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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing radiation protection for a linear accelerator : using Monte carlo-simulations / Framtagning av förslag på förstärkt strålskydd för en linjäraccelerator : med hjälp av Monte Carlo-simuleringar

Lindahl, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
The department of Radiation Sciences at Umeå University has obtained an old linear accelerator, intended for educational purposes. The goal of this thesis was to find proper reinforced radiation protection in an intended bunker (a room with thick concrete walls), to ensure that the radiation outside the bunker falls within acceptable levels. The main method was with the use of Monte Carlo-simulations. To properly simulate the accelerator, knowledge of the energy distribution of emitted radiation was needed. For this, a novel method for spectra determination, using several depth dose measurements including off-axis, was developed. A method that shows promising results in finding the spectra when measurements outside the primary beam are included. The found energy spectrum was then used to simulate the accelerator in the intended bunker. The resulting dose distribution was visualized together with 3D CAD-images of the bunker, to easily see in which locations outside the bunker where the dose was high. An important finding was that some changes are required to ensure that the public does not receive too high doses of radiation on a public outdoor-area that is located above the bunker. Otherwise, the accelerator is only allowed to be run 1.8 hours per year. A workaround to this problem could be to just plant a thorn bush, covering the dangerous area of radius 3m. After such a measure has been taken, which is assumed in the following results, the focus moves to the radiation that leaks into the accelerator’s intended control room, which is located right outside the bunker’s entrance door. The results show that the accelerator is only allowed to be run for a maximum of 6.1 or 3.3 hours per year (depending on the placement of the accelerator in the room), without a specific extra reinforced radiation protection consisting mainly of lead bricks. With the specific extra protection added, the accelerator is allowed to be run 44 or 54 hours per year instead, showing a distinct improvement. However, the dose rate to the control room was still quite high, 13.7 μGy/h or 11.2 μGy/h, compared to the average dose received by someone living in Sweden, which is 0.27 μGy/h. Therefore, further measures are recommended. This is however a worst case scenario, since the leakage spectrum from the accelerator itself was simulated as having the same energy spectrum as the primarybeam at 0.1 % of the intensity, which is the maximum leakage dose according to the specifications for the accelerator. This is probably an overestimation of the intensity. Also, the energy spectra of the leakage is probably of lower energy than the primary beam in at least some directions. Implementing more knowledge of the leak spectra in future work, should therefore result in more allowed run hours for the accelerator.

Avaliação de materiais usando a radiografia computadorizada (CR) empregando um acelerador linear e cobalto - 60 como fontes de altas energias / Evaluation of materials using computed radiography (CR) employing a linear accelerator and cobalt - 60 as source of high energy

Heleno Ribeiro Simões 15 December 2012 (has links)
Nas construções de caldeiras de força, vasos de pressão e outros tipos de equipamentos para os diversos segmentos industriais têm exigido da engenharia de materiais um desenvolvimento tecnológico para melhores processos na obtenção de materiais fundidos, forjados, laminados, e outros. Desenvolver recursos tecnológicos que minimizem a presença de imperfeições que possam comprometer a integridade estrutural dos equipamentos que operam com pressão tem sido uma busca constante tanto nas usinas como nas indústrias de bens de capital nas fases das construções. Uma construção implica em seleção de materiais, projeto, fabricação, exames, inspeção, testes, certificação e dispositivos de alívio que atendam aos requisitos dos códigos e normas. Estes requisitos estão cada vez maiores e estabelecem limites para a existência destas imperfeições vão de encontro à necessidade de lançar mão de métodos de ensaios não destrutivos que permitam sempre a melhor probabilidade de detecção. Os processos de controle da qualidade têm buscado por meio das novas tecnologias aumentarem a sua sensibilidade, visando à detecção de descontinuidades que hoje são detectadas pelos métodos convencionais. Em termos de ensaios não destrutivos, as exigências para o ensaio radiográfico convencional estão no limite da sensibilidade dos filmes radiográficos industriais disponíveis, além do compromisso de buscar um tempo de exposição menor ser sempre um fator importante a ser considerado na qualidade, segurança e produtividade tanto na fábrica como no campo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar e avaliar a técnica de radiografia computadorizada (RC) em relação à radiografia convencional para inspeção dos materiais, utilizando os parâmetros de avaliação, tais como, relação sinal ruído, resolução espacial, ferramentas para detectabilidade, sensibilidade ao contraste e tons de cinza, que são aplicáveis nas avaliações de imagens digitais. Para a avaliação da técnica de radiografia industrial digital foi utilizado um corpo-de-prova fabricada pelo processo de fundição com espessura de 75 a 150 mm, com defeitos típicos do processo. O corpo-de-prova foi radiografado com a técnica convencional e digital. Na técnica convencional foram utilizados os filmes radiográficos industriais tipos I e II do ASTM E 1815, um acelerador linear Varian modelo Linatron 400 de 4 MeV e duas fontes de Cobalto-60 com atividades diferentes. Na técnica computadorizada foram utilizados as mesmas fontes de radiação, uma placa de fósforo denominada IPX e um equipamento CR-50P ambos da GE IT. Pelos resultados obtidos pode-se verificar que a radiografia digital com os equipamentos avaliados, atende satisfatoriamente os códigos e normas que são utilizadas na avaliação de peças fundidas. A técnica mostrou-se mais qualitativa quando na avaliação das descontinuidades localizadas nas seções críticas, pois o sistema RC possibilita a utilização de ferramenta de perfil de linha que fornece os valores de nível de cinza ao longo de uma trajetória linear demarcada na área da imagem da descontinuidade. Com isto, mesmo em poucos experimentos e um único sistema de RC pode-se concluir que a técnica é bastante vantajosa na detecção de descontinuidades nos processos de fabricação e que atendeu tanto os requisitos do ASTM E 272 para o cobre ou o ASME Seção VIII Divisão 1, Apêndice 7 que referenciam os padrões radiográficos conforme as normas ASTM E-186 e ASTM E-280 para aços fundidos. / In the constructions of power boilers, pressure vessels and other equipment for several industries has required the development of materials engineering technology for better processes in obtaining materials cast, forged, rolled, and others. Develop technological resources that minimize the presence of imperfections that could compromise the structural integrity of the equipment operating pressure has been a constant search both in plants and in capital goods industries phases of construction. A construction involves materials selection, design, fabrication, testing, inspection, testing, certification, and relief devices that meet the requirements of codes and standards. These requirements are increasing and establish limits for the existence of these imperfections go against the need to resort to non-destructive testing methods that enable always the best probability of detection. The processes of quality control have sought through new technologies increase their sensitivity in order to detect discontinuities of today are detected by conventional methods. In terms of non-destructive testing, requirements for conventional radiographic testing are at the limit of sensitivity of available industrial radiographic films, besides the commitment to seek a lower exposure time is always an important factor to be considered in quality, safety and productivity both in the factory and in the field. The aim of this work was to study and evaluate the technical radiography Computed (RC) compared to conventional radiography for inspection of materials, using evaluation parameters such as signal to noise ratio, spatial resolution, and tools for detectability, contrast sensitivity and grayscale, which apply in evaluations of digital images. For the evaluation of industrial radiography technique it was used a test specimen manufactured by the casting process with thickness from 75 to 150 mm, with typical defects in the process. The test specimen was X-rayed with the conventional and digital techniques. In the conventional technique were used industrial radiographic films types I and II to ASTM E 1815, a linear accelerator Varian model 400 Linatron 4 MeV and two cobalt-60 sources with different activities. In the technique computed were used the same radiation source, a phosphor plate IPX and an apparatus called CR-50P both GE IT. From the results it can be seen that with digital radiography equipment evaluated satisfactorily meets the codes and standards that are used in the evaluation of castings. The technique was more qualitative evaluation when the discontinuities located in critical sections for the system to use RC allows tool profile line shows values of gray level along a linear path demarcated in the image area discontinuity. With this, even in a few experiments a single system and RC can be concluded that the technique is quite advantageous in the detection of discontinuities in the manufacturing processes and that both met the requirements of ASTM E 272 for copper or ASME Section VIII Division 1, Appendix 7 that reference radiographic patterns according to ASTM E-186 and ASTM E-280 for steel castings.

Etude d’un module accélérateur supraconducteur et de ses systèmes de régulation pour le projet MYRRHA / Study of an accelerating superconducting module and its feedback loop systems for the MYRRHA project

Bouly, Frédéric 03 November 2011 (has links)
Afin d'étudier la faisabilité de la technologie ADS (« Accelerator Driven System ») pour la transmutation des déchets hautement radiotoxiques le projet MYRRHA (« Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications ») a pour objectif la construction d'un démonstrateur de réacteur hybride (50 à 100 MWth). Pour cela le réacteur sous-critique nécessite un accélérateur de forte puissance délivrant un faisceau continu de protons (600 MeV, 4mA), avec une exigence de fiabilité très élevée. La solution de référence retenue pour cette machine est un accélérateur linéaire supraconducteur. Ce mémoire de thèse décrit le travail de recherche - entrepris depuis octobre 2008 à l'IPN d'Orsay - portant sur la conception et la mise au point d'un module supraconducteur et des systèmes de régulation associés à sa cavité accélératrice, pour la partie haute énergie de l’accélérateur. Dans un premier temps, le design et l’optimisation de cavités accélératrices 5-cellules (β=0,65), fonctionnant à la fréquence de 704,4 MHz, sont présentés. Ensuite, la partie expérimentale se concentre sur l’étude de fiabilité du « cryomodule » prototype accueillant une cavité elliptique 5-cellules (β=0,47). Au cours de cette étude on s’est notamment attaché à mesurer et à caractériser le comportement dynamique du système d’accord. Les problématiques de maintient du « plat de champ » dans les cavités multi-cellules « bas béta » ont aussi été mises en évidence. Enfin, une analyse sur la tolérance aux pannes de l’accélérateur linéaire a été menée. Dans ce but, une modélisation de la cavité, de sa boucle de régulation RF (radiofréquence) et de la boucle de contrôle de son système d'accord, a été développée afin d'étudier les comportements transitoires de cet ensemble. Cette étude a permis de chiffrer les besoins en puissance RF et les performances requises du système d’accord et de démontrer la faisabilité d’un réglage rapides des cavités supraconductrices afin de minimiser le nombre d’arrêts faisceau dans le linac de MYRRHA. / The MYRRHA ( Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications ) project aims at constructing an accelerator driven system (ADS) demonstrator (50 à 100 MWth) to explore the feasibility of nuclear waste transmutation. Such a subcritical reactor requires an extremely reliable accelerator which delivers a CW high power protons beam (600 MeV, 4 mA). The reference solution for this machine is a superconducting linear accelerator. This thesis presents the work - undertaken at IPN Orsay in October 2008 - on the study of a prototypical superconducting module and the feedback control systems of its cavity for the high energy part of the MYRRHA linac. First, the optimization and the design of 5-cell elliptical cavities (β=0,65), operating at 704.4 MHz, are presented. Then, the experimental work focuses on a reliability oriented study of the “cryomodule” which hold a prototypical 5-cell cavity (β=0,47). In this study, the dynamic behavior of the fast tuning system of the cavity was measured and qualified. The “field flatness” issue in “low beta” multi-cell cavity was also brought to light. Finally, a fault-tolerance analysis of the linac was carried out. Toward this goal, a model of the cavity, its RF feedback loop system and its tuning system feedback loop was developed. This study enabled to determine the RF power needs, the tuning system requirements and as well as to demonstrate the feasibility of fast fault-recovery scenarios to minimize the number of beam interruptions in the MYRRHA linac.

Improvements in 3D breast treatment plan quality and efficiency through computer automation of tangential breast radiotherapy treatment plans

Gibbs, Jacob M. 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamique des faisceaux dans la section finale de focalisation du futur collisionneur linéaire / Beam dynamics in the final focus section of the future linear collider

Blanco, Oscar 03 July 2015 (has links)
L’exploration d’une nouvelle physique à l’échelle d’énergie des « Tera electron Volt » (TeV) nécessite de collisionner des leptons dans de grands accélérateurs linéaires à grande luminosité. Ces collisionneurs linéaires requiert une taille de faisceau à l’echelle nanométrique au Point d’Interaction (IP).Parmi les multiples effets participant à la degradation de la luminosité, la correction de la chromaticité, l’effet du rayonnement synchrotronique et la correction des erreurs dans la ligne sont parmi les trois effets à maîtriser afin de réduire la taille du faisceau dans la Section Finale de Focalisation (FFS).Cette these propose un nouveau schéma de correction de la chromaticitè que l’on appelera “non-entrelacé”, appliqué ici au projet CLIC. Lors de l’implementation de cette nouvelle methode, il a été mis en evidence que le probléme principal est la dispersion de deuxième ordre au Doublet Final (FD), qui traverse un sextupole utilisé pour annuler les composantes géometriques restantes.L’effet du rayonnement peut être evalué par méthode de tracking des particules ou par des approximations analytiques. Afin d’inclure ces effets du rayonnement et les paramétres optiques de la ligne pendant la conception et le processus d’optimisation, l’effet Oide et le rayonnement dû aux aimants dipolaires ont été etudiés.Le résultat analytique du rayonnement synchrotronique dans les aimants dipolaires fut generalisé dans les cas avec alpha et dispersion non-nulles à l’IP. Cette généralisation est utilisée pour améliorer le code de simulation PLACET.Le rayonnement dans les aimants quadripolaires finaux imposent une limite à la taille verticale minimale du faiceau, connu comme l’effet Oide. Celui-ci est uniquement important à 3 TeV, donc deux possibilités sont explorées pour atténuer sa contribution dans la taille du faisceau : doubler la longueur et réduire le gradient du dernièr quadripole (QD0), ou integrer une paire d’aimants octupolaires, un en amont et un en aval du QD0.Une partie des exigences du FFS pour les nouveaux collisionneurs linéaire à leptons est testée expérimentalement dans l’« Accelerator Test Facility » (ATF). La réduction de la taille du faisceau d’électrons en utilisant le schéma local de correction de la chromaticité est explorée dans une extension de la ligne originale, appellé ATF2, oú deux buts furent fixés : atteindre 37 nm de taille verticale du faisceau à l’IP, et stabiliser de l’ordre du nanomètre la position verticale du faisceau à l’IP. Depuis 2014, une taille de 44 nm avec un nombre de particules d’environ 0.1 × 10^10 par paquet est atteint de manière regulière.Des cavités radio-frequence seront utilisées pour la stabilisation du faisceau, et également pour détecter le déplacement/les fluctuations du faisceau au dehors la marge tolerable pour le systéme de mesure, ainsi que des erreurs non detectées dans l’optique.Un set de trois cavités furent installées et sont utilisées pour mesurer la trajectoire du faiceau dans la région de l’IP, fournissant ainsi des informations pour reconstruire la position et l’angle à l’IP. Les specifications pour l’optique nominale d’ATF2, i.e. 1 nm de résolution sur 10 μm de gamme dynamique à un nombre de particules de 1.0 × 10^10 par paquet, n’ont pas encore été atteint.La meilleur résolution atteinte jusqu’ici correspond à 50 nm pour 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet, où le bruit de l’éléctronique impose une limite de 10 nm par cavité sur la résolution. La gamme dynamique est de 10 μm à 0.4 × 10^10 particules par paquet et 10 dB d’attenuation du signal des cavités, nécéssitant de mettre l’électronique à niveau. Le test du système d’asservissement pour stabiliser le faisceau a atteint une réduction de la fluctuation jusqu’a 67 nm, compatible avec la résolution des cavités. / The exploration of new physics in the “Tera electron-Volt” (TeV) scale with precision measurements requires lepton colliders providing high luminosities to obtain enough statistics for the particle interaction analysis. In order to achieve design luminosity values, linear colliders feature nanometer beam spot sizes at the Interaction Point (IP).Three main issues to achieve the beam size demagnification in the Final Focus Section (FFS) of the accelerator are the chromaticity correction, the synchrotron radiation effects and the correction of the lattice errors.This thesis considers two aspects for linear colliders: push the limits of linear colliders design, in particular the chromaticity correction and the radiation effects at 3 TeV, and the instrumentation and experimental work on beam stabilization in a test facility.A new chromaticity correction scheme, called non-interleaved, is proposed to the local and non-local chromaticity corrections for CLIC. This lattice is designed and diagnosed, where the main issue in the current state of lattice design is the non-zero second order dispersion in the Final Doublet (FD) region where a strong sextupole is used to correct the remaining geometrical components.The radiation effect can be evaluated by tracking particles through the lattice or by analytical approximations during the design stage of the lattices. In order to include both, radiation and optic parameters, during the design optimization process, two particular radiation phenomena are reviewed: the Oide effect and the radiation caused by bending magnets .The analytical result of the radiation in bending magnets in was generalized to the case with non-zero alpha and non-zero dispersion at the IP, required during the design and luminosity optimization process. The closed solution for one dipole and one dipole with a drift is compared with the tracking code PLACET, resulting in the improvement of the tracking code results.The Oide effect sets a limit on the vertical beamsize due to the radiation in the final quadrupole. Only for CLIC 3 TeV this limit is significant, therefore two possibilities are explored to mitigate its contribution to beam size: double the length and reduce the QD0 gradient, or the integration of a pair of octupoles before and after QD0.Part of the requirements of the FFS for new linear accelerators are tested in The Accelerator Test Facility (ATF). The beam size reduction using the local chromaticity correction is explored by an extension of the original design, called ATF2 with two goals: achieve 37 nm of vertical beam size at the IP, and the stabilization of the IP beam position at the level of few nanometres. Since 2014 beam size of 44 nm are achieved as a regular basis at charges of about 0.1 × 10^10 particules per bunch.A set of three cavities (IPA, IPB and IPC), two upstream and one downstream of the nominal IP and on top of separate blocks of piezo-electric movers, were installed and are used to measure the beam trajectory in the IP region, thus providing enough information to reconstruct the bunch position and angle at the IP. These will be used to for beam stabilization and could detect beam drift/jitter beyond the tolerable margin and undetected optics mismatch affecting the beam size measurements. The specifications required of 1 nm resolution over 10 μm dynamic range at 1.0 × 10 10 particules per bunch with the ATF2 nominal optics have not been yet achieved.The minimum resolution achieved is just below 50 nm at 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch with a set of electronics impossing a noise limit on resolution of 10 nm per cavity. The dynamic range is 10 μm at 10 dB attenuation and 0.4 × 10^10 particules per bunch, indicating the need to upgrade theelectronics. The integration to the ATF tuning instruments is ongoing. Nonetheless, feedback has been tested resulting in reduction of beam jitterdown to 67 nm, compatible with resolution.

Development of a compact test facility for SRF Photoelectron injectors

Völker, Jens 09 August 2018 (has links)
SHF Photoelektroneninjektoren sind eine vielversprechende Elektronquelle für hochbrillante Teichenbeschleuniger mit hohem mittlerem Strom und kurzen Teilchenpulsen, wie FELs und ERLs. Für das ERL Projekt bERLinPro wurde einer unabhängige Testanlage GunLab entwickelt um die Leistungsfähigkeit der Injektoren und die Strahlparameter zu überprüfen. Darüber hinaus können neue Komponenten zur Strahldiagnose getestet werden. Die Hauptaufgabe von GunLab ist die Beschreibung des vollständigen sechsdimensionalen Phasenraums der Elektronen in Abhängigkeit aller Injektorparameter. Die Anlage besteht aus einer kompakten Diagnosestrahlführungan dem SHF Photoelektroneninjektoren und einem Kathodenlasersystem. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden analytische und numerische Studien zu den SHF Photoelektroneninjektoren durchgeführt, um zu erwartende Strahlparameter zu detektieren und die Anforderungen an die Strahldiagnose festzulegen. Darüber hinaus wurden verschiedene Emittanzbeiträge der einzelnen Injektorkomponenten untersucht. Diesbezüglich wurde das Magnetfeld des aktuellen Solenoiden kartiert und auf Asymmetrien getestet, die ebenfalls zu Emittanzvergrößerungen beitragen können. Eine der wesentlichen Komponenten der Diagnosestrahlführung ist das (transversale) Phasenraummesssystem, für das eine besondere Magnetgeometrie entwickelt wurde. Weitere Diagnose Komponenten sind ein optimierter Spektrometerdipol und eine transversal ablenkende Kavität, durch die sich zusammen mit zwei Quadrupolmagneten die Scheibenemittanz bestimmen lässt. Für GunLab wurden unterschiedliche optische Messsysteme entwickelt und optimiert. Der herausforderndste Aufbau ist dabei das Strahl-Halo Messsystem. Es ermöglicht die Beobachtung der transversalen Ladungsverteilung über einen Dynamikbereich von bis zu 6 Größenordnungen. Die Leistungsfähigkeit und die Auflösung aller Messsysteme und Messroutinen wurden bestimmt, um die Visualisierung des kompletten Phasenraums durch GunLab sicher zu stellen. / SRF photoelectron injectors are promising electron sources for high brightness accelerators with high average current and short pulse duration like FELs and ERLs. For the ERL project bERLinPro an independent test facility called GunLab was developed and set up to optimize the operation performance of SRF photoinjectors and the electron beam parameters. Furthermore, GunLab allows to investigate the operation of different kinds of photocathodes in the environment of an SRF accelerator and to study new beam diagnostic concepts. Of outmost importance is the characterization of the full six dimensional phase space as a function of all injector parameters. GunLab consists of the compact diagnostic beam line, connected to the SRF photoinjetor module, and a drive laser. In the context of this thesis, analytical and numerical investigations of the SRF photoinjector were performed to estimate beam parameter ranges and to determine the diagnostics requirements. Furthermore, various emittance contributors of the injector were determined. Thereby the magnetic field of the final designed solenoid was measured to determine field asymmetries, which are one major source of emittance growth. One of the central diagnostic components of the beamline is the (horizontal) phase space scanner system. For this purpose, a dedicated air-coil magnet design was developed. Additional diagnostic components include an optimized spectrometer system, a transverse deflecting cavity (TCav) and two quadrupole magnets, to determine longitudinal and sliced emittance. For GunLab different optical measurement systems were developed and optimized, the most challenging setup is a beam halo measurement system. This device is able to observe the transverse charge density with a dynamic range of up to 6 orders of magnitude. The performance and the resolution of all measurement systems and routines for GunLab were determined to ensure the visualization of the electron beam phase space.

Beam Dynamics and Limits for High Brightness, High Average Current Superconducting Radiofrequency (SRF) Photoinjectors

Panofski, Eva 05 June 2019 (has links)
Zukünftige Beschleunigerprojekte und Nutzerexperimente erfordern für ihren Betrieb einen hochbrillanten Elektronenstrahl mit hohem mittlerem Strom. Eine Elektronenquelle mit dem Potential die Anforderungen erfüllen, ist ein supraleitender Hochfrequenz (SHF) Photoinjektor im Dauerstrichbetrieb. Die Strahldynamik eines solchen Photoinjektor Systems bestimmt die maximal zu erreichende Strahlbrillanz und wird ihrerseits von den Design und Betriebsparametern des Photoinjektors beeinflusst. Ziel ist immer die entscheidenden Design- und Betriebsparameter der Elektronenquelle hinsichtlich einer maximalen Strahlbrillanz zu wählen. Diese Aufgabe verlangt ein detailliertes Verständnis der Strahldynamik-Prozesse. Ferner ist es notwendig, eine Optimierung des Photoinjektors als Ganzes, mit dem Ziel einer maximalen Strahlqualität bei hohem mittlerem Strom, vorzunehmen. Dieses ermöglicht auch, die physikalischen Grenzen eines gegebenen Designs zu ermitteln und im Betrieb vollständig auszunutzen. Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit der Strahldynamik in einem SHF Photoinjektor, unter Berücksichtigung interner Raumladungseffekte. Die Erkenntnisse zur Strahldynamik werden für die Entwicklung eines Optimierungsprogramms verwendet, um die Leistung des Injektors hinsichtlich der Strahlbrillanz zu verbessern. Die entwickelte Methode basiert auf Pareto-Optimierung mehrerer Zielfunktionen, unter Verwendung eines generischen Algorithmus. Das zentrale Ergebnis dieser Arbeit umfasst ein universelles Optimierungsprogramm, das für Photoinjektoren unabhängig von ihrem Design und Anwendungsgebiet genutzt werden kann. Für den Betrieb mit hoher Strahlbrillanz ist es möglich aus den erhaltenen Pareto-optimalen Lösungen einen stabilen Satz an Einstellwerten für den Photoinjektor zu extrahieren. Durch die allgemeine Optimierungsstrategie lässt sich das entwickelte Programm auch für andere Beschleunigerabschnitte, oder die Optimierung einer ganzen Anlage mit erweiterter Zielsetzung anpassen. / An increasing number of future accelerator projects, light sources and user experiments require high brightness, high average current electron beams for operation. Superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) photoinjectors running in continuous-wave (cw) mode hold the potential to serve as an electron source that generates electron beams of high brightness. Different operation and design parameters of the SRF photoinjector impact the beam dynamics and, thus, the beam brightness. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of the beam dynamics processes in an SRF photoinjector and the dependency of the beam dynamics on the photoinjector set parameters is crucial. A high brightness beam operation requires a global optimization of the SRF photoinjector that allows to find suitable photoinjector settings and to figure out and extend the physical performance limits of the investigated injector design. The dissertation at hand offers a detailed analysis of the beam dynamics in an SRF photoinjector regarding internal space charge effects. Furthermore, the impact of the photoinjector elements on the electron beam is discussed. The lessons learned from this theoretical view are implemented in the development of an optimization tool to achieve a high brightness performance. A universal multi-objective optimization program based on a generic algorithm was developed to extract stable, optimum gun parameter from Pareto-optimum solutions. This universal tool is able to optimize and find the physical performance limit of any (S)RF photoinjector independent from the individual application of the electron source (energy recovery linac, free electron laser, ultra-fast electron diffraction). This thesis thereby verifies and complements existing theoretical considerations regarding photoinjector-beam interactions. The global optimization strategy can be introduced to variable optimization objectives as well as it can be extended to an optimization of further parts of the accelerator facility.

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