Spelling suggestions: "subject:"longterm unemployment"" "subject:"longterm unemployment""
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Röster från långtidsarbetslösa: en kvalitativ studie av unga vuxnas upplevelser och hantering kring sin livssituationAnnas, Katja, Håkansson, Per Ranil January 2014 (has links)
Under vårterminen 2014 har vi arbetat kontinuerligt med ämnet långtidsarbetslösa unga vuxna. Detta forskningsområde är en aktuell debatterad fråga i dagens samhälle, och har varit intressant som fenomen att undersöka. Härmed vill vi tacka och rikta vår uppskattning till er som har bistått oss under studiens gång och gjort det möjligt för oss att genomföra samt färdigställa denna kandidatuppsats. Ett stort tack till Arbetsförmedlingen i Trollhättan, som stod för ett varmt mottagande och ett gott samarbete. Vi vill här särskilt rikta ett stort Tack till samtliga intervjudeltagare som så fint ställt upp och berätta om deras personliga erfarenheter gällande långtidsarbetslöshet. Vi anser att utan er hjälp, hade inte denna uppsats blivit av. Sist, men inte minst, ett varmt tack till vår handledare Yngve Mohlin, för hans positiva inställning och inspiration, samt för all konstruktiv kritik och pedagogiskt vägledande under hela processen. Vi har noggrant övervägt för- och nackdelar med att skriva denna studie tillsammans. Det framkom att vi tänker lika varandra, utifrån att båda vill ha en hållbar struktur och en given framförhållning. De olika delarna har gemensamt utarbetats och korrigerats. Studiens intervjuer delades dock upp mellan oss och transkriberades av den motsatta kollegan, för att kunna ta del av informationen i respektive intervjuer. Vi satte upp delmål innehållande slutdatum för att kunna få bra flyt i skriv- och materialinsamlandet. Vår utgångspunkt har varit att vi sätter oss ned och utför samtliga delar tillsammans, då vi har diskuterat och sammanställt materialet till en helhet. Vi känner också att det totala arbetet har varit ömsesidigt och där båda har tagit ansvar för samtliga moment i studien.
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The Physiological Effects of Long-term UnemploymentAndersson, Maja January 2019 (has links)
The stress system is essential for humans and other organisms to survive. However, when stress is prolonged it can have pathological effects on the brain. To experience long-term unemployment is often stressful, for it has been shown to correlate with depression, low self- esteem, learned helplessness and self-destructive behavior. Long-term unemployment also seems to have physiological consequences, for it has been shown to correlate with cortisol dysregulation. The hippocampus is a highly adaptable part of the brain located in the temporal lobe and is long known for its sensitivity to cortisol dysregulation due to stress. The aim of this thesis is to study how long-term unemployment affects physical and psychological well- being, focusing in particular upon finding out whether it affects the hippocampus. The results suggest that that the kind of stress caused by long-term unemployment is similar to the stress affecting the hippocampus. It thus seems to be a reasonably hypothesis that long-term unemployment has a negative influence upon the brain, and the hippocampus in particular.However, there is an additional issue that one needs to take into account. For some studies have shown that people with poor mental health are more likely to be unemployed. If poor mental health is associated with physiological disorders (including a damaged hippocampus), this implies that not only can long-term unemployment (via stress) affect the hippocampus, but a damaged hippocampus (along with other physiological factors) can increase the probability to become unemployed. This means that the relationship between long-term unemployment and a damaged hippocampus need not be a one-way causal relationship.
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From Labor Market Exclusion to Social Exclusion: A Sociological Analysis of Unemployed WorkersTung, Hsiao-Chu 24 June 2006 (has links)
This thesis begins with the economic globalization, and uses secondary data analysis to explore the labor structural change and employment conditions in Taiwan under globalization. Then, using the social exclusion theory, through qualitative in-depth interview methods, this study explores the unemployment and re-employment experiences of the long-term unemployed and the marginally employed, as well as the economic, psychological, and social network exclusion in the process of employment to unemployment. This study also discusses the roles of government employment policies, familial and social relationship networks. Finally, policy suggestions are proposed according to related research discoveries.
The study finds that: first, in terms of unemployment and re-employment experience, most laborers regard unemployment with a passive and external attribution attitude; this negatively influences emotions, interpersonal relationships, and later re-employment. While unable to return to the original career, unemployed laborers develop different life choices. Those who return to the labor market the earliest return because they succumb to economic pressure, becoming marginal workers who are willing to do any work, and the other kind are those who are continuously accumulate capital and convert it into employment resource; these are the active workers. On the other hand, there are two types of people who remain unemployed. One is the type that becomes waiting unemployed because they are unwilling to budge on employment conditions, and the other is the type that is limited by their own employment abilities and become helplessly unemployed. Additionally, unemployed people with different identities also have different life choices at their inability to return to their original careers.
Secondly, from labor market exclusion to social exclusion: 1.Labor market exclusion and economic exclusion: unemployment results in decreased income, which further impairs daily living needs, basic medical care, and educational services, as well as stops one from participating in entertainment and leisure activities; these impact basic life opportunities and makes one feel more and more exclusion. 2. Labor market exclusion and psychological exclusion: emotional changes during unemployment are primarily affected by decreased income, but it is also affected by personal expectations of future re-employment. For the involuntarily unemployed, they feel a greater sense of lack of control and impotence over their lives. 3. Labor market exclusion and social relationship exclusion: as a result of lack of self esteem or economic considerations, the unemployed have significantly less social interaction, in a singularized network structure, which would provide relatively smaller economic or re-employment support. 4. Social networks have a positive influence on alleviating the multifaceted exclusion caused by unemployment, but the majority of unemployment laborers have significantly insufficient social network functions. Those who are unemployed with weak formal and informal social networks would fall into social exclusion, have a bleak outlook on the future and believe that there is no chance to extricate oneself from the various unfavorable situations caused by unemployment.
¡@¡@The end of the thesis also discusses some related issues, such as the unemployment issue (unemployment conceptualization? Who are the unemployed? Work or retire?), social exclusion issues (applicability of social exclusion theories? what is the role of the country in labor market exclusion? Does the employment policy cause social cohesion or social exclusion?), social structures, and individual action interactions. Finally, from labor market intervention, construction to social network, and proposes related policy suggestions to reverse social exclusion.
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Ilgalaikių bedarbių integracijos į darbo rinką tobulinimo galimybės / Ways of improvement of integration of long-term unemployed into the labour marketOršauskaitė, Deimantė 20 March 2006 (has links)
Ilgalaikis nedarbas laikoma labai svarbia darbo rinkos problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visose
Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Ilgalaikiu bedarbių skaičiaus mažinimas – vienas iš pagrindiniu Lietuvos
darbo biržos 2005 metu veiklos tikslu. Šiandieninės nesprendžiamos ilgalaikio nedarbo problemos –
tai rytdienos socialinės problemos, kurių sprendimui reikės vis didesnių visuomeninių lėšų. 2004
metais bendras bedarbių skaičius sumažėjo 37,8 tūkst., tačiau ilgalaikių bedarbių dalis, palyginti su
bendru bedarbiu skaičiumi, išliko didelė (26,9 proc.). 2005 metu pradžioje Lietuvoje kas trečias
bedarbis nedirbo daugiau kaip 12 mėnesių. Šiuo darbu siekiama išsiaiškinti ilgalaikių bedarbių
integracija į darbo rinką sąlygojančius veiksnius, įvertinti užimtumo priemonių veiksmingumą,
darbo biržos teikiamu paslaugų efektyvumą, bedarbių darbinės motyvacijos lygį, bei nustatyti šios
bedarbių grupės užimtumą didinančias kryptis bei priemones.
Darbą sudaro keturi skyriai. Įvade pateikti darbo tikslai, uždaviniai, hipotezės. Pirmame
skyriuje aptarta ilgalaikių bedarbių situacija darbo rinkoje, išanalizuotos ilgalaikio nedarbo
priežastys, socialinės ir ekonominės ilgą laiką nerandančių darbo žmonių nedarbo problemos.
Antrame skyriuje dėmesys skirtas naujausių ilgalaikių bedarbių užimtumo politikos krypčių
Lietuvoje ir Europos Sąjungoje aptarimui. Trečiame skyriuje aprašytas sociologinio tyrimo
modelis, tiriamųjų atrankos, anketos sudarymo logika ir duomenų apdorojimas. Ketvirtame skyriuje
pateikti tyrimo... [to full text] / Long-term unemployment is considered a very significant labour market problem in Lithuania as well as in all European Union countries. Reducing a number of the long-term unemployed is one of the main tasks of Lithuania Labour Exchange for the year 2005. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the factors determining successful integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market. Also, this thesis aims to evaluate employment means, service effectiveness of Labour Exchange, motivation level of the unemployed and to set directions and means for employment increasing.
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ILGALAIKIŲ BEDARBIŲ NEĮSIDARBINIMO PRIEŽASTYS IR JŲ GRĮŽIMO Į DARBO RINKĄ GALIMYBĖS / Reasons of unemployment of long term unemployeds and their possibilities to comeback to the labour marketRakauskienė, Daiva 07 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra nagrinėjama darbo rinkos samprata ir darbo rinkos pokyčiai, jų įtaka nedarbo ir ilgalaikio nedarbo atsiradimui. Taip pat darbe aptariamos ilgalaikio nedarbo atsiradimo priežastys bei pasekmės, ilgalaikių bedarbių integravimo į darbo rinką galimybės mokslinės literatūros pagrindu.
Šis magistro darbas susideda iš trijų dalių: 1) Ilgalaikių bedarbių neįsidarbinimo priežastys ir grįžimo į darbo rinką galimybės teoriniu požiūriu; 2) Ilgalaikių bedarbių neįsidarbinimo priežasčių ir jų grįžimo į darbo rinką galimybių tyrimo metodologija; 3) Ilgalaikių bedarbių neįsidarbinimo priežasčių ir jų grįžimo į darbo rinką galimybių: kiekybinio tyrimo duomenys.
Atliekant empirinį tyrimą buvo pasinaudota anketinės apklausos metodu. Vykdant ilgalaikių bedarbių anketinę apklausą buvo išdalinta 200 anketų, tačiau grąžinta 181. Tyrimo metu atliktoje apklausoje dalyvavo ilgalaikiai bedarbiai, kurie buvo registruoti Kelmės rajono darbo biržoje.
Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė, kad ilgalaikių bedarbių neįsidarbinimo priežastys yra įvairios. Jas galima būtų išskirti į subjektyvias ir objektyvias. Daugumai ilgalaikių bedarbių įsidarbinti trukdo darbdavių siūlomi maži darbo užmokesčiai už atliekamą darbą, mobilumo stoka, profesinės patirties stoka, trūkumas konkrečių žinių. Viena iš galimybių daugumai ilgalaikių bedarbių grįžti į darbo rinką yra aktyvios darbo rinkos politikos priemonės, kurias organizuoja darbo birža. Šios priemonės respondentų buvo įvertintos kaip... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The conception, chantes and their influence to unemployment and rise of long – term unemployment are analysed in this master’s study. There are discussed the reasons and outcomes of long – term unemployment, rise, integration of long – term unemployeds to the labour market on the scientific literature back ground.
This master’s study in three partite: 1) The reasons of unemployment of long – term unemployeds and their possibilities to comeback to the labour market on the theoretical back ground. 2) Methodology of survey of the reasons of unemployment of long – term unemployeds and their possibilities to come back to the labour market; 3) Data of numerical survey of reasons of unemployment of long – term unemployeds and their possibilities to come back to the labour market.
The questionnaire form method was used carring and this empirical survey. Implementing questioning 200 questionnaire former were distributed, but 181 were returned. In this questioning took part long – term unemployeds who were registered in Kelmė district labour market office.
The outcomes of this survey shows that the reasons of unemployment are different. We can divide them to objective and subjective.
Most part the unemployed people do not employ because of low salary, lack of mobility, professional experience and particular knowledge. One of possibilities to comeback to labour market is active actions of labour market policy what are organized by labour market office.
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Narkotikų vartotojų ilgalaikis nedarbas ir socialinė atskirtis. Klaipėda, 2000-2008 m / Long term unemployment and social exclusion of drug addicts (klaipeda, 2000-2008)Gulijeva, Evelina 26 June 2014 (has links)
NARKOTIKŲ VARTOTOJŲ ILGALAIKIS NEDARBAS IR SOCIALINĖ ATSKIRTIS. KLAIPĖDA, 2000 - 2008 M. SANTRAUKA Narkomanija – ypatingai aktuali problema Klaipėdos uostamiestyje. Apžvelgiant 2000 - 2008 metus, šiame mieste registruojamas narkotikų vartotojų skaičius nuo 2000 - ųjų m. vis didėjo ir būtina pažymėti, kad ŽIV paplitimo rodiklis 2008 m. lyginant Lietuvos miestus buvo didžiausias. Priklausomybė nuo psichoaktyviųjų medžiagų nulemia daugelį ne tik medicininių, bet ir psichologinių bei socialinių problemų. Silpni ryšiai su artimaisiais, neigiamas visuomenės požiūris į šiuos asmenis, nedarbas, išsilavinimo stoka, socialinio pobūdžio problemos – tai priežastys, dažniausiai lemiančios asmenų, priklausomų nuo narkotinių medžiagų socialinę atskirtį. Siekiant išvengti narkomanijos sukeliamų padarinių, būtina suteikti sąlygas šiems žmonėms pasveikti ir sugrįžti į pilnavertį gyvenimą. Todėl šiuo magistro darbu buvo siekta atskleisti veiksnius, lemiančius narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį bei jų integracijos į visuomenę galimybes Klaipėdoje. Tuo tikslu buvo iškelta darbo tezė ir dvi hipotezės. Darbo tezė: pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį Klaipėdoje yra ilgalaikis nedarbas, finansinės, kriminalinės, nakvynės, sveikatos problemos, konfliktai su šeima ir aplinkiniais, socialinės integracijos galimybių stoka bei neigiamas visuomenės požiūris. Hipotezės: 1. Ilgalaikis nedarbas labiausiai įtakoja Klaipėdos narkotikų vartotojų socialinę atskirtį. 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / LONG TERM UNEMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION OF DRUG ADDICTS (KLAIPĖDA, 2000-2008) SUMMARY Drug addiction is an especially relevant issue in Klaipėda Port. If reviewing the years 2000-2008, the number of drug users registered in this city had been increasing since the year 2000, and it should be noted that the HIV prevalence rate in 2008 was the highest in comparison with other Lithuanian cities. Addiction to psychoactive substances determines many social problems, not only medical, but also psychological. Weak relations with close relatives, the negative attitude of the society towards these persons, unemployment, lack of education, and problems of social nature are causes that mostly condition the social exclusion of persons addicted to narcotic substances. In order to prevent consequences caused by drug addiction it is necessary to provide for these persons proper conditions to recover and to return to a full-rate life. Therefore, this Master thesis sought to reveal factors determining the social exclusion of drug users and possibilities for their integration into society in Klaipėda. For this purpose there were raised a thesis and two hypotheses. Thesis: main factors determining the social exclusion of drug users in Klaipėda are long-term unemployment, financial, criminal, night-stay and health problems, conflicts with family and the people round about, lack of possibilities for social integration and negative attitude of the society. Hypotheses: 1. Long-term unemployment... [to full text]
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Využívání prostředků ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie místní samosprávou / Utilisation of the financial resources of European structural funds by municipality.Valentová, Kristýna January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of European structural funds, especially it is focused on utilisation of the financial resources of the European Social Fund from 2004 to 2006. The first part of the thesis is a theoretical view of the economics on the regional policy. Following part is a description of the structural funds system and then there is an evaluation of the effectivity of the structural funds on the base of one soft project, which was realized in the Prague by non-profit organization established by Magistrate of Prague. In conclusion I discuss advantages and disadvantages of the European structural funds.
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Srovnání vývoje nezaměstnanosti v České republice a Slovenské republice. / The comparison of the development of unemployment in the Czech Republic and Slovak RepublicLohrová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of unemployment in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, and to find their differences with the main emphasis on the period after accession to the EU and the following effect the by economic crisis. The theoretical part provides the basic aspects related to unemployment, together with the chapter on the current state of knowledge of Czech and Slovak unemployment. At the beginning of the practical part, the development of unemployment in 1993-2003 is outlined, and it is followed by the main part of the work focused on the period 2004-2013. The particular chapters are focused on the accession of the CR and SR to the EU, changes in the structure of the economic status of the population in the labor market, precautious effecting unemployment and especially unemployment development with regard to the economic development of the states. Apart from the overall unemployment rate the attention is focused on the issue of long-term unemployment, the involvement of women, older workers and young job seekers in the labor market. The final part provides a summary of the differences found in the development of unemployment in the CR and SR and their probable causes.
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Oenighet, paradoxer och dilemman : -En jämförande studie av arbetsförmedlares, jobbcoachers och rekryterares förslag på stöd till arbetssökandeJansson, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Long-term unemployment is a social problem that is expected to increase in the coming years because of the on-going recession. Unemployment creates dilemmas both for the individual and society in form of an increased pressure on the individual to be reflexive in their identity and self-development and for society which wants to regulate unemployment and keep it under control. In the regulation letter for the Public employment Service for the year 2023, it was clearly formulated that the authority must work to prevent people from falling into long-term unemployment. The purpose with this study is thru qualitative interviews with —Public employment officers, job coaches and recruitment staff— investigate if the first two´s tips to the unemployed people matches what the recruitment staff really want to see in the applications for example.. The empiric of this study will be analyzed with help of Anthony Giddens theory about the modernity and self-identity with terms like, Ontological security, disembedding and expert systems. The result of this study shows that there are divided meaning both within and between the professions, in what are expected from a unemployed person and how they should put themselves at the market in form of how to use the application documents. What also brings to the light it that it often is bad quality on the application documents. These disagreements and dilemmas that the job seeker encounters challenge its ontological security and can negatively affect them. / Långtidsarbetslöshet är ett samhällsproblem som befaras öka under de närmsta åren till följd av den pågående lågkonjunkturen. Arbetslöshet skapar dilemman både för individ och samhälle i form av en ökad press på individ till reflexivitet i sin identitet och personlig utveckling, och för samhället som vill reglera arbetslösheten och hålla den kontrollerad. I regleringsbrevet för Arbetsförmedlingen inför år 2023 var det tydligt formulerat att myndigheten ska verka för att förhindra att människor hamnar i långtidsarbetslöshet. Syftet med den här studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 3 olika grupper —arbetsförmedlare, jobbcoacher och rekryterare— undersöka om de två förstnämndas råd matchar det rekryterarna säger att de verkligen vill ha.. Empirin analyseras med hjälp av Anthony Giddens teoretiska ramverk kring det senmoderna samhället och självidentitet, med begrepp så som urbäddning, expertsystem och ontologisk trygghet. Resultatet på denna studie visar på att det råder stor oenighet både inom och mellan professionerna i vad som förväntas av en arbetssökande och hur den ska marknadsföra sig själv i form av ansökningshandlingar, men där det också framkommer att det ofta råder dålig kvalité på de ansökningshandlingar man tar emot. Dessa oenigheter och dilemman de arbetssökande stöter på utmanar dess ontologiska trygghet, och kan påverka den arbetssökande negativt.
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Analýza trhu práce na Kutnohorsku / Analysis of Labour Market in District Kutna HoraMusílková, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on labour market flexibility in the Czech Republic and rate of unemployment in the district Kutna Hora. Study is divided into three parts. First main chapter is analyzing the rate of unemployment and its evolution in Kutna Hora. Main employers of the area are mentioned. Second part is referring to the problem of unemployment generally (problem of education, gender, length of unemployment). Third last part is related to the Taiwanese Foxconn Company which was founded in 2008 and has its head office in Kutna Hora and represents the strongest employer in the area. The main purpose of this thesis is to show the impact of Foxconn Company on Czech labour market and the situation of the rate of unemployment in district Kutna Hora between 2005 and 2010. Conclusion part includes a few recommendations.
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