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Human-machine interface : a case study to investigate the effect of a newly introduced system on the work morale of the people who interact with itBradshaw, Jennie (Sheila Jennie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aims to investigate a work environment into which a new workflow system,
that automates the work process, has recently been introduced. The study will focus
on the level of work morale displayed by the people active in this new environment,
as well as their perception of their work.
The study takes the form of a case study carried out in the Nedcor Home Loans
Application Processing Centre. This centre is the central area in which all home loan
applications for the entire Gauteng, North West, Orange Free State, Mpumalanga
and Limpopo regions are collated and processed. The applications from these
regions translate into a total of between 9 and 13 thousand applications each month.
The home loan application process is the most complex of the banking application
processes as it involves a number of interfaces with external parties and systems.
The workflow system was introduced in order to simplify, co-ordinate and accelerate
this process.
The study was conducted using D. A. De Vaus's Surveys in Social Research, Fourth
Edition, a methodology for surveys in social research, as a guideline. A structured
questionnaire was constructed in order to collect data regarding the opinions and
behaviour of the sample members.
A pilot study was conducted with 10 of the sample members in order to test and
refine the survey instrument. Following this, the updated survey instrument was
distributed to the sample group. The population of the case study environment
consisted of less than 100 people all situated in one location. For this reason the
entire survey population was selected as the sample population.
The data collected described the sample members' attitudes towards work, their
relationships with their colleagues, as well as their perceptions of their opportunities
for personal growth, as a measure of their level of work morale. Information
describing the employees perceived type of work was also collected. This was done
by accumulating information regarding the level of thinking, responsibility and monotony that characterised their work, as well as the proportion of time that staff
members spent interacting directly with the system.
After the survey implementation, the data was collated and analysed. The reliability
of the data was tested using Cronbach's alpha. Data that originated from concepts
with Cronbach's alpha scores of below 0,6 were deemed to be unreliable and were
removed from the dataset.
A correlation analysis, using Spearman's rank correlation, was conducted on the
remaining data. This analysis was aimed at establishing whether any correlations
between the type of work carried out by an employee and his or her associated level
of work morale exist.
It was established that the level of work morale that characterised the case study
environment was relatively low, as will be discussed in detail in Chapter 5.
Furthermore, it was ascertained that the introduction of the system had a significant
influence on the nature of the work carried out by the staff in the case study
environment, and that a strong correlation existed between the type of work carried
out by an employee and his or her associated level of work morale. From this it was
concluded that the introduction of the system influenced the level of work morale
found to characterise the case study environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om 'n werksomgewing te evalueer waar 'n nuwe
werkvloeistelsel, wat prosesse outomatiseer, onlangs geimplementeer is. Die studie
fokus op die vlak van werk moraal wat vertoon word deur mense in hierdie nuwe
omgewing, sowel as hulle persepsie van hul werk.
Die studie neem die vorm aan van 'n gevallestudie wat uitgevoer is in die Nedcor
Huislening Applikasie Sentrum. Hierdie sentrum is die sentrale plek waar alle
huislening applikasies vir die Gauteng, Noordwes, Vrystaat, Mpumalanga en
Limpopo gebiede versamel en verwerk word. Die hoeveelheid applikasies in hierdie
gebiede is tussen 9 000 en 13 000 per maand. Die huislening applikasie proses is
die mees komplekse proses van alle bank applikasie prosesse, aangesien dit 'n
aantal integrasies met eksterne partye en stelsels vereis. Die werkvloeistelsel is geimplementeer
om hierdie prosesse te vereenvoudig, te koordineer en te versnel.
Die studie is uitgevoer deur D.A. De Vaus se "Surveys in Social Research, Fourth
Edition, a methodology for surveys in social research" as 'n verwysingsraamwerk te
gebruik. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys is saamgestel om data te versamel oor die
menings en gedrag van die lede in die toetsgroep.
'n Proefstudie is uitgevoer met 10 lede van die toetsgroep om die opname-instrument
te toets en te verfyn. Daarna is die opgedateerde opname instrument onder die
toetsgroep versprei. Die bevolking van die gevallestudie bestaan uit minder as 100
mense wat almal in dieselfde lokasie geplaas is. Om hierdie rede is die totale
bevolking gekies as die toetsgroep.
Die data wat versamel is het die lede van die toetsgroep se houdings teenoor hulle
werk, hulle verhoudings met hulle kollegas, sowel as hulle persepsie van
geleenthede vir persoonlike groei, beskryf. Die data is gebruik as 'n aanduiding van
hul vlak van werk moraal.
Data wat die werknemers se persepsie van hulle tipe werk weerspieel, is ook
versamel. Data oor die denkvlak, verantwoordelikheid en eentonigheid van hulle werk, sowel as die hoeveelheid tyd wat personeellede spandeer het op direkte
interaksie met die stelsel.
Na die implementering van die opname, is die data versamel en geanaliseer. Die
betroubaarheid van die data is getoets deur Cronbach se alpha toets toe te pas.
Data, waar die indikator se Cronbach alpha telling minder was as 0.6, is geag as
onbetroubaar en is verwyder van die datastel.
'n Korrelasie-analise is uitgevoer op die oorblywende data, deur gebruik te maak van
Spearman se korrelasie mode. Die analise is daarop gefokus om te bepaal of daar
enige ooreenstemming is tussen 'n werknemer se tipe werk en sy of haar verwante
vlak van werkmoraal.
Daar is gevind dat die vlak van werkmoraal wat hierdie studie kenmerk, relatief laag
is. Dit sal verder bestudeer work in hoofstuk 5. Daar is ook bevind dat die instelling
van die stelsel 'n beduidende invloed het op die werk wat uitgevoer word deur die
betrokke personeel in die gevallestudie-omgewing. Daar is 'n sterk korrelasie tussen
die tipe werk en die vlak van werk moraal van werknemers. Die gevolgtrekking is
dus dat die instelling van die stelsel die vlak van werkmoraal beinvloed het in hierdie
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Le risque santé et la souscription d’assurance du crédit / Health risk and underwriting of credit insuranceJay, Caroline 11 December 2017 (has links)
La santé est un risque. La raison d’être de l’assurance est de couvrir les individus contre les aléas de la vie. Pourtant, la nature économique de cette opération a conduit les assureurs à écarter de leur mutualité, de manière croissante, les plus hauts risques de survenance d’un sinistre. Cette pratique appelée la segmentation est parfaitement autorisée. L’assureur peut, au moment de la discussion précontractuelle, procéder à une évaluation du risque par des investigations sur la situation personnelle et intime du candidat à l’assurance. Plusieurs constats sont faits. Le fait justificatif de discrimination n’est plus précis. Les techniques de collecte de l’information s’émancipent d’un encadrement légal sécurisé. L’existence d’un risque aggravé a des conséquences déraisonnables sur le contrat d’assurance. En France, plus de 2,7 millions de personnes présentent, au sens des assureurs, un risque aggravé du fait de leur état de santé. Il s’agit aussi bien de personnes diabétiques, atteintes de la maladie de parkinson ou ayant développé une pathologie cancéreuse. Pour eux l’accès à l’assurance rime avec le refus, les exclusions ou les surprimes. Ce phénomène concourt à une véritable injustice sociale, particulièrement lorsque le contrat d’assurance conditionne l’octroi d’un crédit immobilier. Pour cette raison, et sous les pressions associatives, des mesures ont été prises visant à limiter l’intrusion de l’assureur dans la vie privée du preneur d’assurance et parallèlement à renforcer les obligations d’information, de conseil ou de mise en garde du professionnel préalablement à la souscription du contrat / Health is a risk. The main purpose of insurance is to cover individuals against life’s uncertainties. However, because of the economic nature of this activity, insurers discard more and more the highest risks from their mutuality. This practice, named segmentation, is perfectly allowed. The insurer may, at the time of precontractual discussions, carry out a risk assessment by investigating the personal and intimate situation of the applicant. Several observations can be made. Evidence of discrimination is no longer precise. The techniques for information gathering emancipate themselves from a secure legal framework. The existence of an increased risk has unreasonable consequences on the insurance contract. In France, more than 2.7 million people are, in the sense of insurers, increased risks profiles due to their health status. Those are people living with diabetes, Parkinson's disease or other cancerous pathologies. For them, access to insurance rhymes with refusal, exclusion or additional premia. This phenomenon contributes to a real social injustice, especially when the insurance contract is necessary to be granted a mortgage. For this reason, and under pressures from associations, some measures have been implemented to limit the intrusion of the insurer into the policyholder’s privacy; and in parallel, to strengthen the obligations lying on the professionals to provide information, advice and warning, prior to any contract subscription
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Návrh pracovních listů pro výuku finanční matematiky na SŠ - finanční úvěrové a pojistné produkty, práva spotřebitele / Worksheets for teaching financial mathematics at secondary school-- financial credit and insurance products, consumer rightsMARŠÁN, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is devoted to creation of working sheets which are designed to teach selected topics of financial mathematics at high school. The thesis will focus on loan products (consumer loans, hire purchase, mortgage) insurance products (life and non-life insurance) and the rights of consumers. The thesis issues on the framework educational programs for high schools.
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Uma análise empírica do volume do crédito imobiliárioGeyer, Roberta Cardim 09 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-09T00:00:00Z / The main aim of this paper is to examine which factors are determinants of the mortgage debt system depth. Using data on legal creditor rights, credit information systems, constraints on executive and macroeconomic stability in 93 countries from 1996 to 2007, I found that countries with strong legal rights for borrowers and lenders, deeper credit information systems and more stable macroeconomic environment have deeper mortgage debt system. / O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os fatores que determinam o desenvolvimento do crédito imobiliário nos países. Com dados de crédito imobiliário de 93 países de 1996 a 2007, estudo em que medida um ambiente macroeconômico estável, fortes direitos legais (através de leis de falência), sistemas de informação de crédito mais profundos e restrições ao poder do executivo influenciam a expansão do crédito imobiliário. Analisando países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, controlando pelo tamanho do país, concluí que países com baixa volatilidade da inflação e do crescimento do PIB, com leis de qualidade e alta restrição ao poder executivo têm crédito habitacional mais desenvolvido.
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Řízení rizik spojených s poskytováním hypotečních úvěrů v době krize / Management of risks associated with the provision of mortgage loans in times of crisisKOHOUTOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to analyze consumer credit and mortgage loans during the financial crisis in selected commercial bank. In the theoretical part I define important terms. I differentiate between types of loans, explain types of banking risks and their current management. In the practical part I analyzed the survey data and the volume of borrowed finances and the failure rates of individual loans. Were the proposed new methodology aimed at eliminating risks in the bank.
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Financování nemovitosti / Financing of the real propertyBRUSOVÁ, Pavlína January 2010 (has links)
The topic of this diploma work is "Financing of the real property''. The aim of this work is comparing the possibilities of financing the acquisition of the real estate by the building savings and by the mortgage loan with the aim of an interpretation the most optimal form of the financing of the real property for the client which suits his conditions. The theoretical part is attended to the characteristics of the forms of financing the acquisition of real property, especially the characteristic of building savings and mortgage loan, its legislative form, building saving stages and a disposal of the mortgage loan. In the practical part of this work are the theoretical recourses applied with the intention of a model interested person in acquiring property. There are also described possibilities of financing the housing by building savings and mortgage loans, which are offered by selected institutions for the client. On the basis of these possibilities is made an analysis of the most optimal form of financing the real estate.
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Modernização e tradição: urbanização, propriedade da terra e crédito hipotecário em São Paulo na segunda metade do século XIX / Modernization and tradition: urbanization, land property and mortgage credit in the city of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th centuryMonica Silveira Brito 02 March 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do processo de urbanização e dos primórdios da organização do mercado imobiliário paulistano, ao longo da segunda metade do século XIX, com o objetivo de analisar a introdução de estratégias mais complexas de inserção da propriedade imobiliária urbana nos circuitos de valorização capitalista no contexto de modernização conservadora que se configurava. A abordagem optou, por um lado, pelo exame do processo de estabelecimento das bases jurídicas e institucionais que definiram o estatuto da propriedade da terra urbana e a reformulação legal do funcionamento do crédito hipotecário e da regulamentação das hipotecas. Por outro lado, analisou as repercussões desses instrumentos formais nas práticas concernentes aos referidos aspectos e suas conseqüências sobre a urbanização, na capital paulista.O tratamento dispensado à propriedade fundiária urbana privilegiou o movimento de passagem do patrimônio fundiário municipal, um bem público, ao domínio privado. No que respeita ao crédito hipotecário, explorou-se tanto os propósitos envolvidos no processo de sua institucionalização, quanto as características assumidas pelo movimento não-institucional de empréstimos efetivados sob a garantia de imóveis urbanos na cidade de São Paulo. / This paper deals with the urbanization process and the early stages of the real estate market in the City of São Paulo during the second half of the 19th century, with the aim of analyzing the introduction of more complex strategies for including urban properties into capital value appreciation within the emerging context of conservative modernization. This approach sought, on the one hand, to review the process of establishing legal and institutional foundations that determined the statute of urban land ownership and the legal changes of mortgage credit and regulation of mortgages. On the other hand, it reviewed the impact of these formal instruments on the above-mentioned issues and their consequences on urbanization in the Capital City of São Paulo. The treatment given to urban land ownership focused on the transfer of municipal land properties, a public asset, to the private domain. In respect of mortgage credit, this study looked at both the purposes implied in the formalization process and the character of the informal loans made against the security of urban properties in the City of São Paulo.
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Indicadores de housing affordability para o mercado brasileiroRamirez, Guilherme Lisboa 29 January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Guilherme Lisboa Ramirez (guilherme.ramirez@uol.com.br) on 2013-02-27T17:11:14Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-29 / The analysis of the evolution of housing affordability indexes is important in monitoring variations in the capability of a household to purchase a house. The methodology used in this study allows the analysis of housing affordability indexes for different income classes, once it takes into account the whole distribution of household income and house prices, since they have different skewness. The analysis of the Brazilian market under this methodology has shown a decrease in housing affordability in recent years, due to a steeper rise in house prices when compared to the combined effect of household income variations and the loosening of credit constraints. / A análise da evolução dos indicadores de housing affordability permite acompanhar o comportamento do poder de compra de um imóvel. A metodologia utilizada nesta dissertação, ao considerar toda a distribuição da renda domiciliar e do preço dos imóveis, uma vez que as mesmas possuem assimetrias diferentes, possibilita analisar estes indicadores para diferentes segmentos da população. A aplicação desta metodologia para o mercado brasileiro possibilitou observar que a capacidade de compra se reduziu nos últimos anos devido, principalmente, ao aumento do preço dos imóveis a uma taxa maior do que a variação da renda combinada com a flexibilização das condições de credito imobiliário.
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購屋貸款變數與住宅市場關聯性之研究 / The Relationship between the Mortgage Lending Variables and Housing Markets江佳玟, Chiang, Chia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以 2000 年第一季至2016 年第二季之貸款管制工具變數及總體經變數資料,運用 ARDL Bounds Test、ARDL-ECM 模型及Toda and Yamamoto 因果檢定探究購屋貸款管制變數對於台灣住宅市場間之長期與短期動態關係及因果關係。研究結果顯示,購屋貸款管制變數對於房價及交易量有顯著之影響,尤其對於住宅交易量方面具有較為明顯之效果,因此,期望透過本研究對於台灣未來金融、房市政策規劃提出建議。 / Over the past decade, an abundance of money and speculative demand from the Quantitative Easing (QE) monetary policy drove the housing price in Taiwan to rise
sharply, and the volume of housing market is unstable. To stabilize the financial markets, the government have formulated policies on housing markets and mortgage control to curb rising housing prices.
In order to understand the effect of mortgage control on curbing housing price, this study examines the long-run and short-run relationship and causality effect among loan-to-value ratio and mortgage-to-GDP ratio and housing markets. This study used ARDL model, bounds test and Toda and Yamamoto causality to analyze quarterly data over the
period 2000-Q1 to 2016-Q2. Empirical results show that mortgage control has significant effects on the housing market. Results further shown that the influence on the volume is more obvious than on the price. Results of this study provide precious policy implications for future housing financial sectors.
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Analýza dopadů zhodnocení Švýcarského franku na polské komerční banky / The analysis of impact of the Swiss franc boost on the Polish commercial banksKubátová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
The decision of the Swiss National Bank from January 2015 to drop the exchange rate profit of the Swiss franc caused a significant shock to the financial market. The Swiss franc boost strongly influenced Poland because many of a mortgage loan was granted precisely in this currency. The goal of the MA thesis is to analyze the impact of the Swiss franc boost on the Polish commercial banks and to describe individual measures taken and solutions found in Poland. The introductory part deals with the beginning of the expansion of foreign currency loans not only in Poland but also in the greater context of Poland´s neighbouring countries. Furthermore, the Recommendation S is described in more detail. The second chapter contains analysis of loans development in Poland. Here, the Bank Millennium is used as an example to demonstrate the loan portfolio composition. The final part of this work talks about the Polish reaction to the change of the Swiss monetary policy and to the specifics of these provisions.
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