Spelling suggestions: "subject:"focus off control"" "subject:"focus off coontrol""
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Psykologstudenters tankar om arbetsliv och arbetsmöjligheter : Ett self-efficacy- och locus of control- perspektivRojas Velasquez, Lucy Angelica January 2006 (has links)
Tron på den egna förmågan (self-efficacy) och upplevelsen av kontroll (locus of control) påverkar människors agerande och bedömningar av sina möjligheter. Syftet med undersökningen var att öka förståelsen för hur studenter från psykologlinjen i Stockholms Universitet bedömde sina chanser att få ett arbete direkt efter utbildningen. Fyra studenter deltog i undersökningen och data samlades genom kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade att möjligheterna till att få arbete efter examen ansågs vara goda men att den praktiska tjänstgöringen för psykologer, PTP, sågs som en flaskhals. Erfarenhet, kontakter, ålder, kön och utbildningsinriktning ansågs kunna påverka möjligheterna till att få en PTP-tjänst och påverkade också deltagarnas bedömning av sina chanser. Vidare visade resultatet att studenterna upplevde glädje för att börja arbeta med sitt yrke men också osäkerhet inför att lämna det trygga studentlivet. Med teorierna om self-efficacy och locus of control ökades förståelsen för deltagarnas bedömning av sina möjligheter. Med den kognitiva strategin optimism tolkades deltagarnas känslor inför övergången till arbetslivet.
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Orealistisk optimism och upplevd kontroll : Studenters bedömningar av riskerKarlsson, Magdalena, Segerbrant, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att människor överskattar chanserna för att positiva händelser ska inträffa dem och underskattar riskerna för att negativa händelser ska inträffa dem jämfört med genomsnittet. Detta kallas orealistisk optimism (OO). En faktor som påverkar detta är grad av upplevd kontroll. Studiens huvudsakliga syfte var att undersöka sambanden mellan upplevd kontroll och OO. I en enkätstudie undersöktes OO och upplevd kontroll för diverse händelser. Deltagarna fick t ex svara på hur sannolikt det är att de utsattes för vissa händelser jämfört med genomsnittet. Händelserna var bl a hälsorelaterade. Deltagarna var studenter från en högskola i Mellansverige, 18 män och 109 kvinnor. OO uppstod för alla händelser utom två. Det fanns vissa samband mellan OO och upplevd kontroll. Nytt med studien är att vissa händelser som i tidigare undersökningar skattats som okontrollerbara i själva verket kan upplevas som delvis kontrollerbara. Sambanden mellan OO och upplevd kontroll bör vidare undersökas.
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Lucid dreaming treatment och lucida drömmars relation till locus of control, depression samt subjektivt välbefinnandeGavie, Josefin, Högberg, Johan January 2012 (has links)
Lucida drömmar (LD) innebär att drömmaren inser, under drömmens gång, att omgivningen och händelserna runtomkring är en dröm och inger förmågan att kunna påverka och reflektera över händelserna i drömmen. I lucid dreaming treatment (LDT) får drömmaren lära sig att förändra mardrömmars händelseförlopp. Dock blir inte alla lucida och många tror att det är själva känslan av kontroll som ger en effekt. Studien kommer utforska om kontroll utgör en nyckelkomponent i LDT genom att undersöka sambandet mellan LD och locus of control (LoC), depression och subjektivt välbefinnande där LD verkar som en medierande variabel mellan å ena sidan LoC och å andra sidan depression samt subjektivt välbefinnande. Deltagarna (n = 54) i undersökningen har fyllt i formulär gällande frekvens av drömmar och LD samt formulären Rotter’s 29 item internal-external scale, Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale, International positive and negative affect schedule short form, Satisfaction with life scale och Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Undersökningen gav inte stöd för ställda hypoteserna att LD har en medierande effekt i sambandet mellan LoC och depression eller mellan LoC och subjektivt välbefinnande. Dock har den visat på en liten signifikant korrelation mellan högre frekvens av LD och högre grad av negativ affekt. Resultatet antyder att LD korrelerar med känslor, vilket bör undersökas vidare då affekt skulle kunna vara en komponent inom LDT via möjligheten att förändra känslor från negativa till positiva.
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Locus of control and native Indian children with histories of hearing lossMacLeod, Douglas M. 11 1900 (has links)
Very little is known about the relationship between locus of control (LOC) orientation and mild or temporary hearing losses associated with chronic otitis media. Furthermore, it seems this relationship may never have been studied in the unique cultural context of Northern Canadian Native Indian societies. The present study investigated the relationship between LOC orientation and hearing status category among Carrier-Sekani children from Northern British Columbia. The relationship between LOC orientation, chronologic age, and academic achievement was also explored. Demographic data collected for a larger study, provided an opportunity to conduct some post hoc analyses on LOC orientation, place in the family, number of parents in the home and family income. Ninety Carrier-Sekani students from grades four to twelve, received a modified Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale for Children. Students were divided into two broad categories, normally hearing and those having a history of a hearing loss. The latter category was further divided into students with a pure tone loss, students with a history of chronic otitis media and those with observed otitis media at the time of testing. Students could be members of more than one sub-group. Correlation coefficients and Analyses of Variance were computed to explore the relationship between LOC orientation and the independent variables. No significant relationship was discovered between LOC orientation and category of hearing loss. An internal LOC orientation was positively associated with chronologic age, medium family income, two parents in the home and partially associated with academic achievement. This study indicates that for Carrier-Sekani students, a mild or temporary hearing loss is not significantly associated with an external LOC orientation. It seems that school related variables and demographic variables commonly associated with LOC orientation in the samples described in the literature are also present in the sample studied in this project.
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Empowerment : a multi-level processEylon, Dafna 11 1900 (has links)
The term "empowerment" is frequently used by organizational researchers, management practitioners, and consultants. However, despite the popularity of the term, there is a lack of empirical work and no generally accepted definition. As part of a thorough multi-disciplinary literature review, fourteen different conceptualizations for the term empowerment were discovered and classified into four categories: Micro (intra-psychic), Meso (relational-interactive), Macro (structural), and Misnomer (bogus). As a result of this work, both a new definition and a multi-level process model of empowerment are offered. Empowerment is defined here as an enhancing and energizing context specific process that expands an individual's power and feelings of trust, is usually facilitated by another, and results in increased levels of self-esteem, self-efficacy and other characteristics related to personal growth and control, which eventually lead to outcomes such as performance and satisfaction. The proposed multi-level process model postulates that the process of empowerment is driven by changes in information, responsibility, and active belief, and mediated by intra-psychic factors. This model was empirically tested in a between-subject, pre-test, post-test simulation design. Over a period of three weeks 135 graduate students completed a novel application of in-basket exercises, within which an empowerment manipulation was embedded. This manipulation included increasing information, responsibility, and active belief for the empowered manipulation and decreasing these three components for the disempowered manipulation. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that, as predicted, the manipulation had a significant impact on the three mediating intra-psychic factors (self-efficacy, self-esteem, and locus of control) and an analysis of variance found significant results in the predicted direction on the dependent variable of job satisfaction. Regression analyses revealed the predicted mediation relationship between the intra-psychic variables and the dependent variable of job satisfaction. However, none of the analyses yielded significant results for the performance measures (initiative, sensitivity, planning and organizing, delegation, administrative control, problem analysis, judgement, and decisiveness). Several potential explanations are offered for these results, including a motivational interpretation which focuses on participant's motivation directionality. Theoretical and practical implications for these results are discussed as well as directions for future research.
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The Relationship of Health Literacy and Locus of Control to Medication Compliance in Older African Americans.Armstrong, Karen Andrea 21 August 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Many older African American adults have inadequate health literacy and are more likely to have chronic illnesses needing medication therapy. African Americans continue to experience significant health disparities in the incidences of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It was postulated that ethnic disparities in medication compliance are related to a dynamic interplay between low health literacy and health locus of control. Thirty older African Americans taking at least one prescription medication were interviewed. Although the vast majority was well-educated, only 53% displayed adequate health literacy. Most of the participants believed they controlled their health, and over half were noncompliant with their medications. Poor health literacy and health locus of control appeared to influence medication compliance in older African Americans.
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Privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos karių sveikatos kontrolės lokusas ir savęs vertinimas / Soldiers of compulsory military service health locus control and self - evaluationJablonskytė, Audronė 23 May 2005 (has links)
Master’s theses are carried out at Vilnius Pedagogical University, at the faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology department of Psychological didactics. The investigation is based on K. Wallston’s 1978 methodology of Multidimensional scale of Health locus control and on A. Petrulyte 1985 self evaluation scale. The main purpose of the work is to analysis specific features of health locus control and self - evaluation of soldiers of compulsory military service. In research involvement 239 soldiers of compulsory military service and 240 students of Klaipėda University. The investigation showed that the average of soldiers of compulsory military service and students health locus control index is different. The soldiers and students is rely on HLC ( = 24,80), but there is a tendency that the PHLC ( = 22,20) is higher than CHC ( =20,26). The analysis showed that solders and students CHC negatively and statistically correlates with cognitive self – evaluation (r = -0,119 p = 0,009). Students HLC positively and statistically correlates with emotional self – evaluation (r = 0,130 p = 0,045), students CHC negatively and statistically correlates with cognitive self – evaluation (r = -0,205 p = 0,001). Soldiers of compulsory military service HLC, CHC and PHLC health locus of control did not statistically correlates with cognitive and emotional self – evaluation.
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Profesijos pedagogų kontrolės lokusas ir jų asmenybės konfliktiškumo – agresyvumo pasireiškimas ugdymo procese / Profession‘s educationalist lokus of control and his personality‘s conflict - aggression display in process of educationBalandaitė, Vilma 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo autorius: Vilma Balandaitė Darbo tema: Profesijos pedagogų kontrolės lokusas ir jų asmenybės konfliktiškumo – agresyvumo pasireiškimas ugdymo procese. Darbo rengimo vieta: Lietuvos žemės ūkio universitetas. Profesinės pedagogikos ir psichologijos katedra. Akademija, 2006 – 2008 metai. Darbo apimtis: 62 psl. Darbe yra: 8 lentelės, 13 paveikslai, 4 priedai. Literatūros šaltinių: 25. Tyrimo objektas: Marijampolės kolegijos profesijos pedagogų kontrolės lokusas ir jų konfliktiškumas - agresyvumas. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Literatūros šaltinių sisteminimas ir analizė. 2. Respondentų identifikavimas jų kvalifikacijos ir lyties požiūriu. 3. Dž. Roterio E - I skalė. 4. Asmenybės agresyvumo – konfliktiškumo testas. 5. Statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo rezultatai: Marijampolės kolegijoje daugiau yra eksternališkos nuostatos profesijos pedagogų nei internališkos. Dauguma profesijos pedagogų yra bekompromisinės asmeybės. Palyginus įgijusių ir neįgijusių pedagoginį išsilavinimą profesijos pedagogų agresyvumą – konfliktiškumą paaiškėjo, kad pedagogai įgiję pedagoginį išsilavinimą daugiau pasižymi savybėmis reikalingomis konstruktyviam bendravimui. Profesijos pedagogais dirbantys vyrai internališkesni nei moterys. Moterys yra kerštingesnės, netolerantiškesnės, linkę greičiau supykti ir įsižeisti. / Work includes: 8 tables, 13 pictures, 4 addendums. Sources of literature: 25. Subject of research: Marijampole college profession educationalists‘ control lokus and their conflict – agression. Research methods: 1. Literature sources systematization and analysis. 2. The identification of respondents according to their qualification and sex. 3. J. B. Roter E - I skale. 4. Test of personality‘s agression - conflict. 5. The statistical handiing of data. Research results: More profession educationalists in Marijampole college are of external control than internal. Most of profession educationalists are uncompromising persons. Comparing agression - conflict of the educationalists, who graduated and not graduated for pedagogical education, it came to light, that educationalists, who graduated for pedagogical education, have had a good track record in features necessary for constructive communication. The men, working as profession educationalists, are more internal than the women. The women are more vindictive, more intolerant, prone to get angry and to take offence faster.
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Dispositional factors, coping and stress as predictors of expatriates' adjustment, performance and desire to terminate the assignment / Marita van der BankVan der Bank, Marita January 2002 (has links)
The increase in globalisation has led many organisations world-wide and in South African to
send more employees on international assignments than ever before, with every indication
that the use of expatriates will continue to expand into the 21st century. Expatriate
assignments are important to the success of multinational companies because they can help
build the level of global competence within the organisation, and expatriates often fill critical
positions in host countries (e.g. new market development, technology transfer, joint venture
negotiations and subsidiary management).
Given the strategic importance multinational companies attach to global assignments, the
harm an unsuccessful expatriate may cause in the host country can be detrimental to the
multinational company's future global business. Implications of poor expatriate cross-cultural
adjustment include inadequate performance, psychological stress, premature termination of
the assignment, negative effects on the expatriates' families and the long-term career
repercussions upon repatriation after failed expatriate assignments. Thus, in order to remain
competitive in today's global marketplace, multinational companies have recognised that the
attraction, selection, development and retention of employees who can live and work
effectively outside their own national borders are crucial to their success. This study proposed
that personality dispositions, coping, stress and expatriates' motivation for accepting the
assignment can predict three criteria of expatriate success, namely (a) the desire to terminate
the assignment, (b) performance, and (c) the cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates.
The study population consisted of 95 expatriates from eight multi-national organisations. The
research method for each of the three articles consists of a brief literature review and an
empirical study. A cross-sectional survey design was used to achieve the research objectives.
Descriptive statistics ( e g means, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis) were used to
analyse the data. Cronbach alpha coefficients and exploratory factor analysis were used to
assess the reliability and validity of the measuring instruments, and multiple regression
analyses was conducted to determine the percentage of the variance in the dependent
variables that is predicted by the independent variables. The Neo-Personality Inventory
Revised, Work Locus of Control Scale, Expatriate Stress Inventory, a biographical
questionnaire, which included expatriates' motivation for accepting the assignment
(independent variables) and expatriates' cross-cultural adjustment. their desire to terminate
the assignment and their performance (dependent variables) were administered.
The results showed that external locus of control is related to avoidance. Avoidance coping of
expatriates' was best predicted by an external locus of control and approach coping of
expatriates' was best predicted by an internal locus of control.
The results showed that expatriates' desire to terminate the assignment is related to their
cross-cultural adjustment and that personality dimensions are related to their cross-cultural
adjustment and their desire to terminate the assignment. Personality dimensions explained
12% of the variance in expatriates' cross-cultural adjustment. Assertiveness and cross-cultural
adjustment explained 17% of expatriates' desire to terminate the assignment.
The results showed that cultural stress explained 17% of the variance in expatriates' cross-cultural
adjustment. Assertiveness and cross-cultural adjustment explained 28% of
expatriates' desire to terminate the assignment and extrinsic motivation explained 20% of
expatriates' performance.
Recommendations are made regarding future research and practical implications for
expatriate management. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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The mediating effect of locus of control between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Rachel Clare LaneLane, Rachel Clare January 2007 (has links)
Contemporary South African higher education institutions have undergone many drastic changes in recent years with regard to the demographic composition of students and organisational structures. Huge demands in terms of transformation have been placed on these institutions while they have simultaneously been transforming from former Technikons to Universities of Technology. This causes staff to be faced with major changes which affect all aspects of the institution. The objective of this research was to investigate whether role overload, job satisfaction and locus of control could be used to predict turnover intention of employees in a higher education institution. Further objectives included empirically determining whether locus of control had a mediating effect between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention.
A cross-sectional survey design was used and an availability sample was taken from a South African higher education institution («=210). Five measuring instruments were administered as part of a larger questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data and a series of regressions was used to test for the hypothesised mediating effect.
The reliability coefficients obtained for the scales indicated that the Cronbach Alpha coefficients for qualitative role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention were acceptable; however, those for quantitative role overload and locus of control were below the recommended cut-off mark. The results showed that there was a strong relationship between the dimensions of overload, indicating that the feeling of having too much to do in the time available is accompanied by the feeling that individuals do not have the skills to complete their required tasks. Furthermore, it was found that if
employees feel that they have too much to do and that they do not possess the skills to complete tasks, they will be dissatisfied with their jobs. Both quantitative and qualitative role overload contributed to the participant's thoughts of leaving the institution and it was concluded that a satisfied employee is less likely to think of leaving the organisation. Locus of control had minimal relationships with quantitative and qualitative role overload, as well as with turnover intention. Locus of control was, however, found to be related to job satisfaction.
Locus of control was found to be a poor predictor of turnover intention and did not mediate the relationship between role overload and job satisfaction on the one hand, and turnover intention on the other. It was concluded that job satisfaction was the strongest predictor of turnover intention.
By way of conclusion, recommendations were made both for the organisation and for future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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