in mind I outlined the problem statements, goals, theoretical points of departure, research questions, hypotheses, methodologies and structures in Chapter I of the dissertation. I surveyed the history of modern studies on Greco-Roman epistolography in Chapter II. There I looked at how the study of Christian letters was related to Greco-Roman epistolography and what it contributed to the history of modern study on Greco-Roman epistolography. In the process I also focused on the study of the Christian letter tradition that flourished especially during the middle of the twentieth century. I pointed out some weaknesses in the preceding studies, such as limiting the analysis of letters to certain periods, failure to consider generic features and lack of attention to psychagogical intention. At the end of the chapter I concluded by pointing out what still remains to be done, such as considering a broader range of sources and periods, and paying more attention to how the pastoral letter continued to function during the first five centuries of our era. On the basis of the preceding survey I then focused in Chapter III on the generic features of Greco- Roman hortatory letters and their psychagogical functions to provide the background of a broader hortatory tradition for explaining the generic features and functions of the earliest Christian letters, i.e. the letters in the NT. From this research I concluded that Greco-Roman hortatory letters followed the pattern of common Greco-Roman letters in terms of structural and formal features. However, they not only focused on the guidance or education of the recipients in terms of function, but for effective persuasion the authors also employed various rhetorical devices which are often found in the other genres of hortatory works. In Chapter IV I analysed the letters in the NT in order to show that these letters resonate with the hortatory letters that were composed for psychagogy (viz. pastoral care). Firstly, I focused on the analysis of Paul’s first letter, i.e. 1 Thessalonians, to show that the author of the first Christian letter was as pastor above all concerned with pastoral care, and for effective pastoral care he borrowed from the Greco-Roman hortatory letter tradition. From this analysis I concluded that 1 Thessalonians can be located in the hortatory letter tradition, but has its own distinct character differing from common hortatory letters. These features must have resulted from Paul’s efforts to take care of his believers in the Christian faith. In the remainder of this chapter I analysed the rest of the letters in the NT, considering the outcome of the analysis of 1 Thessalonians together with the broader hortatory tradition. I found that the rest of the letters in the NT could be classed as hortatory letters for the purpose of psychagogy, i.e. pastoral letters, in terms of both their structural and formal features, and of their composition, purpose and function. In Chapter V I analysed a number of selected pastoral letters from early Christian authors. Firstly, I surveyed the history of Christian letters and their authors to provide a general background for this chapter. From these authors and their letters, I chose sixteen pastoral letters from fifteen Christian leaders based on stated criteria, and analysed them, considering both the earliest Christian pastoral letters (viz. the letters in the NT) and the broader Greco-Roman hortatory letter tradition. As a result of this analysis I found that these selected letters had features in common with the earliest Christian pastoral letters, especially in terms of their purpose and function, as well as distinctly Christian characteristics. I then compared the outcome of this analysis with selected letters from non-pastoral Christian letter types (viz. the festal or paschal letter type, the synodic letter type, the papal letter type and the “essay in letter form”). I found that, though the selected pastoral letters and nonpastoral letters had some literary features in common, such as structure and form, and employed rhetorical devices, they nevertheless differed in terms of purposes and function. In the last chapter, Chapter VI, I briefly summarised the entire dissertation / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif het ten doel om die bestaan van ’n Christelike brieftradisie, nl. die pastorale brieftipe, in die eerste vyf eeue van hierdie era na te spoor. Vir hierdie doel het ek die probleem- en doelstellings, teoretiese uitgangspunte, navorsingsvraagstukke, hipoteses, metodologieë en strukture van die proefskrif in Hoofstuk I uiteengesit. In Hoofstuk II het ek ’n oorsig gegee van moderne studie oor die Grieks-Romeinse epistolografie. Ek het ook nagevors hoe die studie van Christelike briewe aansluiting vind by die Grieks-Romeinse epistolografie, en watter bydrae hierdie studie tot die ontwikkeling van moderne studie oor die Grieks-Romeinse epistolografie gemaak het. Bykomend hiertoe het ek gefokus op die studie van ’n Christelike brieftradisie wat veral gedurende die middel van die twintigste eeu gefloreer het, en het sekere leemtes in hierdie vooraafgaande studies uitgewys, nl. die feit dat die analise van briewe tot slegs sekere periodes beperk is, en die versuim om generiese eienskappe en pastorale oogmerke in aanmerking te neem. Daarna het ek aan die einde van die hoofstuk aangedui wat nog gedoen behoort te word, soos om ’n breër spektrum van bronne en tydperke te benut, en om aandag te gee aan volgehoue tendense in die teorie en praktyk van psigagogiese briewe gedurende die eerste vyf eeue van hierdie era. In die lig van bogenoemde oorsig het ek in Hoofstuk III gefokus op die generiese eienskappe van Grieks-Romeinse hortatiewe briewe en hulle psigagogiese funksies, om die agtergrond te skets waarteen die generiese eienskappe en funksies van die vroegste Christelike briewe, nl. die briewe in die NT, teen ’n breër hortatiewe tradisie bestudeer kan word. Na aanleiding van hierdie ondersoek het ek tot die slotsom gekom dat Grieks-Romeinse hortatiewe briewe die algemene patroon van Grieks-Romeinse lettere met betrekking tot strukturele en formele eienskappe gevolg het. Nietemin was die funksie daarvan nie net gemik op die voorligting of onderrig van die ontvangers nie, maar die skrywers het ook vir die doel van oorreding verskeie retoriese middels ingespan wat dikwels in ander genres van hortatiewe werke gebruik is. In Hoofstuk IV het ek die briewe in die NT ontleed om aan te toon dat hierdie briewe behoort tot die hortatiewe briewe wat opgestel is vir die doeleindes van psigagogie, d.w.s. pastorale sorg. Eerstens het ek gefokus op die analise van Paulus se eerste sendbrief, nl. 1 Tessalonisense, om uit te wys dat hierdie eerste Christelike skrywer as pastor boweal gemoeid was met pastorale sorg, en vir die doeleindes van effektiewe pasorale sorg deels gesteun het op die Grieks-Romeinse hortatiewe brieftradisie. Uit hierdie analise kon ek aflei at 1 Tessalonisense geskaar kan word by die hortatiewe brieftradisie, maar tog die eiesoortigheid behou waardeur dit verskil van algemene hortatiewe briewe. Hierdie eienskappe moes voortgespruit het uit Paulus se bemoeienis om te sorg vir sy volgelinge in die Christelike geloof. In die daaropvolgende deel van hierdie hoofstuk ontleed ek die ander sendbriewe in die NT teen die agtergrond van die resultate van die analise van 1 Tessalonisense asook die breër hortatiewe tradisie, en geraak tot die gevolgtrekking dat die ander sendbriewe in die NT ook geklassifiseer kan word as hortatiewe briewe vir psigagogie, d.w.s. pastorale briewe, beide wat hulle strukturele en formele eienskappe aanbetref, en die doel van hulle samestelling en funksie. In Hoofstuk V het ek probeer om ’n aantal geselekteerde pastorale briewe van vroeë Christelike skrywers te ontleed. Eerstens het ek die geskiedenis van Christelike briewe en hulle skrywers as algemene agtergrond vir hierdie hoofstuk uitgelig. Uit hierdie skrywers en hulle briewe het ek sestien pastorale briewe van vyftien Christelike skrywers, leiers van mede-Christene, gekies, gebaseer op bepaalde kriteria. Dié het ek geanaliseer teen die agtergrond van die vroegste Christelike pastorale briewe, nl. die briewe in die NT, asook die breër Grieks-Romeinse hortatiewe lettere tradisie. Deur hierdie analise kon ek vasstel dat hierde geselekteerde briewe behalwe hulle Christelike eienskappe ook ooreenkomste met die vroegste Christelike pastorale briewe toon, veral met betrekking tot hulle doel en funksie,. Daarna het ek die resultate van hierdie analise vergelyk met geselekteerde briewe van nie-pastorale Christelike brieftipes, nl. die feesbrief, die sinodale brief, die pouslike brief en die essay in briefformaat. Alhoewel die geselekteerde pastorale briewe en die nie-pastorale briewe ooreenkomste getoon het wat literêre eienskappe soos struktuur, formaat en retoriese gebruike aanbetref, verskil hulle van mekaar in terme van doel en funksie. In die laaste hoofstuk, Hoofstuk VI, word die proefskrif kortliks opgesom

Jack Kerouac’s Poetics: Repetition, Language, and Narration in Letters from 1947 to 1956

Baldwin, Nicholas Charles January 2019 (has links)
Despite the fame the prolific impressionistic, confessional poet, novelist, literary iconoclast, and pioneer of the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac, has acquired since the late 1950’s, his written letters are not recognized as works of literature.  The aim of this thesis is to examine the different ways in which Kerouac develops and employs the poetics he is most known for in the letters he wrote to friends and publishers before becoming a well-known literary figure.  In my analysis of Kerouac’s poetics, I analyze 20 letters from Selected Letters, 1940-1956.  These letters were written before the publication of his best-known literary work, On The Road. The thesis attempts to highlight the characteristics of Kerouac’s literary control in his letters and to demonstrate how the examination of these poetics: repetition, language, and narration merits the letters’ treatment as works of artistic literature. Likewise, through the scrutiny of my first novella, “Trails” it then illustrates how the in-depth analysis of Kerouac’s letters improved my personal poetics, which resemble the poetics featured in the letters.

Readdressed : correspondence culture and nineteenth century British fiction /

Rotunno, Laura Elizabeth, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [295]-314). Also available on the Internet.

Readdressed correspondence culture and nineteenth century British fiction /

Rotunno, Laura Elizabeth, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [295]-314). Also available on the Internet.

Q. Aurelius Symachus a political career between Senate and court /

Sogno, Cristiana, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Yale University, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-222).

The Latinity of the Epistolae of Lupus of Ferrières ...

Regenos, Graydon W. January 1936 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Chicago, 1936. / Photolithographed. "Private edition, distributed by the University of Chicago libraries."

Writing letters in Song China (960-1279) : a study of its political, social, and cultural uses

Tsui, Lik Hang January 2015 (has links)
Even though there has been no lack of scholarly attention to Chinese epistolary texts as a source of information, discussions of the functions and practices of letter writing in imperial China are very limited. This thesis deals with how elites in Song dynasty (960-1279) China exchanged personal and political information by writing and sending letters to each other, and how the genre of letters functioned in its various forms throughout the socially transformative and culturally active period. Through contextualizing epistolary material - such as letters in manuscript and print form, letter collections, and epistolary manuals, as well as sources in other genres that describe letter writing practices - I explore the multifaceted uses of letter writing for literati officials. The study provides a systematic view of the functions of Song letter writing in political, social, and cultural realms by investigating its complex practices. Using letters in several sub-genres by important literati figures such as Mi Fu, Li Gang, and Sun Di, it illustrates the main aspects of letter writing, including format, rhetoric, topical content, and handwriting. In view of the roles played by letters exchanged among Song scholars, this research on literati correspondence provides a window on how interpersonal relationships were conducted by written exchanges during that period. It also sheds light on how epistolary culture was transformed by the literati community during one of the key periods of Chinese civilization. These insights will contribute to the research of Chinese literati culture and related fields, such as the social history of middle period China, and will also be useful for comparing China's epistolary culture with the world's other letter writing traditions.

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