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Transportation in Sweden currently accounts for one-third of domestic GHG emissions. Thereof more than 90 % are allocated to road traffic with passenger cars being the largest contributor. Hence, the Swedish government adopted stringent climate policies to cut transport emissionsby 70 % (compared to 2010) latest until 2030. Electrification is seen as one of the key strategies to mitigate climate change and to accomplish set climate goals. Hence, estimation and quantification of electric vehicle life cycle carbon footprints is of major interest to understand their environmental performance. As part of this study lifetime burdens for gasoline, diesel and battery electric vehicles were contrasted. Nominal end of life was assumed to be reached after 200.000 km. The life cycle inventory was conducted based on market and literature data and by employing the open-source LCA tool carculator. Impacts on material resources were assessed by various materialization models for vehicle glider, combustion powertrain and electric powertrain. Additional impact categories such as formation of fine particles, freshwater use and terrestrial ecotoxicity were included. Results showed that lifetime carbon footprints of electric vehicles in Sweden are 45-51 % lower compared to conventional diesel and gasoline drives. Per driven kilometer, electric vehicles caused 137,46 g CO2-eq./km, diesel vehicles 249,28 g/km and gasoline vehicles 282,75 g/km. Savings of electric drives mainly originate from vehicle operation (zero tailpipe emissions) and low carbon electricity generation (predominantly hydropower, nuclear energy and wind energy). Lifetime battery charging according to the Swedish energy system was found to provoke 1,03 t of GHG emissions. This is ten times lower compared to average EU loads. Modeling results for electric vehicle manufacturing disclosed a total carbon footprint of 17,63 t CO2-eq. with a significant portion of 5,99 t originating from lithium-ion batteries. This is 57-63 % higher than estimated production footprints for fossil fuel vehicles with the same amount of 8,63 t CO2-eq. allocated to the glider. However, performed sensitivity studies revealed significant potential to cut emissions from battery manufacturing with transition to European sites. Replacement and conversion of vehicles from the Swedish fleet was assessed according to both, a fixed lifetime perspective of 200.000 km and year-by-year scenario models. Three different paths projecting development of the vehicle stock until 2030 are presented. Results of this work showed that vehicle conversion offers potential to save about 1.191 kg of material resources (thereof 728 kg ferrous metals, 104 kg aluminum, 149 kg plastics and 210 kg other materials). Corresponding savings in production emissions comprise 8,63 t CO2-eq. through reuse of the vehicle glider. From a nationwide perspective, up to 34 % of annual GHG emissions and up to 60 % of the annual material demand could be saved. Results further suggest a target value of around 3,8 millionelectric vehicles by 2030 to achieve aspired emission limits. / Kurzzusammenfassung - Siehe angehängtes Dokument / <p>NOT KTH STUDENT (INTERNSHIP AT ITRL)</p> / International collaboration with University of Stuttgart
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An assessment of the factors affecting the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in Zimbabwean primary schoolsChimhenga, Sylod 12 1900 (has links)
The present study assessed the factors that affect the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in Zimbabwean primary schools. The assessment serves as a context for finding ways of dealing with challenges and proposing a model of implementing inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. The survey method was used in the empirical study and a self-constructed questionnaire was used to collect data. Two hundred and fifty primary school teachers, twenty education officers and thirty college/university lecturers participated in the study. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 16.0 was used to analyse data. Frequency tables and ratios were calculated to establish the relative rating of each item. Chi-square tests were also calculated.
This study revealed that primary school teachers lacked training to assist children with learning disabilities in their classes. The study also revealed that the primary schools did not have material resources to implement inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. The current study also established that the stakeholders had negative attitudes towards the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. Findings of the study also revealed that there was no inclusive education policy for the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in primary schools.
The present study recommended that the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in primary schools would be improved through the professional preparation and training of Zimbabwean school teachers, the availability of trained teachers, the provision of resources and the need to formulate mandatory policies and legislation for the implementation of inclusive education. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Методолошки фактори обезбеђења квалитета средњег стручног образовања и њихов утицај на повишење нивоа производње / Metodološki faktori obezbeđenja kvaliteta srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja i njihov uticaj na povišenje nivoa proizvodnje / Methodological factors which ensure the quality of secondary vocational education and their impact on the increase of the level of productionMalešević Dane 21 December 2011 (has links)
<p>Глобализација светске привреде довела је да је квалитет постао приоритетан фактор у борби са конкуренцијом за опстанак на тржишту. Квалитет се дефинише као скуп особина, карактеристика производа, робе, услуга, рада, изазивајући њихову способност да задовоље потребе и захтеве потрошача у складу са циљем и њиховим очекивањима. Због потребе привреде за радном снагом која ће бити компетента да производи производе који ће задовољити потребе и жеље купаца, све су израженији захтеви за квалитетом у стручном образовању. Основу за оцену квалитета образовног процеса чине образовни исходи који обухватају знања, способности вештие и ставове ученика који се стичу кроз формално образовање у школама. Квалитетно образовање не би требало посматрати као процес потрошње него као процес интгеракције између наставника и ученика. Образовање мора имати за циљ давање ученицима прилика за лични развој и поверење да ће се прилагодити новим ситуацијама да ће их променити ако то буду сматрали потребним. Образовање никад не може бити неутралан процес; увек ће бити базиран на вредности. Равнотежа између објективних чињеница и испитивање тих чињеница представља велик изазов за професионалног наставника (<a href="http://www.ei-ie-org">www.ei-ie-org</a>).</p><p>На квалитет образовних исхода средњег стручног образовања утичу разни фактори међу којима су: наставници са својим компетенцијама, менаџмент школа, наставни планови и програми, материјални ресурси.</p><p>За истраживање утицаја поменутих фактора, констурисан је упитник за директоре, наставнике, ученике, родитеље и привреднике којим је вршено прикупљање податак у узорку. Смањење количине података вршено је помоћу факторске анализе у SPSS Statistics 17, односно, извршили смо издвајање најмањег броја фактора који добро представљају међувезе у скупу променљивих из помоћ:</p><p>- анализе главних фактора (Кајзеров критеријум),</p><p>- факторизације слике (дијаграм одрона, engl.scree тест),</p><p>- паралелне анализе (користећи програм MONTE CARLO PCA for PARALLEL ANALYSIS),</p><p>- оцене прикладности података за факторску анализу (Бартлетов тест сферичности и Кајзер-Мајер-Олкинов-КМО показатељ адекватности узорка).</p><p>У обради података и доказивању галавне и помоћних хипотеза коришћене су основне статистичке методе:</p><p>1. дексриптивна статистика,</p><p>2. непараметарски тест:</p><p>-Колмогоров-Смирновљев тест нормалности дистрибуције</p><p>-HI квадрат тест</p><p>3. графички приказ резултата статистичке обраде.</p><p>Резултати истраживања су показали да квалитет средњег стручног образовања зависи од наставног кадра, менаџмента школа, модуларних наставних планова и програма и материјалних ресурса. Да квалитет средњег стручног образовања утиче на повећање нивоа производње, доказ је изведен на основу резултата истраживања које је проведено међу привредницима.</p><p>Даља истраживања у области квалитета средњег стручног образовања треба усмерити на: компетенције наставника, компетенције менаџмента, корелације опремљености школа са успехом ученика, утицај модуларних наставних планова и програма из појединачних предмета, смањење оптерећења ученика, сарадње школе и предузећа на утврђивању програмских садржаја практичне наставе, мотивације наставника и менаџмента школа за квалитетан рад и постизање резултата којима ће бити задовољни сви корисници.</p> / <p>Globalizacija svetske privrede dovela je da je kvalitet postao prioritetan faktor u borbi sa konkurencijom za opstanak na tržištu. Kvalitet se definiše kao skup osobina, karakteristika proizvoda, robe, usluga, rada, izazivajući njihovu sposobnost da zadovolje potrebe i zahteve potrošača u skladu sa ciljem i njihovim očekivanjima. Zbog potrebe privrede za radnom snagom koja će biti kompetenta da proizvodi proizvode koji će zadovoljiti potrebe i želje kupaca, sve su izraženiji zahtevi za kvalitetom u stručnom obrazovanju. Osnovu za ocenu kvaliteta obrazovnog procesa čine obrazovni ishodi koji obuhvataju znanja, sposobnosti veštie i stavove učenika koji se stiču kroz formalno obrazovanje u školama. Kvalitetno obrazovanje ne bi trebalo posmatrati kao proces potrošnje nego kao proces intgerakcije između nastavnika i učenika. Obrazovanje mora imati za cilj davanje učenicima prilika za lični razvoj i poverenje da će se prilagoditi novim situacijama da će ih promeniti ako to budu smatrali potrebnim. Obrazovanje nikad ne može biti neutralan proces; uvek će biti baziran na vrednosti. Ravnoteža između objektivnih činjenica i ispitivanje tih činjenica predstavlja velik izazov za profesionalnog nastavnika (<a href="http://www.ei-ie-org">www.ei-ie-org</a>).</p><p>Na kvalitet obrazovnih ishoda srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja utiču razni faktori među kojima su: nastavnici sa svojim kompetencijama, menadžment škola, nastavni planovi i programi, materijalni resursi.</p><p>Za istraživanje uticaja pomenutih faktora, konsturisan je upitnik za direktore, nastavnike, učenike, roditelje i privrednike kojim je vršeno prikupljanje podatak u uzorku. Smanjenje količine podataka vršeno je pomoću faktorske analize u SPSS Statistics 17, odnosno, izvršili smo izdvajanje najmanjeg broja faktora koji dobro predstavljaju međuveze u skupu promenljivih iz pomoć:</p><p>- analize glavnih faktora (Kajzerov kriterijum),</p><p>- faktorizacije slike (dijagram odrona, engl.scree test),</p><p>- paralelne analize (koristeći program MONTE CARLO PCA for PARALLEL ANALYSIS),</p><p>- ocene prikladnosti podataka za faktorsku analizu (Bartletov test sferičnosti i Kajzer-Majer-Olkinov-KMO pokazatelj adekvatnosti uzorka).</p><p>U obradi podataka i dokazivanju galavne i pomoćnih hipoteza korišćene su osnovne statističke metode:</p><p>1. deksriptivna statistika,</p><p>2. neparametarski test:</p><p>-Kolmogorov-Smirnovljev test normalnosti distribucije</p><p>-HI kvadrat test</p><p>3. grafički prikaz rezultata statističke obrade.</p><p>Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da kvalitet srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja zavisi od nastavnog kadra, menadžmenta škola, modularnih nastavnih planova i programa i materijalnih resursa. Da kvalitet srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja utiče na povećanje nivoa proizvodnje, dokaz je izveden na osnovu rezultata istraživanja koje je provedeno među privrednicima.</p><p>Dalja istraživanja u oblasti kvaliteta srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja treba usmeriti na: kompetencije nastavnika, kompetencije menadžmenta, korelacije opremljenosti škola sa uspehom učenika, uticaj modularnih nastavnih planova i programa iz pojedinačnih predmeta, smanjenje opterećenja učenika, saradnje škole i preduzeća na utvrđivanju programskih sadržaja praktične nastave, motivacije nastavnika i menadžmenta škola za kvalitetan rad i postizanje rezultata kojima će biti zadovoljni svi korisnici.</p> / <p>Globalization of the world economy has brought about the fact that the quality is a<br />priority factor in the competition for the survival on the market. The quality is defined<br />as a collection of features, characteristics of products, goods, services, work, which challenges their capacities to meet the needs and the demands of the consumers in accordance with the goal and their expectations.<br />Because of the needs of the economy for labour forces, that are competent to produce products which would meet the needs and desires of buyers, the demands for the quality in the vocational education have become prominet. The assesment of the quality of the educational process is based on the educational results which comprise knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes of students, which are required<br />through formal education in schools. A high quality education should not be viewed<br />as a process of consumption but as a process of interaction between teachers and students. The educational goal should be to provide opportunities for the students for their personal developement and for boosting their confidence that they would be able to adjust to new situations, and that they would be able to change such situations, if necessary. The education can never be a neutral process; it is<br />always based on values. The balance between objective facts and the examination of these facts represents a big challenge for a professional teacher (www.ei-ie.org).<br />The quality of educational results in the secondary vocational education is affected by<br />various factors, some of which are: teachers with their competences, management of<br />schools, educational curricula and programmes, material resources. For the purposes of research of the impacts and of the abovementioned factors, a questionnaire was designed for schoolmasters, teachers, students, parents and businessmen, through which a collection of data in the sample was<br />made. The reduction of the quantity of the data is conducted by means of factor analysis in SPSS Statistics 17, i.e., the extracting of the smallest number of factors was done, which represents well the interrelations in the collection of variables by means of: Analysis of major factors (Kajzer's<br />criterion), Factorization of the picture (screen test), Parallel analyses (programme used: Monte Carlo PCA for Parallel Analysis), The assessments of the adequacy of the data for the factor analysis (Bartlet test of specification and Kajzer-Majer-Olikin -<br />KMO indicator of the sample adequacy) For the data processing and in proving the main hypothesis as well as the auxilliary hypotheses, two basic statistical methods were used:<br />1. Descriptive statistics<br />2. Non-parameter test:<br />1. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the normality of the distribution<br />2. HI-square test<br />3. Graphic representation of the results of the statistical processing.<br />The results of the research have shown that the quality of the secondary vocational education depends on the teaching staff, school management, modular educational curricula and programmes and material resources.<br />For the fact that the quality of the secondary vocational education affects the increase of the level of production, the evidence was deducted on the basis of the results of the research which was conducted among businesmen. Further researches in the area of the quality of the secondary vocational education should be focused on: competences of teachers, competences of the management, correlation between the level of equipment of a school and the achievemtents of students, the impact of<br />modular educational curricula and programmes of individual subjects, reduction of the encumbrance of students, co-operation of schools and companies on defining the content of the programme of practical education, motivation of teachers and of the management of schools for a high qulity work and for achieving results with which all the beneficiaries will be satisfied.</p>
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An assessment of the factors affecting the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in Zimbabwean primary schoolsChimhenga, Sylod 12 1900 (has links)
The present study assessed the factors that affect the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in Zimbabwean primary schools. The assessment serves as a context for finding ways of dealing with challenges and proposing a model of implementing inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. The survey method was used in the empirical study and a self-constructed questionnaire was used to collect data. Two hundred and fifty primary school teachers, twenty education officers and thirty college/university lecturers participated in the study. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 16.0 was used to analyse data. Frequency tables and ratios were calculated to establish the relative rating of each item. Chi-square tests were also calculated.
This study revealed that primary school teachers lacked training to assist children with learning disabilities in their classes. The study also revealed that the primary schools did not have material resources to implement inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. The current study also established that the stakeholders had negative attitudes towards the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. Findings of the study also revealed that there was no inclusive education policy for the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in primary schools.
The present study recommended that the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities in primary schools would be improved through the professional preparation and training of Zimbabwean school teachers, the availability of trained teachers, the provision of resources and the need to formulate mandatory policies and legislation for the implementation of inclusive education. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Bytový dům ve Slavkově u Brna - stavebně technologický projekt / New construction of block of apartments A1, at Slavkov u Brna - Preparation of the realization constructionStuchlík, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
This Thesis deals with the organization of realization of the residential building A1 Slavkov u Brna. Thesis solves mainly technological process of realization of the main object. The thesis aims to develop a time schedule of execution, usage of mechanisms timetable, material resources, technological regulations, inspection and test plans. The annex also solved graphically construction site facility set up and its modifications during execution depending on different type of works. This Thesis is based on realization project provided by the realization company and with consent of project designer.
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Materiální dějiny planetární urbanizace / Material history of planetary urbanizationŠana, Václav Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the final urbanization of the planet term from a materialistic point of view. The distribution of freshwater, energy consumption and especially agricultural food production are the basic factors which, together with logistics and demography, form fundamental drivers of material history. The "Malthusian" fear of a situation where the world's population is running out of resources accompanies contemporary rhetoric. The aim of the work is to try to find and explore solutions to the material necessities of humanity and to design organizational principles, systems, urban and architectural solutions.
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Viktiga kompetenser och förmågor inom Big Data analytics och dess effektivitet på marknadsföring : En kvalitativ studie om Big Data analytics inom köksbranschen / Important skills and abilities in Big Data analytics and its effectiveness on marketing : A qualitative study on Big Data analytics in the kitchen industryHagberg, Jonatan, Russell, Philip, Larsson, Emil January 2023 (has links)
Big Data analytics är en fascinerande process som lyfter fram möjligheten att utvinna djupgående insikter och dra slutsatser från omfattande datamängder, och dess tillämpningsområden sträcker sig över flera branscher och områden inklusive köksbranschen och marknadsföring som denna studie fokuserar på. Utmaningen att dra nytta av Big Data analytics för att förstå konsumentbeteenden och preferenser kan dock vara betydande, men när företag tillhandahåller de rätta resurserna, kan de på ett effektivt sätt optimera sina marknadsföringsstrategier. Denna studie syftade till att utforska vilka specifika kompetenser och förmågor företag behöver för att framgångsrikt hantera stora datamängder, samt hur Big Data analytics kan bidra till en effektivare marknadsföring inom köksbranschen. Genom att använda en induktiv forskningsansats och genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra företag inom den svenska köksbranschen, kopplades svaren till ett teoretiskt ramverk för att analysera datan och identifiera kompetenser, förmågor och effekter inom Big Data analytics. Resultaten visade på vikten av olika kompetenser såsom teknisk kunskap, datavisualisering, machine learning, marknadsföringskunskaper, kreativt tänkande, ledarskap och kommunikation för att uppnå framgång inom Big Data analytics. Studien betonade också den avgörande betydelsen av att samla in högkvalitativ data, integrera verktyg och använda insikterna för att optimera marknadsföringsstrategier inom köksbranschen. Som förslag till framtida forskning framhåller denna studie behovet av att undersöka organisatoriska och kulturella faktorer som påverkar potentialen inom Big Data analytics. Det föreslås även att framtida forskning bör utforska andra branscher och deras specifika behov när det gäller Big Data analytics, vilket kan bredda förståelsen inom detta område. Nyckelord: Big Data analytics, effektivare marknadsföring, kompetenser, Big Data analytics förmågor, dynamiska förmågor, marknadsrelaterade förmågor, materiella resurser, immateriella resurser, mänskliga förmågor / Summary Big Data analytics is a fascinating process that highlights the ability to extract profound insights and draw conclusions from large amounts of data. Its applications span across various industries and domains, including the kitchen industry and marketing, which this study focuses on. However, harnessing the power of Big Data analytics to understand consumer behavior and preferences can be challenging. Nevertheless, when companies provide the right resources, they can effectively optimize their marketing strategies. This study aimed to explore the specific competencies and skills that companies need to successfully handle large volumes of data, as well as how Big Data analytics can contribute to more efficient marketing in the kitchen industry. Employing an inductive research approach and conducting semi-structured interviews with four companies in the Swedish kitchen industry, the findings were linked to a theoretical framework to analyze the data and identify competencies, skills, and effects within Big Data analytics. The results underscored the importance of various competencies such as technical knowledge, data visualization, machine learning, marketing expertise, creative thinking, leadership, and communication in achieving success in Big Data analytics. The study also emphasized the crucial significance of collecting high-quality data, integrating tools, and utilizing insights to optimize marketing strategies within the kitchen industry. As a suggestion for future research, this study highlights the need to examine organizational and cultural factors that impact the potential of Big Data analytics. Additionally, it is proposed that future research should explore other industries and their specific requirements regarding Big Data analytics, thereby broadening the understanding in this field.
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Centrální objekt nemocnice v Uherském Hradišti - stavebně technologická příprava stavby / Central hospital buildings in Uherske Hradiste - Building construction technology preparationNovotný, Zdeněk January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with construction and technological preparation of the construction of the central hospital building in the town Uherske Hradiste. The work is composed of selected parts of the building and technological project, which is annexed to the diploma thesis. On some selected parts of the building and technological project is also prepared relevant drawings. The aim of the thesis is to choose a suitable and effective implementation process object depending on the circumstances and determine the resources of time, funds, personnel and materials.
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Přístavba hotelu Tři Věžičky ve Stříteži - příprava realizace stavby / Extension of a hotel Tři Věžičky in Střítež - planning of implementation of constructionPupíková, Ingrid January 2017 (has links)
This thesis solves the construction technology project extension at Three Steeples in Střítež, building apartments. Work includes the complete study of the implementation, including timing and the financial plan, assessment of the wider relations of transport routes, the project site equipment, design of the main building machines and mechanisms, technological specifications for masonry, inspection and test quality plan for walling, technological prescription for clay plasters and itemized budget rough construction of the main building.
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Stavebně technologický projekt novostavby pavilonu Veterinární a farmaceutické fakulty v Brně / Constructive-technological project of a new building University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences BrnoGwoździová, Joanna January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the construction-technological project New flats of Study and Information Centre of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Brno. The building will offer a modern study environment for students. There will be a space for the central library as well as the study centre in the SIC. Also, the university archive and museum depository of the Institute of the History of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy will take place there. The building will be constituted of three five-floor blocks with overall groundplan size 72,40 x 30,50 m. The construction system is comprised by a ferroconcrete frame. The block C (the northern one) has one underground floor. At the level of the first uderground floor, the particular blocks are interconnected by an installation corridor. At the level of the second and third above-ground floor, the blocks are linked up with ferroconcrete connecting bridges. In the case of the fourth above-ground floor, the blocks are bridged by a dimensional steel construction which at the same time forms a roof and lifts the glassed frontage along the perimeter of the building. The fifth above-ground floor disposes of recessive steel extenstions of the engine rooms of air conditioning system.
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