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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moksleivių reprodukcinės sveikatos priežiūros tobulinimas Šiaulių mieste / Improvement of pupils‘ reproductive health care in Siauliai town

Damkuvienė, Asta 26 May 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health IMPROVEMENT OF PUPILS‘ REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN SIAULIAI TOWN Asta Damkuvienė Supervisor prof. habil. dr. R.Kalėdienė Department of Social medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. – Kaunas, 2005.- P.72. Aim of the study: to explore the state of pupils‘ reproductive health care and to provide for improvement possibilities in Siauliai town. Methods: pupils of 15 - 19 years old from randomly selected classes from Siauliai schools participated in the research. 425 questionnaires were distributed and 400 answers have been received (94,1%). Girls made 74,3% of the respondents, and boys made 25,7% of them. We evaluated how the answers depended on sexual activity and gender. The difference was considered meaningful if p<0,05. Results: 47,5% of the pupils were sexually active. The boys were more sexually active (71,8%) than the girls (39,1%). 50,5% of the pupils began sexual relations at the age of 16. Contraceptives were used by 45,8% of sexually active respondents. The main information source about sexual life to 65,8 of the respondents were their friends. To the sexually active pupils it was more frequent source than to not active ones (respectively 71,1 and 61,1). Most of the pupils indicated parents as desirable source of knowledge (61,5%). 52,3% of the respondents pointed out their knowledge in intimate relations as sufficient. 77,8% of the respondents had chosen a family doctor. Choosing a doctor statistically depended... [to full text]

Aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių seksualinė patirtis ir savęs vertinimas / Sexual experience and self-esteem of senior pupils

Sabinienė, Natalija 29 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of the youth’s sexual behaviour is one of the most serious problems. The following juvenile problems have lately become especially urgent: early sexual relationships, pregnancy, abortion, diseases that are spread through sexual intercourse. Thus it is not surprising that the problem of juvenile sexual behaviour receives so much attention in pedagogy. In most cases love is understood as physical satisfaction. It is compared to sex. The true secret of sexual life is not realized properly. The problems of irresponsible sexual behaviour cause a number of other problems that have a negative impact on the future of adolescents. On the basis of the research results it is possible to draw the conclusion that the problem of early sexual experience in Lithuania is becoming more and more urgent. The number of teenagers who have had early sexual experience is increasing. It has been noticed that over a half of pupils who took part in the survey have had sexual relationships. According to the research data, the majority of sexually active adolescents acquired their first sexual experience at the age of 16-17. Most male adolescents have begun their sexual life at the age of 16 and the majority of female adolescents – at the age of 17. Thus, the hypothesis of the research that male adolescents start their sexual life earlier than female ones has been confirmed.

Dvyliktokių, augančių nepilnose šeimose, savigarbos ir požiūrio į lytinius santykius ypatumai / The peculiarities of self – esteem and attitude toward sexual intercourse of the 12th grade females, who live in one – parent family

Kiburienė, Akvilija 18 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - Nustatyti dvyliktokių, augančių nepilnose šeimose, savigarbos bei požiūrio į lytinius santykius ypatumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 246 dvyliktokės iš Kauno, Kaišiadorių, Kėdainių, Panevėžio apskričių. Respondenčių amžius 17-19 metų. Tiriamųjų savigarbai įvertinti buvo naudojamas daugiasluoksnis savęs vertinimo klausimynas sukurtas D.L.DuBois ir kolegų (1996), išverstas Lauros Šeibokaitės bei Gintarės Skukauskaitės bei Rosenberg (1965) savigarbos klausimynas. Požiūriui į lytinius santykius naudotas semantinio diferencialo metodas bei tyrėjos sudaryti klausimai. Savigarba tai teigiamas arba neigiamas požiūris į save (Rosenberg 1965), jos formavimasis priklauso nuo socialinės aplinkos, kurioje asmuo auga. Paauglės savigarbos formavimuisi svarbiausią vaidmenį atlieka šeima. Ankstesniuose psichologų tyrimuose pastebėti ryšiai tarp savigarbos lygio ir paauglių lytinio aktyvumo. Gauti rezultatai šių ryšių nepatvirtina. Merginos augančios nepilnose ir pilnose šeimose save vertina panašiai. Nepastebėti skirtumai tarp merginų požiūrio į lytinius santykius ir šeimos sudėties, kurioje jos auga. Gauti rezultatai patvirtina, jog lytinio gyvenimo aktyvumas glaudžiai siejasi su šeimos sudėtimi, kurioje auga merginos. Lytiškai aktyvios, pilnose šeimose augančios dvyliktokės malonia lytinio gyvenimo priežastimi įvardino intymumo poreikį :“myliu ir esu mylima“. / The aim of the study was to find the peculiarities of self-esteem and attitude toward sexual intercourse of 12th grade females, who live in one-parent family. Methods: self-esteem was measured by multidimensional Self-Esteem Questionnaire (SEQ) designed by D.L.DuBois et al. (1996), translated by L.Šeibokaitė and G. Skukauskaitė. Self-esteem questionnaire by Rosenberg (1965) was also used. Osgood's semantic differential method was used to evaluate the attitude toward the sexual intercourse. Self-esteem is positive or negative attitude to yourself (Rosenberg, 1965). The formation of the self-esteem depends on the social sphere where the person develops. The family plays the main role in the teenager’s self-esteem formation. In the former psychological researches, connections between self-esteem and teenagers sexual activity were noted. But received results don’t confirm such connections. The girls from the one-parent families or from the nuclear families assess themselves similarly. Differences between girls’ attitude toward sexual intercourse and family composition were not found too. The results proved that sexual activity is close connected with family composition. Senior sexual active females, growing in the nuclear families, named the requirement of the intimacy as the main reason of their sexual life: “I love and I am beloved”.

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