Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1ighting"" "subject:"alighting""
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Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control for Smart LightsVelasquez Garrido, Jose J. 17 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Light as a Tool for Generating Identity : Lighting proposal for part of Islamic Cairo, EgyptMarzouk, Nelly January 2017 (has links)
Each city has a unique image and special things to offer to citizens and visitors. It is this unique image that differentiate between the different cities. The uniqueness of the image of the city is derived from the urban identity of the city and its public spaces. The purpose of this thesis is to define what are the factors that contribute in defining space identity which were found to be the physical stationary structure, the users and their interaction with the space which result in creating memories and experience and the history of the space. Based on this definition a connection is made to define how can urban lighting contribute in fulfilling those factors This connection is made through the study of urban lighting techniques, the different approaches of lighting masterplan for three cities and users perception of the space aiming to reach a final goal of a conceptual lighting proposal for Al-Moez Ldin Allah street which is part of Islamic Cairo in Egypt. Al-Moez street is considered a landmark and a touristic space in Cairo because it is rich with heritage landmarks and amazing medieval architecture. The street is not only considered a touristic space, but it is also used by locals and a lot of Egyptians already are emotionally attached to the space. Finally, a discussion part is following that aim to reflect on the steps taken to approach the goal of this thesis and evaluate the lighting proposal based on the vision of this thesis, and it shows that keeping users as the first priority in the design process will result in the most efficient lighting proposal.
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Integrating IFC Models and Virtual Reality for Indoor Lighting Design / Integrering av IFC-modeller och virtuell verklighet för inomhusbelysningWisén, André January 2019 (has links)
Previous research has studied the use of Building Performance Simulations (BPS) tools withBuilding Information Modeling (BIM). BPS can be used to visualize and evaluate the designof buildings. Virtual Reality (VR) can be used as a BPS tool for designing indoor lighting.The problem is that previous research still has difficulties with data interoperability. That isthe integration of VR with BIM. Many studies suggest using the file format IFC to mitigatethis problem.The aim of this study is to investigate how to increase data interoperability by using a fileformat IFC. A prototype system will be developed to test this. The research question is if openBIM formats can improve the quality of design solutions? The study will try to answer howVR can be integrated with BIM and how VR can be used for indoor lighting design.The result from this thesis is in part a prototype system called FooBar. FooBar shows how VRcan be integrated with BIM. However, the file format IFC was not used throughout the wholedesign process. Instead, IFC is only used at the beginning and the end of the process. Thisstudy shows how VR can be used as an alternative BPS tool. Users can manipulate lights inthe building model. These changes are then updated in the original BIM model.This means that VR can be used to improve the quality of design solutions. In other words,FooBar can help to cope with multidisciplinary design processes. Users can immersethemselves into the virtual environment and see different design alternatives for themselves.Different design alternatives can easily be rendered in VR. With a system like FooBar, userscan easily define, propose, and analyze different design ideas to reach design goals. / Tidigare forskning har studerat hur simuleringsverktyg (Building Performance Simulations,BPS) kan användas med byggnadsinformationsmodellering (Building Information Modeling,BIM).Simuleringsverktyg kan dels användas för att visualisera design och användas somdesignutvärdering. Virtual Reality (VR), eller virtuell verklighet, kan användas som ettsimuleringsverktyg för design av inomhusbelysning. Problemet är att tidigare forskning harproblem med datakompatibilitet, d.v.s. integrationen av VR med BIM. Många studier föreslåratt filformatet IFC används för att lösa detta problem.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur man ökar datakompatibiliteten genom attanvända ett IFC. Ett prototypsystem kommer att utvecklas för att testa detta. Forskningsfråganhandlar om huruvida öppna BIM-format kan förbättra kvaliteten på designlösningarna.Studien ska även försöka svara på hur VR kan integreras med BIM och hur VR kan användasför inomhusbelysningsdesign.Resultatet av detta arbete är en del av ett prototypsystem kallat FooBar. FooBar visar hur VRkan integreras med BIM. Filformatet IFC användes emellertid inte under heladesignprocessen. Istället används IFC endast i början och slutet av processen. Det andraresultatet är att denna studie visar hur VR kan användas som ett alternativ till andrasimuleringsverktyg. Med FooBar kan användare flytta, rotera och skala om ljus ibyggnadsmodellen. Dessa ändringar uppdateras sedan i den ursprungliga BIM-modellen.Det betyder att VR kan användas för att förbättra kvaliteten på designlösningarna. FooBar kanmed andra ord bidra till att underlätta multidisciplinära designprocesser. Användare kan självakliva in i den virtuella miljön (i VR) och se olika designalternativ framför sig. Således kanolika designalternativ enkelt göras i VR. Med ett system som FooBar kan användarna enkeltdefiniera, föreslå och analysera olika designidéer för att nå de designmål som finns i projektet.
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Exploring affordances of tangible user interfaces for interactive lightingBijman, Nicolaas Peter January 2019 (has links)
This paper explores interaction with lighting through a tangible user interface (TUI). In a TUI the physical object and space around it are part of the interface. A subset of tangible interaction called spatial interaction is the main focus of this paper. Spatial interaction refers to translation, rotation or location of objects or people within a space. The aim of this paper is to explore the relation between spatial inputs and lighting outputs based on different design properties. A user test is set up to explore the effect that design properties of a TUI have on the lighting output that participants map to spatial inputs. The results of the conducted user test indicate that communicating affordances to the user is an important factor when designing couplings between spatial inputs and lighting outputs. The results further show that the shape of the interface plays a central role in communicating those affordances and that the overlap of input and output space of the interface improves the clarity of the coupling. / Den här studien utforskar gripbar (tangible) interaktionsdesign med fokus på ljus och belysning. Vid användning av ett gripbart (tangible) gränssnitt används den fysiska miljön som gränssnitt. Detta skiljer sig till stor del från interaktion med ett grafiskt användargränssnitt, där alla interaktioner sker och begränsas av en skärms egenskaper. Denna studie fokuserar på rumslig (spatial) interaktionsdesign, vilket är en del av gripbar interaktionsdesign. Rumslig interaktion refererar till översättning, rotation eller plats av objekt eller människor i ett utrymme. Ett användartest har utförts för att testa vad för effekt olika rumsliga indata och designegenskaper har på förväntad utdata för ljus och belysning. Resultatet från användartestet visar att starka affordances och begränsningar, tillsammans med överlappningen av rumslig indata och utdata för ljus och belysning, är de viktigaste egenskaperna för att designa tydliga övergångar.
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Smart City Lighting in the City of StockholmPascual Pelayo, Ignacio Javier January 2018 (has links)
The vision of the Smart City and Internet of Things is gradually becoming areality. Many cities around the world have initiated a modernization processtowards more intelligent and ecient management systems and Stockholm isnot an exception. This work is chiey devoted to public lighting; owing toits ubiquitous nature, it may certainly play a major role driving this transformation.It addresses the main concerns of the Trac Oce, in charge of thisinstallation, in relation with the architecture, underlying protocols, opportunities,and available systems in the market, among others.The lack of a unied standard as well as legal, human and security issueshave initially hampered the maturing process of this new paradigm. The existenceof multiple alternatives leads to the overchoice phenomenon and oftendiscourages industries and governments to adopt IoT solutions. Therefore, anextensive survey has been conducted to analyze the suitability of dierent protocolswith the requirements of the installation. Solutions have been classiedin three main categories, and one instance of each, namely IEEE 802.15.4,NB-IoT and LoRa, have been evaluated to illustrate an example architectureand calculate capacity and cost metrics.The demands of such deployment have been identied by agreeing on a basicset of services. As a result, two scenarios (worst-case and optimistic) havebeen proposed to model system's trac. A mathematical methodology hasbeen used to establish a soft limit on the maximum amount of devices servedby a single gateway that should be considered by implementers. In case of NBIoT,the capacity depends entirely upon the network operator, consequentlythe comparative is based on a third model (minimum trac) focused on reducingthe operation cost. In this way, this thesis provides the Trac Ocewith an initial approach to the matter and an unbiased reference frameworkto decide the future development of street lighting in Stockholm. / La vision de la Ciudad Inteligente y el Internet de las Cosas esta cada vezmas cerca de convertirse en una realidad. Una gran cantidad de municipiospor todo el mundo han comenzado un proceso de modernizacion hacia sistemasde gestion mas ecientes y ecaces y Estocolmo no es una excepcion.Este trabajo esta principalmente dedicado al area de la iluminacion publica,puesto que su presencia ubicua la convierten en uno de los entes principalesque impulsan esta transformacion. Mas concretamente, responde a las dudasdel departamento de Traco de la ciudad sobre la posible infraestructura,protocolos de comunicacion, oportunidades y disponibilidad de sistemas en elmercado, entre otros asuntos.La falta de un estandar unicado junto con la aparicion de diferentes cuestioneslegales y problemas de seguridad ha dicultado la maduracion de estenuevo paradigma de comunicaciones. De la misma manera, la existencia demultiples alternativas en el mercado ha generado cierta reticencia del sectorgubernamental e industrial debido a la indecision provocada por el exceso deoferta. Por este motivo, se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo sobre la idoneidadde las diferentes soluciones para los requerimientos que imponen este tipode instalaciones. Se han identicado tres principales categoras y se ha analizadoel protocolo mas representativo de cada una de ellas para ejemplicarla arquitectura del sistema y obtener medidas orientativas sobre su coste ycapacidad.Una vez identicados los servicios basicos que deberan proporcionarse, se hanplanteado dos escenarios que modelan el traco en la red para una situaciondesfavorable y otra optimista. A traves de un desarrollo matematico se haobtenido la cantidad maxima de dispositivos que pueden conectarse a unmismo Gateway para cada tecnologa, con el n de proporcionar un datoorientativo para la entidad encargada del dise~no del sistema. En el caso detecnologas celulares, la infraestructura depende por completo del operador,por lo que se ha determinado mas provechoso estudiar el coste de operacioncon un tercer modelo orientado a la reduccion del mismo. De esta forma,este trabajo provee al departamento de Traco de un primer acercamiento alproblema y un marco de referencia para tomar con coherencia futuras decisionessobre la modernizacion del servicio de alumbrado publico en Estocolmo. / Visionen om den Smarta Staden och Internet of Things blir gradvis en realitet. Många städer runt om i världen har startat en moderniseringsprocess mot intelligenta och mer effektiva system och Stockholm är inget undantag. Den här avhandlingen är främst ägnad åt offentlig belysning eftersom den säkert kan spela en viktig roll för att driva på omvandlingen, på grund av sin allestädes närvarande natur. Den behandlar trafikkontorets, myndigheten som ansvarar för belysningen, största bekymmer i samband med bland annat arkitektur, underliggande protokoll, möjliga och tillgängliga system på marknaden. Bristen på en enhetlig standard och juridiska, mänskliga samt säkerhetsfrågor har inledningsvis hindrat mognadsprocessen för detta nya paradigm. Förekomsten av flera alternativ leder till övervalsfenomen och avskräcker ofta industrier och regeringar för att anta IoT-lösningar. Därför har en omfattande undersökning genomförts för att analysera lämpligheten för olika protokoll med krav för installationen. Lösningar har klassificerats i tre huvudkategorier, och ett exempel av var, nämligen IEEE 802.15.4, NB-IoT och LoRa, har utvärderats för att illustrera en exempelarkitektur och beräkna kapacitets- och konstandsmått. Kraven på sådan utplacering har identifierats genom att komma överens om en grundläggande uppsättning tjänster. Två scenarier (värsta fall och optimistisk) har föreslagits för att påvisa systemets trafik. En matematisk metod har använts för att fastställa en mjukgräns för de maximala mängder anordningar som betjänas av en enda gateway vilken bör övervägas av implementatörer. NB-IoT kapaciteten beror på nätoperatören, därför grundas jämförandet med en tredje modell (minsta trafik) fokuserad på att minska driftskostnaden. Det här examensarbetet tillför sålunda trafikkontoret ett första tillvägagångssätt och en saklig referensram för att bestämma den framtida utvecklingen av gatubelysningen i Stockholm.
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Approach to Lighting Design and Light Planning in Constructivist BuildingsGodov, Sergei January 2022 (has links)
Being one of the most significant styles in the architectural avant-garde, constructivism introduced to the world of architecture a dozen principles that remain relevant and progressive to this day. The architectural functionalism and purity, lacking any disturbances, undertakes Le Corbusier principles and works for the “poetry of a simple form and a philosophy of rationalism”. This way constructivism sets the rules for the internal planning, making this architectural style light and open-like, penetrated by daylight. Trends in contemporary architecture often echo the principles that the constructivists worked on. In terms of lighting design this means on one hand, there is a significant potential for today's architects to benefit from the deeper understanding of daylight planning approaches in constructivist buildings and on the other hand there is an opportunity to update the solutions in the design of artificial lighting. The project aims at identifying the possible lighting design program for these kinds of spaces. From pointing out the key factors to consider, through the analysis of a specific constructivist building, the set of solutions was developed with intention to apply them in any environment designed with the same principles as well as to compliment constructivism in renovation projects.
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Lighting Design For From Sun To Sun A Day In A Railroad CampSzewczyk, Nathan 01 January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis the notion of a theoretical approach to the beginning stages of designing lighting for a theatrical production will be discussed. The topic being researched is: How a theoretical approach to entering the design process will enhance the final lighting design. The target audience for this study is theatrical lighting designers. A theoretical approach, in this case to the beginning of the design process, could be described as utilizing current dramatic theories to develop a better understanding for the design of this production. In order to better understand this topic one would need to know how the process of lighting design is typically created and where the theoretical approach is implemented. An issue with this approach is that the short period allowed for the design process does not allow sufficient time to utilize a theoretical approach in a real world setting. A way of determining if this process is effective is through personal self review. Journaling and discussion with my advisor for this production will be the method of data collection. The method of validation will be a self reflection at the end of the final performance. An issue with the collection process is its reliance on personal opinions, including the author’s. There are no ethical issues relating to this study. When applied, a theoretical approach to the design process will enhance the quality of the final lighting design through allowing the designer to be better prepared for a specific scene that he/she is struggling with.
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Deep WithinJoseph, Caberbe 01 January 2009 (has links)
As a contemporary photographer, I focus most on light and color to bring out the uniqueness of my images. Photography is about lighting and I manipulate lights to raise questions in my viewers. Manipulating light is my way of being curious about how it may change mood physically and emotionally. Inspired by classical paintings, I have developed a body of photographs that can be admired by anyone. Although the main focus of my work is light and color, this body of work is also intended to empower those with little confidence in themselves and those who have been rejected, abused, or mistrusted.
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The development of stage lighting and its application to a problem in scenic design entailing the use of a unit set for the staging of six plays comprising a cross section of English dramaReid, Anthony 01 January 1946 (has links) (PDF)
Eliminating any consideration of setting, the story of the evolution of lighting is an absorbing commentary upon the history of the theatre and necessary to the full integration of its use as an instrument in the modern theatre. An understanding of the history of the development of stage lighting is as necessary a foundation to the creative and imaginative use of light in the theatre as the foundation of a building is necessary to the support of a tower. History probides the signpost showing the directions to be taken in experimentation and a standard for evaluation of such experimentation. The responsibility of the director and designer to understand and appreciate the uses to which the lighting instrument may be but has increased in rationte the progress made in the efficiency and flexibility of stage lighting from mid-sixteenth century up to the present. A director who regards lighting as mere illusination antedates De Somi in his philosophy. The stage manager who lacts an understanding of his basic units ofmodern lighting and their antecedents is seriously handicapped. With an understanding of the development of the lightng instrument and its effect upon the physical theatre, the imagination is liberated and the basis for new techniques is laid.
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The effect of ambient lighting combined with EVA warning on driver reactionOndomisi, Petr January 2023 (has links)
Emergency vehicles are at increased traffic risk due to legal exemptions like speeding or running red lights during emergencies. These exemptions can cause delays and complications in their response. The study explored if warning messages to passenger car drivers, particularly the EVA (Emergency Vehicle Approaching) message, with or without ambient lighting, could improve safety and response. A driving simulator experiment with 60 participants tested the impact of different levels of warning, including the EVA message and augmented ambient lighting (AEL). Participants also completed pre- and post-experiment questionnaires. The test involved a rural road scenario with background music to challenge emergency vehicle detection. Results showed significant behavioural differences between drivers receiving no warning and those receiving either form of warning, but no significant difference between the two warned groups. While attitudes towards this technology were positive, further research on the effectiveness of ambient lighting is needed. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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