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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O patrimônio católico entre o movimento litúrgico e o novus ordo missæ: estudo de casos em Juiz de Fora

Costa, Pablo Pinheiro da 29 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-12T13:36:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 pablopinheirodacosta.pdf: 6090523 bytes, checksum: 866b8c4447f6666c0c9d90da86fba77b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-18T13:09:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pablopinheirodacosta.pdf: 6090523 bytes, checksum: 866b8c4447f6666c0c9d90da86fba77b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T13:09:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pablopinheirodacosta.pdf: 6090523 bytes, checksum: 866b8c4447f6666c0c9d90da86fba77b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-29 / A proteção do patrimônio edificado relaciona-se à necessidade de intervenções arquitetônicas que possibilitem que as edificações atendam às novas necessidades que aparecem com o decorrer do tempo. No caso das igrejas católicas, sua proteção está condicionada às alterações significativas que liturgia sofreu no Século XX, e que podem ser classificadas em torno de quatro eventos principais: (1) o Movimento Litúrgico (década de 1910 em diante), que repensou o papel do leigo na estrutura da liturgia; (2) o Concílio Vaticano II (1962 a 1965), que reorganizou uma série de aspectos na vida da Igreja; (3) a promulgação do Missal reformado (1969); (4) a recepção do magistério conciliar e do novo rito, ocorrida ora em “continuidade”, ora em “ruptura” com o passado. Cada um desses eventos propôs questões que, simbólica ou funcionalmente, não tinham correspondência com a espacialidade das igrejas de então, ainda herdeiras do Concílio de Trento no Século XVI. Disso tudo decorreu uma série de intervenções em igrejas de interesse cultural (não apenas no Brasil), com muitas perdas para o patrimônio. Decorridos cinquenta anos do encerramento do Concílio, cabe reavaliar quais são as intervenções necessárias que aliam preservação e possibilidade de celebração do rito reformado e, dentre as igrejas que passaram por modificações deletérias, quais intervenções restaurativas devem ser propostas agora. O presente estudo visa a mostrar que esse debate, que até o momento vem ocorrendo de forma esparsa, é relevante e deveria ter continuidade, envolvendo não apenas os segmentos tradicionalmente envolvidos nas questões patrimoniais, mas também setores da própria Igreja. Ao fim, é analisado como essas questões aparecem em intervenções de duas igrejas localizadas na cidade mineira de Juiz de Fora, ambas do período eclético e de importância para a cidade: a reforma do presbitério da Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Glória e as intervenções, em curso, na Catedral Metropolitana. / The protection of built heritage is related to architectural interventions that enable buildings to address the new needs that time may bring. In the case of catholic churches, their protection is conditioned by the significant liturgical changes that underwent in the 20th Century, that may be gathered in four major events: (1) the Liturgical Movement (1910s onward), that questioned the laity’s role in the structure of liturgy; (2) The II Vatican Council (1962-1965), that reorganized several elements in the Church; (3) the promulgation of the reformed Missal; (4) the reception of the Council magisterium and the new rite, sometimes in “continuity” and sometimes in “rupture” with regard to the past. Each of these events called for issues that, symbolically or functionally, had no counterpart to the architectural space of the existing churches, as defined by the Council of Trent in the 16th Century. A significant amount of architectural interventions has taken place since then (not only in Brazil), with the loss of many important landmarks. Fifty years after the Council was closed, it is necessary to debate what architectural interventions bind cultural preservation to the possibility of celebration of the reformed rite. In the case of churches that underwent hazardous changes, it is also necessary to discuss the proper restoration for them. This study’s goal is to show that such a debate, still relatively sparse, is relevant and should take place among professionals involved in heritage protection as well as in the Church herself. The last part depicts interventions in two churches located in Juiz de Fora, in the State of Minas Gerais, both from the eclectic period and of great relevance to the city: the reform of the presbytery of the Church of Our Lady of Glory, and the current ongoing interventions in the Cathedral.

Altar e Ambão: a presença de Cristo na palavra e na eucaristia, visível no espaço sagrado da comunidade

Enrique Antonio Illarze Delgado 15 March 2013 (has links)
Trata-se de um estudo aprofundado e diversificado sobre o espaço litúrgico cristão, lugar de encontro da comunidade de fé com seu senhor, Jesus Cristo, Logos encarnado, visível na Palavra e no Pão e no Vinho da refeição eucarística, e expressos nos focos físicos do ambão e da mesa/altar. O estudo do tema leva, em primeiro lugar, à investigação sobre as características que devem ter um espaço físico de teofania, vinculadas aos transcendentais de Beleza, Bondade, Verdade e Harmonia, que Platão entendia como da essência divina. Busca-se entender como esses transcendentais foram observados ao longo dos tempos também no pensamento de Plotino, Agostinho, Kant e Hegel. Em seguida, de forma multidisciplinar, são apresentadas as contribuições de uma teologia da estética e dos sacramentos, em diálogo com a Filosofia, a Ética, a História, a Arquitetura, a Filosofia da Arquitetura, a Liturgia e as Santas Escrituras, nas tradições cristãs do anglicanismo, do luteranismo e do catolicismo romano. Há desdobramentos sobre a reflexão e o trabalho de arquitetos em torno da expressão concreta da imanência e da transcendência divinas na arquitetura, tentando expressar o Inexpressável, e vinculando assim a Bela Arte da Arquitetura ao campo da fé cristã. A seguir, uma exaustiva pesquisa é realizada em torno ao ambão e ao altar, focos físicos da Presença divina, interpretando- os a partir de tipologias teológicas e de sua utilização nas três denominações acima mencionadas. Finalizando, tendo como base teórica a filosofia da arquitetura e a hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer, analisa espaços litúrgicos concretos, projetados e construídos pela arquiteta Maria Inês Bolson Lunardini, especializada em arquitetura sacra na cidade e na área metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RS). Assim o estudo teórico realizado ao longo do corpo do trabalho dialoga com um contexto concreto. A tese mostra que ambão e a mesa/altar são, no contexto do espaço sagrado onde a comunidade de fé é convocada e se congrega, o lugar da Presença viva do Logos Encarnado. / This academic work is a profound and diversified study on the Christian liturgical space, place of gathering of the community of faith with his Lord, Jesus Christ, the incarnated Logos, visible in the Word and in the Bread and Wine of the eucharistical meal, as expressed in the physical foci of the ambo and the altar/table. The consideration of the subject leads, firstly, to the research of the characteristics that the physical space of a theophany must have, entailed to the transcendentals of Beauty, Truth, Goodness and Harmony, meant by Plato as qualities of the divine essence. Attempt is made in order to understand how transcendentals were seen along history and also in the thought of Plotinus, Augustine, Kant and Hegel. Inmediately, in an multidisciplinarian way are introduced the contributions of a theology of aesthetics and sacraments in dialogue with Philosophy, Ethics, History, Architecture, Liturgy and Holy Scripture, with glimpses on the Anglican, Lutheran and Roman Catholic traditions. There are, also, an unfolding on how architects reflect and work around the concrete expressions of the divine immanence and transcendence in Architecture, trying to express the Unexpressable, and relating, in this way, the Fine Art of Architecture to Christian Faith. Following on the way, an accurate research is made on the ambo and the altar, physical foci of the divine Presence, viewing them from the point of view of theological typologies and their use in the three denominations afore said. Finally, and bearing in mind as theoretical base the philosophy of architecture and the philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer, is made a critic of concrete liturgical spaces, designed and built by the architect Maria Ines Bolson Lunardini, specialized in sacred architecture and working in the city of Porto Alegre (RS) and its metropolitan area. In this manner, the theoretical study developed along this work dialogues with a concrete context. Thesis points out that ambo and altar/table are, in the context of the sacred space where the community of faith is summoned and gathers, the place of the living Presence of the Incarnated Logos.

Diskuse o liturgickém prostoru v českém jazykovém prostředí - historie a současnost (II. část - Od II. vatikánského koncilu po současnost) / Discussion about Liturgical Space in Our Country between the Second Vatican Coucil and presence

Jirsa, Prokop January 2014 (has links)
The outcomes of the Second Vatican Council have brought essential changes into liturgy, having impacted the liturgical space as well. However, the totalitarian communist regime that was in power in Czech lands at the time allowed only a limited space for the application of the Council outcomes in practice. That is why the post-Council situation in liturgy is in many ways unique in the Czech Republic. After the Velvet Revolution there was a rapid and rapturous development that has brought not only positives, but also certain negatives stemming from the too-quickly loosening grip of bondage. The aim of this thesis is to monitor the state of the discussion on liturgical space in the period between the Second Vatican Council and the present day. The theoretical part looks at the summary of the discussion in the Czech Republic before the Second Vatican Council, then briefly presents concept of sacred space of the Second Vatican Council and at the end outlines the pre-Council and the post-Council European context. The practical part consists in the finding, researching and evaluating of materials concerning the subject. They have been assessed according to three main criteria. The first is a historical viewpoint sorting the materials by the time they came into being. The second classifies them by the...

Saint-Denis. L'espace et la mémoire du XIIème au début du XVIème siècle / Saint-Denis. Space and Memory from the 12th to the early 16th century

Berné, Damien 20 February 2016 (has links)
L'activité liturgique et commémorative dont l'abbatiale de Saint-Denis est le cadre a des effets sur sa configuration spatiale bien après l'achèvement de sa construction en 1281. L'adjonction de chapelles latérales au flanc nord de la nef, en 1320-1324, ou les créations et transferts d'autels recensés à la fin du Moyen Âge mettent en évidence le phénomène de pression liturgique qui s'exerce sur l'édifice en marge de ses fonctions principales, c'est-à-dire le culte de saint Denis et l'entretien de la mémoire royale. L’étude des chapellenies et services anniversaires fondés à ses autels entre 1108 et le début du XVIe siècle éclaire le réseau mémoriel qui se forme autour de l'abbaye au cours de cette période, mais aussi l'évolution de la politique des moines vis-à-vis des laïcs. À partir du deuxième quart du XIVe siècle, l'abbé et le chapitre cherchent à canaliser le flux dévotionnel des fondations, y compris royales, tandis que les prêtres de la collégiale Saint-Paul voisine et des paroisses de l'exemption dionysienne sont progressivement associés à leur desserte, formant avec les moines une même communauté. La lecture de la répartition des tâches au sein de l’abbatiale et de ses dépendances, qui vise à reconstituer une géographie de la mémoire à Saint-Denis, révèle l'existence d'espaces réservés et un contrôle strict de la destination des autels, notamment de ceux du chevet. Ainsi, la plupart des officiers claustraux de l'abbaye sont associés spécifiquement à l'un des autels à reliques des chapelles rayonnantes depuis, semble-t-il, l'abbatiat de Suger. Cette exclusivité d'usage ne semble pas repérable dans d'autres établissements comparables, apportant un nouvel exemple de l'unicité dionysienne. / The commemorative and liturgical functions of Saint-Denis influenced the abbey’s spatial configuration for centuries after construction of the core of the church ended in 1281. The addition of lateral chapels on the north side of the nave in 1320-1324, like the creation and movement of altars during the next two hundred years, resulted from the expansion of the abbey’s liturgical engagement beyond its primary responsibilities for the cult of Saint Denis and the commemoration of the kings of France. This study of the chaplaincies and anniversary services established between 1108 and the early sixteenth century casts light on the memory network that develops around the abbey during this period, but also the evolution of the abbey’s policies toward the laymen. From the second quarter of the 14th century onwards, the abbots and chapter try to control the foundations flow (including royal ones). Furthermore, the priests of the collegiate church of Saint-Paul located near the abbey as well as parishes enjoying Dyonisian immunity were gradually associated with services at the abbey’s chapels and thereby incorporated into the Dyonisian community. Focused on the services performed within the abbey church and the establishments immediately dependent on it, this study aims to reconstitute a geography of memory at Saint-Denis. It reveals that the services performed at the different altars were strictly controlled, particularly in the restricted area of the chevet. Therefore, apparently from the time of Abbot Suger, each claustral official of the abbey was generally associated with a specific altar in the radiating chapels. This exclusivity thus distinguished Saint-Denis from other similar establishments, providing yet another example of the uniqueness of the royal abbey.

Dějinný vývoj liturgického prostoru a jeho odraz v architektuře kláštera Břevnov / Historical Development of Liturgical Space and its Reflexion in the Architecture of the Brevnov Monastery

KOHOUTOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
The work deals with the historical development of the liturgical space and the architecture of the Břevnov monastery. The first part describes all building styles which were applied to Christian churches and their influance on the worship. It also includes numerous examples of important sacral buildings in our country as well as abroad. Next it deals with the changes concerning the liturgical space and liturgy itself after the 2nd Vatican Council and gives some examples of Post-Council churches. The subject matter of the second part is the Břevnov Monastery. First it briefly describes the history of Břevnov and its architectural development from Romanesque period to the Baroque style. In order to understand its constructional development it was necessary to mention some notable people and historic events that influenced the outer appearance and the inside structure of the monastery.

Duchovní brownfield Olomouc - Zlín / Spiritual brownfield Olomouc - Zlín

Kloz, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
The assignment of this diploma thesis followed previous analysis of the regions of Valašsko and Haná. The outcome of this analysis showed several problems. One of the most serious problems is a lack of spiritual and liturgical sites in the area of Zlín. The analysis and synthesis preceding this diploma thesis are enclosed. The analysis of sites of pilgrimage in the area of Zlín was one of the studied subjects. The assignment of the diploma thesis was created using a combination of discovered data – design of the site of pilgrimage including a church and spiritual centre. This building is to support local community, christian religion and rehabilitation of the present site of pilgrimage Svatá voda – Kaménka. This diploma thesis deals with the design of a church as a site of pilgrimage, with facilities and café for the public. It also deals with the design of a spiritual centre with weekly spiritual programme. There are also four flats designed as accommodation for clergymen. The designed buildings are located 250 metres away form the present site of pilgrimage Svatá voda.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu a komunitního centra Salesiánského Brno - Líšeň / druhá etapa / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Líšeň / second stage

Simonova, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of the diploma is the design of a new Roman Catholic church and parish within the framework of the construction of a panel residential complex in Nový Líšeň in Brno. Due to the fact that Salesian children and youth workers came to the area in 1990, it became necessary to build a church and a Salesian youth center. This proposal is based on an analysis of the urban context. The church is surrounded by prefabricated houses next to a school, a health clinic, a shopping center, and a Salesian youth center in a gently sloping area facing south with the dominant Palava hills.

Duchovní brownfield Olomouc - Zlín / Spiritual brownfield Olomouc - Zlín

Smolová, Tereza Unknown Date (has links)
The assignment of this diploma thesis is the proposal of the Christian sacral centre as an extension of a current site of pilgrimage. Site is situated near Napajedelská brána by Zlin. Proposal is based on previous analysis of the regions of Valašsko and Haná. One of the most serious problems is a lack of spiritual and liturgical sites in the area of Zlín. The analysis and synthesis preceding this diploma thesis are enclosed. The analysis of sites of pilgrimage in the area of Zlín was one of the studied subjects. The assignment of the diploma thesis was created using a combination of discovered data – design of the site of pilgrimage including a church and spiritual centre. This thesis deals with the design of a church as a site of pilgrimage, facilities, accomodation for clergymen and pilgrims. The composition is based on three main objects – church, entrance house and accomodation. The composition is complemented by campanile and „baptistery“. An object itself has two above-ground floors and basement with spa. Some of the spaces in the building have to be functionally separated due to different approach of visitors. Part of the building is a garden which is ideologically and functionally inspired by monastery claustrum.

Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - Live /Líšeň/

Malečková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is design processing of a new sacral building in Brno-Líšeň district. It is a plot in the middle of a panel building between the health centre building and the building of the Salesian Youth Center, so-called Salesko. The Salesian community, which will use the building the most, has been waiting for the realization of this building for many years. The key theme is the creation of spaces enabling people to meet for worship, celebrations and social events. The design is processed by two interconnected operations - the building of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and the building of clergy house. The basic composition consists of three cubic masses - the entrance, the main liturgical space and the clergy house. The bell tower is the height dominant feature which indicates the sacral function of the building. The project consists a set of buildings with two above-ground floors and a basement in the entrance part of the church. This project also mentions the solution of open spaces around the plot and their conversion into quality public areas, marginally. The sacral space is to become a place that welcomes and takes in its visitors and gives them the feeling of safety. Inside this building, people will find peace, support and undestarstanding, so they may leave with the feeling of being a better person.

Proměny sakrálního prostoru / Transformations of Sacred Space.

Mléčka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The Christian church has been an inherent part of human continuity for more than thousand years. The external appearance of the Christian church has always reflected societal transformations as well as turning points in history. Moreover, it has become an integral part of our existence both in space and time. Nowadays, we frequently hear that the crisis of European society is in effect an identity crisis, an inability to ask about where we are heading and what the meaning of life is. The reduction of time givenness to the already limited scope of our own physical existence destroys the ability in a man to ask questions and find answers to them, or even enquire about the meaning and essence of things. The carefree, dispersed husk blown by the wind may seem to be free and independent; however, it has also stopped trying to actively find paths for future generations. One of the fundamental attributes of an architect should be a strong aptitude for synthetic thinking, which includes multiple knowledge of social cognition, i.e. in the currentness of present experience as well as in time. This knowledge should ideally help to identify the core of problem, and to define the general rules applicable, regardless of changes in social demand, trends or taste. This dissertation, concerned with the “change” of the Christian church, ought to provide a compact, effective platform based on a synthesis of all analytical findings in the areas of architecture, liturgy, history, and theology. This platform can be applied in architectural practice, education (both architectural and theological), pastorage, and other wide, well-researched social discourses on the current form of the Christian sacred space, its basis and likely future development. The emphasis should be put on individual interpretation of a target group rather than dogmatic interpretation of dramatic revelations. Therefore, the first half of the dissertation will analyse the theological and symbolic basis, and historic transformations. Whilst, the second half will depict the current approach to the creation of sacred space in both newly built churches and the ongoing conversions of existing spaces. In conclusion, the dissertation will debate the future direction of sacred space in post-Christian Europe.

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