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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essais sur la stabilité du secteur bancaire : analyses sur données comptables des banques américaines / Essays on banking stability : analyses with accounting information of American banks

Yang, Xi 10 December 2015 (has links)
La crise financière globale de 2007-2009 a révélé la fragilité des banques modernes ainsi que les carences de la réglementation. A la suite de la crise, le secteur bancaire a connu des réformes réglementaires importantes : renforcement de la régulation micro-prudentielle, mise en place de dispositifs ayant des objectifs macroprudentiels et diverses initiatives de séparation des activités. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse, en s’appuyant sur les données américaines, essaie dans un premier temps d’expliquer la vulnérabilité des banques par leurs caractéristiques financières et leur structure organisationnelle. Ensuite, la thèse propose une analyse de l’efficacité de certains nouveaux outils dans le cadre des réformes. Nous trouvons les résultats suivants : 1) Le risque de faillite est plus élevé chez les banques qui adoptent des stratégies agressives pendant la période d’euphorie économique et qui se financent par des fonds instables. Une maison-mère saine (bien capitalisée et rentable) est une source de force des filiales bancaires. Cela vient étayer l’introduction du coussin de capital contracyclique et du ratio de liquidité dans Bâle III. 2) La diversification des activités contribue à la baisse du risque bancaire alors que les engagements croissants en activités non-traditionnelles volatiles semble rendre les banques plus vulnérables. Ceci conforte la nécessité d'une réforme structurelle pour certaines banques universelles. 3) Les ratios de levier prévoient mieux la probabilité de faillite des grandes banques que le ratio pondéré par les risques, tandis que les deux types de ratios sont aussi efficaces pour prévoir la faillite des petites banques. Ce résultat souligne l’importance du renforcement de la réglementation des banques systémiques et implique sa mise en œuvre. / The 2007-2009 global financial crisis reveals the fragility of modern banking sector and the flaws in bank regulation. In the wake of the crisis, an important number of reforms are carried out: enhancement of micro-prudential regulation, introduction of macro-prudential instruments and separation of activities. In this context, this thesis, using detailed information on the U.S. banking sector, tries to explain bank vulnerability by their financial characteristics and organizational structure. Then the thesis analyzes the efficiency of some new regulatory instruments. Our findings are the following: 1) Banks adopting an aggressive business model in economic boom and banks funded massively with instable liabilities are more likely to fail. A healthy (well-capitalized and profitable) bank holding company is a source of strength for its bank subsidiaries. These findings support the introduction of the countercyclical capital buffer and of the requirements on liquidity in the Basel III framework. 2) A high degree of diversification across different banking activities is associated with important risk reduction benefits while the expansion in non-traditional activities seems to make banks more vulnerable. This indicates the necessity of structural reform for certain universal banks. 3) The leverage ratios are more efficient in predicting failures of large banks than the risk-weighted capital ratio whereas the two types of capital ratios predict the failures of small banks as well as each other. These findings go in line with the reinforcement of regulation on systemically important banks.

Ägarstrukturens koppling till kapitalstruktur : En studie av svenska börsnoterade fastighetsbolag / The relationship between Ownership Structure and Capital Structure

Ekelund, Sara, von Euler, Eleonor January 2020 (has links)
Aktieägare investerar kapital med avsikt att få en avkastning, vilket är direkt kopplat till bolagets lönsamhet. För en kapitalintensiv sektor som fastighetsbranschen, är det av stor betydelse att ha en kapitalstruktur väl anpassad till bolagets förutsättningar och behov eftersom detta påverkar resultatet och därmed lönsamheten. Kapitalstrukturen inom bolag beror av flera faktorer, men något som är tydligt enligt tidigare studier är att ägarstrukturen har en koppling till bolagsfinansieringen. De senaste åren har möjligheten till finansiering ändrats drastiskt, med både striktare kapitalkrav från bankerna, men även nya finansieringsalternativ såsom obligationer och certifikat. Detta innebär att kapitalstrukturen har förändrats under de senaste åren, och vi vill därför undersöka hur ägarstrukturen kan kopplas till kapitalstrukturens utveckling och utformning.  Vi utreder denna kopplingen genom en kvantitativ ansats där vi samlar information från bolagens årsredovisningar under en femårig period. Vi studerar ägarstrukturen utifrån ägarfördelning samt ägarkoncentration medan kapitalstrukturen utreds baserat på skuldsättningsgrad och skuldfördelning. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för vad ägarstrukturen kan säga om ett bolags kapitalstruktur. Resultaten kan användas av bolagsledningar vid beslutsfattandet rörande kapitalanskaffning, för att på så sätt kunna agera i ägarnas intresse. Vi finner att privata ägare samt ägande från försäkrings- och pensionsbolag samt AP-fonder har en koppling till en minskad användning av bankfinansiering och istället en ökad användning av finansiering genom obligationer och certifikat. Vi finner även att en koncentrerat ägande har en koppling till en lägre andel bankfinansiering samtidigt som de generellt sett har en högre skuldsättningsgrad. / Shareholders invest capital with the intention of yielding a return, which is determined by the company's profitability. The real estate industry requires a large amount of capital, and the capital structure therefore has a major impact on the companies’ profitability. Capital structure depend on a number of factors, but one thing that is clear according to previous studies is that ownership structure is connected to financing. In recent years, the capital market has seen drastic changes, with both stricter requirements from the banks, but also new financing options such as bonds and certificates. Therefore, we want to investigate how the ownership structure can be linked to the capital structure in terms of both the development as well as the average allocation.  Our study uses a quantitative approach, where we gather information from the companies' annual reports over a five-year period. We study the ownership structure based on ownership distribution and ownership concentration, and the capital structure is investigated based on leverage ratio and debt distribution. The study contributes with an increased understanding of how the ownership structure is connected to the capital structure. The results can be helpful for management in decision-making when raising capital, in order to act in the owners’ interests. Our findings suggest that private owners as well as ownership from insurance and pension companies as well as the AP-funds is connected to a reduced use of bank financing and instead an increased use of bonds and certificates in order to raise capital. We also find that a concentrated ownership is linked to a lower proportion of bank financing, while generally having a higher leverage ratio.

Determining The Optimal CapitalStructure With The Contingent Claims Analysis

ZHANG, YUWEI January 2016 (has links)
Finding the optimal capital structure has been a relevant subject for many decades. Therehas for a long time been a discrepancy between observed leverage ratio and those proposedby theory, with many different theories suggested and developed throughout time. One ofthose theories is the Contingent Claims Analysis (CCA). Based initially on Black & Scholes’option-pricing theory and formulas, and pioneered by Merton, the CCA-methodology hasthroughout the years been developed further and moved from pricing liabilities todetermining capital structures. The research and development on CCA-models have for thepast years mostly been on a theoretical level and less about its practical applicability. Thosefew applications that have been made were based on the U.S. market and companies.Ju and Ou-Yang developed one of the most recent CCA-methodologies in 2006,abbreviated as the JOY-model in this study. What distinguishes this model is its ability toshow the non-monotone relation of debt maturity and debt face amount through the morecomplex tradeoffs between tax benefits, bankruptcy costs and transactions cost. With a fewchanges made to it, and with almost all data from the Swedish market and companies, theJOY-model yields higher leverage ratios than what the 5 analyzed companies have today.The optimal leverage ratio, defined as debt value/firm value ranges from 10 – 40% and theoptimal debt maturity period is at 4 – 6 years. Out of all the model parameters, the long-runmean of the stochastic risk-free interest rate has the biggest impact on the final results. TheJOY-model and CCA in general are complex and resource intense models that need certainimprovements. Nonetheless, its overall potential is still promising.

Vad leder till vinst inom Fintech? : En kvantitativ studie av relationen mellan företagsspecifika nyckeltal och dess inverkan på svenska Fintech-bolags lönsamhet

Lesser Hermansson, Johan, Lindegren, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Background Traditional banks monopolized financial services, but the 2008 crisis spurred Fintech's emergence as an alternative. Fintech challenges banks with innovative solutions, while Sweden thrives as a Fintech hub. Profitability is vital due to the recent shift in focus from growth. Modern Fintech research is lacking, thus creating gaps in both knowledge and studies among the Swedish Fintech-sphere.  Purpose  The study analyzes leverage, return on equity, and bank size ratios in Swedish Fintech companies. It examines their impact on profit margin and aims to identify correlations. The results aim to enhance understanding and provide guidance for optimizing key figures to increase profitability among Swedish Fintech-companies.  Methodology The study utilized a quantitative approach with a deductive method and cross-sectional design. Data consisted of secondary data and was collected through the database Retriever Business. A total of 1198 observations were analyzed using correlation matrix, bivariate, and multivariate regression analyses.  Results  The quantitative analysis revealed that both debt to equity ratio and return on equity has a significant relationship, while bank size has only a partially significant relationship with profit margin.  Conclusion  Swedish Fintech-companies reveals a positive relationship between return on equity (ROE) and profitability. Furthermore, the leverage ratio also positively affects profitability. Moreover, Bank size shows a slight negative impact.

Saggi sul Credito e la Macroeconomia / Essays in Credit and Macroeconomics

PIFFER, MICHELE 01 March 2012 (has links)
In questa tesi si sostiene che il meccanismo di trasmissione della politica monetaria nasconde un canale di trasmissione del rischio, e che una politica monetaria espansiva non solo aumenta l’offerta di credito ma anche la propensione delle banche a prendere rischio. I modelli macroeconomici esistenti non sono adatti ad identificare questo meccahismo, visto che o non incorporano un settore bancario, oppure si concentrano sull’amplificazione finanziaria dopo una crisi piuttosto che sulla presa del rischio prima delle crisi. La tesi propone un semplice modello in cui il rischio di credito e di insolvenza e’ modellato endogenamente. Il modello mostra l’esistenza di un trade-off tra quantita’ e qualita’ del credito, il che puo’ avere importanti ripercussioni per la gestione della politica monetaria. Successivamente, la tesi sviluppa un paper empirico e di policy che studia la leva finanziaria delle banche. Si sostiene che le misure tradizionali della leva non possono mostrare un importante peggioramento della qualita’ del capitale delle banche prima della crisi del 2007. Si mostra che la qualita’ di tale capitale e’ progressivamente peggiorata prima della crisi, in particolar modo per le banche commerciali. Viene proposta una misura alternativa della leva finanziaria. / This dissertation argues that the transmission mechanism of monetary policy hides a risk taking channel, as loose monetary policy not only increases credit supply but also increases the propensity of banks to take risks. The existing macroeconomic models are ill-designed to identify the forces of this mechanism, as these models either do not have an explicit banking sector, or they focus on ex-post amplification mechanism rather than ex-ante bank risk taking. A simple model is developed, where credit and solvency risk is determined endogenously. The model shows that a trade-off exists between credit quality and credit quantity, and this trade off impacts on the effectiveness of monetary policy. Subsequently, the dissertation develops an empirical, policy paper that investigates banks leverage ratios. It is argued that traditional measures of leverage cannot detect an important decline in bank capital quality before the 2007 crisis. The dissertation shows that capital quality has declined progressively before the 2007 crisis, particularly for commercial banks. A new leverage ratio is proposed.

Kapitalstruktur i svenska noterade bolag : En jämförelse mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag / Capital structure of swedish listed companies : A comparison between family firms and nonfamilyfirms

Josefsson, Erik, Pettersson, Matilda January 2014 (has links)
Familjeföretag utgör 65-80 procent av alla världens företag och har spelat en nyckelroll i moderniseringen av ekonomin i världens länder. Kapitalstruktur är ett väl utforskat område, men trots detta är det svårt att exakt avgöra vad som driver företag i sina beslut gällande kapitalstruktur. Få studier har genomförts som specifikt fokuserar på kapitalstrukturen i familjeföretag, vilket ligger till grund för den här studien. Denna studie undersöker huruvida det finns några skillnader avseende kapitalstruktur mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag på den svenska börsen. Även huruvida skuldsättningsgraden påverkas av andra faktorer undersöks. Genom att använda en handplockad datamängd bestående av 205 noterade svenska företag under år 2012 har vi kommit fram till följande resultat: Svenska noterade familjeföretag skuldsätter sig mindre än svenska icke-familjeföretag. Angående huruvida det finns faktorer som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden kan vi visa att det finns ett positivt beroende mellan skuldsättningsgrad och följande två variabler: lönsamhet och andel materiella anläggningstillgångar. Att ett positivt beroende råder mellan skuldsättningsgrad och dessa två variabler visar att ju lönsammare eller ju mer materiella anläggningstillgångar ett företag har, desto högre tenderar skuldsättningsgraden att vara. Dock hittades inget beroende mellan skuldsättningsgrad och företagets storlek. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen ges möjliga förklaringar till det erhållna resultatet och i vissa fall agerar inte alltid företagen i likhet med vad kapitalstruktursteorierna förespråkar. Sammantaget visar vår studie att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan svenska börsnoterade familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag avseende deras val av kapitalstruktur samt att det finns faktorer som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden. / Family firms represent 65-80 percent of the entire world’s business and they have played a key role in modernizing the economy of the world’s countries. Capital structure is a well-explored area, but despite this, it ́s difficult to determine exactly what drives companies in their decisions regarding capital structure. Few studies have been conducted that specifically focuses on the capital structure in family firms, which is the basis of this study. This study examines whether there are any differences regarding capital structure between family firms and non- family firms on the Swedish stock exchange. Even whether the leverage ratio is influenced by other factors examined. Using a hand-collected dataset of 205 listed Swedish companies in 2012, we come up with the following results: Swedish listed family firms have lower leverage ratios than non-family firms. Regarding whether there are factors that affect the leverage ratio, we can show that there is a positive relationship between leverage and the following two variables: profitability and tangible assets. That a positive relationship exists between leverage and these two variables shows that the more profitable or the more tangible assets a company has, the higher the leverage ratio tends to be. However, no relationship between leverage and firm size where found. Based on the theoretical framework possible explanations for the obtained result is provided, and in some cases the companies does not always act similar to what the capital structure theories advocates. Overall, our study shows that there is a significant difference between the Swedish listed family firms and non-family firms regarding their choice of capital structure and that there are factors that affect the level of leverage.

Optimal Capital Structures under the Vasicek Stochastic Interest Rate Model / Optimala kapitalstrukturer med en Vasicek-stokastisk räntemodell

Danielson, Oscar, Hagéus, Tom January 2023 (has links)
This study applies the Vasicek stochastic interest rate model in order to determine optimal capital structures for listed firms. A Swedish interest rate data set is used to estimate Vasicek model parameter that are reliable and independent of initial start values. These interest rate parameters are then used in a capital structure model which is evaluated through a sensitivity analysis and a firm-specific analysis which is applied to listed Swedish firms. The tax benefits of debt must be balanced against transaction costs and bankruptcy costs when determining optimal leverage ratio and optimal debt maturity. The results imply that firms should primarily focus on the long-term mean parameter of the interest rate process, the volatility of its firm value, the transaction cost of issuing debt and the effective corporate tax rate when choosing a capital structure. The capital structure model is well-founded in previous research and yields results which align with empirical data quite well. The conclusions of this study has implications for corporate finance, as the Vasicek model provides a better understanding of the stochastic nature of interest rates and its influence in determining optimal capital structures. / Denna studie tillämpar Vasiceks stokastiska räntemodell för att bestämma optimala kapitalstrukturer för noterade företag. Vasicekmodellen anpassas till ett Svensk dataset över räntor för att estimera parametrar. Dessa parametrar används sedan i en kapitalstruktursmodell för att analysera modellens känslighet för variationer i parametrar samt för att härleda optimala kapitalstrukturer för en rad Svenska noterade bolag. Skattefördelarna av skuld måste balanseras mot transaktionskostnader av skuldemissioner och konkurskostnader vid bestämning av optimal skuldsättningsgrad och optimal skuldlöptid. Resultaten antyder att företag bör primärt fokusera på det långsiktiga medelvärdet av den stokastiska ränteprocessen, volatiliteten av bolagsvärdet, transaktionskostnaden av skuldemissioner och effektiva bolagsskatten när de väljer en kapitalstruktur. Denna studie har implikationer för finansieringsteori då Vasiceks modell närmare modellerar räntors stokastiska dynamiker och dess påverkan på bestämning av bolags kapitalstrukturer.

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