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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A avaliação ambiental estratégica para planos de uso e ocupação do solo: um estudo sobre o plano diretor municipal / Strategic environmental assessment and land use planning: a study of city master plan

Francisco Fabbro Neto 18 March 2010 (has links)
A avaliação de impacto ambiental realizada no Brasil limitada aos projetos apresenta dificuldades para o incremento da qualidade ambiental em função das características da área. Alguns países aplicam a Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica - AAE para a avaliação de políticas, planos e programas, o que permite aos tomadores-de-decisão incluir a variável ambiental com maior antecedência, aumentando as possibilidades de adequação das propostas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as possíveis contribuições da AAE para o planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo municipal, com aproximação da realidade brasileira pela experiência do município de São Carlos-SP com seu Plano Diretor Municipal - PDM, seguido da sistematização dos instrumentos ambientais aplicados para o planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo municipal. A metodologia foi pautada na seleção de 2 relatórios de AAE e 1 PDM, com a identificação de etapas e características AAE (regulamentada pela Diretiva Européia 2001/42) e do Plano Diretor Municipal (regulamentado pela Lei Federal 10.257/01 - Estatuto da Cidade), o cruzamento dos diferentes instrumentos com a proposição de aplicação da AAE segundo os procedimentos do Estatuto da Cidade, para enfim, chegar a uma proposta de modelo para o município de São Carlos. Experiências de aplicação mostram como a AAE contribui para o direcionamento sustentável do desenvolvimento municipal, integrando o gerenciamento dos conflitos locais, os interesses políticos e a participação da sociedade, fortalecendo a gestão democrática da tomada-de-decisão. A pesquisa indica que a AAE pode contribuir para atingir os objetivos de sustentabilidade pela avaliação e integração do PDM com outros instrumentos de planejamento, sendo que esta integração possibilita que procedimentos participativos auxiliem a romper as barreiras entre disciplinas e grupos de interesse, permitindo que somem força de trabalho para as autoridades responsáveis pela implementação das ações de planejamento. / The environmental impact assessment in Brazil is limited for projects have presented difficulties to improve the environmental quality in function of the local characteristics. Therefore some countries have applied the Strategic Environmental Assessment - SEA for management policy, plans and programs, which allows decision makers to input environmental issues earlier and create more opportunities to suit the actions. The main aim of this research is to identify the contributions of the SEA to land use municipal planning with an approach to Brazilian public management, through the Master Plan Development (MPD) of São Carlos - SP. As methodology were select 2 AAE´s report (regulated by European Directive 2001/42/EC) and 1 MPD (regulated by National Law 10.257/01 Citys Statute), crossing the different tools, following the AAE´s application with the City´s Statute procedures, at end, a proposal of a model to São Carlos. Applications´ experiences show how the SEA can drive the urban development toward sustainable cities, including the management of local conflicts, political interests and public participation, strengthening the democratic management. The research indicates the possible contributions of AAE to sustainable aims by the assessment and integration of PDM with others planning tools, which can help to win the sectors and interests groups barriers, allowing to group the work of different responsible for planning actions.

Análise da mobilidade urbana da cidade de Palmas (TO) / An analysis of the urban mobility in the city of Palmas - Tocantins

Adão Pinto dos Santos 30 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa buscou investigar a mobilidade urbana do município de Palmas, estado do Tocantins, com o objetivo de confrontar o Plano Diretor com as ações da gestão municipal no que se refere aos anos de 2006 a 2014, período em que foram realizadas audiências públicas na cidade. O planejamento, desenvolvimento e crescimento da cidade de Palmas no desenho urbano ressaltam alguns pontos em seus componentes de mobilidade que são abordados. No que diz respeito à metodologia e às características deste estudo, optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa; e quanto ao delineamento configura-se como análise documental. As diretrizes do Plano Diretor Municipal foram observadas e identificadas, sabendo que os trabalhos dos indicadores apresentados são contínuos, visto que toda formulação das ações foi votada a partir de audiências públicas. As análises das diretrizes do Plano Diretor foram feitas de acordo com transporte ransporte especial públicopúblico, bicicleta como veículo de transporte urbano, sistema viário para pedestre, implantação da acessibilidade, transporte coletivo e gestão municipal, alem das, ações previstas para mobilidade urbana de Palmas (TO). / The aim of this research is to inquire the urban mobility in the city of Palmas located in the State of Tocantins. The main goal is to confront the Master Plan and the actions of the Municipal Management, regarding the urban mobility of Palmas from 2006 to 2014, a period that were realized public hearings in the city. The planning, development and city growth in urban design highlight some points in the mobility plan that is approached. In this work are identified information and enlightenment of the implications of the municipal mobility planning. Regarding the methodology and research features, it is chosen a qualitative research; the research is exploratory; and on the design, it is configured as document analysis. The guidelines of the Master Plan were observed and identified to emphasize the citys situation, acknowledging that the indicators presented are continuous, seeing that all the actions were voted from public hearings. Analyses of the Master Plan guidelines were made according to public special transportation, bicycle as urban transport vehicle, road system for pedestrians, implantation of accessibility, public transport and municipal management. and the actions planned for urban mobility in Palmas (TO).

La réception des modèles urbains dans la pratique urbanistique : une entrée par les références en situation de conception / The uses of urban models in working practices : a focus on references in urban design situations

Mullon, Rachel 20 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, les discours promotionnels en urbanisme attribuent à un nombre croissant de lieux et de processus le statut de modèles à suivre ou de bonnes pratiques. Cette thèse vise à comprendre comment les acteurs opérationnels réceptionnent et utilisent ces modèles lorsqu’ils conçoivent d’autres projets urbains. L’approche construite vise à suivre les acteurs au plus près de leurs pratiques opérationnelles. Pour ce faire, la notion de « modèle » est mise de côté le temps de l’analyse pour lui préférer celle de « référence » dont la définition prend une dimension méthodologique. Une référence est la représentation d’un objet utilisée dans une situation autre que celle dans laquelle il a été élaboré. Tout objet (idée, image, ou texte) peut devenir une référence, mais il ne le devient qu’à partir du moment où sa représentation est citée dans une autre situation. La notion de référence est étudiée dans le cadre de situations de conception, les moments au cours desquels les acteurs réfléchissent, discutent, se projettent seuls ou à plusieurs, et prennent des décisions pour la transformation des usages d’un espace. Deux méthodes sont utilisées. Une méthode par entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 30 acteurs opérationnels d’origines variées vise à comprendre la façon dont ces derniers se représentent leurs usages des références. Une méthode d’observation circonscrite de quatre situations de conception au cours desquelles les acteurs sont en train d’élaborer des plans directeurs permet de suivre les usages des références dans des projets en train d’être conçus. Les observations et entretiens réalisés en France et dans l’Oregon aux États-Unis, se complètent et se rejoignent, permettent de découvrir des constantes concernant les usages de références et de redéfinir la notion. Les références sont, au sein d’une grande diversité, urbaines, ancrées et locales. Elles sont utilisées à des fins multiples, aussi bien pour communiquer dans un groupe et y négocier sa place, que pour la forme d’un plan directeur, pour lire un contexte, et pour évaluer des propositions de transformation d’un espace. Cette approche permet d’obtenir une lecture fine de l’usage des références en situation de conception, lecture importante pour le débat actuel de la fabrique de la ville concernant les modèles urbains. En situation, il n’y a pas un modèle mais une multitude de références qui sont citées, mentionnées, analysées ; et chaque plan est le résultat d’un travail articulant le contexte et ces objets cités, des projets, des espaces existants, des formes et objets génériques, et des théories / Over the last twenty years, promotional discourse on urban development has been assigning the labels of “best practice” or “model to follow” to an increasing number of specific sites and processes. My thesis explores how these models are received and used by urban developers and other relevant actors. My approach aims at following actors as closely as possible with regard to their working practices. To do so, the notion of “model” is put aside and favored over by the notion of “reference”, whose definition is methodologically based. A reference is the representation of an object (idea, image, text) that is cited within a design situation other than the one it was initially conceived in. Any object can become a reference, but it only becomes a reference when its representation is cited in another design situation. The notion of reference is studied during multiple stages of urban design: from conception to moments during which actors think, talk and plan alone or collectively, to decision-making about the transformation of spatial uses. Two methods were used. First, I carried out semi-structured interviews with 30 actors with the aim of understanding how actors perceive their use of references. Second, I observed and analyzed four specific situations during which actors were designing urban masterplans in order to understand the use of references in the design process.Both methods were applied in France and in the USA (Oregon) and converged in their results, leading to a more precise understanding of the notion of reference. References are mainly urban, anchored within a territory and local. They have many purposes, from communicating and negotiating within a group, to making design decisions, as well as reading an urban context and evaluating design propositions. The present analysis of how references are used is particularly useful for the current debate in urban studies concerning policy and the mobility of ideas. In the design process, there is not one model but a multitude of urban objects that are cited, analyzed and described. Each masterplan is the result of a coordination between an actual context and these cited objects, projects, existing spaces, generic objects and forms, and theories


JESSICA RODRIGUES DE OLIVEIRA 29 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] A mobilidade em médias e grandes cidades brasileiras como o Rio de Janeiro tem se caracterizado pela utilização ineficiente do espaço público, juntamente com a redução da utilização do transporte coletivo. Qualquer mudança nas rotas e frequências de linhas no transporte coletivo assim como o surgimento de novas tecnologias e variação das tarifas geram efeitos sobre a distribuição de fluxos de passageiros. Juntando-se a esse contexto, há a atual conjuntura econômica do Rio de Janeiro onde acaba não sobrando recursos para investir em estudos e na implementação de melhoria da mobilidade urbana da cidade. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise de alternativas de cenários focados no metrô e em conexões do BRT com trens por já terem uma infraestrutura pré-existente o que facilitaria a construção dessas obras. Esta pesquisa mostra como as obras incluídas nos cenários propostos para 2016 e 2021 no Plano Diretor de Transportes do Rio de Janeiro estão discrepantes com a rede de transporte no ano de 2019 e por consequência o fluxo de passageiros na rede é diferente do previsto. Com o auxílio do software EMME e utilizando uma rede de transporte simplificada e mais atualizada da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, foi realizada a alocação do transporte coletivo baseado no modelo de estratégias ótimas de Spiess (1983), contido no EMME. Dessa forma verificou-se como a construção dessas novas infraestruturas de transporte alteraria o fluxo de passageiros. A partir desses resultados pode-se concluir que investir em conexões entre os modos e em obras que sejam capazes de retirar uma quantidade significativa de veículos da rede é um caminho chave para a Região Metropolitana já que esses investimentos deixam a rede de transporte menos congestionada e melhoram a qualidade de vida da população, além de seguir a apelo pelo desenvolvimento mais sustentável dos sistemas de transportes. / [en] Mobility in medium and large Brazilian cities such as Rio de Janeiro has been characterized by the inefficient use of public space, together with the reduction in the use of public transport. Any change in routes and line frequencies in public transport, as well as the emergence of new technologies and variation of fares, have an effect on the distribution of passenger flows. Adding to this context, there is the current economic situation in Rio de Janeiro, where there are no resources left to invest in studies and in the implementation of improving the city s urban mobility. This work presents an analysis of alternative scenarios focused on the trains and on BRT connections, as they already have a pre-existing infrastructure, which would facilitate the construction of these works. This research shows how the works included in the scenarios proposed for 2016 and 2021 in the Rio de Janeiro Transport Master Plan are discrepant with the transport network in 2019 and, consequently, the flow of passengers on the network is different from the forecast. With the aid of the EMME software and using a simplified and more up-to-date transportation network in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro, public transportation was allocated based on the optimal strategies model of Spiess (1983), contained in the EMME. Thus, it was verified how the construction of these new transport infrastructures would alter the flow of passengers. From these results, it can be concluded that investing in connections between modes and in works that are capable of removing a significant number of vehicles from the network is a key path for the metropolitan region as these investments make the transportation network less congested and improve the population s quality of life, in addition to following the call for more sustainable development of transport systems.

Redevelopment of Skeppsbron quay in Stockholm, Sweden

Starostina, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Esta pesquisa busca entender a participação social no seu planejamento sócio-espacial de áreas de favela, através da avaliação da efetividade da experiência participativa no desenvolvimento do Plano Diretor da Rocinha, elaborado pela equipe liderada pelo arquiteto Luiz Carlos Toledo, na cidade Rio de Janeiro. Para isto, utiliza-se a avaliação do projeto participativo baseada nos três critérios básicos propostos por Spinuzzi para identificar as potencialidades, impasses e desafios do projeto. Apresenta uma reflexão sobre o planejamento participativo no Brasil, realizada por meio de uma análise comparativa com os princípios e diretrizes estabelecidos na Constituição de 1988, Estatuto da Cidade de 2001 e no Plano Diretor Participativo1 do Ministério das Cidades. Consiste num olhar comparativo entre os princípios das políticas participativas presentes nestes documentos e os dos estudos teoréticos da participação social em si. Como o estudo de caso aponta-se o Plano Diretor da favela da Rocinha, considerado uma amostragem de todos os elementos participativos aqui levantados. Ao fim pretende-se resolver a seguinte problemática: Qual a relevância do Planejamento Participativo conforme o caso do Plano Diretor da comunidade da Rocinha no Rio de Janeiro?. Qualifica-se como pesquisa exploratória a partir de levantamento bibliográfico e entrevistas. Assume assim a forma de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e estudo de caso. / [en] This research explores an understanding of social participation in the common spatial areas of favelas. This effort evaluates the effectiveness of the participation experience in the development of the Master Plan of Rocinha, created by Luiz Carlos Toledo’s group in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The research evaluates the participation project based on three criteria as proposed by Spinuzzi that identify potentialities, deadlocks and challenges of the project. It presents a reflection on participatory planning in Brazil, through analyzing the principles and guidelines established in the Constitution of 1988, the Status of the City from 2001 and Participatory Master Plan2 of the Ministry of the Cities. It also compares the principles of participatory politics present in these documents as well as theoretical studies of social participation itself. As the case study demonstrates the Master Plan of the Rocinha favela considered a sampling of all the participatory elements addressed in this research. In the final analysis, the research intends to solve the following problem: What is the relevance of Participatory Planning according to the example of the Master Plan of the Rocinha Community in Rio de Janeiro? This research identifies itself as a work of exploratory research based on a bibliographical survey and interviews. It thus takes the form of bibliographic research, documental research and case study.

Финансово-экономическое обоснование проекта строительства комплекса для IT-компании в Сысертском городском округе : магистерская диссертация / Financial and economic feasibility study for the construction of a complex for an IT-company in Sysertsky urban district

Барейчева, М. А., Bareicheva, M. A. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В работе рассмотрен финансово-экономический проект по созданию комплекса объектов для IT-компании на территории села Патруши (Сысертский городской округ, Свердловская область). Проанализирована территория расположения рассматриваемого земельного участка, рассмотрен мировой опыт создания объектов для IT-индустрии, сформирована концепция развития территории на основе разработанного мастер-плана. Сформирован бюджет проекта, рассчитаны показатели экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices. The work considers a financial and economic project to create a complex of facilities for an IT-company in the village of Patrushi (Sysert urban district, Sverdlovsk region). The location of the site has been analyzed, international experience in creating facilities for the IT-industry has been considered, a concept of territory development on the basis of the master plan has been formed. The budget of the project was formed and the indicators of economic efficiency of the project were calculated. The conclusion formulates the main conclusions and summarizes the results of the study.

Финансово-экономическое обоснование девелоперского проекта комплексного освоения территорий Сысертского городского округа с применением принципов зеленого строительства : магистерская диссертация / Financial and economic justification of the development project of the integrated development of the territories of the Sysert city district using the principles of green construction

Кубина, Е. А., Kubina, E. A. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка и приложений. В работе рассмотрено обоснование финансово-экономического девелоперского проекта по созданию современного микрорайона повышенного уровня комфортности в рамках комплексного освоения территорий г. Сысерть (Сысертский городской округ, Свердловская область). Проанализирована территория расположения рассматриваемого земельного участка и разработана концепция развития территории на основе разработанного мастер-плана и идеи «моносотной» архитектуры. Сформирован бюджет проекта, рассчитаны интегральные показатели экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The Master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and appendices. The paper considers the justification of a financial and economic development project to create a modern microdistrict of an increased level of comfort within the framework of the integrated development of the territories of the city of Sysert (Sysert city district, Sverdlovsk region). The territory of the location of the considered land plot is analyzed and the concept of territory development is developed on the basis of the developed master plan and the idea of "monocot" architecture. The project budget has been formed, integral indicators of the economic efficiency of the project have been calculated. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.

Assessing Working Models' Impact on Land Cover Dynamics through Multi-Agent Based Modeling and Artificial Neural Networks:  A Case Study of Roanoke, VA

Nusair, Heba Zaid 30 May 2024 (has links)
The transition towards flexible work arrangements, notably work-from-home (WFH) practices, has prompted significant discourse on their potential to reshape urban landscapes. While existing urban growth models (UGM) offer insights into environmental and economic impacts, There is a need to study the urban phenomena from the bottom-up style, considering the essential influence of individuals' behavior and decision-making process at disaggregate and local levels (Brail, 2008, p. 89). Addressing this gap, this study aims to comprehensively understand how evolving work modalities influence the urban form and land use patterns by focusing on socioeconomic and environmental factors. This research employs an Agent-Based Model (ABM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), integrated with GIS technologies, to predict the future Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) changes within Roanoke, Virginia. The study uniquely explores the dynamic interplay between macro-level policies and micro-level individual behaviors—categorized by employment types, social activities, and residential choices—shedding light on their collective impact on urban morphology. Contrary to conventional expectations, findings reveal that the current low rate in WFH practices has not significantly redirected urban development trends towards sprawl but rather has emphasized urban densification, largely influenced by on-site work modalities. This observation is corroborated by WFH ratios not exceeding 10% in any analyzed census tract. Regarding model performance, the integration of micro-agents into the model substantially improved its accuracy from 86% to 89.78%, enabling a systematic analysis of residential preferences between WFH and on-site working (WrOS) agents. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis and decision score maps delineate the distinct spatial preferences of these agent groups, highlighting a pronounced suburban and rural preference among WFH agents, in contrast to the urban-centric inclination of WrOS agents. Utilizing ABM and ANN integrated with GIS technologies, this research advances the precision and complexity of urban growth predictions. The findings contribute valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers and underline the intricate relationships between work modalities and urban structure, challenging existing paradigms and setting a precedent for future urban planning methodologies. / Doctor of Philosophy / As more people start working from home, cities might change unexpectedly. This study in Roanoke, Virginia, explores how work-from-home (WFH) practices affect urban development. Traditional city growth models look at big-picture trends, but this study dives into the details of workers' individual behaviors and their residential choices. Using advanced computer models such as machine learning and geographic information systems (GIS), predictions are made on how different work arrangements influence where workers live and how cities expand. Surprisingly, fewer people work from home than expected. This hasn't caused cities to spread out more. Instead, Roanoke is expected to become denser in the next ten years because on-site workers tend to live in urban centers, while those who work from home prefer suburban and rural areas and, sometimes, urban. Different work arrangements lead to distinct residential preferences. By including the workers' individual behaviors in the models, the model's accuracy increased from 86% to 89.78%. Logistic regression analysis highlights the factors influencing land use changes, such as proximity to roads, slopes, home values, and wages. This research helps city planners and policymakers understand working arrangement trends and create better policies to manage urban development. It shows the complex relationship between work practices and city structures, providing valuable insights for future city planning.

Discoveries for a Community

Gregores, Megan Kesler 22 November 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the design of a new, private residential community on the undeveloped island, Thatch Cay, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Architectural issues explored include the use of load bearing walls versus free standing columns for the primary structure of the individual buildings as a means of ordering space and a way to frame the context of the Caribbean. Architectural decisions involve how to make openings in the walls, how much of the walls remain, and how the remaining portions of the walls are articulated, as best suited for the specific building type, a prototype residence, in this particular setting in the tropics. / Master of Architecture

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