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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Painéis de vedação de concreto moldados in loco: avaliação de desempenho térmico e desenvolvimento de concretos / Cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete: evaluation of thermal performance and development of concrete

Helenice Maria Sacht 28 August 2008 (has links)
A carência habitacional é atualmente um dos maiores desafios urbanos para as políticas públicas das cidades brasileiras e deve impulsionar a busca de soluções tecnológicas para o desenvolvimento de habitações com baixo custo e desempenho satisfatório. Nesse contexto se insere o sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos de concreto moldados in loco. Nesta pesquisa apresenta-se uma proposta de desenvolvimento de concretos destinados ao sistema construtivo de painéis monolíticos moldados in loco, tendo como referencial, além dos requisitos técnicos de trabalhabilidade, resistência mecânica e durabilidade, a influência dos painéis no desempenho térmico das habitações. Com isso, o desenvolvimento dos concretos assim como a definição de espessura do painel de vedação foi realizado, considerando as particularidades das oito diferentes zonas bioclimáticas brasileiras e as tipologias construtivas adotadas pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano (CDHU) e Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). Por meio de simulações computacionais do desempenho térmico de edificações térreas (com laje plana, com laje inclinada e sem laje) e multipavimentos (cobertura e segundo pavimento), avaliaram-se as espessuras dos painéis (8, 10 e 12 cm) e as massas específicas dos concretos (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 e 2400 kg/m³) adequadas em relação às características climáticas das localidades analisadas, utilizando como parâmetro a norma NBR 15575 Edifícios habitacionais de até cinco pavimentos - Desempenho, da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. A partir da avaliação do desempenho térmico das tipologias selecionadas, dentre os concretos e as espessuras de painéis analisadas, observou-se que as tipologias com painéis de concreto com massa específica de 2400 kg/m³ e com espessura de 12 cm foram as que apresentaram os melhores resultados para as oito regiões bioclimáticas analisadas. / Nowadays, the lack of housing has been one of the biggest urban challenges to the Brazilian public policies and should impel the search for technological solutions by the development of housings with low-cost and satisfactory performance. In this context is the constructive system of cast-in-place monolithic panels of concrete. This dissertation presents a proposal for the development of concretes destined to the system having the technical requirements of workability, mechanical resistance and durability, and the influence of the panels peculiarities on the thermal performance of the housings as reference. Herewith, the development of concretes as well as the panels thicknesses definition has been realized, considering the particularities of the eight different Brazilian climate zones, and the constructive typologies used by the Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo (CDHU) and Caixa Econômica Federal (CEF). By means of computational simulations of thermal performance of one-storey (with plane and inclined slabs, and without slab) and multi-storey (last and second floors) constructive typologies, the suitable panels thicknesses (8, 10 and 12 cm) and concretes densities (1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 2400 kg/m³) in relation to the climatic characteristics of the analyzed places were determined, having the standard NBR 15575 Residential buildings up to five storied Performace of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas as parameter. Starting from the evaluation of the thermal performance of the selected typologies, among concretes and panels thickness analyzed, the use of concretes panels with densities of 2400 kg/m³ and thicknesses of 12 cm has been presented better results for the eight Brazilian climate zones.

Low cost housing in township real estate as a catalyst for wealth creation and local economic development : a spatial perspective of townships surrounding Johannesburg

Gunter, Ashley William 04 June 2012 (has links)
D.Litt et Phil. / The number of slums and squatter settlements is rising globally; this is recognised as a significant problem as many of the urban poor find housing in these settlements. With the expanding slum settlements comes a serious problem for many developing nations, that of finding a mechanism to improve these informal developments. These settlements are a symptom of poor urban governance and lack of financial resources causing the urban poor to be pushed into these dwellings and find themselves on the periphery of urban society, not only geographically but socially, economically and legally. Upgrading, integration and legalisation of these housing types is necessary if these peripheral suburbs are to be developed formally. Although many governments have tried top-down approaches of upgrade, these approachs have often failed to produce results as slum upgrades often lead to displacement of the original inhabitants who are ousted into areas even further to the periphery of urban centres. This thesis looks at alternatives to viewing settlements on the urban fringe as a quandary, by using a neoliberal theoretical framework (despite its many flaws), informal property markets in townships in Johannesburg, South Africa can be seen as a catalyst for wealth creation and local economic development. This is particularly important given the historical context of apartheid in South Africa and the segregation of the majority of the population into racially exclusive slums. The post-apartheid government has rallied to improve the lives of this group of poor and dispossessed people with the provision of decent housing a key aspect of this process. A neoliberal framework for economic development was embarked upon in South Africa, with the introduction of neoliberal economic policy (namely GEAR) in 1998, South Africa embarked on a process of reform to encourage market growth. This manifest itself in the ‘Breaking New Ground’ housing policy which adopted a neoliberal stance on Housing provision, and although not removing the role of government in providing low-cost housing, it strives for a market driven housing solution. With a shortage of over 1 million houses in the city, there should be every potential market orientated low-cost housing sector, yet capital within this property sector is often referred to as dead capital with no intrinsic value. This thesis challenges that view by determining the existence of Crisylida capital in township property assets. Crisylida capital is virgining capital in the low-cost property market that could lead to the accumulation of asset capital within this property group, estimated value of Crisylida capital in Johannesburg alone is R6.3 billion. Residents in low-cost housing in Township suburbs in Johannesburg recognise economic value in their dwelling, with only 21% of participants valuing their property at less than R10 000. Further, real estate agents working the township real estate market estimate that just over 50% of properties in these areas are valued at over R200 000. Within this property environment, security of tenure plays an important role in creating not only wealth creation but equally a sense of community ownership. Houses with tenure saw 37% of respondents interested or actively participating in community projects, this compared to 13% of respondents without tenure. This thesis points to a new understanding of low-cost property in Johannesburg, South Africa as a potential market worth billions of Rands that could inject wealth into the hands of marginalised communities. This in turn could assist in fostering sustainable socio-economic urban community within disenfranchised township suburbs.

The provision of low-cost housing in South Africa : a wicked problem with a systems theory solution

Le Roux, Frieda Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / One of the serious problems facing South Africa is that of the provision of adequate low-cost housing for its people. According to Statistics South Africa (2009), 56% of South Africans lived in fully-owned formal dwellings in 2009. Not only does it seem impossible to work away the backlogs, but problems with the standard of construction, location and continuing urbanisation adds to the challenge. International commitments such as the UN’s Millennium Goals put further pressure on government to permanently resolve the issue. Adequate housing is recognised globally as a basic human right. This includes access to running water and sanitation and a safe environment. This study does not aim to investigate, in any way, construction techniques, specific choices of location or other planning-related issues. However, it does try to find a more successful approach to the challenge of the provision of housing given the already stated challenges, combined with, amongst others, the provision of the necessary financing and relevant political processes. The provision of low-cost housing is a wicked problem. This means that it has certain characteristics, including being unique in character and can never be fully resolved. However, within futures studies, systems theory is recognised as one of the more successful ways to address wicked problems. By investigating low-cost housing programmes in Brazil, Argentina and Peru and identifying the elements of systems theory used, it was possible to find pointers to help formulate a set of steps (or actions) to use to address South Africa’s low-cost housing challenge. This research report proposes that, while the challenge of housing provision in a country like South Africa will most probably always be present, it can be alleviated by applying systems thinking to the problem.

Scaling up microfinance institutions : a case study of the Kuyasa Fund

Henwood, Olivia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globally microfinance is recognised as an important tool in addressing poverty and in building the assets of poor people. Housing microfinance is emerging as an important tool for assisting poor people to improve their housing conditions and to build their asset values. However, microfinancial institutions are perpetually dogged by small scale financially unviable operations. This study seeks to identify the factors that must be present to ensure that a microfinance initiative is able to scale up significantly, and further investigates the Kuyasa Fund as an example of a microfinance organisation that is scaling up. The McKinsey 7S model is used to evaluate the Kuyasa Fund’s plans for scaling up and the shared values, strategy, structure, skills, staffing requirements, style and systems of the Kuyasa Fund is examined in determining the scalability of the Kuyasa Fund. Overall Kuyasa have either already addressed the critical factors in determining its growth or it is in the process of addressing those factors. The biggest strengths of the Kuyasa Fund in its growth plans are the cohesive strategy and in the compelling strategic intent that represents its shared values. However in the medium and long term the greatest challenge is located in the long-term financing and transformation of the Kuyasa Fund from a non-profit to a for-profit entity that has equity shareholders. In achieving this transformation Kuyasa would be required to balance its development objectives with the requirements of equity holders, who will require prescribed rates of return. Preventing mission drifts and achieving scale will be the most important tensions to balance. To mitigate these risks and to set clear guidelines for its operations, the Kuyasa board developed clear criteria for the evaluation of equity partners and the board also set a trajectory for the transformation of Kuyasa to a company. The intention of these is to guide the Kuyasa operation towards the milestones that must be reached before conversion and to set the criteria to select partners. The Kuyasa Fund’s path to conversion from a small niche player limited to one province to a national role player, transformed into an equity holding company will present interesting material for learning about scaling up development efforts, and not just for microfinance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikrofinansiering word wêreldwyd erken as ‘n belangrike hulpmiddel in die stryd teen armoede en in die bou van bates vir arm mense. Behuising-mikrofinansiering is besig om as ‘n belangrike instrument na vore te tree om arm mense te help om hul behuisingsomstandighede te verbeter en hul batewaarde op te bou. Mikrofinansieringsinstansies word egter aanhoudend lastig geval deur kleinskaalse besighede wat nie finansieel lewensvatbaar is nie. Hierdie studie poog om die faktore te identifiseer wat teenwoordig moet wees om te verseker dat ‘n mikrofinasieringsinisiatief beduidend kan uitbrei en ondersoek verder die Kuyasa Fund as ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n mikrofinansieringsorganisasie wat tans uitbrei. Die McKinsey 7S-model word gebruik om die Kuyasa Fund se planne vir uitbreiding te evalueer. Die Kuyasa Fund se gedeelde waardes, strategie, struktuur, vaardighede, personeelvereistes, styl en stelsels word ondersoek om die uitbreidingsmoontlikhede van die fonds te bepaal. Oorhoofs het Kuyasa alreeds die kritiese faktore aangespreek wat hul groei bepaal of hulle is in die proses om hierdie faktore aan te spreek. Die grootste sterkpunte van die Kuyasa Fund se uitbreidingsplanne lê in die samehangende strategie en in die gebiedende strategiese rigting wat sy gedeelde waardes verteenwoordig. In die medium- tot langtermyn is die grootste uitdaging geleë in die langtermyn-finansiering en transformasie van die Kuyasa Fund van ‘n niewinsgewende tot ‘n winsgewende entiteit met ekwiteitsaandeelhouers. Ten einde hierdie transformasie deur te gaan, sal van Kuyasa vereis word om sy ontwikkelingsdoelwitte te balanseer met die vereistes van die aandeelhouers, wat hul eie opbrengskoerse sal vereis. Om koersvas hul missie na te streef teenoor die beplande uitbreiding te behaal sal die belangrikste spannings wees om te balanseer. Ten einde hierdie risiko’s te beperk en duidelike riglyne daar te stel vir sy bedrywighede, het die Kuyasa raad duidelike kriteria ontwikkel om ekwiteitsvennote te evalueer. Die raad het ook ‘n vorderingsplan bepaal vir die transformasie van Kuyasa tot ‘n maatskappy. Die bedoeling hiervan is om die Kuyasa bedryf te lei op die pad na mylpale wat bereik moet word voordat omskakeling kan plaasvind en om kriteria daar te stel om vennote te kies. Die Kuyasa Fund se pad na omskakeling van ‘n klein niche speler, beperk tot een provinsie, tot ‘n nasionale rolspeler, wat getransformeer het tot ‘n ekwiteitsmaaskappy sal interessante leergeleenthede bied oor die uitbreiding van ontwikkelingsmaatskappye en nie net op die gebied van mikrofinansiering nie.

Quantifying the environmental dimension of sustainability for the built environment : with a focus on low-cost housing in South Africa

Brewis, Chandre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sustainability is difficult to achieve in a world where population and economic growth leads to increased production of greenhouse gases, resource depletion and waste generation. Today, the environmental dimension of sustainability, which is more commonly known as the natural environment, and the construction industry are two terms often mentioned together. In Europe, 12.4 % of greenhouse gas emissions are induced by the construction and manufacturing industry (Maydl, 2004). Also, 50 % of the resources extracted are used in the construction industry and more than 25 % of waste generated is construction and demolition waste. In South Africa, the building sector accounts for approximately 23 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions (Milford, 2009). Furthermore, 60 % of investment is made in the residential sector where 33 % of the building stock is the focus of the government’s Housing Programme. It is seen that the construction industry significantly impacts the natural environment and the aim should be to reduce this negative impact. Within the local residential sector, the low-cost housing sector presents potential when it comes to sustainable improvements. Each of the three spheres of sustainability, namely economy, natural environment and society, plays a crucial role in this sector. Various studies have been done on the economical and social fields, but little information exists on the impact low-cost houses have on the environment. A need arises to scientifically quantify the environmental impact hereof, therefore it is chosen as the focus of this study. Various methods in order to determine the environmental impact of the built environment exist globally, but they tend to be complex, are used in conjunction with difficult to understand databases and require expensive software. A need for a local quantification method with which to determine the environmental impact of the built environment, more specifically low-cost housing, has been identified. A simple and easy-to-use analysis-orientated quantification method is proposed in this study. The quantification method is compiled with indicators related to the local conditions; these include Emissions, Resource Depletion and Waste Generation. The end objective is to provide the user with an aggregated total value called the Environmental Impact Index to ease comparison of possible alternatives. The quantification method is developed as a mathematical tool in the form of a partial Life Cycle Assessment which can aid in objective decision making during the conception and design phase of a specific project. Note that only the Pre-Use Phase of the building life cycle is considered during the assessment, but can be extended to include the Use Phase and End-of-Life Phase. The proposed method has the capability of calculating and optimising the environmental impact of a building. Regarding low-cost housing, different housing unit designs can be compared in order to select the best alternative. The quantification method is implemented for two low-cost house design types in this study. Firstly, the conventional brick and mortar design is considered whereafter a Light Steel Frame Building is viewed as an alternative. The model implementation demonstrates that the model operates in its supposed manner. Also, Light Steel Frame Building housing units are shown to be worth investigating as an alternative to the conventional brick and mortar design but should be confirmed with a more accurate Life Cycle Assessment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ’n wêreld waar toenemende ekonomiese en bevolkingsgroei veroorsaak dat al hoe meer kweekhuisgasse voortgebring word, hulpbronne uitgeput word en groter hoeveelhede rommel geproduseer word, is dit ’n bykans onbegonne taak om volhoubaarheid te probeer bereik. Volhoubaarheid rakende die natuurlike omgewing en konstruksie is twee terme wat vandag dikwels saam genoem word. Ongeveer 12.4 % van die kweekhuisgasse wat in Europa vrygestel word kom uit die konstruksie- en vervaardigingbedrywe (Maydl, 2004). Die konstruksiebedryf gebruik ook bykans die helfte van hulpbronne wat ontgin word en meer as 25 % van rommel word deur konstruksie of sloping produseer. Die Suid-Afrikaaanse boubedryf is verantwoordelik vir 23 % van die totale hoeveelheid kweekhuisgasse wat die land vrystel. Die behuisingsektor, waar die regering aan die hoof van 33 % van eenhede staan, ontvang 60 % van bestaande beleggings (Milford, 2009). Dit is dus duidelik dat die boubedryf ’n negatiewe impak op die natuurlike omgewing het en dat dit van groot belang is om dié situasie te verbeter. In die behuisingsektor het lae-koste-behuising groot potensiaal as dit kom by volhoubaarheid. Volhoubaarheid bestaan uit drie sfere: ekonomie, natuurlike omgewing en sosiaal, en al drie speel ’n betekenisvolle rol in lae-koste-behuising. Daar is reeds verskeie studies aangepak om die ekonomiese en sosiale sfere te beskryf, maar daar is steeds min inligting beskikbaar oor die omgewingsimpak van ’n lae-koste-huis. Dit laat die behoefte ontstaan om hierdie impak te kwantifiseer. Bestaande metodes wat wêreldwyd gebruik word om ʼn omgewingsimpak te bepaal is dikwels besonder kompleks en benodig duur sagteware tesame met ingewikkelde databasisse om dit te implementeer. ’n Behoefte aan ’n plaaslike kwantifiseringsmetode is geïdentifiseer. Hierdie studie stel ’n eenvoudige, gebruikersvriendelike kwantifiseringsmetode bekend. Dit word saamgestel uit faktore wat verband hou met die plaaslike omgewing: Uitlaatgasse, Hulpbronuitputting en Rommelvervaardiging. Uiteindelik word ’n saamgestelde waarde, wat die Omgewingsimpak-indeks genoem word, bereken om vergelyking te vergemaklik. Hierdie kwantifiseringsmetode word aan die hand van ’n gedeeltelike lewenssiklus-analise as ’n wiskundige hulpmiddel ontwikkel. Slegs die eerste fase van ’n gebou se lewenssiklus word beskou tydens hierdie studie, maar dit is moontlik om die ander twee fases in te sluit. Die voorgestelde metode het die vermoë om die omgewingsimpak te bereken en ook te optimeer. Tydens die ontwerpsfase, wanneer belangrike besluite geneem moet word, kan so ’n hulpmiddel van enorme waarde wees om die beste opsie uit verskillende alternatiewe te help identifiseer. Die studie beskou twee tipes behuisingseenhede vir die doel van implementering van die kwantifiseringsmetode: die konvensionele baksteen en mortel metode en alternatiewelik ’n ligte staalraamwerk-gebou. Tydens implementering van die voorgestelde metode, demonstreer die model dat dit werk soos dit veronderstel is om te funksioneer. Verder is getoon dat ’n ligte staalraamwerk-gebou ’n waardevolle alternatief is om te ondersoek, maar dit moet liefs met ’n meer akkurate lewenssiklus-analise bevestig word.

Desempenho térmico de habitações populares em Alagoas: alternativas para adequação climática / Thermal performance popular housing in Alagoas: alternatives to climate adequacy

Torres, Daniela de Araújo 19 March 2015 (has links)
The thermal performance is an important factor to be studied regarding habitability conditions in the built environment, as it directly affects the individuals life quality. The lowincome population, which can't afford artificial air conditioning systems depends on project adapted to the weather maintenance costs require with efficient thermal conditioning passive strategies. The popular housing units built under the Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) federal government programme follow a similar constructive and architectural pattern, despite the diversity of sites in which the buildings are located, resulting in unsuitable thermal environments inside buildings. Thus, new models are proposed adapteding the Model Base, PMCMV standard, using passive strategies, such as natural ventilation, thermal mass and evaporative cooling in order to obtain quantitative results of the thermal performance of a housing unity in different climates of the state of Alagoas, considering the cities: Maceio (east), Palmeira dos Índios (western) and Pão de Açúcar (backlands), ranging from warm and humid to hot and dry climate. Through qualitative studies and using computer simulation method with the Energyplus software. 8.1 it assessed the thermal performance of models, design in accordance with the recommended strategies for each region. It assessed as evaluation criterion the number of degree-hours of discomfort based on a pre-set operative comfort temperature inside of the house rooms. A comparative analysis is then carried out, identifying the best models for each city studied from the point of view of thermal performance. Results showed that the adoption of hybrid strategy yielded a better performance. The adapted model 3E, which includes natural ventilation strategy, thermal mass and evaporative cooling achieved the best results, with a reduction of more than 50% of the total degree-hour discomfort regarding the Base Model, MCMV pattern, in the three cities. The adapted model V_MT (ventilation and thermal mass) had the smallest reduction, less than 15%, in Palmeira dos Índios and Pão de Açúcar, where it was simulated. / O desempenho térmico é um importante fator a ser estudado para que condições de habitabilidade sejam alcançadas no ambiente construído, pois interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. A população de baixa renda, que não possui condições financeiras para adquirir e usufruir de sistemas artificiais de condicionamento de ar, depende de um projeto adaptado ao clima, com estratégias de condicionamento térmico passivas. As unidades habitacionais populares construídas no âmbito do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) do governo federal seguem um padrão construtivo com pouca diferenciação arquitetônica, apesar da diversidade de locais no qual é implantado, resultando em ambientes termicamente inadequados. Deste modo são propostos novos modelos adaptados ao Modelo Base, padrão PMCMV, utilizando estratégias passivas de condicionamento térmico, como ventilação natural, massa térmica e resfriamento evaporativo, a fim de obter resultados quantitativos do comportamento da edificação nas diferentes realidades climáticas do estado de Alagoas, considerando as cidades: Maceió (leste), Palmeira dos Índios (agreste) e Pão de Açúcar (sertão), variando do clima quente e úmido ao semiárido. Através de estudos qualitativos e utilizando o método de simulação computacional, com o emprego do software Energyplus v. 8.1 é avaliado o desempenho térmico dos modelos adaptados, com as estratégias recomendadas para cada região. O critério de avaliação adotado foi o número de graus-horas de desconforto por calor, em função do limite de conforto pré-estabelecido para a temperatura operativa verificada no interior dos ambientes. É realizada então, uma análise comparativa, identificando qual o modelo mais apropriado para cada cidade estudada, sob o ponto de vista do desempenho térmico. Os resultados mostraram que a adoção de estratégias híbridas proporcionou um melhor desempenho para os modelos. O modelo adaptado 3E, o qual inclui a estratégia de ventilação natural, massa térmica e resfriamento evaporativo obteve os melhores resultados, com uma redução em mais de 50% do somatório do graus-hora de desconforto por calor, em relação ao Modelo Base, padrão MCMV, nas três cidades. O modelo adaptado V_MT (ventilação e massa térmica) obteve a menor redução, com menos de 15% no somatório de graus-hora, nas cidades de Palmeira dos Índios e Pão de Açúcar, onde foi simulado.

Pour un habitat écoresponsable de qualité et financièrement accessible en Saône-et-Loire / For an eco-responsible quality and affordable housing in Saône-et-Loire

Chamodot, Mathilde 01 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche doctorale interroge l'accessibilité sociale et économique au logement. Il est centré sur une recherche prospective de nouvelles formes et de nouveaux modes de production d'habitat écoresponsable qui privilégient un développement local. La question de l'habitat est centrale dans une société où l'accès de tous à un logement de qualité devient de plus en plus difficile et où le secteur de la construction doit évoluer pour réduire son empreinte écologique. À l'instar de la France, la Saône-et-Loire est confrontée à des enjeux sociaux, économiques, culturels et environnementaux complexes et en évolution, auxquels elle doit s'adapter pour garantir un développement durable sur son territoire. Dans le domaine de l'habitat, ceci oblige à explorer de nouvelles solutions en termes de formes et de modes de production. Dans un premier temps, une analyse des enjeux, potentiels et freins du territoire a été menée, basée sur des enquêtes de terrain croisées avec des références extérieures. Au regard de cette phase exploratoire s'est fondée une réflexion prospective pour comprendre et éclairer les possibles, faire émerger des pistes stratégiques, urbanistiques, architecturales ou constructives. Cette recherche a saisi l'opportunité d'une demande de réflexion de la part d'élus du département. Elle vise à constituer une aide à la décision pour l'orientation des politiques territoriales locales avec un regard d'architecte sur les nouvelles pensées du logement accessible. Elle contribue également à mettre en place une démarche pour mieux se saisir de la question de l'habitat et du développement d'un territoire, qui pourrait être applicable à d'autres situations. / The main purpose of this Ph D research is to cross-examine social and economical accessibility to housing. It focuses on a prospective study for new production modes and forms of eco-responsible housing that privileges a local development. Housing is a main issue in a society where it is increasingly difficult to access to a quality accommodation, and where the construction sector still has to evolve for reducing its ecological footprint. Like France, the French department of Saône-et-Loire is facing more complex and evolving social, economical, cultural and environmental issues, with which it must deal to warrant a sustainable development on its territory. In the housing field, this challenge forces to explore new solutions in terms of forms and production ways. At first stage, an analysis of the territory stakes, potentials and brakes has been done, based on field surveys crossed with external references. With regard to this explorative stage, a forwarding thinking was carried out to understand and throw light on possibilities in terms of strategic trends for town planning, architecture or construction. This research jumped at the opportunity of a reflexion request from some elected representatives of the department. It aims to set up a decision-making support for territorial policies according an architect point of view on affordable housing. It also contributes to set up an approach for better seizing housing and territorial development issues, which could be applicable to other situations.

Saudosa Maloca, Maloca querida: um estudo morfol?gico da rela??o forma/usos do espa?o em moradias autoconstru?das e constru?das pelo poder p?blico ap?s um ano de ocupa??o

Farias, Suerda Ivanete Gomes de 05 April 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:56:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SuerdaIGF_Da_capa_ate_anexo_3.pdf: 4609775 bytes, checksum: 76bb503cd58d38cebe33a2cbf1826bf9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-04-05 / This study intends to enhance the existing knowledge concerning the patterns of the uses of space for low cost housing in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, by way of comparative morphological studies in spatial arrangements and articulations regarding three distinct, however inter-related, sets of social housing: (1) a development comprising 21 self-built houses erected on public routes and illegal plots within a tract of land originally designed to be an industrial development: (2) architect-designed houses built by the public authority in order to accommodate the previous 21 (plus a few additions) families occupying the self-built dwellings, and (3) modifications performed by dwellers on a total of those 24 houses built by the public authority after an occupation period of one year. The predominant uses of each room within the self-built and modified houses were represented in ground plan, based on empirical observation, surveys with dwellers and the use of analytical procedures of morphologic analysis of nature predominantly geometric (specific) and topology (space syntax analysis). A scale of priorities was identified in relation to the uses of each room, its geometrical arrangement (adjacency, front/back relations etc), and underlying structures (connectivity, depth and spatial integration) in order to establish congruencies and non-congruencies between a social-cultural order embedded in the self-built domestic space and the design logic contained in the houses offered by official agencies. The comparative analysis points towards the convivial existence of two tendencies: one that seems to reinforce a design logic inasmuch as the additions and modifications performed by the dwellers do not alter but even emphasize the original configuration of the designed houses, and another one in which those patterns are subverted in accordance with a logic which, to a lesser or greater degree, coincides with that of the self-built dwellings / O trabalho que se prop?e apresentar visa ampliar o conhecimento sobre modos de apropria??o e usos do espa?o em moradias de baixo custo em Parnamirim, RN, atrav?s de estudo morfol?gico comparativo dos arranjos e articula??es espaciais em tr?s casos de manifesta??es configuracionais distintas, mas inter-relacionadas, de habita??o social: (1) um conjunto de 21 moradias autoconstru?das em vias e terrenos irregulares de loteamento inicialmente projetado para parque industrial; (2) a casa projetada por profissional arquiteto e constru?da pelo poder p?blico para abrigar as 21 (e outras) fam?lias ocupantes das moradias autoconstru?das; e (3) altera??es realizadas pelos moradores nas casas constru?das pelo poder p?blico, ap?s um ano de ocupa??o, no total de 24 casas. Foram representados, em planta baixa, os usos predominantes de cada ambiente componente das moradias autoconstru?das e casas novas-transformadas, atrav?s de observa??es emp?ricas e de entrevistas com os moradores, e aplicados procedimentos de an?lise morfol?gica de natureza predominantemente geom?trica (espec?ficos) e topol?gica (an?lise sint?tica do espa?o). Buscou-se identificar uma escala de prioridades quanto ? disponibilidade e usos de cada ambiente, seu arranjo (rela??es de adjac?ncias, frente/fundos etc) e a estrutura subjacente a esses arranjos (conectividade, profundidade e integra??o espacial) visando estabelecer congru?ncias e incongru?ncias entre a l?gica sociocultural embutida no espa?o dom?stico autoconstru?do e a l?gica projetual das casas oferecidas pelo poder p?blico. A an?lise comparativa aponta a conviv?ncia de duas tend?ncias: uma que parece refor?ar a l?gica projetual, na medida em que os acr?scimos e mudan?as feitos pelos moradores n?o alteram, antes intensificam, os padr?es de arranjo e configura??o original das casas projetadas; e outra na qual esses padr?es s?o subvertidos segundo uma l?gica que se aproxima, em menor ou maior grau, das moradias autoconstru?das

An analysis of quality assurance in low-cost housing construction

Wentzel, Lance January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Construction Management ))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010 / The motivation of the public sector is more social and political. The housing crisis is a major political issue for every ruling party. In many countries there are political commitments to housing, but sadly we witness this commitment being misdirected. Every government wants to see that its citizens are housed adequately. Very often it is seen that in its endeavour, government try to follow the private sector process, establishing huge parastatals to carry out the whole process, for example design, construction and financing (Lankatilleke, 1994). Lankatilleke, L. (1994) further mentions that mass produced public sector housing schemes are aesthetic disasters. They are either rows of match-boxes or high-rise blocks with no identity or individuality. There are numerous examples of such housing schemes that have deteriorated into ghettos. This research consequently presents findings which implies that government is being pressurized by the housing backlog within the Western and Eastern Cape, which brings about time constraints and tight budgets. These pressures are transferred to the design teams which need to speedily produce designs for low-cost housing homes within the best possible budget. This results to the implementation of common model designs. It is also founded that contractors ultimately suffer, due to these pressures which do not allow them to produce good quality homes. It is therefore recommended that better community involvement for sustainable methods in the design and construction process should be practiced. This therefore concludes that government should take more responsibility for the delivery processes of low-cost housing as well as the procurement and quality systems to be followed.

The health and sanitation status of specific low-cost housing communities as contrasted with those occupying backyard dwellings in the city of Cape Town, South Africa

Govender, Thashlin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa embarked on an ambitious program to rehouse the informally housed poor. These initiatives were formerly called the RDP and later the BNG programmes. This was aimed at improving the living conditions of the urban poor and consequently their health and poverty status. These low-cost houses were quickly augmented by backyard shacks in almost all settlements. The present study is an epidemiological assessment of the health and sanitation status of inhabitants of specific low cost housing communities in the City of Cape Town as contrasted with those occupying ‘backyard dwellings’ on the same premises. The study was undertaken in four low-cost housing communities identified within the City. A health and housing evaluation, together with dwelling inspections were carried out in 336 randomly selected dwellings accommodating 1080 inhabitants from Tafelsig, Masipumelela, Driftsands and Greenfields. In addition, the microbiological pollution of surface run-off water encountered in these settlements was assessed by means of Escherichia coli levels (as found by ColilertTM Defined Substrate Technology) as an indication of environmental health hazards. The study population was classified as ‘young’ - 43% of the study population was aged 20 years or younger. Almost a third of households were headed by a single-parent female. In all four communities combined, 47.3% of households received one or other form of social grant. At the time of inspection 58% of the toilets on the premises were non-operational, while all the houses showed major structural damage - 99% of homeowners reported not being able to afford repairs to their homes. In 32% of dwellings one or more cases of diarrhoea were reported during the two weeks preceding the survey. Five percent of the participants willingly disclosed that they were HIV positive, while 11% reported being TB positive (one of them Multiple Drug Resistant TB). None of the HIV positive or TB positive persons was on any treatment. The E. coli levels of the water on the premises or sidewalks varied from 750 to 1 580 000 000 organisms per 100 ml of water - thus confirming gross faecal pollution of the environment. Improvements in health intended by the re-housing process did not materialise for the recipients of low-cost housing in this study. The health vulnerability of individuals in these communities has considerable implications for the health services. Sanitation failures, infectious disease pressure and environmental pollution in these communities represent a serious public health risk. The densification caused by backyard shacks also has municipal service implications and needs to be better managed. Policies on low-cost housing for the poor need realignment to cope with the realities of backyard densification so that state-funded housing schemes can deliver the improved health that was envisaged at its inception. This is in fact a national problem affecting almost all of the state funded housing communities in South Africa. Public health and urban planning need to bridge the divide between these two disciplines in order to improve the health inequalities facing the urban poor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is besig met 'n ambisieuse program om diegene wat in informele behuising woon te hervestig. Hierdie inisiatiewe is voorheen die HOP en tans die “BNG” programme genoem. Hierdie hervestigingsprogramme is gemik daarop om die lewensomstandighede van die stedelike armes en dus hulle gesondheid- en armoedestatus te verbeter. Hierdie laekoste huise is algou in byna alle nedersettings aangevul deur krotwonings in die agterplase. Die huidige studie is 'n epidemiologiese beoordeling van die gesondheid en sanitasiestatus van inwoners van spesifieke laekoste behuisingsgemeenskappe in die Stad Kaapstad in vergelyking met diegene wat krotwonings op dieselfde erwe bewoon. Die studie is onderneem in vier laekoste-behuising gemeenskappe geselekteer in die stadsgebied. 'n Gesondheid- en behuisingevaluasie tesame met 'n inspeksie van elke woning is uitgevoer in 336 ewekansig geselekteerde wonings wat 1080 inwoners gehuisves het. Die woonbuurte was Tafelsig, Masipumelela, Driftsands en Greenfields. Mikrobiologiese besoedelingsvlakke van oppervlak-afloopwater in hierdie gemeenskappe is bepaal deur middel van die bepaling van Escherichia coli vlakke (met behulp van ColilertTM Gedefinieerde Substraat Tegnologie) as aanduiding van gesondheidsgevare in die omgewing. Die studiepopulasie is as ‘jonk’ geklassifiseer - 43% was 20 jaar of jonger. Amper een-derde van die huishoudings het 'n enkelouer-vrou aan die hoof gehad. In al vier gemeenskappe gesamentlik het 47.3% van die huishoudings die een of ander vorm van maatskaplike toelae ontvang. Tydens inspeksie is 58% van die toilette op die erwe as "nie-funksioneel" bevind, terwyl al die huise substansiële strukturele skade getoon het - 99% van die huiseienaars het gerapporteer dat hulle nie herstelwerk aan hulle huise kan bekostig nie. In 32% van die wonings is daar een of meer gevalle van diarree gedurende die voorafgaande twee weke voor die opname gerapporteer. Vyf persent van die deelnemers het vrywillig gerapporteer dat hulle HIV positief was terwyl 11% gerapporteer het dat hulle TB positief was (een was Veelvuldige Middelweerstandige TB). Nie een van die HIV positiewe of TB positiewe persone was op enige behandeling nie. Die E. coli vlakke van die water op die erwe of sypaadjies het gewissel vanaf 750 to 1 580 000 000 organismes per 100 ml water - wat erge fekale besoedeling van die omgewing bevestig het. Die verbetering in gesondheid wat deur die hervestigingsproses voorsien is, het nie gematerialiseer vir die ontvangers van die laekoste-behuising in hierdie studie nie. Die kwesbaarheid van die gesondheid van die individue in hierdie gemeenskappe hou groot implikasies vir gesondheidsdienste in. Sanitasiefalings, infektiewe siektedruk en omgewingsbesoedeling hou groot openbare gesondheidsrisiko in. Die verdigting wat deur agterplaaskrotte meegebring word asook die gevolge vir munisipale dienste benodig beter bestuur. Beleide oor laekoste-behuising vir armes kort herbeplanning om die realiteite wat saamgaan met verdigting deur agterplaaskrotte te kan hanteer sodat die verwagte verbetering in gesondheid kan materialiseer. Hierdie is inderwaarheid 'n nasionale probleem wat omtrent alle staatsbefondste laekoste-behuising gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika affekteer. Openbare gesondheid en stadsbeplanning behoort die skeiding tussen hierdie twee dissiplines te oorbrug om sodoende die ongelyke gesondheidstatus van die stedelike armes aan te spreek.

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