Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alinguistic"" "subject:"aslinguistic""
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Vietnamese Students' Translanguaging in a Bilingual Context: Communications within a Student Organization at a US UniversityNguyen, Dung Thi 08 1900 (has links)
Today linguistic hybridity is often conceptualized as translanguaging. The present study of translanguaging was a linguistic ethnography, which meant investigating cultural issues as well as linguistic practices. The focus was on bilingual speakers of Vietnamese and English, two "named" languages that differ considerably in morphology, syntax, and orthography. This study, conducted over four and a half months, was situated in the Vietnamese Student Organization of a U.S. university, and it included 37 participants. The research was intended to answer two questions: what forms of translanguaging did these bilinguals use? and what reasons did they provide for instances of translanguaging? In capturing the language use of this community, my role was participant-observer, which entailed observing and audio-recording conversations in three kinds of settings: group meetings, social gatherings, and Facebook communications. Additional insights came from discourse-based interviews, focused on instances of translanguaging by 10 individuals.
In the group meetings and Facebook conversations, it was conventional for the major language to be English, whereas in the social gatherings it was Vietnamese. My attention in analyzing these interactions was on patterns of translanguaging that occurred within sentences and those occurring outside sentence boundaries. Overall, most translanguaging occurred intra-sententially, as single words from one language were segmented within a sentence being spoken or written in the other. As to extra-sentential forms, this translanguaging in the group meetings mainly took the form of Vietnamese honorifics, and Facebook conversations included some extra-sentential double postings. Participants provided reasons for translanguaging that included community factors, discourse-related factors, and individual-related factors. This inquiry provides further insights into the multi-competences of bilingual individuals. The Vietnamese-English bilinguals drew flexibly from their linguistic repertoires, merging two languages that are quite different. Use of hybridized language was conventional for them and was central to their practices. This linguistic hybridity was a mutuality—one of the ways in which these students were, in fact, a community.
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La mobilisation linguistique au Pays de Galles, en Ontario et au Nouveau-Brunswick (1962-2012) : cycles de mobilisation et rémanence dans une perspective comparéeNormand, Martin 07 1900 (has links)
Les minorités linguistiques francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick et en Ontario et la minorité galloisante au Pays de Galles ont plusieurs éléments en commun. D’abord, elles se sont dotées d’un réseau associatif dense qui a mené de front plusieurs luttes, souvent avec succès, et qui a eu pour résultats l’amélioration de la situation sociopolitique et la reconnaissance symbolique de la communauté minoritaire. Ensuite, le statut légal et social de la langue minoritaire a relativement progressé dans les trois cas, grâce à l’adoption de lois et de politiques linguistiques. Ajoutons qu’elles ont tous accès à des institutions qui leur permettent de faire entendre leurs voix ou encore de se gouverner, que ce soit à travers leurs gouvernements locaux ou les assemblées législatives, et peuvent compter sur un ombudsman linguistique. Toutefois, la principale différence entre ces trois cas réside dans le niveau de mobilisation linguistique que l’on y observe à l’heure actuelle. On pourrait le qualifier d’élevé au Pays de Galles, de modéré en Ontario et de faible au Nouveau-Brunswick. Comment expliquer cette différence malgré un contexte similaire dans chacun des cas ?
En nous inspirant des travaux sur la mobilisation linguistique, sur la rémanence et sur les régimes linguistiques, nous proposons une hypothèse qui établit un lien causal entre la satisfaction des groupes représentant les minorités linguistiques à l’égard des régimes linguistiques et le niveau de mobilisation. Le niveau de mobilisation d’une minorité linguistique varie en fonction de sa satisfaction à l’égard du régime linguistique, et cette satisfaction est liée à la perception qu’ont les groupes quant aux succès ou aux échecs de leurs mobilisations linguistiques. Autrement dit, quand une minorité linguistique considère que sa mobilisation linguistique n’a pas obtenu le succès escompté et que le régime linguistique ne répond pas à ses principales attentes, les organisations qui la représentent maintiennent un niveau de mobilisation élevé. À l’inverse, quand une minorité linguistique perçoit que sa mobilisation linguistique a connu du succès et que le régime linguistique répond à ses principales attentes, les organisations se réorganisent et entrent en rémanence.
De façon plus précise, cette hypothèse propose donc une explication pour chacun des cas. Au Pays de Galles, le niveau de mobilisation des Galloisants demeure élevé parce que les modifications apportées au régime linguistique gallois ne répondent toujours pas aux attentes formulées par les acteurs de la société civile et ces acteurs ne considèrent pas que leur mobilisation a connu les succès escomptés. En Ontario, le niveau de mobilisation est modéré, parce qu’après une période de rémanence suivant un succès de la mobilisation linguistique, elle a repris une certaine vigueur alors que certains acquis étaient menacés. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, la mobilisation linguistique est en rémanence après que la mobilisation ait atteint sa finalité, c’est-à-dire qu’elle a connu le succès qu’elle recherchait, mais les acteurs de la société civile ne sont pas pour autant absents de l’espace public. / The Francophone linguistic minorities in New Brunswick and Ontario and the Welsh-speaking minority in Wales share many common elements. They have each developed a dense network of organization which spear-headed many campaigns that led to the improvement of the socio-political standing and of the symbolic recognition of the minority community. Also, the legal and social status of the minority language has progressed in each case, following the enactment of language laws and public policies. They all have access to institutions in which they can voice their demands or where they can govern themselves, be it in local governments or legislative assemblies. They can also appeal to linguistic ombudsmen. But, the main difference is seen in their current level of linguistic mobilization. We can describe it as high in Wales, moderate in Ontario and low in New Brunswick. How can we explain this difference in spite of a similar context in each case?
We draw upon the literature on linguistic mobilization, on abeyance and on linguistic regimes to suggest a hypothesis which makes a causal relationship between the satisfaction expressed towards the linguistic regime by groups representing linguistic minorities and the level of mobilization. The level of linguistic mobilization of a linguistic minority depends on the minority’s satisfaction towards the linguistic regime under which it lives, and this satisfaction is linked with how the groups that represent the minority perceive the successes or the failures of their linguistic mobilization. When a linguistic minority feels that its linguistic mobilization has not obtained the successes it anticipated and that the linguistic regime does not meet its main demands, the groups representing it keep the mobilization at a high level. Conversely, when a linguistic minority feels that its linguistic mobilization was successful and that the linguistic regime meets its demands, the groups reorganize and enter into abeyance.
This hypothesis suggests an explanation for each case. In Wales, the linguistic mobilization level remains high because the changes to the regime have yet to meet the demands of the linguistic minority and because the groups representing Welsh-speakers do not consider that their linguistic mobilization has been successful. In Ontario, the linguistic mobilization level is moderate, because after a period of abeyance following what is considered as a success of the linguistic mobilization, the mobilization has reignited when the community felt under threat. In New Brunswick, the linguistic mobilization is in abeyance after the mobilization achieved its main goal, but the groups representing the community remain active in the public sphere.
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Étude des pratiques linguistiques en camfranglais dans les centres urbains camerounais : le cas de Yaoundé / A study of language usage in Cameroonian urban aeras : the case of "camfranglais" in YaoundeEloundou Eloundou, Venant 05 November 2011 (has links)
Mettant à contribution les principes de la linguistique distributionnelle (alimentés par les acquis de la sémantaxe) et l’approche de la linguistique de corpus, cette étude porte sur le fonctionnement linguistique du camfranglais. L’analyse consacrée aux procédés identifiés aux niveaux lexical, morphologique, sémantique et syntaxique permet de constater que les camfranglophones réactualisent le matériau linguistique que leur offrent les composantes linguistiques. Ainsi, émergent ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler des règles d’usage ou d’expression. Cette réactualisation met en œuvre deux processus, notamment la simplification et la complexification linguistique. Les locuteurs, d’une part simplifient les conventions liées aux langues en présence, et d’autre part, ils les complexifient. On peut donc faire valoir la thèse d’une auto-régulation du système. À cet effet, le CFA est un parler mixte qui présente une autonomie linguistique partielle. L’étude montre que cette autonomie s’observe au niveau de son fonctionnement intra-systémique. Par ailleurs, ce parler est traversé par deux tendances linguistiques majeures : la pidginisation et l’acclimatement / acclimatation du français. / Putting forth the contribution of the principles of distributional linguistic (fuelled by the precepts of semantax) and the approach of corpus linguistics, this study focuses on the linguistic functioning. The analysis consecrated to the identified processes to the lexical, morphological, semantic levels enabled us to observe that the Camfranglophones update the linguistic elements that furnish the composing linguistical betting to Camfranglais. As such, what obtains can be considered as rules of usage. This update process highlights two processes namely: simplification and complexification of linguistic. The speakers, on the one hand, simplify the convention linked to the language in situ, and on the other hand, they do render them complex. We can postulate a thesis of some auto-regulation of the system. To this effect, Camfranglais is a mixed speech which presents some partial linguistic autonomy. The study shows that this autonomy can be observed at the level of its intra-systematic functioning. All the same, it comes across two main linguistical tendencies: pidginization and acclimatisation of French language
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Représentation des connaissances sémantiques lexicales de la Théorie Sens-Texte : conceptualisation, représentation, et opérationnalisation des définitions lexicographiques / Meaning-Text Theory lexical semantic knowledge representation : conceptualization, representation, and operationalization of lexicographic definitionsLefrançois, Maxime 24 June 2014 (has links)
Nous présentons une recherche en ingénierie des connaissances appliquée aux prédicats linguistiques et aux définitions lexicographiques de la théorie Sens-Texte (TST). Notre méthodologie comporte trois étapes. 1. Nous montrons en quoi la conceptualisation de la TST devrait être étendue pour faciliter sa formalisation. Nous justifions la nécessité de définir un niveau sémantique profond (SemP) à base de graphes. Nous y définissons la notion de type d'unité sémantique profonde et sa structure actancielle, de sorte que leur organisation hiérarchique puisse correspondre à une hiérarchie de sens au sein de laquelle ces structures actancielles sont héritées et spécialisées. Nous reconceptualisons les définitions lexicographiques au niveau SemP, et au niveau du dictionnaire. Finalement, nous présentons un prototype d'éditeur de définitions basé sur la manipulation directe de graphes. 2. Nous proposons un formalisme de représentation des connaissances adapté à cette conceptualisation. Nous démontrons que les logiques de description et le formalisme des Graphes Conceptuels ne sont pas adaptés, et nous construisons alors un nouveau formalisme, dit des Graphes d'Unités. 3. Nous étudions l'opérationnalisation du formalisme des Graphes d'Unités. Nous lui associons une sémantique formelle basée sur la théorie des modèles et l'algèbre relationnelle, et montrons que les conditions de décidabilité du raisonnement logique correspondent aux intuitions des lexicographes. Nous proposons également une implémentation du formalisme avec les standards du web sémantique, ce qui permet de profiter des architectures existantes pour l'interopérationnalisation sur le web des données lexicales liées. / We present our research in applying knowledge engineering to linguistic predicates and lexicographic definitions of the Meaning-Text Theory (MTT). We adopt a three-step methodology. 1. We first show how the MTT conceptualization should be extended to ease its formalization. We justify the need of defining a new graph-based deep semantic level. We define the notion of deep semantic unit types and its actantial structure, so that their hierarchical organization may correspond to a hierarchy of meanings, inside which actantial structures are inherited and specialized. We re-conceptualize lexicographic definitions at the deep semantic level, and at the level of dictionaries. Finally, we present a definition editor prototype based on graph direct manipulation, which will allow us, in future work, to integrate our formal model into explanatory combinatorial lexicographic projects. 2. We then propose a knowledge representation formalism (KR) adapted for this conceptualization. We demonstrate that Description Logics and the Conceptual Graphs formalism do not fit our needs. This leads us to construct a new knowledge representation formalism: the Unit Graphs formalism. 3. Finally, we operationalize the Unit Graphs formalism. We assign it a formal semantic model, which we create based on model theory and relational algebra. We then show that the reasoning decidability conditions match the intuitions that lexicographers have. We also provide an implementation using semantic web standards, which enable us to use existing architectures for sharing, interoperability, and knowledge querying over the web of lexical linked data.
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Atitudes e concepções lingüísticas e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em comunidades bilíngües alemão-português do Rio Grande do SulSchneider, Maria Nilse January 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie werde ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen (Glaubensvorstellungen und Sprachvorurteile) und ihre Einbeziehung in die sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer an drei Schulen deutsch- und portugiesischsprachiger Gemeinden in Rio Grande do Sul untersuchen. Zunächst beschreibe ich das Sprachrepertoire, die Dynamik der linguistischen Kompetenzen aus einer mehrdimensionalen Perspektive und der Spracherhalt des Hunsrückischen (HR) in der fünften Generation, um die vorliegende Arbeit auf die sozio-historischen, soziolinguistischen und kulturellen Kontexte dieser Gemeinden stützen zu können. Anschlieβend diskutiere ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen in Bezug auf das Code-Switching zwischen dem HRn und dem Portugiesischen, das Verbot und den Gebrauch der deutschen Sprache im Unterricht, den „deutschen Akzent“ ((De- )Sonorisierung von Konsonanten und Neutralisierung des Vibranten). Abschlieβend werde ich erörtern, wie sich die Spracheinstellungen von sechs Lehrern in ihrem Umgang mit diesen Sprachmerkmalen und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen in der Face-to-Face-Interaktion widerspiegeln. Diese Studie ist in den Bereich der Soziolinguistik, genauer gesagt, in die Studien zum Bilingualismus, zur Sprachpolitik und vor allem zu den Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen einzuordnen. Gemäβ diesem Forschungsgebiet kann die Sprachvariation nicht ausschlieβlich durch soziale und situationale Faktoren erklärt werden; es müssen die Normen, Werte und Prestigevorstellungen in der Gemeinde mitberücksichtigt werden. Diese Studie ist ebenso in die Interaktionale Soziolinguistik einzuordnen, deren Tradition nach die Gesprächsteilnehmer fortwährend die sozialen Sprecher- und Hörerrollen verhandeln und dabei footings und „Kontextualisierungshinweise“ einführen, die sie nach den Interpretationsund Ko-konstruktionmöglichkeiten des Kontextes und nach dem Geschehen in der sozialen Interaktion ausrichten. In dieser Studie werden Analyseinstrumente und -kategorien der quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden kombiniert, ausgehend von dem didaktischpädagogischen Diskurs und der sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer. Die Ergebnisse, die durch Statistiktabellen, Grafiken und Analysen von Interview- und sozialen Interaktionsauszügen veranschaulicht werden, verdeutlichen einen starken Gebrauch des HRs und ein hohes Maβ an Identitäts- und Erziehungskonflikten. Sie spiegeln sich sowohl in den Solidaritäts- und linguistischen Unterscheidungsattitüden in Bezug auf den Gebrauch und die Bewertung der Sprachvarietäten, als auch im Umgang mit den Sprachmerkmalen dieser Gemeinden und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen im Unterricht wider. Diese Attitüden verstärken manchmal die Asymmetrie in der Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung und ähneln sehr oft einer „kulturbedingten“ Pädagogik. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen erlernt werden, sozialer und dynamischer Art, veränderlich und sehr oft widersprüchlich sind. Sie ergeben sich vor allem aus den kulturell motivierten und von dem vereinbarten Wertesystem einer Gesellschaft und/oder einer sozialen Gruppe abhängigen, individuellen Erfahrungen und Glaubensvorstellungen sowie aus der sozialen Interaktion, da sie ausgehend und innerhalb von sozialen Kontexten ko-konstruiert und aktualisiert werden. / Este estudo investiga atitudes e concepções lingüísticas (crenças e preconceitos lingüísticos) e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em três comunidades bilíngües alemãoportuguês do Rio Grande do Sul. Primeiramente, descreve o repertório lingüístico, a dinâmica das competências lingüísticas na dimensão diageracional e a manutenção do Hunsrückisch (HR) na 5ª geração para fundamentar a discussão nos contextos sócio-histórico, sociolingüístico e cultural dessas comunidades. Depois, discute as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas em relação: à alternância de HR e português; à proibição e ao uso de alemão em aula; ao “sotaque alemão” (as (des)sonorizações de consoantes e a neutralização da vibrante). Por fim, analisa como as concepções de seis professoras se refletem no tratamento que conferem a esses traços de fala e ao uso de alemão na interação face a face. Este estudo insere-se na área da Sociolingüística, especificamente, nos estudos de bilingüismo, política lingüística e especialmente de atitudes e concepções lingüísticas. De acordo com essa tradição, a variação lingüística não pode ser explicada apenas através de fatores sociais e situacionais; devem-se incluir as normas, os valores e os modelos de prestígio na comunidade. Este estudo também se insere na Sociolingüística Interacional. De acordo com a tradição dessa área de estudos, os participantes estão continuamente negociando papéis sociais de falantes e ouvintes e introduzindo alinhamentos e pistas de contextualização, que os orientam sobre as possibilidades de interpretação e co-construção dos contextos e sobre o que está acontecendo na inter-ação social. Este estudo combina instrumentos e categorias de análise das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa a partir do discurso didático-pedagógico e das práticas sociais dos professores. Os resultados, demonstrados através de gráficos, tabelas estatísticas e da análise de excertos de entrevistas e de interação social, evidenciam um alto grau de manutenção do HR e conflitos identitários e educacionais, os quais se refletem nas atitudes de solidariedade e de distinção lingüística e nas práticas sociais dos professores, em relação à valoração e ao tratamento conferido às variedades lingüísticas e aos traços de fala dessas comunidades e ao uso de alemão em aula. Suas práticas sociais ora acentuam a assimetria na relação professor-aluno e ora revelam uma pedagogia culturalmente sensível. Evidenciam ainda que as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas são dinâmicas, mutáveis, socialmente geradas e aprendidas e, muitas vezes, contraditórias, e que elas são movidas, primordialmente, pelas experiências e crenças dos indivíduos (culturalmente motivadas e condicionadas ao sistema de valores acordado pelos membros da sociedade e/ou de grupos sociais) e pela interação social, pois elas são co-construídas e atualizadas a partir e dentro de contextos sociais. / This study investigates linguistic attitudes and conceptions (beliefs and prejudices) and their implications in teachers’ social practices in three German-Portuguese bilingual communities in Rio Grande do Sul. In order to contextualize the proposed discussion in the socio-historical, sociolinguistic and cultural grounds of the communities focused, it starts with a description of the linguistic repertoire, the dynamic of the linguistic competences throughout the generations, and the Hunsrückisch (HR) maintenance in the fifth generation of speakers. This research also discusses linguistic attitudes and conceptions regarding the alternation of Portuguese and HR, the banishment of German in school lessons and the ‘German accent’ ((de)voicing of consonants and neutralization of the vibrant). To conclude with, a reflection is proposed about how six teachers’ conceptions relate to the treatment they dispense to linguistic traces and to the use of German in face to face interactions. This research is inserted in the Sociolinguistics field, specifically in bilingual studies, in linguistics policy, and it is especially rooted in linguistic attitudes and conceptions. According to such studies, linguistic variation cannot be thoroughly explained exclusively by means of social and situational factors, since rules, values and models of prestige in the community in question need to be considered as well. The present investigation is also inserted in Interactional Sociolinguistics, which advocates that participants are constantly negotiating their social roles as speakers and listeners in the course of their interactions, introducing new footings as well as contextualization clues in their talk. Such traces orient speakers about the possibilities of interpretation and co-construction of contexts regarding what is taking place in such social interactions. This research matches instruments and analytical categories of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, examining both teachers’ practices and their discourses. The results are presented by means of graphs, charts and excerpts of interactions and of interviews with participants. They point to a high degree of HR maintenance, as well as to educational and identity conflicts which are reflected in speakers’ attitudes of solidarity or linguistic differentiation regarding the use and rating of linguistic variation, as well as in the treatment dispensed to the linguistic features of these communities. Conflicts are also found in the instances of use of German in class, which at times enhances an asymmetry in the teacherlearner relationship, and at times fosters a culturally responsive pedagogy. The results also point to the fact that linguistic attitudes and conceptions are mutable, dynamic, socially generated and learned, and are often contradictory. They are primarily moved by the individuals’ beliefs and experiences (culturally motivated and subjected to the system of values set by members and/ or social groups in a given community), and by their social interaction, being co-constructed and updated from and within specific social contexts.
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Atitudes e concepções lingüísticas e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em comunidades bilíngües alemão-português do Rio Grande do SulSchneider, Maria Nilse January 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie werde ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen (Glaubensvorstellungen und Sprachvorurteile) und ihre Einbeziehung in die sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer an drei Schulen deutsch- und portugiesischsprachiger Gemeinden in Rio Grande do Sul untersuchen. Zunächst beschreibe ich das Sprachrepertoire, die Dynamik der linguistischen Kompetenzen aus einer mehrdimensionalen Perspektive und der Spracherhalt des Hunsrückischen (HR) in der fünften Generation, um die vorliegende Arbeit auf die sozio-historischen, soziolinguistischen und kulturellen Kontexte dieser Gemeinden stützen zu können. Anschlieβend diskutiere ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen in Bezug auf das Code-Switching zwischen dem HRn und dem Portugiesischen, das Verbot und den Gebrauch der deutschen Sprache im Unterricht, den „deutschen Akzent“ ((De- )Sonorisierung von Konsonanten und Neutralisierung des Vibranten). Abschlieβend werde ich erörtern, wie sich die Spracheinstellungen von sechs Lehrern in ihrem Umgang mit diesen Sprachmerkmalen und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen in der Face-to-Face-Interaktion widerspiegeln. Diese Studie ist in den Bereich der Soziolinguistik, genauer gesagt, in die Studien zum Bilingualismus, zur Sprachpolitik und vor allem zu den Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen einzuordnen. Gemäβ diesem Forschungsgebiet kann die Sprachvariation nicht ausschlieβlich durch soziale und situationale Faktoren erklärt werden; es müssen die Normen, Werte und Prestigevorstellungen in der Gemeinde mitberücksichtigt werden. Diese Studie ist ebenso in die Interaktionale Soziolinguistik einzuordnen, deren Tradition nach die Gesprächsteilnehmer fortwährend die sozialen Sprecher- und Hörerrollen verhandeln und dabei footings und „Kontextualisierungshinweise“ einführen, die sie nach den Interpretationsund Ko-konstruktionmöglichkeiten des Kontextes und nach dem Geschehen in der sozialen Interaktion ausrichten. In dieser Studie werden Analyseinstrumente und -kategorien der quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden kombiniert, ausgehend von dem didaktischpädagogischen Diskurs und der sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer. Die Ergebnisse, die durch Statistiktabellen, Grafiken und Analysen von Interview- und sozialen Interaktionsauszügen veranschaulicht werden, verdeutlichen einen starken Gebrauch des HRs und ein hohes Maβ an Identitäts- und Erziehungskonflikten. Sie spiegeln sich sowohl in den Solidaritäts- und linguistischen Unterscheidungsattitüden in Bezug auf den Gebrauch und die Bewertung der Sprachvarietäten, als auch im Umgang mit den Sprachmerkmalen dieser Gemeinden und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen im Unterricht wider. Diese Attitüden verstärken manchmal die Asymmetrie in der Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung und ähneln sehr oft einer „kulturbedingten“ Pädagogik. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen erlernt werden, sozialer und dynamischer Art, veränderlich und sehr oft widersprüchlich sind. Sie ergeben sich vor allem aus den kulturell motivierten und von dem vereinbarten Wertesystem einer Gesellschaft und/oder einer sozialen Gruppe abhängigen, individuellen Erfahrungen und Glaubensvorstellungen sowie aus der sozialen Interaktion, da sie ausgehend und innerhalb von sozialen Kontexten ko-konstruiert und aktualisiert werden. / Este estudo investiga atitudes e concepções lingüísticas (crenças e preconceitos lingüísticos) e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em três comunidades bilíngües alemãoportuguês do Rio Grande do Sul. Primeiramente, descreve o repertório lingüístico, a dinâmica das competências lingüísticas na dimensão diageracional e a manutenção do Hunsrückisch (HR) na 5ª geração para fundamentar a discussão nos contextos sócio-histórico, sociolingüístico e cultural dessas comunidades. Depois, discute as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas em relação: à alternância de HR e português; à proibição e ao uso de alemão em aula; ao “sotaque alemão” (as (des)sonorizações de consoantes e a neutralização da vibrante). Por fim, analisa como as concepções de seis professoras se refletem no tratamento que conferem a esses traços de fala e ao uso de alemão na interação face a face. Este estudo insere-se na área da Sociolingüística, especificamente, nos estudos de bilingüismo, política lingüística e especialmente de atitudes e concepções lingüísticas. De acordo com essa tradição, a variação lingüística não pode ser explicada apenas através de fatores sociais e situacionais; devem-se incluir as normas, os valores e os modelos de prestígio na comunidade. Este estudo também se insere na Sociolingüística Interacional. De acordo com a tradição dessa área de estudos, os participantes estão continuamente negociando papéis sociais de falantes e ouvintes e introduzindo alinhamentos e pistas de contextualização, que os orientam sobre as possibilidades de interpretação e co-construção dos contextos e sobre o que está acontecendo na inter-ação social. Este estudo combina instrumentos e categorias de análise das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa a partir do discurso didático-pedagógico e das práticas sociais dos professores. Os resultados, demonstrados através de gráficos, tabelas estatísticas e da análise de excertos de entrevistas e de interação social, evidenciam um alto grau de manutenção do HR e conflitos identitários e educacionais, os quais se refletem nas atitudes de solidariedade e de distinção lingüística e nas práticas sociais dos professores, em relação à valoração e ao tratamento conferido às variedades lingüísticas e aos traços de fala dessas comunidades e ao uso de alemão em aula. Suas práticas sociais ora acentuam a assimetria na relação professor-aluno e ora revelam uma pedagogia culturalmente sensível. Evidenciam ainda que as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas são dinâmicas, mutáveis, socialmente geradas e aprendidas e, muitas vezes, contraditórias, e que elas são movidas, primordialmente, pelas experiências e crenças dos indivíduos (culturalmente motivadas e condicionadas ao sistema de valores acordado pelos membros da sociedade e/ou de grupos sociais) e pela interação social, pois elas são co-construídas e atualizadas a partir e dentro de contextos sociais. / This study investigates linguistic attitudes and conceptions (beliefs and prejudices) and their implications in teachers’ social practices in three German-Portuguese bilingual communities in Rio Grande do Sul. In order to contextualize the proposed discussion in the socio-historical, sociolinguistic and cultural grounds of the communities focused, it starts with a description of the linguistic repertoire, the dynamic of the linguistic competences throughout the generations, and the Hunsrückisch (HR) maintenance in the fifth generation of speakers. This research also discusses linguistic attitudes and conceptions regarding the alternation of Portuguese and HR, the banishment of German in school lessons and the ‘German accent’ ((de)voicing of consonants and neutralization of the vibrant). To conclude with, a reflection is proposed about how six teachers’ conceptions relate to the treatment they dispense to linguistic traces and to the use of German in face to face interactions. This research is inserted in the Sociolinguistics field, specifically in bilingual studies, in linguistics policy, and it is especially rooted in linguistic attitudes and conceptions. According to such studies, linguistic variation cannot be thoroughly explained exclusively by means of social and situational factors, since rules, values and models of prestige in the community in question need to be considered as well. The present investigation is also inserted in Interactional Sociolinguistics, which advocates that participants are constantly negotiating their social roles as speakers and listeners in the course of their interactions, introducing new footings as well as contextualization clues in their talk. Such traces orient speakers about the possibilities of interpretation and co-construction of contexts regarding what is taking place in such social interactions. This research matches instruments and analytical categories of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, examining both teachers’ practices and their discourses. The results are presented by means of graphs, charts and excerpts of interactions and of interviews with participants. They point to a high degree of HR maintenance, as well as to educational and identity conflicts which are reflected in speakers’ attitudes of solidarity or linguistic differentiation regarding the use and rating of linguistic variation, as well as in the treatment dispensed to the linguistic features of these communities. Conflicts are also found in the instances of use of German in class, which at times enhances an asymmetry in the teacherlearner relationship, and at times fosters a culturally responsive pedagogy. The results also point to the fact that linguistic attitudes and conceptions are mutable, dynamic, socially generated and learned, and are often contradictory. They are primarily moved by the individuals’ beliefs and experiences (culturally motivated and subjected to the system of values set by members and/ or social groups in a given community), and by their social interaction, being co-constructed and updated from and within specific social contexts.
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Atitudes e concepções lingüísticas e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em comunidades bilíngües alemão-português do Rio Grande do SulSchneider, Maria Nilse January 2007 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie werde ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen (Glaubensvorstellungen und Sprachvorurteile) und ihre Einbeziehung in die sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer an drei Schulen deutsch- und portugiesischsprachiger Gemeinden in Rio Grande do Sul untersuchen. Zunächst beschreibe ich das Sprachrepertoire, die Dynamik der linguistischen Kompetenzen aus einer mehrdimensionalen Perspektive und der Spracherhalt des Hunsrückischen (HR) in der fünften Generation, um die vorliegende Arbeit auf die sozio-historischen, soziolinguistischen und kulturellen Kontexte dieser Gemeinden stützen zu können. Anschlieβend diskutiere ich die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen in Bezug auf das Code-Switching zwischen dem HRn und dem Portugiesischen, das Verbot und den Gebrauch der deutschen Sprache im Unterricht, den „deutschen Akzent“ ((De- )Sonorisierung von Konsonanten und Neutralisierung des Vibranten). Abschlieβend werde ich erörtern, wie sich die Spracheinstellungen von sechs Lehrern in ihrem Umgang mit diesen Sprachmerkmalen und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen in der Face-to-Face-Interaktion widerspiegeln. Diese Studie ist in den Bereich der Soziolinguistik, genauer gesagt, in die Studien zum Bilingualismus, zur Sprachpolitik und vor allem zu den Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen einzuordnen. Gemäβ diesem Forschungsgebiet kann die Sprachvariation nicht ausschlieβlich durch soziale und situationale Faktoren erklärt werden; es müssen die Normen, Werte und Prestigevorstellungen in der Gemeinde mitberücksichtigt werden. Diese Studie ist ebenso in die Interaktionale Soziolinguistik einzuordnen, deren Tradition nach die Gesprächsteilnehmer fortwährend die sozialen Sprecher- und Hörerrollen verhandeln und dabei footings und „Kontextualisierungshinweise“ einführen, die sie nach den Interpretationsund Ko-konstruktionmöglichkeiten des Kontextes und nach dem Geschehen in der sozialen Interaktion ausrichten. In dieser Studie werden Analyseinstrumente und -kategorien der quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden kombiniert, ausgehend von dem didaktischpädagogischen Diskurs und der sozialen Tätigkeiten der Lehrer. Die Ergebnisse, die durch Statistiktabellen, Grafiken und Analysen von Interview- und sozialen Interaktionsauszügen veranschaulicht werden, verdeutlichen einen starken Gebrauch des HRs und ein hohes Maβ an Identitäts- und Erziehungskonflikten. Sie spiegeln sich sowohl in den Solidaritäts- und linguistischen Unterscheidungsattitüden in Bezug auf den Gebrauch und die Bewertung der Sprachvarietäten, als auch im Umgang mit den Sprachmerkmalen dieser Gemeinden und dem Gebrauch des Deutschen im Unterricht wider. Diese Attitüden verstärken manchmal die Asymmetrie in der Lehrer-Schüler-Beziehung und ähneln sehr oft einer „kulturbedingten“ Pädagogik. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Sprachattitüden und Spracheinstellungen erlernt werden, sozialer und dynamischer Art, veränderlich und sehr oft widersprüchlich sind. Sie ergeben sich vor allem aus den kulturell motivierten und von dem vereinbarten Wertesystem einer Gesellschaft und/oder einer sozialen Gruppe abhängigen, individuellen Erfahrungen und Glaubensvorstellungen sowie aus der sozialen Interaktion, da sie ausgehend und innerhalb von sozialen Kontexten ko-konstruiert und aktualisiert werden. / Este estudo investiga atitudes e concepções lingüísticas (crenças e preconceitos lingüísticos) e sua relação com as práticas sociais de professores em três comunidades bilíngües alemãoportuguês do Rio Grande do Sul. Primeiramente, descreve o repertório lingüístico, a dinâmica das competências lingüísticas na dimensão diageracional e a manutenção do Hunsrückisch (HR) na 5ª geração para fundamentar a discussão nos contextos sócio-histórico, sociolingüístico e cultural dessas comunidades. Depois, discute as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas em relação: à alternância de HR e português; à proibição e ao uso de alemão em aula; ao “sotaque alemão” (as (des)sonorizações de consoantes e a neutralização da vibrante). Por fim, analisa como as concepções de seis professoras se refletem no tratamento que conferem a esses traços de fala e ao uso de alemão na interação face a face. Este estudo insere-se na área da Sociolingüística, especificamente, nos estudos de bilingüismo, política lingüística e especialmente de atitudes e concepções lingüísticas. De acordo com essa tradição, a variação lingüística não pode ser explicada apenas através de fatores sociais e situacionais; devem-se incluir as normas, os valores e os modelos de prestígio na comunidade. Este estudo também se insere na Sociolingüística Interacional. De acordo com a tradição dessa área de estudos, os participantes estão continuamente negociando papéis sociais de falantes e ouvintes e introduzindo alinhamentos e pistas de contextualização, que os orientam sobre as possibilidades de interpretação e co-construção dos contextos e sobre o que está acontecendo na inter-ação social. Este estudo combina instrumentos e categorias de análise das abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa a partir do discurso didático-pedagógico e das práticas sociais dos professores. Os resultados, demonstrados através de gráficos, tabelas estatísticas e da análise de excertos de entrevistas e de interação social, evidenciam um alto grau de manutenção do HR e conflitos identitários e educacionais, os quais se refletem nas atitudes de solidariedade e de distinção lingüística e nas práticas sociais dos professores, em relação à valoração e ao tratamento conferido às variedades lingüísticas e aos traços de fala dessas comunidades e ao uso de alemão em aula. Suas práticas sociais ora acentuam a assimetria na relação professor-aluno e ora revelam uma pedagogia culturalmente sensível. Evidenciam ainda que as atitudes e concepções lingüísticas são dinâmicas, mutáveis, socialmente geradas e aprendidas e, muitas vezes, contraditórias, e que elas são movidas, primordialmente, pelas experiências e crenças dos indivíduos (culturalmente motivadas e condicionadas ao sistema de valores acordado pelos membros da sociedade e/ou de grupos sociais) e pela interação social, pois elas são co-construídas e atualizadas a partir e dentro de contextos sociais. / This study investigates linguistic attitudes and conceptions (beliefs and prejudices) and their implications in teachers’ social practices in three German-Portuguese bilingual communities in Rio Grande do Sul. In order to contextualize the proposed discussion in the socio-historical, sociolinguistic and cultural grounds of the communities focused, it starts with a description of the linguistic repertoire, the dynamic of the linguistic competences throughout the generations, and the Hunsrückisch (HR) maintenance in the fifth generation of speakers. This research also discusses linguistic attitudes and conceptions regarding the alternation of Portuguese and HR, the banishment of German in school lessons and the ‘German accent’ ((de)voicing of consonants and neutralization of the vibrant). To conclude with, a reflection is proposed about how six teachers’ conceptions relate to the treatment they dispense to linguistic traces and to the use of German in face to face interactions. This research is inserted in the Sociolinguistics field, specifically in bilingual studies, in linguistics policy, and it is especially rooted in linguistic attitudes and conceptions. According to such studies, linguistic variation cannot be thoroughly explained exclusively by means of social and situational factors, since rules, values and models of prestige in the community in question need to be considered as well. The present investigation is also inserted in Interactional Sociolinguistics, which advocates that participants are constantly negotiating their social roles as speakers and listeners in the course of their interactions, introducing new footings as well as contextualization clues in their talk. Such traces orient speakers about the possibilities of interpretation and co-construction of contexts regarding what is taking place in such social interactions. This research matches instruments and analytical categories of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, examining both teachers’ practices and their discourses. The results are presented by means of graphs, charts and excerpts of interactions and of interviews with participants. They point to a high degree of HR maintenance, as well as to educational and identity conflicts which are reflected in speakers’ attitudes of solidarity or linguistic differentiation regarding the use and rating of linguistic variation, as well as in the treatment dispensed to the linguistic features of these communities. Conflicts are also found in the instances of use of German in class, which at times enhances an asymmetry in the teacherlearner relationship, and at times fosters a culturally responsive pedagogy. The results also point to the fact that linguistic attitudes and conceptions are mutable, dynamic, socially generated and learned, and are often contradictory. They are primarily moved by the individuals’ beliefs and experiences (culturally motivated and subjected to the system of values set by members and/ or social groups in a given community), and by their social interaction, being co-constructed and updated from and within specific social contexts.
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Conversational Rituals in Computer- Mediated Communication : A Qulaitative Study of Discussion ForumsKristoffersen, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to offer a new perspective on both interpersonal communication andcomputer-mediated communication (CMC), by means of conducting a pragma-linguisticanalysis and comparison of a semi-threaded discussion forum and a fully threaded discussionforum; analysing features such as linguistic markers, dialogic listening, politeness, cooperation,elaborate or laconic greetings, farewell expressions and other conversational rituals. Aqualitative study was conducted, employing two methods of gathering data: (a) participantobservation and (b) document and material analysis. The major question for discussion in thisstudy is whether there are any differences with respect to linguistic and non-linguistic featuresbetween the semi-threaded and fully threaded forums? The study concludes that there aredifferences in linguistic and non-linguistic features between semi-threaded and fully threadedforums, but these differences are minimal and can more likely be attributed to the forum subjectmatter and social context than to the forum structure itself.
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Authentic Language : Övdalsk, metapragmatic exchange and the margins of Sweden’s linguistic marketKarlander, David January 2017 (has links)
This compilation thesis engages with practices that in some way place stakes in the social existence of Övdalsk (also älvdalska, Elfdalian, Övdalian), a marginal form of Scandinavian used mainly in Sweden’s Älvdalen municipality. The practices at hand range from early 20th century descriptive dialectology and contemporary lay-linguistics to language advocacy and language political debate. The four studies focus on the logic by which such practices operate, on the historically produced visions that they bring into play, as well as on the symbolic effects that they have produced. Study I provides a zoomed-out account of the ordering of Övdalsk in Sweden’s linguistic market. Focusing on a relatively recent debate over the institutional regimentation of Övdalsk, it analyses the forms of agreement upon which the exchange in question has come to rest. The contention has mainly developed over the classification of Övdalsk, percolating in the question of whether Övdalsk ‘is’ a ‘language’ or a ‘dialect’. Analysing this debate, the study takes interest in the relationship between state power and metapragmatic exchange. Study II deals with the history of linguistic thought and research on Övdalsk. It analyses the genesis of some durable visions of the relationship between Övdalsk and linguistic authenticity, focusing on the research practice of the Swedish dialectologist Lars Levander (1883–1950), whose work on Övdalsk commands representative authority to this day. By engaging with Levander’s techniques of scholarly objectivation, as well as with their language theoretical fundaments, the study seeks to create some perspectives on, and distance to, the canonical representations of Övdalsk that have precipitated from Levander’s research. Study III looks into the reuse and reordering of such representations. It provides an ethnographic account of a metapragmatically saturated exchange over Övdalsk grammar, in which descriptivist artefacts play an important part. Through an analysis of texts, in situ interaction, and interviews, the study seeks to grasp the ways in which textual renditions of grammar interrelate with practically sustained, socially recognized models of language and language use (i.e. registers). Study IV tracks the ways in which such visions of authenticity have been drawn into institutionally and politically invested metapragmatic exchanges. It looks into a process of naming of roads in Älvdalen, in which ideas about the contrast between Swedish and Övdalsk played a central part. In all studies, various visions of Övdalsk authenticity and authentic Övdalsk constitute a central theme. The thesis maintains that such visions must be understood in relation to the practices in which they hold currency. Following Silverstein, this epistemological stance entails an engagement with the dialectic between historical formations and situated exchange. Through this analytical orientation, the studies seek to account for the visions of authenticity that have been at the forefront of various symbolic struggles over Övdalsk. Thus, in addition to their respective analytical accounts, the separate studies seek to add shifting temporal horizons to the superordinate heuristic, combining a deep historical backdrop with accounts of protracted institutional processes and analyses of situated linguistic interaction. Ultimately, this mode of analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the object of inquiry. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted.</p>
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Language and social services in rural North West the status of SetswanaNkashe, Esther January 2012 (has links)
This study seeks to support the thesis that African indigenous languages in South Africa should enjoy equal treatment in terms of the South African Constitution. Therefore, it will explore and find ways and means of how the South African government can reach out to rural communities with inadequate English proficiency, in an English-dominated South Africa, by breaking down the existing language barriers and curbing social inequalities. Language rights, like any other human rights, should be protected, as enshrined in the new democratic Constitution of South Africa.
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