Spelling suggestions: "subject:"listeria."" "subject:"histeria.""
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Bioconservação de pescado (surubim Pseudoplatystoma sp) com utilização da bactéria lática bacteriocinogênica (Carnobacterium maltaromaticum C2) e de extratos vegetais de alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.) / Biopreservation of fish (surubim Pseudoplatystoma sp.) with the use of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria (Carnobacterium maltaromaticum C2) and hidroalcoholic extracts of alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.)Fernanda Barbosa dos Reis 26 February 2010 (has links)
Alimentos minimamente processados refrigerados prontos para o consumo podem veicular a bactéria Listeria monocytogenes, causadora de infecções graves principalmente em pessoas imunocomprometidas e mulheres grávidas. A aplicação de tratamentos combinados em alimentos é uma alternativa promissora para inibição efetiva de L. monocytogenes e, neste sentido, no presente trabalho foi estudado efeito inibitório de preparações de alecrim pimenta e de bactérias láticas. Foi determinada a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de preparações líquidas e secas de alecrim pimenta, em diferentes temperaturas, combinadas ou não com linhagens da bactéria lática C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b- e A9b+). O uso combinado de culturas de C. maltaromaticum produtoras (C2, A9b+) e não produtora de bacteriocina (A9b-) com ou sem EAP (extrato hidroalcoólico de alecrim pimenta) frente a L. monocytogenes também foi determinado em sistemas de pescado (caldo de peixe modelo, caldo de surubim e homogeneizado de surubim) mantidos a 5ºC por 35 dias. Os resultados de CIM de EAP frente a L. monocytogenes foram de 1,34µl/ml e 0,89µl/ml, respectivamente a 37°C e 5°C, mostrando que houve sinergismo entre EAP e temperatura de refrigeração. Dentre as preparações de alecrim pimenta testadas, EAP apresentou a maior atividade antilisteriana, mas também inibiu as carnobactérias. Não ocorreu sinergismo de EAP combinado com a bacteriocina de C. maltaromaticum C2. Em experimentos de co-inoculação em modelos de pescados, as monoculturas de L. monocytogenes e de C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b+ e A9b-) alcançaram populações finais entre 106-108 UFC/ml. Em caldo de peixe modelo, EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou efeito inibitório frente L. monocytogenes. Contudo, C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) sem EAP causou pequena inibição de L. monocytogenes. Em caldo de surubim, C. maltaromaticum C2 foi a bactéria lática mais eficiente para inibir L. monocytogenes e houve produção de bacteriocina. Em homogeneizado de surubim com alto nível de inoculação, EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou maior efeito inibitório frente L. monocytogenes, enquanto que C. maltaromaticum C2 com EAP inibiu transitoriamente L. monocytogenes, que atingiu população final de aproximadamente 106 UFC/ml. C. maltaromaticum C2 ou A9b- inoculados em homogeneizado de surubim com alto nível de inoculação e sem EAP reduziram 3 log de UFC/ml de L. monocytogenes, mas na mesma condição foi observada a inibição de apenas 1 log de UFC/ml para C. maltaromaticum A9b+. Em homogeneizado de surubim com baixas populações iniciais de L. monocytogenes (<10 UFC/ml) foi observado que EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou efeito anilisteriano. Entretanto, C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) sem EAP não inibiu L. monocytogenes. Foi observado que o uso de EAP e de culturas de carnobactérias tem potencial para inibir L. monocytogenes em pescados e que as aplicações devem ser estudadas cuidadosamente, considerando a influência da matriz alimentícia. / Minimally processed ready-to-eat foods may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, which causes severe infection mainly in immunocompromised persons and in pregnant women. The application of combined treatments in foods is a promising alternative for the effective inhibition of L. monocytogenes and, in this work, the inhibitory effect of alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.) and lactic acid bacteria was studied. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of liquid and dried preparations of alecrim pimenta was determined in different temperatures, combined or not with strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum (C2, A9b- and A9b+). The combined use of cultures of C. maltaromaticum bacteriocin-producing (C2 and A9b+).and non bacteriocin-producing (A9b-) with or without EAP (hydroalcoholic extract of alecrim pimenta) towards L. monocytogenes was also determined in model fish systems (fish model broth, surubim fish broth and surubim homogenate, at 5°C for 35 days. The results of MICs of EAP against L. monocytogenes were 1.34 µl/ml and 0.89 µl/ml, respectively at 37ºC and 5°C, indicating synergistic effect between EAP and low temperature. Among the preparations of alecrim pimenta tested, EAP showed the highest antilisterial activity, but it also inhibited carnobacteria. No synergistic effect of EAP combined with bacteriocin of C. maltaromaticum C2 was observed. In co-inoculation studies in model fish systems, monocultures of L. monocytogenes and C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b+ and A9b-) reached final populations of 106-108 CFU/ml. In fish model broth, EAP alone and combined with cultures of C. maltaromaticum (C2- or A9b or A9b+) presented inhibitory effect against L. monocytogenes. However, C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) without EAP caused weak inhibition of L. monocytogenes. In surubim fish broth, C. maltaromaticum C2 was the most efficient culture for inhibiting L. monocytogenes and bacteriocin was produced. In surubim homogenate with high inoculation level, EAP alone and combined with cultures of C. maltaromaticum (A9b- or A9b+) presented stronger inhibitory effect towards L. monocytogenes, while C. maltaromaticum C2 with EAP caused only initial inhibition of L. monocytogenes, that reached final population of ca. 106 CFU/ml. C. maltaromaticum C2 or A9b- inoculated in surubim homogenate with high inoculation level without EAP reduced 3 log of CFU/ml of L. monocytogenes, but in the same condition it was observed only the reduction of 1 log of CFU/ml for C. maltaromaticum A9b+. In surubim homogenate with low initial populations of L. monocytogenes (<10 CFU/ml) it was observed that EAP alone and combined with co-cultures of C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) presented antilisterial effect. However, C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) without EAP did not inhibit L. monocytogenes. It was observed that the use of EAP and cultures of carnobacteria have potential to inhibit L. monocytogenes in fish and that the applications should be carefully studied, considering the influence of food matrix.
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Perfil genotípico de cepas de Listeria monocytogenes isoladas de alimentos: análise crítica das técnicas de PCR e PFGE e importância para a Saúde Pública. / Genotype profile of cepas of would listeria monocytogenes isolated of foods: critical analysis of the techniques of PCR and PFGE and importance for the public health.Gillian Alonso Arruda 31 May 2006 (has links)
Devido à gravidade da manifestação clínica e pelas altas taxas de mortalidade em populações de risco, o controle e a prevenção da listeriose, doença causada pela L. monocytogenes, representa um importante desafio às autoridades sanitárias. A dificuldade de recuperar organismos envolvidos nos surtos, a sub-notificação e a demora na realização de análises convencionais são alguns dos fatores que retardam ou impedem intervenções em situações de surto. Com o advento da biologia molecular,novas técnicas têm sido empregadas para a identificação e tipificação da L. monocytogenes, com o intuito de contribuir com os estudos epidemiológicos e de vigilância sanitária de alimentos. O presente estudo visou confirmar a taxonomia e o perfil genotípico de 31 cepas isoladas de diversos tipos de carne, supostamente identificadas como L. monocytogenes, por intermédio das técnicas de Reação de Cadeia pela Polimerase (PCR), com o emprego de iniciadores de identificação dos genes 16S rRNA e Internalina A e B, para confirmação da espécie. Os resultados indicaram que apenas 20 (65%) das cepas foram confirmadas como sendo da espécie investigada. Foi realizada ainda a avaliação de similaridade nas 20 cepas confirmadas, através da Eletroforese em Campo Pulsado (PFGE), que revelou grande diversidade genotípica, caracterizada por 18 diferentes perfis, segundo o coeficiente de similaridade de Pearson. Os resultados demonstraram que as técnicas moleculares são de grande utilidade para a identificação e tipificação de L. monocytogenes, caracterizando-se como importantes ferramentas epidemiológicas. / Due to the seriousness of clinical manifestations and high rates of mortality of the listeriosis disease in populations at risk, control and prevention of this disease, caused by L. monocytogenes, represent an important challenge to sanitation authorities. Difficulties of recovering organisms involved in outbreaks; sub notification; and, the delay in accomplishing conventional analysis are some of the factors that slow-down or even prevent health interventions in outbreak occurrences. With the advent of the molecular biology, new techniques have been employed for identifying and typifying the L. monocytogenes aiming at contributing to studies on epidemiology and sanitary surveillance of foods. The present study aimed at ratifying the taxonomy and the genotypic profile of 31 isolated stocks of varied types of meats supposedly identified as L. monocytogenes by means of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) employing identification starters of genes 16 rRNA and A and B Internalin in order to confirm the species. Results indicated that only 20 (65.0%) of the stocks were confirmed as being from the investigated species. Another evaluation of similarity were also carried out along with the 20 stocks ratified through pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which disclosed a great genotypic diversity characterized by 18 different profiles, according to the Pearsons similarity coefficient. Results demonstrated that the molecular techniques are very helpful for identifying and typifying the L. monocytogenes, characterizing themselves as important epidemiological tools.
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Prevalência de Listeria monocytogenes, coliformes totais e Escherichia coli em leite cru refrigerado e ambiente de ordenha de propriedades leiteiras do Estado de São Paulo / Prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes, total coliforms and Escherichia coli in raw milk and milking environment from dairy farms of São Paulo StateTarsila Mendes de Camargo 15 October 2010 (has links)
A cadeia produtiva do leite pode favorecer a contaminação por Listeria monocytogenes bem como outras espécies de Listeria sp, e o leite cru pode servir de fonte de contaminação para a indústria e subprodutos. Fatores como saúde do animal, ordenhador, boas práticas de manejo e limpeza adequada de equipamentos e utensílios garantem um leite de melhor qualidade e com baixa contagem de coliformes. A refrigeração do leite é um aspecto importante implementado pela IN 51, na qual o leite cru deve permanecer a 4ºC na propriedade leiteira em tanques ou a 7ºC em latões, porém a esta temperatura pode ocorrer a proliferação de microrganismos psicrotróficos como as espécies de Listeria sp. Três Regiões A, B e C com 25 propriedades fornecedoras de leite para cada região foram caracterizadas por meio da aplicação de um questionário e avaliadas quanto à presença de Listeria monocytogenes, coliformes totais e E. coli em leite cru e avaliadas quanto a presença de Listeria sp em ambiente de ordenha. Foram avaliadas 287 amostras de leite cru, 10 Mechas de Moore e 49 amostras ambientais. As análises foram feitas de acordo com protocolo preconizado pelo FDA descrito no Bacteriological Analitycal Manual (BAM), com enriquecimento em BLEB e plaqueamento em meios Oxford e ALOA. A confirmação dos isolados foi feita em Kit Api Listeria. Das 75 fazendas estudadas, 77,3% (n=58) apresentaram condições insatisfatórias de produção de leite, higienização de equipamentos e infra-estrutura; 20% (n=15) em condições regulares e apenas 2,7% (n=2) em condições satisfatórias. Quanto à enumeração de coliformes totais, nas regiões A, B e C, as amostras de leite apresentaram 86% (n=85), 75% (n=71) e 72% (n=66) de contagens acima de 103 NMP/mL, respectivamente e E. coli esteve presente em 66% (região A) , 66% (região B) e 49% (região C) das amostras. Das amostras de leite cru em relação à presença de L. monocytogenes todas foram negativas. Das mechas de Moore todas foram negativas para Listeria sp e as amostras do ambiente de ordenha foram positivas em uma propriedade da região C em dois pontos, sendo eles: ralo e chão de ordenha representando 4,44% das amostras ambientais, sendo os isolados pertencentes à espécie Listeria innocua. Nas duas cepas foram feitas a análise por sorotipagem pela Fio Cruz/RJ e o resultado foi de sorotipo 6a e 6b. No ralo de ordenha foram testadas duas colônias sendo encontrados dois sorotipos diferentes 6a e 6b indicando a presença de dois sorotipos em uma mesma amostragem e no piso da sala de ordenha as duas colônias testadas foram do sorotipo 6a. Embora não tenha sido detectada a presença de L. monocytogenes, a presença de L. innocua nas amostras pode indicar presença presumida de L. monocytogenes visto que as mesmas apresentam características fisiológicas semelhantes e podem ocorrer no mesmo ambiente. Quanto à produção do leite, apesar da vigência da IN 51, as regiões estudadas ainda encontram-se, em geral, em condições precárias e são necessárias muitas mudanças para se obter um leite de melhor qualidade. / The production chain of milk may promote contamination by Listeria monocytogenes and other species of Listeria sp and raw milk can serve as a source of contamination for the industry and byproducts. Factors such as animal health, milker, good management practices and proper cleaning of equipment and utensils provide a better quality milk with low coliform counts. The cooling of milk is an important aspect introduced by the IN 51, in which the raw milk should remain at 4 °C in dairy farms in tanks or 7 °C in cans, but at this temperature can occur proliferation of psychrotrophic microorganisms, such as species of Listeria sp. Three regions A, B and C with 25 farms which supply milk for each region were characterized by applying a questionnaire and evaluated for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, coliforms and E. coli in raw milk and for the presence of Listeria sp in the milking environment. We evaluated 287 samples of raw milk, Moore 10 wicks and 49 environmental samples. Analyses were made according to a protocol recommended by the FDA as described in the Bacteriological Analitycal Manual (BAM), with enrichment and plating media Bleb Oxford and ALOA. Confirmation of isolates was done in Kit Api Listeria. Of the 75 farms studied, 77.3% (n = 58) showed unsatisfactory conditions of milk production, hygiene equipment and infrastructure, 20% (n = 15) on a regular basis and only 2.7% (n = 2 ) in satisfactory condition. As for the enumeration of coliforms, in regions A, B and C, milk samples showed 86% (n = 85), 75% (n = 71) and 72% (n = 66) scores above 103 MPN / mL, respectively, and E. coli was present in 66% (region A), 66% (region B) and 49% (region C) of the samples. All the raw milk samples were negative for the presence of L. monocytogenes. The fuses Moore were all negative for Listeria sp, and the environmental samples were positive for milking on a farm in the region C in two points, namely: the floor drain and milking, which represent 4.44% of environmental samples, and the isolates belong to the species Listeria innocua. In the two strains the analysis were made by serotyping, executed by Fio Cruz / RJ, and the results were serotype 6a and 6b. In the drain of milking two colonies were tested, founding two different serotypes, 6a and 6b, indicating the presence of two serotypes in the same sampling and floor in the parlor. The two colonies tested were of serotype 6a. Although not detected the presence of L. monocytogenes, the presence of L. innocua in samples may indicate presumed presence of L. monocytogenes since they have similar physiological characteristics and may occur in the same environment. For milk production, despite the validity of the IN 51, the regions studied are still generally in poor condition and many changes are necessary to achieve a better quality milk.
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Sobrevivência de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, psicrotróficas, bactérias láticas e Listeria monocytogenes em salsichas submetidas a tratamento com nisina / Survival of mesophilic and psychrotrophic aerobes, lactic acid bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes in nisin-treated frankfurtersCastro, Alexandra Pastor 19 April 2002 (has links)
A nisina é uma bacteriocina produzida por Lactococcus factis subsp. lactis e seu uso é permitido como conservador de alimentos em diversos países. Em 1998, o Ministério da Agricultura e Abastecimento do Brasil, em atitude pioneira, autorizou a aplicação de 200 ppm de Nisaplin® em solução de ácido fosfórico grau alimentício na superfície de produtos cárneos embutidos, tais como salsichas, como alternativa tecnológica para aumentar a segurança microbiológica e a vida-de-prateleira desses produtos. Este trabalho avaliou a eficiência deste tratamento na inibição da deterioração microbiana e controle da multiplicação de Listeria monocytogenes em salsichas tratadas com nisina conforme preconizado, e armazenadas sob refrigeração (8°C) e abuso de temperatura (12°C). Salsichas foram coletadas em uma planta processadora da cidade de São Paulo e submetidas a tratamento por imersão em solução de 200 ppm de Nisaplin® em ácido fosfórico grau alimentício a 0,1 % durante 1 minuto. Para o estudo da eficiência do tratamento sobre Listeria monocytogenes, as salsichas foram contaminadas experimentalmente após o tratamento através de imersão em suspensões contendo L. monocytogenes Scott A, resultando em dois níveis de contaminação superficial denominados baixo (103-104UFC/cm2) e alto (106-107 UFOcm2). Controles não tratados e não inoculados foram realizados concomitantemente. As amostras foram embaladas a vácuo e armazenadas a 8°C e 12°C durante 42 dias. A enumeração das populações de microrganismos aeróbios mesófilos, bactérias láticas, microrganismos psicrotróficos e L. monocytogenes foi realizada semanalmente até o final do período de estocagem. Os resultados indicam que não há diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as populações de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, psicrotróficas e bactérias láticas em produtos tratados e não tratados com solução de Nisaplin® e armazenados a 8°C ou a 12°C. A redução das populações de L. monocytogenes em salsichas tratadas com Nisaplin® quando a contaminação superficial foi de 103 a 104UFC/cm2 e o produto foi armazenado a 8°e foi pequena (<1 log UFC/cm2), porém estatisticamente significativa. Esses resultados indicam serem necessárias medidas adicionais para garantir a segurança do produto. / Nisin is a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis and its use is permitted as a food preservative in severaI countries. In 1998, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture authorized the application of 200 ppm nisin (Nisaplin®) on the surface of meat products by immersion or spraying, as a technological alternative to increase safety and shelf-life of cooked frankfurters. This work intended to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment on inhibition of microbial spoilage and control of growth of Listeria monocytogenes in frankfurters during storage under refrigeration (8°C) and temperature abuse (12°C). Frankfurters from a local meat industry were submerged for 1 min in nisin solution (200 ppm) in 0.1% phosphoric acid and experimentally contaminated with low (103-104 CFU/cm2) and high (106-107CFU/cm2) levels of L. monocytogenes. Non-treated and non-inoculated controls were also prepared. Counts of lactic acid bacteria, aerobes (mesophilic and psychrotrophic) and L. monocytogenes were carried out weekly up to 42 days, in four genuine repetitions. Results available indicate that the differences of counts of mesophilic and psychrotrophic aerobes, lactic acid bacteria in nisin-treated and non-treated controls are not significant. Reduction of L. monocytogenes populations in nisin-treated frankfurters experimentally contaminated with low (103-104CFU/cm2) leveis of L. monocytogenes stored under refrigeration (8°C) was low (<1 log UFC/cm<SUP2), but statistically significant. Results indicate that additional measures are necessary to ensure the safety of these products.
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Bioconservação de pescado (surubim Pseudoplatystoma sp) com utilização da bactéria lática bacteriocinogênica (Carnobacterium maltaromaticum C2) e de extratos vegetais de alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.) / Biopreservation of fish (surubim Pseudoplatystoma sp.) with the use of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria (Carnobacterium maltaromaticum C2) and hidroalcoholic extracts of alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.)Reis, Fernanda Barbosa dos 26 February 2010 (has links)
Alimentos minimamente processados refrigerados prontos para o consumo podem veicular a bactéria Listeria monocytogenes, causadora de infecções graves principalmente em pessoas imunocomprometidas e mulheres grávidas. A aplicação de tratamentos combinados em alimentos é uma alternativa promissora para inibição efetiva de L. monocytogenes e, neste sentido, no presente trabalho foi estudado efeito inibitório de preparações de alecrim pimenta e de bactérias láticas. Foi determinada a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de preparações líquidas e secas de alecrim pimenta, em diferentes temperaturas, combinadas ou não com linhagens da bactéria lática C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b- e A9b+). O uso combinado de culturas de C. maltaromaticum produtoras (C2, A9b+) e não produtora de bacteriocina (A9b-) com ou sem EAP (extrato hidroalcoólico de alecrim pimenta) frente a L. monocytogenes também foi determinado em sistemas de pescado (caldo de peixe modelo, caldo de surubim e homogeneizado de surubim) mantidos a 5ºC por 35 dias. Os resultados de CIM de EAP frente a L. monocytogenes foram de 1,34µl/ml e 0,89µl/ml, respectivamente a 37°C e 5°C, mostrando que houve sinergismo entre EAP e temperatura de refrigeração. Dentre as preparações de alecrim pimenta testadas, EAP apresentou a maior atividade antilisteriana, mas também inibiu as carnobactérias. Não ocorreu sinergismo de EAP combinado com a bacteriocina de C. maltaromaticum C2. Em experimentos de co-inoculação em modelos de pescados, as monoculturas de L. monocytogenes e de C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b+ e A9b-) alcançaram populações finais entre 106-108 UFC/ml. Em caldo de peixe modelo, EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou efeito inibitório frente L. monocytogenes. Contudo, C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) sem EAP causou pequena inibição de L. monocytogenes. Em caldo de surubim, C. maltaromaticum C2 foi a bactéria lática mais eficiente para inibir L. monocytogenes e houve produção de bacteriocina. Em homogeneizado de surubim com alto nível de inoculação, EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou maior efeito inibitório frente L. monocytogenes, enquanto que C. maltaromaticum C2 com EAP inibiu transitoriamente L. monocytogenes, que atingiu população final de aproximadamente 106 UFC/ml. C. maltaromaticum C2 ou A9b- inoculados em homogeneizado de surubim com alto nível de inoculação e sem EAP reduziram 3 log de UFC/ml de L. monocytogenes, mas na mesma condição foi observada a inibição de apenas 1 log de UFC/ml para C. maltaromaticum A9b+. Em homogeneizado de surubim com baixas populações iniciais de L. monocytogenes (<10 UFC/ml) foi observado que EAP sozinho e combinado com culturas de C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) apresentou efeito anilisteriano. Entretanto, C. maltaromaticum (C2 ou A9b- ou A9b+) sem EAP não inibiu L. monocytogenes. Foi observado que o uso de EAP e de culturas de carnobactérias tem potencial para inibir L. monocytogenes em pescados e que as aplicações devem ser estudadas cuidadosamente, considerando a influência da matriz alimentícia. / Minimally processed ready-to-eat foods may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, which causes severe infection mainly in immunocompromised persons and in pregnant women. The application of combined treatments in foods is a promising alternative for the effective inhibition of L. monocytogenes and, in this work, the inhibitory effect of alecrim pimenta (Lippia sidoides Cham.) and lactic acid bacteria was studied. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of liquid and dried preparations of alecrim pimenta was determined in different temperatures, combined or not with strains of Carnobacterium maltaromaticum (C2, A9b- and A9b+). The combined use of cultures of C. maltaromaticum bacteriocin-producing (C2 and A9b+).and non bacteriocin-producing (A9b-) with or without EAP (hydroalcoholic extract of alecrim pimenta) towards L. monocytogenes was also determined in model fish systems (fish model broth, surubim fish broth and surubim homogenate, at 5°C for 35 days. The results of MICs of EAP against L. monocytogenes were 1.34 µl/ml and 0.89 µl/ml, respectively at 37ºC and 5°C, indicating synergistic effect between EAP and low temperature. Among the preparations of alecrim pimenta tested, EAP showed the highest antilisterial activity, but it also inhibited carnobacteria. No synergistic effect of EAP combined with bacteriocin of C. maltaromaticum C2 was observed. In co-inoculation studies in model fish systems, monocultures of L. monocytogenes and C. maltaromaticum (C2, A9b+ and A9b-) reached final populations of 106-108 CFU/ml. In fish model broth, EAP alone and combined with cultures of C. maltaromaticum (C2- or A9b or A9b+) presented inhibitory effect against L. monocytogenes. However, C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) without EAP caused weak inhibition of L. monocytogenes. In surubim fish broth, C. maltaromaticum C2 was the most efficient culture for inhibiting L. monocytogenes and bacteriocin was produced. In surubim homogenate with high inoculation level, EAP alone and combined with cultures of C. maltaromaticum (A9b- or A9b+) presented stronger inhibitory effect towards L. monocytogenes, while C. maltaromaticum C2 with EAP caused only initial inhibition of L. monocytogenes, that reached final population of ca. 106 CFU/ml. C. maltaromaticum C2 or A9b- inoculated in surubim homogenate with high inoculation level without EAP reduced 3 log of CFU/ml of L. monocytogenes, but in the same condition it was observed only the reduction of 1 log of CFU/ml for C. maltaromaticum A9b+. In surubim homogenate with low initial populations of L. monocytogenes (<10 CFU/ml) it was observed that EAP alone and combined with co-cultures of C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) presented antilisterial effect. However, C. maltaromaticum (C2 or A9b- or A9b+) without EAP did not inhibit L. monocytogenes. It was observed that the use of EAP and cultures of carnobacteria have potential to inhibit L. monocytogenes in fish and that the applications should be carefully studied, considering the influence of food matrix.
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Bactérias láticas produtoras de bacteriocinas em salame: isolamento, caracterização, encapsulação e aplicação no controle de Listeria monocytogenes em salame experimentalmente contaminado / Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria in salami: isolation, characterization, encapsulation and application for the control of listeria monocytogenes in experimentally contaminated salamiBarbosa, Matheus de Souza 20 September 2013 (has links)
A tecnologia da microencapsulação apresenta várias aplicações na indústria de alimentos. Sabendo-se que diferentes fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos dos alimentos podem influenciar a produção e atividade antimicrobiana das bacteriocinas produzidas pelas bactérias láticas, este estudo teve como principal objetivo avaliar a funcionalidade da encapsulação de bactérias láticas (BAL) bacteriocinogênicas em alginato de cálcio no controle de Listeria monocytogenes em salame experimentalmente contaminado. Para atingir este objetivo, foram isoladas novas cepas de BAL a partir de salame, que foram identificadas e caracterizadas quanto às propriedades das bacteriocinas produzidas, avaliando-se a influência do processo de encapsulação na produção de bacteriocinas. Foram isoladas quatro cepas produtoras de bacteriocinas, identificadas como Lactobacillus sakei (uma cepa), Lactobacillus curvatus (duas cepas) e Lactobacillus plantarum (uma cepa), nomeadas MBSa1, MBSa2, MBSa3 e MBSa4, respectivamente. As bacteriocinas produzidas pelas quatro cepas foram termoestáveis e com exceção da cepa MBSa2, sensíveis a pH acima de 8. Todas inibiram todas as cepas de Listeria monocytogenes testadas e várias espécies de BAL, mas foram inativas contra bactérias Gram negativas. As bacteriocinas foram purificadas por cromatografia de troca iônica seguida de cromatografia de interação hidrofóbica sequencial e cromatografia de fase reversa, observando-se que L. sakei MBSa1 produz um peptídeo de 4303 Da, com uma sequência parcial de aminoacidos idêntica à sequência presente em sakacina A. As cepas MBSa2 e MBSa3 produzem dois peptídeos ativos cada, idênticos nas duas cepas, um de 4457 Da e outro de 4360 Da, que apresentam sequências parciais idênticas às presentes na sakacina P e na sakacina X, respectivamente. Aparentemente, a cepa L. plantarum MBSa4 produz uma bacteriocina composta por duas sub-unidades. O DNA genômico da cepa L. sakei MBSa1 contém os genes da sakacina A e curvacina A, enquanto o DNA da cepa L. plantarum MBSa4 foi positivo para o gene da plantaricina W. A cepa L. curvatus MBSa2 foi encapsulada em alginato de cálcio e testada quanto à produção de bacteriocinas in vitro, observando-se que o processo de encapsulação não influenciou a produção de bacteriocina. Quando testada in situ, ou seja, no salame experimentalmente contaminado com Listeria monocytogenes, não foi observada ação anti-Listeria por L. curvatus MBSa2 encapsulado e não encapsulado, durante o 30 dias de fabricação do salame. / The microencapsulation technology has several applications in the food industry. Knowing that different intrinsic and extrinsic factors can influence production and antimicrobial activity of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria in foods, this study aimed at evaluating the functionality of the encapsulation of bacteriocinogenic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in calcium alginate in the control of Listeria monocytogenes in experimentally contaminated salami. To achieve this goal, new strains of LAB were isolated from salami, identified and characterized for the properties of the produced bacteriocins, evaluating the influence of the encapsulation process in the bacteriocins production. Four bacteriocin producing strains were isolated and identified as Lactobacillus sakei (one strain), Lactobacillus curvatus (two strains) and Lactobacillus plantarum (one strain), named MBSa1, MBSa2, MBSa3 and MBSa4 respectively. The bacteriocins produced by the four strains were thermostable and with the exception of strain MBSa2, sensitive to pH above 8. All inhibited all tested Listeria monocytogenes strains and various species of LAB but were inactive against Gram-negative bacteria. The bacteriocins were purified by cation-exchange followed by sequential hydrophobic-interaction and reversed-phase chromatography, indicating that L. sakei MBSa1 produces a peptide of 4303 Da, with a partial amino acid sequence identical to the sequence present in sakacin A. L. curvatus MBSa2 and MBSa3 produce two active peptides, identical in the two strains, one of 4457 Da and the other of 4360 Da, with partial aminoacid sequences identical to those present in sakacin X and sakacin P, respectively. Apparently, L. plantarum MBSa4 produces a bacteriocin composed of two subunits. Genomic DNA of L. sakei MBSa1indicated that this strain contains genes for sakacin A and curvacin A, while the DNA of L. plantarum MBSa4 was positive for the plantaricin W gene. The strain L. curvatus MBSa2 was encapsulated in calcium alginate and tested for bacteriocin production in vitro, observing that the encapsulation process did not affect the production of bacteriocin. When tested in situ, i.e. in the salami experimentally contaminated with L. monocytogenes was not observed anti-Listeria<i/> action by L. curvatus MBSa2 encapsulated and non-encapsulated during the 30 day manufacture of salami.
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Régulation des principaux transporteurs de glucose et leurs effets sur l’expression des gènes de virulence chez Listeria monocytogenes / Regulation of the main Listeria monocytogenes glucose transporter and effects on virulence gene expressionAke, Francine Désirée Moussan 29 April 2011 (has links)
Listeria monocytogenes est une bactérie à Gram+, ubiquiste, pathogène intracellulaire d’origine alimentaire, responsable chez l’homme, de nombreuses infections telles que les infections foeto-maternelles, des méningo-encéphalites et des septicémies. La bactérie utilise préférentiellement le glucose qui est transporté via le système phosphoenolpyruvate:sucre phsosphotransferase (PTS) et des perméases non-PTS. Les deux principaux transporteurs de glucose chez L. monocytogenes seraient des PTS de la classe mannose. Le premier est codé par l’opéron manLMN (man) et le deuxième, par l’opéron mpoABCD (mpo). Nous avons, dans un premier temps, mis en évidence le transport de glucose par ces PTS chez L. monocytogenes et aussi identifier d’autres transporteurs non-PTS de glucose. Des tests de croissance en milieu minimum (MM) additionné de glucose et des tests de consommation de glucose ont permis de montrer que les mutants ΔmanL (manL code pour l’EIIABMan) et ΔmanM (manM code pour l’EIICMan) utilisent moins vite le glucose que la souche sauvage AML73 ou EGDe (3 à 4 fois moins vite). Le mutant ΔmpoA (mpoA code pour l’EIIAMpo) montre un phénotype similaire à la souche sauvage tandis que le mutant ΔmpoB (mpoB code pour l’EIIBMpo) utilise 4 à 5 fois moins vite le glucose que la souche sauvage. Des tests de qRT-PCR ont par ailleurs permis de montrer que la délétion du gène mpoA permet une expression constitutive de l’opéron man tandis que la délétion du gène mpoB entraîne une inhibition de l’expression de cet opéron. Nous avons aussi montré que l’opéron man est induit par le glucose et l’opéron mpo est exprimé constitutivement. Le PTSMan est le principal système de transport de glucose chez L. monocytogenes et le PTSMpo pourrait fonctionner comme un senseur de glucose qui en présence de ce sucre stimule l’expression de l’opéron man en régulant l’activité de ManR. Le mutant ΔptsI (ptsI code pour la protéine générale EI du PTS) utilise 8 à 10 fois moins vite le glucose que la souche sauvage et présente une très faible expression de l’opéron man. L’utilisation du glucose (bien que faible) par le mutant ΔptsI permet d’affirmer qu’il existerait des transporteurs non-PTS qui permettraient à ce mutant d’utiliser le glucose. Des tests de complémentation hétérologue dans la souche E. coli LJ140 (incapable de transporter le glucose) ont permis de montrer que les trois protéines GlcU (GlcU1, GlcU2 et GlcU3, identifiées par homologie de séquences aux GlcU d’autres firmicutes) permettent le transport de glucose chez L. monocytogenes mais avec une très faible affinité. Un rôle potentiel du PTS et des transporteurs non-PTS dans la régulation de PrfA a également été mis en évidence par des tests de dosage β-D-glucuronidase à partir de cultures bactériennes réalisées en milieux liquides ou sur géloses et aussi par des tests de qRT-PCR (pour l’expression des gènes actA et hly). Ces tests ont été réalisés à partir de la souche L. monocytogenes AML73 (portant la fusion Phly-gus) et des mutants ΔmanL, ΔmanM, ΔmpoB, ΔmpoA, ΔptsI et glcU (construits dans cette souche). Les mutations manL, manM, mpoB, ptsI entraînent une augmentation de l’activité de PrfA (de 2 à 14 fois) et une augmentation de l’expression des gènes de virulence PrfA-dépendants (hly et actA) est également observée dans les mutants ΔmanL, ΔmanM et ΔmpoB. Les mutations glcU et mpoA ne montrent aucun effet sur l’activité de PrfA. Les mutants montrant une forte activité de PrfA contiennent peu ou pas de protéine EIIABMan qui est supposée jouer un rôle dans la régulation de l’activité de PrfA par le glucose. L’effet des mutations PTS observé sur l’expression des gènes de virulence dépend de PrfA car cet effet disparaît quand le gène prfA est délété dans les mutants ΔmanL, ΔmanM et ΔmpoB. Les mutations montrant un effet sur l’activité de PrfA ont également été étudiées in vitro par des infections des cellules épithéliales (Caco-2 et Jeg-3) avec les différents mutants et également in vivo dans la souris. La délétion du gène ptsI montre un effet dans l’infection plus particulièrement dans l’entrée des bactéries dans les cellules / L. monocytogenes is a ubiquitous foodborne pathogenic Gram-positive bacterium, which can multiply in host cells and infect humans causing septicemia, spontaneous abortion and méningoencephalitis. This bacterium transports glucose via phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase systems (PTS) and non-PTS permeases. Two major glucose-transporting PTSs belong to the mannose class. One is encoded by the manLMN (man) operon and the second by the mpoABCD (mpo) operon. One goal was to study the transport of glucose by the proteins encoded by these operons and to identify non-PTS glucose transporters. Growth studies in MM supplemented with glucose and glucose consumption assays with several mutants revealed that deletion of manL (encodes EIIABMan) or manM (encodes EIICMan) significantly slowed glucose utilization (3- to 4-fold) compared to the WT AML73 or EGDe strain. Deletion of mpoA (encodes EIIAMpo) had no significant effect on glucose utilization (same phenotype as the WT) whereas deletion of mpoB (encodes EIIBMpo) significantly slowed glucose utilization (4- to -5 fold). By using qRT-PCR, we show that expression of the man operon is induced by glucose, whereas the mpo operon is expressed constitutively. Nevertheless, deletion of mpoA causes constitutive man operon expression whereas deletion of mpoB inhibits it. The PTSMpo therefore functions as a constantly synthesized glucose sensor regulating man operon expression. Deletion of ptsI (encodes the general PTS component EI) also inhibits man expression and the ΔptsI mutant was most strongly impeded in glucose utilization. The residual glucose uptake probably owes to three GlcU-like non-PTS transporters. The successful heterelogous complementation of the E. coli LJ140 strain, wich is unable to transport glucose, suggests that the L. monocytogenes GlcU proteins, GlcU1, GlcU2 and GlcU3 (identified by sequences homology to GlcU proteins in other firmicutes) are indeed capable of transporting glucose.A potential role of PTS and non-PTS components in PrfA regulation was studied in the L. monocytogenes AML73 strain (contains a Phly-gus fusion) and in the ΔmanL, ΔmanM, ΔmpoB, ΔmpoA, ΔptsI, glcU mutants derived from it. For that purpose, I carried out β-D-glucuronidase activity tests with bacteria grown either in liquid or on solid medium and qRT-PCR experiments (expression of actA and hly genes). Interestingly, deletion of ptsI, manL, manM and mpoB caused elevated PrfA activity (2- to -14 fold) and elevated expression of virulence gene expression (actA and hly) in the ΔmanL, ΔmanM and ΔmpoB mutants was observed. Nevertheless, glcU inactivation and mpoA deletion had no effect on PrfA activity. The elevated PrfA activity disappeared when the prfA gene was also deleted in the ΔmanL, ΔmanM and ΔmpoB mutants, confirming that the stimulatory effect of the various mutations on virulence gene expression is PrfA-dependent. All mutants exhibiting elevated virulence gene expression contain no or only little unphosphorylated EIIABMan, which we therefore suspect to play a major role in glucose-mediated PrfA inhibition. The effect of the PTS mutations was also tested in in vitro host cells infection assays (Caco-2, Jeg-3 cells) and in an in vivo mouse model. Deletion of ptsI led to elevated infection of the host cells, which probably owes to the elevated synthesis of the InlA protein.
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High thoughput study of biofilm and virulence in Listeria monocytogenes using innovative approaches / Étude à haut débit du biofilm et de la virulence de Listeria monocytogenes en utilisant des approches innovantesLee, Bo-Hyung 28 May 2019 (has links)
Listeria monocytogenes est un pathogène d'origine alimentaire à multiples facettes caractérisé par sa capacité d'adaptation dans des conditions défavorables et par sa prolifération dans une vaste gamme d'environnements, du sol aux cellules hôtes des mammifères. L'hétérogénéité génétique de L. monocytogenes se reflète dans sa structure clonale diversifiée, ce qui corrèle, dans une certaine mesure, avec des traits phénotypiques tels que la virulence ou la résistance au stress. La thèse portait sur deux phénotypes les plus éminents, la formation d'un biofilm et le potentiel de virulence, sous différents angles et à l'aide des technologies les plus récentes. Tout au long des études, des grands panels d'isolats ont été utilisés pour représenter la diversité intraspécifique. Stimulants défavorables tels que le choc froid et la privation d'éléments nutritifs induits par l'étape d'adhésion bactérienne. L'ajout de NaCl aux cultures de croissance a stimulé la production de biofilm et, de manière surprenante, il a considérablement intensifié la maturation du biofilm de cellules privées de nutriments. Un degré élevé de variation de la productivité relative du biofilm a été observé parmi les sérotypes, les génotypes, de même que les isolats selon les conditions de culture. Cependant, un certain génotype (complexe clonal 26) a révélé de manière caractéristique une production de biofilm plus élevée à froid (10°C), suggérant une association du génotype avec le phénotype du biofilm. Pan-GWAS a identifié un certain nombre de gènes parmi lesquels ceux impliqués dans des fonctions telles que la ‘transformation/compétence’, les ‘gènes liés aux phages’ et le ‘métabolisme du phosphate’ devront faire l'objet d'études plus approfondies sur leur rôle dans la formation du biofilm. L'analyse du séquençage de l'ARN a révélé une grande hétérogénéité intraspécifique dans les profils de transcriptome basal qui mettaient en évidence le rôle du réseau de régulation, y compris certains facteurs transcriptionnels avec des rôles clés dans la virulence tels que σB, PrfA, et CodY. La plasticité transcriptomique entre les lignées I et II ainsi que les génotypes hyper et hypovirulents ont confirmé les caractéristiques évolutives et épidémiologiques de L. monocytogenes. De plus, la voie métabolique centrale a été impliquée dans l'infection dans le système modèle de Galleria mellonella. En conclusion, la thèse a exploré la diversité intraspécifique de L. monocytogenes et a donné lieu à de nombreux résultats phénotypiques, génomiques et transcriptomiques. Grâce à l'approche intégrative des omiques en listeriologie, le présent travail contribuera à dévoiler la physiologie et la pathogenèse de la bactérie. / Conditions and proliferation in a wide range of environments from soil to mammalian host cells. The genetic heterogeneity in L. monocytogenes is reflected on its diversified clonal structure which correlates, to some extent, with phenotypic traits such as virulence or stress resistance. The thesis investigated two most prominent phenotypes, biofilm formation and virulence potential, from various perspectives using state-of-the art technologies. Throughout the studies, large panels of isolates were used to represent the intraspecific diversity. Unfavourable stimuli such as cold shock and nutrient deprivation induced bacterial adhesion step. Addition of NaCl to growth cultures stimulated biofilm production and, surprisingly, it significantly intensified biofilm maturation of nutrient-deprived cells. High degree of variation in relative biofilm productivity was observed among serotypes, genotypes, as well as isolates across culture conditions, however, certain genotype (clonal complex 26) revealed distinctively higher biofilm production under cold temperature (10°C) suggesting an association of genotype with biofilm phenotype. Pan-GWAS identified a number of genes among which those implicated in functions such as ‘transformation/competence’, ‘phage-related genes’, and ‘metabolism of phosphate’ will need further investigations for their roles in biofilm formation. RNA sequencing analysis revealed high intraspecific heterogeneity in basal transcriptome profiles that featured the role of regulatory network including certain transcriptional factors with key roles in virulence such as σB, PrfA, and CodY. The transcriptomic plasticity between lineage I and II as well as hyper- and hypovirulent genotypes supported the evolutionary and epidemiological characteristics of L. monocytogenes. Moreover, the central metabolic pathway was implicated in the infection in Galleria mellonella model system. Conclusively, the thesis explored intraspecific diversity in L. monocytogenes and resulted in ample phenotypic, genomic, and transcriptomic findings. With the integrative omics approach in listeriology, the present work will contribute to unveiling the physiology and pathogenesis of the bacterium.
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Development of T cell immunity to Listeria monocytogenes and Mycobacterium tuberculosis : dendritic cells as an "Achilles' heel" and immune deficiency in dopamine beta-hydroxylase knock-out mice /Alaniz, Robert Christopher. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2002. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 91-108).
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Antimikrobielle Wirksamkeit von Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) und Hopfen (Humulus lupulus) auf lebensmittelrelevante MikroorganismenKühnast, Karin 04 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die antimikrobielle Wirkung eines Pflanzenextraktes aus fermentiertem Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) und eines Extraktes aus Hopfen (Humulus lupulus) auf Milchsäurebildner (Lactobacillus spp., Carnobacterium spp., Leuconostoc carnosum), Verderbniserreger (Bacillus spp., Brochothrix spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens) und pathogene Mikroorganismen (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis) wird unter In-vitro-Bedingungen über einen Lagerungszeitraum von 28 Tagen bei Temperaturen von 10 °C und 25 °C untersucht. In den sich anschließenden Challengeversuchen wird evaluiert, ob sich die antimikrobiellen Wirkungen beider Pflanzenextrakte gegen Listeria monocytogenes auf die Lebensmittelmatrix Rotschmierkäse übertragen lassen. Mögliche herstellungsbedingte und sensorische Probleme aufgrund der Anwendung der Pflanzenextrakte im Lebensmittel „Weichkäse“ werden erörtert.
Die Ausgangskeimzahl beträgt je Keim 102–103 KbE/ml. Der Rooibosextrakt wird in einer Konzentration von 5 mg/ml zugesetzt und der Hopfenextrakt in einer Konzentration von 30 µg/ml.
Unter In-vitro-Bedingungen ist eine statistisch abgesicherte bakteriostatische Wirkung des Rooibosextraktes auf Listeria monocytogenes bei einer Lagerungstemperatur von 10 °C in den ersten 14 Tagen nachweisbar. Die Reduzierung der Verderbniserreger in den ersten 24 Stunden nach Zugabe des Rooibosextraktes bei beiden Lagerungstemperaturen bzw. der Milchsäurebildner bei 25 °C ist statistisch nicht abzusichern und bei den weiteren Probenahmen nicht mehr darstellbar. Der Rooibosextrakt hat keine nachweisbare antibakterielle Wirkung auf Salmonella Enteritidis.
Alle grampositiven Testkeime lassen sich durch die Zugabe des Hopfenextaktes statistisch signifikant in ihrem Wachstum beeinflussen. Eine antibakterielle Aktivität des Hopfens zeigt sich bei Listeria monocytogenes in einer verlängerten lag-Phase und anschließendem bakteriostatischen Effekt bei 10 °C. Der Hopfenextrakt hat keinerlei Wirkung auf die gramnegativen Teststämme Pseudomonas fluorescens und Salmonella Enteritidis.
Der Extrakt aus Hopfen zeigt auch in der Lebensmittelmatrix Rotschmierekäse eine signifikante Wachstumshemmung auf Listeria monocytogenes. Der Extrakt aus fermentierten Rooibos zeigt keinen antilisteriellen Effekt. Beide Pflanzenextrakte beeinflussen leicht die sensorischen Eigenschaften der Käse, die Käsereifung nicht.
Erstmals liegen antibakterielle In-vitro-Studien der getesteten Pflanzenextrakte gegen lebensmittelrelevante Mikroorganismen über 28 Tage vor. Eine Anwendung von Pflanzenextrakten als antimikrobieller Lebensmittelzusatz ist erst nach entsprechender Validierung im jeweiligen Einzelprodukt möglich.
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