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L'approche communicative dans enseignement / apprentissage du français / Komunikacinis užsienio kalbų mokymo/si metodas / Approach methode of foreign languages studyBaranovskaja, Ana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Le but de mon mémoire consiste à présenter l’approche communicative et son rôle dans l’apprentissage du français. / Mano darbo tikslas išnagrinėti komunikacinį užsienio kalbų mokymo/si metodą. / Objective of my master work is to represent an approach methode of foreign languages study.
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Diskurzní funkce imperativu anglických sloves "look" a "listen" ve srovnání s jejich českými protějšky / Discourse functions of imperative "look" and "listen" in comparison with their Czech counterpartsTomašovičová, Katarína January 2016 (has links)
The present paper studies the English imperatives look and listen used as discourse markers. The study focuses on two aspects: firstly, to identify the factors indicating the primary function as opposed to the discourse function of look and listen in English, and secondly, to analyse the Czech counterparts of these verbs used as discourse markers. The paper is comprised of two main parts. The first, theoretical background, describes the grammatical form of the English imperative with focus on look and listen, the concept of discourse markers, the cross-linguistic studies focusing specifically on look and listen, the correspondence between English and Czech imperative, and the potential Czech counterparts. The second, empirical part analyses two hundred and three examples of the imperatives look and listen and their Czech counterparts from the parallel translation corpus InterCorp. Key words: imperative, look, listen, discourse markers, primary function, Czech counterpart
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Psykiatrisk omvårdnad inom dagsjukvård och mobilt team : En intervjustudie med vårdpersonal / Psychiatric care in day care and mobile team : An interview study with care personalJungner, Christina January 2007 (has links)
Den psykiatriska vården i Sverige liksom i större delen av västvärlden har stått infören strukturförändring de senaste åren. Antalet vårdplatser inom den slutna vården harminskat och ett skifte har skett från institutionsvård till mer öppenvårdsbaserad vård.Dagsjukvård och mobilt team är en ny form av öppenvård som utöver den ordinarieöppna psykiatriska vården byggts upp som ett komplement till den tidigare mestdominerande slutna vården. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur personal i dennavårdform upplever innehållet i sitt arbete och relationen med patienterna. Fyraintervjuer genomfördes med personer anställda på psykiatriskaöppenvårdsmottagningar i Skaraborg. Fem huvudteman framkom: Att skapa enrelation, Flexibilitet, Hantera och stå ut, Låta det ta tid och Reflektioner ominnehållet i arbetet och att arbeta inom olika vårdformer. Slutsatsen är att deintervjuade i huvudsak upplever sitt arbete i den nya vårdformen med dagsjukvårdoch mobilt team som ett bra komplement till den akuta vården och som en bravårdform för att kunna möta patienternas behov. / Psychiatric care in Sweden as in most parts of the Western world has gone throughmany structure changes. The number of beds in psychiatric hospitals has decreased alot, and has resulted in a shift from institutional to community care for people withmental illness. A new kind of open psychiatric care, such as psychiatric day ward andmobile team has been built up as a complement to the earlier most dominatinginstitutional care. The aim of this study was to find out how the mental healthworkers experience the contents in their work and the relations with their patients.Four interviews completed with employees in psychiatric open care settings inSkaraborg. Five main themes were made: To create a relation, Flexibility, To cope,Let it take time, Reflections about the content in the work and to work in differentkind of care forms. The conclusion of this study is that the personal mainly finds theirwork in the new form as a good complement to acute care, and as a good form of careto meet their patient’s needs.
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Escuta permanente de informação informal e sua exploração coletiva para tomada de decisão : uma observação participante na Johnson & Johnson UN SuLBittencourt, Anelise Caon January 2013 (has links)
A informação tem assumido ao longo dos anos maior papel de destaque no cotidiano empresarial, com as organizações contemporâneas passando reconhecê-la possivelmente como o seu principal recurso. Associado a isso, assistimos ao crescimento cada vez maior de um volume de informações organizacionais não estruturadas, mas que são de profunda importância na tomada de decisão; o que justifica o aumento de discussão do tema nos últimos anos. Atribui-se nada menos que quatro quintos (4/5) de informação não estruturada dentre todas as informações criadas em uma organização, volume considerável, pois, e para os quais ainda muito há por fazer em termos de métodos, técnicas e ferramental. Este trabalho se insere na continuação das pesquisas do grupo GIANTI (Grupo de pesquisa de Gestão do Impacto da Adoção de novas Tecnologias de Informação), complementarmente à abordagem referente à gestão da informação com caráter subjetivo, enfatizando seu compartilhamento nas organizações. O presente estudo objetivou adentrar neste contexto através de uma Observação Participante realizada na empresa Johnson & Johnson, propondo um framework de estruturação da coleta e do tratamento das informações qualitativas e mesmo subjetivas, baseado no compartilhamento de informações informais para sua utilização em processos decisórios individuais ou coletivos, trabalhando com uma dinâmica prática de processos, aqui denominado “Escuta Permanente”. A partir de uma literatura que buscou elementos de processo decisório e de compartilhamento de informação, foi possível retomar e agregar elementos ao conceito de Escuta Permanente, bem como operacionalizá-lo através de uma ferramenta computacional via web. Como contribuição, considera-se que teve condições de demonstrar, na realidade observada, a utilidade e, sobretudo a aplicabilidade do conceito de Escuta Permanente, mostrando-se efetiva sua aderência e link com os referenciais teóricos propostos, associando a aplicação prática e relevância a possíveis ganhos com sua utilização em maior escala. / Information has assumed over the years greater role in everyday business, with contemporary organizations through possibly recognize it as their main resource Associated with this, we see the growth of a growing volume of unstructured organizational information, but which are of profound importance in decision making, which explains the increased discussion of the topic in recent years. Assigns up no less than four-fifths (4/5) of unstructured information from all the information created in an organization, considerable amount, therefore, and for which there is still much to be done in terms of methods, techniques and tools. This work is part of the continuation of the research group GIANTI (Management Research Group Impact of the Adoption of New Information Technologies), complementary approach to the management of information relating to subjective character, emphasizing his sharing in organizations. The present study aimed to penetrate this context through a Participant Observation held at Johnson & Johnson company, proposing a model for structuring the collection and processing of qualitative information and even subjective, based on informal information sharing for its use in decision-making processes or individual collective, working with a dynamic practice processes, here called "Listen Standing." From a literature that sought elements of decision-making and sharing of information, it was possible to resume and add elements to the concept of Permanent Listening and operationalized it through a web-based computational tool. As a contribution, it is able to demonstrate that had actually observed, utility and especially the applicability of the concept of Permanent Listening, showing up your grip and effective link with the theoretical frameworks proposed, involving the practical application and relevance to possible gains from their use on a larger scale.
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Escuta permanente de informação informal e sua exploração coletiva para tomada de decisão : uma observação participante na Johnson & Johnson UN SuLBittencourt, Anelise Caon January 2013 (has links)
A informação tem assumido ao longo dos anos maior papel de destaque no cotidiano empresarial, com as organizações contemporâneas passando reconhecê-la possivelmente como o seu principal recurso. Associado a isso, assistimos ao crescimento cada vez maior de um volume de informações organizacionais não estruturadas, mas que são de profunda importância na tomada de decisão; o que justifica o aumento de discussão do tema nos últimos anos. Atribui-se nada menos que quatro quintos (4/5) de informação não estruturada dentre todas as informações criadas em uma organização, volume considerável, pois, e para os quais ainda muito há por fazer em termos de métodos, técnicas e ferramental. Este trabalho se insere na continuação das pesquisas do grupo GIANTI (Grupo de pesquisa de Gestão do Impacto da Adoção de novas Tecnologias de Informação), complementarmente à abordagem referente à gestão da informação com caráter subjetivo, enfatizando seu compartilhamento nas organizações. O presente estudo objetivou adentrar neste contexto através de uma Observação Participante realizada na empresa Johnson & Johnson, propondo um framework de estruturação da coleta e do tratamento das informações qualitativas e mesmo subjetivas, baseado no compartilhamento de informações informais para sua utilização em processos decisórios individuais ou coletivos, trabalhando com uma dinâmica prática de processos, aqui denominado “Escuta Permanente”. A partir de uma literatura que buscou elementos de processo decisório e de compartilhamento de informação, foi possível retomar e agregar elementos ao conceito de Escuta Permanente, bem como operacionalizá-lo através de uma ferramenta computacional via web. Como contribuição, considera-se que teve condições de demonstrar, na realidade observada, a utilidade e, sobretudo a aplicabilidade do conceito de Escuta Permanente, mostrando-se efetiva sua aderência e link com os referenciais teóricos propostos, associando a aplicação prática e relevância a possíveis ganhos com sua utilização em maior escala. / Information has assumed over the years greater role in everyday business, with contemporary organizations through possibly recognize it as their main resource Associated with this, we see the growth of a growing volume of unstructured organizational information, but which are of profound importance in decision making, which explains the increased discussion of the topic in recent years. Assigns up no less than four-fifths (4/5) of unstructured information from all the information created in an organization, considerable amount, therefore, and for which there is still much to be done in terms of methods, techniques and tools. This work is part of the continuation of the research group GIANTI (Management Research Group Impact of the Adoption of New Information Technologies), complementary approach to the management of information relating to subjective character, emphasizing his sharing in organizations. The present study aimed to penetrate this context through a Participant Observation held at Johnson & Johnson company, proposing a model for structuring the collection and processing of qualitative information and even subjective, based on informal information sharing for its use in decision-making processes or individual collective, working with a dynamic practice processes, here called "Listen Standing." From a literature that sought elements of decision-making and sharing of information, it was possible to resume and add elements to the concept of Permanent Listening and operationalized it through a web-based computational tool. As a contribution, it is able to demonstrate that had actually observed, utility and especially the applicability of the concept of Permanent Listening, showing up your grip and effective link with the theoretical frameworks proposed, involving the practical application and relevance to possible gains from their use on a larger scale.
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Escuta permanente de informação informal e sua exploração coletiva para tomada de decisão : uma observação participante na Johnson & Johnson UN SuLBittencourt, Anelise Caon January 2013 (has links)
A informação tem assumido ao longo dos anos maior papel de destaque no cotidiano empresarial, com as organizações contemporâneas passando reconhecê-la possivelmente como o seu principal recurso. Associado a isso, assistimos ao crescimento cada vez maior de um volume de informações organizacionais não estruturadas, mas que são de profunda importância na tomada de decisão; o que justifica o aumento de discussão do tema nos últimos anos. Atribui-se nada menos que quatro quintos (4/5) de informação não estruturada dentre todas as informações criadas em uma organização, volume considerável, pois, e para os quais ainda muito há por fazer em termos de métodos, técnicas e ferramental. Este trabalho se insere na continuação das pesquisas do grupo GIANTI (Grupo de pesquisa de Gestão do Impacto da Adoção de novas Tecnologias de Informação), complementarmente à abordagem referente à gestão da informação com caráter subjetivo, enfatizando seu compartilhamento nas organizações. O presente estudo objetivou adentrar neste contexto através de uma Observação Participante realizada na empresa Johnson & Johnson, propondo um framework de estruturação da coleta e do tratamento das informações qualitativas e mesmo subjetivas, baseado no compartilhamento de informações informais para sua utilização em processos decisórios individuais ou coletivos, trabalhando com uma dinâmica prática de processos, aqui denominado “Escuta Permanente”. A partir de uma literatura que buscou elementos de processo decisório e de compartilhamento de informação, foi possível retomar e agregar elementos ao conceito de Escuta Permanente, bem como operacionalizá-lo através de uma ferramenta computacional via web. Como contribuição, considera-se que teve condições de demonstrar, na realidade observada, a utilidade e, sobretudo a aplicabilidade do conceito de Escuta Permanente, mostrando-se efetiva sua aderência e link com os referenciais teóricos propostos, associando a aplicação prática e relevância a possíveis ganhos com sua utilização em maior escala. / Information has assumed over the years greater role in everyday business, with contemporary organizations through possibly recognize it as their main resource Associated with this, we see the growth of a growing volume of unstructured organizational information, but which are of profound importance in decision making, which explains the increased discussion of the topic in recent years. Assigns up no less than four-fifths (4/5) of unstructured information from all the information created in an organization, considerable amount, therefore, and for which there is still much to be done in terms of methods, techniques and tools. This work is part of the continuation of the research group GIANTI (Management Research Group Impact of the Adoption of New Information Technologies), complementary approach to the management of information relating to subjective character, emphasizing his sharing in organizations. The present study aimed to penetrate this context through a Participant Observation held at Johnson & Johnson company, proposing a model for structuring the collection and processing of qualitative information and even subjective, based on informal information sharing for its use in decision-making processes or individual collective, working with a dynamic practice processes, here called "Listen Standing." From a literature that sought elements of decision-making and sharing of information, it was possible to resume and add elements to the concept of Permanent Listening and operationalized it through a web-based computational tool. As a contribution, it is able to demonstrate that had actually observed, utility and especially the applicability of the concept of Permanent Listening, showing up your grip and effective link with the theoretical frameworks proposed, involving the practical application and relevance to possible gains from their use on a larger scale.
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Musikens betydelse : En intervjustudie med skapande musiker om deras yrkes- och fritidslyssning / The meaning and importance of music : An interview study with creative musicians about their professional and free time listeningNyberg, Sonny January 2021 (has links)
Huvudsyftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att undersöka musikens betydelse och hur olika skapande musikers förhållningssätt till yrkes- ochfritidslyssning ser ut. Metoderna som används för att samla in informationen är intervjuer med fyra låtskrivande musiker samt litteraturstudier av böcker och forskningsmaterial inom ämnet. Informationen som framkommer genom intervjuerna, litteraturen och forskningsmaterialet jämförs med varandra i en avslutande diskussionsdel. För att kort sammanfatta mitt arbete har musiken en otroligt stor och viktigt plats hos de intervjuade musikerna och den tidigare forskningen påvisar musikens stora betydelse på en mängd olika plan och ur olika synvinklar. Att lyssna på musik i sitt yrke och på fritiden skiljer sig på olika sätt där informanterna bl.a. är eniga om att inte lyssna på sin egen musik på fritiden, att inte lyssna på radiomusik och att det bästa sättet att lyssna på musik på är att lyssna själv i ett par lurar. I yrkeslyssningen uppstår ett mer detaljerat lyssnande enligt informanterna och de lyssnar definitivt mer metodiskt och kritiskt i studion.
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Mentoring At-Risk Youth: A Case Study of an Intervention for Academic Achievement with Middle School Aged Students.Johnson, Kellie Carter 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Students without caring, positive role models often make poor decisions. School personnel are aware of the need to help these students be productive members of society; therefore, they examine strategies and reforms to reach them. A mentoring program is one such intervention that is gaining in popularity.
This research study examined a mentoring program entitled the LISTEN (Linking Individual Students To Educational Needs) Mentoring Program that I developed in 2003. For the purposes of this research, the mentoring program was developed and implemented in one middle school in Northeast Tennessee. The goal of the LISTEN mentoring program was to identify at-risk students and provide them with positive adult role models, who were not necessarily their classroom teachers. The mentors worked with the students to assist in developing positive behaviors and better decision making skills.
The implementation of LISTEN was assessed throughout this study. The second component of the investigation focused on program perceptions by teachers and students. The final component of this research centered on recommendations for improving the program and enhancing the program's components for further development.
This experimental study analyzed archival data from 2004-2005 to determine the effects of the LISTEN mentoring program on identified at-risk students in grades 6 through 8 in a Northeast Tennessee middle school. Specifically, the study investigated the effects of a mentor program on students' grade-point average, discipline referrals, and attendance records.
Findings indicated that there were significant differences in students' grade-point averages, school attendance, and discipline referrals from 1 school year to the next among students who participated in the LISTEN mentor program. Students' grade-point averages increased significantly from 2003-2004 to 2004-2005 for 5 of the 6 six-week grading periods and for the entire year. Mean numbers of student discipline referrals and days absent decreased significantly for 5 of the 6 six-week grading periods from 2003-2004 to 2004-2005 and for the entire year. Contrary to typical at-risk behavior, this study showed that 54 of the original 57 participants returned to the school in the 2004-2005 school year, while only 3 students transferred to other schools.
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A Comparison of Two Methods of Listening and Reading Training in an Eighth Grade Language Arts ProgramKraner, Robert Eugene, 1933- 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two methods of listening and reading instruction when used in the language arts programs at the eighth-grade level as related to listening, reading, study skills, and English achievement. Two groups were studied; one was an experimental group receiving programed material present by the Listen and Read Program and a control group receiving instruction through the regular classroom program.
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Att höra och göra : En observationsstudie i konsten att planka musik / To perceive and perform : An observational study in how to copy music by earPersson, Annie January 2014 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att upptäcka strategier och metoder för att på gehör planka musik. Detta har undersökts genom studier av min egen lärprocess när jag plankar en för mig okänd låt på gehör. Under processen har jag filmat mig själv och fört loggbok för att kunna dokumentera vad som har hänt och vad som har upplevts. Vid analysen av filmerna har jag tittat på mitt lärande utifrån ett designteoretiskt perspektiv. Jag har då upptäckt olika resurser för att ”höra och göra”. Dessa presenteras i resultatet som resurser för att lyssna och strategier för att lyssna. Resurserna som presenteras är användandet av medier, miljö och tid, kropp och tidigare erfarenheter. Strategierna som presenteras är att planera lyssnandet, memorera samt detaljlyssna och helhetslyssna. Jag undersöker då hur jag har gått till väga för att uppfatta olika musikaliska parametrar och strukturer. I diskussionen jämförs mina resultat med tidigare forskning och litteratur kring gehör och gehörsövande metoder. Exempelvis diskuteras olika sätt att lyssna på musik och utöva det som hörs, samt att utveckla en så kallad minnesbank. / The purpose of this study is to discover strategies and methods to copy music by ear. It’s been investigated by studying my own learning process when I try to copy a song by ear, a song that I never have heard before. Through this process I have chosen to record myself on film and write logbook to be able to document what is happening and what I am experiencing. When I observed the films I tried to se it from a design theory point of view. I have then been able to discover various resources in ”perceive and perform”. These are introduced in the result as resources for listening and strategies for listening. The resources that were used are presented as media, environment and time, the physical body and past experience. The strategies that were used are presented as how to plan listening, memorize, detail listening and whole listening. At that point I have investigated how to perceive musical parameters and structures. In the discussion part I am comparing my own results with previous research and literature about the musical ear and its rehearsing methods. For example I discuss different ways in listening and perceive music and practice what is heard, together with developing a so-called memory bank.
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