Spelling suggestions: "subject:"life cycle essessment"" "subject:"life cycle bioassessment""
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Progressing constraints on green house gas emissions lead to a sustainability trend,which greatly a↵ects the transport sector. Nowadays, companies show increasing interest indeveloping sustainable solutions.This thesis has been started thanks to a project given by Sj¨or¨addningss¨allskapet, themost relevant association that performs sea rescue operations in Swedish waters.Sj¨or¨addningss¨allskapet would like to explore the possibility of making their rescue boat fleetentirely carbon-free, hence more sustainable.What may provide a suitable solution is an electric drive train with hybrid energy storage,composed by a battery pack and a fuel cell stack. The research question is whether it wouldbe feasible to combine fuel cell stacks and battery packs to provide power to a fast smallboat.From a sketch of a rescue boat, the drive train design for such boat is studied in itsintegrity, from the water jet pump to the battery and fuel cell systems.The required power has been calculated empirically, using data from online tests on waterjet boats. Di↵erent tests have been considered, resulting in a mean power curve and a meanconsumption curve and allowing comparison between the hybrid electric drive train withan internal combustion engine drive train.Three profiles of speed, power and consumption have been assumed for the calculation ofthe required energy and hence rate the energy storage system. A design has been proposedin terms of fuel cell capacity and battery capacity.The propulsion unit, composed by the electric machine and water jet, has been studied,focusing on di↵erent electric drive technologies. Few conclusions on both the weight andsustainability requirements are discussed.A sustainability analysis is carried out in terms of CO2 emissions, through a life cycleassessment accounting for the environmental impact of the system during the whole lifecycle, from cradle to grave. / Ökande begränsningar för utsläpp av växthusgaser leder till en hållbarhetsutveckling, vilket påverkar transportsektorn kraftigt. Nuförtiden visar företag ett ökande intresse för att utveckla hållbara lösningar.Denna avhandling har startats tack vare ett projekt som ges av Sjöräddningssällskapet, den viktigaste föreningen som utför havsräddningsinsatser i svenska vatten.Sjöräddningssällskapet vill undersöka möjligheten att göra deras räddningsbåtflotta helt emissionfri, och därmed mer hållbar.Det som kan ge en lämplig lösning är ett elektriskt drivsystem med hybrid energilagring, sammansatt av ett batteripaket och en bränslecell-stapel. Forskningsfrågan är om det skulle vara möjligt att kombinera bränslecellstaplar och batteripaket för att driva en snabb liten båt.Från en skiss av en räddningsbåt studeras designen för en sådan båt i dess integritet, från vattenstrålpumpen till batteri och bränslecellsystem.Den erforderliga kraften har beräknats empiriskt med hjälp av data från onlinetest av vattenstrålbåtar. Olika tester har beaktats, vilket resulterar i en genomsnittlig e↵ektkurva och en genomsnittlig förbrukningskurva och möjliggör en jämförelse mellan det hybridelektriska drivsystemet med ett förbränningsmotordrivsystem.Tre profiler av hastighet, e↵ekt och förbrukning har antagits för beräkning av den erforderliga energin och därmed för energilagringssystemet. En design har föreslagits vad gäller bränslecellkapacitet och batterikapacitet.Framdrivningsenheten, sammansatt av den elektriska maskinen och vattenstrålen, har studerats med fokus på olika elektriska drivtekniker. Några slutsatser om både vikten och hållbarhetskraven diskuteras.En hållbarhetsanalys utförs med avseende på koldioxidutsläpp genom en livscykelbedömningsom redovisar systemets miljöpåverkan under hela livscykeln, från vagga till grav.
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Environmental Impacts of Electronic Media : A Comparison of a Magazine’s Tablet and Print EditionsAhmadi Achachlouei, Mohammad January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess potential environmental impacts of electronic media distribution and consumption—from a life cycle perspective—as compared to those of print media. The thesis consists of a cover essay and two papers appended at the end of the thesis. The cover essay summarizes the papers and puts them in context. The main objectives of the thesis are twofold: to assess potential environmental impacts of production and consumption of tablet editions of magazines from a life cycle perspective (Paper I), and to compare potential environmental impacts of a magazine’s print edition with that of its tablet edition (Paper II). The thesis examines the following specific research questions: (1) What are the main environmental impacts of print and tablet editions? (2) Which activities are giving rise to the main environmental impacts of the print and tablet editions? (3) What are the key factors influencing these impacts? (4) What are major data gaps and uncertainties? Based on the present assessment, it is clear that for the print magazine, pulp and paper production is the principal cause of most of the potential environmental impacts. For this reason, the use of recycled paper, rather than virgin fiber, in newsprint production may considerably offset environmental impacts. For the tablet edition, the content production dominates the potential environmental impacts when readers are few. This appears to be the case in an emerging state of the magazine, but with distribution of more media products to smaller groups of people, this may persist for “mature” products as well. As the number of tablet readers grows, more of the environmental impact of the is due to manufacturing of the device and electronic distribution. However, content production may still be a major factor, depending on the specific environmental impacts studied. / <p>QC 20130306</p>
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Further study of the “GreenRoom” concept – an approach to sustainable datacenter cooling solution : Identification of improvement possibilities using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and discussion about the effect of the choice of Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods on the resultsWang, Shan January 2013 (has links)
The growing industry of Information and Communication Technology requires higher computing capacity of data centers/technical sites. The air conditioning in data centers is the key to assure a sustainable computing environment. However, the traditional cooling systems cost are responsible for large environmental footprints especially on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, a green innovation of data center cooling solutions is taking place. The telecommunication company Teliasonera is developing a high density data center cooling system - the “Green Room” and has been studying the environmental performance of this system using a Life Cycle approach. As an extension of the previous study, more aspects of the project i.e. the location, life span, alternative cooling solutions, energy recovery possibilities and uncertainty analysis is explored by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The comparison of the locations of the Green Room indicates that the local temperature and electricity production sources are essential factors for the environmental performance of the Green Room. The analysis of the Green Room’s life span reveals that the utilization phase may not always cause the most significant impact during the whole life cycle of the Green Room. If the life span changes, the manufacture phase may predominate the life cycle of the Green Room. The comparative result of alternative cooling technologies addresses that utilizing “natural coolant” (e.g. geo cooling) is a key for sustainable cooling innovation as it would significantly reduce the environmental footprint of the cooling system. Besides, heating a single building (partly) by the waste heat generated from the Green Room could save 30% of cumulative energy input and could reduce more than half of the total environmental impact. Additionally, results uncertainties caused by the choice of different LCIA methods are discussed in the end of the study. / The Teliasonera Green Room Concept for high and mid density of ICT equipment
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Integrated Sustainability Assessment Framework for the U.S. TransportationOnat, Nuri 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation aims to investigate the sustainability impacts of alternative vehicle technologies and develop comprehensive sustainability assessment frameworks to analyze potential impacts of these vehicles in the U.S. In order to assess sustainability impact of vehicle alternatives, life-cycle based models has been extensively used in the literature. Although life cycle-based models are often used for environmental impacts of alternative vehicles, analysis of social and economic impacts of these vehicles has gained a tremendous interest. In this regard, there is a growing interest among the international platform and academia to use the Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment framework to have more informed sustainable products, material and technology choices by considering the environmental, as well as social and economic impacts. The Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment framework is still under development and there is an ongoing research to advance it for future applications. In this dissertation, current and future needs of sustainability assessment frameworks and the U.S. transportation are identified and addressed. The major research gaps are identified as follows: (1) there has been small emphasis on effects of spatial and temporal variations on the sustainability impacts of alternative vehicle technologies, (2) no national research efforts as of now have been directed specifically toward understanding the fundamental relationship between the adoption of electric vehicles and water demand, (3) there has been a lack of understanding the dynamic complexity of transportation sustainability, encompassing feedback mechanisms, and interdependencies, for the environmental, social, and economic impacts of alternative vehicles, and (4) there is no emphasis on addressing uncertainties inherent to the U.S. transportation and its complex relationships with the environment, society, and economy. The environmental, economic, and social impacts of alternative vehicles are highly critical for truly assessing and understanding the long-term sustainability of vehicles and propose economically viable, socially acceptable, and environmentally-friendly transportation solutions for U.S. passenger transportation. This dissertation provides a more comprehensive sustainability assessment framework by realizing following objectives: (1) inclusion of spatial and temporal variations when quantifying carbon, energy, and water footprints of alternative vehicle technologies, (2) quantifying environmental, social, and economic impacts of alternative vehicle technologies, (3) capturing the dynamic relations among the parameters of U.S. transportation system, environment, society, and the economy, (4) dealing with uncertainties inherent to the U.S. transportation sector considering the complexity of the system and dynamic relationships. The results of this dissertation reveal that the results with consideration of uncertainties, temporal and spatial variations, and dynamic complex relationships among the system variables can be significantly different than those of without consideration of those. Therefore, when developing policies the robustness of proposed scenarios should be valuated with consideration of uncertainties, temporal and spatial variations as well as the dynamic feedback mechanisms. The outcomes of this study can pave the way for advancement in the state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice in the sustainability research by presenting novel approaches to deal with uncertainties and complex systems.
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Systems Analysis For Urban Water Infrastructure Expansion With Global Change Impact Under UncertaintiesQi, Cheng 01 January 2012 (has links)
Over the past decades, cost-effectiveness principle or cost-benefit analysis has been employed oftentimes as a typical assessment tool for the expansion of drinking water utility. With changing public awareness of the inherent linkages between climate change, population growth and economic development, the addition of global change impact in the assessment regime has altered the landscape of traditional evaluation matrix. Nowadays, urban drinking water infrastructure requires careful long-term expansion planning to reduce the risk from global change impact with respect to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, economic boom and recession, as well as water demand variation associated with population growth and migration. Meanwhile, accurate prediction of municipal water demand is critically important to water utility in a fast growing urban region for the purpose of drinking water system planning, design and water utility asset management. A system analysis under global change impact due to the population dynamics, water resources conservation, and environmental management policies should be carried out to search for sustainable solutions temporally and spatially with different scales under uncertainties. This study is aimed to develop an innovative, interdisciplinary, and insightful modeling framework to deal with global change issues as a whole based on a real-world drinking water infrastructure system expansion program in Manatee County, Florida. Four intertwined components within the drinking water infrastructure system planning were investigated and integrated, which consists of water demand analysis, GHG emission potential, system optimization for infrastructure expansion, and nested minimax-regret (NMMR) decision analysis under uncertainties. In the water demand analysis, a new system dynamics model was developed to reflect the intrinsic relationship between water demand and changing socioeconomic iv environment. This system dynamics model is based on a coupled modeling structure that takes the interactions among economic and social dimensions into account offering a satisfactory platform. In the evaluation of GHG emission potential, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is conducted to estimate the carbon footprint for all expansion alternatives for water supply. The result of this LCA study provides an extra dimension for decision makers to extract more effective adaptation strategies. Both water demand forecasting and GHG emission potential were deemed as the input information for system optimization when all alternatives are taken into account simultaneously. In the system optimization for infrastructure expansion, a multiobjective optimization model was formulated for providing the multitemporal optimal facility expansion strategies. With the aid of a multi-stage planning methodology over the partitioned time horizon, such a systems analysis has resulted in a full-scale screening and sequencing with respect to multiple competing objectives across a suite of management strategies. In the decision analysis under uncertainty, such a system optimization model was further developed as a unique NMMR programming model due to the uncertainties imposed by the real-world problem. The proposed NMMR algorithm was successfully applied for solving the real-world problem with a limited scale for the purpose of demonstration.
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Modeling of Energy Consumptionin Milling Process to Assess their Environmental ImpactAshok Kumar, Vasanth Kumaran, Liang, Peng January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a method for modeling energy consumption in the milling process to assess their environmental impact, using a simple experimental approach. The factors influencing the environmental impact in milling processes are analyzed with life cycle assessment principles, and their climate change impact is calculated with examples of dry milling experiments. The model for predicting energy consumption is inspired by the mechanistic model of milling operation. The tangential cutting force coefficients are approximated using experimental data to estimate the spindle power. The developed model can predict energy consumption for given cutting parameters and conditions. The results of the study indicate that 1) the energy consumption of the milling process estimated by the proposed mechanistic-based model aligns well with the experimentally measured results, 2) the experimental approach used to build the model is both easy and fast, and 3) the consumption of the solid cutting tool contributes the most to the environmental impact in dry milling processes. Furthermore, the analysis presented in this thesis provides insight into how to improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of milling processes. / Denna avhandling presenterar en metod för att modellera energiförbrukning i fräsningsprocessen för att bedöma deras miljöpåverkan genom en enkel experimentell metod. Faktorer som påverkar miljöpåverkan i fräsningsprocesser analyseras med principer för livscykelbedömning och deras klimatpåverkan beräknas med exempel på torrfräsningsförsök. Modellen för att förutsäga energiförbrukningen är inspirerad av den mekaniska modellen för fräsningsoperation. Koefficienter för tangentiell skärkraft approximeras med experimentella data för att uppskatta spindelkraften. Den utvecklade modellen kan förutsäga energiförbrukningen för givna skärparametrar och villkor. Resultaten visar att 1) energiförbrukningen i fräsningsprocessen uppskattad med den föreslagna mekanikbaserade modellen överensstämmer bra med experimentellt uppmätta resultat, 2) den experimentella metoden för att bygga modellen är enkel och snabb, och 3) förbrukningen av det fasta skärverktyget bidrar mest till miljöpåverkan i torrfräsningsprocesser. Analysen som presenteras i denna avhandling ger också insikt i hur man kan förbättra energieffektiviteten och minska miljöpåverkan i fräsningsprocesser.
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Assessing the EnvironmentalPerformance of an In-Store VerticalFarming System : Identifying environmental hotspots for an in-store hydroponic vertical farmingsystem, using Life Cycle Assessment / Bedömning av miljöpåverkan från ett vertikalt odlingssystem placerad i matbutikerKarlsson, Axel January 2023 (has links)
The world is facing many challenges to be able to ensure food security, such as anincreased food demand coming from an expanding world population andurbanisation, worsened agricultural opportunities from increased land deteriorationand significant environmental impacts coming from the food sector. Thus, there is aneed for new agricultural solutions to meet our needs whilst decreasing impactssimultaneously. A part of these solutions could be found in urban farming andhydroponic vertical farming systems (VFS). VFS uses artificial intelligence toregulate heat, lighting and irrigation to cultivate crops indoors. By placing thesesystems inside a grocery store, new opportunities for these crops are presented,such as water-and-nutrient recirculation, reductions in transports, usage ofpesticides and agricultural land, as well as opportunities for industrial symbiosis inheating and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. Thus, the aim of this report is toassess the environmental hotspots and areas of improvement of an hydroponic VFSplaced in the grocery store using life cycle assessment (LCA). The study isconducted in partnership with Swegreen, which are the creators behind the studiedVFS model called SAGA, designed to be operated in medium sized grocery storesin Sweden. Results from the study show that energy consumption is a hotspot in most impactcategories, followed by impacts from infrastructure, fertilisers, packaging andconsumer waste management. However, for the climate change impact category,the sensitivity analysis indicates that the impact from the energy consumption ishighly dependent on what type of electricity mix that is being used, since thedifference in impact on climate change between the Swedish electricity mix, andNordic electricity mix ranged from 0.340 to 0.385 kg CO2 eq (carbon dioxideequivalents) per kg produced edible lettuce. Moreover, synergising effects fromintegrating the system into a grocery store, such as cleaning the air from carbondioxide and reusing residual heat from the system, showed the opportunities forgrocery stores to reduce impacts in climate change by up to 43% of the total climatechange impacts from the VFS. However, using these synergising effects effectivelywould require additional investments to build up the necessary infrastructure toachieve these avoided impacts. / Världen står inför många utmaningar för att kunna säkerhetsställalivsmedelsförsörjningen, såsom en ökad efterfrågan på livsmedel till följd av enväxande världsbefolkning och urbanisering, försämrade odlingsmöjligheter till följdav utarmad odlingsmark och växande miljöpåverkan från livsmedelssektorn. Detfinns därför ett behov av nya lösningar för att tillgodose våra behov och samtidigtminska påverkan inom jordbrukssektorn. En del av dessa lösningar kan hittas istadsodling och hydroponiska vertikala odlingssystem (VFS). VFS använderartificiell intelligens för att reglera värme, belysning och bevattning för att odla grödorinomhus. Genom att placera dessa system i en livsmedelsbutik skapas nyamöjligheter för dessa grödor, såsom recirkulation av vatten och näringsämnen,minskade transporter, användning av bekämpningsmedel och jordbruksmark, samtmöjligheter till industriell symbios vid uppvärmning och omvandling av koldioxid tillsyre. Syftet med denna rapport är att bedöma miljömässiga hotspots ochförbättringsområden för en hydroponisk VFS som placeras i livsmedelsbutiker medhjälp av livscykelanalys (LCA). Studien genomförs i samarbete med Swegreen, somär producenten av den studerade VFS-modellen kallad SAGA som är designad föratt drivas i medelstora livsmedelsbutiker i Sverige. Resultaten från studien visar att energiförbrukningen är en hotspot i de flestapåverkanskategorier, följt av påverkan från infrastruktur, gödningsmedel,förpackningar och konsumentens avfallshantering. För klimatpåverkan visarkänslighetsanalysen att påverkan från energiförbrukningen är starkt beroende avvilken typ av el som används, eftersom total klimatpåverkan för den Svenska elmixenoch den Nordiska elmixen var 0.340 respektive 0.385 kg CO2 -ekv(koldioxidekvivalenter) per kg producerad ätbar sallad. När systemet integreras i enlivsmedelsbutik bidrar det till synergieffekter från koldioxidavskiljning ochåteranvändning av spillvärme från systemet. Detta öppnar upp för möjligheter förmataffären att minska klimatpåverkan för upp till 43% av systemets totalaklimatpåverkan. Däremot skulle det krävas ytterligare investeringar för att bygga uppnödvändig infrastruktur för att uppnå dessa synergieffekter.
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Thesis_Perspective and Dynamic life cycle assessment of critical materials_Tai-Yuan.pdfTai-Yuan Huang (13918935) 01 December 2022 (has links)
<p>Critical materials are crucial to the wide deployment of clean energy technologies and advanced technology such as electric vehicles (EVs), smartphones, high-efficiency lighting, and wind turbines. Particularly, rare earth elements (REEs) and lithium are key elements for clean energy and EVs. However, higher REEs and lithium demand for clean energy transformation, extreme supply reliance on certain area exports, and severe environmental issues during mining and processing cause uncertainty for future clean energy and transportation development. Our study aims to develop dynamic LCA with scenario analysis to simulate the future possible sustainability pathways for critical materials for stakeholders and apply life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the latest REEs and lithium extraction and recycling technologies. Dynamic LCA (DLCA) integrates the temporal datasets to predict the future environmental impact of a product. The databases are mainly from Ecoinvent and Critical Materials Life Cycle Assessment Tool (CMLCAT). Python package Brightway2 and Temporalis are used to simulate the DLCA.</p>
<p>The study of DLCA on the REEs industry reveals the future predictive REEs environmental impact trend, providing a clear policy strategy to reach sustainability goals for stakeholders. The results show that shifting REEs resources from China to Australia and increasing the recycling rate are key factors in reducing environmental impact in the future. Considering the degradation of rare earths ore and storage depletion in China, such as the decreased production of heavy REEs from Ion adsorption clay in southern China, exploration, and inclusion of potential REEs production projects will be the possible sustainable way in the following decade. </p>
<p>LCA of RE recovery from room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) electrochemical process helps us explore the benefits of recycling RE from the e-waste. Although RTIL contributes a higher impact on ozone depletion and global warming, close-loop recycling RTIL could reduce substantial environmental impact. Lithium recovery from geothermal brine provides the great source for fulfilling the domestic demand of the U.S. Compared to the conventional Li compounds production, this method is efficient and has 25-41% lower global warming potential. The government, researchers, and industry could benefit from this study for exploring advantage and drawback strategies for the future environmental footprint of NdFeB magnet production and identifying environmental hotspots of the latest recycling and extraction process of REEs and lithium.</p>
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Förhållandet mellan utvecklingsnivåer, informationsutbyten och livscykel analyser i BIM baserade projekt / The relation between Level of Development, Information Exchanges, and Life Cycle Analysisin BIM-based projectsArauz Arauz, Oliver Ariel, Gallego Marin, Kevin January 2022 (has links)
Introduction – The building industry is evolving, this urges for innovative methodologies to facilitate the construction processes including the information exchanges between these to accomplish a sustainable future. In addition, new requirements are being set by the Swedish government and other national authorities with the objective of reducing the climate impact caused by the construction industry, which is responsible for a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions. A helpful tool to estimate the total carbon dioxide emission value is the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) which depends on the Information Exchanges (IE) and the Level of Development (LOD) in BIM (Building Information Modelling) based projects to achieve a reliable result. Therefore, this research aims to find a better understanding of the relation between LOD, IE and LCA in BIM-based projects. Method – This research is based on an authentic ongoing construction project (casestudy), an assembled theoretical framework based on knowledge of the different subjects: LOD, BIM, LCA and IEs. And how previous researchers have faced similar issues. Also, on various thorough document analysis (BIM model and EIs) obtained from the case study. The mentioned above forms a support basis for this paper. Results – Two different BIM models were used to perform two LCA-simulations. One formed with LOD 200 provided a generic presentation of the studied element, which in this case was the model’s exterior walls. While the other model with LOD 300 generated a complex presentation of the model’s exterior walls. The simulation generated a comparative data showing that the Low LOD model had a climate impact value of 248 000 kg CO2. On the other hand, the High LOD model generated a climate impact value of 137 850 kg CO2, resulting in a 45% difference. The results presents that a lower carbon dioxide emission was caused when utilizing a higher LOD which contains more complex and specific information. The results argue for that a BIM model with the adequate amount of LOD is crucial for obtaining more reliable results when performing an LCA. Analysis – The results obtained from the LCA-simulations enhance the theories about the importance of LOD when performing an LCA. Higher LOD in a model generates more reliable results. Moreover, using a BIM software and an LCA plugin as tools facilitate the various IEs in a project. Discussion – The approach was limited to explore the environmental impact of one construction element, exterior walls, and its different LOD. Also, only the stage A1-A3 was analysed. However, trustworthy results were obtained due to the use of reliable data and research methods.
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Life Cycle Assessment of Urban Underground Oyster Mushroom Farming / Livscykelanalys av Underjordisk Stadsodling av OstronskivlingLemaitre, Emile January 2022 (has links)
Global food production has been recognized as the single largest driver of environmental degradation and transgression of planetary boundaries. Providing healthy food sustainably to a growing, mostly urban population will require radical changes to the food system. Indoor urban agriculture has been proposed as a promising alternative that reduces the distance between farm and fork, provides fresh quality food shortly after harvest, efficiently uses space by vertical expansion, and enables year-round cultivation protected by weather variations and climate deregulation. The development of indoor urban agriculture has traditionally manifested as verti- cal hydroponic systems cultivating leafy greens, but the interest in urban mushroom farming has lately been rising, both in Sweden and internationally. However, a knowledge gap on the environmental impacts of these systems hampers the possi- bility to develop them sustainably. This study aims to fill this gap by conducting an attributional cradle-to-market life cycle assessment of a theoretical urban under- ground oyster mushroom farm in Stockholm. Per kg packaged and delivered grey oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), the potential environmental impacts were estimated as the following - climate change: 2.45 kg CO2-eq, freshwater eutrophication: 6.76E-04 kg P-eq, fossils: 80 MJ, dissipated water: 3.29 m3 water-eq, and land use: 149 points. For the investigated impact categories the findings suggest that the three main environmental hotspots, in descending order, in general, are the farm’s electricity requirement, especially for fossils and dissipated water, the substrate materials, which is largely contributing to the land use impact, and the PET packaging of the final product, particularly for climate change and freshwater eutrophication. The results indicate that the cooling load for fruiting represents the majority of the farm’s electricity consumption. The spawn and wheat straw are the main contributors to the substrate mixture’s impact, and regarding climate iii change, the transportation by truck of the spawn and wheat straw pellets are im- portant factors. The life cycle of the PET packaging boxes and the PE growing bags have an especially important climate change contribution due to their production, transportation, and waste incineration. By indicating which processes, energy, and material flows most contribute to urban underground oyster mushroom farming’s environmental impact, this study gives insights on improvement priorities and help steer the sector towards ecologically sustainable development. To guide ecodesign, future studies should explore and assess the environmental implications of different options, such as substrate materials, substrate preparation methods, packaging materials, and the reuse of different urban residues. / Global livsmedelsproduktion har erkänts som den enskilt största drivkraften bakommiljöförstöring och överskridandet av planetens gränser. Att hållbart tillgodosehälsosam mat till en växande, mestadels urban befolkning kommer att kräva radikalaförändringar av livsmedelsystemet. Urban inomhusodling föreslås som ett lovande alternativ som året om, skyddat mot vädervariationer och klimatförändringar förser färska livsmedel kort efter skörd, minskar avståndet mellan produktion och konsumption och effektivt utnyttjar yta genom vertikal expansion. Utvecklingen av urban inomhusodling har traditionellt manifesterats som vertikala hydroponiskaodlingssystem av bladgrönsaker och örter, men på senare tid har intresset för stadsodling av svamp ökat, både i Sverige och internationellt. En kunskapslucka om dessa systems miljöpåverkan hämmar dock möjligheten att utveckla dessa på ett hållbart vis. Den här studien syftar till att fylla denna lucka genom att genomföra en bokföringsbaserad livscykelanalys från vagga-till-marknad av en teoretisk underjordisk stadsodling av ostronskivling i Stockholm. Per kg förpackad och leverera dostronskivling (Pleurotus ostreatus ), uppskattas den potentiella miljöpåverkan som följande klimatavtryck: 2,45 kg CO2-eq, sötvattensövergödning: 6,76E-04 kg P-eq, fossila resurser: 80 MJ, vattenanvändning: 3,29 m3 vatten-eq, och markanvändning: 149 poäng. För de fem undersökta miljökategorierna tyder resultatet på att de tre största bidragsfaktorerna, generellt och i fallande ordning är stadsodlingens elbehov, i synnerhet för fossila resurser och vattenanvändning, substratmixen,framförallt rörande markanvändning, och PET-förpackningen för slutprodukten, speciellt gällandes klimatpåverkan och sötvattensövergödning. Resultatet indikerar att kylbehovet under fruktifikationen står för huvuddelen av odlingsystemets elförbrukning. Myceliet och vetehalmen är de främsta bidragarna till substratmixens miljöpåverkan, och gällande klimatavtryck är transporten via lastbil av mycelieti och vetehalmpelletsen viktiga faktorer. Livscykeln för PET-förpackningen och PE-odlingspåsarna har ett särskilt viktigt bidrag till produktens klimatpåverkan på grund av deras produktion, transport och avfallsförbränning. Sammanfattningsvis kan denna studie, genom att indikera vilka processer, energi-och materialflöden som mest bidrar till miljöpåverkan av underjordisk stadsodling av ostronskivling, belysa prioriteringsomr ̊aden och därmed styra sektorn mot enekologiskt hållbar utveckling. F ̈or att vägleda ekodesign bör framtida studier belysa miljökonsekvenserna av olika alternativ så som substratmaterial, substratberedningsme-toder och förpackningsmaterial samt återanvändning av olika urbana avfallsflöden.
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