Spelling suggestions: "subject:"letters"" "subject:"betters""
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Os primórdios da fonética e da fonologia na literatura hebraica medieval na Andaluzia em uma \"nova\" leitura da Messorá por Abū Zakariyaʾ Yaḥya Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūdj Alfesi / The origins of phonetics and phonology in Medieval Hebrew Literature in Andalusia in a \"new\" reading of the Masorah by Abū Zakariyaʾ Yaḥya Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūj AlfesiFabio Faldini 08 May 2013 (has links)
Abū Zakariyaʾ Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūdj nasceu em Fez, Marrocos, e viveu em Córdoba, Andaluzia, entre os anos 960 e 1010 A.D. Ḥayyūdj ganhou o título de \"grande gramático\" por desvendar o mistério dos verbos fracos. Até então, palavras difíceis eram solucionadas por métodos comparativos (Seʿádia Gaʾon e Yehudá Ben Quraish); ou eram associadas à raízes, atualmente reconhecidas como compostas por três letras diferentes, à mesma raiz reduzida a duas letras ou até uma (Menaḥem, Dunash e David Alfesi). Prima facie, as teorias de Ḥayyūdj emergiram a partir de estudos gramaticais que se iniciaram como um continuum dos sábios tardios da Messorá. Porém, o presente trabalho pretende mostrar a conexão que havia entre Ḥayyūdj e a Messorá, que não foi tratada nos trabalhos acadêmicos consultados. Por isso, espera-se preencher essa lacuna existente na literatura explorando os contextos histórico, gramatical e massorético nos quais Ḥayyūdj estava inserido. Consequentemente perceber-se-á como Ḥayyūdj superou seus antecessores. No decorrer da exposição discute-se como o Texto Bíblico foi veiculado em dois canais paralelos (escrito e oral) e por tradições diferentes (judaicas babilônicas, tiberienses, israelense e Andaluz). Desmembra-se o Texto Massorético em três camadas: Texto Consonantal, sinais massoréticos e anotações massoréticas. Apresenta-se um modelo triangular no qual as anotações massoréticas (qere–ketiv) encontram-se no topo para harmonizar entre o Texto Consonantal e os sinais massoréticos. Analisa-se, diacronicamente, segundo a fonologia gerativa, a profundidade da escrita do Texto Massorético abrangendo a visão dos massoretas tiberienses (produtores) e dos andaluzes (consumidores). Discute-se a afinidade entre a Messorá, as teorias gramaticais anteriores e Ḥayyūdj. Mostra-se que Ḥayyūdj foi o primeiro gramático, fora dos círculos massoréticos, que interpretou os qere–ketiv marcados nas marginais dos códices massoréticos. Discute-se como Ḥayyūdj solucionou as contradições existentes entre as vogais massoréticas e as vogais do Texto Consonantal. Mais especificamente mostra-se como as teorias de Ḥayyūdj permearam os planos ortográfico, fonético, fonológico, melismático e morfológico da gramática. Na ortografia, as formas plenas e defectivas seriam equivalentes; no plano fonético, qamats e pataḥ, tseire e segol e por fim, ḥolam e ḥataf-qamats seriam pares de fones iguais; no plano fonológico, o qamats diferentemente do pataḥ, tseire diferentemente do segol, e ḥolam diferentemente do ḥataf-qamats seriam seguidos por uma espécie de arquifonema amorfo inspirado na Messorá e nas letras de prolongação do árabe: o sākin layyin traduzido para o português como \"repouso frágil\"; no plano melismático, as vogais massoréticas precederiam os melismas; no plano morfológico, o hebraico seria enquadrado no modelo estrutural das línguas semíticas. Em suma, mostra-se que com base no sākin layyin, Ḥayyūdj abandonou o modelo mental arraigado em seus antecessores para desenvolver teorias sólidas que solucionariam o problema dos verbos fracos e que simultaneamente traria harmonia entre o Texto Massorético e a tradição oral andaluza. / Abū Zakariyaʾ Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūj was born in Fez, Morocco and lived in Cordova, Andalusia between 960 and 1010 A.D. He earned the title of \"the great grammarian\" for unveiling the mystery of the weak verbs. Until Ḥayyūj, difficult words were elucidated by comparative methods (Seʿadia Gaʾon and Yehuda ben Quraish); or were associated to roots, nowadays recognized as triliteral, reduced to two or even one letter (Menaḥem, Dunash and David Alfesi). Prima facie, Ḥayyūj\'s theories emerged from grammar studies that started as a Masorah\'s continuum. However, the present work we show the link between Ḥayyūj and the Masorah, something that was not well explained in in the academic papers checked by the author. For this reason, we expect to fill the gap left in the literature analyzing Ḥayyūj theories vis-à-vis their historical, grammatical and Masoretic contexts. Therefore, we see the way Ḥayyūj revolutionized the grammar at all the levels studied at that time. The present work, discusses how the Biblical Text was transmitted by two parallel channels (written and oral) and by different traditions (Jewish-Babylonian, Tiberian, Andalusian and Israeli). We show how the Masoretic Text is composed by three layers: Consonantal Text, Masoretic signs and Masoretic annotations. We show a triangular model in which Masoretic annotations (qere-ketiv) are at the top in order to harmonize the Consonantal Text and the Masoretic signs. We diachronically analyze, according to the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis – a generative phonology\'s branch – the depth of the script of the Masoretic Text, covering the points of view of both the Tiberian (producer) and the Andalusian schools (consumer). We discuss the affinity between the Masorah, the previous grammar theories and Ḥayyūj theories. We show that Ḥayyūj was the first grammarian that clarified the Masorah, out of the Masoretic circles, who explained the qere-ketiv written in the Masoretic codice\'s margins. We discuss how Ḥayyūj solved contradictions between the Masoretic vowels, the Text Consonantal vowels and the qere-ketiv. More specifically, we discuss how Ḥayyūj\'s theories permeated into orthographic, phonetic, phonological, melismatic and morphological grammar levels. Ḥayyūj showed that in orthographic level, the full and defective forms were equivalent; in the phonetic level, qamats and pataḥ, tseire and segol, and ḥolam and ḥataf-qamats were pairs of equal phones; in the phonological level, qamats differently from pataḥ, tseire differently from segol, and ḥolam differently from ḥataf-qamats were followed by a kind of amorphous archiphoneme inspired in the Masorah and in the Arabic long letters: the sākin layyin; on the melismatic level, the Masoretic vowels had priority over the melismatic signs. In the morphological level, the Hebrew language could be considered within the structural model of Semitic languages. In other words, we show that, based on the sākin layyin, Ḥayyūj abandoned the mental model deep-rooted in his predecessors to develop consistent theories that solved the weak verbs problem and, at the same time, showed the harmony between the Masoretic Text and the Andalusian oral tradition.
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A presença da oralidade na correspondência amorosa de Fernando Pessoa / The presence of orality in the love letters of Fernando PessoaGiovana Thais de Lima Cardoso 26 March 2012 (has links)
Na atualidade, tanto a língua falada quanto a escrita têm sido analisadas de forma conjunta e não mais dicotomicamente como outrora se fazia. Por meio de estudos atuais, referentes à oralidade e a escrituralidade, é possível inferir que muitas características destes dois meios de manifestação da língua são partilhadas. A ocorrência de tal fenômeno dependerá do nível de formalidade exigido, do gênero em que o discurso está inserido, entre muitos outros fatores. Tendo como base este ponto de vista, a presente dissertação investigará de que maneira as marcas da oralidade apresentam-se no gênero carta, mais precisamente, na correspondência amorosa do poeta Fernando Pessoa remetida à Ofélia Queiroz, e quais são os motivos que justificam este uso. Esta pesquisa, agregada à linha de pesquisa da Análise da Conversação, apoia-se nos postulados de Schegloff e Sacks (1973), Stubbs (1983), Marcuschi (1987, 1993, 1999), Preti (1997, 2003), Urbano et al (2002), Silva (2006, 2009), Andrade e Aquino (2006), Risso (2006), Gómez (2008) entre outros importantes estudiosos. De modo geral, a obra pessoana é bastante analisada do ponto de vista literário, deste modo, tê-la como corpus em uma investigação sobre marcas de oralidade torna-se algo novo e bem atraente aos interessados nessas duas áreas do conhecimento. Todas as cartas amorosas de Fernando Pessoa serão devidamente analisadas pelo ponto de vista acima proposto, a fim de se verificar a existência de marcas de oralidade no texto destacado, principalmente, aquelas relacionadas aos pares conversacionais, marcadores conversacionais e escolhas lexicais típicas da oralidade. / Currently, both the spoken language and the written language have been analyzed jointly (together) rather than dichotomously they once were. Through current studies about the orality and the scripturalism, it is possible to infer that many features of these two ways of language manifestation are shared. The occurrence of this phenomenon will depend on the level of formality required, the genre in which the speech is inserted, among other factors. From this perspective, the present dissertation will investigate how the orality marks are presented in the letter genre, more specifically, in the love letters of the poet Fernando Pessoa sent to Ophélia Queiroz, and what are the reasons for this use. This dissertation, aggregated to the research line of Conversation Analysis, is based on the postulates of Schegloff e Sacks (1973), Stubbs (1983), Marcuschi (1987, 1993, 1999), Preti (1997, 2003), Urbano et al (2002), Silva (2006, 2009), Andrade e Aquino (2006), Risso (2006), Gómez (2008) among other important researchers. Generally, Pessoas work is analyzed mainly from a literary perspective, thus having it as a research corpus about the orality marks is something new and very attractive to stakeholders in these two areas of knowledge. All letters of Fernando Pessoa will be duly analyzed by the perspective proposed above, in order to check the existence of the orality marks in the selected text, mainly, those related to conversational pairs, conversational markers and lexical choices common to orality.
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Oralidade em Itinerários-cartas de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira para Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho / Orality in itineraries-letters of Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira to Alphonsus de Guimaraens FilhoSimone Strelciunas Goh 27 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o gênero cartas, na sua especificidade, cartas entre escritores apresentado em um corpus único e cronológico e demonstrar que ele registra marcas de oralidade, especificamente marcadores de atenuação, criando um discurso epistolográfico cortês de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira com seu interlocutor Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. Elegemos como corpus seis cartas de Mário de Andrade e dezenove de Manuel Bandeira enviadas a Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho no período de 1940 a 1944 e editadas no livro Itinerários . Faz-se um estudo descritivo e histórico do gênero cartas, verificando que a forma/composição do gênero não sofreu alterações desde os primórdios do ano 200 dC até os nossos dias. Posicionamos as cartas entre os polos da escrituralidade/oralidade, constatando a condição híbrida do gênero e dos textos sob análise. As cartas foram produzidas de forma gráfica, no entanto, apresentam marcas de oralidade. Verificamos que a história epistolográfica entre os escritores foi duradoura e atingiu seu objetivo, colaborando para o aprimoramento estético de Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. Acrescenta-se que tal êxito se deu pela presença da cortesia verbal nas cartas, especialmente, por meio dos marcadores de atenuação. Tais marcas modalizaram o enunciado, diminuindo a força dos atos ameaçadores de face. Na conclusão, destaca-se a valiosa contribuição das cartas de Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira em relação às conquistas literárias de Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho. A tese contribui para os estudos linguísticos, uma vez que comprovamos que mesmo sendo escritores renomados, Mário de Andrade e Manuel Bandeira mostraramse respeitosos e corteses para com o jovem escritor Alphonsus de Guimaraens Filho, conseguindo manter a interação mesmo à distância. / The objective of this paper is to study the genre \'letters\' in their specificity \'letters between writers\' presented in a unified, chronological corpus and demonstrate that it registers brands of orality, particularly attenuation markers, creating a courteous epistolographic speech of Mario de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira and his interlocutor Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho. We elected as a corpus 6 letters from Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira and 19 sent to Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho during the period of 1940 to 1944 and edited in the book Itinerários. A descriptive and historical study of the genre letters is made, verifying that the form/composition of the genre did not suffered any modifications since the beginning of the year 200 AD to the present day. We positioned the letters between the scripturality/orality poles, evidencing the hybrid condition of the genre and the texts under analysis. The letters were produced graphically and conceptually written, however, they present orality marks. We verified that the epistolographic history between the authors was long lasting and it reached its goal, contributing to the aesthetic enhancement of Alphonsus Guimaraens Filho. It can be added that such success is given by the presence of verbal courtesy in the letters especially through the markers of attenuation. Such marks modalized the statement, decreasing the strength of face threatening acts. In conclusion, it is highlighted the valuable input of Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeiras letters regarding the literaly achievements. The thesis contributes to linguistic studies, once proven that despite being renowned writers, Mário de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira proved to be respectful and courteous towards the young writer Alphonsus Guimaraens Son, succeeding at keeping the same distance interaction.
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A presença da oralidade na correspondência amorosa de Fernando Pessoa / The presence of orality in the love letters of Fernando PessoaCardoso, Giovana Thais de Lima 26 March 2012 (has links)
Na atualidade, tanto a língua falada quanto a escrita têm sido analisadas de forma conjunta e não mais dicotomicamente como outrora se fazia. Por meio de estudos atuais, referentes à oralidade e a escrituralidade, é possível inferir que muitas características destes dois meios de manifestação da língua são partilhadas. A ocorrência de tal fenômeno dependerá do nível de formalidade exigido, do gênero em que o discurso está inserido, entre muitos outros fatores. Tendo como base este ponto de vista, a presente dissertação investigará de que maneira as marcas da oralidade apresentam-se no gênero carta, mais precisamente, na correspondência amorosa do poeta Fernando Pessoa remetida à Ofélia Queiroz, e quais são os motivos que justificam este uso. Esta pesquisa, agregada à linha de pesquisa da Análise da Conversação, apoia-se nos postulados de Schegloff e Sacks (1973), Stubbs (1983), Marcuschi (1987, 1993, 1999), Preti (1997, 2003), Urbano et al (2002), Silva (2006, 2009), Andrade e Aquino (2006), Risso (2006), Gómez (2008) entre outros importantes estudiosos. De modo geral, a obra pessoana é bastante analisada do ponto de vista literário, deste modo, tê-la como corpus em uma investigação sobre marcas de oralidade torna-se algo novo e bem atraente aos interessados nessas duas áreas do conhecimento. Todas as cartas amorosas de Fernando Pessoa serão devidamente analisadas pelo ponto de vista acima proposto, a fim de se verificar a existência de marcas de oralidade no texto destacado, principalmente, aquelas relacionadas aos pares conversacionais, marcadores conversacionais e escolhas lexicais típicas da oralidade. / Currently, both the spoken language and the written language have been analyzed jointly (together) rather than dichotomously they once were. Through current studies about the orality and the scripturalism, it is possible to infer that many features of these two ways of language manifestation are shared. The occurrence of this phenomenon will depend on the level of formality required, the genre in which the speech is inserted, among other factors. From this perspective, the present dissertation will investigate how the orality marks are presented in the letter genre, more specifically, in the love letters of the poet Fernando Pessoa sent to Ophélia Queiroz, and what are the reasons for this use. This dissertation, aggregated to the research line of Conversation Analysis, is based on the postulates of Schegloff e Sacks (1973), Stubbs (1983), Marcuschi (1987, 1993, 1999), Preti (1997, 2003), Urbano et al (2002), Silva (2006, 2009), Andrade e Aquino (2006), Risso (2006), Gómez (2008) among other important researchers. Generally, Pessoas work is analyzed mainly from a literary perspective, thus having it as a research corpus about the orality marks is something new and very attractive to stakeholders in these two areas of knowledge. All letters of Fernando Pessoa will be duly analyzed by the perspective proposed above, in order to check the existence of the orality marks in the selected text, mainly, those related to conversational pairs, conversational markers and lexical choices common to orality.
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Jan Hus: as cartas de um educador e seu legado imortal / Jan Hus: the letters of an educator and his immortal legacyAguiar, Thiago Borges de 06 December 2010 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo da figura de Jan Hus, tradicionalmente conhecido como reformador religioso da Boêmia do século XV, olhando-o sob a perspectiva da História da Educação. Inspirados nas propostas metodológicas de Carlo Ginzburg para a construção da narrativa histórica a partir do estranhamento das fontes, o paradigma indiciário, analisamos as cartas escritas por Hus. Iniciamos com um estudo de como essas cartas, escritas há quase seiscentos anos, podem ser lidas levando em conta sua historicidade, estrutura retórica, edição e tradução. Identificamos a rede de relações que essa correspondência engendrou e observamos uma intenção educativa da parte do autor das cartas ao escrevê-las. Selecionamos um conjunto de vinte e três cartas que denominamos de pastorais e nelas encontramos um padrão de escrita voltado a dar continuidade à tarefa pastoral que Hus realizava na Capela de Belém, constituindo sua ação educativa por meio de cartas. Também analisamos a relação educador-educando que Hus estabeleceu com seu discípulo Martin de Volyne. Por fim, partimos do relato de Petr de Mladonovice e das edições traduzidas das cartas de Hus para observar a construção, rememoração e recriação do legado educativo deixado por Hus de mártir e mestre defensor da verdade. Concluímos com um questionamento para a História da Educação do lugar que esse personagem ocupa atualmente e como esse lugar é, e pode ser, construído pelo historiador. / This thesis is a study of the figure of Jan Hus, traditionally known as the Bohemian religious reformer of the fifteenth century, looking at it from the perspective of the History of Education. Inspired by Carlo Ginzburg\'s methodological proposals for the construction of historical narrative from the strangeness of the sources, the evidential paradigm, we analyze the letters written by Hus. We begin with a study of how these letters, written nearly six hundred years ago, can be read taking into account its historicity, rhetorical structure, editing and translation. We identify the network of relationships that engendered this correspondence and watch an educational intention of the author of the letters on writing them. We selected a set of twenty-three letters that we called \"pastoral\" and in them we find a pattern of writing intended to continue Hus pastoral task that was performed at the Bethlehem Chapel, constituting its educational activities through letters. We also analyzed the relationship between educator-learner that Hus established with his disciple Martin of Volyne. Eventually, based on the report of Petr of Mladonovice and the translated editions of the letters of Hus we look into construction, remembering and rebuilding the educational legacy left by Hus of martyr and master defender of the true. We conclude with a question for the History of Education concerning the place that currently occupies this character and how this place is and can be constructed by the historian.
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Straws in the wind: the correspondence of Charles S. Peirce and the Open Court publishing company, 1890-1913Robinson, Stetson Jon 24 March 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is an edition of the letters exchanged between Charles Peirce and the Open Court Publishing Company (OCP) 1890 to 1913, roughly the last twenty-three years of Peirce’s life. OCP published more of Peirce’s philosophical writings than any other publisher during his lifetime, and played a critical role in what little recognition and financial income he received during these difficult, yet philosophically rich, years. This correspondence is the basis for much of what is known surrounding Peirce’s publications in The Monist and The Open Court, and is referenced often in Peirce editions dealing with his later work. Peirce’s OCP correspondents included Paul Carus, editor; Edward C. Hegeler, founder and owner; Thomas J. McCormack, assistant editor and translator; Francis C. Russell, Chicago attorney and OCP editorial contractor; and various other OCP editors and staff members. Also included in this edition (Appendix) are enclosures and other material related to the letters, with some exclusions noted in the text. Not included are letters exchanged within the OCP organization that make reference to Peirce. Significant portions of these letters are quoted or referenced in editorial notes, but their entirety is not necessary for a full account of the Peirce–OCP relationship, and for now falls out of the scope of this edition.
The objective of this edition is to provide for the first time a complete and accurate text of this oft-cited correspondence, with textual apparatus and contextual annotation. The edition is intended for Peirce readers, but is also a valuable reference for those interested in the history of OCP and, more generally, of Progressive Era American philosophy. / 2024-03-31T00:00:00Z
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The dilemma of the twentieth century American artistFracassini, Silvio Carl 01 July 1951 (has links)
No description available.
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‘Habituated to Drunkenness’: Opinions of New Orleanians about Prohibition as Revealed through Letters to the Editor of The Times-Picayune, 1918-1922Bourgeois, Ryan P 23 May 2019 (has links)
Both popular and scholarly observers have portrayed New Orleans as a city both supported and burdened by its image as a diverse cultural other within the American South, historically tolerant of certain sins of the flesh. This image has been used by proponents and critics alike in order to push their respective agenda regarding the Crescent City. This thesis will not seek to discredit this image that is based largely on fact. However, using Prohibition as a case study, this thesis will use letters to the editor to uncover attitudes of New Orleanians in opposition to this reputation to reveal alternative and historically silenced voices of New Orleans, since for instance people of a certain age, gender, or ethnicity were silenced in the halls of government. This paper will reveal the opinions of New Orleanians regarding Prohibition and what these opinions can tell us about New Orleans’s image.
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Petrarca. Il libro delle Epystole, le Epystole come libro / Pétrarque. Le livre des Epystole, les Epystole comme livre / Petrarch. The book of the Epistole, the Epistole as a bookValenti, Alessia 08 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le recueil des lettres en vers de Pétrarque, les Epystole. Michele Feo, actuel éditeur de l’œuvre, a démontré que Pétrarque conclut le livre et le publia en 1364. A partir de ses indications, la thèse essaie d’inscrire les Epystole dans les projets littéraires de Pétrarque entre les années Cinquante et la moitié de la décennie suivante. En particulier, ce travail met à profit l’hypothèse chronologique de Francisco Rico, qui fait du Secretum le présupposé idéologique des recueils élaborés à partir de 1350. Fragmenta, Familiares et Epystole naîtraient d’un même état d’esprit, le recolligere sparsa, et se constitueraient avec l’objectif de donner une image idéalisée de l’expérience de vie et de pensée de leur auteur. Si la question a été abordée et approfondie pour le Chansonnier et les Lettres Familières, les Epystole n’ont pas été considérées dans cette perspective. À l’ombre du Secretum, le chapitre central de la thèse essaie de démontrer que les Epystole participent au même projet que les Fragmenta et Familiares. En même temps, le chapitre justifie l’hypothèse du titre, à savoir que les Epystole sont construites comme un livre.Le deuxième chapitre se constitue des fiches, qui portent sur les lettres prises individuellement. Elles approfondissent les thèmes et les occasions d’écriture des épîtres, avec une attention particulière pour la chronologie, et elles essaient de les mettre en relation avec le reste de la production de Pétrarque.L’appendice coïncide avec la traduction italienne en prose des lettres. / This thesis concerns Petrarch’s collections of letters in verses, the Epystole. Michele Feo, currently editor of the work, has demonstrated that Petrarch has finished the book, and that he published it in 1364. Based on his indications, the thesis tries to frame the Epystole within the literary projects Petrarch developed between 1350 and the first part of the next decade.This thesis takes particularly advantage of Rico’s chronological hypothesis: changing the date of the Secretum to 1347-53, he made of the Secretum the ideological premise of the other projects of collection which Petrarch started in 1350. Petrarch develops the idea of Fragmenta, Familiares and Epystole at the same time, in the very same state of mind (recolligere sparsa), and with one objective: give to his contemporaries and to the posterity an idealised image of his own, of his experience and of his thinking. While the Canzoniere and the Familiares have been adequately studied from this perspective, the Epystole haven’t been considered. Keeping in mind the Secretum, the central chapter tries to demonstrate that the Epystole are involved in the same project of Fragmenta and Familiares. In parallel, it argues the hypothesis of the title, that the Epystole have the structure of a book.The second chapter consists of «files» for every letter. These files are focused on the themes, the occasions of writing, the chronological problems. They try also to link the letters to the rest of Petrarch’s writings.The appendix gives the prose Italian translation of the epistolary.
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The Influence of Parental Gender on the Type of Communication between Incarcerated Parents and Their ChildrenLazzari, Sarah Renee 01 January 2012 (has links)
The number of children in the United States with an incarcerated parent continues to rise. Currently, more than 1.7 million children have at least one incarcerated parent. In addition, research has found that children with criminally involved parents are at a higher risk of also becoming offenders (Glaze & Maruschak, 2010). Research has shown that incarcerated parents' abilities to maintain communication with their children may decrease negative behaviors while incarcerated and may decrease the negative effects of being removed from their families. The current study utilizes secondary data to explore the types of communication incarcerated parents use in order to stay connected with their children. The goal is to understand gendered differences regarding how incarcerated mothers versus incarcerated fathers choose to communicate with their children, and to understand which forms of communication (letter writing, face to face visits, and phone calls) are utilized most often by incarcerated parents to maintain and strengthen the bonds with their children. Logistic Regressions identified that incarcerated mothers are more likely to have at least one visit, phone call, and will utilize more forms of communication in a month's time, with their children. These findings both support and contradict previous studies. Implications of the findings and further suggestions are discussed.
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