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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifizierung von Enterobacteriaceae und Nonfermentern mittels MALDI-TOF MS unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von multiresistenten und darmpathogenen Erregern

Knoop, Nicolas 05 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Der zeitnahe und möglichst sichere Nachweis bakterieller Krankheitserreger und deren Empfindlichkeit gegenüber verfügbaren antibakteriell wirksamen Chemotherapeutika (Antibiotika) stellt einen Hauptaufgabenbereich der medizinischen mikrobiologischen Routinediagnostik dar. Hierzu wurden im Laufe der Jahre unterschiedliche Methoden entwickelt, womit von der genauen Beschreibung der Kolonie- und mikroskopischen Morphologie, Anfärbbarkeit und Formation über die Charakterisierung der biochemischen Leistungsfähigkeit bis hin zur genauen Sequenzierung des gesamten Genoms ein enormer Fortschritt zu verzeichnen war. Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre etablierte sich die Massenspektrometrie als phänotypisches Nachweisverfahren und gewann zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ebenso konnten Erfolge beim Nachweis Antibiotika resistenter Bakterien verzeichnet werden. Um das Potential dieser noch jungen Nachweismethode weiter zu erforschen, wurden in dieser Arbeit Spezies der Familie Enterobacteriaceae und der Nonfermenter in eine eigene massenspektrometrische Datenbank aufgenommen, um diese als Grundlage zur Validierung des Identifizierungspotentials der Methode mittels Blindstudie zu nutzen. Im selben Arbeitsschritt wurde der Versuch unternommen, Antibiotika resistente Stämme im Zuge der Speziesidentifizierung zu detektieren, um so Aussagen über eine mögliche Einschränkung der therapeutischen Möglichkeiten und gegebenenfalls notwendigen Hygienemaßnahmen treffen zu können.
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The role of shed GP in Ebola virus pathogenicity / Le rôle de la shed GP dans la pathogénicité du virus Ebola

Escudero Pérez, Beatriz 03 October 2014 (has links)
Au cours de l’infection par le virus Ebola (EBOV), plusieurs glycoprotéines solubles sont massivement libérées à partir de cellules infectées mais le rôle précis de ces protéines virales n’a pas encore été identifié. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que l'altération de l’hémostase et du système et vasculaires observée au cours de l'infection à virus Ebola pourrait être, au moins en partie causée par ces glycoprotéines solubles. Ainsi pour la première fois, nous avons identifié les cibles cellulaires de la protéine soluble « shed GP » d’Ebola et nous avons démontré que sa partie glycosylé peut activer les cellules dendritiques et les macrophages non infectés, induisant, par le récepteur TLR4, la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Nous démontrons aussi que l'activité de la shed GP est neutralisé lors de l'addition de la MBL, une protéine connue pour interagir avec certains motifs glycosylés présents à la surface de différents micro-organismes. Nous avons également montré que la shed GP active la perméabilité des HUVEC de façon directe et indirecte, via la libération de cytokines. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que la shed GP peut être l'un des principaux facteurs responsables de la stimulation précoce des cellules immunitaires qui produisent alors de grandes quantités de cytokines pro-inflammatoires, des éléments qui, combinés avec la réplication massive du virus et les dommages cellulaires induits par le virus, peuvent conduire à un syndrome de type choc septique et une mortalité élevée. / During Ebola virus (EBOV) infection several soluble glycoproteins are released in high amounts from infected cells but as yet still no clear role has been identified for these viral proteins. We hypothesized that the impairment of coagulation and vascular systems observed during EBOV infection could be, at least in part, due to these soluble glycoproteins.Here, for the first time we identify the cellular targets of EBOV soluble protein shed GP and provide evidence that through its glycosylation, shed GP can activate non-infected dendritic cells and macrophages, inducing, through TLR4, the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We also demonstrate that shed GP activity is negated upon addition of Mannose-Binding sera Lectin (MBL), a molecule known to interact with sugar arrays present on the surface of different microorganisms. We have also revealed that shed GP activates permeability of HUVECs both directly and indirectly through cytokine release. Overall, this study suggests that shed GP may be one of the principal factors responsible for the early stimulation of immune cells that then produce high amounts of proinflammatory cytokines that, combined with massive virus replication and virus-induced cell damage, can lead to a septic shock-like syndrome and high mortality.
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Caractérisation de l'interaction des collagènes de défense avec la calréticuline de Trypanosoma cruzi et CR1/CD35 / Characterization of the interaction of the defence collagens with T. cruzi calreticulin and CR1/CD35

Jacquet, Mickaël 24 September 2012 (has links)
Les collagènes de défense (C1q, MBL, ficolines) sont capables de reconnaître de nombreux motifs à la surface des éléments du non soi ou du soi altéré, via leurs domaines globulaires C-terminaux. Ils peuvent également interagir avec certains récepteurs présents à la surface des cellules humaines ou de pathogènes. Nous nous sommes intéressés dans un premier temps à la calréticuline de Trypanosoma Cruzi (TcCRT), une protéine qui interviendrait dans les mécanismes d'évasion de ce parasite. Dans le but de réaliser des études fonctionnelles et structurales de la TcCRT, nous avons produit différents fragments recombinants. Nous ne sommes cependant pas parvenus à obtenir un échantillon nous permettant d'accomplir nos objectifs, nous conduisant à reporter nos efforts sur l'étude d'un autre récepteur, CR1/CD35. Il a été montré précédemment que CR1/CD35 pouvait interagir avec C1q et la MBL, probablement par ses modules CCP 22-30. Cette interaction pourrait être impliquée dans l'élimination des complexes immuns, la phagocytose ou encore des mécanismes de signalisation cellulaire. A l'aide d'un fragment recombinant comprenant les modules CCP 22-30 de CR1, nous avons confirmé par SPR l'interaction avec C1q et la MBL. Nous avons également montré pour la première fois que CR1 pouvait interagir avec les ficolines L, H et M par ce même domaine. Nos résultats indiquent que cette interaction prendrait majoritairement place dans la région collagène de C1q, de la MBL et de la ficoline L, probablement à proximité du site de fixation des protéases. L'utilisation de fragments tronqués de CR1 CCP 22-30, nous permet de proposer l'hypothèse que les modules CCP 24 et 25 de CR1 seraient le site majoritaire de fixation des collagènes de défense. Ces données ouvrent la voie à des études structurales et fonctionnelles visant à approfondir notre connaissance des interactions CR1 – collagène de défense et de leur rôle physiologique. / The defence collagens (C1q, MBL, ficolins) are able to recognize various patterns on non-self or altered-self surfaces through their globular domains. They can also interact with receptors at the surface of human cells or pathogens. First, we were interested in the calreticulin from Trypanosoma cruzi, a protein which may be involved in the evasion mechanisms of that parasite. To achieve structural and functional studies, we produced recombinant fragments from TcCRT. Unfortunately, we couldn't obtain any sample suitable for our studies, so we decided to focus on another receptor, CR1/CD35. It has been shown previously by other teams that C1q and MBL bind to CR1/CD35, probably through CCP modules 22 to 30, close to the cell membrane. This interaction could be involved in several biologic mechanisms: elimination of immune complexes, phagocytosis, cell signaling. We produced a recombinant fragment including the CCP modules 22 to 30 of CR1 and confirmed its interaction with C1q and MBL using SPR. We also showed for the first time that L-, H- and M-ficolins bind to CR1 through CCP modules 22 to 30. Our results point out that the CR1 binding site of C1q, MBL and L-ficolin is located in the collagen stalks, most probably at or in close proximity to the serine protease interaction site. By using CR1 CCP 22-30 truncated fragments, we suggest that CCP modules 24 to 25 could be the main binding site for the defence collagens. These data open the way for structural and functional studies aiming at improving our knowledge of the CR1 – defense collagen interactions and of their physiological role.
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Mise en place, caractérisation phénotypique et transcriptomique d'un modèle de Drosophilie de la Dystrophie Myotonique de type 1 / Establishment, phenotypic and transcriptomic characterization of a Drosophilie model of Myotonic dystrophy of type 1

Picchio, Lucie 05 December 2013 (has links)
La dystrophie myotonique de type 1 (DM1) ou maladie de Steinert est la maladie génétique neuromusculaire la plus commune avec une incidence de 1/8000 à travers le monde. Cette maladie multisystémique touche particulièrement les muscles squelettiques (myotonie, faiblesse et perte musculaires) et le coeur qui présente des symptômes variés comme des troubles de la conduction et des arythmies. La DM1 est causée par une expansion instable de répétitions CTG dans la région 3’ non traduite du gène DMPK. Les individus sains possèdent entre 5 et 37 répétitions CTG tandis que les patients DM1 portent entre 50 et plusieurs milliers de répétitions. Il est bien établi que les expansions de répétitions non codantes forment des foci dans les noyaux musculaires où elles séquestrent le facteur d'épissage MBNL1. Toutefois, l'implication de la stabilisation et l'accumulation de CUGBP1 hyperphosphorylé par la PKC dans la maladie est un sujet controversé dans la communauté DM1. Dernièrement, en plus de la rupture de l'équilibre entre MBNL1/CUGBP1, plusieurs mécanismes ont été mis en cause dans la pathogenèse de la DM1. Parmi eux, l'expression perturbée de facteurs de transcription, la maturation altérée de miARNs, l'activation de kinases... chacune de ces altérations menant au final à une perturbation du transcriptome. Afin d'étudier l'effet de la toxicité des répétitions sur les phénotypes et lestranscriptomes, nous avons généré trois lignées de Drosophile inductibles et site-spécifiques exprimant 240, 600 et 960 répétitions de triplets. Nous avons travaillé en parallèle sur une lignée atténuée pour mbl (orthologue de MBNL1) et deux lignées gain de fonction bru -3 (orthologue de CUGBP1). Exprimées dans les muscles somatiques, les répétitions CTG conduisent à une mobilité réduite, le fractionnement des fibres musculaires, une réduction de leur taille et une altération du processus de fusion des myoblastes de manière dépendante de Mbl et Bru-3. En outre, l'expression des répétitions cause une hypercontraction musculaire dépendante de Mbl et due à un mauvais épissage de dSERCA. L'analyse transcriptionnelle comparative réalisée sur les muscles larvaires des différentes conditions pathologiques montre que l'atténuation de mbl reproduit 70-82% des dérégulations transcriptomiques des larves DM1 alors que le gain de fonction bru-3 représente 32-53% des altérations transcriptomiques des lignées DM1. Ainsi Mbl est un facteur clé des dérégulations observées dans les muscles somatiques des lignées DM1. Au contraire, les analyses physiologiques effectuées sur les coeurs adultes suggèrent que Bru-3 est un facteur clé dans la mise en place des phénotypes cardiaques. En effet, d'une part, l'atténuation de mbl dans le coeur cause une cardiomyopathie dilatée, un symptôme rarement diagnostiqué chez les patients. D'autre part, les lignées gain de fonction bru-3 et DM1 présentent de la fibrillation qui évolue avec l'âge ou la taille des répétitions vers un phénotype qui rappelle l'insuffisance cardiaque chez les patients. / Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1) or Steinert's disease is the most common genetic neuromuscular disorder affecting 1 out of 8000 people worldwide. This multisystemic disease affects particularly the skeletal muscles (myotonia, muscle weakness and wasting) and the heart, which can exhibit various symptoms like conduction disturbances and arrhythmia (auricular fibrillation and flutter). DM1 is caused by an unstable CTG repeat expansion in the 3' non-translated region of the DMPK gene. In healthy individuals, the number of CTG repeats ranges from 5 to 37 whereas DM1 patients carry from 50 to thousands repeats. It is well established that when expanded non-coding repeats aggregate into foci within muscle nuclei and sequester the MBNL1 splicing factor. However, the involvement of the stabilization and accumulation of CUGBP1 following PKC hyper-phosphorylation in the disease is a controversial matter in the DM1 community. Lately, in addition to the disruption of the balance between MBNL1/CUGBP1, several mechanisms were identified as part of the DM1 pathogenesis. Among them, transcription factors perturbations, altered maturation of miRNA, kinases activation… each of them leading eventually to transcriptomic alterations. In order to investigate the effect of toxic repeat expression on phenotypic and transcriptomic alterations, we generated three inducible site-specific Drosophila lines expressing 240, 600 and 960 triplet repeats. We worked in parallel on a mbl (MBNL1 orthologue) knocked-down line and two bru-3 (CUGBP1 orthologue) gain of function lines. When expressed in somatic muscles, CTG repeats lead to altered motility, fiber splitting, reduced fiber size and affected myoblast fusion process in a Mbl and Bru-3 dependent manner. In addition, toxic repeats cause fiber hyper-contraction in a Mbldependentmanner due to dSERCA mis-splicing. Comparative transcriptional profiling performed on larval muscles of different conditions show that mbl attenuation reproduces 70-82% of DM1 transcriptomic deregulations whereas bru-3 gain of function represents 32-53% of transcritomic alterations. Thus Mbl appears as a key factor of transcripts deregulations observed in DM1 muscles. On the contrary, physiologic analyses performed on adult hearts suggest that Bru-3 is a key factor for cardiac phenotypes. Indeed, on one hand, mbl attenuated flies display dilated cardiomyopathy, a symptom barely diagnosed in patients. On the other hand, bru-3 gain of function line and DM1 lines display fibrillation, which evolves withage or repeat size into a phenotype reminiscent of heart insufficiency in patients.
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Identifizierung von Enterobacteriaceae und Nonfermentern mittels MALDI-TOF MS unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von multiresistenten und darmpathogenen Erregern

Knoop, Nicolas 04 December 2014 (has links)
Der zeitnahe und möglichst sichere Nachweis bakterieller Krankheitserreger und deren Empfindlichkeit gegenüber verfügbaren antibakteriell wirksamen Chemotherapeutika (Antibiotika) stellt einen Hauptaufgabenbereich der medizinischen mikrobiologischen Routinediagnostik dar. Hierzu wurden im Laufe der Jahre unterschiedliche Methoden entwickelt, womit von der genauen Beschreibung der Kolonie- und mikroskopischen Morphologie, Anfärbbarkeit und Formation über die Charakterisierung der biochemischen Leistungsfähigkeit bis hin zur genauen Sequenzierung des gesamten Genoms ein enormer Fortschritt zu verzeichnen war. Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre etablierte sich die Massenspektrometrie als phänotypisches Nachweisverfahren und gewann zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ebenso konnten Erfolge beim Nachweis Antibiotika resistenter Bakterien verzeichnet werden. Um das Potential dieser noch jungen Nachweismethode weiter zu erforschen, wurden in dieser Arbeit Spezies der Familie Enterobacteriaceae und der Nonfermenter in eine eigene massenspektrometrische Datenbank aufgenommen, um diese als Grundlage zur Validierung des Identifizierungspotentials der Methode mittels Blindstudie zu nutzen. Im selben Arbeitsschritt wurde der Versuch unternommen, Antibiotika resistente Stämme im Zuge der Speziesidentifizierung zu detektieren, um so Aussagen über eine mögliche Einschränkung der therapeutischen Möglichkeiten und gegebenenfalls notwendigen Hygienemaßnahmen treffen zu können.
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Polimorfismo do éxon 1 do gene da lectina ligadora de manose (MBL) em indivíduos expostos à malária causada por Plasmodium vivax

KALIL, Karolina Fonseca 14 December 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Cleide Dantas (cleidedantas@ufpa.br) on 2014-02-12T14:21:53Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_PolimorfismoExon1Gene.pdf: 550227 bytes, checksum: 435a4d06507b6272adc8948ba5d9c613 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2014-04-01T16:34:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_PolimorfismoExon1Gene.pdf: 550227 bytes, checksum: 435a4d06507b6272adc8948ba5d9c613 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-01T16:34:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_PolimorfismoExon1Gene.pdf: 550227 bytes, checksum: 435a4d06507b6272adc8948ba5d9c613 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Neste estudo analisamos a freqüência de polimorfismos no éxon 1 do gene 2 da lectina Ligadora de manose (MBL) em indivíduos expostos à malária causada por Plasmodium vivax. Foram analisadas amostras de 81 indivíduos primoinfectados e 250 não infectados. Os indivíduos não infectados constituíram dois grupos, um que relatou nunca ter tido malária e o outro que teve de 1 a 4 ou mais episódios da doença. No grupo infectado, foi investigada a associação entre os polimorfismos e a suscetibilidade à infecção, a intensidade dos sinais e sintomas clínicos e a parasitemia. As mutações foram identificadas por reação em cadeia da polimerase e análise de restrição. O grupo infectado apresentou distribuição de freqüências alélicas e genotípicas diferente do grupo não infectado. As freqüências dos alelos MBL*A, MBL*B, MBL*C e MBL*D nos indivíduos infectados foram 64,20%, 19,75%, 0,00% e 15,43%, nos não infectados que nunca tiveram malária as freqüências foram 72,96%, 14,80%, 3,06% e 9,18%, e nos não infectados que relataram episódio prévio de malária as freqüências foram 74,67%, 14,81%, 2,30% e 8,22%, respectivamente. O alelo MBL*B foi associado à sintomatologia intensa e ao aumento na parasitemia, enquanto o alelo MBL*D foi associado às parasitemias mais baixas. No grupo não infectado, a distribuição das freqüências alélicas e genotípicas variou com o número de episódios e o tempo decorrido após o último episódio de malária. As variantes MBL*B e MBL*D contribuíram para essa variação. Esse foi o primeiro estudo para avaliar o impacto desses polimorfismos do gene da lectina ligadora de manose na resposta imune inata em indivíduos expostos naturalmente à malária causada por Plasmodium vivax. / In this study we evaluated the frequency of polymorphism in exon 1of gene 2 of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in individuals exposed to malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax. We analized 81samples from primo-infected and 250 from non- infected individuals. In the non-infected group were included individuals that reported never had malaria and individuals that have had 1 to 4 or more malaria episodes. In this study we analized the association between polymorphisms and susceptibility to infection, intensity of signals and clinical symptoms and parasitaemia. Polymorphisms in MBL gene were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction analysis. The infected group presented allele and genotype frequency distribution different from non-infected group. The frequencies of the alleles MBL*A, MBL*B, MBL*C and MBL*D in infected individuals were 64.20%, 19.75%, 0.00% and 15.43%, in non-infected individuals that had never had malaria the frequencies were of 72.96%, 14.80%, 3.06% and 9.18%, and in non-infected individuals that have reported previous episode of malaria the frequencies were 74.67%, 14.81%, 2.30% and 8.22%, respectively. The allele MBL*B was associated with intense symptomology and increase in parasitemia, whereas the allele MBL*D was associated with lower parasitemias. In non-infected group, allele and genotype frequency varied according to the number of episodes and the time after the last malaria episode. The alleles MBL*B and MBL*D contributed for this variation. This was the first study to evaluate the impact of these polymorphisms of MBL gene in innate immune response of individuals naturally exposed to malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax.
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The PD-1 pathway and the complement system in systemic lupus erythematosus

Kristjánsdóttir, Helga January 2009 (has links)
Autoimmune diseases occur in up to 3-5% of the general population and represent a diverse collection of diseases with regards to clinical manifestations. The unifying factor of autoimmune diseases is tissue and organ damage as a result of an immune response mounted against self-antigens. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is considered a prototype of human systemic autoimmune diseases. The etiology of SLE is as yet largely unknown, but both epidemiological and genetic data suggest an interplay between numerous and varying genetic and environmental factors. There is compelling evidence for a strong genetic component in SLE. The disease has a high λsibs value and familial clustering is apparent. Multiple susceptibility loci have been identified, some of which are syntenic between humans and mice and some of which overlap with other autoimmune diseases.   This thesis is based on analysis of Icelandic multicase SLE families and Swedish SLE patients. Paper I is a study of the association of C4A protein deficiency (C4AQ0) with SLE in the multicase families and shows a significantly increased frequency of C4AQ0 in the families. The genetic basis for C4AQ0 varies and C4AQ0 is found on different MHC haplotypes, pointing to C4AQ0 as an independent risk factor for SLE. Paper II describes the association of low MBL serum levels with SLE in the families and identifies low MBL as risk factor for SLE in families that carry the defect. Low MBL was furthermore found to mediate an additive risk when found in combination with C4AQ0. In paper III cellular expression the PD-1 co-inhibitory receptor on T cells was studied. A polymorphism in the PDCD1 gene, PD-1.3A was previously associated with SLE in the multicase families. The polymorphism is thought to disrupt expression of the gene and may lead to decreased expression of the PD-1 receptor. The study demonstrates lower PD-1 expression in SLE patients and relatives in correlation to the PD-1.3A genotype. Paper IV is a compiled analysis of the SLE families, including PD-1.3A, C4AQ0, low MBL, autoimmune diseases and autoantibody profiles. The study demonstrates clustering of different autoimmune diseases and autoantibodies in families that are heterogenic with regards to the genetic susceptibility factors, PD-1.3A, C4AQ0 and low MBL.
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Anställningsskydd vid verksamhetsövergång : Vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter övergår?

Jonspers, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
Transfer of undertaking or business is a complex fact. It requires many aspects to be takeninto consideration. For there to be a transfer of undertaking or business, it has to be a stableeconomic entity that after transfer has retained its identity. The provisions regarding transferof undertaking or business is found in the transfer of undertaking or business directive,6 b § LAS and 28 § MBL. An employee’s employment is automatically transferred to the transferee. This includes theemployment contract and the employment relationship as it were at the time of the transfer.This is expressed in 6 b § LAS. The provision suggests that the employment relationshipis something that goes beyond the employment contract. It is not clear from the legalpreparatory work, case law or legal literature what should be covered by the concept of anemployment relationship.

Clonal Expansion of B and T lymphocytes Defines a Spectrum of Monoclonal Lymphocytosis

Memon, Sadaf 23 August 2011 (has links)
Monoclonal B lymphocytosis (MBL) has been recognized as a novel diagnostic condition. This study aims at the identification of clonal lymphocytosis in the patients with asymptomatic lymphocytosis. A total of 203 patients were evaluated for clonal B and T lymphocytosis by using flow cytometry and multiplex-PCR. Among them clonal B- or T-cells were detected in 54.2% of the cases, of which 38.4% were clonal B-cells and 15.8% were clonal T-cells cases. By immunophenotype, MBL was classified into the chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) type (21.7%) and non-CLL-type (7.4%). Flow cytometry analysis and cell counts were used to determine the size of clonal population, and the data indicate that MBL and CLL are present in a continuous spectrum of clonal expansion. The findings may contribute to the current understanding of MBL and evaluation of incidental lymphocytosis. Further studies are required to evaluate clonal progression as a precursor stage of lymphoid malignancy.

Clonal Expansion of B and T lymphocytes Defines a Spectrum of Monoclonal Lymphocytosis

Memon, Sadaf 23 August 2011 (has links)
Monoclonal B lymphocytosis (MBL) has been recognized as a novel diagnostic condition. This study aims at the identification of clonal lymphocytosis in the patients with asymptomatic lymphocytosis. A total of 203 patients were evaluated for clonal B and T lymphocytosis by using flow cytometry and multiplex-PCR. Among them clonal B- or T-cells were detected in 54.2% of the cases, of which 38.4% were clonal B-cells and 15.8% were clonal T-cells cases. By immunophenotype, MBL was classified into the chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) type (21.7%) and non-CLL-type (7.4%). Flow cytometry analysis and cell counts were used to determine the size of clonal population, and the data indicate that MBL and CLL are present in a continuous spectrum of clonal expansion. The findings may contribute to the current understanding of MBL and evaluation of incidental lymphocytosis. Further studies are required to evaluate clonal progression as a precursor stage of lymphoid malignancy.

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