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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating a change of material on turning tools with Coromant Capto ® interface : A study conducted at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo / Utredning av ett materialbyte på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ® gränssnitt : En studie utförd på Sandvik Coromant i Gimo

Lindbäck, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Sandvik Coromant is the leading supplier of cutting tools and solutions to the machining industry. Sandvik Coromant is the creator of the modular Coromant Capto ® tool interface which have since become an ISO-standard. The Coromant Capto ® interface, which currently is undergoing a revision is found in the machining applications turning, milling and drilling because of its unique characteristics. Sandvik Coromant's largest factory for cutting tools is located in Gimo which produces tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface for milling and turning applications. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface are currently produced from the tool steel 25CrMoS4, commonly known as SS2225 with a typical initial hardness of 28 ± 2 HRC. To achieve the required hardness of the finished tools, the turning tools are hardened by induction which results in hardness levels close to, or above 50 HRC. These induction hardening processes which are carried out after the machining operations induces geometrical distortions in the tools which impacts the quality of the finished product. Furthermore it is expected that the new revision of the Coromant Capto ® interface will be dificult to produce due to these geometrical distortions. To avoid the geometrical distortions due to induction hardening a change of material was examined. The turning tools with the Coromant Capto ® interface would instead be produced from the tool steel 34CrNiMo6, commonly known as SS2541. SS2541 is currently being used as material for the milling tools produced in Gimo. The tool steel SS2541 would imply a new process flow for the turning tools which would be hardened to 43,5 ± 2 HRC before the machining operations in a furnace thus avoiding the geometrical distortions. The purpose of the thesis was to study and predict the impacts and the changes that this new production process flow would lead to. The hypothesis of the whole study was claried as:"The change of material in Coromant Capto ® -equipped turning tools would be benecial in terms of the complete picture". To either prove or disprove the hypothesis research was conducted in three separate studies namely Quality, Time and Cost. A case study was used to compare the different process flows with each other. A sample of seven turning tools was studied within the case study. Each tool in the sample represents a portion of the real production volumes produced in Gimo. It was found that both product and process quality would increase with the material SS2541. Product quality would increase because the geometrical distortions would be avoided. This would increase value for the end customer which could expect a more predictable machining process. Process quality would also increase, mainly because control measurements will be carried out in a better way than in the current situation, and the fact that a simpler process flow with less operations will be true for SS2541. Process time increased for almost all material removal operations because the higher hardness of the material SS2541. Total process time would increase for the blanks and would decrease for the tools because the hardening operation are moved from tool to blank. The throughput rate of both blanks and tools will decrease, because the constraining operations or bottleneck operations would take longer time. Despite this it is expected that machine capacity is sufficient for producing the current production volumes from the material SS2541. The production cost for all tools in the sample will increase, one of the tools by as much as 11%. Production cost for a yearly production of turning tools (blanks included) is estimated to increase with 5%. The highest contributing factor to the increased cost is the initial cost of the material which will increase with 10%. To minimize the impact of material cost the range of blanks should be rationalized, i.e producing more tools from forged blanks instead from round blanks. To summarize and give an recommendation: The hypothesis of the thesis is confirmed. The change of material to SS2541 would seen to the complete picture prevent many problems to a relatively low cost. Therefore it is recommended that the material is changed from SS2225 to SS2541. / Sandvik Coromant är en ledande tillhandahåallare av verktyg och lösningar till bearbetningsindustrin. Sandvik Coromant uppfann det modulära verktygsgränssnittet Coromant Capto ®, vilken på senare år har blivit en ISO-standard. Coromant Capto ®-kopplingen, som för tillfället undergår en revision återfinns, tack vare sina unika egenskaper inom applikationsområdena svarvverktyg, fräsverktyg och borrverktyg. Sandvik Coromants största fabrik för skärande verktyg ligger i Gimo i vilken man tillverkar både svarvverktyg och fräsverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-koppling tillverkas nuvarande från verktygsstålet 25CrMoS4, allmänt känt som SS2225, vilket har en typisk grundhårdhet på ca 28 ± 2 HRC. För att uppnå rådande hårdhetskrav induktionshärdas svarvverktygen med induktionshärdning vilketresulterar i hårdheter nära- elleröver 50 HRC. Dessa induktionshärdningsprocesser utförs efter bearbetningsoperationerna och skapar formförändringar i verktygen, vilket i sin tur påverkar kvaliteten för den slutgiltliga produkten. Dessutom förväntas det att tillkomma problem med att tillverka den nya Coromant Capto ®-revisionen på grund av formförändringarna. För att förebygga formförändringarna som tillkommer vid induktionshärdningsprocesserna studerades ett materialbyte. Svarvverktygen med Coromant Capto ®-kopplingar skulle nu produceras från verktygsstålet 34CrNiMo6, allmänt känt som SS2541 istället. SS2541 används för närvarande till fräsprodukterna som produceras i Gimo. Verktygsstålet SS2541 skulle innebära ett nytt processflöde för svarvverktygen vilka nu skulle ugnshärdas före bearbetningsoperationerna till en hårdhet av 43,5 ± 2 HRC och på så sätt undvika formförändringarna. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utreda och förutspå effekterna och förändringarna som detta nya processflöde skulle innebära. Hypotesen till hela studien sammanfattades som: Materialbytet på svarvverktyg med Coromant Capto ®-koppling skulle vara positivt sett till helheten. För attantingen bekräfta eller dementera denna hypotes utfördes en studie som innefattade tre separata utredningar inom områdena Kvalitet, Tid och Kostnad. Man använde sig av en fallstudie för att jämföra de olika processflödena med varandra. Ett urval bestående av sju produkter studerades inom denna fallstudie. Varje produkt från urvalet fick representera en delvolym av den totala årliga produktionsvolymen i Gimo. Man fann att både produktkvalitet och processkvalitet skulle öka till följd av materialbytet till SS2541. Produktkvaliteten skulle öka för att formförändringarna skulle undvikas. Detta skulleöka värdet för slutkunden, vilken kan komma att förvänta sig en bättre och mer förutsägbar bearbetningsprocess. Processkvaliteten skulle också öka, främst för att kontrollmätningar nu skulle kunna utföras på ett bättre sätt än man kan göra i det nuvarande processflödet samt att flödet skulle bli enklare och tydligare med färre processteg. Processtider skulle öka för nästan alla bearbetningsoperationer på grund av att SS2541 har en högre hårdhet. Den totala processtiden skulle öka förämnestillverkningen och minska för verktygstillverkningen för att härdningsoperationerna förflyttas från verktyg till ämne. Genomströmmningshastigheten skulle minska för både ämne och verktyg för att flaskhalsarna i produktionen skulle ta längre tid. Dock skall tilläggas att man fortfarande skulle ha kapacitet nog föratt tillverka dagens produktionsvolymer i materialet SS2541. Produktionskostnaden för alla produkterna i urvalet skulle öka, varav en produkt skulle öka med så mycket som 11%. Produktionskostnaden för en årsproduktion av svarvverktyg (ämnesproduktion inräknad) uppskattades att öka med 5%. Den största faktorn till den ökade produktionskostnadenär initialkostnaden för materialet som kommer att öka med 10%. För att minimera effekterna av materialkostnaden borde ämnesfloran rationaliseras, alltså producera fler verktyg från smidda ämnen än från försvarvade ämnen. För att sammanfatta och ge en rekommendation: Hypotesen kan bekräftas. Materialbytet till SS2541 skulle, sett till helheten förebygga många problem till en relativt låg merkostnad. Därför rekommenderas att materialbytet från SS2225 till SS2541 genomförs.

Abjekta möjligheter : En studie av det queera abjektet i svensk samtidslitteratur / Abject Possibilites : A study of the queer abject in contemporary Swedish literature

Randeblad, Joel January 2024 (has links)
This essay, through Julia Kristeva’s theory of abjection, seeks to shift the focus from the society that abjects towards the abjected through a generous reading of two contemporary Swedish queer novels, Du är rötterna som sover vid mina fötter och håller jorden på plats by Eli Levén and Ett så starkt ljus by Lyra Ekström Lindbäck. I discuss how the queer subject relates to different types of borders that Kristeva posits, such as the bodily border, the border of the I, and a moral or societal border. I find that the queer subject has a different relationship to these borders, and view and experience them in ways different than Kristeva suggests. Furthermore, I analyse how the queer subject experiences being made abject. I find that this experience can both be harmful and be somewhat self-sustaining in maintaining societal norms, but also that it can be a way for the queer subject to further position itself as different from a heteronormative society, a position that is truer to who the queer subject feels they are. Through José Esteban Muñoz’ Cruising Utopia I discuss how there are potentialities with being queer, or queer being, such as an expanded worldview and an outstretched concept of possible ways of being and living. The broader aim of this essay is to test Kristeva’s claim that literature is a place for a person to approach the abject, and to examine if literature also has a possibility of portraying an abject position, being a place where the abject itself can examine abjection and being made abject. My conclusion is that this is the case, and furthermore that literature also is a place for the abject to examine potentialities beyond the heteronormative sphere.

Vad de säger när de säger sina namn : En läsning av det subversiva anspråket utgående ifrån produktionen av författarnamnet Lidija Praizović

Jonas, Hammarbäck January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the way that subversivity is produced in relation to the name of the author, as understood by Foucault, and what potential for ressistance that can be glimpsed there. This from the reading of three text that in different ways relate to that theme. Firstly, throught the reading of "Isis mamma är genusvetare, skribent och konstnär, min mamma är f.d. städerska, kokerska och dagisfröken, numera förtidspensionär med diagnosen fibromyalgi" by Lidija Praizović, a text that actively work with the internal production of different exteriorities. The text uses these exteriorities, both to commit the violation needed in order to establish it's perspective toward a capitalist publicity, and to anticipate the response and argument towards the text in the same publicity. The becoming of the proletarian class awereness is in the text partly formed in terms of origin and political ressentiment. But when used in litterature the analysis show that they produce subversive collective assemblies and question the border of political discourse. The way we become subjects in submission in terms of being bodies, irrational, specific in relation to a liberal sphere that produces the superior as invisible and bodyless, can establish it's pespective as human and universal when turned into literature. Throughout this processes the proletarian position is produced as an instance of power both internal to the text and pointing outwards, from the text. The analysis futher shows how conventions that regulate the spreading of discourse through the name of the author in capitalism, can be used to circulate experiences of submission that has the formation of collective assemblies as their potential. A process that is directly related to the post-­‐fordist capitalisms needs for new forms of life in order to reproduce. The two other texts, "Nej, man har inte rätt att skriva vad man vill" by Lyra Ekström Lindbäck, and "I huvudet på Lidija Praizović" by Tove Folkesson, was produceed as a reaction to the first texts apperance in the public sphere. The first one is critical to the text and the name, but is still making claims on a subversive position. The reading of it shows that the making of that claim, in relation to the need to produce ones own name as an author name in community with the liberal public sphere, results in a blocking of the subversive potential and a reduction of the subversive to only a marker on the name. A reaction that is in turn foreseen by the first text in it's working with the anticipation of readers responce. The reading of the second text shows how, throught the production of a complete affinity with the exteriority that is the athor name of Lidija Praizović, the potentially dangerous class position is reduced and disarmed. That occurs partly throught a reduction of the class position to aspects that only allows political ressentiment and loneliness. This turns the subversivity and the violation associated with the name of Lidija Praizović to functions for the name of Tove Folkesson. Something that in turn shows not only the potential of using these aspects of political becomings as grounds for building something that goes beyond them, but also the dangers of it. Both texts can therefore be seen as two different attempts to block the spreading of the subversive by using it solely to produce the name of the author.

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