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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les gauches de la gauche à l'épreuve des classes populaires : une analyse localisée des collectifs partisans / The "lefts of the left" confronting lower classes

Moalic-Minnaert, Maëlle 04 December 2017 (has links)
Les gauches de la gauche à l´épreuve des mutations des classes populaires. À travers l'étude des gauches de la gauche des années 2010-à savoir le PCF, le PG, le NPA et LO-, cette thèse s'emploie à prolonger et discuter les travaux portant sur le divorce de la gauche et des classes populaires. À la croisée de la sociologie des partis politiques et de la sociologie des classes populaires notre thèse se propose d'apporter un éclairage sur la manière dont les transformations ayant affecté les classes populaires depuis les années 1980 et les représentations dominantes qui en ont été véhiculées ont renouvelé les liens entre les gauches de la gauche et leur traditionnel groupe social de référence. Nous entendons repérer le caractère populaire des formations partisanes des gauches de la gauche en dépassant l'analyse des propriétés sociales du personnel politique et en nous arrêtant sur les grilles de lecture partisanes du monde social, le travail partisan de propagande et d´enrôlement et les normes régissant le militantisme. Postulant une déclinaison localisée des « cultures partisanes » selon les configurations sociales et partisanes, les liens qui unissent les gauches de la gauche des années 2010 et les mondes populaires ont été mis en lumière à l'issue d'une enquête de terrain menée dans quatre espaces locaux : Villejuif, Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Étienne et Nantes. L'exploration des « gauches de la gauche » des années 2010 donne à voir comment les mondes populaires persistent à être un enjeu problématique mais central pour une partie de la gauche partisane. Loin de n'être que des porte-parole rationnels autoproclamés des classes populaires, les gauches de la gauche sont porteuses de « cultures partisanes » imprégnées de populaire. Elle ne font pas que parler des dominés, elles s'adressent à eux sur un ton populaire. Elles peinent néanmoins à voir aboutir ou à pérenniser leurs idylles avec les classes populaires notamment avec les franges pluri-dominées de ce groupe social. L'insertion des gauches de la gauche, héritières d'un modèle d'investissement efficace de la classe ouvrière, dans des contextes populaires renouvelés et largement défaits (éclatés, réfractaires à l'unité, indisposés à se mobiliser) permet d'apporter un éclairage sur ce bilan contrasté. Resserrer la focale sur les militants « produits de socialisations multiformes » et donc inégalement sensibles au populaire permettra de compléter l'analyse de rencontres des collectifs partisans et des classes populaires inégalement inabouties. / The « Lefts of the Left » confronting lower classes. This PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of the Lefts of the Left Parties in the 2010s in France, namely PCF, PG, NPA and LO. It aims to extend and discuss the scientific research regarding the divorce between leftist parties and the lower classes. This research work is therefore rooted in political sociology and lower class studies. It sheds light upon how the transformations that affected the lower classes since the 1980s and its related representations have modified the connections between the Lefts of the Left and their traditional reference group. We intend to identify the lower classes-related component of the Lefts of the Left political parties, beyond a focus on social properties of the political staff. We rather pay attention to the political parties' interpretative frameworks of the social world, partisan propaganda and enlistment work, and militancy norms. In this view, the connections between the Lefts of the Left in the 2010s and the lower class, based on a research survey conducted in four local spaces: Villejuif, Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Etienne and Nantes, are to be underlined. Exploring “the Lefts of the Left” of the 2010s allows us to understand how the lower classes remain a problematic and central stake for a part of the left parties. The Lefts of the Left are not only rational self-proclaimed spokespersons for the lower classes, they also convey partisan cultures draining a lower classes-related component. They do not only speak about the dominated, they also try to speak to them with their words. However, they hardly succeed in formalizing and perpetuating this positive relationship, particularly regarding the pluri-dominated parts of the lower class. The Lefts of the Left inherited an effective model of promotion of the working class. The context in which these parties' political action takes place is a renewed context characterized by the division and unwillingness to mobilize of the lower classes, which seem to be now largely defeated and fragmented. Analyzing the Lefts of the Left's insertion in this context contributes to shed light upon this contrasted assessment. We shall then put the emphasis on political activists who are embedded in multiform socialization contexts, and therefore unequally sensitive to lower classes' stakes. In doing so, we shall complete this analysis of unequally unaccomplished meetings between partisan organizations and the lower classes.

Educação, direitos humanos, igualdade e diferença: o que dizem os professores? / Education, human rights, equality, and difference: what do the teachers say?

Sara Moitinho-Silva 09 May 2016 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo são: ampliar o conhecimento sobre a relação entre direitos humanos e educação (histórico, conceitos, documentos) e buscar, por meio de entrevistas qualitativas com professores do ensino fundamental, levantar e sistematizar dados e reflexões que possam esclarecer as condições, favoráveis e desfavoráveis, para a implantação e consolidação de projetos de educação em direitos humanos em escolas públicas. A pesquisa tem como pressuposto a complexidade dos problemas e soluções diante do ideal da escola democrática e justa, mas, ao mesmo tempo, parte da definição de educação como formação em valores liberdade, igualdade, solidariedade, respeito, justiça , além do ensino com qualidade no cumprimento do dever precípuo de abrir o acesso ao aprendizado e a autonomia crítica para a vida no mundo. Foram realizadas entrevistas com 14 professores do município do Rio de Janeiro, do ensino fundamental e médio da rede pública e que trabalham com camadas populares, em zonas de grandes carências e violações dos direitos humanos. As questões foram orientadas para o conhecimento e a análise da percepção dos docentes sobre a temática em causa, com destaque para as relações potencialmente tensas entre o reconhecimento de direitos humanos e as questões da diversidade, do direito à igualdade e, ao mesmo tempo, à diferença. A reflexão e o debate sobre direitos humanos e educação já têm um acúmulo considerável incluindo documentos oficiais, cursos, seminários e publicações, no âmbito de setores públicos e privados , porém, pouco ainda se sabe sobre a recepção intelectual, pedagógica e também afetiva dessas ideias e práticas nas escolas por meio de depoimentos de professores. Os resultados da investigação mostram que os professores reconhecem a importância dos direitos humanos inseridos no contexto do ensino e das práticas pedagógicas, mas relatam uma série de dificuldades. Há certo consenso sobre a necessidade de formação de professores nos temas transversais dos direitos humanos, assim como sobre sua inclusão nos currículos das licenciaturas. Já em relação à questão do direito à diferença e do direito à igualdade, os entrevistados demonstram sensibilidade, mas afirmam não possuírem ferramentas teóricas nem apoio interno para lidar com o assunto, que envolve tensões e preconceitos de toda sorte na comunidade escolar. Entre as condições apontadas como necessárias, foram enfatizadas a integração da educação em direitos humanos no projeto político-pedagógico de cada escola, com respeito às suas singularidades; o processo participativo e o amplo diálogo com todos os membros da comunidade escolar; a importância do empenho de gestores e dirigentes; a valorização do magistério pelos setores públicos e no conjunto da sociedade. A autora pretende, com o presente estudo, contribuir para o debate acadêmico, o debate nas escolas e nas instâncias das políticas educacionais. / The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about the relationship between human rights and education (historical context, contemporary concepts, and public documents) which shall be a solid basis for a better understanding of how elementary school teachers think about this matter. Fourteen interviews were conducted with teachers of elementary and secondary education in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, all of them attending lower class people, in areas where serious shortcomings and violations of human rights are part of the common-day life. The raise and systematized data and reflections were important to clarify the conditions, gains and losses for the implementation and consolidation of educational projects on human rights in public schools. The research takes as its premise the complexity of problems and solutions if we think of the ideals of democratic and fair school. Education is understood here as a value for human ethical formation freedom, equality, solidarity, respect, justice , besides quality teaching in the line of duty to open up access to learning and critical autonomy for life in the world. The questions were focused on the kind of knowledge and the analysis of the perception of the teachers on the subject of the research, highlighting the potentially strained relations between the recognition of human rights and issues of diversity, the right to equality and, at the same time, the right to difference. The reflection and debate on human rights and education already have a considerable buildup including official documents, courses, seminars and publications in public and private sectors but little is known about the intellectual reception, educational and affective, on these ideas and practices in schools through teacher testimonials. Research results show that teachers recognize the importance of human rights within the context of teaching and pedagogical practices, but they reported a number of difficulties. There is a certain consensus on the need for teacher training in crosscutting themes on human rights, as well as on its inclusion in the curricula of undergraduate education. Regarding the issue of the right to difference and the right to equality, respondents demonstrate sensitivity, but declare they have no theoretical tools or domestic support to deal with the subject, which involves tensions and prejudices of all kinds in the school community. Among the conditions identified as necessary to put in practice these issues, they emphasized the integration of teaching of human rights in the political-pedagogical project of each school, with respect to its singularities. It is also emphasized the importance of encouraging participation and a constant dialogue with all members of the school community, as well as the commitment of managers and leaders with responsibility in the schools. And last, but not least, one issue is very present during the interviews: teachers cannot be happy, even if they love their work, if there is no real appreciation and recognition of their important role by the public sector and society as a whole. The author aims to contribute to other academic studies and to participate in debates in schools and instances of educational policies.

La recomposition d’une aristocratie ouvrière : Enquête ethnographique aux chantiers navals de Saint-Nazaire / The setting-up of the Working Class “aristocracy” : Ethnographic research in the Saint-Nazaire shipbuilding industry

Seiller, Pauline 19 November 2012 (has links)
A partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée durant cinq ans aux chantiers navals deSaint-Nazaire, cette recherche met en évidence l’hétérogénéité du monde ouvriercontemporain et analyse plus spécifiquement la condition des ouvriers qui constituent laminorité stable sur ce site industriel : les ouvriers Chantiers, recrutés directement parl’entreprise donneuse d’ordres.La thèse présente en premier lieu les qualités qui font de ces ouvriers une aristocratieouvrière au sein d’un monde ouvrier caractérisé par son éclatement. Insérés dansl’emploi stable, dans une entreprise qui leur confère des gratifications matérielles etsymboliques, aux côtés de figures ouvrières plus précaires (intérimaires, ouvriers soustraitants,ouvriers immigrés), les ouvriers Chantiers constituent une fraction ouvrière« stable et honorable ». Ils conservent également certains traits traditionnels du mondeouvrier qui montrent qu’ils ne sont que partiellement affectés par les mutations encours. La thèse étudie ensuite les effets des transformations industrielles sur ces ouvriersstables. Les évolutions du travail ouvrier, les segmentations internes au groupeprofessionnel et les processus de mise en concurrence des salariés participent à larecomposition de cette aristocratie ouvrière. De plus, les modes de gestion de la maind’oeuvre,basés sur le recours massif à la sous-traitance (nationale et étrangère),contribuent à nourrir le sentiment de déstabilisation des ouvriers Chantiers. La présencedes ouvriers sous-traitants est effectivement perçue comme une « menace » et rendtangible le risque de précarisation du « noyau stable ». / This research shows the heterogenity of the contemporary blue collars group. Based ona five years ethnographic research in the Saint-Nazaire shipbuilding industry, it analysesthe working condition of the most integrated and “steady” workers, directly hired by theshipbuilding. The thesis explains why these workers can be seen as an “aristocratic” partof the working class. They benefit from an industry that gives them higher material andsymbolical gratifications than the other workers (subcontracter workers, immigrantworkers, etc.). They are not totally impacted by the current transformations observed inthe industry. Indeed, they show some traditional features of the working class culture.But the thesis explores the consequences of the transformations in the management. Themassive presence of local and foreign subcontractors’ workers intensifies theuncertainty for the future felt by the most steady workers.

Família-escola: a participação masculina - a compreensão dos homens pais ou responsáveis sobre sua atuação na escolarização dos filhos e participação na escola

Fernandes, Nivia Caratin 24 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nivia Caratin Fernandes.pdf: 487303 bytes, checksum: e2720e465b547780a98186108d18050d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-24 / The objective of this work is to study how fathers or other responsible male peer perceive their participation in the schooling of their children and in the activities promoted by the school. The context in case is a school situated at a poor peripheral neighborhood of São Paulo. The theoretical basis are Paulo Freire's dialogical approach and Daniel Thin and Bernard Lahire's contribution on the relationship between low income families and school. This work also includes a literature review on themes such as 'Family as a social and historic phenomenon', 'The relationship between school and family', and 'The role of the father in the relationship between school and family'. Reflective interviews, as proposed by Szymanski, were done with 11 fathers or responsible male peer, in order to produce qualitative data. These were analyzed through hermeneutic method. After close readings of the interviews' transcriptions, units of meaning were identified and then regrouped into 'constellations', from which some themes were brought up for discussion. The themes are the following: 'The hardships of bringing the fathers to the interviews', the collecting data process being relevant data as well; 'The explanations fathers give for their low participation', their dissatisfaction with the way the school solves problems, not having themselves spare time due to excessive and irregular work hours, and several kinds of inhibitions; 'The gender issue', the sexist mentality does not recognize the different responsibilities between mother and father as being cultural, but as 'natural'; 'The inhibition', strongly associated with low selfesteem or to their social identity; 'The school director's key-role', his capacity to mobilize the community. The conclusion is that the feeling of dissatisfaction brought up in the relationship between school and father turns into a vicious cycle and becomes a structural problem. The teacher has a hard time managing difficult classes, he or she calls upon the father to deal with his child's behavior. The way the father does it is unsatisfactory for the teacher, who complains again. The father reprimands his child, who ends up with an even lower self-esteem. There is a contradiction inherent to some people working at the school: on the one hand, they complain on the father's low participation, on the other hand, they push him away through humiliation, by putting themselves in a dominant position and by revealing a preference for the mother's presence. Dealing with this issue cannot follow exclusively neither the schools logic, nor the teacher's expectations. Dialectic polarities are in place, therefore, the Paulo Freire's dialogical approach seems to be the most adequate. In this approach, contradictions and obstacles are dealt through dialog, being expressed, reflected upon and discussed in order to build a solution collectively. Key-words: dialogic approach, Father participation, Relationship between family and school, Lower classes and education, Paulo Freire / Este trabalho tem como objetivo aprofundar a compreensão sobre como os pais homens ou responsáveis compreendem a sua participação na escolarização de seus filhos e nas atividades promovidas pela escola. O contexto estudado foi o de uma escola de classe popular situada na periferia de São Paulo. O referencial teórico escolhido foi a abordagem dialógica de Paulo Freire e as contribuições de Daniel Thin e Bernard Lahire para a compreensão das relações entre famílias de classes populares e escola. Além das idéias de Freire, Thin e Lahire este trabalho contém uma revisão de literatura sobre os temas Família como fenômeno social e histórico, Relação família-escola, e O papel do pai-homem na relação famíliaescola. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa na qual foram feitas entrevistas reflexivas, segundo a proposta de Szymanski, com 11 pais ou responsáveis. Para a análise, foi adotado o referencial hermenêutico. Por meio de imersões no texto de referência, foram identificadas unidades de significado que foram agrupadas em constelações, a partir das quais foram propostos alguns temas para discussão. São eles: As dificuldades de trazer os pais para as entrevistas o próprio processo de coleta de dados foi um dado relevante. As justificativas dos pais para a sua baixa participação insatisfação com a maneira de a escola resolver os problemas, pouca disponibilidade de tempo devido à longa e irregular jornada de trabalho, e diversas formas de inibição. A questão de gênero a mentalidade machista naturaliza as justificativas para a divisão de responsabilidades entre os pais. A inibição fortemente associada à autodesvalia ou a uma identidade social. O papel chave do diretor capacidade de mobilizar a comunidade. O círculo vicioso das insatisfações na relação pai-escola configura um problema estrutural professor tem dificuldade em conduzir classes problemáticas, convoca o pai para que mude o comportamento do filho; o que o pai faz não satisfaz o professor e recebe nova reclamação, o pai castiga o filho, e filho se sente cada vez mais desqualificado. Este problema revela uma contradição de alguns membros da escola: por um lado, há um discurso que reclama da pouca participação do pai, por outro lado, faz movimentos de expulsão do pai, por meio de humilhação, escuta na posição de dominante e sinais de que prefere a presença da mãe. O encaminhamento desse problema estrutural não pode ser feito segundo apenas a lógica da escola ou das expectativas do professor. Estão em jogo polaridades dialéticas, em que o referencial dialógico de Paulo Freire é especialmente adequado, pois propõe que as contradições e impasses sejam enfrentados por meio do diálogo, isto é, sejam expressos, refletidos, discutidos e que se construa coletivamente a superação

Social and Spatial Mobility in the British Empire: Reading and Mapping Lower Class Travel Accounts of the 1790's

Misich, Courtney, Misich 20 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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