Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lexical aspect"" "subject:"lexical 1spect""
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Second Language Acquisition of Mandarin Aspect Markers by Native Swedish AdultsWang, Luying January 2012 (has links)
This experimental study investigates the second language acquisition of the four Mandarin aspect markers -le, -guo, -zhe, and zai- by native Swedish university students enrolled in Chinese language courses in Sweden. The main points of inquiry are acquisition order, the Aspect Hypothesis, the Distributional Bias Hypothesis, and the Prototype Model. The study contains a cross-sectional study and a longitudinal study. Both written and spoken data are collected. The tasks in the cross-sectional study include film-retelling, picture-retelling, grammaticality judgment, fill-in-the-blank questions and comprehension. The longitudinal study includes written data produced by seven students in their tri-monthly journal. The study shows that perfective markers are produced before imperfective markers. The results of the experiments are consistent with the Aspect Hypothesis. The Distributional Bias Hypothesis can account for most of the Aspect Hypothesis but there are exceptions that indicate that other factors could also influence the acquisition process, such as L1 transfer. The Prototype Model cannot be conclusively proven. Apart from contributing to second-language acquisition theo-ries on cross-linguistic tense-aspect morphology, this study can provide empirical evidence with significant pedagogical implications for the second-language learning classroom.
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Inaccusativité et diathèses verbales : le cas du vietnamien / Unaccusativity and verbal diatheses : the case of VietnameseDao, Huy-Linh 04 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se veut une contribution empirique et théorique à l’étude formelle du système verbal vietnamien. Elle se centre plus précisément autour de la problématique de l’inaccusativité et des alternances diathétiques dans cette langue. Elle se propose à cet effet d’examiner de plus près le rôle que joue le marqueur polyfonctionnel bị au sein des constructions à prédicat intransitif. Il sera montré que bị est compatible avec les verbes inaccusatifs et ne se combine avec les verbes inergatifs que si ces derniers sont inaccusativisés à l’aide de matériel lexical approprié. L’hypothèse défendue, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du Programme Minimaliste de Chomsky (1995 et travaux subséquents), consiste à traiter ce morphème comme une catégorie semi-lexicale/semi-fonctionnelle et comme la tête d’une projection Applicative Haute, située immédiatement au-dessus du vP. Du point de vue sémantique, bị dénote une relation entre un individu et un événement. Il sera établi que bị peut être une tête de Phase ou une tête non-phasale. L’examen d’une sous-classe de prédicats statifs, ceux qui dénotent des états permanents, suggère une réévaluation du rôle de l’Aspect Lexical (Aktionsart) dans le calcul de l’inaccusativité. L’analyse avancée permet non seulement de rendre compte des phrases traditionnellement classées comme des constructions passives, mais aussi d’expliquer l’incompatibilité entre bị et les constructions moyennes. Il sera proposé que cette incompatibilité est due à l’absence d’une projection aspectuelle interne au vP, projection qui accueille dans son Spécificateur des Causateurs Involontaires. On soutiendra également que la marge du vP est exploitable à des fins discursives, ce qui renforce davantage le parallélisme entre CP et vP. / This thesis constitutes an empirical and theoretical contribution to the formal study of the Vietnamese verbal system. More precisely, it concentrates on issues of unaccusativity and diathetical alternations in this language. To this end, it puts under close scrutiny the key role played by the polyfunctional marker bị within intransitive predicate constructions. It will be shown that bị is compatible with unaccusative verbs and can combine with unergative ones only if those verbs undergo unaccusativization when provided with suitable lexical material. The hypothesis put forward, which is couched within the framework of Chomsky’s The Minimalist Program (1995 et seq.), treats this morpheme as a semi-lexical/semi-functional category and as the head of a High Applicative projection, situated immediately above vP. From a semantic point of view, bị denotes a relationship between an individual and an eventuality. It will be established that bị can be a Phase-head or a non-phasal one. A closer inspection of a subclass of stative predicates, those which denote permanent states, suggests a reassessment of the role played by Inner Aspect (Aktionsart) in the calculus of unaccusativity. The analysis proposed not only accounts for sentences that are traditionally classified as passive constructions, but it also gives an explanation for the incompatibility between bị and some middle constructions. Furthermore, it will be put forward that this type of incompatibility is due to the absence of a vP-internal aspectual projection which hosts in its Specifier an Inadvertent/Unintentional Causer DP. It will also be claimed that the vP-edge is active for discursive purposes, which reinforces the parallelism between CP Phase and vP Phase.
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Vyjadřování způsobu slovesného děje v češtině, italštině a francouzštině / Expressing Lexical Aspect in Czech, Italian and FrenchŠtelbaská, Kristína January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is expressing lexical aspect in Czech and Italian. The theoretical part describes the aspectuality, at first in general, then in both Czech and Italian language. The first part aims to clarify the notion of grammatical and lexical aspect. The thesis also concentrates on semantics of Czech prefixes. The practical part deals with Czech verbs with multiple prefixes and their counterparts in Italian, or rather the thesis analyses how Italian express the lexical aspect. It is the contrastive analysis. The analysed data originate from the parallel corpora InterCorp version 13. Key words Lexical aspect/Aktionsart, verbal/grammatical aspect, verbs with multiple prefixes, prefixation, parallel corpora, InterCorp, Czech, Italian
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The Preverb <i>Eis-</i> and Koine Greek AktionsartShain, Rachel M. 26 June 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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英語為外語的進階學習者使用完成式之研究 / Perfect Aspect in Advanced EFL Learners' Interlanguage楊宇婷, Yang,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由分析三十二位主修英語的研究生所寫的克漏字測驗以及引導寫作來探討其使用完成式的情形。文中的討論主要涵蓋了三個面向:語言形式和語意之間的連結,語法體(grammatical aspect)與情狀體(lexical aspect)之間的關聯,以及語法體與篇章組織(discourse organization)之間的關係。本篇研究發現,進階學習者能將完成式的語言形式正確使用,但是似乎仍未能達到高度的適當使用(appropriate use)。此外,研究發現學習者有使用完成式的動詞似乎偏向於其語意中帶有終點(endpoint)或結果狀態(result state)的類別,此項發現並支持之前文獻的研究結果。最後,結果亦顯示學習者在篇章中所使用的完成式似乎具有情景建立的功能(scene-setting function),幫助他們在文章的開頭建立起背景。 / This study aims to explore the advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect from the perspectives of form-meaning matching, lexical aspect influence and discourse organization influence. Thirty-two English-majored graduate students participated in the present study and they had to complete two tasks: a cloze test and a composition. With a careful examination over the collected data, these advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect could be summarized as the following. First of all, they showed better formal accuracy than appropriate use of the perfect aspect. Although they presented more underuse in the task of cloze, they had more overuse in their compositions. Secondly, it was found that the perfect aspect was closely related to the verbs involving a semantic endpoint. These verbs, according to Vendler’s classification, are ACCOMPLISHMENTS and ACHIEVEMENTS. Finally, the learners in the present study showed a tendency of using the perfect aspect as the scene-setting function in the opening paragraph of their compositions.
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L’acquisition des temps verbaux du passé chez les apprenants chinois du français première langue et seconde langue étrangères : une analyse portant sur un corpus de récits écrits / Acquisition of French past tense by Chinese learners of French as first foreign language (FL2) and second foreign language (FL3) : an analysis based on a corpus of written narrativesZhang, Xingzi 28 September 2017 (has links)
Cette étude comparative porte sur un corpus de récits écrits d’apprenants chinois du français première langue (FL2) et seconde langue étrangères (FL3) en milieu scolaire. Elle a trait à deux groupes d’apprenants de même L1 (le chinois) ayant des accès différents à la langue cible, le français (avec ou sans anglais L2). L’analyse tient compte des différences entre les trois langues, une langue romane (le français), une langue germanique (l’anglais) et une L1 qui ne leur est pas typologiquement apparentée (le chinois). La thèse vise à répondre aux questions suivantes : comment les apprenants chinois en FL2 et FL3 utilisent-ils les temps verbaux du passé à différents niveaux d’apprentissage ? Quels rôles jouent respectivement la L1 et de la L2 dans l’apprentissage de la L3? L’analyse des données s’exerce au niveau sémantique (l’hypothèse de l’aspect, Andersen & Shirai 1994) et fonctionnel (l’hypothèse du discours, Hopper 1979). Les résultats montrent que l’emploi de l’imparfait chez les deux groupes d’apprenants ne suit pas l’hypothèse de l’aspect. Ils montrent aussi que les apprenants ont des difficultés à distinguer trame et arrière-plan du récit. Par ailleurs, on montre quel type d’influence l’acquisition de la L2 exerce sur celle de la L3. / This comparative study deals with a corpus of written narratives of Chinese FL2 and FL3 learners in school settings. The two groups of learners have the same L1 (Chinese), but different access to the target language, French (with or without English L2). The analysis takes into account the differences between the three languages, a Romance language (French), a Germanic language (English), and a typologically different L1 (Chinese). The thesis deals with the following research questions : how do Chinese FL2 and FL3 learners use past verbal tense at the beginner and intermediate levels. What are the roles of L1 and L2 for FL3 learners ? The data are analysed from a semantic (aspect hypothesis, Andersen & Shirai 1994) and a functional (discourse hypothesis, Hopper 1979) point of view. The results show that the use of the imparfait in both groups of learners does not follow the AH. They also show that learners have difficulties distinguishing the foreground from the background of the narrative. Moreover, both L1 and L2 exert influence over L3 acquisition.
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Aspekt ve verbonominálním predikátu s kategoriálním slovesem / Aspect in French Light Verb ConstructionsVENUŠOVÁ, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with aspect in light verb constructions in French (LVCs). Light verb predicates such as faire du doublage, faire une découverte, and donner un conseil, constitute a specific kind of verb-noun construction recognizable by two transformational tests i.e., the cancellation test and the argument co-reference test. From the aspectual point of view, there are three parameters to be recognized: the lexical aspect (states, processes, events), grammatical aspect (perfectivity, imperfectivity), and aktionsart (quantity, quality, and phase of action). Being the semantical root of LVCs, the predicative noun is a starting point for aspectual analysis, nevertheless this aspectual interpretation is drawn from the whole sentence and takes account of the whole LVC, as well as of other aspectually relevant components (aspect shifting and aspectual composition). The objective of the research is to clarify the aspectual properties of the predicative noun and examine whether and how the principle of lexical aspect shifting is applied in the context of LCVs with a focus on the role of semantics (creation, motion containing a goal destination), of the predicative noun's complement (its quantization and cumulativity), countability, and determination of the predicative noun. It is observed that countability marked by articles has a crucial effect on the interpretation of the lexical aspect and aktionsart (faire un saut - sauter une fois, faire un emballage - emballer un cadeau, *emballer une fois). The research is based upon a systematic use of real corpora contexts (InterCorp 2018, FrWac, araneum), French lexicon-grammar data (Maurice Gross and his colleagues), and native-speaker competence.
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Subsective gradience in 2nd participles : an aspectual approach to adjectival passives and attributive participles in EnglishAljohani, Samirah January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the adjectival passive, in accordance with Beedham's (2005, 1982) analysis of the passive as an aspect, with the caveat that telicity is an optimal, not sufficient, condition. The affinity of the adjectival passive with attributive participles and the existence of implicit agents in adjectival passives has divided opinion amongst linguists. The thesis deploys grammaticality judgment questionnaires surveying 1043 2nd participles and a corpus-based study investigating 1035 2nd participles. A subsective gradience (Aarts 2007, 2006, 2004) is modelled on five morpho-syntactic properties of 2nd participles: attributive function without modification, attributive function with modification, adjectival, verbal and prepositional passive, measuring formally the ability of 2nd participles to function like adjectives. The thesis consists of seven chapters. Chapter one introduces the research questions, adjectival passives and theoretical background. Chapter two reviews the aspect analysis, telicity, offers a qualification, and sets the theoretical approach. Chapter three is about the data and methodology. Chapter four discusses the affinity between adjectival passive and attributive participles. Chapter five discusses subsective gradience. Chapter six discusses the implications of the findings. Chapter seven gives a summary and conclusion. The empirical findings in our study provide further evidence in support of a subsective gradience in 2nd participles indicative of how ‘adjectival' a participle can be, on a continuum or gradient ranging from ‘verby' 2nd participles – relatively low compatibility with adjectival properties – to very adjectival 2nd participles. 2nd participles in this study are shown to have an inherent meaning of ‘action + state'. 2nd participles which form adjectival passives function attributively and form verbal passives. However, a 2nd participle functioning attributively does not entail that it will form an adjectival passive. There is evidence that attributive un- participles can host manner adverbials. It was also found that the interpretation of attributive participles goes beyond a simple passive/perfect dichotomy, and there are cases whereby a 2nd participle modifies an NP that is not an argument of the corresponding verb. This study makes a contribution to the wider analysis of the adjectival passive and provides further support for the similarity between adjectival and verbal passives.
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Analýza profilů chování iterativních sloves v latině / Analysis of Behavioural Profiles of Iterative Verbs in LatinHrach, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the group of Latin iterative verbs, i.e. the group that is formally marked with the iterative suffix -t. It deals with the question what was the actual meaning of the iterative suffix -t in classical Latin as reference literature says that in some cases the meaning of iterative verbs in classical Latin was the same as that of the base verb and there are iterative verbs whose base verbs are not attested at all. Also, only iterative verbs often passed into Romance languages. Another question this thesis deals with is the relationship of iterative verbs as a group set off on the basis of the category of aktionsart as it is understood in the Czech linguistic tradition and the categories that are generally referred to as aspect (grammatical aspect, lexical aspect). In this case, the selected method is a corpus-based quantitative method called the "behavioural profiles". In our case, the corpus is limited to selected prosaic works of the classical Latin period of approximately the 1st century b.C. to the 1st century AD. In its first part, the analysis is based on studying the occurrences of selected iterative verb - base verb pairs in the above mentioned corpus, especially focused on the frequency of occurrence, valence and classification of predicates into Vendler's classes,...
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Na rozhraní lexikální a gramatické povahy vidu: studie očních pohybů / At the boundary between lexical and grammatical aspect: an eye tracking studyKořenář, Michal January 2017 (has links)
I malé změny v Gramatický a lexikální aspekt jsou dva příklady kategorií, které se na této mentální reprezentaci podílí. Pomocí těchto kategorií vytváříme mentální koncepty, pomocí opujeme naše prožívání místa a času. Tato studie zkoumá interakci lexikálního a gramatického vidu a jak se tato interakce odráží na charakteru očních pohybů u mluvčích nizozemštiny. Bylo užito 04). Byly měřeny oční pohyby 20 rodilých mluvčí nizozemštiny, během toho, co sledovali bílou obrazovku bez jakýchkoliv explicitních obrazových stimulů a poslouchali věty vytvořené s ohledem na různé kombinace lexikálního a gramatického vidu. Užité paradigma simuluje případy z běžného života, kdy lidé pasivně poslouchají mluvenou řeč bez doprovodné vizuální složky. Tato studie nabízí důkazy, že gramatický a lexikální aspekt ovlivňují celou řadu očních pohybů. Tato práce je hodnotným rozšířením naší znalosti o psycholingvistické realitě vidu v nizozemštině, tomto ohledu věnována dostatečná pozornost. Výsledky tohoto výzkumu vnáší nové světlo do probíhající diskuse o tom, zda i tak abstraktní ává měřitelné stopy v našem senzomotorickém systému, a zda je schopný ho ovlivňovat. Navíc tato studie otevírá dveře dalšímu výzkumu zaměřenému na spojení mezi jazykem a mozkovými drahami, které se podílí na zpracování vjemových stimulů. klíčová slova:...
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