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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence du strontium sur la minéralisation initiée par les vésicules matricielles et sur l’activité de la phosphatase alcaline / Influence of strontium on mineralization initiated by matrix vesicles and on alkaline phosphatase activity

Bechkoff, Géraldine 11 June 2009 (has links)
Les vésicules matricielles sont des organites extracellulaires impliques dans les processus de minéralisation. Nous avons détermine le mode d’action du strontium, ion contenu dans le principe actif d’un médicament antiostéoporotique sur les vésicules matricielles. Nous avons montre que le strontium agit en fonction de la concentration aussi bien sur la formation de l’hydroxyapatite que sur les activités phosphomonoéstérase et phosphodiestérase de la phosphatase alcaline tissu non spécifique. Pour des faibles concentrations (comprises entre 25 et 100^M), le strontium augmente l’activité phosphodiestérase et inhibe partiellement l’activité phosphomonoestérase. La balance entre la production de PPi, inhibiteur de la minéralisation et la production de Pi, essentiel a la formation d’hydroxyapatité pourrait être affectée par le strontium. / The matrix vesicles are extracellular organelles implicated in the process of mineralization.We determined the mode of action of strontium, ion contained in the active principle of an antiosteoporotic drug on the matrix vesicles. We showed that the action of strontium is concentration dependent on the hydroxyapatite formation and on phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase activities of the tissue non specific alkaline phosphatase. At low concentration (between 25 and 100^M), strontium increased phosphodiesterase activity and inhibited partly phosphomonoesterase activity. The balance between the production of PPi, inhibitor of mineralization and the production of Pi, essential in the formation of hydroxyapatite could be affected by the strontium.

Carbon and water dynamics of peat soils in the Australian Alps

Grover, Samantha Patricia Power, samgrover1@gmail.com January 2006 (has links)
This research investigated carbon dynamics, water dynamics and peat formation at Wellington Plain peatland in the Victorian Alps. The properties of bog peat and dried peat were measured, and the ensuing results are outlined below. The carbon chemistries of both bog peat and dried peat displayed changes with depth consistent with an increase in the extent of decomposition of the organic material. Representative changes in the alkyl:O-alkyl ratio down the profile were 0.14 to 0.96 for bog peat and 0.28 to 1.07 for dried peat. Laboratory incubations on the influence of chemistry, particle size, water content and sample preparation indicated that, in the absence of confounding factors, peat chemistry was the most important factor in determining the size of the mineralisable carbon pool. Water content was the most important factor in determining the rate of carbon mineralization. In the field, both bog peat and dried peat emitted an average of 2 g CO2/m2/d from the surface. Carbon mineralisation was related to both soil temperature and soil water content, and this relationship was used to model peat mineralisation under a range of possible future climate scenarios. Below the surface, however, I measured lower rates of decomposition in the dried peat than in the bog peat. The water-holding capacity of peat was measured in the laboratory, as was the rate of water movement through peat. Specific yield decreased down the profile in both bog peat (0.88 to 0.45 cm3/cm3) and dried peat (0.36 to 0.11 cm3/cm3). Hydraulic conductivity also decreased down the profile in both peats: 5.1x10-4 to 3.0x10-6 m/s in bog peat, and 1.0x10-4 to 7.0x10-6 m/s in dried peat. Relationships between the hydrologic properties of peat and its physical and chemical properties were identified. In the field, fluctuations in the watertable were monitored in concert with rainfall. These laboratory and field measurements enabled me to develop models of the hydrology of bog peat and dried peat. Radioisotope dating indicated that both bog peat and dried peat began forming around 3300 years ago. The bog peat appeared to have drained to form dried peat between 131 and 139 years ago. Since that time, erosion appeared to have contributed more to the loss of organic material from dried peat than carbon mineralisation had.

Επιθερμική μεταλλοφορία Au-Ag στη νήσο Λέσβο

Βαμβουκάκης, Κωνσταντίνος 03 August 2009 (has links)
Στη διδακτορική αυτή διατριβή διερευνάται κατά πόσον η τηλεσκόπηση μπορεί να χρησιμεύει ως αρωγός για την κοιτασματολογική έρευνα και ειδικότερα για την εύρεση "στόχων" επιθερμικής μεταλλοφορίας πολύτιμων μετάλλων μέσω της αναγνωρίσεως ηφαιστειακών και τεκτονικών δομών και ζωνών υδροθερμικών εξαλλοιώσεων από αέρος. Το πεδίο έρευνας είναι το μειοκαινικό ηφαιστειακό-γεωθερμικό πεδίο της νήσου Λέσβου. Ερευνάται η ορυκτολογία των μεταλλικών ορυκτών και συνοδευόντων ορυκτών εξαλλοίωσης. Γίνονται πάραυτα μικροθερμομετρικοί προσδιορισμοί, προσδιορισμοί χρυσού-αργύρου, ιχνοστοιχείων- ιχνηλατών και άλλων ιχνοστοιχείων στις περιοχές-στόχους και τα γεωχημικά δεδομένα τίθενται σε περιβάλλον GIS (θεματικοί χάρτες). / In this phd dissertation it is investigated if remote sensing techniques can be used successfully as an aid in the ore deposits research and specifically for the localization by air "target" areas of epithermal mineralization of precious metals through the recognition of volcanic and tectonic structures and detection of hydrothermal alteration zones. The research area is the miocene volcanic-geothermal field of the island of Lesvos. The research includes also identification of ore and alteration minerals microthermometric measurements, measurement of the Au-Ag parts, of pathfinder and other trace elements in the target areas. The geochemical data are subsequently placed in a GIS environment for future research and/or mineral exploration purposes.

Geophysical exploration at the Comet Gold Mine, Western Australia

Chenrai, Piyaphong January 2008 (has links)
The Comet Gold Mine is in the Murchison mineral field which lies within the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia. Several different geophysical methods were used in this study to define the geophysical signatures of sedimentary iron formations (SIF) and altered basalt associated with gold mineralisation. The geophysical surveys carried out at the Comet Gold Mine were gravity, sub-audio magnetics (SAM), transient electromagnetics (TEM) and downhole geophysical logging. Data from previous geophysical surveying were also used, and these included highresolution aeromagnetics and TEMPEST airborne electromagnetics. Other exploration information, such as geology and drillhole data, were integrated with geophysical results to study the geophysical responses and generate a geophysical interpretation map. / The main aim of this study was to generate an understanding of the various geophysical responses of geology and gold mineralisation in the Comet Mine area for future gold exploration in this region. Particularly, the study focused on the ability of the SAM method to map out geology and geophysical response for gold mineralisation. The response from SAM surveying has been investigated over an area of 13 sq kms. The SAM surveying was completed using a transmitter current of 5-8 Amp with a 50% duty cycle at 4 Hz frequency, which was considered the best setting for the Comet area. The SAM anomalies were compared to results from other geophysical methods. The results of all geophysical surveying suggested that the TEM method was also effective for identifying altered sulphide and magnetic altered rock associated with gold mineralisation. / Experiments were carried out using SAM surveying with electrodes in standard surface pits and pits placed directly into the gold mineralised structure. Both surveys showed very similar results, so in this area, surface electrode pits work well for current injection during SAM surveys. The similarities are probably due to the lack of conductive regolith cover in the Comet Mine area. / The SAM response was studied for survey grids using different electrode positions and directions. Experiments in changing SAM electrode position over the same area were carried out along and across geological strike to detect the different geological structure directions. The EQMMR response was different for electrodes oriented at 90º when surveys were repeated over the same area. SAM mainly measures conductive features running sub-parallel to the electrode direction, but the EQMMIP response was mostly the same, despite the difference in electrode direction. In addition, the EQMMIP result was very similar for rotated grids, with some distortion occurring around the main EQMMR anomaly near the Venus open cut pit. Therefore, SAM chargeability was not strongly polarised along the electrode direction like the EQMMR response. This is consistent with the theory of MIP that the method detects the effect of induced polarisation in the earth by virtue of the magnetic fields associated with current flow in polarisable bodies within the earth. / Gravity data were collected along in 4 transects 500 m apart and at 50 m station spacing. 3D gravity modelling using polygonal shapes was completed to a good fit with felsic and mafic rocks by having rock units dip to the SE. Euler depth solution calculations were applied to locate contacts and deep gravity sources. Gravity surveying has also proved to be a useful survey method for geological mapping and locating regional structures. / Ground TEM survey data were used at the Venus prospect to map out conductive zones at depths ranging from 30 to 90 m. All anomaly bodies were interpreted to have a SE dip. The modelled ground TEM results were compared to TEMPEST airborne electromagnetic conductivity depth slices. Both EM survey results showed reasonably similar patterns, but the ground TEM method provided more reliable conductor locations and depth estimations that correlated well with the drilling information and downhole conductivity logging. / Geophysical logs of natural gamma and inductive conductivity were surveyed in 5 drillholes that intersected gold alteration zones. The alteration zones associated with gold mineralised sediments, sulphide and magnetic minerals were identified in the downhole logs as increased conductivity, with a sight increase in the natural gamma response. Natural gamma was usually high above a background of host rock in the gold mineralised shear zones. This was likely due to K associated with the clay rich SIF units, and sericite and biotite from gold related alteration. During this study, drillhole CTRC028 was drilled into a modelled TEM anomaly, and gold mineralised SIF was intersected at the predicted location from the model. / Geophysical survey information (magnetics, gravity, SAM and TEM) and anomalies in the Comet area were found to be primarily controlled by the local structures and mineralisation along these structures. Modelled ground TEM results were compared to TEMPEST airborne, EM data and showed reasonably similar patterns. The geophysical survey data also highlights black shale units, which can produce a false target commonly running parallel to the sulphide altered fault zones and SIF units, because of graphite and sulphide in the black shale. / The TEMPEST data were a valuable guide to bedrock conductivity over the outline project area at Comet, and the follow–up ground TEM and SAM survey data was very useful for accurately pin-pointing anomalies for drill testing. / Geophysical and geological data analysed in this study was used to generate a geophysical interpretation map at 1:5,000 scale. The new interpretation of geological units and structures at Comet will provide geologists with a better understand about the geological and structural setting for mineralisation in the Comet area. For example, the Comet Fault represents a faulted limb of the Comet fold structure that has both limbs dipping to the SE, and plunges to the NE. Magnetic anomalies associated with SIF are considered to correlate with some gold bearing horizons and the location of the Comet Fault, that has become more siliceous and altered by sulphide minerals and magnetite minerals. / It is recommended that other prospect areas in the region should be surveyed using the SAM method in order to identify shallow gold bearing structures and improve geological interpretations ahead of drilling.

Characteristics, distribution and timing of gold mineralisation in the Pine Creek Orogen, Northern Territory, Australia

Sener, A. K. January 2005 (has links)
Over the last two decades, gold occurrences in the Palaeoproterozoic Pine Creek Orogen (PCO) have been cited as type-examples of high-temperature contact-metamorphic or thermal-aureole deposits associated with granitoid magmatism. Furthermore, spatial relationships between these gold occurrences and the granitoids have led to inclusion of these deposits in the intrusion-related gold deposit group. Research on the characteristics, distribution and timing of these gold deposits tests these classifications and supports an alternative interpretation. The deposits display many similarities to well-described ‘turbidite-hosted’ orogenic gold deposits described from several Palaeozoic orogens. As in most ‘turbidite-hosted’ orogenic deposits, the gold mineralisation is dominantly epigenetic, sediment-hosted (typically greywacke and siltstone) and fold-controlled. Most gold is hosted by concordant or discordant veins, with limited alteration halos in host rocks, except where they occur in silicate-facies BIF or other Fe-rich rocks. The domal culminations of major doubly-plunging anticlines, and/or fold-limb thrust-faults, are important structural controls at the camp- and deposit-scales. Many deposits are sited in parts of the lithostratigraphy where there is significant competency and/or chemical contrast between units or sequences. In particular, the complex interdigitated stratigraphy of euxinic and transitional high-energy sedimentary rocks of the c.1900-1880Ma South Alligator Group is important for the localisation of gold deposits. The distribution of deposits is influenced further by the location and shape of granitoids and their associated contact-metamorphic aureole. Approximately 90% of gold deposits lie within the ∼2.5km wide contact-aureole, and most of these are concentrated in, and just beyond, the biotite-albite-epidote zone (0.5-1.0km from granitoid), with few deposits located in the inner hornblende-hornfels zone. At the deposit scale, gold is commonly associated with arsenopyrite-loellengite and pyrite, native-Bi and Bi-bearing minerals, and is confined to a variety of extensional quartz-sulphide ± carbonate veins. Such veins formed typically at 180-320°?C and ∼1kbar from low- to moderate salinity, two-phase aqueous fluids. Isotopic studies of the deposits are equivocal in terms of the source of hydrothermal fluid. Most δD and δ18O values fall within the range defined for contact-metamorphic and magmatic fluids, and sulphur isotopes indicate that the fluids are within the range of most regional sources. Significantly, lead isotope ratios show that the goldbearing fluid does not have a felsic magmatic-source signature, but instead suggest a homogenous regional-scale lead source. Excluding a few outliers, the relative uniformity of deposit characteristics, including host rocks, structural style, alteration, sulphide paragenesis and fluid P-T-X conditions, suggests that most deposits represent a continuum of broadly coeval mineralisation that formed under similar geological conditions

Variabilité spatiale et temporelle des cycles biogéochimiques à l'interface eau-sédiment dans la lagune de Términos, Mexique / Spatial and temporal variability of biogeochemical cycles at the sediment-water in Terminos lagoon, Mexico

Origel Moreno, Montserrat 09 December 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse concerne la quantification des flux benthos-pélagiques dans une lagune soumise à un régime climatique tropical rythmé de périodes humides et périodes sèches. La lagune de Terminos, située au sud du golfe du Mexique est le plus vaste écosystème laguno-estuarien du Mexique (2000 km2). Du fait de sa faible profondeur (3.5 m en moyenne), les processus benthiques sont sensés participer activement à l’ensemble du cycle biogéochimique de cet Ecosystème. Les mesures de flux benthiques ont eu lieu au cours de un réseau de 13 stations pendant une saison sèche (mars 2009 et 2010) et une saison humide (octobre 2009 et novembre 2010). Quatre stations ont fait l’objet de mesures plus fréquentes du 2008 au 2010. Des incubations ex-situ de carottes de sédiment prélevées ont permis de mesurer la variabilité spatio-temporelle des taux de respiration benthique (SOD) et des flux de sels nutritifs. Les SOD sont significativement différents entre les périodes sèches et humides (1327±161 et 2248±359 µmol m-2 h-1 respectivement). Les flux de silicates sont significativement plus importants pendant la saison des pluies (89.4±15.9 µmol m-2 h-1) que pendant la saison sèche (46.5±11.4 µmol m-2 h-1). Les flux de phosphates, faibles tout au long des périodes étudiées, n’ont pas montré de différence significative. Les flux d’azote dissous (DIN) sont de même intensité mais de sens opposé (2.9±18.8 µmol m-2 h-1 et 24.3±7.3 µmol m-2 h-1). Ces flux caractérisés par un fort signal saisonnier sont fortement corrélés avec les caractéristiques biogéochimiques des sédiments (Corg, N et chloropigments) et contribuent significativement au bilan du carbone et des éléments associés. / The goal of this study concerns the quantification of sediment-water fluxes in a tropical lagoon under climatic forcing regulated by successive dry and wet periods. Terminos lagoon on the South coast of Gulf of Mexico (Campeche sound) is a shallow (3.5 m) but vast estuarine system (2000 km2) where the sediments are supposed to contribute largely to the overall biogeochemical cycling. Benthic flux measurements were performed twice over a network of 13 stations during dry (March 2009 and 2010) and wet periods (October 2009 and November 2010). A selection of 4 stations from this network were visited more frequently between 2008 and 2010. Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) and nutrient fluxes were measured through ex-situ incubations of sediment cores sampled manually. SOD were significantly different between both dry and wet seasons (1327±161 and 2248±359 µmol m-2 h-1 respectively). Silicates fluxes were significantly more intense during the wet season (89.4±15.9 µmol m-2 h-1) than during the dry one (46.5±11.4 µmol m-2 h-1). Phosphate fluxes, low during all periods did not show a temporal trend. Finally DIN fluxes showed a net uptake during the wet season (2.9±18.8 µmol m-2 h-1) and conversely an efflux during the dry season (24.3±7.3 µmol m-2 h-1). These fluxes depicted a pronounced seasonal signal, showed a significant correlation to sediment characteristics (Corg, N and chloropigments) and finally contributed to the overall carbon and nutrient budget of the lagoon.

Differential effects of arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid on cell biology and osteoprotegerin synthesis in osteoblast-like cells

Coetzee, Magdalena 09 March 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to elucidate the mechanisms by which polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) prevent bone loss. MG-63 human osteoblasts and MC3T3-E1 murine osteoblasts were exposed to the n-6 PUFA arachidonic acid (AA) and the n-3 PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as well as oestrogen (E2) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) and the effects thereof tested on a variety of biological parameters characteristic of osteoblasts. These parameters included prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis, proliferation, differentiation to mature mineralising osteoblasts as well as osteoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor êB ligand (RANKL) secretion. Results showed that AA stimulates PGE2 production significantly in both cell lines. Stimulated PGE2 production by MC3T3-E1 cells however, was significantly higher, which might be attributed to auto-amplification by PGE2 itself in this cell line. Pre-incubation of the MG-63 cells with cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-blockers inhibited PGE2 production significantly, suggesting that both COX enzymes were involved in PGE2 synthesis. The number of functional osteoblasts is important for bone formation therefore in vitro osteoblastic cell proliferation was investigated. In contrast to the hormones E2 and PTH, both AA and DHA inhibited proliferation significantly. The AA-mediated anti-proliferative effect is possibly independent of PGE2 production, as PGE2 per se had little effect on proliferation. DHA inhibited proliferation of MG-63 cells more severely, which might be attributed to the osteosarcoma nature of the MG-63 cells. The anti-proliferative effect of these PUFAs might be attributed to modulation of cell cycle progression or anti-mitotic effects of PUFA peroxidation products. Morphological studies showed apoptotic cells after DHA exposure in MG-63 cells. There is a reciprocal relationship between reduced proliferation and the subsequent induction of cell differentiation in vitro. High basal levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, a marker of the mature mineralising osteoblastic phenotype, were detected in MC3T3-E1 cells. Long-term exposure to AA inhibited ALP activity in these cells. This process might be PGE2-mediated. Exposure to PUFAs, however, did not compromise the ability of the MC3T3-E1 cells to differentiate to mature mineralising osteoblasts. In contrast with MC3T3-E1 cells, MG-63 cells demonstrated low basal ALP activity and were unable to differentiate to mature mineralising osteoblasts. In the absence of osteogenic-inducing supplements, PUFAs induced adipocyte-like features that might be due to the expression of high levels of PPARã in this cell line. Lipid-filled vacuoles were absent in the MC3T3-E1 cells suggesting that the MC3T3-E1 cell line may not express PPARã mRNA. The study furthermore demonstrated that PUFAs are able to modulate OPG and RANKL secretion in osteoblasts. AA inhibited OPG secretion dose-dependently in both cell lines, this could be PGE2-mediated. AA dose-dependently stimulated soluble RANKL (sRANKL) secretion in MC3T3-E1 cells thereby affecting the OPG/RANKL ratio in a negative way, supporting various reports that AA and PGE2 do cause bone resorption. No sRANKL could be detected after exposing the MC3T3-E1 cells to DHA suggesting that DHA could be protective to bone. In conclusion, contrary to in vivo evidence, this in vitro study could not indisputably demonstrate protective effects of PUFAs on the osteoblastic cell lines tested. / Thesis (PhD (Physiology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Physiology / unrestricted

Studies on the microbial ecology of soils from Pinus radiata (D. Don) forests

Noonan, M. J. January 1969 (has links)
Early in 1962 the Forest Research Institute of the New Zealand Forest Service became aware that stands of second crop Pinus radiata (D. Don) on some areas of the Moutere Gravel formation were showing slow growth and had a chlorotic appearance (Fig. 1.1). The second crop followed clear felling of mature P. radiata trees and were aged from 0 to 15 years (stone and Will, 1965). It was felt that the apparent reduced growth of the second generation had much in common with similar productivity decline reported especially in European forestry literature. Stone and Will (1965) postulated that the immediate cause o£ the decline was a deficiency of nitrogen highlighted by the low levels of nitrogen in the leaves of the second crop trees, especially those growing on ridge sites. Numerous field trials have been laid out but many of the trials were poorly designed and consequently could not provide statistically sound results. However, some indication of nutrient deficiencies which occur on the Moutere Gravels were obtained. Even before these trials were laid down nutrient deficiencies had been highlighted by early attempts at farming. It was the partial failure of these crops that initially led to the planting of exotic pines, in the belief that these trees thrived on a limited supply of nutrients. The first crop of pines generally fulfilled expectations but nutrient deficiencies started to appear in extensive areas of the second crop. Accordingly, the Forest Research Institute made available three scholarships to study different aspects of the problem. Work was started on a study of the soil sequence across the Moutere Gravels to determine if there was a general decline in fertility of tho soil with the age of the soil and the environmental factors, such as climate which differs in the high inland areas and the low seaside areas of the Moutere Gravels, rather than a particular decline in fertility induced by the first crop of P. radiata. In another study the major weed species Ulex europaeus and Cytisus scoparius was studied to see if its value as a nitrogen fixer would outweigh its disadvantages as a silvicultural weed. Thirdly, a study of the microbial ecology of the soils was undertaken. Whyte (1966) reported that the second rotation trees started to increase their growth rate after approximately five years to a level paralleling the estimated growth rate of the first crop. It was postulated that the residues (needles, roots and branches) remaining after clear felling could cause an increase in microbial numbers and activity with a consequent immobilization of mineral nutrients which were not initially very plentiful. For this reason an area in Tasman Forest was selected in which mature trees and regeneration up to nine years old were found together to study microbial activity and numbers, energy dissipation and nitrogen dynamics to determine if immobilization of nutrients was causing the apparent declines.

Die Eluate des mikrobiellen Abbaus organischer Massen in ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung und ihrer Kopplung mit freigesetzten Asche-Anteilen / The eluates of the microbial degradation of organic masses in their chemical composition and its coupling with released ash portions

Hofmann, Heidrun 03 February 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The formation of authigenic xenotime in Proterozoic sedimentary basins : petrography, age and geochemistry

Vallini, Daniela Alessandra January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The realization in 1999 that the authigenic phosphate, xenotime, could be used in geochronological studies to place age constraints on burial events that affected sedimentary basins has opened numerous opportunities for establishing timeframes for sedimentary basin analysis. Since then, the mineral has been used to place new and novel age constraints on diagenesis, metamorphism, and hydrothermal alteration and mineralization events. Whilst these studies were successful, they identified many complexities in xenotime growth and were restricted to specific areas or single basins: they do not convey, demonstrate or explore the immense variety of geological applications in which xenotime may provide unique geochronological constraints. This thesis explores the nature of authigenic xenotime, utilizing studies in three different Proterozoic sedimentary basins: two in Australia, southwestern Australia and the Northern Territory, and the third in the United States of America. The thesis includes a number of discrete studies demonstrating different aspects of xenotime growth, elucidated from detailed petrography, geochronology and geochemistry of authigenic xenotime. An integrated textural, geochemical and geochronological study of authigenic xenotime from the Mt Barren Group, SW Australia, establishes an absolute timescale on some of the many processes involved during the diagenesis of siliciclastic units. ... positions and trends and broadly confirm the chemical discrimination criteria established for an Archaean basin. However, the Proterozoic data are shifted to lower Gd-Dy values and extend beyond the original field outlines, causing more overlap between fields intended to discriminate xenotimes of different origin. The plots were revised to encompass the new data. This study has significantly extended our knowledge of the nature of authigenic xenotime. It was found that xenotime may form in (meta)sediments in response to a large number of post-depositional processes, including early- and latediagenesis, (multiple) basinal hydrothermal events and low-grade metamorphism. A combination of detailed petrography and in situ geochronology provides the best avenue to decipher complex growth histories in xenotime. With further development, it is likely that xenotime geochemistry will also prove diagnostic of origin and can be incorporated into the interpretation of age data. The number of potential applications for xenotime geochronology has been expanded by this study.

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