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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokymosi visą gyvenimą strategijos įgyvendinimas / Implementation of lifelong learning strategy

Ramaneckienė, Gintarė 11 July 2011 (has links)
Mokytis gyvenime mus skatina ir verčia naujų poreikių, bei naujų technologijų atsiradimas, inovacijų taikymas darbe. Vykstanti švietimo reforma, įvairūs socialinio gyvenimo pokyčiai, skatina nuolat tobulintis visų pirma pedagogus, nes pagal savo profesijos ypatumą orientuotis į būsimus ateityje valstybės poreikius, jie patys pirmieji privalo kelti savo kvalifikaciją, prisitaikyti prie gyvenimo tempo ir kintančių rinkos pokyčių, atsižvelgti į darbo rinkos tendencijas ir prognozes. Žinoma, mokymasis visą gyvenimą aktualus ne tik švietimo darbuotojams tarp jų - dėstytojams, bet ir besimokančiai plačiajai visuomenei. Kadangi jauni žmonės baigę universitetus negali įsidarbinti, neretai jie savo ateitį susieja su ES daugiau išsivysčiusiomis šalimis, tokiu būdu .jų požiūris į vietinius poreikius tampa iškreiptas, o tolimesnis mokymasis – nebeaktualus. Jiems bandoma įteigti, jog pagrindinis sėkmės kliuvinys - neturimi praktiniai darbiniai įgūdžiai, tačiau tai – tik panašūs į tiesą teiginiai, beslapstantys bendrą ekonominį nuosmukį ir Valstybės bejėgišką jaunimo politiką, paverčiančią savo tėvynę pamote aktyviausiai ir perspektyviausiai tautos daliai. Darbe tirti Lietuvos Aukštųjų mokyklų dėstytojai ir studentai. Tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti mokymosi visą gyvenimą teorinius aspektus bei teisines prielaidas, taip pat ištirti pedagogų ir studentų požiūrį į mokymąsi visą gyvenimą bei nustatyti jo mokymosi galimybes. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgta ir apibendrinta mokslinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Encourages us to lifelong learning, and forces new needs, and the emergence of new technologies, innovation in the workplace. The ongoing educational reforms, social life changes, encourage to continually improve, in particular teachers, because of their profession to focus on the future needs of the future state, they themselves must first upgrade their skills and adapt to the changing pace of life and market changes, to take into account labor market trends and forecasts. Of course, lifelong learning is relevant not only to employees of education among them - teachers and learners, but the general public. As young people graduated from universities not work, they often associate their future with more advanced EU countries, in this way. Their approach to local needs become distorted, and further learning - history. They are trying to suggest that the main obstacle to success - the lack of practical working skills, The auditoria of the current study is 60 high school teachers and 300 students. Goal of the theoretical part of tiesis is- to analyze the life-long learning theoretical aspects, as well as to investigate teachers;and students; attitudes to lifelong learning and to identify the learning opportunities. The theoretical part of the work reviewed and summarized the scientific literature and take analysis of the European Union and the Lithuanian educational documents. The study was summarized questionnaire data obtained from interviews of students from Vilnius... [to full text]

Reflecting Blues - Perceptions of policing students undertaking a Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) course with regard to reflective practice and associated skills

Malthouse, Richard January 2011 (has links)
This research considered the perceptions of policing students who attended a Preparing to Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) course at a Central London College for Further Education, in relation to their study needs, motivation levels, relevant support and reflective practice. This phenomenological study considered 15 students from the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) employing the use of semi-structured interviews to gather data. The findings were that the students‟ perception in relation to the support offered by the MPS was insufficient and this may be due to the pedagogical approach to learning favoured by many students. Several appeared to require support with learning and writing level at three or four. The college did very well in respect of the perception of the students in relation to the support they experienced. The scarcity of time and the intensity of the course was a prominent factor, where some had underestimated how much time they would need to allocate to study. Overwhelmingly the students required support when engaging in study at level three or four and there appeared to exist very little knowledge in how to write an assignment. Some of the students appeared to favour a more pedagogical approach to study and in some cases reacted against the andragogical style employed by the college. Support from the mentor was valued considerably by most of the students and this appears to be a contributory factor in easing the students back into study. In relation to students‟ perceptions of Reflective Practice (RP) there existed three distinct groups, namely those who considered that they used reflective practice, those who considered they did on certain occasions and one who did not. In general there existed a positive attitude towards the concept of RP although none of the students kept a record of their subsequent RP following the PTLLS course. The phenomenon of Situational Reflective Practice was observed which took the form of Reflection-re-Action and Reflection-re-Inaction. This is concerned with the way in which a social group or an organisation is behaving and the impact this has upon an individual. Further research in relation to the idea of Situational Reflective Practice is called for.

Iscensättande av identiteter i vuxenstudier / Staging Identities in Adult Education

Assarsson, Liselott, Sipos Zackrisson, Katarina January 2005 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is how identities are construed in adult education. According to the theoretical framework inspiring the study, identities are viewed as discursive constructions that are negotiated in social arenas. Hence, identities are considered versatile, plural and contradictory. The study has an ethnographic case study design and the field work was conducted 1998–2001. Various sources of data collection, such as interviews and participant observations were utilised. Every day practice at three different institutions of adult education in the case study municipality ”Nystad” were studied: Folk high school, Komvux and Liber Hermods flexgymnasium. Participants (27) were studied extensively, and a follow-up containing biographical interviews with the participants was also done 18 months after the main study. The result will show how the discourse of life long learning produce different technologies applying to different institutions of adult education defining what counts as knowledge, the relationships between actors and the demands participants will be posed with. Although the institutions of education are different, there are also similarities. The differences, however, are important in the recruitment of participants. The requirements of the education as to who you are supposed to be as a participant in adult education show a similar pattern, irrespective of the institution of education; the student with an interest in studying, prone to change, independent and well-behaved. Different strategies are detected when focusing the staging of participants’ identities, adaptive and defiant. An adaptive strategy means the adults meet the requirements of the education and a defiant strategy that they resist. The strategies may be applied by one and the same participant depending on the situation. Biographies show how different interpretative repertoires are used to stage different identities. The participants use four repertoires relevant to the subject: that of making a living, learning, earning credits and self realization. The repertoires applicable to the forms of teaching are teacher oriented, selfdirected and conversational. The repertoires used in relation to the teachers in adult education are expert, person, supervisor and administrator. The repertoires used by the adults in order to describe other participants are adult student, study mate and friend. The result of the study inspires the discussion of adult education in terms of social inclusion and exclusion.

公務人員終身學習阻礙及解決策略之研究 / The Learning Barriers of Public Servants and the Possible Solutions

卓怡君, Cho, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在對於公務人員素質與行為的檢視標準大為提高、政府改造聲浪四起的時代,組織學習的需求迅速在公部門中蔓延,學習型組織的思維日益亦在政府組織中持續發酵,「人力資本」的培養與累積,日益受到重視。 行政院人事行政局訂定「行政院及所屬各機關公務人員終身學習護照核發及認證作業要點」,為了鼓勵公務人員主動、創新的精神,鼓勵公務人員的終身學習,充分開發公務人力資源,以因應未來強調知識與技術不斷更新發展的新世紀,提升國家行政績效及服務品質,更開始推動「公務人員終身學習計畫」,希望能利用「學習護照」登錄時數的方式,落實這樣的公務人員終身學習理念。此機制因而成為公務人員參與學習的重要推手。目前,行政院人事行政局訂定每人每年最低學習時數、數位學習時數及業務相關學習時數,並指出參加學習時數之多寡,將作為公務人員年終考績及升遷的評分參考。 本研究以公務人員的終身學習機制為核心,利用深度訪談的方法蒐集資料,探討我國公務人員在進行終身學習活動時,所面臨阻礙其學習的因素,獲得機構阻礙、意向阻礙、情境阻礙與組織阻礙四個面向的結果,並針對其中的各組礙因素,以深度訪談的方式,尋求可採行的解決策略。最後,本研究提出對公務人員終身學習的八項建議,期能以本研究提供制度修改時之參考,讓其在未來持續推行時能更符合實際施行所需,發揮更大成效。

Improving Indonesian nursing students' self-directed learning readiness

Saha, Djenta January 2006 (has links)
Introduction The purpose of this study was to improve Indonesian nursing students' self-directed learning readiness. An educational intervention program (EIP) was developed, implemented and evaluated. Background to the study Many studies have documented the need for nursing students to be prepared for the rapidly changing and complex health care environment. Lifelong, self-directed learning (SDL) has been identified as an important ability for nursing graduates. However, no study has documented the needs of, or preparation required for, nursing students to function effectively in the rapidly changing health care system in Indonesia. The Indonesian diploma nursing schools still use a teacher-centred approach with little emphasis on a student-centred approach. Method The study used a mixed method involving both quantitative and qualitative design. Simple random sampling was used to select an intervention school and control school. The sample was 2nd year nursing students with 47 in the intervention group and 54 in the control group. A pre-post test questionnaire, using the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale (Guglielmino, 1978), was used to collect quantitative data and focus group discussions (FGD) were used to collect qualitative data regarding students' perceptions of SDL prior to and at the completion of study. The intervention group received an EIP. The Staged Self-Directed Learning Model (Grow, 1991) and the Teacher Student Control Continuum (D'A Slevin & Lavery, 1991) were used as the organising framework. A self-learning module and learning plans were used as learning strategies to operationalise SDL concepts alongside teacher-centred methods. The control group received the existing teacher-centred methods. At the completion of the intervention, clinical instructors from both the intervention and control groups participated in FGD to explore their perceptions of students' activities during the EIP. Results For the majority of students, readiness for SDL was 'below average'. The mean for the Indonesian nursing students was significantly lower than established norms (Guglielmino, 1978). The introduction of SDL concepts through an EIP improved the level of readiness for SDL in the intervention group from 'below average' to 'average' compared to the control group who remained in the 'below average' range. Higher SDL readiness was reported by female students and students who completed the educational intervention. The FGD before the intervention revealed that students perceived SDL as a 'self-activity'. Perceptions of students in the intervention group changed during the EIP compared to students in the control group. Students in the intervention group viewed SDL as a 'process of learning'. Increased self-confidence, incremental learning, and having direction in learning were identified as benefits of SDL. Knowledge and skills in SDL, learning materials and communication were identified as important issues that needed to be improved. Clinical Instructors' perceptions of students' clinical activities confirmed that students in the intervention group were 'more active' compared to the control group who were 'still inactive'. Conclusion The study confirmed the expected effect of the EIP on students' SDL readiness. The EIP improved nursing students' readiness for SDL and had a positive impact on students' perceptions of SDL. Introducing the concept of SDL through the EIP was found acceptable by the sample and was deemed feasible to implement within the Indonesian nursing education system. The study has potential to make a significant contribution to nursing education in Indonesia by promoting lifelong learning and SDL in nursing students and in curricula through the development of innovative curricula and teaching and learning practices. The study also has potential wider benefit to nursing practice and global health practice.

Kompetensutveckling för yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare inom kommunal sektor

Selin, Karin, Vennberg, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att skapa en bild av studie- och yrkesvägledares egen syn på behov av och möjligheter till kompetensutveckling, detta i förhållande till de kunskaper och färdigheter som de själva och gällande bestämmelser säger behövs för att klara av yrkets utmaningar. För att uppnå syftet och för att få svar på frågeställningarna valdes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med 15 stycken utbildade yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare och 5 stycken skolledare. När det gällde kompetensutveckling uttryckte samtliga respondenter i studien framförallt att för dem innebar det annat än kunskaper som utvecklas genom utbildning. Det de såg som kompetensutveckling var snarare egenskaper, erfarenheter och värderingar hos vägledaren som kunde utvecklas genom arbetet och samspelet med klienter och kollegor. Denna brist på kunskap hos vägledarna själva om de kunskaper de kan utveckla sina kompetenser inom kan ses bero på det faktum att studie- och yrkesvägledare inte har en arbetsbeskrivning för sitt yrke. Hade vägledarna haft en sådan skulle det vara enklare för dem att veta och visa på vilka kunskaper de bör ha i yrket, och vad de behöver kompetensutveckling inom. Att ungefär hälften av respondenterna saknade utvecklingsplan tyder även det på behovet av detta. En utvecklingsplan skulle då kunna kopplas till arbetsbeskrivningen för att få större tyngd. Respondenterna är rörande överens om att grundutbildning, återkommande kompetensutveckling och livslångt lärande tillhör de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna för dem för att klara sig i sitt yrke i dagens snabbt föränderliga samhälle.


Hancock, Barry Ray 01 August 2011 (has links)
BARRY RAY HANCOCK, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in WORKFORCE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT, presented on May 9, 2011, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: PERCEPTIONS OF ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE ADMINISTRATORS ON THE IMPACT OF THE U.S. ECONOMIC RECESSION AND STATE FINANCIAL PRESSURES ON PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. John S. Washburn The United States economic recession is now in its third year and continues to have a serious impact on the American higher education system, including Illinois' public community colleges. Illinois community colleges are seeing increases in enrollments while at the same time seeing significant decreases in state funding. The purpose of this study was to provide data leading to a systematic understanding of how Illinois community college continuing education programs are delivered in the 21st Century. The analysis included survey data from community colleges presidents and continuing education program managers (CEPMs) and interview data from three presidents and three CEPMs representing urban, suburban and rural community colleges. Several findings and conclusions were discovered as a result of this study, including: (1) respondents indicated offering courses which do not meet profit expectations, but they do and should continue to because they are testing or building new curriculum, (2) primary state funding sources are inadequate and unreliable and secondary funding options, such as grants, endowments, and donations are used to support programs, (3) financial pressures are having an adverse effect on continuing education departments and their budgets, (4) approximately 35% of the state community colleges' enrollment can be attributed to continuing education enrollments, yet most colleges only allocate 1-10% of their institutional budgets to this purpose, (5) about one-quarter of the respondents do not feel their colleges' continuing education program is prepared for the influx of senior citizens. Several general recommendations were made, including dissemination of study results to state associations, community college presidents and CEPMs. The study concludes with recommendations for practice for presidents and CEPMs as well as recommendations for further research.

Thai Students’ Expectations on Their Professional Future : With a Lifelong Learning Perspective / Thailändska studenters förväntningar på deras framtida yrkesliv : Ur ett perspektiv av livslångt lärande

Christoffersson, Jenny, Ioannidou, Irini January 2018 (has links)
Lifelong learning is known and well-studied in the West, but many times the findings of studies conducted in Europe and USA are simplified to universal findings. Although the world is not that simplistic, it is often argued that the East has a more collectivistic culture while the West is leaning more towards an individualistic. Only a few studies have been conducted on the subject in the East and those studies have a macro-perspective with a focus on political and economic values, while the individual perspective is left unexplored. The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of what Thai students expect from their professional future from a lifelong learning perspective and how culture in terms of individualistic and collectivistic dimensions influences these expectations. This is a qualitative study where our empirical data come from ten semi-structured interviews, with last year’s university students in Bangkok. The findings showed that the students’ expectations are influenced by the collectivistic culture while at the same time being connected with the rapid moving society around them. This could be seen as a divided thinking between old traditions and new possibilities, between individualistic dreams and collectivistic loyalty. The findings suggest that lifelong learning in Thailand is influenced by more than just the collectivistic dimension, as previous research shows. We offer a consideration of the situation above and believe young adults are finding their own way, trying to please both sides of a complex situation.

Motivace sociálních pracovníků k celoživotnímu vzdělávání / The motivation of social workers to lifelong learning

MORONGOVÁ, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the motivation of social workers towards lifelong education. In the first part there is the summary of current state of lifelong education of social workers in the Czech republic, particularly the legislation that includes the obligation of such education. It also consits of other documents that somehow include requirements of lifelong education, proposed changes of so-called professional law and experts' opinions. In the second part, I examine the motivation towards lifeong education, theory of motivation and pros and cons of that education. The thesis also includes a survey which is made of interviews with social workers. The participants were asked about their perception of need of such education in social work, how such education works at their workplace, what works as thier motivation towards it and whether they see any obstacles in getting it.

Vzdělávání dospělých v DDM v Kraji Vysočina / Adult education in Youth Centre in the Highlands Region - what kind of offer education Youth Centre for adult education and as used menu.

PAVLÍČKOVÁ, Jarmila January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with lifelong adult education with a focus on leisure education. The theoretical framework is described as a developmental stage of maturity of the individual. It is also understood the importance of free time and lifelong adult education. In the research part I'm using questionnaires compared the views of both sides of leisure education - DDM directors and adult participants. The aim of this thesis is to clarify the importance of lifelong adult education with a focus on formal education and then determine whether a particular site (Vysocina Region) and the specific type of educational establishment (House of Children and Youth - DDM) is offering sufficiently diverse and is thus perceived and adult participants . The results of the quantitative survey shows that in the area of education DDM menu also caters to the needs of adult participants. The results also point to a provision in the promotion of programs aimed at adults.

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