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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Put the Light Where it is Needed

Blixt, Christofer January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I have analyzed how the phenomenon level of contrast, a consequence of the relation between level of light and distribution of light, works within urban green areas. For this particular site, the too high level of contrast is a result of the high level of light distributed 1) in the direction of oncoming pedestrians and 2) in a single zone of light and 3) on a too condensed surface area and 4) in a space with multiple vertical elements (in a dark space with low reflectance values). Being in the only lighted area surrounded by trees (vertical elements absorbing or reflecting light), with eyes adapted to its level of light, consequently, makes it impossible to see beyond the path. This since our eyes always adapt to the brightest spot in our field of view, which in all directions is a spot very close to the user. And since adapting to the emitted and reflected light our eyes cannot also adapt to the darkness beyond this enclosed space. Another perspective on this, also related to the very basics of our vision has to do with the task oriented lighting solutions. We humans have two different types of vision - central and peripheral. The central vision is approximately 2% of our field of view, it is the small spot where our gaze focus, the rest is peripheral vision. The strange thing is that modern urban lighting design have focused almost solely on task lighting and the central vision, and left the peripheral vision literally disorientated. Because, in order for the peripheral vision to help us navigate and collect spatial information, it needs variable lightning with multiple zones of light, creating differences in shade, revealing form and depth. The main contribution of this thesis, beyond defining knowledge regarding how light acts in these specific situations, is the development of a lighting design method specifically for urban green areas from a practice based design perspective (see figure 16). And that I have started the work of creating practical knowledge and answers to the question: How can the method be used in practice?

Dynamic Digitalisation in the Lighting Industry. Present Technology and Future Scenarios in the Design of Smart Urban Lighting

Rocchi, Elisa January 2020 (has links)
In the last decade, major developments in mobile and sensor network technologies, as well as in more secure data management solutions allowed an accelerated expansion of the Internet of Things (IoT) in different markets, including the smart lighting technology. These technological developments, currently shaping the lighting industry, have the power to enhance the liveability of spaces and improve people’s lives. However, in this thesis it is highlighted how such technological evolution is often marked by an engineering character over a design approach. In particular, this thesis focuses on smart lighting technology applied in urban environments and how the integration of information technology into the physical realm can enhance space quality and empower citizens’ participation. The main body is divided into two sections: The first part provides an overview of the technological solutions that are currently being implemented in the lighting design field. The second part advances a schematic projection of future trends, starting from the analysis of what is being developed in other related disciplines, such as urban planning and visual arts. Both parts are literature-based. The final section features the opinion of noteworthy lighting professionals about possible real-life applications of smart lighting technology. Since this thesis has been written during the Covid-19 pandemic, the author decided to include speculations regarding how this event might influence the future of urban lighting.

Public spaces and socially sustainable lighting

Bergman, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
We are living in a changing time where a living democracy and sustainable development is more important than ever. Factors such as urbanization, technological development and migration is creating new needs for us as a society which has to be considered when designing for a sustainable future. The Swedish policy ”Politik för gestaltad livsmiljö” (Policy for a designed urban environment), is suggesting a new way to work with sustainability, design and architecture in our urban environment. The policy is mentioning a lot of factors that should be considered in the design of a socially sustainable urban environment but it is lacking a clear guidance on how to achieve it. For lighting designers it might be hard to know how to work consciously with these factors. The different factors needs to be put in to a lighting design context to bring clearness to the matter. This thesis had the intention to summarize the new policy and create guidelines regarding socially sustainable lighting design of public spaces. These guidelines was then implemented in a project with a client where the aim was to create a social sustainable lighting design for the shopping center ”Valbo Köpcentrum” right outside the Swedish city of Gävle.

Computer Technologyin The Design Process

Montague, Gregory 01 January 2010 (has links)
This is a study of computer technology's impact on the theatrical design process. The tools of communication provided by technology were studied, and an analysis was conducted in the classroom of Digital Rendering, Digital Rendering Videos, and 3d CADD. After-wards, these tools were applied to an actual production of West Side Story where, with the addition of 3d light simulation software, the tools were used to communicate the design ideas from the lighting designer to the director. The goal of this process was to provide a 'real to life' virtual representation of the show to the director with the least amount of confusion. An additional goal was to test the limits and functions of the software; trying to learn all the benefits that could be provided to the process of mounting a theatrical production.

A Lighting Design Process for a Production of <i>Godspell</i>, Originally Conceived and Directed by John-Michael Tebelak with Music and New Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz

Pellecchia, Anthony Steven 08 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

People&amp / #8217 / s Experience Of Urban Lighting In Public Space

Unver, Ahmet 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to create new perspectives in urban lighting design by discovering people&amp / #8217 / s preferences in urban lighting through an exploratory research on people&amp / #8217 / s perceptive experience of urban space at night. In this study, I aim to analyze the common approaches and methods of urban lighting design and make their critique through my research results. Primary research objectives include the evaluation of what people perceive from the urban lighting design and how they feel about the design outcomes. In order to explore people&amp / #8217 / s experience of lit urban space at night, my research comprises a survey that aims to discover people&amp / #8217 / s opinions on certain lit urbanscenes collected from the city of Ankara. Urban lighting design is a discipline that emerged to improve the aesthetic quality of urban space. It has significant effects on people and consequently on urban life. However, in this discipline, exploration of people&amp / #8217 / s needs and preference is a neglected phenomenon. Therefore, this study suggests that it is necessary to review the designer-centered perspective on urban lighting design and question whether existing approach to this discipline has preferable outcomes for people. Through this research I aim to test whether it is appropriate to pursue and carry out the existing type of lighting design, and propose new perspectives to urban lighting.

Designing and experiencing adaptive lighting:case studies with adaptation, interaction and participation

Pihlajaniemi, H. (Henrika) 05 January 2016 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explores the design and experience of adaptive lighting. In this research, adaptive lighting is understood as a wide concept referring to lighting which adapts to information about the environment and its users or to other information relevant to intended lighting behaviour. Adaptive lighting is approached as an element of architecture and urban space, which has an influence on the human environmental experience at various levels. The research can be defined as architectural design-based research as well as transdisciplinary research. This research explores design practice by analysing the design processes of three case studies through the research-by-design method. The essential design phases, design tasks and design methods are recognized and presented. In addition, the experiences of adaptive lighting are explored with the help of empirical qualitative research material, which is gained through evaluation of the case studies. The methods used in evaluation include in situ walking interviews and evaluation probes. In the case projects situated in urban environments and in a retail space, different forms of lighting adaptation, interaction and participation were studied. The design process of adaptive lighting can be theorized, based on the three case studies, as a three-phase process consisting of several subtasks. The design process is guided by several design factors. In the design process, cooperation with experts of interaction and system design is beneficial. The users’ experience of adaptive lighting environments is complex and multifaceted. The experiences emerge in each environment as context-related interpretations or manifestations of the general experiential aspects. Finally, adaptive lighting is conceptualized in the thesis as a holistic design task by formulating a framework for pragmatic-experiential and context-oriented design of adaptive lighting. This defines adaptive lighting as a design task from the perspectives of multifaceted users’ experience and pragmatic constraints of design practice. Future design processes should acknowledge the complexity of the design task. Then adaptive lighting can offer, besides energy savings, added value for illuminated environments on many levels of experience. The main significance of this study is to help both designers and clients to understand the diversity of the new design task, and to help to approach it from human-oriented perspective—from the perspective of inhabitants of the environments. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja tutkii mukautuvan valaistuksen suunnittelua ja kokemusta. Työssä mukautuva valaistus ymmärretään laajana käsitteenä viitaten valaistukseen, joka mukautuu ympäristöstä ja sen käyttäjistä saatavaan tietoon tai johonkin muuhun valaistuksen tavoitellun toiminnan kannalta merkitykselliseen tietoon. Mukautuvaa valaistusta lähestytään arkkitehtuurin ja kaupunkitilan elementtinä, joka vaikuttaa ihmisen kokemukseen ympäristöstään usealla eri tasolla. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan arkkitehtuurin suunnittelulähtöistä tutkimusta ja poikkitieteellistä tutkimusta. Se valottaa suunnittelun praktiikkaa analysoimalla research-by-design-menetelmällä kolmen tapaustutkimuksen suunnitteluprosesseja. Olennaiset suunnitteluvaiheet, -tehtävät ja -menetelmät tunnistetaan ja esitellään. Lisäksi kokemuksia mukautuvasta valaistuksesta tarkastellaan analysoimalla empiiristä, laadullista tutkimusaineistoa, joka on syntynyt tapaustutkimuksia evaluoimalla. Evaluointimenetelminä ovat olleet puolistrukturoitu haastattelu, paikanpäällä tehtävä kävelyhaastattelu ja evaluointiluotain. Tapaustutkimusprojekteissa, jotka sijoittuivat kaupunkiympäristöihin ja liiketiloihin, tutkittiin erilaisia valaistuksen mukautumisen sekä valon kanssa vuorovaikuttamisen ja osallistumisen muotoja. Mukautuvan valaistuksen suunnitteluprosessia voidaan kolmeen tapaustutkimukseen perustuen teoretisoida kolmivaiheisena prosessina, joka sisältää useita alatehtäviä. Suunnitteluprosessia ohjaavat useat suunnittelutekijät. Monialainen yhteistyö suunnitteluprosessin aikana on hyödyllistä. Käyttäjien kokemukset ympäristöistä, jotka on valaistu mukautuvasti, ovat monimutkaisia ja moniulotteisia. Kokemukset muodostuvat kussakin ympäristössä kontekstisidonnaisina tulkintoina ja ilmentyminä yleisistä kokemuksellisista piirteistä. Mukautuvaa valaistusta määritellään ja käsitteellistetään tässä väitöskirjassa holistisena ja kontekstisidonnaisena suunnittelutehtävänä käyttäjän moniulotteisen kokemuksen ja suunnittelupraktiikan käytäntöön liittyvien rajoitusten näkökulmista. Tulevaisuuden suunnitteluprosesseissa tulisi huomioida suunnittelutehtävän moniulotteisuus. Näin mukautuva valaistus voisi tarjota energiansäästöjen ohella valaistuihin ympäristöihin lisäarvoa useilla kokemuksen tasoilla. Tämän työn päämerkityksenä on auttaa sekä suunnittelijoita että suunnittelun tilaajia ymmärtämään uuden suunnittelutehtävän monipuolisuus ja auttaa heitä lähestymään sitä ympäristön käyttäjien näkökulmasta.

Illuminating a Tragic Miasma in Shepard’s A Particle of Dread

Thomas, Benjamin 07 January 2021 (has links)
Sam Shepard was a playwright who used a variety of stories and styles to explore and understand the country he called home, The United States of America. This thesis launches the process of understanding how Greek tragedy had influenced the work of Shepard in his explorations by looking at Shepard’s final play before his passing, A Particle of Dread (Oedipus Variations). Using the concept of miasma that has been established as important to Greek tragedy to analyze A Particle of Dread and its primary source work, Oedipus Rex, this thesis reveals the extent of the ancient tragic form’s presence in Shepard’s last play. To do so, I approach the work in a combination of theory and practice. I first use dramaturgical analysis of Oedipus Rex, to explain what tragic role miasma has in Sophocles’ play. This is followed by a mirrored dramaturgical analysis of A Particle of Dread to uncover and compare what place miasma (and therefore tragedy) has in Shepard’s play. Following this is the review and analysis of five performance workshops exploring scenes of Shepard’s play which used a combination of performance and lighting to physicalize that dramaturgical work so as to further it and hopefully reveal new aspects through their embodiment. This dramaturgical and practical work results in the discovery of how and to what end Shepard has chosen to use the Grecian content style to analyze and commentate on Western society. The work also offers the chance to compare how the engagement with pollution has changed from the characters of 5th Century BCE Greece to 2014 America, and what that might mean for 2020 onwards.

Goniochromatic Gradients : Dichroic Color, Thin-Film Optics and Artificial Light

Eggeling, Erik Axel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is about the multicolored gradients seen when using certain dichroic color lters with artificial light. As of now, this phenomenon lacks a unambiguous descriptor, and “Goniochromatic Gradient” is proposed. With help of optical physics, the science of color vision and information about dichroic products, principles for the relationship between goniochromatic gradients and dichroic filters are formulated for anyone interested in exploring this visual phenomenon.

The metamorphosis of feelings: Approaching a sensorial visual design based on audible perceptions

Gallardo Yébenes, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Atmospheres, events, feelings, every sensation has its own music. And the human being has been highly educated to feel the glamour of them through the hearing sense. We know how a terrifying situation sounds like; what would be the musical accompaniment for a warzone scenario or what is the perfect piece for getting into a state of relaxation. Thanks to music design it has been possible to immerse the spectator into a deeper sensorial perception experience. Users close their eyes, and feel. What if we close our ears, and feel? This thesis aims to transport the qualities of sound that produces feelings into people, to visual values communicated by an approach to architectural lighting design into architectural spaces. A music example is chosen according to the intended emotion to be transposed. It is analysed, evaluated and related to a series of theoretical fundamentals based on visual psychology, human experience, multisensorial connections and lighting design. Laws of correlation are stablished and applied to a case study which ends as a theoretical concept design of an architectural lighting design installation. Closing the document, a statement of guidelines for the conversion of subjective emotional qualities perceived from musical examples is stablished and discussed the use of it in architecture.

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