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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyser les activités mentales des conseillers pédagogiques de l'enseignement fondamental en entretien d'accompagnement : une approche par l'entretien de rétrospection. / Analysing the mental activity of educational advisors in individual accompanying situations : a retrospective interview approach

Boucenna, Sephora 26 April 2014 (has links)
Face aux transformations sociales dont le rythme semble s’accélérer, le monde éducatif est constamment sollicité pour inventer de nouvelles manières de rencontrer les besoins qui en découlent. Une des réponses n’est autre que la création de nouveaux métiers tels que le conseil pédagogique dans lequel l’accompagnement semble occuper une place de choix.Le projet de cette recherche est de proposer une compréhension de l’activité d’accompagnement par le prisme des processus mentaux de conseillers pédagogiques de l’enseignement fondamental en Belgique francophone en situation d’entretien d’accompagnement de directions.Une approche constructiviste, marquée par le paradigme de l’activité dans son acceptation matérialiste et une démarche qualitative ont permis d’élaborer un outil d’analyse - les agirs mentaux –qui possède comme fonction de saisir l’activité mentale dans sa dimension processuelle. Croisé avec un outil issu d’une opérationnalisation des travaux de John Dewey sur l’enquête, cet outil tente de rendre compte des processus mentaux en croisant quatre composantes : a) les opérations de liaison entre les représentations des sujets, b) les intentions mobilisatrices de ces opérations de liaison, c) le format de communication du sujet avec lui-même et enfin d) la construction temporelle de son activité.Les principaux résultats sont de trois natures : 1) des résultats méthodologiques avec la création d’un outil de recueil de données (l’entretien de rétrospection), un outil d’analyse des processus mentaux (cité plus haut) et l’opérationnalisation d’un outil d’analyse de l’activité d’investigation que constitue « l’enquête » de John Dewey, 2) des résultats relatifs aux processus mentaux de conseillers pédagogiques en situation d’accompagnement de directions avec l’identification de configurations spécifiques d’agirs mentaux lors de certains actes posés par les CP et enfin 3) des résultats qui prennent la forme de pistes didactiques suite à un déplacement de posture de chercheur à formateur et qui permettent l’identification de la gestion de l’incertitude, structurellement instituée par les conseillers pédagogiques, comme fil conducteur de leur activité d’accompagnement. / In today's world where the speed of social transformation seems to be ever increasing, the educational field is constantly called upon to come up with new ways to meet the new needs that arise. One of its answers has been nothing less than the creation of new professions such as educational counselling, where personal accompanying seems to hold a privileged position.The goal of this research project is to develop an understanding of the activity of accompanying through the prism of the mental processes of educational advisors in accompanying situations, specifically those advisors working in the field of basic education in the French-speaking part of Belgium.A constructivist approach, characterized by the activity paradigm in its materialist sense, coupled with a qualitative approach have led to the creation of an analytical tool - that of mental acts - whose function is to grasp mental activity in its processual dimension. Alongside a tool obtained by operationalizing John Dewey's work on inquiry, this tool aims to understand mental processes at the crossroads of four components: a) linking operations between subject representations, b) the mobilizing intentions of these linking operations, c) the communication format of the subject with himself, and finally d) the temporal construction of his activity.The main results fall into three categories: 1) methodological results culminating the in creation of a data gathering tool (the retrospective interview), a tool for the analysis of mental processes (mentioned above), and the operationalization of John Dewey's notion of inquiry as a tool for analysing investigative activity; 2) results relating to the mental processes of educational advisors in accompanying situations along with the identification of the specific configuration of mental acts that accompany certain actions undertaken by the advisors; 3) results in the form of pedagogical advice that follows from a shift in posture from that of researcher to that of trainer, one that allows for the identification of uncertainty management, structurally established by the educational advisors, as the guiding principle of their accompanying activity.

Mental activity in Descartes' causal-semantic model of sensory perception

Ortín Nadal, Anna Pilar January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to defend a reading of Descartes' theory of sensory perception in which, against a widespread interpretation, the mind is not a passive receiver of inputs from the environment, but an active decoder of neural information that contributes to the representational content of ideas. I call this the 'mental activity thesis' and, in the overall picture, I identify it as one of the philosophical implications of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution. Within Descartes' dualism, to offer a theory of sensory perception amounts to describing the interplay between the natural world, the brain, and the mind. Given his mechanistic, micro-corpuscular conception of matter, Descartes developed detailed physiological descriptions of the interaction between external objects and the brain. He envisaged it as an isomorphic relation in which the characteristics of objects are transmitted through the nerves to the brain as patterns of geometrically reduced properties. This process is often read as culminating with the mind being passively affected by a corporeal isomorph. Descartes' doctrine becomes elusive in its mental phase, but the passivity reading, so I contend, remains inadequate. I argue for the mental activity thesis through four claims. First, I subscribe the known view that Descartes is concerned about a version of the mind-body problem that is not equivalent to the problem of substance interaction. It is rather a problem of dissimilarity between mental representations and mechanistic explanations. The question is how the qualitative character of sensory experiences can arise from the quantitative notions of physical science. As a way of emphasising the weight that the problem of dissimilarity has for Descartes' philosophical decisions, I show that it motivates a metaphysically interesting distinction between types of causes for the case of brain-mind interaction. Second, I defend the position that, despite not holding a perfectly unambiguous doctrine, Descartes' introduction of natural signs is the closest that he got to formulating a full-fledged theory of sensory perception. The appeal to natural signs has been normally deemed as metaphorical in the literature. I argue that, on the contrary, it is possible to reconstruct a causal story for brain-mind interaction along the lines of a semantic model based on Descartes' identification of neural events with natural signs. A causal-semantic model emerges as a charitable, plausible reading that reveals the mind as an active interpreter. Third, in light of the mental activity thesis, I read Descartes' late appeal to the innateness of all ideas (notably in the Comments on a Certain Broadsheet) as a strategy to account for a type of representational content needed for sensory ideas that, while produced by the mind, is different from that of his paradigmatic innate ideas. I assist Descartes in exploring how the category of innateness captures mental activity within a causal-semantic theory. Fourth, in the course of this argumentation, and for further support, I address the role of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities in Descartes' theory. I tackle a pervasive objection stemming from his alleged association of the perception of primary qualities with the intellect. By reassessing Descartes' views on mental activity, this interpretation aims at a lucid description of sensory perception that goes beyond the rigid rationalism that is often credited to him.

Воображение как когнитивный процесс : магистерская диссертация / The imagination as a cognitive process

Макурина, А. Ю., Makurina, A. Y. January 2015 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация Макуриной А.Ю. "Воображение как когнитивный процесс" посвящена воображению как когнитивному процессу и к проблеме его развития в процессе когнитивной деятельности. В известных психологических концепциях (Леонтьев В.Г., Майер Г., Маслоу А., Рибо Т. и другие). нет единого подхода к классификации воображения, нет определенного понимания когнитивной деятельности, нет единого взгляда на виды воображения. Целью исследования является изучение воображения как когнитивного процесса и его развития в процессе когнитивной деятельности. Объект исследования - воображение как когнитивный процесс и психическая деятельность. Предмет исследования – факторы развития воображения в процессе когнитивной деятельности. Работа состоит из двух глав. В первой главе рассмотрена дефиниция понятия «воображение», принятая в психологии, исследовано воображение как творческий процесс и форма психической деятельности, проанализирован онтогенез воображения и проведено разграничение понятия «воображение» от понятий «мышление», «представление», «память». Во второй главе дано подробное определение когнитивной деятельности, когнитивной мотивации и рассмотрено их влияние на развитие воображения, изучен феномен понимания и его связь с воображением. / Master's thesis of Makurina A.Y. "The imagination as a cognitive process" devoted to the imagination as a cognitive process and the issue of its development in the process of cognitive activity. In the known psychological concepts (V.G. Leont'ev, G. Meyer, A. Maslow, T. Ribot and others), there is no unit approach to the classification of the imagination, there is no certain understanding of cognitive activity, there is no common view on the types of imagination. The aim of the study is the investigation of imagination as a cognitive process and its development in the process of cognitive activity. The object of study - the imagination as a cognitive process and mental activity. Subject of research - the factors of development of imagination in the process of cognitive activity. The work consists of two chapters. The first chapter examined the definition of the concept "imagination", adopted in psychology, studied the imagination as a creative process and a form of mental activity, to analyze the ontogeny of the imagination and held distinction between "imagination" of the concepts of "thinking", "view", "memory". The second chapter provides a detailed definition of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, and examines their impact on the development of imagination, also examines the phenomenon of understanding and its relationship with the imagination.

Es/D# entscheidet der Kontext?: Impulse zu einem meta-physikalischen Verständnis musikalischer Geistestätigkeit

Noll, Thomas 22 September 2023 (has links)
Die Untersuchungen dieses Beitrages gehen von dem Gedanken aus, daß sich bestimmte Eigenschaften musikalischen Erlebens erst erklären lassen, wenn man grundlegende Eigenschaften von Geistestätigkeit theoretisch erschlossen hat. Entsprechend skizziert Abschnitt 2 einen Ansatz zur Modellierung von Geistestätigkeit, welcher das Fechner’sche Gesetz zum Bindeglied zwischen der transzendenten Geistestätigkeit und ihrem immanenten Erleben erklärt. Mit der Charakterisierung einer modellhaften Geistestätigkeit als ›meta-physikalisch‹ wird dieser eine physikalische Kompetenz zugeschrieben. Konkret geht es um das Vollziehen kanonischer Transformationen, die von zentraler Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Bewegung in der Theoretischen Physik sind. Das Fechner’sche Gesetz vermittelt entsprechend zwischen den Transformationen und ihren infinitisimalen Erzeugenden. Aufgrund der Nichtkommutativität der Transformationengruppe ergeben sich Diskrepanzen zwischen der transzendenten Tätigkeit und ihrem immanenten Erleben hinsichtlich der Bilanzierung von zusammengesetzten Transformationen. Sie betreffen u.a. die Verrechnung von subjektiven Standpunktwechseln, welche sich in der tonalen Musik bei harmonischen Ausweichungen manifestieren. Musikalischer Untersuchungsgegenstand sind deshalb tonale Ambiguitäten. Abschnitt 3 rekapituliert und vergleicht Analysen von Chopins Prélude op. 28/4 von mehreren Autoren und sammelt dabei Indizien für das Bestehen einer genuinen Ambiguität, welche sich auf mehreren Beschreibungsebenen manifestiert. In Bezug auf den Kontrapunkt wird die Ambiguität vor dem Hintergrund einer Unterscheidung von (diatonischen) Schritten und (chromatischen) Alterationen gedeutet. In Bezug auf die Harmoniebewegung geschieht dies vor dem Hintergrund einer Unterscheidung von Fundamentschritten und virtuellen Verrückungen des tonalen Bezugs. / The investigations in this article are based on the idea that certain characteristics of musical experience can only be explained when fundamental characteristics of mental activity have been theoretically opened up. Correspondingly, Section 2 outlines an approach to the modeling of mental activity. It explains Fechner’s law as the link between transcendent mental activity and its immanent experience. With the characterization modelled mental activity as “meta-physical” a physical competence is assigned to it. It consists in the performance of canonical transformations, which are of central importance for the understanding of motion in theoretical physics. Fechner’s law mediates between the transformations and their infinitimal generators, accordingly. Due to the non-commutativity of the transformation group, there are discrepancies between the transcendent activity and its immanent experience with regard to the accounting of composite transformations. These involve the comprehension of changes of the subjective point of view. In tonal music they are manifest in local displacements of the tonic. The music-theoretical investigation therefore focusses on tonal ambiguities. Section 3 recapitulates and compares analyses of Chopin’s Prelude op. 28/4 by several authors and thereby collects evidence of the existence of a genuine ambiguity, which appears on several levels of description. With regard to counterpoint, the ambiguity is interpreted on the background of a distinction between (diatonic) steps and (chromatic) alterations. With regard to the harmony movement, this is being done on the background of a distinction between fundamental steps and virtual shifts in the tonal reference.

Regard clinique sur l'enseignement auprés d'élèves porteurs de troubles importants des fonctions cognitives et approche fractale de leur besoins d'apprentissage en situation collective de construction du nombre / A clinical view of the teaching to pupils with important cognitive disorders and a fractal approach to their educational needs in a collective situation of number construction

Barry, Valérie 23 October 2009 (has links)
Dans ce texte, Valérie Barry tente de : - construire une intelligibilité des réussites et difficultés d'élèves que le système éducatif français définit comme étant porteurs de troubles importants des fonctions cognitives, en situation collective d'apprentissage mathématique. Elle pose trois hypothèses de recherche : 1) une approche systémique de l'activité mentale des élèves favorise la révélation de causalités complexes et interactionnelles des phénomènes d'enseignement/apprentissage ; 2) la traduction des observables de l'activité mentale des élèves en besoins d'apprentissage permet d'investir, au plan de la réflexion, un espace potentiel propice à l'adhésion au postulat d'éducabilité ; 3) une modélisation fractale des besoins d'apprentissage aide le chercheur élucider ceux-ci, dans la construction d'interprétations génératrices d'apprentissages pour les élèves. La dialectisation de la théorie et de l'action s'inscrit dans une recherche action clinique, laquelle postule l'importance de la prise en compte de la subjectivité des protagonistes de la recherche dans la construction d'une intelligibilité des phénomènes observés. La recherche-action a eu lieu au cours de l'année universitaire 2006-2007, dans un institut médico-éducatif, auprès de quatre élèves en situation de construction du nombre et des concepts comparatifs. L'analyse a permis de valider les hypothèses de recherche et d'identifier des démarches enseignantes potentiellement efficaces/efficiences / In this text, Valérie Barry attempts to: - build intelligibility of difficulties and successes, in a collective situation of mathematics learning, of children defined by the French education system as pupils with important cognitive disorders. She makes three research hypothesis: 1) a systemic approach of pupils' mental activity promotes the revelation of interactional and complex causalities of learning/teaching phenomena ; 2) translating manifestations of pupils' mental activity into educational needs makes it possible to invest a potential space that supports the educability postulate ; 3) A fractal modeling of educational needs helps the researcher to elucidate these needs, and to build interpretations that promote pupils' learning. The dialectisation of theory and action takes place in a clinical action research, which postulates that it is fundamental to take the subjectivity of the protagonists into consideration when building intelligibility of phenomena. The action research was conducted during the university year 2006-2007, in a Medical and Educational Centre, and concerned four pupils that learned numbers and comparative concepts. The analysed has revealed the validity of the three hypothesis, and potentially efficient/effective teaching methods

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