Spelling suggestions: "subject:"literary for"" "subject:"iiterary for""
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Halfback on Acid: A Coming of Age MemoirNichols, Jacob A. 19 July 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
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Using Project GLAD strategies in the teaching of literacy genres to second grade bilingual studentsArellano, Socorro 01 January 2006 (has links)
The project provides second grade teachers at the Perris Elementary School District with teaching approaches, tools, and strategies that have been proven to increase comprehension skills in English language learners (ELL) when teaching literary genres. Project GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) offers an alternative curriculum to the scripted curriculum as required by the No Child Left Behind Act.
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A crítica de Roberto Schwarz (1958-1968): um percurso atravessado pelo golpe de 1964 / The criticism of Roberto Schwarz (1958-1968): a course crossed by the coup of 1964Reimberg, Mauricio 17 May 2019 (has links)
Esta tese investiga aspectos da configuração do raciocínio crítico de Roberto Schwarz. O principal material de análise são os ensaios sobre formas estéticas e culturais brasileiras redigidos pelo autor entre 1958 e 1968, num período que abrange a sua produção teórica anterior ao exílio na França. No exame deste percurso, pretende-se distinguir os embates contraditórios entre as categorias do crítico e certa experiência histórica ambivalente internalizada pelo romance local, que seria um dado estruturante na reflexão de Schwarz. Num primeiro momento, enquanto essa matéria social já desponta sob o signo difuso do malogro do realismo literário no país, o ponto de vista analítico-interpretativo supõe uma referência comum à noção de obra autônoma como instância congenial à crítica dialética. Às voltas com o golpe empresarial-miliar de 1964, Schwarz buscaria operar de modo incisivo com a sua imediatidade prática. E esse anseio de eficácia política da crítica, ao esbarrar em limites históricos, redefine e acirra os vetores divergentes que vinham caracterizando a sua experiência social do tempo. Desse modo, entrechocam-se ali juízos orientados por uma temporalidade cumulativa e ascendente, disputada em termos políticos radicais - e apoiada na crítica à ordem populista derrotada -, e diagnósticos sobre uma situação presente que parecia se acomodar a si mesma, sem antagonismos de classe nitidamente configurados, redimensionando-se o que Schwarz entendia ser o desdobramento realista da vida. / This dissertation investigates aspects of the configuration of Roberto Schwarzs critical argument. The main material of analysis are the essays about aesthetical and Brazilian cultural forms written by the author between 1958 and 1968, in a period that embraces his theoretical production prior to his exile in France. In the survey of this path, it is intended to distinguish the contradictory clashes between the categories of the critic and certain ambivalent historical experience internalized by the local novel, which would be a structuralizing data of Schwarzs meditation. At a first moment, while this social matter already appears under the diffuse sign of failure of literary realism in the country, the analytical-interpretive point of view supposes a common reference to the notion of autonomous work as the congenial instance to the dialectical criticism. Dealing with the corporate-military 1964 Brazilian coup détat, Schwarz would operate in a more incisive way with its practical immediacy. And this wish of the political efficacy of the criticism, when bumped against historical limits, redefines and stirs the divergent vectors that used to characterize his social experience of time. In this way, judgments oriented by a cumulative and ascending temporality, disputed in radical political terms - and backed by the criticism to the defeated populist order -, clash against diagnoses about a present situation that seemed to accommodate in itself, with no class antagonisms clearly configured, resizing what Schwarz understood to be the realistic unfolding of life.
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Orgia de exceção: um esboço do projeto literário de Reinaldo Moraes / Orgy of exception: a literary project outline Reinaldo MoraesMarques Filho, José Virginio 28 August 2015 (has links)
Em agosto de 1985, mesmo ano da publicação de Abacaxi, Reinaldo Moraes escreveu uma autocrítica capciosa sobre o seu segundo romance. Disfarçado com um pseudônimo, o autor matreiramente elevava sua obra como legítima representante do legado machadiano. Apesar do tom brincalhão e da ironia motora do texto que são traços estilísticos do escritor , a farsa do artigo pode ser lida no pormenor como um esboço de projeto literário. A questão central de tal esboço parece ser a procura de uma estratégia narrativa capaz de dar conta minimamente do contexto em que está inserida. O objetivo desta dissertação é descrever o caminho do dispositivo literário perseguido pelo autor desde o seu primeiro romance, Tanto faz (1981), e que se desdobra numa espécie de continuidade cindida em Abacaxi (1985), até encontrar o prumo e a régua na confecção de Pornopopeia (2009). No vértice histórico de vinte oito anos, que ata a produção das obras, está a gestação do horizonte de expectativas reduzidas, possível de ser apreendido na dinâmica interna dos romances. Os narradores de Reinaldo Moraes estão em fuga; e figuram sempre o encontro do impasse. / In August 1985, the same year Abacaxi was published, Reinaldo Moraes wrote a very tricky review of his second novel. Disguised under a pseudonym, the author regarded his work as a legitimate representative of Machado de Assis\' legacy. Despite the playful tone and the text\'s purposed irony which are stylistic traits of the author , the falacious article may be read as an outline for a literary project. The central idea behind Moraes\' literary project seems to be the search for a narrative strategy that is able at least in part to give form to the context in which it operates. The aim of this work is to describe how the literary form pursued by the author evolves from his first novel, Tanto Faz (1981) unfolding into Abacaxi (1985), in a kind of icontinuous trajectory just to find its final form in the making of Pornopopeia (2009). As it may be seem in the internal dynamics of the novels, a horizon of reduced expectations is carefully laid out over the twenty eight years periode that lead to the production of Reinaldo Moraes\' works. His narrators are on the run; and always represent the meeting of the impasse.
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Engajamento à brasileira : paternalismo, promessa revolucionária e cultura popular em JubiabáOrlandini, Giovani Buffon January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é realizar uma leitura crítica pelo viés materialista dialético do romance Jubiabá (1935), de Jorge Amado, obra abarcada no projeto de romance proletário empreendido pelo autor na década de 1930. Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar elementos que contribuam para a compreensão da estrutura interna dessa obra, bem como para a compreensão de sua posição no conjunto das ambições literárias e políticas de Amado no período. Interessa-me investigar as relações entre a forma literária de Jubiabá e os processos sociais referidos na obra, sobretudo no que diz respeito aos ideais da esquerda em relação às alterações históricas da organização do trabalho no Brasil, procurando observar por quais caminhos esse dado material é mimetizado na estrutura interna do romance. Acerca dessa estrutura interna, enredo, configuração do protagonista e perfil do narrador serão os elementos privilegiados pela análise, tanto individualmente quanto nas relações entre si. O ponto de chegada deste trabalho encontra-se na interpretação voltada para a dinâmica que se estabelece entre a obra e a tradição formativa social brasileira em suas especificidades enquanto nação periférica ao processo capitalista mundial, em suas aproximações simbólicas e materiais, literárias e extraliterárias, em relação ao centro do mundo civilizado ocidental. / This work aims to perform a critical reading of Jorge Amado’s novel Jubiabá (1935), a work which is part of the project of the proletarian novel undertaken, by the author in the 1930s. We seek an analytical description of the elements that may contribute to the understanding of the internal structure of the work, as well as its position in Amado's literary and political ambitions in them. Thus, we are interested in investigating the relationship between the literary form of Jubiabá and the social processes which the work refers to, especially with regard to the left-wing ideas in relation to the historical changes in the organization of labor in Brazil, seeking to understand how the aesthetic aspect of the novel clarifies the author’s position. With the aesthetic aspect in mind, we paid particular attention to the construction of the plot, the composition of the leading character, and the narrator’s profile in relation to the whole of the work's structure, as well as in relation to one another. This paper concludes with an interpretation of the dynamics established between the work and the Brazilian social formative tradition in its specificities as a nation on the periphery of world capitalism, in its symbolic, material, literary, and extra-literary proximities to the center of the civilized Western world.
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João Ternura: testemunho das contradições de um projeto modernista / João Ternura: a document on the contradictions of the Brazilian modernist projectSalles, Helena Weisz 28 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar o romance João Ternura, de Aníbal Machado, do ponto de vista das contradições entre os projetos ideológicos do primeiro Modernismo e os problemas trazidos pelo processo histórico nacional. No momento em que inicia a escrita de seu único romance, em 1926, Aníbal Machado partilha dos objetivos libertários e dos pressupostos ideológicos que animavam a vanguarda artística brasileira. Como, no entanto, o romance continua a ser escrito até 1964, é possível ver no movimento de sua forma um embate entre matéria narrativa e dinâmica histórica da nação. Tal conflito acaba por fazer com que protagonista e obra entrem em um processo de dissolução que os condena a subsistirem parcialmente inconclusos. A análise de João Ternura traz à tona uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de constituição do Brasil como nação autônoma e independente / This work aims to analyze the novel João Ternura, by Aníbal Machado, in relation to the contradictions between the ideological project of early Brazilian Modernism and the problems of the national historical process. When he starts writing his only novel, in 1926, Aníbal Machado shares the libertarian goals and ideological assumptions of the Brazilian artistic avant-garde. However, as the novel continues to be written until 1964, the year of the military coup, its very form and style document the collision between the narrative material and the national historical process around it. These conflicts culminate in a process of dissolution that condemn both the novel and its protagonist to a state of inconclusiveness. Analyzing João Ternura brings to light reflections on the possibilities of Brazilian formation as an autonomous and independent nation
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Writing Marlowe as writing ShakespeareBarber, Rosalind January 2012 (has links)
This thesis consists of two components: a 70,000-word verse novel and a 50,000-word critical component that has arisen out of the research process for that novel. Creative Component: The Marlowe Papers The Marlowe Papers is a full-length verse novel written entirely in iambic pentameter. As with verse novels such as The Golden Gate by Vikram Seth, or The Emperor's Babe by Bernadine Evaristo, its inspiration, derivation, conventions and scope owe more to the prose novel than to the epic poem. Though there is as yet no widely-accepted definition, a verse novel may be distinguished from an epic poem where it consists, as in this case, of numerous discrete poems, each constituting a ‘chapter' of the novel. This conception allows for considerable variations in form and tone that would not be possible in the more cohesive tradition of the epic poem. The Marlowe Papers is a fictional autobiography of Christopher Marlowe based on the idea that he used the pseudonym ‘William Shakespeare' (employing the Stratford merchant as a ‘front'), having faked his own death and fled abroad to escape capital charges for atheism and heresy. The verse novel, written in dramatic scenes, traces his life from his flight on 30 May 1593, through the back-story (starting in 1586) that led to his prosecution, as we similarly track his progress on the Continent and in England until just after James I accedes to the English throne. The poems are a mixture of longer blank verse narratives and smaller, more lyrical poems (including sonnets). Explanatory notes to the poems, and a Dramatis Personae, are included on the advice of my creative supervisor. Critical Component: Writing Marlowe As Writing Shakespeare This part of the thesis explores the relationship between early modern biographies and fiction, questioning certain ‘facts' of Marlovian and Shakespearean biography in the light of the ‘thought experiment' of the verse novel. Marlowe's reputation for violence is reassessed in the light of scholarly doubt about the veracity of the inquest document, and Shakespeare's sonnets are reinterpreted through the lens of the Marlovian theory of Shakespeare authorship. The argument is that orthodox and non-Stratfordian theories might be considered competing paradigms; simply different frameworks through which interpretation of the same data leads to different conclusions. Interdisciplinary influences include Kuhn's philosophy of scientific discovery, post-modern narrativist history, neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics (in the form of the ‘observer effect'). Data that is either anomalous or inexplicable under the orthodox paradigm is demonstrated to support a Marlovian reading, and the current state of the Shakespeare authorship question is assessed. Certain primary source documents were examined at the Bodleian Library, at the British Library, and at Lambeth Palace Library. Versions of Chapters 2, 3 and 4, written under supervision during this doctorate, have all been published, either as a book chapter or as a journal article, within the last year (Barber, 2009, 2010a, b).
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Books, reading and the mind in the work of William GodwinMcCray, Jessie Louise January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation argues that the British philosopher, novelist and social critic William Godwin (1756-1836) used literary depictions and discussions of book-reading to negotiate public debates about the nature of the human mind. It takes an intellectual-historical approach to Godwin's representation of communications media, using this to illuminate the wider cultural significance of book-reading in Romantic-period Britain. I ultimately claim that for Godwin, the book-object became a literary presence and a conceptual tool by which he expressed and defended his belief in the reality and necessity of intellectual perfectibility. My first three chapters set the groundwork for this argument by exploring Godwin's treatment of 'The Matter of the Reader' (Chapter One), 'The Ethics of Novel-Reading' (Chapter Two), and 'The Discipline of Reading' (Chapter Three). As Godwin engaged with debates about materialism, literary form and education, he negotiated inherited ambivalence about the nature of the human mind and the conditions necessary for its vitality. Godwin's writing about reading exposes a fundamental tension that runs throughout his corpus: he consistently invested confidence in the mind and idealised its operation, yet was simultaneously preoccupied by theorising major threats to its development. My final two chapters argue that Godwin's writing about the book as a material medium provided an ongoing response to this tension. I show that his comparative evaluations of 'Social Media' (Chapter Four) and his literary rendering of books in terms of 'Bodies and Monuments' (Chapter Five) were contributions to debates about the powers of truth, death, and cultural memory. I conclude that Godwin used the book-object as a gesture of faith in the necessary perfection of human minds. This dissertation remaps Godwin's contribution to British culture by drawing attention to the crucial role book-reading played in his philosophy, fiction, essays and correspondence. In doing so, it highlights a rich vein of enquiry opened up by the growing 'interdiscipline' of media history: the cultural figuration of books and reading.
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Comparative analysis of autofictional features in the works of Amelie Nothomb, Calixthe Beyala and Nina Bouraoui.Ferreira-Meyers, Karen Aline Francoise. 30 October 2013 (has links)
30 years after the coining of autofiction (Doubrovsky, 1977), there is still no general consensus about its exact meaning. This research set out to discover autofiction, whether there is a need for this term, why the public has taken such an interest in autofiction. Research questions were divided into two major categories:
1. What is autofiction? What is its origin? How has it evolved? Which differences are there, if any, between autobiography and autofiction? Is there a need for the separate genre of autofiction? Why/why not? What are its general characteristics?
2. Do the three analysed women authors – Nothomb, Beyala and Bouraoui – incorporate these elements in their writing? If so, how and why? Is autofictional writing a stage/posture in the personal writing development of an author? Is there any link between the writing of the own persona and the obsession with the public persona?
Concentrating on terminological and theoretical issues, extensive literature review was done in the first part of the research. Starting from main literary criticism regarding fiction and autobiography/autofiction, the theoretical side of my research dealt with narrative identity and the true/false dichotomy of fact/fiction. Together with qualitative research about intertextuality as applied by autofictional writers (difference plagiarism and intertextual borrowing) led to a functional definition of autofiction, the basis for the comparative study of the three authors. For the research into their public persona, extensive internet research and analysis of newspaper articles were undertaken to show:
1. how the authors portray themselves;
2. how they are perceived by the media;
3. how this possibly influences their writing style.
Autofiction requires analysis of: 1. why authors write 2. about what they write 3. how they incorporate the Self and the world in their writing. Bouraoui compares writing to an almost sexual act of love, the most intimate possible. Writing was the only way she could deal with childhood memories and repressed homosexuality. Beyala writes to communicate with others, while Nothomb considers writing as a means to live more intensely, after anorexia. The specificities and distinctive characteristics of the texts and authors were discovered through narrative analysis (factual research into the authors’ public persona + textual analysis of literary oeuvres). In Chapter 3 (Calixthe Beyala), feminine literary criticism as well as postcolonial theories guided my reading. Chapter 4 (Nina Bouraoui) allowed reflexion on the links between memory, identity, truth and autofictional writing. All chapters included research on Doubrovsky’s link between psychoanalysis and autofiction.
In conclusion, there is a strong indication that one should speak of autofictions in the plural. This research explains some of the differences between autobiography and autofiction while underlining the importance of the existence of this new, separate sub-genre. The researcher had an opportunity to reflect on human memory and re-interpretation of facts. Where does the dividing line between truth and falsehood fall when the author puts the reader deliberately on a false track by introducing his/her work as « a novel »? Recent, post-modern writing has deliberately transgressed the fine dividing line between fact/fiction. The present research corroborates this view. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.
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Lachrymae Catharinae five collections of funeral poetry from 1628 /Ström, Annika. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Stockholm, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 299-307) and indexes.
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