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Meningslager i musiken : En studie om egna konstnärliga processer inom låtskrivning och musikproduktionElwerdotter, Tuva-Lill January 2021 (has links)
Syfte med detta självständiga arbete har varit att introspektivt undersöka vilka musikaliska och kreativa aspekter som är viktigast för mig i mitt konstnärliga uttryck, och hur dessa har påverkat mig som musikproducent. I arbetet har jag också undersökt min konstnärliga arbetsprocess och vilka metoder som är mer eller mindre gynnsamma. Med en teoretisk utgångspunkt i filosofen Martin Heideggers teori om konstverkets ursprung, och musikpedagogen Fred V. Nielsens teorier om meningslager i det musikaliska objektet, har jag valt att analysera tre låtar inom mitt artistprojekt LiLL. I analysen har jag fått syn på hur viktigt det är för mig att de tre meningslagren, emotion, spänning och kinetik/kroppsligt, är sammankopplade samt hur jag använder visioner, färg och inre bilder för att förhålla mig till ett abstrakt skapande i en DAW och realisera mitt musikaliska uttryck. Insikter som denna studie har lett till är bland annat att min musikaliska process gynnas både tidsmässigt och kreativt av samarbeten. Jag har också konstaterat att jag skapar mig själv som musikproducent och artist genom att skapa musik. Min konstnärliga och tekniska förmåga utvecklas i takt med att jag skapat ett musikaliskt verk i enlighet med Heideggers teori. / The purpose of this study has been to introspectively examine which musical and creative aspects are important to me in my artistic expression, and how these aspects have affected me as a music producer. I have also examined my artistic working process and which methods are more or less favorable. With a theoretical starting point in the philosopher Martin Heidegger's theory of the origin of the work of art, and the theories of layers of meaning in the musical object by the professor in musical education Fred V. Nielsen, I have chosen to analyze three songs within my artist project - LiLL. By analyzing these songs, I have seen how important it is for me that the three layers of meaning, emotions, tension and kinetics / bodily, are connected and how I use visions and inner images to relate to the abstract creation of music in DAW:s. This study has led to insights regarding my artistic working process which are that my musical process benefits from collaborations and, in affordance with Heidegger's theory, that I create myself as a music producer by creating music at the same time as my musical ability develops by creating music.
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Tunnelsäkerhet : En inventering av olyckor i fyra vägtunnlar i StockholmBergman, Klara January 2014 (has links)
Tunnel safety – an inventory of accidents in four road tunnels in Stockholm This report investigates traffic accidents in four road tunnels in Stockholm. The tunnels investigated are Klaratunneln, Söderledstunneln, Törnskogstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. The main purpose of this project was to work with a delimited part of the project TUFS (Tunnel Framkomlighet och Säkerhet, Tunnel practicability and safety, my translation) that is going to build a knowledge bank for Swedish road tunnel accidents. The goal of this project was to investigate if the forecasts for accident rates in the tunnels calculated from empirical data differ from the forecasts of the road network made by the forecast program used by Trafikverket, Lill-EVA, for the observed tunnels. Another goal was to determine where accidents occur in the tunnels. In addition, two different tunnel types were compared in terms of accident rates. The tunnel types are located in: countryside (high speed, low traffic flows, no on- and off ramps) or urban center (low speed, high traffic flows, on- and off ramps). Accident data has been collected from the data bases STRADA and NTS and compiled in histograms displaying accident type, light conditions, the seriousness of the accident and number of accidents/year. The results showed that there are no differences in accident rates calculated by Lill-EVA and empirical data for accident rate, serious accident rate and death rate. However, there was a difference in the results concerning light injuries. No difference was found regarding the two tunnel types. Rear-end collision was the most common accident type in Söderledstunneln and serial vehicle crashes in Törnskogstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. Vehicles that got stuck in the tunnel entrance dominated the accident type in Klaratunneln. The majority of the accidents occurred in daylight. The coordinate positions for the accidents showed that there was a concentration of accidents near the tunnel entrance in Klaratunneln, Söderledstunneln and Häggvikstunneln. This is not the case for Törnskogstunneln where accidents have occurred in the tunnel center.
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Transexotic : worse than dengue, better than LDSNylund, Carolina January 2013 (has links)
Transexotic. "Come as you are as you were as I want you to be" Menu Starter: Nachos with Mexican sauce. Main course: Chilli con carne in Santa María taco shells, Fish in pasilla chilli and Rajas con crema y queso. Dessert: seasonal delicacies. Hostess: Rosinha Transexotic, a familiar figure to everyone from Evert Taubes The Girl from Havana and Lill Lindfors Teresa . "The project Transexotic by the artist Carolina Nylund addresses international stereotypes, specifically the idea of " the other " as it may be projected or manifested through one's own personality. To what extent do we allow and accept that our personalities, our identities are formed in part by the limited two-dimensional caricatures invented and maintained by forces and phenomena external to us? Nationalism, patriotism, politics, ethnicity, subcultural affiliation, gender, sexuality, career, family: there are countless factors that may play a role in shaping an identity and which can also affect how we are perceived by others. And when we feel that gaze, how does that affect us? " - Finbar Krook Rosato, Curator, Atelier 123.
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Hilma af Klint : ett hermeneutiskt försökHolm, Berit Maria January 1997 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen tar upp tretton bilder som<em> Hilma af Klint </em>målade under tidsperioden 1906-1915. Bilderna ingår i en svit som kallas för <em>Bilderna till Templet</em><strong> </strong>som omfattar nästan 190 målningar. Under hennes livstid var hennes livsverk okänt för hennes samtid. Hon målade abstrakta, geometriska former och använde klara färger flera år före sina samtida konstnärskollegor. Inom ett hermeneutiskt arbetssätt ingår det olika moment som tolkning, beskrivning och analys av bilder. Uppsatsen vill belysa och ta upp hennes formspråk ur symbolisk synvinkel med hjälp av den hermeneutiska arbetsmodellen. Dels genom att göra hennes bildspråk mer begripligt och dels för att hitta gemensamma nämnare som ökar förståelsen för hennes målningar. Enligt författarens mening hade hon svårt för att förstå innehållet i bilderna, men hade en klar tanke om att bilderna speglade evolutionstanken i Skapelsen.</p> / <p>The essay includes thirteen pictures by <em>Hilma af Klint,</em> who painted these between 1906-1915. The pictures is a part ofa suite namned <em>The Paintings</em> <em>to The Temple</em> which extent almost 190 paintings. During her lifetime her life's work was unknown to her own period. She painted abstractical, geometrical forms and used bright colours many years before her contemporary artistcolleagues. Within a hermeneutical method includes different moments like, interpretation, description and analysis of pictures. The essay wants to illuminate and to lind her idiom out of a symbolic visual angle with help from the hermeneutical workrnodell. Partly making her pictorial language more clear and partly to find common factors which increase the understanding for her paintings. The author of this essay means that Hilma af Klint had some difficulties to understand the contents of her own paintings, but she had a clear thought that the pictures reflected the evolution thought in the Creation.</p>
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Hilma af Klint : ett hermeneutiskt försökHolm, Berit Maria January 1997 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar upp tretton bilder som Hilma af Klint målade under tidsperioden 1906-1915. Bilderna ingår i en svit som kallas för Bilderna till Templet som omfattar nästan 190 målningar. Under hennes livstid var hennes livsverk okänt för hennes samtid. Hon målade abstrakta, geometriska former och använde klara färger flera år före sina samtida konstnärskollegor. Inom ett hermeneutiskt arbetssätt ingår det olika moment som tolkning, beskrivning och analys av bilder. Uppsatsen vill belysa och ta upp hennes formspråk ur symbolisk synvinkel med hjälp av den hermeneutiska arbetsmodellen. Dels genom att göra hennes bildspråk mer begripligt och dels för att hitta gemensamma nämnare som ökar förståelsen för hennes målningar. Enligt författarens mening hade hon svårt för att förstå innehållet i bilderna, men hade en klar tanke om att bilderna speglade evolutionstanken i Skapelsen. / The essay includes thirteen pictures by Hilma af Klint, who painted these between 1906-1915. The pictures is a part ofa suite namned The Paintings to The Temple which extent almost 190 paintings. During her lifetime her life's work was unknown to her own period. She painted abstractical, geometrical forms and used bright colours many years before her contemporary artistcolleagues. Within a hermeneutical method includes different moments like, interpretation, description and analysis of pictures. The essay wants to illuminate and to lind her idiom out of a symbolic visual angle with help from the hermeneutical workrnodell. Partly making her pictorial language more clear and partly to find common factors which increase the understanding for her paintings. The author of this essay means that Hilma af Klint had some difficulties to understand the contents of her own paintings, but she had a clear thought that the pictures reflected the evolution thought in the Creation.
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