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劉師培的無政府思想趙廣洙, ZHAO, GUANG-ZHU Unknown Date (has links)
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Liu Xiaobo - Intelektuální životopis v souvislostech proměn čínské společnosti v 80. letech 20. století / Liu Xiaobo - An intellectual biography in view of the changing Chinese society in the 1980'sPhamová, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Liu Xiaobo first came to attention in mid 80s of the 20th century, as radical critic of Chinese culture and society. Due to his point of view he cannot be linked with any existing intellectual group. Therefore, it is not possible to point him as a typical representative of the intellectual circles of the time. This work brings closer his ideas and his perspective of the changing Chinese society of the 1980s. It follows chronologically important events in Liu Xiaobo's life and his involvement in the intellectual debates within the context of social and political situation in the People's Republic of China. It is based on the articles and books he published during the given period. In the end it brings the summary of his ideas and his vision about where should be Post-Mao China heading. Keywords Liu Xiaobo, China after the Cultural Revolution, China - modern history, intellectual debates
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Approximations of Bayes Classifiers for Statistical Learning of ClustersEkdahl, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
<p>It is rarely possible to use an optimal classifier. Often the classifier used for a specific problem is an approximation of the optimal classifier. Methods are presented for evaluating the performance of an approximation in the model class of Bayesian Networks. Specifically for the approximation of class conditional independence a bound for the performance is sharpened.</p><p>The class conditional independence approximation is connected to the minimum description length principle (MDL), which is connected to Jeffreys’ prior through commonly used assumptions. One algorithm for unsupervised classification is presented and compared against other unsupervised classifiers on three data sets.</p> / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC 2006:11.
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Client participation in the rehabilitation processWressle, Ewa January 2002 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the rehabilitation process with respect to client participation. The Swedish version of a client-centred structure, the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), is evaluated from the perspectives of the clients, the occupational therapists and the members of a rehabilitation team. Data have been collected through diaries, the COPM, assessments of ability to perform activities of daily living, mobility, self-assessments of pain and health, interviews with clients, interviews with staff, and focus groups interviews. The results show that a structured method is needed in order to improve clients’ active participation in goal formulation. The Swedish version of the COPM has high responsiveness to change over time. The use of the COPM improved client participation in the goal-formulation process, according to the results from a study with experiment and control groups. The clients perceived that treatment goals were identified, they were able to recall the goals and felt that they were active participants. They also perceived they had a higher ability to manage after the rehabilitation period was completed compared to clients in the control group. The clinical utility of the Swedish version of the COPM was confirmed in focus-group interviews with occupational therapists. The occupational therapists perceived the COPM as helpful in the goal-setting process and planning of treatment interventions. Even though problems are identified, they are directly related to, and formulated as, goals. Clients receive feedback on improvement over time. The COPM ensures a client-centred approach, facilitates communication within the rehabilitation team, and encourages therapists in their professional role. Therapists need knowledge about the theoretical foundation of the instrument and have to develop a personal interview technique. When the COPM is used in a team setting, it provides the team with broader information on what is purposeful occupation to the client. The focus is on occupational performance rather than function. According to team members the use of the COPM as a team tool increased client participation, was a good outcome measure, resulted in distinct goals, and focused on goals that were meaningful to the client. Implementation of a client-centred approach is facilitated when a structured method is used, but this is not enough. Involvement and motivation from all team members are required, as well as support during the introduction and implementation period. Support from management, knowledge about the underlying theory, time for discussions and reflections as well as opportunities to develop a personal interview technique are pointed out as important factors for a successful implementation. / On the day of the defence date the status on article V was Submitted.
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Comparative Case Studies of Rent-Seeking in China’s State-Owned Enterprises: the Ministry of Railway and China MobileQian, Wendy 01 January 2012 (has links)
The problem of rent-seeking in China’s state-owned enterprises has worsened since the rapid increase in infrastructure investment, such as telecom and railway. State-owned enterprise reform in China has given licensing power to officials and executives without sufficient checks and balances. The Chinese government plans to introduce corporate governance structures and encourage private investment for the previously state-dominated industries, such as the railway industry, in the next decade. Yet these formalities cannot eradicate the political problem of corruption. This thesis will examine rent-seeking through the case studies of China Mobile’s former deputy general manager and Communist Party secretary Zhang Chunjiang’s patronage network in the value-added service industry and the Ministry of Railway’s ex-Minister Liu Zhijun’s patronage networks in the high speed railway project. Both central agents committed collective rent-seeking against the will of the principal through their subsidiaries.
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A Study of Liu Chia-mo and His Poetry of RealismLai, Li-gyuan 31 July 2006 (has links)
Liu Chia-mo (1814-1853), a native of Houguan in Fujian, once served as an educational instructor at Ningde and a school counselor in Taiwan Prefecture during the Daoguang and Hsienfeng reigns of the Ching Dynasty. Owing to a lack of relevant literature and access to his poetry, academics have not come up with any comprehensive study concerning Liu Chia-mo, his works and his social life. Therefore, this research was intended to construct the life story of Liu Chia-mo from the first-hand historical documents including Liu Chia-mo¡¦s works¡X First Draft by Waidingmoa Bridge Recluse, Dungyang Little Grass, Sword Poetry, Wandering Ambition in Crane Pen, Guanhai Chi, Haiyin Shi, Hsieh Chang-ting¡¦s Gambling Chess Villa Collection (Shi, Wen, Tsu, Tsu Words, Notebook), and the recently discovered Gambling Chess Villa Draft, Chang Chi-liang¡¦s Chang Heng-fu Collection, Si-Po-Tzu Hall Poetry, Huang Tsung-yi¡¦s Po-Suo Poetry, and Wei Hsiu-jen¡¦s Hai-Nan-Shan Hall Poetry.
This dissertation takes realism in the poetry by Liu Chia-mo as its subject. It will demonstrate his patriotism, concern over the livelihood of civilians and responsibilities and expectations for the world mainly through the textual study of First Draft by Waidingmoa Bridge Recluse, Dungyang Little Grass, Guanhai Chi and Haiyin Shi.
The Introduction section consists of a literature review of Liu Chia-mo and the characteristics of his poetry of realism. Chapter One briefly describes Liu Chia-mo¡¦s historical background in the spirit of knowing the person from the world. Chapter Two explores the life of Liu Chia-mo, his publication of poetry and literature, and his literary creativity with aside from his poetry. Chapter Three deals chiefly with First Draft by Waidingmoa Bridge Recluse to study his poetry on the Sino-British Opium War. Chapter Four examines Dungyang Little Grass together with Wandering Ambition in Crane Pen to study the poetry composed during his service as an educational instructor at Ningde. Chapter Five focuses on the discussion of Guanhai Chi and Haiyin Shi, two poetic texts composed by Liu Chia-mo during his service as a school counselor in Taiwan Prefecture that address social issues in the Chinese-dominated Taiwan society during the Daoguang and Hsienfeng reigns as an effort to cure social illness and improve public morality from a perspective of observing customs.
An estimated total of 1,100 poems were composed by Liu Chia-mo, whose contents range from the Opium War, Taiwanese social traditions and customs, expressions of praise for matters in painting, landscape description, and family relationships and friendship. Characterized by detailed quotations, occasional dialectal usages and transformation of vulgarity into gracefulness, they are all works that express a love of native land. In its concluding section the paper briefly considers the contents of Liu¡¦s poetry as an effort to deepen the study of Liu Chiao-mo and Taiwanese literature.
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Optical Detection Using Computer Screen Photo-assisted Techniques and EllipsometryBakker, Jimmy W. P. January 2006 (has links)
Two main subjects, ellipsometry and computer screen photo-assisted techniques (CSPT), form the main line in this thesis. Ellipsometry is an optical technique based on the detection of polarization changes of light upon interaction with a sample. As most optical detection techniques it is non-intrusive and an additional advantage is its high surface sensitivity: thickness resolution in the order of pm can in principle be achieved. Therefore, ellipsometry is widely used as a technique for determination of optical constants and layer thickness for thin-layer structures. Lately ellipsometry has also been proposed for sensing applications, utilizing the detection of changes in the properties of thin layers. One application is described in this thesis concerning the detection of volatile organic solvents in gas phase using modified porous silicon layers, fabricated by electrochemical etching of silicon to create nm-sized pores. This greatly increases the surface area, promoting gas detection because the number of adsorption sites increases. Other applications of ellipsometry discussed in this thesis are based on combination with CSPT. CSPT is a way to exploit existing optical techniques for use in low-cost applications. In CSPT the computer screen itself is used as a (programmable) light source for optical measurements. For detection a web camera can be used and the whole measurement platform is formed by the computer. Since computers are available almost everywhere, this is a promising way to create optical measurement techniques for widespread use, for example in home-diagnostics. Since the only thing that needs to be added is a sample holder governing the physical or chemical process and directing the light, the cost can be kept very low. First, the use of CSPT for the measurement of fluorescence is described. Fluorescence is used in many detection applications, usually by chemically attaching a fluorescent marker molecule to a suitable species in the process and monitoring the fluorescent emission. The detection of fluorescence is shown to be possible using CSPT, first in a cuvette-based setup, then using a custom designed micro array. In the latter, polarizers were used for contrast enhancement, which in turn led to the implementation of an existing idea to test CSPT for ellipsometry measurements. In a first demonstration, involving thickness measurement of silicon dioxide on silicon, a thickness resolution in the order of nm was already achieved. After improvement of the system, gradients in protein layers could be detected, opening the door toward biosensor applications. Some further development will be needed to make the CSPT applications described here ready for the market, but the results so far are certainly promising.
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Beskattning av carried interest : En analys av Nordic Capital-fallet / Taxation of carried interest : An analysis of the Nordic Capital caseCardell, Simon, Leidefeldt, Philip January 2014 (has links)
Det har på senare tid uppstått en diskussion angående det asymmetriska vinstdelningssystemet i riskkapitalfonder. Diskussionen gäller hur s.k. carried interest ska beskattas. Uppsatsens fokus har legat på vilket inkomstslag carried interest är hänförligt till samt vem som är skattesubjekt. Skatteverket anser att carried interest är en prestationsbaserad ersättning och därför ska beskattas som en tjänsteinkomst. Motparterna menar att carried interest ska bedömas som en kapitalinkomst p.g.a. att ersättningen är hänförlig till avkastning på investerat kapital. Härmed råder en rättsosäkerhet för riskkapitalisterna.Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera rättsområdet beträffande carried interest. En i branschen allmänt vedertagen fondstruktur kommer stegvis presenteras i uppsatsen. Beskrivningen av fondstrukturen innehåller de parter och avtal som finns representerade. Vidare redogörs ett aktuellt rättsfall inom området, det s.k. Nordic Capital–fallet. Andra europeiska länders beskattning av carried interest introduceras för att klargöra skillnader av rättsläget.Vi anser att carried interest är mer hänförlig till inkomstslaget kapital än tjänst p.g.a. den risk som tagits. Det finns visst samband mellan värdetillväxten och rådgivningsbolaget, men det rättfärdigar inte Skatteverkets samt domstolarnas användning av genomsyn. Sverige behöver klargöra dagens rättsläge via ett avgörande från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen eller förtydligande lagtext, förslagsvis till liknande tysk rätt.
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Raspberry pi to backplane through SGMIILundström, Petter, Toma, Josef January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores a method on how communication with a backplane through SGMII via a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 is achieved. The thesis focuses on the steps required to design a carrier board that can mount the module and incorporate a bridge between SGMII and USB. The different steps required to achieve this were to find the components, design a power solution, draw the schematics and eventually designing the PCB.
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Turbo Heat Transfer Modeling for ControlNordlöf, Anon, Lundqvist, John January 2018 (has links)
The demand for lower emission engines forces the car industry to build moreefficient engines. Turbocharged engines are on the rise, and better understandingof the heat transfer and efficiency of the turbocharger is needed to build better ones. A lot is known about the overall efficiency of the turbocharger, but not much is known about where the heat losses are located and how they interact with each other. This thesis presents a one dimensional model for heat exchange in the tur-bocharger and investigates how the heat flows from the hot exhaust gases to the cold intake air. Data is gathered by performing tests on a single scroll turbocharger in an engine test bench at Linköping University. The tests are focused on operating points where the air mass flow is low and neither the compressor nor the turbine works adiabatically. The results show that it is possible to estimate the heat flows together withthe efficiency of the turbine and compressor using only known parameters, elim-inating the need to add any new sensors to the engine.
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