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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bio-LNG and CO2 liquefaction investment for a biomethane plant with an output of 350 Nm3/h : A techno-economic-environmental analysis

Vernersson, Lars-Julian January 2022 (has links)
Stricter requirements from the European Union and the German government regarding the utilization of renewable and sustainable fuels for transportation, power, and heat production are currently in effect. This has led to that heavy transportation companies are looking for a more sustainable alternative to liquefied natural gas, such as liquefied biomethane. The monetary costs for the release of greenhouse gas are also increasing due to the carbon certificates that are being traded are decreasing in numbers each year. Carbon certificates grant companies an allowance of releasing a certain amount of emissions without being fined. Carbon dioxide and biomethane liquefaction can be a good investment for producers of biomethane to find new markets by for example trading in carbon certificates, selling liquid carbon dioxide, and producing liquefied biomethane as an alternative transportation fuel. The sale price of biomethane is heavily dependant on the emission factor for the biomethane and as such, capturing the carbon dioxide from the biomethane plant and off-setting fossil carbon dioxide would increase the sale price of the biomethane. The methods used are theoretical and quantitative, Numerical data was collected to be able to perform the economical and environmental calculations. The investment cost for the liquefaction technologies was scaled down to correspond to a plant with a production capacity of 350 Nm3/h. Also included in this thesis is a review of biomethane production, together with theory for the economical and environmental calculations.  By performing a technical, economical and environmental assessment of the technologies for the liquefaction of carbon dioxide and biomethane. This thesis shows that liquefaction of biomethane is not an economical viable option at the moment for plants equal or below this production capacity, due to a negative net present value, negative return on investment, sensitivity to fluctuating costs, and a high payback time. However, it could help in achieving the sustainability goals set forth by the European Union and the German government. With regards to the liquefaction of carbon dioxide it is deemed a viable investment option with an investment cost of approximately 1 million Euro and a payback time of approximately 3 years. Liquefaction of carbon dioxide could bring an extra income to the biomethane plant. This due to an added revenue in the sales of liquid carbon dioxide and an increase in the sale price of biomethane due to a reduction of the emission factor from 17 gCO2-eq /MJ to -23 gCO2-eq /MJ. The investment could also help achieving the sustainability goals by decreasing the dependence on fossil carbon dioxide for various sectors.

Livscykelanalys av en härvsats

Brodin, Gustav, Johansson, Klara Mia Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Livscykelanalys (LCA) används för att beräkna produktsystemets potentiella miljöpåverkan och identifiera hotspots i livscykeln. Resultatet kan användas för att tilllämpaåtgärder på produktsystemets hotspots för en minskad potentiell miljöpåverkan. SCC AB är specialiserade på tillverkning av härvsatser, som är en delkomponent ielmotorer och generatorer. En härvsats består av lindningstråd gjord av koppar ochisoleringsmaterial. Syftet med denna studie är att redovisa kvalitativa- och kvantitativadata om härvsatsens potentiella miljöpåverkan under tillverkningen genom att– beräkna potentiell miljöpåverkan från vald härvsats– identifiera var det finns störst potential att göra förbättringar i livscykel– redovisa förbättringar för att minska potentiell miljöpåverkan i livscykeln. Den funktionella enheten (FE) är definierad som nytillverkning av generatorlindning tillrenovering av elektrisk utrustning. I jämförelse med andra härvsatser är den av mellanstorlek ochinte den mest producerade härvtypen på SCC. Den har en märkspänning (Un) på 13,8 kV ochbestår av 100 härvor gjorda av 1650 kg koppar och 230 kg isoleringsmaterial. Resultatet erhålls för miljöpåverkanskategorierna Global uppvärmnings-potential(GUP), försurnings-potential (FP) och abiotisk resursutarmnings-potential (ARP). Global uppvärmning beror främst på smältverket och koppargruvan som står för 43%respektive 38% av det totala bidraget på 9106 kg koldioxidekvivalenter (CO2e). Detär främst smältverket som bidrar till försurning på 63% av det totala bidraget på 279kg svaveldioxidekvivalenter (SO2e). Abiotisk resursutarmning beror till största delenpå koppargruvan som står för 82% av det totala bidraget på 3330 kg kopparekvivalenter (CUe). Förbättringsanalysen är baserad på ett materialflödesbaserat cirkularitetsmått (MEM),vilket beräknas genom att jämföra användning av primär- och sekundär kopparråvarai produktionen. Analysen visar att det finns sekundärproducerad lindningstråd påmarknaden som kan användas i tillverkning och kan beställas till en extra kostnad. Slutsatsen är att sekundärproducerad lindningstråd kan ersätta primärproduceradlindningstråd till en extra ekonomisk kostnad för att tillämpa en open loop mellan SCCAB och smältverket. Det kan bidra till en potentiellt minskad miljöpåverkan och enfrämjad CE. / Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is used to calculate the products potential environmentalimpact and identify hotspots in the life cycle. The result can be used to apply measuresto the product system hotspots for a reduced potential environmental impact. SCC AB specializes in the manufacture of coils, which are a sub-component in electricmotors and generators. A coil set consists of winding wire made of copper and insulating material. The purpose of this study is to present qualitative and quantitativedata on the coil set during production by– calculate the potential environmental impact from the selected coil set– identify the greatest potential to make improvements in the life cycle– report improvements to reduce the potential environmental impact in thelife cycle. The functional unit (FU) is defined as the manufacture of generator coil set for the renovation of electrical equipment. In comparison with other coil set, it is of medium size and not themost produced coil set on SCC. It has a rated voltage (Un) of 13.8 kV and consists of 100 coilsmade of 1650 kg of copper and 230 kg of insulation material. The result is obtained for the environmental impact categories global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP) and abiotic resource depletion potential(ADP). Global warming is mainly due to the copper smelter and the copper mine,which account for 43% and 38%, respectively, of the total contribution of 9106 kgcarbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). It is mainly the copper smelter that contributesto acidification of 63% of the total contribution of 279 kg sulphur dioxide equivalents(SO2e). Abiotic resource depletion is largely due to the copper mine, which accountsfor 82% of the total contribution of 3330 kg of copper equivalents (CUe). The improvement analysis is based on a material flow circularity measure (MEM),which is calculated by comparing the use of primary and secondary copper materialin the production. The analysis shows that there are secondary-produced wires on themarket thar can be used to produce the coil set. The conclusion is that secondary produced winding wire can replace primary windingwire at an extra financial cost to apply an open loop between SCC AB and the smelter.It can contribute to a potentially reduced environmental impact and a promoted CE.

Exploring the sustainability potential of an algae-based wood adhesive : Comparative and explorative environmental life cycle assessment of algae- vs. formaldehyde- based adhesives for particleboard production

Rasche, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Adhesives used for wood composites such as particleboard are conventionally of petrochemical nature with formaldehyde as a base substance and represent a pain point in the industry due their toxic emissions. Consequently, adhesives are subject to an agenda to develop more benign, low-impact alternatives. On the one hand, the issue has been addressed by means of optimisation of composition and amounts, and on the other hand, development of biobased adhesives from different renewable feedstock has been taking place over the past decades. Yet, these bio-adhesives remain a niche segment as renewability or lower toxicity alone is widely not enough despite increasingly strict regulations on formaldehyde emissions. Emphasis on a more comprehensive set of beneficial properties of ‘green’ adhesives is needed for successful adoption in the market. In this context, this study investigates the holistic sustainability potential of a yet untapped bio- adhesive feedstock: macroalgae. Current research on an algae-based adhesive from cultivated biomass in Sweden suggests suitable adhesive properties for particleboard manufacture. Complementing these promising findings on material properties, this study assesses sustainability of using an algae-based adhesive in a particleboard production system as opposed to conventional formaldehyde-based resins. A comparative cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of different scenarios was conducted, with the specific aim to explore changes in toxicity, climate change impacts and eutrophication due to the known benefits of cultivated macroalgae in these areas. A considerably better performance for algae-based adhesives was found across impact categories (CML baseline method) compared to formaldehyde-based scenarios, as well as a similar pattern with respect to cumulative energy demand. Particularly under a low-impact preservation method for the algal biomass, relative impacts were substantially lower without exception. Furthermore, a potential for carbon sequestration and replacing of fossil with biogenic carbon flows was identified, as well as bioremediation of location eutrophication through nutrient uptake of the biomass during cultivation. Despite the early stage and the need for further research, the results point to a promising potential for macroalgae as a feedstock for biobased wood adhesives which go beyond renewability. / Lim som vanligtvis används för träkomponenter som exempelvis spånskivor är konventionellt från petrokemiska källor med formaldehyd som basämne, och anses vara en utmaning för branschen på grund av dess giftiga utsläpp. Därav är det av intresse för branschen att utveckla bättre alternativ med mindre miljöpåverkan. Utvecklingen har dels skett genom optimering av sammansättning och proportioner, men under det senaste decennierna har även utveckling av biobaserade lim från olika förnyelsebara råvaror tagit fart. Dessa biobaserade lim är dock fortfarande ett nischat område, att enbart arbeta med förnybara råvaror som ger lägre toxicitet verkar inte vara tillräckligt, trots allt striktare bestämmelser om formaldehydutsläpp. Därför krävs det tydliga bevis av miljövinsterna med lim av förnyelsebara råvaror för att denna metod ska bli mer framgångsrik på marknaden. I detta sammanhang undersöker denna uppsats, genom ett holistiskt perspektiv, potentialen med lim gjort på det ännu outnyttjade förnyelsebara materialet makroalger. Aktuell forskning på algbaserat lim från odlad biomassa i Sverige har uppvisat lämpliga limegenskaper för användning inom spånskivetillverkning. Som ett komplement för dessa potentiella fördelaktiga egenskaper, bedömer denna uppsats miljönyttan med användandet av ett algbaserat lim i produktionssystem av spånskivor, i relation till det konventionella formaldehydbaserade limmet. Därmed görs en jämförande livscykelanalys från vaggan till grinden av olika scenarier, med syftet att undersöka förändringar i toxicitet, klimatpåverkan och övergödning, i och med att dessa tre påverkanskategorier redan har visat på kända miljöfördelar. Resultatet visade att det algbaserade limmet hade betydligt bättre miljöprestanda i alla påverkanskategorier undersökt med metoden CML baseline i jämförelse med det formaldehydbaserade limmet, vilket även visades för kategorin kumulativt energibehov. När en konserveringsmetod används för att processa algbiomassan, är skillnaden i miljöpåverkan av dom två limmen lägre inom alla påverkanskategorier. Slutligen identifierades potential för kolbindning och utbyte av biogena och fossila kolflöden, även bioremediering av lokal övergödning genom att biomassan upptog näringsämnen under odling. Trots det tidiga stadiet och behovet av fortsatt forskning så visar dessa resultat en fortsatt potential för makroalger som ett råmaterial för biobaserade trälim som tar förbybarhet ett steg längre.

Textile paper as a circular material

Ashok, Archana January 2017 (has links)
Increasing resource efficiency by utilising secondary raw material is one of the key characteristics of a circular economy. Textile dust fibre, a waste generated from textile mechanical recycling has the prospect to be utilised as secondary raw material for producing novel material: textile paper suitable for packaging and other applications. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of carrier bags made from one ton of virgin paper, recycled paper and novel textile paper (~22584paper bags with grammage of 100 g/m2 and same dimensions for all 3 types of bags) showed that textile paper bag is more environmentally friendly in terms of carbon footprint. The largest environmental contributors were energy consumed in the pulping and paper making processes, followed by the use of adhesives and printing ink in the conversion process of paper to papercarrier bags. A comparative Techno-economic Assessment (TEA) was carried out for the operating cost of producing the three selected carrier bag types. The analysis conveyed that textile paper bags are more economically attractive, mainly due to the partial substitution of paper fibre with low-cost textile dust fibre. Furthermore, a simple tool was developed with an attempt to assess and compare materials suitability for the circular economy considering life cycle thinking and business perspectives. Assessment of textile paper using the Circular material assessment tool indicated that there is still scope for improvement on the following circularity characteristics of circular material: scarcity of raw material, local supply of resources, clean and non-toxic resources. Textile paper material scored high in the following circularity characteristics: secondary raw material, industrial symbiosis, recycling, resource efficiency in manufacturing and use. In the final step, the textile paper bag was eco-designed through the combined and iterative LCA and TEA approach with the aim to achieve improved scores as a circular material. In order to understand the overall sustainability advantages and trade-offs, further research is recommended on different textile dust fibre grades as well as textile paper performance based on mechanical properties. It is also recommended to investigate textile paper in other applications like one time fashion clothes, reusable paper bags as textile hangers etc.

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Sludge Treatment Systems : Is recycling aluminium based coagulant from chemical sludge the way of the future? / Jämförande livscykelanalys av slamhanteringssystem : Är återvinning av aluminiumbaserad koagulant från kemslam framtidsvägen?

Henriksson, Patrick January 2017 (has links)
Chemical coagulation is a widely used wastewater treatment method around the world to reduce impurities from the process water in various industries. However, the large amounts of coagulation chemicals that are required for the removal of dissolved particles create a chemical sludge which poses a great environmental problem. Purac AB, a Swedish wastewater treatment company attempts to solve this problem with a new technology called the ReAl process. The ReAl process can recycle the aluminium ions from the commonly used coagulant aluminium sulfate, which reduces the amount of chemical sludge and the amount of aluminium sulfate needed in the coagulation process. In this study, a comparative life cycle assessment was conducted with a cradle-to-grave approach and mostly in accordance with the ISO-14040 series with the only deviation of not including resource-based impact categories. The goal was to evaluate the environmental impact of two sludge treatment systems – a conventional system (system 1) and a system which includes the ReAl process (system 2). Furthermore, the environmental performance of two dewatering equipment’s, a decanter centrifuge and a filter press, were examined in system 1, while in system 2, the exclusion of sludge drying was investigated. The scope of the study did not include the infrastructure of the sludge treatment systems and the ReAl process since previous studies have shown that, the environmental impact from the infrastructure in the wastewater treatment industry is relatively small compared to other factors, such as the energy and coagulation chemical used in these systems. The characterization results showed that system 2 had the lowest environmental impact on all the evaluated impact categories. The results also revealed that system 1 would have a slightly lower environmental impact if the chemical sludge was dewatered with a decanter centrifuge instead of a filter press. Similarly, system 2 would have a slightly lower environmental impact if sludge drying was excluded from the system. However, the environmental performance gain from selecting the best dewatering and drying equipment is limited and considered within the margin of error. Thus, this thesis suggests selecting the sludge treatment equipment based on their economic and technical factors before their environmental performance. The largest environmental impact in system 1 derived from the use of the coagulation chemical aluminium sulfate, while in system 2, sulfuric acid used in the ReAl process contributed the most to its environmental impact. The sensitivity analysis showed that a “clean” electricity mix is essential for system 2 and the ReAl process overall impact on the environment compared to system 1.

Feasibility of Life Cycle Assessment for Complex Medical Devices / Genomförbarhet av livscykelanalys för komplexa medicintekniska produkter

Svensson, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The interest in environmental issues is increasing and for this reason, assessing the potential environmental impacts of a product or system is of interest. A methodology developed for this particular purpose is the life cycle assessment, also known as LCA. It is not purely of interest these aspects are investigated though, as increasing requirements on organizations also matter. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility to implement the methodology of LCA in the aspect of complex medical devices. To do this, the framework for the methodology has been reviewed and a case study performed. The case study comprised of conducting an LCA study on the radiosurgery device Leksell Gamma Knife® IconTM.  The outcome of the investigation showed that conducting an LCA study means a wide range of aspects need to be considered and specified to a high degree. A particular issue was the data requirements, as obtaining data meeting several objectives was challenging. The modeling was also identified as a difficulty. Tools such as software and databases with predefined processes were used, though as complex medical devices can use materials not common in other fields, a lack of appropriate predefined processes hinders the feasibility. The conducted case study was able to attain valuable insights even though the study did not comply with the standards providing the framework, the ISO 14040 series. To conduct a compliant LCA study for complex medical devices, extensive resources would be required as well as the involvement of relevant parties along the supply chain. It is seen improbable to achieve a compliant study the first time a particular type of complex medical device is investigated. However, it is believed the feasibility would increase as studies are repeated, as the data quality is likely to increase. Advancements of the tools, as well as ongoing research on the environmental impacts of more materials, are other factors thought to increase the feasibility of conducting LCA studies on complex medical devices in the future. / Intresset för miljöfrågor ökar och därav finns det ett intresse att undersöka vad den potentiella miljöpåverkan är för en produkt eller ett system. En metodologi utvecklad för detta specifika syfte är livscykelanalys som även kallas LCA. Det är inte enbart utav intresse som aspekterna utreds, de ökande krav som ställs på olika aktörer spelar också roll. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka genomförbarheten av livscykelanalyser med avseende på komplexa medicintekniska produkter. Detta gjordes genom att granska regelverken för LCA samt genomförandet av en fallstudie, vilken utgjordes av en livscykelanalys på strålkniven Leksell Gamma Knife® IconTM. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att genomförandet av en livscykelanalys innebär att ett stort spann av aspekter måste beaktas och specificeras i hög grad. Ett särskilt problem var kraven på data då det var utmanande att samla in data som skulle möta flera behov. En annan identifierad svårighet var modelleringen. Verktyg användes i form av mjukvara och databaser med fördefinierade processer men då komplexa medicintekniska produkter kan bestå av material som inte är vanliga inom andra områden, var bristen på passande fördefinierade processer ett hinder för genomförbarheten. Den genomförda fallstudien gav värdefulla resultat trots att den inte var utförd helt enligt standarderna i ISO 14040 serien. För att en LCA studie för komplexa medicintekniska produkter skall möta dessa krav krävs omfattande resurser och att flera berörda parter längs försörjningskedjan involveras. Det ses därför som osannolikt att en studie som genomförs för första gången på en viss typ av komplex medicinteknisk produkt kan leva upp till regelverket. Dock så förmodas genomförbarheten öka i takt med att studier upprepas, då kvaliteten på data tros öka. Utveckling av verktygen samt pågående forskning om miljöpåverkan från olika material är andra faktorer som anses öka genomförbarheten av livscykelanalyser på komplexa medicintekniska produkter i framtiden.

Slab Frame Bridges : Structural Optimization Considering Investment Cost and Environmental Impacts

Solat Yavari, Majid January 2017 (has links)
This research encompasses the automated design and structural optimization of reinforced concrete slab frame bridges, considering investment costs and environmental impacts. The most important feature of this work is that it focusses on realistic and complete models of slab frame bridges rather than on optimization of only individual members or sections of a bridge. The thesis consists of an extended summary of publications and three appended papers. In the first paper, using simple assumptions, the possibility of applying cost-optimization to the structural design of slab frame bridges was investigated. The results of the optimization of an existing constructed bridge showed the potential to reduce the investment cost of slab frame bridges. The procedure was further developed in the second paper. In this paper, automated design was integrated to a more refined cost-optimization methodology based on more detailed assumptions and including extra constructability factors. This procedure was then applied to a bridge under design, before its construction. From the point of view of sustainability, bridge design should not only consider criteria such as cost but also environmental performance. The third paper thus integrated life cycle assessment (LCA) with the design optimization procedure to perform environmental impact optimization of the same case study bridge as in the second paper. The results of investment cost and environmental impact optimization were then compared. The obtained results presented in the appended papers highlight the successful application of optimization techniques to the structural design of reinforced concrete slab frame bridges. Moreover, the results indicate that a multi-objective optimization that simultaneously considers both environmental impacts and investment cost is necessary in order to generate more sustainable designs. The presented methodology has been applied to the design process for a time-effective, sustainable, and optimal design of concrete slab frame bridges. / <p>QC 20170316</p>

Professional development in Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment : A case study at an Argentinian institute / Kompetensutveckling i Globala Värdekedjor ochLivscykelanalys : En fallstudie på ett argentinskt institut.

Hanström, Joel January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis seeks to investigate how an Argentinean institute support its members to learn Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment. Two important methodologies that can be used as a basis to form sustainable strategies based on analyses of products or services. A Global Value Chains and Life Cycle Assessment course is held to the institute’s members who wishes to learn them. This case study has analysed the course design, the outcome and the institute’s organizational structure for professional development based on a 15-factor framework and relevant learning theories. Course evaluations, data analysis, group interviews and questionnaires were the research methods used to gather data for this case study. The thesis reveals that several important factors for professional development that facilitate the learning of GVC and LCA can be found at the institute. But, the current course design and the institute’s restriction of access to data prevents good learning outcomes for the course participants. Several suggestions regarding the course design and organisational structure were presented, based on the findings of this study. / Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka hur ett argentinskt institut stöder sina medlemmar att lära sig om globala värdekedjor (GVC) och livscykelanalys (LCA). Två viktiga metoder som kan användas som utgångspunkt för att bilda hållbara strategier baserade på analyser av produkter eller tjänster. En GVC och LCA kurs hålls för institutets medlemmar som vill lära sig metoderna. Denna fallstudie har analyserat kursdesignen, utfallet och institutets organisationsstruktur för kompetensutveckling baserad på en 15-faktors ramverk och relevanta lärteorier. Kursutvärderingar, dataanalyser, gruppintervjuer och frågeformulär var de undersökningsmetoder som användes för att samla data för denna fallstudie. Studien visar att flera viktiga faktorer för kompetensutveckling underlättar lärandet av GVC och LCA på institutet. Det framgår däremot att den nuvarande kursdesignen och institutetss begränsning av tillgång till data förhindrar goda läranderesultat för kursdeltagarna. Flera förslag om kursdesign och organisationsstruktur presenteras, baserat på resultaten från denna studie. / Esta tesis de maestría busca investigar cómo un instituto argentino apoya a sus miembros para aprender las Cadenas Globales de Valor (CGV) y la Análisis del Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Dos metodologías importantes que pueden usarse como base para formar estrategias sostenibles basadas en análisis de productos o servicios. Se realiza un curso de CGV y ACV a los iembros del instituto que deseen aprenderlos. Este estudio de caso ha analizado el diseño del curso, el resultado y la estructura organizacional del instituto para el desarrollo profesional basado en un marco de 15 factores y teorías de aprendizaje relevantes. Las evaluaciones de los cursos, el análisis de datos, las entrevistas grupales y los cuestionarios fueron los métodos de investigación utilizados para recopilar datos para este estudio de caso. La tesis revela que en el instituto se pueden encontrar varios factores importantes para el desarrollo profesional que facilitan el aprendizaje de CGV y ACV. Sin embargo, el diseño actual del curso y la restricción de acceso del instituto a los datos impiden buenos resultados de aprendizaje para los participantes del curso. Se presentaron varias sugerencias sobre el diseño del curso y la estructura organizacional, basadas en los hallazgos de este estudio.

Climate Change Impact Assessment of a Biochar System in Rural Kenya

Sujessy, Libbis January 2018 (has links)
Biochar systems have been beneficial to Kenyan residents living in the rural areas, particularly in Kwale, following recent research interventions. Biochar system starts from the biomass feedstock sourcing, its production method, and finally its application to soil. The aim of this study is to assess the climate change impacts of the application of biochar in smallholder farms and households in rural Kenya, against the traditional agriculture and cooking practices under realistic conditions and from a life cycle perspective. The scope of this study includes the biomass sourcing identification, biomass availability measurement, cooking practice observation and biochar application during planting season (April to May) at one of the rural areas, the Waa Ward in Kwale County under The Biochar Project. Field observation was carried out to identify and measure on-farm biomass availability and cooking performance. The identification and measurement of biomass weight were conducted through survey and manual scale, respectively. While the cooking performance was observed with uncontrolled Kitchen Performance Test (KPT) method. A life cycle assessment was conducted to evaluate the climate change impact of biochar system in Kwale. The biochar production method, also called the improved system in this study, is compared against the traditional system. This study focuses at the cookstove used for the two systems, Gastov and three-stone open fire. Gastov is a type of Top-Lit UpDraft (TLUD) natural draft gasifier cookstove investigated. The biomass measurement established the biomass and energy availability on-farms in Kwale. Meanwhile, the KPT found that Gastov required lesser fuel for cooking due to higher thermal efficiency in comparison to three-stone open fire. The LCA results showed that the improved system performs better than the traditional system in terms of climate change impacts and that the improved system potentially offset GHG emissions caused by traditional system as well as generates a net carbon credit. Lastly, the ‘hotspot’ of the improved system was identified in the cooking process, although it was also significantly better than the traditional cooking process. The sensitivity analysis showed that both fraction of stable carbon and fraction of non- renewable biomass (fNRB) were major factors in the biochar system in Kwale, Kenya. The conclusion is that the biochar system presents more advantages as applied in Kwale compared to the traditional system through biomass management, improved cooking method, and biochar application to soil.

Estimating the Potential Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Current and Future Electric Passenger Cars / Uppskatning av den Potentiella livscykeln Miljöpåverkan av Nuvarande och Framtida Elbilar

Koroma, Michael Samsu January 2018 (has links)
The road transport sector is heavily dependent on fossil-fuel based technologies, and as a result, contribute a significant share towards climate change and other environmental problems. If the transport sector is to reduce its adverse impacts on climate change, then it requires a global shift towards low-carbon technologies. However, deploying these new technologies brings uncertainties regarding their environmental profile, hence, the need for applying a life cycle approach in evaluating their potential environmental impacts. This thesis aim to evaluate the potential life-cycle environmental impacts associated with travelling 1 km in a battery electric cars (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric cars (PHEV) operated in the EU at present-day, and in the future up till 2050. The study applied the life cycle assessment (LCA) and ReCiPe Midpoint (H) methodologies to assess and calculate the potential life cycle environmental impacts of all vehicle scenarios. The datasets of the vehicles have been modelled with a modular approach by linking together various vehicle components. The future time perspective based on two future scenarios; the Mod-RES, representing the reference future scenario and the High-RES representing a future ambitious policy scenario.   The EU28 electricity production based on Fichtner, et al. was used to model the use phase all vehicle scenarios. The result showed BEV performed best in indicators for global warming (GWP), ozone depletion and fossil resource scarcity. The thesis best estimate for GWP is 5.61E-2 kgCO2 eq resulting from the BEV_High-RES scenario; representing a decrease in GWP of around 80% and 69% when compared to the ICEV and the baseline BEV respectively. On the other hand, the baseline BEV performed worst in impact categories related to human toxicity and damage to ecosystems; the conventional gasoline car showed the lowest estimate for indicators on human toxicity, acidification and eutrophication as defined in the baseline scenario. Nonetheless, the future scenarios showed promising results for all technologies; as projections for stringent environmental regulations, ‘cleaner’ energy systems and continuous advancement in vehicle technologies offered a significant reduction in all impact categories. Notably, the BEV reduced its impact on toxicity categories to around 38% of the initial values for the baseline scanario. Results are strongly dependent on assumptions regarding the vehicle and battery lifetime, the use phase electricity source and the vehicle consumption.  The findings establish the significance of carrying out a full LCA, including future time perspective and assessing impact categories beyond climate change. Also, it underlined the suggestion that production of electric cars raised more concern for EVs than conventional cars; thus, the tendency for environmental problem-shifting and the need for policy-makers to recognise existing trade-offs. / Vägtransportsektorn är starkt beroende av fossilbränslebaserad teknik och bidrar därmed till en betydande andel av klimatförändringen och andra miljöproblem. Om transportsektorn ska minska dess negativa inverkan på klimatförändringen, krävs det en global övergång till teknik med låga koldioxidutsläpp. Utnyttjandet av denna nya teknik medför dock osäkerhet om sin miljöprofil och därmed behovet av att tillämpa ett livscykelperspektiv vid utvärderingen av deras potentiella miljöpåverkan. Avhandlingen presenterar en livscykelanalys av nuvarande och framtida elfordon. Fokus ligger på batteri elbilar (BEV) och plug-in hybrid elbilar (PHEV) som drivs i EU. EU28-elproduktionen baserad på Fichtner, et al. användes för att beräkna de potentiella livscykelmiljöeffekterna av alla fordonsscenarier baserade på effektkategorier definierade i ReCiPe Midpoint (H) -metoden. Resultatet visade att BEV fungerade bäst i indikatorer för global uppvärmning (GWP), ozonförlust och fossila resurserbrist. Avhandlingens bästa uppskattning för GWP är 5,61E-2 kgCO2 ekv som härrör från BEV_High-RES-scenariot; vilket motsvarar en minskning av GWP på cirka 80% och 69% jämfört med ICEV respektive baseline BEV. Å andra sidan har baslinjens BEV den högsta andelen miljöindikatorer relaterade till human toxicitet och skador på ekosystemen. Den konventionella bensinbilen visade den lägsta uppskattningen av indikatorer för human toxicitet, försurning och eutrofiering enligt definitionen i baslinjen. De framtida scenarierna visade emellertid lovande resultat för all teknik, detta förutsätter strängre miljöregler, "renare" energisystem och kontinuerlig framsteg inom fordonsteknik som kommer att erbjuda en betydande minskning av alla påverkningskategorier. I synnerhet reducerade BEV: s påverkan på toxicitetskategorier till omkring 38% av de ursprungliga värdena för baslinjens scanario. Resultaten är starkt beroende av antaganden om fordonets och batteritiden, användningsfasens elkälla och fordonsförbrukningen. Resultaten visar betydelsen av att utföra en fullständig LCA, inklusive framtida tidsperspektiv och bedömning av påverkningskategorier utanför klimatförändringen. Det understryker också förslaget gällamde produktion av elbilar har en betydande ökade oro för elektriska motorer än konventionella bilar. Det finns en risk för miljöproblemförskjutning och ett behovet av att politiska beslutsfattare erkänner befintliga avvägningar. / REFLEX - Analysis of the European energy system under the aspects of flexibility and technological progress

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