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A guide to asset securitisation in South AfricaOlivier, Albert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Enormous growth has been experienced in the South African securitisation
environment due to the lack of Government bond issues. There is little doubt that
securitisation is still in its early stages in South Africa, but it is here to stay. Asset
securitisation can be described as the process of pooling and repackaging non
tradable assets secured by relatively uniform, small value assets into liquid securities.
The original form of asset securitisation is mortgage backed securities. The success
achieved in the securitisation of mortgage loans globally resulted in the securitisation
of other types of asset backed securities. Auto loans, credit card receivables and
synthetic securitisation have attracted substantial interest in South Africa in the
recent past. Synthetic securitisation is becoming an increasingly important topic
following the focus of financial institutions to manage regulatory and risk capital.
Each securitisation transaction can be structured in such a way to demonstrate
specific cash flow characteristics, risk profiles or average life parameters.
Securitisation structures include several entities, with each playing a distinct role.
The originator is the entity which creates the underlying asset pool. The asset pool is
then sold to a SPV, which is a bankruptcy remote vehicle through which the
securitisation transaction is facilitated. The SPV will sell securities backed by the
asset pool to investors. The proceeds of the issue are used to finance the purchase
of the asset pool from the originator. The SPV appoints a servicer that administers
the asset pool on behalf of the issuer in return for a fee.
The South African legal and tax environment is currently undergoing a transformation
in order to accommodate the growing interest in securitisation. Precedents regarding
the taxation of securitisation structures are still lacking in South Africa. Both legal
and taxation issues around securitisation transactions are likely to change over the
coming years.
The South African securitisation market still needs to be improved significantly ahead
of being classified as world class. The lack of familiarity among investors involved in securitisation is keeping the market from growing to its full potential. Investor
education and the documentation of deal information are crucial. The growth of
securitisation issues is necessary to increase volumes and in turn enhance liquidity.
Knowledge, volumes and regulations regarding securitisation are certainly lacking in
South Africa, and though this may slow growth, it will most definitely not prevent the
business from rapidly expanding. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tekort aan staatseffekte in Suid Afrika is een van die redes wat gelei het tot die
groei van die Suid Afrikaanse bate effekte mark. Alhoewel bate effektering nog 'n
nuwe konsep in Suid Afrika is, het die finansiele markte in Suid Afrika effektering
aanvaar en groot belangstelling word getoon deur beide finansiele instellings en
beleggers. Bate effektering kan beskryf word as die proses waar onverhandelbare
bates saam gegroepeer word en omskep word in likiede sekuriteite wat in die ope
mark verhandel kan word.
Bate effektering het sy oorsprong in die Verenigde State van Amerika gehad, waar
verbandlenings ge-effekteer is. Groot suksesse is behaal en ander vorme van bates
is vinnig ge-effekteer en aan die mark gebied. In Suid Afrika is verskillende vorme
van effektering al aangetref, die nuutste en mees opwindenste is egter sintetiese
Effektering sluit verskillende entiteite in, en elkeen speel 'n baie spesifieke rol.
Kortliks is die proses soos hierna beskryf. Die bates word deur die oorspronklike
eienaar aan 'n spesiale doel voertuig verkoop. Die spesiale doel voertuig is
heeltemal onafhanklik van ander eenhede in die effekteringsstruktuur en finansiele
probleme in die struktuur het geen effek op die kredietwaardigheid van die spesiale
doel voertuig nie. Die spesiale doel voetuig verkoop effekte aan beleggers, en die
inkomste ontvang van beleggers befonds die aankoop van die poel bates van die
oorspronklike eienaar. Die spesiale doel voertuig word gediens en onderhou deur 'n
diens verskaffer in ruil vir 'n kontraktuele vergoeding.
Die Suid Akrikaanse finansiële markte is tans besig om 'n transformasie proses te
ondergaan om effektering te akkomodeer, die fokus is veral op wetlike en belasting
aspekte. Alhoewel baie veranderinge al plaasgevind het, sal daar nog baie gedoen
moet word voor die Suid Afrikaanse mark as wereld-klas geklassifiseer kan word.
Ongelukkig is beleggers nog onbekend met effektering en daarom weerhou dit die
mark van vinnige ontwikkeling.
Kortom, kennis, volumes en duideliker regulasies wat betrekking het op effektering is
definitief nodig in Suid Afrika, en alhoewel dit groei verstadig, sal dit definitief nie die
nuwe finansiële instrument keer om tot een van Suid Afrika se vooraanstaande
finansiële instrumente te ontwikkel nie.
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Landuse, home-ownership and development: feasibility of tax relief on housing mortgages in Hong KongSiu, Yee-lin, Richard., 蕭爾年. January 1990 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning
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縮減式模型下房屋抵押貸款之評價 / Mortgage Valuation under Reduced-Form Model江淑玲, Chiang,Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
房屋抵押貸款的評價,因為需考慮到貸款人的提前清償及違約風險造成現金流量之不確定性,決定房屋抵押貸款的價格比決定一般違約證券的價格更具困難度。因此,如何合理評估抵押貸款證券的價值實為一值得深入探討之課題,本文即針對此議題進行研究。傳統文獻在進行房屋抵押貸款的評價方法,主要可區分為兩種:結構模型(structural-form approach)及縮減式模型(reduced-form approach)。目前的文獻上,其評價的封閉解只存在於結構式模型,但在此模型下的評價,存在著違約與提前清償條件的設定問題,這將對評價的準確性造成很大的影響,在實務的應用上有一定的限制。再者,結構式模型在處理多變數且變數間具相關性的情況,存在一定的複雜性與困難度,而縮減式模型在此情況的處理上是較容易的。本研究將從縮減式模型的角度,引入 Jarrow (2001)的概念,在包含多重變數並考慮變數間相關係數之縮減模型下,進行房屋抵押貸款封閉解的推導。透過此方法可協助資產管理者從事投資組合配置最適化與避險策略的分析,亦期望能提供實務界一個更具可行性與效率性之房屋抵押貸款評價模型。 / Valuing mortgage-related securities is more complicated than valuing regular defaultable claims due to the borrower’s prepayment behavior as well as the possibility of default. In general, the methods that are applied to investigate mortgage value and termination risk can be divided into two categories: a structural-form approach and a reduced-form approach. Some researchers use a structural-form model to obtain the closed-form formulae for the mortgage value. With this method, however, it is difficult to identify the critical region of early exercise and deal with the situation including multivariable and their correlations correlation among variables. As an alternative, the reduced-form model developed in this study is able to value the mortgage without setting boundary conditions, and can thereby accurately handle the multi-dimensional space of correlated state variables. This study extends Jarrow’s (2001) model to examine mortgage valuations. The purpose of this article is to derive a closed-form solution of the mortgage valuation equation under a general reduced-form model that embeds relevant economic variables. This new approach enables portfolio managers to undertake sophisticated portfolio optimization and hedging analyses, and makes it possible to more accurately and efficiently value the complicated mortgage.
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房貸業務授信流程分析之研究:以某銀行為例俞秀鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
我國銀行業於1991年開放新民營銀行設立,使得整體銀行的服務水準得以提升,新金融商品的開發更加快速,但利率自由化,以及各銀行採取價格競爭策略爭取客戶之作法,使得存放款利差日益縮小,各項經營風險隨之提高。金融機構惡性競爭不僅導致銀行授信品質日益惡化,同時也壓縮了銀行的獲利能力。近年來台灣經濟的不景氣與金融環境快速的變化,金融業的競爭優勢將取決於對市場、顧客及競爭同業能否做出最佳及最具差異化之決策。然而金融業收入之穩定來源,取決於企業流程作業之有效性,企業需要檢視其作業流程以消除無效率及無附加價值的作業,以降低成本、提升作業效率及效能。本研究應用企業流程資訊有機體分析架構(Tsaih and Lin 2006),透過重現、系統化分析個案公司之房貸業務授信循環流程,並於評估流程實作後,提出相對應之作業流程及管理資訊之改善建議與管理議題,以提供個案公司做為未來管理房貸授信風險決策之參考。 / The deregulation of the Taiwan Banking industry started in 1991 has enhanced the quality of the financial service as well as speeded up the development of new financial products. The deregulation not only leads to the liberation of interest rate but also opens up the price competition between banks in order to attract customer and keep continuous sales growth. Such effect has depressed the spread of interest rate and instigated various operating risks. The cutthroat competition between banks results in deterioration of credit granting quality and reducetion in profitability. Due to the economic recession in Taiwan and the fast changing of financial environment in the recent years, the competitive advantages of the financial industry are determined by whether a bank is capable of making the best and differentiated reactions to market, customers and its competitors. The stability of the income generation to the financial industry depends mostly on the effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes. It is essential for an organization to oversee its business process to reduce less efficient, non-value-adding activities and costs. This study, based on an application to the Process-Wide Information Organism approach (Tsaih and Lin. 2006), investigates the mortgage loan business process of the subject company. By reconstructing and analyzing the practice of granting a mortgage loan, this study is able to provide corresponding suggestions with respect to process improvements and related managerial implications to the subject company.
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金融危機迴歸模型之建構:論美國次級房貸風暴的衝擊 / Constructing the Regression Model of the Financial Crises : The Impact of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in U.S.盧孟吟, Lu,Meng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
過去三、四十年來世界各地發生金融危機的頻率較從前高出許多,探究原因後可以發現,與各國陸續開放金融自由化以及國際金融市場快速成長有極大的關係。除此之外,在各國中,金融危機的發生通常具備一些共同特徵,諸如危機發生時會導致資金外流、匯率大幅貶值、股市重挫、產出減少、進出口減少…等影響。因此,面對這一波次級房貸風暴,本研究也即將檢視美國在總體經濟數據上各方面的表現,希望能利用1970年以來已開發國家和開發中國家歷年來所發生的貨幣、銀行危機下所代表的各種總體經濟數據,經過轉化整理後,透過Logistic迴歸模型建立一個迴歸方程式,以了解金融危機的發生與實質匯率、進出口…等其他解釋變數之間的關聯,並利用此模型探測現階段次級房貸風暴對美國可能引發金融危機的機率值,以探討其合理性。 / We find that the frequencies of the financial crises are higher for the past forty years in the world. It is due to the financial liberalization and international financial markets which grow rapidly. Besides, financial crises usually company with some common characteristics such as capital outflow, the depreciation of the foreign exchange, the shock of the stock market, the decreasing of the production and so on. Therefore, in order to understand this financial crisis of the subprime mortgage, this thesis surveys the economic data of developed countries and developing countries from 1970s and figures out the performances of these countries under balance-of -payments crises or banking crisis. We use the logistic regression model and transform the data to construct a regression model. After understanding the relationship between the explaining variables, we use this model to predict the probability of possible financial crisis in U.S. under the subprime mortgage crisis and then discuss the rationality of those predicted values.
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反向房屋抵押貸款對於台灣退休屋主的所得提升效果之研究施博智 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Szymanoski (1994)所建立的HECM定價模型為主要架構,旨在計算在貸款保險基金維持收支平衡的條件下,某一利率水準之特定歲數借款人所對應的本金限制因子,並求算其一次可貸金額、終身給付金額與所得替代率。在貸款利率4.72%、期初房價為$6,000,000、退休前每月薪資所得$42,018等參數假設下,65歲的男性借款人所對應的本金限制因子為0.505,在扣除相關貸款成本後,一次可貸得金額為$2,760,000、每年的終身給付金額為$194,851,申請貸款可為借款人提升的所得替代率為38.64%。因此,反向房屋抵押貸款所帶來的所得提升效果可望協助借款人度過退休期間的財務難關,以維持基本生活水平。
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Sûretés conventionnelles sur créances en droit français, anglais et vietnamien / Consensual security over receivables in french, english and vietnamese lawBui, Duc Giang 02 June 2014 (has links)
Les créances monétaires constituent une excellente source de crédit et les sûretés sur créances existent en droit français, droit anglais et droit vietnamien. Cependant, si elles sont reconnues de longue date en droit anglais, l’évolution de leur régime juridique est récente en droits français et vietnamien. Par ailleurs, si ces trois droits connaissent tous les sûretés traditionnelles sans transfert de propriété (nantissement de créances, charges sur les créances et hypothèque de créances), l’admission en droit français des seules fiducie sur créances et cession de créances professionnelles à titre de garantie par bordereau Dailly ainsi que le rejet par les juges vietnamiens des cessions innommées à titre de garantie démontrent que l’exploitation de la fonction de garantie de la propriété d’une créance n’est pas encore généralisée en France et au Vietnam à la différence de ce que l’on peut observer en droit anglais à travers la "mortgage"par voie d’"assignment" ou de novation. Enfin, l’hypothèque de créance de droit vietnamien et la "fixed charge" sur les "bookdebts" de droit anglais démontrent qu’une sûreté non basée sur le transfert de propriété peut être tout à fait efficace que ce soit dans un contexte de solvabilité ou de procédure collective du titulaire de la créance.Ces approches révèlent tout l’intérêt d’une entreprise doctorale mise en perspective des nombreux investissements économiques et montages financiers impliquant, de façon croissante, des acteurs économiques et partenaires bancaires internationaux dont les intérêts, les enjeux et les stratégies relèvent par construction, ou nécessité,des ordres juridiques précités. / Receivables constitute an excellent source of credit and security over receivables is available under French, English and Vietnamese law. However, if they have been recognised in English law for a long period of time, their development is quite recent in French and Vietnamese law. Moreover, although these three legal systems recognise all traditional security interests which are not based on the transfer of ownership over secur ed receivables (nantissement de créances in French law, floating and fixed charge over book debts in English law and hypothecation over debt claims in Vietnamese law), the fact that French law only recognises fiducia over receivables and assignment of trade receivables by way of security and Vietnamese judges have rejected the transfer ofownership by means of security, demonstrates that the use of functionality of ownership over receivables has not become widespread in France and in Vietnam. In contrast, in England, mortgages over receivables allow for the transfer of ownership as security, whether by way of an assignment or a novation. Finally, the hypothecation over debt claims of Vietnamese law and the fixed charge over book debts of English law show that security that does not entail the transfer of ownership can be perfectly efficient inside and outside insolvency proceedings.These approaches reveal the interests of a doctoral enterprise put in perspective from numerous economic investments and financing structures involving, in a rising fashion, economic stakeholders and international bank partners whose interests,stakes and strategies fall under (by construction, or necessity) the aforementioned jurisdictions
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Srovnávací analýza ochrany klienta bankovních a pojišťovacích služeb v EU / Comparative analysis of client's protection in banking and insurance services within the EUVacková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to compare measures of consumer protection and its level in insurance and banking services in the EU. The premise is that the measures are very similar because both areas are subject to financial services law and as such they are similarly regulated. The first part of this work analyses and examines Insurance Distribution Directive and its contribution to consumer protection. The thesis compares Insurance Distribution Directive with Insurance Mediation Directive which is the legislation in force as of the time of writing this thesis. The second part of the thesis analyses, examines and compares Consumer Credit Directive and Mortgage Credit Directive and their contribution to consumer protection. The third part of the thesis compares the two previous parts and describes the reasons for different approaches taken in the researched legislation. The result of the analysis is that the measures taken for consumer protection are indeed very similar with differences originating from the nature of the services. The most elaborated directive which ensures the highest level of consumer protection is Mortgage Credit Directive and it is due to the significance of mortgage credit for lives of consumers and for the economy. Insurance Distribution Directive offers higher level of...
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Financiamento habitacional no brasil / Housing Finance in BrazilRossbach, Anacláudia Marinheiro Centeno 23 May 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-05-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper analyses the housing finance system adopted in Brazil. From a historic perspective, issues like funding sources, legal framework, main agents and recent development had been detailed.
The main housing finance systems existing in the world are specified in the first chapter: the savings deposits, contract savings, mortgage bonds, housing banks and the secondary market for mortgages. The second chapter refers just to the secondary market for mortgages in the United States. In the third chapter we analyze specifically the recent developments of the Brazilian housing finance system.
In Brazil mortgage finance is made by the financial institutions in order to fulfill the legal requirements from the strong regulation of the savings linked system, known as Sistema Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimo, SBPE and from the federal pension severance guarantee fund, known as Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço, FGTS.
The initiative of creating a secondary market for mortgages, through the Sistema de Financiamento Imobiliário or SFI, is still very incipient. Two basic pre conditions are missing in Brazil to consolidate this system: positive macroeconomic environment, with low market interest rates; and a developed, solid and efficient primary mortgage market.
For many years the macroeconomic environment consisted of high inflation and interest rates, which functioned as barriers for the mortgage market development. Today, as an effect from the high market interest rates, the mortgage business is not attractive either for the borrower or for the lenders. The demand for mortgage credit must get adapted to the existing products in an oligopoly financial market, which excludes the majority of the Brazilian families, whose income is not sufficient to access a credit, and contributes to improve the informal sector. / Este trabalho efetua uma análise do modelo de financiamento habitacional adotado pelo Brasil. A partir de uma breve perspectiva histórica, são detalhados os principais instrumentos de captação, aspectos de regulação legal, agentes e desempenho recente.
No primeiro capítulo estão especificados os principais modelos de financiamento habitacional presentes no mundo atual, o sistema de depósitos de poupança, contratos de poupança prévia, títulos hipotecários, bancos habitacionais públicos e mercado secundário de hipotecas. O segundo capítulo trata especificamente do mercado secundário de hipotecas nos Estados Unidos. No terceiro capítulo analisamos especificamente a evolução recente do modelo de financiamento habitacional brasileiro.
No Brasil a atividade de crédito imobiliário é exercida pelas instituições financeiras apenas em decorrência da obrigatoriedade imposta pela regulamentação do Sistema Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimo e do Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço.
A iniciativa de criação de um mercado secundário de hipotecas no Brasil, através do Sistema de Financiamento Imobiliário, o SFI, ainda é extremamente incipiente. Duas pré-condições básicas inexistem no Brasil para consolidar o sistema: ambiente macroeconômico favorável caracterizado por baixas taxas de juros; e existência de um mercado primário de crédito imobiliário desenvolvido, confiável e eficiente.
As conjunturas macroeconômicas, caracterizadas ao longo de muitos anos ambientes de alta inflação e taxas de juros, serviram como um entrave ao desenvolvimento do mercado de crédito imobiliário. Atualmente, devido às elevadas taxas de juros de mercado, o negócio não é atrativo nem para os mutuários nem para as instituições financeiras. Já a demanda por financiamentos imobiliários, é obrigada a adaptar-se aos produtos existentes em um mercado financeiro oligopolizado, que exclui assim a maioria das famílias do país, cujos rendimentos não são suficientes para acessar um crédito imobiliário, e contribui para o avanço da informalidade.
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Juros atrelados à alienação fiduciária em garantia e à hipoteca sob a análise econômica do direito em financiamentos imobiliáriosGiaretta, Francisco Secco 21 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-02-21T14:07:25Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-21 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho versa sobre os financiamentos imobiliários e os seus custos, tanto econômicos como transacionais, atrelados às espécies de garantias constituídas. O estudo fez uma análise econômica e jurídica sobre os negócios aquisitivos de domínio imobiliário e suas formalidades juntamente com o modo de aquisição e constituição dos direitos reais, com a particularidade do Sistema Notarial e Registral Brasileiro. Abordou-se o contrato em sua acepção mais ampla, em especial sob o enfoque dos custos atrelados aos financiamentos de imóveis. Fez-se uma revisão bibliográfica que apontou, segundo especialistas, que quanto maior a segurança jurídica dos negócios menores serão seus custos, tanto econômicos como de transação ou transacionais. A pesquisa empírica realizada coletou informações de matrículas que continham financiamentos imobiliários garantidos por hipoteca e alienação fiduciária, extraindo delas informações sobre o valor do crédito financiado, o prazo desse financiamento e o montante de juros fixados pela instituição financeira. Fazendo uma releitura da hipoteca e alienação fiduciária, garantias imobiliárias mais utilizadas no Brasil, buscou-se compatibilizar os custos associados a estas e a segurança que estaria atrelada, implicando custos maiores ou menores a depender da eficiência da garantia, já que a maior probabilidade do agente financeiro resgatar as quantias repassadas ao devedor indicaria menor taxa de juros associada. O plano de fundo do estudo associa o maior grau de segurança aos menores custos atrelados, buscando fomentar assim transações imobiliárias mais eficientes. / This paper reports on real estate financing and its costs, both economic and transactional, both economic as transactional, tied to the kinds of collateral security. The study made an economic and legal analysis on the purchasing of real estate business, its formalities and along with the acquisition and establishment of rights in rem, with the particularity of the Notary and Registry System. Addressed the contract in your broader meaning, in particular under the focus of the costs linked to financing of real estate. A literature review which aimed, according to experts, the greater the certainty of smaller business are its costs as much as economic transaction, transactional. The empirical research conducted collected information of license
plates that contained mortgages secured by mortgage and chattel mortgage, extracting them information about the value of credit financed, the term of this funding and the amount fixed interest by the financial institution. Doing a rereading of the mortgage and chattel mortgage, real estate guarantees more used in Brazil, sought to reconcile the costs associated with these and that security would be tied, implying higher costs or smaller depending on the efficiency of the warranty, since the highest probability of financial agent rescue the amounts transferred to the debtor would indicate less interest rate. The background of the study combines the highest degree of security to lower costs, seeking to foment so real estate transactions more efficient.
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