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Respostas de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) submetidos a estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade / Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stressSardinha, Elissena Chinaglia Zabotto 30 November 2010 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. A toxicidade por alumínio, que ocorre apenas a pH baixo, tem sido extensamente investigada, enquanto o estresse causado pelo pH baixo tem recebido pouca atenção. Os estudos nesta área quase sempre presumem efeitos aditivos, e portanto independentes, da toxicidade por Al3+ e H+. Este provavelmente não é o caso, sendo que o pH baixo pode ser um fator de predisposição das células ao Al3+. As evidências indicam que o pH baixo causa desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, gerando estresse que pode comprometer a sua funcionalidade e integridade. É provável que a susceptibilidade a este estresse deve ser dependente da pressão de turgor. Por sua vez, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede celular podem modular a sua extensibilidade por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeo. Há grande interesse em se conhecer se, à semelhança do que ocorre em leveduras, as células vegetais possuem um sistema de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede. Os pêlos radiculares em crescimento são sensíveis a pH baixo e estresse hipo-osmótico e constituem um bom modelo experimental para estes estudos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Otimizar um sistema experimental para o estudo de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom); b) Avaliar as respostas dos pêlos radiculares ao estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade; c) Examinar o papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular nestas respostas; e d) Avaliar a resposta de diferentes mutantes hormonais de Micro-Tom a estes fatores de estresse. Os principais parâmetros avaliados foram a taxa de alongamento (µm.min-1) e a freqüência de rompimento dos pêlos. Tanto o estresse por pH baixo quanto choques hipo-osmóticos resultaram em taxas de alongamento significativamente diminuídos e o rompimento de pêlos radiculares, mas os efeitos dos tratamentos hipo-osmóticos foram mais marcantes. Uma curva de resposta frente à osmolaridade da solução externa revelou que a taxa de alongamento aumentou com a diminuição da osmolaridade até alcançar um limiar em que houve redução drástica da taxa de alongamento e começou-se a observar o rompimento de pêlos. Também se observou uma interação entre hipo-osmolaridade e pH baixo. O emprego do inibidor difenileno iodônio não forneceu evidências do envolvimento de NADPH oxidases da membrana plasmática na resposta de pêlos radiculares a choque hipo-osmótico ou pH baixo. Já no caso do inibidor ácido salicilhidroxâmico, encontrou-se evidências do envolvimento de peroxidases da parede. Nos mutantes hormonais dgt (pouco sensível a auxina) e epi (super produtor de etileno), mas não em not (deficiente em ácido abscísico), os pêlos radiculares apresentaram uma melhor resposta de ajustamento a choque hipo-osmótico do que Micro-Tom, reduzindo o alongamento e o rompimento dos pêlos. Este trabalho fornece fortes evidências de que os pêlos radiculares possuem um mecanismo de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede visando à manutenção de sua integridade e que apresentam bom potencial como sistema modelo nesta linha de pesquisa / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, whereas low pH stress has received much less attention. Studies on Al3+ and H+ toxicity make the underlying assumption that the effects of these stress factors are additive, and, therefore independent of each other. However, this is most likely not the case and low pH may be a factor which increases susceptibility to further injury by Al3+. There is evidence that low pH causes disruption in cell wall structure of growing cells, which might jeopardize cell wall functionality and integrity. It is likely that turgor pressure plays an important role in cell wall stress caused by low pH. The apoplastic metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by making or breaking bonds within and between cell wall polysaccharides. A major question is whether, similarly to yeast, plant cells have a cell wall integrity signaling and response system. Growing root hairs are sensitive to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress and are potentially good experimental systems for such investigations. The objectives of this study were: a) Optimize an experimental system to examine tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs; b) Examine the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress; c) Examine the role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in these responses; and d) Evaluate the response of different hormonal mutants of Micro-Tom to these stress factors. Root hair elongation rates (µm.min-1) and the frequency of cell bursting were the major experimental parameters which were evaluated. Both low pH and, more markedly, hypo-osmotic stress caused significant reductions in elongation rates and the bursting of root hair tips. In a response curve to varying osmolarities of the external medium, root hair elongation rates increased with decreasing osmolarities until a threshold was reached and elongation rates decreased drastically and the bursting of root hairs began to be observed. Interactions between low pH and hypo-osmolarity were observed. The use of the inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (DPI) did not provide evidence for the involvement of plasma membrane NADPH in the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic shock. However, a role for cell wall peroxidases was provided by use of the inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). Root hairs of the hormonal mutants dgt (low sensitivity to auxin) and epi (ethylene super producer), but not not (deficient in abscisic acid), displayed a more effective response to hypo-osmotic shock than Micro-Tom, by decreasing elongation rates and cell bursting to a greater degree. This study provides strong evidence to suggest that root hairs have a cell wall integrity response system and that root hairs are potentially good cell model systems for such research
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Charakterisierung von Viridans-Streptokokken in kariösem Dentin durch biochemische Identifizierung, MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse und speziesspezifische PCRsThiel, Juliane 28 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurde bei 27 Patienten, die klinische Zeichen der Karies, aber keine pulpitischen Symptome zeigten, kariöses Dentin mit Hilfe eines sterilen Exkavators entnommen. Das durchschnittliche Alter der Patienten beträgt 41 Jahre und der Durchschnittswert des DMF-T-Index 12,5. Die Untersuchungsgruppe bestand zu 55,5 % aus männlichen Probanden sowie zu 44 % aus Rauchern. Nach Isolierung von 107 Reinkulturen aus den Patientenproben erfolgte die Identifizierung der oralen Streptokokken mittels eines mikrobiologischen Standardtests (RapidID-32Strep der Firma BioMérieux) und MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse. Parallel wurden speziesspezifische PCRs der Dentinproben für S. sanguinis, S. constellatus, S. intermedius, S. anginosus, S. mutans, S. salivarius, S. oralis, S. mitis, S. gordonii und S. parasanguinis durchgeführt. Mittels MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse konnten insgesamt sechs verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken in den Dentinproben nachgewiesen werden. Am häufigsten kamen Vertreter der Mitis-Gruppe vor (in 89 % der Dentinproben), gefolgt von S. gordonii und S. sanguinis (zu 52 % und 26 % vertreten). Die MALDI-TOF-MS-Methode erwies sich als geeignetere der mit Kultivierung verbundenen Nachweismethoden. Ihre Ergebnisse wurden durch selektive PCRs einzelner Subkulturen und DNA-Sequenzierung bestätigt. Mittels der speziesspezifischen PCRs der Dentinspäne wurden zehn verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken identifiziert. Vertreter der Mutans-Gruppe wurden so zu durchschnittlich 44 %, S. salivarius zu 37 % nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich ein signifikantes Vorkommen von S. anginosus in Proben, die ebenfalls S. mutans enthielten (p= 0,00213). Alle drei Verfahren sind zur Untersuchung klinischer Proben geeignet, wobei die MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse die genaueste Differenzierung auf Speziesebene ermöglicht. Die Non-Mutans-Streptokokken S. oralis, S. gordonii und S. anginosus scheinen die Mikroflora von kariösem Dentin zu dominieren. Sie übertrafen in der vorliegenden Arbeit in ihrem Vorkommen S. mutans in mehr als der Hälfte der untersuchten Proben. Diese Beobachtung stützt die erweiterte ökologische Plaquehypothese.
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Respostas de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) submetidos a estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade / Response of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stressElissena Chinaglia Zabotto Sardinha 30 November 2010 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. A toxicidade por alumínio, que ocorre apenas a pH baixo, tem sido extensamente investigada, enquanto o estresse causado pelo pH baixo tem recebido pouca atenção. Os estudos nesta área quase sempre presumem efeitos aditivos, e portanto independentes, da toxicidade por Al3+ e H+. Este provavelmente não é o caso, sendo que o pH baixo pode ser um fator de predisposição das células ao Al3+. As evidências indicam que o pH baixo causa desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, gerando estresse que pode comprometer a sua funcionalidade e integridade. É provável que a susceptibilidade a este estresse deve ser dependente da pressão de turgor. Por sua vez, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede celular podem modular a sua extensibilidade por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeo. Há grande interesse em se conhecer se, à semelhança do que ocorre em leveduras, as células vegetais possuem um sistema de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede. Os pêlos radiculares em crescimento são sensíveis a pH baixo e estresse hipo-osmótico e constituem um bom modelo experimental para estes estudos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Otimizar um sistema experimental para o estudo de pêlos radiculares de tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom); b) Avaliar as respostas dos pêlos radiculares ao estresse por pH baixo e hipo-osmolaridade; c) Examinar o papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular nestas respostas; e d) Avaliar a resposta de diferentes mutantes hormonais de Micro-Tom a estes fatores de estresse. Os principais parâmetros avaliados foram a taxa de alongamento (µm.min-1) e a freqüência de rompimento dos pêlos. Tanto o estresse por pH baixo quanto choques hipo-osmóticos resultaram em taxas de alongamento significativamente diminuídos e o rompimento de pêlos radiculares, mas os efeitos dos tratamentos hipo-osmóticos foram mais marcantes. Uma curva de resposta frente à osmolaridade da solução externa revelou que a taxa de alongamento aumentou com a diminuição da osmolaridade até alcançar um limiar em que houve redução drástica da taxa de alongamento e começou-se a observar o rompimento de pêlos. Também se observou uma interação entre hipo-osmolaridade e pH baixo. O emprego do inibidor difenileno iodônio não forneceu evidências do envolvimento de NADPH oxidases da membrana plasmática na resposta de pêlos radiculares a choque hipo-osmótico ou pH baixo. Já no caso do inibidor ácido salicilhidroxâmico, encontrou-se evidências do envolvimento de peroxidases da parede. Nos mutantes hormonais dgt (pouco sensível a auxina) e epi (super produtor de etileno), mas não em not (deficiente em ácido abscísico), os pêlos radiculares apresentaram uma melhor resposta de ajustamento a choque hipo-osmótico do que Micro-Tom, reduzindo o alongamento e o rompimento dos pêlos. Este trabalho fornece fortes evidências de que os pêlos radiculares possuem um mecanismo de percepção e resposta a estresse da parede visando à manutenção de sua integridade e que apresentam bom potencial como sistema modelo nesta linha de pesquisa / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, whereas low pH stress has received much less attention. Studies on Al3+ and H+ toxicity make the underlying assumption that the effects of these stress factors are additive, and, therefore independent of each other. However, this is most likely not the case and low pH may be a factor which increases susceptibility to further injury by Al3+. There is evidence that low pH causes disruption in cell wall structure of growing cells, which might jeopardize cell wall functionality and integrity. It is likely that turgor pressure plays an important role in cell wall stress caused by low pH. The apoplastic metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by making or breaking bonds within and between cell wall polysaccharides. A major question is whether, similarly to yeast, plant cells have a cell wall integrity signaling and response system. Growing root hairs are sensitive to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress and are potentially good experimental systems for such investigations. The objectives of this study were: a) Optimize an experimental system to examine tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) root hairs; b) Examine the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic stress; c) Examine the role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in these responses; and d) Evaluate the response of different hormonal mutants of Micro-Tom to these stress factors. Root hair elongation rates (µm.min-1) and the frequency of cell bursting were the major experimental parameters which were evaluated. Both low pH and, more markedly, hypo-osmotic stress caused significant reductions in elongation rates and the bursting of root hair tips. In a response curve to varying osmolarities of the external medium, root hair elongation rates increased with decreasing osmolarities until a threshold was reached and elongation rates decreased drastically and the bursting of root hairs began to be observed. Interactions between low pH and hypo-osmolarity were observed. The use of the inhibitor diphenylene iodonium (DPI) did not provide evidence for the involvement of plasma membrane NADPH in the response of root hairs to low pH and hypo-osmotic shock. However, a role for cell wall peroxidases was provided by use of the inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). Root hairs of the hormonal mutants dgt (low sensitivity to auxin) and epi (ethylene super producer), but not not (deficient in abscisic acid), displayed a more effective response to hypo-osmotic shock than Micro-Tom, by decreasing elongation rates and cell bursting to a greater degree. This study provides strong evidence to suggest that root hairs have a cell wall integrity response system and that root hairs are potentially good cell model systems for such research
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Evolution physico-chimique des liants bas PH hydratés : influence de la température et mécanisme de rétention des alcalins / Physico-chemical evolution of low-pH cements : influence of the temperature and the retention mechanisme of alkalinsBach, Thi thuy ha 16 November 2010 (has links)
Dans un site de stockage profond de déchets radioactifs, l’utilisation de matériaux à base de ciment Portland en association avec de l’argile pourrait se révéler inadaptée en raison de leur forte alcalinité. Une alternative serait de mettre en œuvre des ciments générant des solutions interstitielles de pH réduit (de l’ordre de 11 au lieu de 13,5 pour un CEM I). Les formulations étudiées dans cette thèse font appel à des ciments composés (également appelés « liant bas pH ») élaborés à partir de mélanges binaires (CEM I / fumée de silice) ou ternaires (CEM I / fumée de silice / cendres volantes ou laitier), avec de forts taux de substitution du CEM I (de 30% à 80%). Le travail réalisé répond à un double objectif : (i) étudier l’évolution chimique des liants bas pH à 50°C ou 80°C, températures qui pourraient être rencontrées dans certaines zones du stockage, et (ii) préciser les mécanismes à l’origine de la bonne rétention des alcalins par ces liants hydratés. (i) Le suivi sur une période d’un an de pâtes de liant bas pH montre que l’accroissement de la température de 20 à 80°C accélère l’hydratation des liants et favorise la consommation de la portlandite. L’allongement et la réticulation des chaînes de silicates des C-A-S-H est mise en évidence par RMN de l’27Al et du 29Si. L’ettringite observée dans les pâtes conservées à 20°C est par ailleurs déstabilisée. Les sulfates ainsi relâchés sont pour partie adsorbés sur les C-A-S-H et dissous dans la solution interstitielle. Le pH de cette dernière est réduit de 1,7 à 2,2 unités selon les formulations. En revanche, les fractions solubles d’alcalins n’évoluent pas de façon importante. Le liant ternaire T1 composé de 37,5% de CEM I, 32,5% de fumée de silice et 30% de cendres volantes est le seul des ciments étudiés à conduire à un pH de solution interstitielle inférieur à 11 aux trois températures considérées (20, 50 et 80°C - échéances 6 mois et 1 an). Son évolution à plus long terme a pu être simulée à l’aide de systèmes modèles reproduisant sa composition chimique à partir d’oxydes réactifs. A l’équilibre thermodynamique, l’assemblage minéralogique est constitué de C-A-S-H (rapports Ca/Si et Al/Si de 0,75 et 0,15 respectivement) ainsi que d’hydroxyde d’aluminium et de silice amorphes, et il impose un pH de 10,3 à 20°C. (ii) Ce sont les C-A-S-H qui jouent le rôle essentiel dans la rétention des alcalins. Le mécanisme mis en jeu est celui d’une compensation des charges négatives des C-A-S-H par interaction électrostatique. Il existe une sélectivité de sorption : le potassium est mieux retenu que le sodium. Celle-ci pourrait être attribuée en première approche à la différence de rayon solvaté entre ces ions. Une modélisation Monte Carlo des interactions électrostatiques entre des particules de C-S-H et un électrolyte contenant des ions sodium et potassium montre cependant que cette hypothèse ne suffit pas à elle seule à expliquer la sélectivité observée expérimentalement. / Because of their high alkalinity, Portland cement (OPC)-based materials may have deleterious effects in an underground waste repository. A solution would be to use low-alkalinity cements (also referred as low-pH cements) generating interstitial solutions with a reduced pH (11 instead of 13.5 for OPC), and thus showing an improved chemical compatibility with the repository environment. In this work, the investigated formulations were based on binary (OPC / silica fume) or ternary (OPC / silica fume / slag or fly ash) blends, with high substitution levels of CEM I (from 30% to 80%). This research project met two main objectives: (i) study the chemical evolution of low-pH cements at 50°C or 80°C, since such temperatures could be encoutered in certain zones of the waste repositories, and (ii) determine the mechanisms of alkali retention by hydrated low-pH cements. (i) Investigation of low-pH cement pastes with ongoing hydration over one year showed that increasing the temperature from 20°C to 80°C accelerated cement hydration and favoured the depletion of portlandite. A lengthening of the C-A-S-H silicate chains was also detected by 27Al and 29Si NMR analyses. Besides, ettringite precipitated at 20°C, but was destabilised at higher temperature. The released sulphates were partly adsorbed on the C-A-S-H and dissolved in the interstitial solution. The pH of this solution was reduced from 1.7 to 2.2 units depending on the formulations. The soluble fractions of alkalis did not significantly change with temperature. Among the five investigated blends, ternary binder T1 (37.5% CEM I, 32.5% silica fume, 30% fly ash) was the only one giving a pore solution pH lower than 11 at 20, 50 and 80°C (curing time of 6 months and 1 year). Its long-term evolution was simulated by model systems reproducing its chemical composition with reactive oxides. At equilibrium, the hydrate assemblage comprised C-A-S-H (Ca/Si and Al/Si ratios of 0.75 and 0.15 respectively), amorphous silica and aluminium hydroxide. It led to a pH of 10.3 at 20°C. (ii) C-A-S-H hydrates played a major role in the retention of alkalis. Sorption of potassium was higher than that of sodium and mainly resulted from electrostatic interactions with C-A-S-H. Monte Carlo modelling of these interactions showed that the difference of solvated radii between these ions could not explain by itself the sorption selectivity experimentally observed.
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Magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) characterization : temperature, calcium, aluminium and alkali / Caractérisation de phases silico-magnésiennes (M-S-H et M-A-S-H) en fonction de la température, de la présence de calcium et en condition alcalinesBernard, Ellina 30 November 2017 (has links)
Les différentes options envisagées par la France et la Suisse pour le stockage de déchets radioactifs en couches géologiques profondes argileuses prévoient l’utilisation d’importants volumes de matériaux cimentaires. Les liants dits bas-pH ont été développés afin de limiter la perturbation de la roche encaissante par le panache alcalin. Les études expérimentales menées sur les interfaces béton bas-pH-argile mettent systématiquement en évidence la formation de phases silico-magnésiennes, potentiellement de silicate de magnésium hydraté (M-S-H), mal modélisées à cause de données thermodynamiques limitées. Cette étude a pour objectif de caractériser ces phases en température, en présence d’aluminium, calcium et d’alcalins pour alimenter les bases de données thermodynamiques et améliorer les calculs sur les évolutions physico-chimiques des bétons bas pH et éventuellement des bétons de Portland. Des suspensions de M-S-H ont été synthétisées à partir d'oxyde de magnésium et de fumée de silice à différentes températures, à différents temps de réaction et différents rapports Mg/Si. Un panel de techniques d’analyses de chimie du solide et des mesures en suspensions couplées à des analyses des phases liquides a été utilisé pour caractériser les phases synthétisées. Initialement, et quel que soit le Mg/Si total choisi pour la synthèse, un M-S-H avec un rapport Mg/Si ~1 précipite en présence de brucite et de silice amorphe. Lorsque l’équilibre du système est atteint, 2 à 3 ans à 20 °C ou 1 an à 50 et 70 °C, le Mg/Si varie de ~0,8 à ~1,4. La température a peu d'influence sur le M-S-H formé même si le M-S-H se forme plus rapidement et qu’il est légèrement moins stable thermodynamiquement lorsque la température augmente. A l'équilibre, sa structure mal définie est comparable à des nano-cristallites de phyllosilicates hydratés avec une surface spécifique supérieure à 200 m2/g. Un modèle de solution solide pour le M-S-H a été calculé et ajouté à la base de données.Dans un second temps, les travaux ont été focalisés sur la formation de M-S-H à partir de silicate de calcium hydraté (C-S-H) avec un faible Ca/Si (= 0,8) et de magnésium. Le C-S-H n’est pas stable à des pH avoisinant un pH = 10, ce qui favorise la précipitation de M-S-H. Des recherches détaillées montrent que du calcium peut être faiblement incorporé dans le M-S-H (Ca/Si ≤ 0,10), et des solutions solides contenant du calcium ont été ajoutés à la base de données. Pour des pH supérieurs à 10-10,5, les C-S-H et M-S-H coexistent. L’observation par MEB-EDS d’une interface en cellule de diffusion entre C-S-H (Ca/Si=0,8 représentant un liant bas pH) et M-S-H (Mg/Si=0,8), couplée à la modélisation de celle-ci en transport réactif, sur la base des nouvelles données thermodynamiques dérivées des expériences précédentes, montrent la détérioration rapide du C-S-H et la précipitation de M-S-H dans le disque C-S-H, ainsi qu’une absorption homogène du calcium dans le disque de M-S-H.L’augmentation du pH en solution favorise la sorption de cations. Des M-S-H présentant une sorption de sodium jusqu'à Na/Si ~ 0,20 en absence de brucite ont été observés à des pH avoisinants 12,5. La sorption sur le M-S-H est favorisée dans l'ordre Na+ < Mg2+ < Ca2+. Enfin, l'aluminium s’incorpore dans le M-S-H pour former du M-A-S-H. Un rapport Al/Si jusqu’à 0,2 est observé dans des suspensions synthétisées en présence d’aluminate de sodium ou de métakaolin. Les données de RMN de l’aluminium ont montré que celui-ci est présent dans les sites tétraédriques et octaédriques du M-A-S-H. La phase formée a une structure similaire à celle du M-S-H avec un degré de polymérisation des silicates et une charge effective de surface comparables. / The various options to store radioactive wastes in deep geological strata considered in France or Switzerland include the use of large volumes of cementitious materials for infrastructure in contact with argillaceous rocks. So-called low-pH binders were developed to minimize disruption to the surrounding rock by the alkaline plume. Studies conducted on the interaction zone between concrete and clay systematically highlighted the formation of magnesium silicate phases including magnesium silicate hydrate (M-S-H) at the interfaces, which can presently be modeled only partially due to incomplete thermodynamic data. The purpose of this study was to characterize these phases in temperature, aluminum, calcium, and alkali conditions in order to provide the thermodynamic data and improve the calculations on physicochemical evolutions of low-pH concretes and possibly Portland concretes.M-S-H phases were synthesized from magnesium oxide and silica fume in batch experiments at different temperatures, for various times and varying Mg/Si. A large number of different techniques such as chemical solid characterizations coupled with suspension investigations and liquid analyses were used to characterize the phases synthesized. Initially a M-S-H phase with Mg/Si equal to 1 was precipitated in addition to amorphous silica and brucite whatever the total Mg/Si used for the synthesis. After long equilibration times, 2 to 3 years at 20°C or 1 year at 50 and 70°C, the Mg/Si in M-S-H ranged from ~0.8 to ~1.4. The temperature had little influence on the M-S-H formed even if the M-S-H formation occurred faster and M-S-H was thermodynamically slightly less stable when the temperature was increased. At or near to equilibrium, M-S-H phases were characterized with ill-defined structure comparable to nano-crystallite, hydrated phyllosilicates with a surface area greater than 200 m2/g. A M-S-H solid-solution model was calculated and implemented in the thermodynamic database.It was observed that M-S-H also form from calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) with a Ca/Si = 0.8 in the presence of additional magnesium. In batch experiments, a low pH of the suspensions (pH ≤ 10) destabilized C-S-H or prevented its formation and favored the precipitation of M-S-H. Detailed investigations showed that small amounts of calcium could be incorporated in M-S-H (Ca/Si ≤0.10), such that also calcium containing end-members were added to the M-S-H solid-solution. At pH ≥ 10-10.5, two separate silicate phases coexist: C-S-H and M-S-H. The interface between a simplified “low-pH” binder mimicked by C-S-H with Ca/Si = 0.8 and a magnesium-rich environment mimicked by M-S-H with Mg/Si = 0.8 confirmed these phenomena. SEM-EDS observations and reactive transport modelling using the thermodynamic data derived in the batch experiments showed the fast deterioration of the C-S-H and the precipitation of M-S-H in the C-S-H disk at the interface and a homogeneous uptake of calcium in the M-S-H disk.The increase of pH favors the sorption. M-S-H with a sodium uptake up to Na/Si ~ 0.20 and without brucite formation were observed at high pH (12.5). The sorption on M-S-H was favored in the order Na+ < Mg2+ < Ca2+. Finally, aluminum was incorporated into M-S-H to form magnesium alumino-silicate hydrate (M-A-S-H). An Al/Si ratio up to 0.2 was observed in presence of sodium aluminate or metakaolin. 27Al MAS NMR data showed that aluminum was present in both tetrahedral and octahedral sites of M-(A-)S-H. The M-(A-)S-H formed had a similar structure as M-S-H with a comparable polymerization degree of the tetrahedral silicates and a similar surface charge.
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Iron Settling and Sludge Dewatering for Pigment Production From Acid Mine Drainage Remediation at Low pHReshma, Farzana Rahman 25 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Caracterização e possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular em alterações na sensibilidade de células de tabaco cv. BY-2 a pH baixo durante a retomada do ciclo celular / Characterization and possible role of the oxidative modulation of the cell wall in changes in the sensitivity of tobacco BY-2 cells to low pH during restart of the cell cycleBorgo, Lucelia 28 January 2011 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. Apesar da toxicidade por alumínio ter sido extensamente investigada, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao estresse causado pelo baixo pH em si. Existem diferenças marcantes entre células quanto à sensibilidade ao pH baixo que dependem do seu estado de crescimento e desenvolvimento celular e que devem ser exploradas para se entender o que determina a sensibilidade e tolerância a pH baixo. Em alguns casos, a suscetibilidade a pH baixo está relacionada a desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, chegando a causar o rompimento da célula, como já foi demonstrado em pêlos radiculares em expansão. Por outro lado, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede podem influenciar neste processo por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeos, modulando assim a extensibilidade da parede celular. Em células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2, há um aumento acentuado na sensibilidade ao pH baixo no final da fase lag da cultura, que ocorrre entre 12 e 24 h de cultivo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Investigar se a mudança na sensibilidade pH baixo ocorre durante a retomada do ciclo celular e determinar, com o uso de inibidores do ciclo celular, o período do ciclo em que isto ocorre; b) verificar se o aumento da sensibilidade a pH baixo está relacionado com a expansão celular ou com alterações no potencial osmótico da célula; c) examinar o efeito da aplicação de H2O2 ou ascorbato sobre a resposta de células sensíveis a pH baixo; d) testar a hipótese de que a sensibilidade a pH baixo pode ser revertida por meio de um choque hipo-osmótico prévio; e) avaliar o possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo expostas ao choque hipo-osmótico. A retomada do ciclo celular é necessária para que ocorra a alteração de sensibilidade a pH baixo, pois a remoção de auxina (2,4-D) ou a adição de bloqueadores de canais de K+ impediu ou atrasou, respectivamente, a alteração na sensibilidade a pH baixo. O uso de inibidores do ciclo celular demonstrou que as células de BY-2 se tornam mais sensíveis a pH baixo durante o final da fase G1 mas antes do ponto de checagem da transição G1/S do ciclo celular. A aplicação de H2O2, diminuiu a suscetibilidade das células a pH baixo, ao contrário da aplicação de ascorbato. Foi demonstrado que a aplicação prévia de tratamento hipo-osmótico por 60 min reverteu a sensibilidade de células a pH baixo. A aplicação de inibidores de NAPDH oxidase da membrana plasmática e de peroxidases revelou a participação destas enzimas na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo, indicando a possibilidade de geração de ROS e de modulação oxidativa da parede. Embora já tenha sido descrito que ocorre uma explosão oxidativa com choque hipo-osmótico, ainda não havia sido demonstrado a conseqüência disto. Este trabalho fornece indícios de que uma explosão oxidativa poderia modificar a parede tornando-a mais resistente e a célula menos suscetível a pH baixo / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Although aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, little attention has been given to stress caused by low pH. There are marked differences in the sensitivity of cells to low pH which are contingent on the growth and developmental stage of the cells. These differences should be explored to further the understanding of the factors governing sensitivity and tolerance to low pH. In at least some cases, the susceptibility of cells to low pH is related to derangements in the wall of growing cells, which can cause ruptures or bursting of the cells, as has been clearly demonstrated in expanding root hairs. On the other hand, the oxidative metabolism and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by breaking or making bonds within and between cell wall polymers. In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2 cells, there is a sharp increase in sensitivity to low pH at the end of the lag phase of the cell culture, which occurs between 12 and 24 h of subculture. The objectives of this study were: a) determine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH occurred during the restart of the cell cycle and, by employing cell cycle inhibitors, at which points of the cycle does this occur; b) examine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH are related to cell expansion or changes in osmotic potential of the cell; c) examine how the application of H2O2 or ascorbate affects the response of cells to low pH; d) test the hypothesis that sensitivity of cells to low pH can be reverted by the previous application of a hypo-osmotic shock; e) evaluate the possible role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in hypo-osmotic-induced reversal of the sensitivity of cells to low pH. The restart of the cell cycle was shown to be necessary for the change in sensitivity to low pH occur, since the absence of auxin (2,4-D) or the addition of K+ channel blockers prevented or delayed this change, respectively. The use of cell cycle inhibitors demonstrated that BY-2 cells become sensitive to low pH at the end of G1 but before the G1/S transition restriction point of the cell cycle. Exogenous H2O2, but not ascorbate, reduced the effect of low pH on sensitive cells. Sensitive cells submitted to 60 min hypo-osmotic treatment became insensitive to low pH. This reversal of sensitivity depended on the activity of plasma membrane NADPH oxidase and peroxidase, as evidenced by the use of DPI and SHAM, inhibitors of these enzymes, respectively. This suggests that ROS is generated and that oxidative modifications of the cell wall occur. Although hypo-osmotic treatments have been shown to generate an oxidative burst, its purpose or implication has not yet been shown. This study provides evidence that an oxidative burst might modify and strengthen the cell wall, making cells less susceptible to low pH
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Ocean acidification effects on marine organisms : a study of Littorina littorea and Balanus improvisusDomeij Hilliges, Isak, Stendahl, Cecilia January 2011 (has links)
The world’s oceans are becoming more acid in a process called ocean acidification. The pH of the ocean have already decreased by 0.1 units from pre-industrial time until today. Scientists predict that by the year of 2100 the pH will decrease by as much as 0.4 units. This is a big potential problem to many marine species, because they have developed in such a stable environment that has not changed for millions of years. It is difficult to predict how they might be affected by such a decrease in pH during a relatively short time period. Several studies have been made on marine species exposed to decreased pH-levels, the results showed changes in their physiology but it is hard to predict how these changes will affect the organism in a long-term scale and if this might change ecosystem dynamics. Our study measured the activity of Littorina littorea and Balanus improvisus when exposed to lower pH, the results of our study showed an increase in activity for the lower pH (pH 6.0-7.5) when compared to the control (~pH8). The area of ocean acidification is a field that requires further studies to fully understand its effects on the marine ecosystems and the species within it.
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Caracterização e possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular em alterações na sensibilidade de células de tabaco cv. BY-2 a pH baixo durante a retomada do ciclo celular / Characterization and possible role of the oxidative modulation of the cell wall in changes in the sensitivity of tobacco BY-2 cells to low pH during restart of the cell cycleLucelia Borgo 28 January 2011 (has links)
A acidez do solo é um dos principais fatores limitantes à produção vegetal. Apesar da toxicidade por alumínio ter sido extensamente investigada, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao estresse causado pelo baixo pH em si. Existem diferenças marcantes entre células quanto à sensibilidade ao pH baixo que dependem do seu estado de crescimento e desenvolvimento celular e que devem ser exploradas para se entender o que determina a sensibilidade e tolerância a pH baixo. Em alguns casos, a suscetibilidade a pH baixo está relacionada a desarranjos na parede de células em crescimento, chegando a causar o rompimento da célula, como já foi demonstrado em pêlos radiculares em expansão. Por outro lado, o metabolismo oxidativo e a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) na parede podem influenciar neste processo por romper ou criar ligações dentro ou entre cadeias de polissacarídeos, modulando assim a extensibilidade da parede celular. Em células de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2, há um aumento acentuado na sensibilidade ao pH baixo no final da fase lag da cultura, que ocorrre entre 12 e 24 h de cultivo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) Investigar se a mudança na sensibilidade pH baixo ocorre durante a retomada do ciclo celular e determinar, com o uso de inibidores do ciclo celular, o período do ciclo em que isto ocorre; b) verificar se o aumento da sensibilidade a pH baixo está relacionado com a expansão celular ou com alterações no potencial osmótico da célula; c) examinar o efeito da aplicação de H2O2 ou ascorbato sobre a resposta de células sensíveis a pH baixo; d) testar a hipótese de que a sensibilidade a pH baixo pode ser revertida por meio de um choque hipo-osmótico prévio; e) avaliar o possível papel da modulação oxidativa da parede celular na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo expostas ao choque hipo-osmótico. A retomada do ciclo celular é necessária para que ocorra a alteração de sensibilidade a pH baixo, pois a remoção de auxina (2,4-D) ou a adição de bloqueadores de canais de K+ impediu ou atrasou, respectivamente, a alteração na sensibilidade a pH baixo. O uso de inibidores do ciclo celular demonstrou que as células de BY-2 se tornam mais sensíveis a pH baixo durante o final da fase G1 mas antes do ponto de checagem da transição G1/S do ciclo celular. A aplicação de H2O2, diminuiu a suscetibilidade das células a pH baixo, ao contrário da aplicação de ascorbato. Foi demonstrado que a aplicação prévia de tratamento hipo-osmótico por 60 min reverteu a sensibilidade de células a pH baixo. A aplicação de inibidores de NAPDH oxidase da membrana plasmática e de peroxidases revelou a participação destas enzimas na reversão de sensibilidade das células a pH baixo, indicando a possibilidade de geração de ROS e de modulação oxidativa da parede. Embora já tenha sido descrito que ocorre uma explosão oxidativa com choque hipo-osmótico, ainda não havia sido demonstrado a conseqüência disto. Este trabalho fornece indícios de que uma explosão oxidativa poderia modificar a parede tornando-a mais resistente e a célula menos suscetível a pH baixo / Soil acidity is a major factor limiting plant growth worldwide. Although aluminum toxicity, which occurs only at low pH, has been extensively studied, little attention has been given to stress caused by low pH. There are marked differences in the sensitivity of cells to low pH which are contingent on the growth and developmental stage of the cells. These differences should be explored to further the understanding of the factors governing sensitivity and tolerance to low pH. In at least some cases, the susceptibility of cells to low pH is related to derangements in the wall of growing cells, which can cause ruptures or bursting of the cells, as has been clearly demonstrated in expanding root hairs. On the other hand, the oxidative metabolism and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) can modulate cell wall extensibility by breaking or making bonds within and between cell wall polymers. In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cv. BY-2 cells, there is a sharp increase in sensitivity to low pH at the end of the lag phase of the cell culture, which occurs between 12 and 24 h of subculture. The objectives of this study were: a) determine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH occurred during the restart of the cell cycle and, by employing cell cycle inhibitors, at which points of the cycle does this occur; b) examine if the changes in sensitivity to low pH are related to cell expansion or changes in osmotic potential of the cell; c) examine how the application of H2O2 or ascorbate affects the response of cells to low pH; d) test the hypothesis that sensitivity of cells to low pH can be reverted by the previous application of a hypo-osmotic shock; e) evaluate the possible role of oxidative modulation of the cell wall in hypo-osmotic-induced reversal of the sensitivity of cells to low pH. The restart of the cell cycle was shown to be necessary for the change in sensitivity to low pH occur, since the absence of auxin (2,4-D) or the addition of K+ channel blockers prevented or delayed this change, respectively. The use of cell cycle inhibitors demonstrated that BY-2 cells become sensitive to low pH at the end of G1 but before the G1/S transition restriction point of the cell cycle. Exogenous H2O2, but not ascorbate, reduced the effect of low pH on sensitive cells. Sensitive cells submitted to 60 min hypo-osmotic treatment became insensitive to low pH. This reversal of sensitivity depended on the activity of plasma membrane NADPH oxidase and peroxidase, as evidenced by the use of DPI and SHAM, inhibitors of these enzymes, respectively. This suggests that ROS is generated and that oxidative modifications of the cell wall occur. Although hypo-osmotic treatments have been shown to generate an oxidative burst, its purpose or implication has not yet been shown. This study provides evidence that an oxidative burst might modify and strengthen the cell wall, making cells less susceptible to low pH
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Charakterisierung von Viridans-Streptokokken in kariösem Dentin durch biochemische Identifizierung, MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse und speziesspezifische PCRsThiel, Juliane 07 November 2012 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurde bei 27 Patienten, die klinische Zeichen der Karies, aber keine pulpitischen Symptome zeigten, kariöses Dentin mit Hilfe eines sterilen Exkavators entnommen. Das durchschnittliche Alter der Patienten beträgt 41 Jahre und der Durchschnittswert des DMF-T-Index 12,5. Die Untersuchungsgruppe bestand zu 55,5 % aus männlichen Probanden sowie zu 44 % aus Rauchern. Nach Isolierung von 107 Reinkulturen aus den Patientenproben erfolgte die Identifizierung der oralen Streptokokken mittels eines mikrobiologischen Standardtests (RapidID-32Strep der Firma BioMérieux) und MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse. Parallel wurden speziesspezifische PCRs der Dentinproben für S. sanguinis, S. constellatus, S. intermedius, S. anginosus, S. mutans, S. salivarius, S. oralis, S. mitis, S. gordonii und S. parasanguinis durchgeführt. Mittels MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse konnten insgesamt sechs verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken in den Dentinproben nachgewiesen werden. Am häufigsten kamen Vertreter der Mitis-Gruppe vor (in 89 % der Dentinproben), gefolgt von S. gordonii und S. sanguinis (zu 52 % und 26 % vertreten). Die MALDI-TOF-MS-Methode erwies sich als geeignetere der mit Kultivierung verbundenen Nachweismethoden. Ihre Ergebnisse wurden durch selektive PCRs einzelner Subkulturen und DNA-Sequenzierung bestätigt. Mittels der speziesspezifischen PCRs der Dentinspäne wurden zehn verschiedene Spezies oraler Streptokokken identifiziert. Vertreter der Mutans-Gruppe wurden so zu durchschnittlich 44 %, S. salivarius zu 37 % nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich ein signifikantes Vorkommen von S. anginosus in Proben, die ebenfalls S. mutans enthielten (p= 0,00213). Alle drei Verfahren sind zur Untersuchung klinischer Proben geeignet, wobei die MALDI-TOF-MS-Analyse die genaueste Differenzierung auf Speziesebene ermöglicht. Die Non-Mutans-Streptokokken S. oralis, S. gordonii und S. anginosus scheinen die Mikroflora von kariösem Dentin zu dominieren. Sie übertrafen in der vorliegenden Arbeit in ihrem Vorkommen S. mutans in mehr als der Hälfte der untersuchten Proben. Diese Beobachtung stützt die erweiterte ökologische Plaquehypothese.
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