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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En utredning av Stockholms stads åtgärdsnivå för dagvatten : Modellering av omhändertagen vattenvolym och reningseffekt i en planerad växtbädd / An investigation of Stockholm municipality's remediation standard for stormwater : Modeling of water volume and retention capacity in a projected rain garden

Eliasson, Caroline, Gidlöf, Lovisa January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige förväntas klimatförändringar leda till ökad nederbörd med kraftiga skyfall samt längre regnvaraktighet, vilket resulterar i att en större mängd vatten behöver tas omhand. I urbana miljöer kan detta bli svårare eftersom mängden tillgängliga ytor minskar och andelen hårdgjorda ytor ökar vilket leder till en snabb dagvattenavrinning med större tillförsel av föroreningar till recipienten. För att planera inför ett framtida klimat där både risken för översvämning och statusen på vattenkvaliteten inkluderas, kommer det krävas att höga krav på kommuners dagvattenhantering ställs. Ett sätt för kommuner att planera för detta är att implementera en dagvattenstrategi, vilket är en långsiktig plan som behandlar dagvattenhantering vid nybyggnad, ombyggnad, ändrad markanvändning samt vid drift och underhåll av byggnader och anläggningar. Stockholms stad är en av kommunerna i Sverige med förorenade ytvattenförekomster som inte når upp till en god vattenstatus enligt miljökvalitetsnormerna och vattendirektivet. För att ta itu med detta problem har Stockholms stad antagit en dagvattenstrategi, vilket inkluderar en åtgärdsnivå som ställer krav på hur stadens dagvatten ska hanteras för att uppnå miljökvalitetsnormerna. Åtgärdsnivån gäller för alla ny- och ombyggnationsprojekt och inkluderar ett dimensioneringskrav där dagvattenanläggningar ska dimensioneras utifrån ett regndjup på 20 mm för att uppnå en reningseffekt på minst 70% för fosfor, koppar och zink. Regndjupet motsvarar enligt åtgärdsnivån att 90% av de enskilda nederbördstillfällena under ett år som är mindre än eller lika med 20 mm nederbörd omhändertas. Åtgärdsnivåns dimensioneringskrav har resulterat i att stora ytor behöver tas i anspråk för dagvattenhantering i Stockholm, vilket inte alltid är möjligt då det är stor konkurrens om ytorna. Vid beräkning av dimensioneringskravet togs det inte i beaktning att i vissa dagvattenanläggningar sker det en kontinuerlig avtappning under ett pågående regn. Kontinuerlig avtappning innebär att det sker ett utflöde från dagvattenanläggningen genom t.ex. dräneringsrör eller exfiltration. Detta innebär att dimensioneringskravet skulle kunna frångås för dessa anläggningar. Rapporten ämnar därför att utreda åtgärdsnivåns dimensioneringskrav samt de beräkningar som ligger till grund för kravet. Utredningen görs genom en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie för en dagvattenanläggning i form av en växtbädd (som har kontinuerlig avtappning), där modelleringsverktygen Mike Urban och StormTac appliceras. I Mike Urban undersöks det vilket regndjup som motsvarar att 90% av den årliga avrinningsvolymen omhändertas. För att undersöka vilken reningseffekt som de modellerade regndjupen ger upphov till används StormTac, som beräknar reningseffekten för fosfor, koppar och zink. Resultatet visar att det finns flera tvetydigheter när det gäller framtagandet av Stockholms stads åtgärdsnivå framförallt eftersom tillvägagångssättet inte presenteras till fullo. Modelleringsresultatet i Mike Urban visar att ett regndjup på 10 mm är tillräckligt för att omhänderta 90% av den årliga avrinningsvolymen då hänsyn tas till avtappning. Däremot visar StormTac resultatet att en reningseffekt på minst 70% är svårt att garantera för de undersökta föroreningarna även om växtbädden omhändertar 90% av den årliga avrinningsvolymen. Trots att det finns flera tvetydigheter när det gäller framtagandet av Stockholms stads åtgärdsnivå, så kan det ändå anses vara bra att staden har ett dimensioneringskrav. Detta för att säkerställa i detaljplanen att tillräcklig yta planläggs för omhändertagande av dagvatten. Det är däremot viktigt att åtgärdsnivån kontinuerligt uppdateras och anpassas efter ny forskning och nya tekniker samt att ytterligare kompletteringar görs till åtgärdsnivån för att skapa tydlighet kring när dimensioneringskravet är applicerbart. / The effect of climate change is expected to cause an increase in precipitation with greater frequency and intensification in Sweden, which results in a larger amount of water that needs to be managed. In urban environments this could be challenging since useable spaces for stormwater management decreases and the portion of impervious areas increases, which leads to a rapid stormwater runoff and a higher release of pollution to receiving waters. To be able to plan for a future climate where both the risk of flooding and the quality of water bodies are included, higher demands need to be set on municipalities’ stormwater management. One way for municipalities to reach the demands is to implement a stormwater management strategy, which is a long-term plan that treats stormwater management at new constructions, reconstructions, change of land use and for operation and maintenance of buildings and facilities. Stockholm municipality is one of the municipalities in Sweden with polluted surface water bodies that does not meet the requirements of the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) and the Water Framework Directive. To address this problem, Stockholm municipality has implemented a stormwater management strategy, which includes a “remediation standard” (åtgärdsnivå) with guidelines on how the city should handle their stormwater in order to reach the EQS. The guidelines apply to all new and reconstruction projects and includes a “design policy” (dimensioneringskrav) where stormwater facilities should be dimensioned after a rain depth of 20 mm to achieve a retention capacity of at least 70% for phosphorus, copper and zinc. The rain depth of 20 mm corresponds to handling 90% of the rain events that are less or equal to a precipitation of 20 mm during a year. The design policy has resulted in large areas in Stockholm being devoted to stormwater management. However, this is not always possible since there is a great competition regarding available spaces in urban areas. During the development of the design policy, no consideration was made to continuous outflow during rainfall in stormwater facilities. This means that the design policy could be deviated for these facilities. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to investigate the remediation standard and the underlying computations in the design policy. The investigation consists of a literature study and a case study for a stormwater facility consisting of a rain garden with continuous outflow, where the modeling tools Mike Urban and StormTac are applied. In Mike Urban it is investigated which rain depth that corresponds to handling 90% of the yearly runoff. To investigate which retention capacity the modelled rain depths generates, StormTac is used. The retention capacity was estimated for phosphorus, copper and zinc. The results indicate that there are several ambiguities concerning the development of Stockholm municipality’s remediation standard, especially since the full procedure is not presented. The modeling results from Mike Urban show that a rain depth of 10 mm is enough to handle 90% of the yearly runoff. On the other hand, the StormTac results indicate that a retention capacity of at least 70% will be difficult to ensure even though the rain garden is able to handle 90% of the yearly runoff. Despite the several ambiguities concerning the development of Stockholm municipality’s remediation standard, it could nonetheless be considered better for the city to have a design policy to ensure that enough space is available to manage stormwater. However, it is important that the remediation standard is continuously updated and adapted to new research and technologies. Further amendments to the remediation standard need to be made to create clarity for when the design policy is applicable.

Simulering av översvämningar i Byälven

Midboe, Finn, Persson, Håkan January 2004 (has links)
<p>Severe floods caused by heavy autumn rains in year 2000 raised the question whether measures to reduce the damage from high water levels, in the area surrounding lake Glafsfjorden and along the river Byälven down to lake Vänern, are possible. One option is to reduce flow resistance along the river and thereby lower the maximum water level a given inflow would cause. Good knowledge of hydraulic and hydrological conditions is necessary in order to estimate the effect of such flow-reducing measures. In order to quantify such effect a 1-dimensional hydraulic flow model has been set up for the river Byälven using the software package MIKE 11. The model is more detailed, especially concerning topography and bathymetry, than earlier models used for studies of the river. Boundary conditions consist of measured inflows, the level of the lake Vänern and runoff calculated using the HBV-model. The model was calibrated for two different floods and a good fit to measured water levels was obtained for both these periods. Using the calibrated model critical sections, causing much flow resistance during high floods, were identified. With that knowledge different measures to reduce high water levels was adopted to the model both individually and combined with each other and the model was run with boundary conditions mainly from the flood in year 2000. The most radical measures simulated resulted in a lowering of the maximum water in the two largest reservoirs Glafsfjorden and Harefjorden with 78 and 97 cm respectively. A more modest combination of measures gave water levels 48 and 84 cm lower than a model run without changes. Some combinations of relatively small measures lowered the maximum water level by a few decimeters. The simulation results give good guidance to further investigations and decisions of actual changes. The model constitutes a useful tool when making flood maps of the area and if water level forecasts would be needed during future floods.</p> / <p>Allvarliga översvämningar i samband med höstregn år 2000 väckte frågan om det går att vidta åtgärder för att minska skadorna vid höga flöden i området runt Glafsfjorden och längs Byälvens sträckning ner till Vänern. Ett alternativ är att med åtgärder längs älven underlätta vattnets utflöde och på så sätt minska den högsta vattennivå ett givet flöde orsakar. God kunskap om hydrauliska och hydrologiska förhållanden behövs för att bedöma nyttan av olika åtgärdsalternativ. För att kunna avgöra effekterna av olika åtgärdsalternativ har en 1-dimensionell strömningsmodell satts upp för Byälven i programverktyget MIKE 11. Modellen är mer detaljerad, framförallt beträffande höjdinformationen, än tidigare modeller som använts för studier av Byälven varit. Randvillkor till modellen utgörs av registrerade inflöden, Vänerns vattenstånd och avrinning modellerad med HBV-modellen. Modellen har kalibrerats för två översvämningsperioder och god anpassning uppnåddes för de vattenstånd som dessa situationer representerar och med dess hjälp har sedan älven studerats och områden som bromsar flödet har kunnat identifieras. Med kunskap om vilka områden som begränsar flödet mest har ett antal olika åtgärder simulerats i modellen, både var för sig och kombinerade med varandra. Randvillkoren för översvämningen år 2000 behölls och förändringarna lades in i modellen. De extremaste åtgärderna som simulerats resulterade i minskningar av de högsta vattennivåerna i de två största vattenmagasinen Glafsfjorden och Harefjorden med 78 respektive 97 cm. Mer realistiska åtgärdspaket gav minskningar med i storleksordningen 48 respektive 84 cm och även relativt små ingrepp gav minskningar på några decimeter. Simuleringsresultaten ger god vägledning för vidare undersökningar av och beslut om konkreta åtgärder i Byälven. Dessutom utgör modellen ett bra verktyg för att ta fram översvämningskartor och för att prognostisera vattennivåer vid nya översvämningssituationer.</p>

It's Always Better With A Good DM

colannino, david 13 May 2016 (has links)
It’s Always Better With A Good DM is about our relationship with objects and maps as a vector for fantasy. Beginning from the premise that humans understand the world via narrative, I am concerned with the loss of imagination in adulthood in lieu of ideology, which is no more real than stories of future and fantastic places.

Simulering av översvämningar i Byälven

Midboe, Finn, Persson, Håkan January 2004 (has links)
Severe floods caused by heavy autumn rains in year 2000 raised the question whether measures to reduce the damage from high water levels, in the area surrounding lake Glafsfjorden and along the river Byälven down to lake Vänern, are possible. One option is to reduce flow resistance along the river and thereby lower the maximum water level a given inflow would cause. Good knowledge of hydraulic and hydrological conditions is necessary in order to estimate the effect of such flow-reducing measures. In order to quantify such effect a 1-dimensional hydraulic flow model has been set up for the river Byälven using the software package MIKE 11. The model is more detailed, especially concerning topography and bathymetry, than earlier models used for studies of the river. Boundary conditions consist of measured inflows, the level of the lake Vänern and runoff calculated using the HBV-model. The model was calibrated for two different floods and a good fit to measured water levels was obtained for both these periods. Using the calibrated model critical sections, causing much flow resistance during high floods, were identified. With that knowledge different measures to reduce high water levels was adopted to the model both individually and combined with each other and the model was run with boundary conditions mainly from the flood in year 2000. The most radical measures simulated resulted in a lowering of the maximum water in the two largest reservoirs Glafsfjorden and Harefjorden with 78 and 97 cm respectively. A more modest combination of measures gave water levels 48 and 84 cm lower than a model run without changes. Some combinations of relatively small measures lowered the maximum water level by a few decimeters. The simulation results give good guidance to further investigations and decisions of actual changes. The model constitutes a useful tool when making flood maps of the area and if water level forecasts would be needed during future floods. / Allvarliga översvämningar i samband med höstregn år 2000 väckte frågan om det går att vidta åtgärder för att minska skadorna vid höga flöden i området runt Glafsfjorden och längs Byälvens sträckning ner till Vänern. Ett alternativ är att med åtgärder längs älven underlätta vattnets utflöde och på så sätt minska den högsta vattennivå ett givet flöde orsakar. God kunskap om hydrauliska och hydrologiska förhållanden behövs för att bedöma nyttan av olika åtgärdsalternativ. För att kunna avgöra effekterna av olika åtgärdsalternativ har en 1-dimensionell strömningsmodell satts upp för Byälven i programverktyget MIKE 11. Modellen är mer detaljerad, framförallt beträffande höjdinformationen, än tidigare modeller som använts för studier av Byälven varit. Randvillkor till modellen utgörs av registrerade inflöden, Vänerns vattenstånd och avrinning modellerad med HBV-modellen. Modellen har kalibrerats för två översvämningsperioder och god anpassning uppnåddes för de vattenstånd som dessa situationer representerar och med dess hjälp har sedan älven studerats och områden som bromsar flödet har kunnat identifieras. Med kunskap om vilka områden som begränsar flödet mest har ett antal olika åtgärder simulerats i modellen, både var för sig och kombinerade med varandra. Randvillkoren för översvämningen år 2000 behölls och förändringarna lades in i modellen. De extremaste åtgärderna som simulerats resulterade i minskningar av de högsta vattennivåerna i de två största vattenmagasinen Glafsfjorden och Harefjorden med 78 respektive 97 cm. Mer realistiska åtgärdspaket gav minskningar med i storleksordningen 48 respektive 84 cm och även relativt små ingrepp gav minskningar på några decimeter. Simuleringsresultaten ger god vägledning för vidare undersökningar av och beslut om konkreta åtgärder i Byälven. Dessutom utgör modellen ett bra verktyg för att ta fram översvämningskartor och för att prognostisera vattennivåer vid nya översvämningssituationer.

Μονοδιάστατη αριθμητική προσομοίωση διόδευσης πλημμυρικού κύματος λόγω αστοχίας του φράγματος Αστερίου

Ντόκα, Ελισσάβετ 14 February 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή στοχεύει στη μελέτη, μέσω αριθμητικής προσομοίωσης, της διόδευσης του πλημμυρικού κύματος λόγω αστοχίας του φράγματος Αστερίου. Το εν λόγω φράγμα κατασκευάζεται επί του ποταμού Παραπείρου στο νομό Αχαΐας με σκοπό την υδροδότηση της Πάτρας, της Βιομηχανικής Περιοχής (ΒΙ.ΠΕ.) Πατρών και γενικά της βορειοδυτικής Αχαΐας. Η προσομοίωση πραγματοποιήθηκε με χρήση του εμπορικού λογισμικού MIKE 11. Η μεθοδολογία περιλαμβάνει την ταυτόχρονη προσομοίωση αστοχίας φράγματος, μέσω αριθμητικού μοντέλου βασιζόμενου στην εξίσωση ενέργειας, και διόδευσης πλημμυρικού κύματος σε ανοικτό αγωγό, μέσω αριθμητικής επίλυσης των εξισώσεων Saint-Venant (μονοδιάστατη ροή κατά μήκος ανοικτού αγωγού). Η επίλυση των εξισώσεων βασίζεται σε άρρητο σχήμα πεπερασμένων διαφορών έξι σημείων. Η μονοδιάστατη διακριτοποίηση και δημιουργία αριθμητικού πλέγματος κατά μήκος της κύριας μισγάγκειας του συστήματος των ποταμών Παραπείρου - Πείρου και η δισδιάστατη διακριτοποίηση των διατομών στους σχετικούς κόμβους του πλέγματος βασίστηκαν σε δεδομένα από την ψηφιοποίηση χαρτών Γ.Υ.Σ. σε κλίμακα 1:5.000. Άλλα δεδομένα εισαγωγής του λογισμικού είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά του ρήγματος κατά την αστοχία του φράγματος, όπου επιλέγεται η περίπτωση ακαριαίας δημιουργίας ρήγματος ως η δυσμενέστερη για την επίπτωση του πλημμυρικού κύματος στα κατάντη, οι σχετικές οριακές συνθήκες και οι παράμετροι των αριθμητικών μοντέλων. Σύμφωνα με τη διεθνή πρακτική εξετάσθηκαν δύο πιθανά ενδεχόμενα αστοχίας του φράγματος: (α) με ταυτόχρονη ροή της μέγιστης παροχής σχεδιασμού του υπερχειλιστή του φράγματος (Σενάριο Μέγιστης Παροχής) και (β) με μηδενική παροχή (Σενάριο Ηλιόλουστης Ημέρας). Ο ταμιευτήρας του φράγματος θεωρήθηκε πλήρης, με στάθμη ύδατος τη μέγιστη δυνατή. Επίσης, εξετάσθηκε η επίδραση δύο αριθμητικών μοντέλων συμπεριφοράς της ροής στο ρήγμα του φράγματος και τριών τιμών αριθμού Manning για τις απώλειες λόγω τριβής πυθμένα. Τα αποτελέσματα περιλαμβάνουν τη χωρική και χρονική κατανομή της στάθμης του ύδατος κατάντη του φράγματος, το χρόνο άφιξης του πλημμυρικού κύματος και τη μέγιστη στάθμη ύδατος σε δεδομένες κρίσιμες θέσεις (οικισμοί, ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Πατρών και γέφυρες) του πλημμυρικού πεδίου. Παρατηρείται ότι στη ρεαλιστικότερη περίπτωση, το πλημμυρικό κύμα φθάνει στην ακτή σε χρόνο περίπου μίας ώρας, ενώ, ακόμα και στη δυσμενέστερη περίπτωση, η μέγιστη στάθμη του ύδατος δεν απειλεί τον κύριο οικοδομικό ιστό των οικισμών κατά μήκος του πλημμυρικού πεδίου και της ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Πατρών. / -

Beefing Up the Beefcake: Male Objectification, Boy Bands, and the Socialized Female Gaze

Bailey, Dorie 01 January 2016 (has links)
In the traditionally patriarchal Hollywood industry, the heterosexual man’s “male gaze,” as coined by feminist film theorist Laura Mulvey, is the dominant viewing model for cinematic audiences, leaving little room for a negotiated reading of how visual images are created, presented, and internalized by male and female audiences alike. However, as Hollywood’s shifting feminist landscape becomes increasingly prevalent in the mainstream media, content incorporating the oppositional “female gaze” have become the new norm in both the film and television mediums. Through an extended analysis of the gaze as socialized through gendered learning in children, the “safe space” afforded through the formulaic platform of “boy bands,” and the function of romantic comedies and the emerging feminist rhetoric prevalent in such films as “Magic Mike: XXL,” the conceptual “female gaze” is defined and explored through the demographic of young girls as they grow and push their understanding of desire, particularly as they develop into the mature, media-cosuming women that have become increasingly vocal in the Hollywood sphere.

Inventing ritual : moving images of social reality in contemporary art

Vogt, Naomi January 2017 (has links)
Ritual is a notion that the art world has increasingly reclaimed. From critical writing that zealously identifies rituals to artists who qualify their work as ritualistic, the notion circulates, poking at the boundaries of art practice. The pattern raises critical questions for art history: does it vanish the distinction between art and social practices, casting art's separation from ritual as a passing historical phase? What are the distinctions in the first place between representing and producing a ritual? These concerns come to the fore with moving images, given that ritual has long been at the heart of ethnographic film, while the very act of filming is becoming central to a growing number of social customs. Addressing these relationships, this thesis focuses on video work since the late 1990s. The thematic research moves through three case studies: series of works by Mike Kelley, Pierre Huyghe, Ryan Trecartin and Lizzie Fitch, while keeping a comparative view towards other observers and producers of ritual in premodern painting, ethnographic filmmaking, post-internet practices, mainstream cinema, and homemade videos. Among the most influential artists at the turn of this century, Kelley, Huyghe, Trecartin and Fitch share the singular practice of restaging, for and through film, the rituals that surround them, from high school hazing and carnivals to coronations, corporate team-building, Halloween, Valentine and May Days, suburban street fairs, birthdays, and the new observances of social media. Through close study of the artworks and of moving image tropes that shape social imaginaries, the thesis suggests that these artists produce new insights into contemporary human behaviour. While art and ritual tend to be tackled as coded objects to be deciphered, holding condensed information about the societies to which they point, anthropological theory that considers ritual for what it does (rather than what it symbolises) invites us to examine them instead as practices where portions of social reality are produced - formalised and reinvented.

Sensitivity analysis of grate inlet representation and a comparison of two coupled hydraulic models for urban flood simulation / Känslighetsanalys av dagvattenbrunnars representation och en jämförelse mellan två kopplade hydrauliska modeller för simulering av urban översvämning

Lundqvist, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Urban flood models are an important tool in designing and analyzing municipalities sewer drainage systems and predicting the effect of potential extent and depth of future floods. In urban areas, coupled 1D-2D flood models are particularly useful as they can represent the surface- and sewer system and their interactions. But it iss common practice to simplify the sewer system by only simulating water exchange between both systems at manholes while neglecting the effect of grate inlets. To investigate the effect grate inlet representations have in flood models, the simulation results of different models created in the software MIKE FLOOD with the number of nodes and inlet sizes adjusted according to the location of actual grate inlets were compared. In addition, a comparison between the flood modeling softwares MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D was performed, based on a case study in Motala.. It was found that both MIKE FLOOD and FLO-2D can predict similar flood propagation and maximum water depths. The MIKE FLOOD models predicted larger amounts of drained water via the sewer system. This was likely caused by the extra water added through water level correction in the MIKE FLOOD models combined with numerical instabilities in the FLO-2D sewer models. Adjusting the number and dimensions of nodes according to actual grate inlets proved to have little effect on the predicted maximum surface water depths. But it did result in decreased drainage capacity together with less sewer inflow compared to the models neglecting grate inlets. The inlet representation did have a significant effect on predicted flood durations, with the models neglecting grate inlets having shorter flood durations in downstream areas and longer flood durations in upstream areas compared to the other models. It was also found that that the effect inlet node representations has on flood durations heavily depends on their locations with nodes located in water gathering areas such as depressions with ponding water having the most effect.

Analýza a modelování změn kvality vody v povodí Olšavy / Analysis and modelling the changes of water quality in the Olšava river basin.

Kaiglová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis is to create an accurate model of the current state of water quality modelling in the river basin. The basin of the Olšava River, as found in the bachelor thesis "Analysis of Water Quality in the Basin", is polluted with large concentrations of total phosphorus PTot. The master thesis analyses sources of nutrients in the basin that is mainly listed in the vulnerable areas indentified under the Nitrates Directive 91/676/EEC, on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. For the water resources management and environmental policy is crucial to recognize distribution of pollution sources throughout main categories. The thesis is concerned with the seasonal variability of the average mass concentrations along the river channel. Broadly used mathematical modelling software of water quality is discussed in the sense of reliability, availability and user interface. Last but not least is a suggestion of two improvements of the water quality based on the MIKE Basin modelling software. The main aim of these proposals is to be realistic in the economical and environmental sense. Proposals consider both in point and non-point sources. Key words: Mathematical modelling, MIKE Basin, Water Quality, Water Quality models, Hydrology, Olšava

Mapping Uncertainties – A case study on a hydraulic model of the river Voxnan.

Andersson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis gives an account for the numerous uncertainties that prevail one-dimensional hydraulic models and flood inundation maps, as well as suitable assessment methods for different types of uncertainties. A conducted uncertainty assessment on the river Voxnan in Sweden has been performed. The case study included the calibra-tion uncertainty in the spatially varying roughness coefficient and the boundary condi-tion uncertainty in the magnitude of a 100-year flood, in present and future climate conditions. By combining a scenario analysis, GLUE calibration method and Monte Carlo analysis, the included uncertainties with different natures could be assessed. Significant uncer-tainties regarding the magnitude of a 100-year flood from frequency analysis was found. The largest contribution to the overall uncertainty was given by the variance between the nine global climate models, emphasizing the importance of including projections from an ensemble of models in climate change studies. Furthermore, the study gives a methodological example on how to present uncertainty estimates visually in probabilistic flood inundation maps. The conducted method of how the climate change uncertainties, scenarios and models, were handled in frequency analysis is also suggested to be a relevant result of the study.

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