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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da ingestão de cafeína, café (Coffea arabica) e chá mate (Ilex paraguariensis) sobre a atividade lipolítica do tecido adiposo e parâmetros metabólicos em ratos submetidos ao exercício físico / Effects of the ingestion of caffeine, coffee (Coffea arabica) and roasted maté tea (Ilex paraguariensis) on the adipose tissue lipolytic activity and metabolic parameters on rats submitted to physical exercise

Saldanha, Luciane Arias 04 May 2012 (has links)
Introdução. O estoque excessivo de lipídeos no organismo está associado à diversas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. O exercício físico aumenta a utilização dos lipídeos. A mobilização dos ácidos graxos (AG) é a primeira etapa para que eles sejam utilizados como fonte energética pelo músculo esquelético. Para otimizar esse processo, têm sido estudadas substâncias que poderiam aumentar a lipólise, como a cafeína. O café e o chá-mate contêm cafeína em sua composição. Objetivo. Comparar os efeitos da ingestão de cafeína, café e chá-mate sobre o desempenho físico, parâmetros metabólicos e lipólise em resposta ao exercício físico agudo em esteira rolante, em ratos Wistar. Métodos. O estudo foi divido em etapas 1 (exercício até a exaustão, n=15) e 2 (exercício com duração de 60 minutos, n=45). A amostra foi composta por cinco grupos: controle (C), controle exercício (CE), cafeína exercício (CFNE), café exercício (CAFE) e chá-mate exercício (CME). Na etapa 1, foram comparados o desempenho, as diferenças na massa corporal e na glicemia (pós versus pré-exercício) e a atividade lipolítica. Na etapa 2, foram comparadas as diferenças na massa corporal e na glicemia (pós versus pré-exercício), a atividade lipolítica, o lactato sanguíneo e o glicogênio muscular. Os dados foram apresentados segundo a estatística descritiva (média ± erro padrão). Os dados foram analisados através de modelos gerais lineares e os deltas através da técnica de contrastes ortogonais. Para verificar associação entre as variáveis de interesse foi utilizada a correlação linear de Pearson. Resultados. Na etapa 1 não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos com relação ao desempenho. A massa corporal pós-exercício, quando comparada à pré-exercício, diminuiu nos grupos CE (188 por cento ), CFNE (273 por cento ), CAFE (319 por cento ) e CME (204 por cento ), quando comparados ao C. Não houve diferença para a variação de glicemia entre os grupos. Observou-se aumento de 92 por cento da lipólise no grupo CAFE, quando comparado ao grupo C. Na etapa 2, houve diminuição da massa corporal (pós versus pré-exercício) nos grupos CE e CFNE (263 por cento ), CAFE (230 por cento ) e CME (183 por cento ), quando comparados ao C. A glicemia aumentou nos grupos CFNE (variação pós versus pré-exercício de 343 por cento e 220 por cento , quando comparada aos grupos C e CE, respectivamente) e CME (179 por cento , quando comparada ao C). A lipólise estava aumentada nos grupos CFNE e CAFE, quando comparados aos grupos C (150 por cento e 233 por cento , respectivamente) e CE (51 por cento e 101 por cento , respectivamente). Não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os grupos para a concentração sanguínea de lactato e para o conteúdo de glicogênio muscular. Não houve correlação entre as variáveis, em ambas as etapas. Conclusão. Após o exercício até a exaustão, o grupo que ingeriu café apresentou aumento da atividade lipolítica. Após 60 minutos de exercício, o grupo que ingeriu cafeína, assim como o que ingeriu chá-mate, apresentou aumento da glicemia. A cafeína e o café promoveram aumento da lipólise / Introduction. The excess of body fat is associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases. Physical exercise enhance lipolysis. The mobilization of fatty acids (FA) is the first stage for the use of lipids as a source of energy by skeletal muscle. In order to increase the use of FA, substances have been used. Objective. This work compared the effects of caffeine, coffee and maté tea on the performance, metabolic parameters and lipolysis in response to acute physical exercise on a treadmill, in Wistar rats. Methods. The study was developed in stage 1 (exercise until exhaustion, n=15) and stage 2 (exercise lasting for 60 minutes, n=45). The design consisted of groups: control (C), control exercise (CE), caffeine exercise (CFNE), coffee exercise (CAFE) and maté tea exercise (CME). For stage 1, the performance, the differences in the total body mass and glucose (post- versus pre-exercise), and lipolytic activity were compared. For the stage 2, comparisons were made among the differences in the total body mass and glucose (post- versus pre-exercise), lipolytic activity, blood lactate level and muscular glycogen content. The data were presented as average ± standard error. The data were analyzed by means of general linear models and the deltas by the orthogonal contrasts technique. Pearsons linear correlation was used to check the association between the variables of interest. Results. In stage 1, no differences were observed between the groups in terms of performance. The post-exercise total body mass, when compared to the pre-exercise, decreased for the CE (188 per cent ), CFNE (273 per cent ), CAFE (319 per cent ) e CME (204 per cent ) groups, when compared to C. There was no difference for glucose (post- versus pre-exercise) between groups. An increase of 92 per cent in lipolysis was observed in the CAFE group, when compared to C. In stage 2, there was a decrease in the post-exercise total body mass, when compared with pre-exercise, in the CE and CFNE (263 per cent ), CAFE (230 per cent ) and CME (183 per cent ) groups. An increase in post-exercise glucose, in comparison with the pre-exercise, was observed in groups CFNE (343 per cent and 220 per cent , when compared to C and CE, respectively) and CME (179 per cent ), when compared to C. Lipolysis increased for the CFNE and CAFE groups when compared to groups C (150 per cent and 233 per cent , respectively) and CE (51 per cent and 101 per cent , respectively). No significant differences were observed between the groups for the blood lactate and the muscular glycogen levels. It wasn\'t observed correlation between the different variables, for stage 1 and 2. Conclusion. Following exercise until exhaustion, the group which ingested coffee presented an increase in the lipolytic activity. After exercise lasting 60 minutes, the group which ingested caffeine, as well as that which ingested maté tea, presented increased levels of glucose. The animals which ingested caffeine or coffee presented increased levels of lipolysis

Efeitos dos hormônios tireoidianos sobre a regulação da expressão de proteínas envolvidas com a lipólise no tecido adiposo branco subcutâneo e visceral. / Effects of thyroid hormones on the regulation of the expression of proteins involved on lipolysis in subcutaneous and visceral white adipose tissue.

Silva, Mariana de França Oliveira da 21 August 2015 (has links)
Os hormônios tireoidianos (HT) executam um papel lipolítico importante no Tecido Adiposo Branco (TAB), sendo este efeito mediado por meio do aumento da expressão de receptores beta adrenérgicos na membrana do adipócito, o que aumenta a sensibilidade deste tecido as catecolaminas. Sabe-se que os principais efetores da ação lipolítica nesse tecido são a lipase hormônio sensível (LHS) e a lipase dos triglicerídeos dos adipócitos (ATGL), as quais hidrolisam os triglicerídeos em ácidos graxos e glicerol. Além disso, outros componentes estão envolvidos na atividade lipolítica, como as perilipinas, proteínas estas que envolvem a gota de gordura, formando uma barreira contra a ação da LHS e ATGL, de modo que precisam ser fosforiladas para que a LHS e ATGL possam exercer seu efeito lipolítico. Considerando: (a) a importância do tecido adiposo na homeostase energética e como fonte de citocinas, as quais estão relacionadas com a sensibilidade tecidual à insulina; (b) que a função e o metabolismo do tecido adiposo variam com a sua distribuição regional, e (c) que as ações lipolíticas dos HT, importantes reguladores da homeostase energética, têm sido muito pouco exploradas, pretendemos investigar, em ratos, (i) se os HT interferem na expressão da LHS, ATGL, perilipina A e dos receptores beta3 adrenérgicos no tecido adiposo branco, e (ii) se essas ações diferem nos distintos depósitos de gordura, o que poderia ampliar o campo de conhecimento sobre os efeitos lipolíticos destes hormônios e a nossa compreensão sobre a contribuição deles nas complicações associadas à obesidade e suas co-morbidades. / Thyroid hormones (TH) play an important lipolytic role in white adipose tissue (WAT). This effect is mediated by increased expression of beta-adrenergic receptors on adipocytes membrane, which increases the sensitivity of that tissue to catecholamines. It is known that the main effectors of the lipolytic action in WAT enzymatic activity, especially: hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), which hydrolyze triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. In addition, other components are involved in the lipolytic activity, such as perilipin. These proteins support the fat droplet, forming a protective barrier against HSL and ATGL action. Considering: (a) the importance of adipose tissue in energy homeostasis and as a source of cytokines which are related to insulin tissue sensitivity; (b) function and metabolism of adipose tissue vary with their regional distribution; and (c) lipolytic actions of HT, important regulators of energy homeostasis, have been little explored, we investigated in rats with hypothyroidism and submitted to T3 treatment: (i) TH effects on the expression of hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL),perilipin A and beta-3 adrenergic receptors in WAT, and (ii) if this action are different on subcutaneous and visceral fat depot. This study has increased our understanding about the contribution of these hormones on WAT metabolism and metabolic disease as obesity.

O impacto do tratamento de doxorrubicina nas funções do tecido adiposo branco. / The impact of doxorubicin treatment on the functions of white adipose tissue.

Biondo, Luana Amorim 11 March 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A doxorrubicina (DOX) é um quimioterápico que gera efeitos tóxicos no tecido adiposo (T.A.) e reduz a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Objetivos: Investigar os efeitos metabólicos do tratamento com DOX no T.A. branco e propor terapia adjuvante que atenue efeitos deletérios. Métodos: Procedimento experimental 1: ratos Wistar foram tratados com dose única de DOX (15mg/kg). Cultura de células: 3T3L1 foram incubadas por 24h, 96h e 12 dias com DOX. Procedimento experimental 2: animais C57/BL6 receberam doses fracionadas de DOX associado ao uso de metformina (MET) (300mg/kg, diário) ou não. Conclusão: A DOX gera um alto impacto sobre a homeostasia do T.A. branco tanto no tratamento agudo com dose única, como no tratamento crônico com doses mais baixas. Os processos fisiológicos do tecido adiposo sofreram profundas alterações, o que resultou em menor tamanho do adipócito, maior fibrose, diminuição das vias metabólicas e redução da adiponectina e leptina circulantes, e o tratamento com MET não reverteu esses efeitos, só prevenindo o processo de fibrose do TA. / Introduction: Doxorubicin (DOX) is a chemotherapy that generates toxic effects on adipose tissue (AT) and reduces the quality of life of patients. Objectives: To investigate the metabolic effects of treatment with DOX on AT white and to propose adjuvant therapy to mitigate deleterious effects. Methods: Experimental Procedure 1: Wistar rats were treated with a single dose of doxorubicin (15mg/ kg). Cell Culture: 3T3-L1 were incubated for 24h, 96h and 12 days with doxorubicin. Experimental procedure 2: C57/BL6 mice received fractionated doses of DOX associated with the use of metformin (MET) (300 mg/kg daily) or not. Conclusion: DOX generates a high impact on the homeostasis of white AT in both acute single dose treatment, such as in chronic treatment with lower doses. The physiological processes of AT have undergone major changes, resulting in a smaller of adipocytes, increased fibrosis, reduction in metabolic pathways and decreased circulating adiponectin and leptin, and the treatment with MET did not reverse these effects, only prevent the fibrosis process on AT.

Régulation épigénétique de la lipolyse intravasculaire des triglycérides / Epigenetic regulation of intravascular triglyceride lipolysis

Pinkele, Cyrielle 27 October 2015 (has links)
La Lipoprotéine lipase (LPL) est une enzyme essentielle de la lipolyse intravasculaire dont la régulation est complexe. La découverte des miRs, régulateurs de l'expression posttranscriptionnelle des gènes via leurs interactions avec les régions 3' non traduite (3'UTR), apporte de nouvelles perspectives pour la compréhension de la régulation de la LPL et de ses gènes régulateurs. Nous présentons à travers deux études, l'implication des microARNs (miRs) dans la régulation de la LPL et d'un de ses gènes activateurs APOA5. Dans le premier travail, nous avons mis en évidence la création d'un site de liaison fonctionnel du miR-485-5p par expliquons ainsi le mécanisme potentiellement impliqué dans l'association de ce polymorphisme aux hypertriglycéridémies sévères et modérées en population générale. Dans un second travail, nous avons identifié un haplotype de la LPL, incluant la mutation p.Ser474Ter (rs328) et sept single nucleotide polymorphisme (SNPs) de la région 3'UTR, significativement associés à une diminution des triglycérides (TG) plasmatiques en population générale. Nous avons ensuite démontré la fonctionnalité des sept SNPs de la région 3'UTR par la suppression de sites de liaison de plusieurs miRs. Ainsi ces résultats suggèrent que l'association du variant p.Ser474Ter (rs328) à la triglycéridémie pourrait au moins partiellement être liée à son déséquilibre de liaison avec les sept SNPs fonctionnels de la région 3'UTR. Nos travaux sont parmi les premiers à mettre en évidence l'implication des miRs dans la régulation de la LPL et de ses gènes régulateurs chez l'homme. Ils permettent ainsi d'accroitre la connaissance des mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de la lipolyse intravasculaire. Enfin, ils éclairent les mécanismes fonctionnels mis en jeu par deux polymorphismes significativement associés à la triglycéridémie / The lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a key enzyme which regulates plasma triglycerides (TG) intravascular lipolysis involving a complex regulation. The microRNAs (miR) are implicated in gene post-transcriptional regulation through their interaction with the 3’untranslated region (3’UTR). Their discovery provides new insights in the understanding of the LPL regulation and its regulator genes. We present two works regarding the implication of miRs in the regulation of the LPL and one of its activator APOA5. First, we identified a functional miR-485-5p binding site creation induced by the minor C allele of the c.*158C>T (rs22667882) located in APOA5 3’UTR.We therefore provide an explanation of the mechanism potentially involved in this polymorphism association with both mild and severe hypertriglyceridemia in general population. In a second work, we identified a LPL haplotype harboring p.Ser474Ter (rs328) polymorphism and seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) located in the 3’UTR. This haplotype is significantly associated with lower plasma triglycerides (TG) concentration in general population. We demonstrated that the SNPs located in the 3’UTR induce several functional miRs binding-site suppressions that could lead to an increase of LPL expression. Finally, p.Ser474Ter association with triglyceridemia could be at least partially explained by its strong linkage disequilibrium with these functional 3’UTR SNPs. These works are amongst the first studies to bright to light the miRs implication in the regulation of LPL or its regulator genes in human. They provide a better knowledge of the mechanisms involved in intravascular lipolysis. Finally, they also explain the functional mechanisms of two polymorphisms, significantly associated with the plasma TG concentration

Efeitos do ácido palmitoleico na captação e metabolismo de glicose e triacilglicerol em adipócitos brancos. / Effects of palmitoleic acid on the uptake and metabolism of glucose and triacylglycerol in white adipocytes.

Lopes, Andressa Bolsoni 15 August 2014 (has links)
Nós investigamos se o ácido palmitoléico modula o metabolismo de glicose e triacilglicerol (TAG) em adipócitos. Assim, células 3T3-L1 tratadas com ácido palmitoleico (16:1n7 , 200 mM) ou palmítico (16:0, 200 mM) por 24h e adipócitos epididimais de camundongos selvagem ou deficientes para PPARa tratados com 16:1n7 o ácido oleico (18:1n9, 300 mg / kg / dia), via gavagem durante 10 dias, foram avaliados. O tratamento com palmitoleico aumenta a captação de glicose e o conteúdo de GLUT4 e pThr172AMPKa. O aumento de GLUT4 foi abolido pela inibição da AMPK. Palmitoleico aumenta a conversão de glicose em lactato e CO2 e diminui a síntese de novo de ácidos graxos. O tratamento de células 3T3-L1 com ácido palmitoleico aumentou a lipólise o mRNA da ATGL e HSL, além do conteúdo proteico da ATGL e pSer660HSL. O aumento na lipólise foi abolido pela inibição de PPARa. Também, o tratamento de camundongos selvagens, mas não os deficientes para PPARa, com palmitoleico aumentou a lipólise e o mRNA da ATGL e HSL em adipócitos. Em resumo, o ácido palmitoleico aumenta a captação de glicose e sua utilização pelos adipócitos, um efeito que está associado com a expressão de GLUT4 e AMPK. Além disso, este ácido aumenta a lipólise e lipases em adipócitos viA PPARa. / We investigated whether palmitoleic acid modulates glucose and triacylglycerol (TAG) metabolism in white adipocytes. For this, 3T3-L1 cells treated with palmitoleic (16:1n7, 200 µM) or palmitic acid (16:0, 200 mM) for 24h and epididimal adipocytes from wild type or PPARa deficient mice treated with 16:1n7 or oleic acid (18:1n9, 300 mg/kg/day) by gavage for 10 days were evaluated. Thus, treatment with palmitoleic increases glucose uptake and the content of GLUT4 and pThr172AMPKa. The increase in GLUT4 was prevented by AMPK inhibition. Also, palmitoleic increases glucose conversion into lactate and CO2, and decreases de novo fatty acids synthesis. Furthermore, treatment of 3T3-L1 cells with palmitoleic increased lipolysis, mRNA levels of ATGL and HSL and protein content of ATGL and pSer660-HSL. Such increase in lipolysis can be prevented by PPARa inhibition. Treatment of wild type, but not PPARa deficient mice, with palmitoleic increased adipocytes lipolysis and ATGL and HSL mRNA levels. In conclusion, palmitoleic acid increases glucose uptake and utilization by adipocytes, associated with GLUT4 expression and AMPK activation. Furthermore, palmitoleic acid increases adipocyte lipolysis and lipases via PPARa.

Perinatal Energy Substrate Metabolism : <i>Glucose Production and Lipolysis in Pregnant Women and Newborn Infants with Particular Reference to Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)</i>

Diderholm, Barbro January 2005 (has links)
<p>Glucose is the most important fetal nutrient and the production of this substrate increases in the pregnant woman. In the last trimester the increased insulin resistance directs energy substrates to the fetus. Fetal growth is sometimes disturbed, often without an obvious explanation.</p><p>After birth the newborn infant must produce its own glucose, primarily for the brain. Fatty acids from lipolysis are also important energy substrates. Hypoglycaemia can be a problem, occurring frequently in preterm infants and infants born small for gestational age (SGA). In addition, SGA infants are at risk of developing the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Neonatal medication can influence energy metabolism. One such medication is theophylline, administered in preterm infants to prevent apnoea. </p><p>We investigated energy substrate production in women with normal and IUGR pregnancies, in preterm neonates, before and after theophylline treatment and in newborn SGA infants, using stable isotope-labelled compounds and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. </p><p>We found that late pregnancy was associated with an almost twofold increase in the rate of lipolysis. This provides substrates for maternal energy metabolism, which may spare glucose for the fetus. Even though glucose production was comparable in the two groups of pregnant women, those with IUGR had a lower rate of lipolysis. A reduced supply of energy substrates could be one factor underlying IUGR. In spite of the insulin resistance of late pregnancy, insulin still had a regulatory role in energy substrate production in the women with normal pregnancies, but not in those with IUGR. </p><p>Although infants born preterm and/or SGA have limited energy stores, we demonstrated that they are capable of both lipolysis and glucose production. Theophylline had no adverse effects on energy substrate production. Data on insulin and IGFBP-1 in the SGA infants indicate that in such infants insulin sensitivity is increased peripherally but reduced in the liver.</p>

Perinatal Energy Substrate Metabolism : Glucose Production and Lipolysis in Pregnant Women and Newborn Infants with Particular Reference to Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)

Diderholm, Barbro January 2005 (has links)
Glucose is the most important fetal nutrient and the production of this substrate increases in the pregnant woman. In the last trimester the increased insulin resistance directs energy substrates to the fetus. Fetal growth is sometimes disturbed, often without an obvious explanation. After birth the newborn infant must produce its own glucose, primarily for the brain. Fatty acids from lipolysis are also important energy substrates. Hypoglycaemia can be a problem, occurring frequently in preterm infants and infants born small for gestational age (SGA). In addition, SGA infants are at risk of developing the metabolic syndrome in adulthood. Neonatal medication can influence energy metabolism. One such medication is theophylline, administered in preterm infants to prevent apnoea. We investigated energy substrate production in women with normal and IUGR pregnancies, in preterm neonates, before and after theophylline treatment and in newborn SGA infants, using stable isotope-labelled compounds and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We found that late pregnancy was associated with an almost twofold increase in the rate of lipolysis. This provides substrates for maternal energy metabolism, which may spare glucose for the fetus. Even though glucose production was comparable in the two groups of pregnant women, those with IUGR had a lower rate of lipolysis. A reduced supply of energy substrates could be one factor underlying IUGR. In spite of the insulin resistance of late pregnancy, insulin still had a regulatory role in energy substrate production in the women with normal pregnancies, but not in those with IUGR. Although infants born preterm and/or SGA have limited energy stores, we demonstrated that they are capable of both lipolysis and glucose production. Theophylline had no adverse effects on energy substrate production. Data on insulin and IGFBP-1 in the SGA infants indicate that in such infants insulin sensitivity is increased peripherally but reduced in the liver.

Regulation of Adipocyte Lipolysis by TSH and its Role in Macrophage Inflammation

Durand, Jason AJ 11 April 2012 (has links)
Elevated Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We hypothesized that TSH-stimulated FA release from adipocytes contributes to macrophage inflammation. 3T3-L1 and human subcutaneous differentiated adipocytes were treated with TSH for 4 hours under various conditions and lipolysis assessed via glycerol secretion. Optimal conditions were determined and protein expression of ATGL, HSL and perilipin remained stable. TSH-stimulated 3T3-L1 or human adipocyte-conditioned medium (T-ACM) was placed on murine J774 or human THP-1 macrophages, respectively, and macrophage cytokine mRNA levels (IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, and TNFα) were measured by real-time RT-PCR. T-ACM did not change cytokine mRNA expression in J774 macrophages or THP-1 macrophages when compared to ACM. Absence of BSA in the medium may have hindered release of FA from differentiated adipocytes into the medium, BSA may be required to permit adequate FA accumulation in the medium to then evaluate the effect of T-ACM on macrophages. Further investigation is required to determine the effect of FA on J774 and THP-1 inflammatory response.

Regulation of Adipocyte Lipolysis by TSH and its Role in Macrophage Inflammation

Durand, Jason AJ 11 April 2012 (has links)
Elevated Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We hypothesized that TSH-stimulated FA release from adipocytes contributes to macrophage inflammation. 3T3-L1 and human subcutaneous differentiated adipocytes were treated with TSH for 4 hours under various conditions and lipolysis assessed via glycerol secretion. Optimal conditions were determined and protein expression of ATGL, HSL and perilipin remained stable. TSH-stimulated 3T3-L1 or human adipocyte-conditioned medium (T-ACM) was placed on murine J774 or human THP-1 macrophages, respectively, and macrophage cytokine mRNA levels (IL-1β, IL-6, MCP-1, and TNFα) were measured by real-time RT-PCR. T-ACM did not change cytokine mRNA expression in J774 macrophages or THP-1 macrophages when compared to ACM. Absence of BSA in the medium may have hindered release of FA from differentiated adipocytes into the medium, BSA may be required to permit adequate FA accumulation in the medium to then evaluate the effect of T-ACM on macrophages. Further investigation is required to determine the effect of FA on J774 and THP-1 inflammatory response.

Exercise, Epinephrine and IL-6 Mediated Regulation of Adipose Tissue Metabolism

Wan, Zhongxiao Unknown Date
No description available.

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