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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) for Project Management: Comparing the vendor selection process in Swedish and Iranian companies

Hosseini Deldoost, Seyed Mostafa, Faizollahi, Mohsen January 2011 (has links)
Decision making is a fundamental tool for managers and enable them to make logical decisions in critical situation between different options. This thesis concentrates mainly on seller selection problem or in some cases it also refers to vendor or supplier selection problem (SSP) and demonstrates how the multiple attribute decision making (MADM) methods can be effectively used for vendor selection decision in various situations of project management and supply chain environment. A case study has been carried out within two different countries (Sweden and Iran) in order to help practically managers to choose the best alternatives among their preferences. In this regard, AHP as one of major tools of MADM is also deployed.

A Multi-objective Decision-Making Framework for Sustainable Urban Development

Nasef, Khaled January 2017 (has links)
Planning in the context of urban sustainability is very challenging as it requires simultaneous integration of a large number of conflicting objectives pertaining to economic, environmental and social dimensions. It also involves multiple stakeholders with opposing views, and a high level of uncertainty. In addition, the process should be transparent, participatory and understandable by all participants. Existing literature has called for exploring new analytical methods to support decision-making for urban sustainability. This research introduces a structured decision support framework underpinned by Multi-objective Decision-Making (MODM) and Multi-attribute Decision Making (MADM). The framework provides systematic guidance to decision-making starting from problem structuring to generating a wide range of alternatives until the selection of the final solution. The developed framework is tested in two different decision-making situations pertaining to real urban problems. In the first case study, the framework is examined in the situation where the decision-maker is available to interact with the planner at the design stage. The framework is used to find a sustainable distribution of healthcare centers taking into consideration conflicting objectives including cost, efficiency of service and accessibility. The optimal solution is reached through an interactive process with stakeholders. In the second case study, the framework is examined in the situation where the decision-maker is unavailable for interaction at the design stage. The framework is used to develop planning scenarios for transit-oriented development (TOD) around a transit station. The optimal intensification of land use and land use mix is achieved taking into consideration the conflicting objectives of various stakeholders. Large number of non-dominated alternative solutions has been generated. An interactive tool has been developed by which the stakeholders can identify the alternative that best reflects their preference. The quality of the outputs for both case studies has shown that the developed planning methodology outperforms conventional approaches. The developed framework has proved to be a flexible and practical approach to assist decision-making in the context of urban sustainability / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Achieving sustainable urban development is a very challenging task for planners. It requires simultaneous integration of a large number of conflicting objectives pertaining to economic, environmental and social dimensions. It also involves multiple stakeholders with opposing views, and a high level of uncertainty. In addition, the decision-making process should be transparent, participatory and understandable by all participants. This research introduces a decision-support framework, underpinned by mathematical modeling techniques, to assist in achieving sustainable solutions for urban development problems. The framework is examined through two case studies. First, it is used to find a sustainable distribution of healthcare centers taking into consideration conflicting objectives including cost, efficiency of service and accessibility. Second, the framework is used to develop planning scenarios for transit-oriented development (TOD) around a transit station. The developed framework has proved to be a flexible and practical approach to assist decision-making in the context of urban sustainability

Analysis of Madm, a novel adaptor protein that associates with Myeloid Leukemia Factor 1

Lim, Raelene January 2003 (has links)
Myeloid Leukemia Factor 1 (Mlf1) is the murine homolog of MLF1, which was identified as a fusion gene with Nucleophosmin (NPM) resulting from the (3;5)(q25.1;q34) translocation associated with acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome (Yoneda-Kato et al., 1996). Mlf1 was independently isolated using cDNA representational difference to identify genes up-regulated when an erythroleukemic cell line underwent a lineage switch to display a monoblastoid phenotype (Williams et al., 1999). Mlf1 has been shown to enhance myeloid differentiation and suppress erythroid differentiation; however, its mechanism of action is unknown. A yeast two hybrid screen was employed to identify Mlf1-interacting proteins. This screen isolated a number of known protein, as well as several novel molecules, that bound Mlf1. One of these was 14-3-3ξ, a member of a family of molecules that bind phosphoserine motifs and regulate the subcellular localization of partner proteins. Mlf1 contains a classic RSXSXP sequence for 14-3-3 binding and associated with 14-3-3ξ; via this phosphorylated motif (Lim et al., 2002). The aim of this thesis was to characterise a novel Mlf1-interacting protein that had some homology to protein kinases and was named Mlf1 Adaptor Molecule (Madm). Adaptor proteins are molecules that possess no enzymatic or transcriptional activity, but instead mediate protein-protein interactions. Madm is encoded by a gene consisting of 18 exons and promoter analysis suggested Madm expression might be widespread; indeed Northern blotting of adult tissues and in situ hybridization of embryos demonstrated ubiquitous Madm expression. Significantly, the Madm protein sequence is highly conserved across diverse species. / Madm formed dimers and although it contains a kinase-like domain, the protein lacks several critical residues required for catalytic activity, including an ATP-binding site. Purification of recombinant Madm revealed that the protein was not a kinase; however, studies in mammalian cells showed that Madm associated with a kinase and that Madm was phosphorylated on serine residues in vivo and in vitro. Madm also contains a nuclear localization sequence and nuclear export sequence and was shown to localise to both cytoplasm and nucleus by subcellular fractionation and confocal microscopy. The presence of two nuclear receptor binding motifs (consensus MILL) suggests that Madm may have a functional role in the nucleus. Madm co-immunoprecipitated with Mlf1 and co-localized in the cytoplasm. In addition, the Madm-associated kinase phosphorylated Mlf1 on serine residues, including the RSXSXP motif. In contrast to wild-type Mlf1, the oncogenic fusion protein NPM-MLF1 did not bind 14-3-3i; and localized exclusively in the nucleus. Although Madm co-immunoprecipitated with NPM-MLF1 the binding mechanism was altered. As Mlf1 is able to reprogram erythroleukemic cells to display a monoblastoid phenotype and potentiate myeloid maturation (Williams et al., 1999), the effects of Madm on myeloid differentiation was investigated. However, unlike Mlf1, ectopic expression of Madm in M1 myeloid cells suppressed cytokine-induced differentiation. / In summary, the data presented in this thesis reports on the cloning and characterization of a novel adaptor protein that is involved in the phosphorylation of the proto-oncoprotein MIM. Phosphorylation of Mlf1 is likely to affect its interaction with other proteins, such as 14-3-3~. Complex formation, therefore, may well alter the localization of Mlf1 and Madm, and influence hematopoietic differentiation.

A study of multiple attributes decision making methods facing uncertain attributes

Amini, Mohammadhossein January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Shing I. Chang / Many decision-making methods have been developed to help decision makers (DMs) make efficient decisions. One decision making method involves selecting the best choice among alternatives based on a set of criteria. Multiple Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) methods allow opportunities to determine the optimal alternative based on multiple attributes. This research aims to overcome two concerns in current MADM methods: uncertainty of attributes and sensitivity of ranking results. Based on availability of information for attributes, a DM maybe certain or uncertain on his judgment on alternatives. Researchers have introduced the use of linguistic terms or uncertain intervals to tackle the uncertainty problems. This study provides an integrated approach to model uncertainty in one of the most popular MADM methods: TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution). Current MADM methods also provide a final ranking of alternatives under consideration and, the final solution is based on a calculated number assigned to each alternative. Results have shown that the final value of alternatives may be close to each other uncertain attributes, but current methods rank alternatives according to the final scores. It exhibits a sensitivity issue related to formation of the ranking list. The proposed method solves this problem by simulating random numbers within uncertain intervals in the decision matrix. The proposed outcome is a ranking distribution for alternatives. The proposed method is based on TOPSIS, which defines the best and the worst solution for each attribute and defines the best alternative as closest to best and farthest from the worst solution. Random number distributions were studied under the proposed simulation solution approach. Result showed that triangular random number distribution provides better ranking results than uniform distribution. A case study of building design selection considering resiliency and sustainability attributes was presented to demonstrate use of the proposed method. The study demonstrated that proposed method can provide better decision option for designers due to the ability to consider uncertain attributes. In addition using the proposed method, a DM can observe the final ranking distribution resulted from uncertain attribute values.

Vertical Handoff Target Selection in a Heterogeneous Wireless Network Using Fuzzy ELECTRE

Ramalingam, Mukesh 02 July 2015 (has links)
Global connectivity is on the verge of becoming a reality to provide high-speed, high-quality, and reliable communication channels for mobile devices at anytime, anywhere in the world. In a heterogeneous wireless environment, one of the key ingredients to provide efficient and ubiquitous computing with guaranteed quality and continuity of service is the design of intelligent handoff algorithms. Traditional single-metric handoff decision algorithms, such as Received Signal Strength (RSS), are not efficient and intelligent enough to minimize the number of unnecessary handoffs, decision delays, call-dropping and blocking probabilities. This research presents a novel approach for of a Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) model based on an integrated fuzzy approach for target network selection.

Application and Development of Decision Analysis and Resolution Tools for CMMI Level 3

Su, Tsang-Ming 01 July 2005 (has links)
Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) developed by Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University is aimed to improve the productivity of software development. From CMM to CMMI, they have been adopted worldwide. But the large numbers of unsuccessful and/or painful implementations have proved these implementations easier said than done. The software industry in Taiwan faces the challenge of global competition. Continuous improvement of productivity becomes inevitable. To achieve this goal, recently, government and non-government organizations together promote the CMMI. This thesis focuses on the Decision Analysis and Resolution of CMMI Level 3. Through the design of related methods and the development of software tools, the decision process can be more structured and more effective. Potential applications include evaluation and selection of software and hardware, outsourcing partner, tools, risk resolution alternatives or people. The typical Go/No-Go decision can also fit into it. The decision analysis methods included in this research are Multi-attribute Decision Making and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). In addition, alternative screening and group decision making can be integrated into the above methods.

Utilization and Comparison of Multi Attribute Decision Making Techniques to Rank Bayesian Network Options

Karami, Amin January 2011 (has links)
A fusion system sometimes requires the capability to represent the temporal changes of uncertain sensory information in dynamic and uncertain situation. A Bayesian Network can construct a coherent fusion structure with the hypothesis node which cannot be observed directly and sensors through a number of intermediate nodes that are interrelated by cause and effect. In some BN applications for observing a hypothesis node with the number of participated sensors, rank and select the appropriate options (different combination of sensors allocation) in the decision-making is a challenging problem. By user interaction, we can acquire more and useful information through multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) as semi-automatically decision support. So in this study, Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) techniques as TOPSIS, SAW, and Mixed (Rank Average) for decision-making as well as AHP and Entropy for obtaining the weights of indexes have been used. Since MADM techniques have most probably different results according to different approaches and assumptions in the same problem, statistical analysis done on them. According to results, the correlation between applied techniques for ranking BN options is strong and positive because of the close proximity of weights suggested by AHP and Entropy. Mixed method as compared to TOPSIS and SAW is ideal techniques; moreover, AHP is more acceptable than Entropy for weighting of indexes.

Vidéoconférence basée sur les ressources internes de l'entreprise / Video conference based on enterprise desktop grid

Sorokin, Roman 24 February 2017 (has links)
Il existe deux approches classiques et bien comprises des tâches de traitement vidéo pour la vidéoconférence. Le premier utilise une unité centralisée de contrôle multipoint. Dans la deuxième approche, les tâches de traitement vidéo sont directement traitées dans les clients. La performance est ensuite limitée par les caractéristiques du périphérique. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une troisième approche alternative. Nous proposons un système qui distribue des tâches de traitement vidéo en temps réel sur les ressources internes de l'entreprise. Une méthode dédiée de prise de décision basée sur les multi-attributs est conçue pour tenir compte de la variété des attributs qui influent sur la qualité de l'expérience. Des algorithmes de distribution et de redistribution de tâches sont élaborés. Nous testons ensuite l'approche proposée au moyen de la simulation afin d'étudier l'impact des principaux paramètres critiques. L'approche proposée pose une question sur laquelle un PC peut être utilisé comme plate-forme pour le serveur multimédia. Nous estimons une qualité perçue des flux vidéo afin d'étudier l'influence de la charge CPU. Nous avons également élaboré des algorithmes, combinant l'approche Cloud / Fog avec différents types de serveurs multimédia. Le résultat fournit une solution de conférence optimisée en termes de coût tant pour le fournisseur que pour le consommateur, ainsi que pour l'expérience de l'utilisateur final. En combinant les algorithmes élaborés et l'architecture avec les résultats de l'expérimentation, nous concluons que la solution proposée peut être utilisée comme une nouvelle approche de la problématique de la vidéoconférence. / There exist two classical and well-understood approaches to video processing tasks for videoconferencing. The first one is using a centralized Multipoint Control Unit (MCU). In the second approach, the video processing tasks are directly handled in endpoints. Performance is then restricted by device characteristics, especially in the case of mobile devices. In this thesis, we propose a third alternative approach. We propose a system, which distributes real-time video processing tasks on enterprise desktop grid. A dedicated Multi Attribute Decision Making method is designed in order to take into account the variety of attributes impacting Quality of Experience. A number of task distribution and redistribution algorithms are elaborated. We then test the proposed approach by means of simulation in order to study the impact of the main critical parameters. The proposed approach arises a question to which extent a PC can be used as a platform for media server and how CPU load affects the quality of provided video conference. We estimate a perceived quality of video streams in order to investigate CPU load influence. Also we elaborated algorithms, combining Cloud/Fog approach with different types of media servers, the result provides an optimized conferencing solution in the terms of cost for both provider and consumer as well as in terms of end user experience. Combining elaborated algorithms and architecture with experimentation results we conclude that proposed solution can be used as a novel approach to video conferencing problematic.

Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers (MADM) as a Method to Map Cell Fates in Adult Mouse Taste Buds.

Moore, Preston D. 18 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Taste buds are chemosensory endorgans embedded in the oral epithelium composed of cells that undergo continuous replacement. Mature taste cells live on average 10-14 days and are replaced by new cells when they die. However, the mechanism by which taste cells are produced and integrated into the taste bud as mature taste cells remains unknown. Previous studies approached this issue from either cell cycle gene expression properties or lineage tracing of precursor cells. In our study, we apply a new fate mapping technique that combines these two ideas. This technique, Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers, allows for simultaneous gene knockout and subsequent tracking of single cells. This allows us to study the potency of precursor cells supplying the taste bud while analyzing how gene function regulates the maturation pathway these taste cells take. The following experiments illustrate the initial phase of this investigation.


張錦文, ZHANG, JIN-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之要在探討多重準則決策(Multiple Criterion Decision Making)理論模式 及其相關應用。 MCDM問題可概括分為兩種類型:一是多屬性決策(Multiple Attribute Decisi- on Making ),一是多目標決策(Multiple Objective Decision Making)。 MADM一般用於選項間之選擇;而MODM則在設計構想中的最佳選項(Alterna- tive),一般MCDM法則須由下列三者組成:ヾ量化的目標函數;ゝ一組限制式; ゞ已知資訊的量化過程。線性規劃問題(L.P.)即是MODM的一個例子。 MADM問題通常包含了個數不多且事先決定的選項,此問題旨在經由屬性(Attri- bute)(或稱準則)之間的比較,對一群特定的選項做一個選擇。此類問題在各學科 都發展出特有的法則;例如:決策理論中的最大最小法則、事前機率、及效用理論; 經濟學中的Pareto最適性、社會福利函數;統計學中的多變量分析、因子分析;另外 在心理學方面也有應用。 本文偏重MADM之剖析,對社會選擇論也有研討,主要研究動機在於探討各學者所 建立之理論模式,如何經由偏好現象尋取一個團體的共識;利用公設化系統誘導出審 慎的(Prudent )結果,使得結果理性化(Rational);我們的目的就在於尋求一個 能得到理性結果的法則。 本文結構計分四個部分: 第一部分:效用理論,偏好關係,投票行為。第二部分:Electre 法則,Hierarchy 法則,LINMAP法則以及其它相關法則概介。第三部分:多數決法則(Majority Meth- od),Borda Count ,Condocet法則排名公設、Kohler法則及Arrow-Raynaud's 法則 。第四部分:教育投資方面應用的討論及結論。

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