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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

From Mouse Mammary Tumor Model to New Therapeutic Method ---Mammary Tumor Development in Balb/c-Trp53+/- Mice and Magnetic Nanoparticle Induced Heating for Cancer Treatment

Yan, Haoheng 01 May 2010 (has links)
Mutation and loss of p53 function are common features among human breast cancers. We use BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice as a model to examine the sequence of events leading to mammary tumors. Mammary epithelium proliferation rates were similar in both BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice and wild type controls. Among the 28 mammary tumors collected from BALB/c-Trp53+/- mice, loss of heterozygosity for Trp53 was detected in more than 90% of invasive mammary tumors. Transplantation of Trp53+/- ductal hyperplasias indicated an association between loss of the wild type allele of Trp53 and progression to invasive carcinomas. Expression of biomarkers such as ERα, PR, Her2/Neu and activated Notch1 varied among the tumors suggesting that multiple oncogenic events collaborate with loss of p53 function. The majority of the tumors expressed both luminal and basal cytokeratins (59%). Gene expression analysis showed ligands and receptors of stem cell related pathways, such as Notch and Wnt, were increased in the tumors. These results indicate that mammary tumors in BALB/c Trp53+/- mice might initiate from bipotent mammary progenitor cells. USING MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES FOR CANCER THERMOTHERAPY Alternating magnetic field (AMF) heating of magnetic nanomaterials provides a promising method for executing therapeutic thermal treatment for cancer patients. In order to explore the potential of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) for hyperthermia treatment, we synthesized iron oxide MNPs with various passivation by citric acid, folate, trimethylamine carboxylic acid, or albumin. The albumin passivated MNP (MNP-A) surpassed other MNPs, showing efficient heating with very low inherent cytotoxicity. Confocal microscopy located MNP-A (FITC tagged) accumulation in both cell nucleus and cytosol after 24hr incubation with HeLa cells. The quantity of cell bound MNP-A (including internalized and cell membrane bound MNP-A) was positively associated with MNP-A concentration and incubation time with cells. The MNP-A bound to cells was sufficient to increase the temperature in the cell pellet Δ7°C after 8min exposure to AMF. No significant temperature increase or cell death was detected in control groups. Our data demonstrate that MNP-A provides a selective tool for AMF-induced thermal treatment, as well as useful dosing information for future preclinical animal studies.

Implications of Breastfeeding in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Basree, Mustafa M. 25 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Étude des fonctions biologiques et oncosuppressives du gène de prédisposition aux Néoplasies Endocriniennes Multiples de type 1 dans les tissus hormono-dépendants chez la souris / Study of the biological and oncosuppressive role of the gene predisposing to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 in hormone-dependent tissues in mice

Seigne, Christelle 08 December 2009 (has links)
Les mutations du gène MEN1 prédisposent au syndrome des Néoplasies Endocriniennes Multiples de type 1 (NEM1), caractérisé par des tumeurs endocrines multiples. Les souris hétérozygotes pour Men1 développent des tumeurs similaires, ainsi que des cancers de la prostate et des glandes mammaires, avec une incidence faible. J’ai pu montrer que l’expression de la protéine menin, codée par ce gène, est totalement inactivée dans les carcinomes prostatiques développés chez ces souris et est associée à une dérégulation de l’expression du récepteur aux androgènes et une inactivation de l’inhibiteur des CDK p27, un gène cible connu de menin. Des souris WapCre-Men1 F/F, où le gène Men1 est invalidé dans les cellules mammaires, développent des néoplasies intraépithéliales mammaires (MIN) avec une forte incidence à partir de 9 mois. Une fuite d’expression du transgène WapCre dans l’hypophyse entraîne en plus le développement de prolactinomes chez ces souris, les conduisant à une mort prématurée. Par diverses analyses, j’ai pu déterminer que l’augmentation de l’incidence de ces lésions ne pouvait pas être seulement expliquée par l’influence des prolactinomes. De manière intéressante, j’ai pu mettre en évidence une nette diminution du marquage membranaire de beta-caténine, un partenaire connu de menin, ainsi que de E-cadhérine dans les lésions MIN, suggérant une altération de la cohésion cellulaire en absence de menin. L’ensemble des données obtenues pendant ma thèse indiquent un rôle potentiel de l’invalidation du gène Men1 dans le développement de carcinomes prostatiques et de néoplasies mammaires chez la souris / Mutations of the MEN1 gene predispose to multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) syndrome, characterized by the occurrence of multiple endocrine tumours. Heterozygous Men1 mutant mice not only recapitulate MEN1 pathology, but also display prostatic and mammary carcinomas with a low incidence. I showed that the expression of menin, coded by the Men1 gene, was completely inactivated in the prostatic carcinomas developed in these mice. Deregulated expression of androgen receptor and the inactivation of p27 CDK inhibitor, a menin target gene, were also found in these lesions. In addition, my data demonstrated that mammary-specific disruption of the Men1 gene in mice led to high incidence of mammary intraepithelial neoplasia (MIN) from 9 months of age in the mutant mice. An unexpected leakage activity of the WapCre transgene in pituitary resulted in the development of prolactinomas and premature death in the mutant mice. Several analyses provided evidence showing that the increased incidence of MIN lesions could not be simply explained by the influence of prolactinomas. Interestingly, we observed a strong reduction of beta-catenin, a known menin partner, and E-cadherin membrane expression in these lesions, suggesting an alteration of cellular adhesion in the absence of menin. On the whole, these data indicate a potential implication of Men1 disruption in the development of prostate carcinomas and mammary intraepithelial neoplasia in mice

Características fisico-químicas e celulares na secreção láctea de caprinos da raça Saanen durante o processo de secagem da glândula mamária / Physico-chemical and cellular characteristics on milk secretion of Saanen goats during the mammary gland drying off

Brandespim, Flavio Bracale 30 August 2007 (has links)
Para avaliar a influência do processo de secagem da glândula mamária sobre as características físico-químicas e celulares da secreção láctea foram avaliadas 216 amostras provenientes de 27 glândulas mamárias de 15 cabras da raça Saanen consideradas sadias, sendo que essas mamas foram separadas de acordo com o resultado do exame microbiológico da secreção láctea, caracterizando dois grupos: com e sem isolamento bacteriano, composto por 17 e 10 mamas, respectivamente. A partir do dia da interrupção da ordenha e em mais sete momentos (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 e 30 dias após o início da secagem) foi feita a inspeção e a palpação das glândulas mamárias e posterior avaliação do aspecto da secreção láctea. Imediatamente após o exame clínico foram colhidas amostras de leite para a realização do exame microbiológico e das determinações das características físico-químicas e celulares (pH, eletrocondutividade, cloreto, lactose, proteínas, gordura, sólidos totais, índice cloreto/lactose, California Mastitis Test (CMT) e contagem de células somáticas). As glândulas mamárias apresentaram sua maior distensão no terceiro dia após a interrupção da ordenha, mesmo período em que foi possível observar o aparecimento de edema na base dos tetos e em toda a glândula, desaparecendo após o quinto dia, quando teve início a involução do úbere e a freqüência de mamas distendidas começou a declinar, sendo que ao final do processo 37,04% das mamas observadas eram classificadas como não distendidas. A secreção láctea inicial com aspecto de leite foi substituída a princípio por uma de coloração creme clara e mais tardiamente por uma de aspecto aquoso, sendo que ao final do processo as duas últimas eram mais observadas que a com aspecto de leite. Apenas o pH, a eletrocondutividade, os teores de cloretos, lactose, proteínas e índice cloreto/lactose sofreram uma significativa influência do processo de secagem, sendo que os valores do pH, eletrocondutividade, cloretos, proteínas e índice cloreto/lactose aumentaram e os valores de lactose declinaram. O CMT também sofreu uma influência do processo de secagem, mais especificamente as respostas \"traços\" e \"duas cruzes\". Estas, de maneira geral, aumentaram no decorrer da secagem, sendo que no último momento de colheita ocorreu uma queda na freqüência da resposta \"traços\" e a freqüência da resposta \"duas cruzes\" teve uma pequena diminuição no meio do processo. Ainda foi observado que, apesar de existirem diferenças estatísticas significativas entre valores das características físico-químicas e celulares das amostras de secreção láctea com e sem isolamento bacteriano, as diferenças são isoladas e limitadas a algumas características estudadas, impossibilitando afirmar que o processo de secagem dos dois grupos difere de maneira significativa. / To evaluate the influence of the mammary gland drying off on the physiochemical and cellular characteristics in the milk secretion they were appraised 216 coming samples of 27 mammary glands of 15 Saanen goats considered healthy, those mammas were separate in agreement with the result of the microbiological test of the milky secretion characterizing two groups: one with 17 mammas without bacterial isolation and other with 10 mammas that presented positive bacterial isolation. Starting from the day of the interruption of the milking and in more seven moments (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 30 days after the beginning of the drying off) it was made the inspection and palpation of the mammary glands with subsequent evaluation of the aspect of the milky secretion. Immediately after the exam they were picked samples of milk for the accomplishment of the microbiological test and of the determinations of the physiochemical and cellular characteristics (pH, electrical conductance, chloride, lactose, proteins, fat, total solids, chloride/lactose ratio, California Mastitis Test (CMT) and somatic cell count). The mammary glands presented its largest distention in the third day after the milking interruption, same period in that was possible to observe the edema emergence in the teats base and in the whole gland, that disappeared after the fifth day, when involution of the udder begins and the frequency of distended mammas began to refuse, and at the end of the process 37,04% of the observed mammas they were classified as no distended. The initial milky secretion with aspect of milk was substituted at first for one of coloration cream clear and, so late, for one of aqueous aspect, and in the end of the process those two last they were more observed that the secretion with aspect of milk. Just the pH, electrical conductance, chloride, lactose, proteins and chloride/lactose ratio suffered a significant influence of the drying off, and the values of the pH, electrical conductance, chloride, proteins and chloride/lactose ratio increased and the lactose values refused. CMT also suffered an influence of the drying off, more specifically the answers \"lines\" and \"two crosses.\" These, in a general way, increased in elapsing of the drying off, and in the last moment studied it happened a fall in the frequency of the answer \"lines\" and the frequency of the answer \"two crosses\" had a small decrease in the middle of the process. It was still observed that in spite of significant statistical differences exist among values of the physiochemical and cellular characteristics of the samples of milky secretion with isolation and without bacterial isolation, the differences are punctual and limited to some studied characteristics, disabling to affirm that the process of drying of the two groups differs in a significant way.

Descobrindo genes expressos na glândula mamária e relacionados à ocorrência e controle da mastite bovina / Hunting expressed mammary gland genes related to mastitis in dairy cattle

Mota, Adilson Ferreira da 29 September 2003 (has links)
O Brasil possui o maior rebanho bovino comercial do mundo com sua produção baseada, predominantemente, em animais de origem zebuína (Bos indicus), com níveis do potencial genético de produção inferiores aos animais Bos taurus. Com a possibilidade de emprego de técnicas de genética molecular, a seleção de indivíduos melhoradores para acasalamento e multiplicação repercutem nos índices de produtividade e produção. A utilização de melhores métodos de estudo da variação genética no nível mole cular representa benefícios especialmente nos casos de resistência a doenças, já que essas características apresentam baixa herdabilidade e são afetadas pelo ambiente. O estudo da genética molecular visando o aumento da saúde da glândula mamária de bovinos apresenta a vantagem de poder selecionar animais em idades precoces, antes da produção, para ambos os sexos e, no caso dos machos reprodutores, sem a necessidade de aguardar por informações da saúde da glândula mamária observada somente na descendência dos animais. Para identificar genes com responsabilidade de conferir resistência à mastite bovina, a doença mais importante da bovinocultura, foram realizados diversos experimentos que envolveram um gene do complexo principal de histocompatibilidade (MHC – Major Histocompatibility Complex). Os experimentos com o gene BoLA-DRB3, do MHC, permitiram identificar um alelo novo, desenvolver uma técnica mais eficiente de genotipagem de animais e verificar a distribuição dos alelos em animais da raça Gir Leiteira. Foram também construídas biliotecas de cDNA utilizando a metodologia de ORESTES e tecido de glândula mamária de animais europeus e zebuínos infectados com Staphylococcus aureus . 6.481 sequências expressas (ESTs), obtidas por meio da metodologia de ORESTES, foram depositadas em bases públicas como o GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nih.nlm.gov/) e TIGR (http://www.tigr.org), sendo 5.950 provenientes de animais Bos indicus, o que significou um aumento de vinte vezes no volume de informações disponíveis sobre o transcriptoma de bovinos zebuínos ao tempo deste estudo. / Brazil is the largest cattle commercial herd in the world, mainly based in zebu (Bos indicus) with lower genetic potential than taurus-derived animals. Molecular genetics brought the possibility of better selection of animals for breeding, which increases production levels. The use of molecular methods for studying genetic variation is especially advantageous for disease resistance because of low herdability and envir onment effects. Selection by means of molecular genetics in dairy cattle can be done before production, for males and females. To identify genes responsible for conferring resistance to Mastitis, the most important cattle disease, we studied one gene from the MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex). The experiments with this MHC gene (BoLA-DRB3) identified a new allele in cattle, developed a genotyping technique, and estimate allelic frequencies for Dairy Gir cows (Bos indicus). CDNA libraries from mammary gland tissues infected with Staphylococcus aureus were also constructed and characterized. 6,481 ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags) were deposited in GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nih.nlm.gov/) and TIGR (http://www.tigr.org), being 5,950 from Bos indicus cows, which increased by 20-fold the volume of sequence data from the zebu transcriptome, at the time when this study was conducted.

Analysis of the mammary gland specific effect of endothelin-1 in transgenic mice

Gül, Nadir 29 June 2011 (has links)
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) ist ein gefä?aktives Peptid, welches zusätzlich verschiedenste nicht kardiovaskuläre physiologische und pathophysiologische Effekte besitzt. So wurde z.B. beschrieben, dass ET-1 in der Brustdrüse während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit exprimiert wird. Zusätzlich zu den bekannten Nährstoffen und Wachstumsfaktoren konnte auch ET-1 in der Muttermilch nachgewiesen werden, was auf eine physiologische Rolle von ET-1 für die Laktation und den säugenden Nachwuchs hinweist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Funktion von ET-1 in der Brustdrüsenentwicklung mit Hilfe von ET-1 transgenen Mäusen aufgeklärt werden. Die eingesetzten transgenen Tiere überexprimieren humanes ET-1 mit den entsprechenden 5''- und 3'' regulatorischen Sequenzen. Mit Hilfe dieser Strategie sollen die ET-1 spezifischen Funktionen während der Brustdrüsenentwicklung untersucht werden. Transgenes ET-1 wurde während der Tragzeit und Stillzeit in der Brustdrüse detektiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass säugende Neugeborene der ET-1 transgenen Mäuse eine geringere Gewichtszunahme und eine erhöhte Mortalität aufwiesen, welches auf einen Laktationsdefekt hinweist. Die histologische Untersuchung der Brustdrüse während der Tragzeit ergab eine reduzierte Milchkanalausbildung, kollabierte und nicht expandierende Alveoli, vermehrte Adipozytenausbildung und fortbestehende zytoplasmatische Lipidtropfen (CLDs). Zusätzlich war die Expression des Milchproteins WAP reprimiert. Interessanterweise wurde diese Repression nicht durch STAT5, einem beschriebenem Regulator der Milchproteinexpression und Alveolarexpansion, vermittelt, da dessen Aktivität unverändert war. Als Konsequenz dieses Laktationsdefekts konnte eine verfrühte Rückbildung der Brustdrüse festgestellt werden. Diese ging mit einer erhöhten Expression von STAT3 einher. Interessanterweise wies der bekannte Aktivator von STAT3, LIF, ebenfalls eine gesteigerte Aktivität auf, sowohl während der Tragzeit als auch während der Laktation. Zusätzlich zu den beschriebenen Defekten bei der Milchabgabe zeigten histologische Untersuchungen der Brustdrüse eine Laktationshyperplasie während der mittleren Laktationsphase. In diesem Zusammenhang wird darauf hingewiesen, dass ET-1 Rezeptoren, neben den klassischen Signalwegen dieser G Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren, auch mit Tyosinkinaserezeptoren wie z. B. dem EGFR interagieren können. Brustdrüsen von ET-1 transgenen Tieren zeigten eine erhöhte Aktivität sowohl von EGFR als auch von ERK1/2, welches im Zusammenhang mit dem hyperplastischen Phänotyp stehen könnte. Die mögliche tumorfördernde Wirkung von ET-1 wird ferner durch die erhöhte Expression von Amphiregulin, einem EGFR-Liganden, während der Tragzeit und der Laktation verstärkt. Zusammenfassend konnte festgestellt werden, dass ET-1 sowohl die Milchsekretion als auch den Milcheinschuss negativ beeinflusst, so dass eine ausreichende Versorgung säugender Jungtiere in der 1. Hälfte der Laktationsperiode nicht mehr gewährleistet ist. Zusätzlich verursachte ET-1 eine Laktationshyperplasie, welche auf die Induktion der EGFR-Achse zurückzuführen ist. Zusammenfassend kann somit festgestellt werden, dass die Ergebnisse auf eine wichtige Rolle von ET-1 in der Brüstphysiologie des Säugers hinweisen. / Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent vasoactive peptide having wide physiological effects on vascular homeostasis and on a variety of pathophysiological processes unrelated to cardiovascular system. It has been noted that ET-1 is expressed in mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation periods. Furthermore, ET-1 is secreted into milk, suggesting additional physiological roles in the lactating mother and in the suckling neonate. Hence, the present study was proposed to elucidate the possible functional roles of ET-1 in mammary gland development employing ET-1 transgenic mice. ET-1 transgenic mice had been generated by using a human genomic ET-1 construct containing 5´ and 3´ regulatory sequences. This transgenic construction strategy grants to analyse the specific functions of ET-1 in normal mammary gland physiology. The transgene expression was found in mammary gland during pregnancy and lactation. ET-1 transgenic mice exhibited a lactational incompetence with reduced weight gain and increased mortality of their newborns, as a result of a secretory defect. In virtue of this defect, ET-1 transgenic mammary glands histologically revealed a reduced ductal outgrowth, collapsed alveoli with a reduced expansion capacity, increased adipocyte accumulation, and persistence of cystoplasmic lipid droplets (CLDs) during lactation. In addition, the expression of the milk protein, WAP, was found to be constantly suppressed in ET-1 mammary glands although the activity of STAT5, which is known to be a regulator of the expression of milk proteins and alveolar expansion, was found to be normal. Furthermore, as a consequence of the secretory defect, ET-1 transgenic mammary glands exhibited focal precocious involution during early stages of lactation along with an increased activity of STAT3. Consistently, the known activator of STAT3, LIF, was strongly upregulated during lactation and pregnancy. Besides the secretory defect of ET-1 transgenic mammary glands, histological analysis revealed a local lactational hyperplasia during the middle of lactation. Alternatively to the classical G protein-coupled receptors GPCR signalling pathways, endothelin receptors are able to communicate with tyrosine kinase receptors such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) for which the term receptor transactivation was coined. Mammary glands of ET-1 transgenic animals exhibited an increased activity of the EGFR and ERK1/2, which could contribute to the observed hyperplastic phenotype. In support of the potential tumourigenicity of ET-1, one of the EGFR ligands, amphiregulin, was found significantly upregulated in ET-1 transgenic mammary glands, both during pregnancy and lactation periods. In summary, high levels of ET-1 affect the secretion and the milk let down process. Consequently the normal support of milk for the suckling neonates is severely impaired during the first half of the lactation period. In addition, ET-1 caused lactational hyperplasia in the mammary glands due to the induction of the EGFR axis. This suggests an important role for ET-1 in mammary gland physiology.

Paternal nutrition and cancer programming: the influence of selenium deficiency   or supplementation on the susceptibility of female offspring to chemically-induced mammary carcinogenesis / Nutrição paterna e programação do câncer: influência da deficiência ou suplementação com selênio na susceptibilidade da prole feminina à carcinogênese mamária quimicamente induzida.

Guido, Luiza Nicolosi 14 October 2016 (has links)
Breast cancer is an important public health problem. As mammary gland development is a dynamic process that initiates in embryonic life, recent evidence show that in-utero life exposure to maternal nutritional factors can alter mammary gland development and program breast cancer risk in adult life. Even tough studies focus on maternal nutrition, recent evidence show that paternal nutritional factors in-utero and during preconception also affects their female offspring mammary gland development and breast cancer susceptibility in adult life. Studies highlight epigenetic modulation of gene expression in the mammary gland as possible breast cancer programming underlying mechanisms. Selenium is a micronutrient with essential role in central aspects of embryogenesis, male fertility and that has been extensively studied as a chemopreventive agent in several breast cancer models. Among selenium possible mechanisms of action, modulation of cell proliferation, apoptosis, DNA damage, gene expression and epigenetic marks are highlighted. Thus, a rat experiment was conducted to evaluate whether paternal selenium deficiency or supplementation during preconception could affect mammary gland development and breast cancer risk, as well as possible molecular mechanisms involved. Four-week old male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to experimental diets (AIN93G) containing 0.15 (control), 0.05 (deficient) and 1ppm (supplemented) of selenium as sodium selenate for 9 weeks and mated with control females. At 7-week old, mammary carcinogenesis was induced in their female offspring by oral administration of 7,12 dymethylbenz[a] anthracene and mammary neoplasia development was evaluated. Paternal selenium deficiency during preconception altered mammary gland development as increased terminal end buds (TEBs) number, epithelial elongation and cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis that were associated with increased breast cancer risk (higher incidence and grade tumors). In addition, paternal selenium deficiency during preconception induced molecular alterations in the mammary gland of the female offspring such as global DNA hypomethylation, increased global levels of H3K27me3 and altered expression of genes related to early life and mammary gland development, apoptosis, cell cycle control, and DNA damage repair. Paternal selenium supplementation during preconception on the other hand did not influence breast cancer programing. Our data show that breast cancer risk can be determined in early-life stages trough the male germline molecular modulation and preconception as an important window of opportunity to start breast cancer prevention strategies. Assuring and adequate selenium intake by men could be a possible starting point. / O câncer de mama é um importante problema de saúde pública. O desenvolvimento da glândula mamária é um processo dinâmico que se inicia na vida intrauterina e evidências recentes mostram que a exposição do feto a fatores nutricionais maternos altera o desenvolvimento da glândula mamária e a susceptibilidade ao câncer de mama na vida adulta. Mesmo com um maior foco na nutrição materna, evidências recentes apontam que a nutrição paterna no período intrauterino e de preconcepção também afetam o desenvolvimento da glândula mamária e o risco de câncer de mama da sua prole feminina na vida adulta. Estudos apontam a modulação epigenética da expressão de genes na glândula mamária como possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na programação do câncer de mama. O selênio é um micronutriente com papel essencial em aspectos centrais da embriogênese, fertilidade masculina e que tem sido extensivamente estudado como um agente quimiopreventivo em diferentes modelos de câncer de mama. Dentre os possíveis mecanismos de ação do selênio, destacam-se a capacidade de modulação da proliferação celular, apoptose, danos do DNA e da expressão de genes e mecanismos epigenéticos. Dessa forma, foi conduzido um experimento em ratos para avaliar se a deficiência ou suplementação paterna com selênio durante o período de preconcepção poderia afetar na prole feminina o desenvolvimento da glândula mamária e o risco ao câncer de mama na vida adulta, assim como possíveis mecanismos moleculares envolvidos. Ratos machos da linhagem Sprague-Dawley com 4 semanas de vida foram submetidos à dieta experimental AIN93G contendo 0,15 (controle); 0,05 (deficiente) e 1ppm (suplementada) com selênio na forma de selenato de sódio por 9 semanas e acasalados com fêmeas controle. Com 7 semanas de vida, a carcinogênese mamária foi iniciada na prole feminina através da administração oral do carcinógeno químico 7,12 dimetilbenz[a] antraceno e o desenvolvimento das neoplasias mamárias foi avaliado. A deficiência paterna de selênio causou alterações no desenvolvimento da glândula mamária da prole feminina como aumento no número de terminal end buds (TEBs), aumento da elongação do epitélio mamário, aumento da proliferação celular e diminuição da apoptose que foram associados ao aumento do risco do câncer de mama (maior incidência e agressividade das lesões). Além disso, a deficiência paterna de selênio causou alterações de nível molecular na glândula mamária da prole feminina como hipometilação global, aumento dos níveis globais de H3K27me3 e alteração na expressão de genes relacionados ao desenvolvimento no início da vida e da glândula mamária, apoptose, controle de ciclo celular e reparo de danos no DNA. A suplementação paterna com selênio não foi influenciou o desenvolvimento da glândula mamária e o risco ao câncer de mama na vida adulta. Nossos resultados mostram que o risco do câncer de mama pode ser determinado no início da vida através de influências paternas por meio da modulação de mecanismos moleculares e que o período de preconcepção se caracteriza como uma importante janela de susceptibilidade para iniciar estratégias de diminuição do risco do câncer de mama. Assegurar uma ingestão adequada de selênio por homens pode ser um possível ponto de partida.

Due differenti aspetti della genomica: la costruzione di una mappa di ibridi di radiazione ad alta densità e lo studio del coinvolgimento dei mirnas nella ghiandola mammaria / Two Different Aspects of Genomics: the Construction of a High-Density Radiation Hybrid Map and the Study of the Involvement of Mirnas in the Mammary Gland

SILVERI, LICIA 15 February 2007 (has links)
In questa tesi vengono affrontati due diversi tipi di studio. Il primo tratta della costruzione di una mappa di ibridi bovino-criceto di radiazione di seconda generazione tramite la tipizzazione di un pannello RH, fornito dal Roslin Institut, con un set di Est non ridondanti provenienti da una libreria di cloni a cDNA di cervello bovino. Il secondo soggetto è il coinvolgimento dei microRNA, una nuova classe di piccoli RNA regolatori non codificanti, nello sviluppo della ghiandola mammaria. E' stata analizzata l'espressione di un set di microRNA noti in letteratura nei diversi stadi dello sviluppo dell'organo e sono state costruite librerie di cloni a cDNA di potenziali microRNA a partire da diversi stadi del ciclo dell'organo. / In this thesis two different subjects have been studied. The first is the construction of a second generation high-density RH map of the bovine using the RH panel of the Roslin Institute. The panel have been characterized by PCR with a set of non-redundant EST chosen from a cDNA library of bovine brain. The second work treats about the involvement of miRNAs in the development of mammary gland. A set of 25 known miRNAs have been chosen and their expression have been examined in the different stages of mammary gland development. Libraries of potential miRNAs have been constructed from different stages of mammary gland development and some miRNAs have been validated.

Hochauflösende Ultraschallverfahren und Doppler-Sonographie zur Mammadiagnostik bei der Hündin / High-resolution and Doppler methods in sonography of the mammary gland of the bitch

Müller, Franziska 24 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
An 53 Hündinnen aus dem Patientengut der Klinik für Kleintiere der Universität Leipzig, die mit Umfangsvermehrungen der Mamma vorgestellt und anschließend in der Klinik für Kleintiere operiert wurden, wurde präoperativ eine sonographische Untersuchung der Mamma durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurden die Mammarkomplexe von acht tragenden und einer laktierenden Hündin mit dieser Technik untersucht. Ziel war es, Kriterien zur Einschätzung der Dignität der Tumoren mit Hilfe dieser nichtinvasiven Methode zu erarbeiten. Es sollten die Fragen geklärt werden, ob mit Hilfe der hochauflösenden Sonographie eine Aussage über Gut- oder Bösartigkeit eines Herdes möglich ist und ob dabei dieselben Kriterien entscheidend sind, die in der Humanmedizin eine zuverlässige Differenzierung erlauben. Außerdem sollte überprüft werden, welchen Beitrag die farbkodierte Duplexsonographie oder Resistance- und Pulsatilitätsindex zur Charakterisierung von Mammatumoren der Hündin leisten. Die Gesamtzahl der in die Studie eingehenden Komplexe beträgt 114. Die sonographischen Untersuchungen erfolgten mit einem 14 MHz Matrix-Linearschallkopf. Bei 70 der 114 untersuchten Lokalisationen erfolgte zusätzlich zur B-Mode-Untersuchung eine Untersuchung mit der farbkodierten Duplexsonographie. Konnten mit Hilfe dieser Methode Gefäße in der Umfangsvermehrung nachgewiesen werden, wurde in 47 von 70 Fäl-len zusätzlich der PW-Doppler eingesetzt, um Flussspektren aus den dargestellten Gefäßen abzuleiten. Aus diesen wurden Resistance-Index und Pulsatilitätsindex bestimmt. Bei der retrospektiven Auswertung der Grauwertbilder aus der B-Mode-Untersuchung wurde für jeden Komplex die Ausprägung von 12 Parametern beurteilt. Die Bilder aus der farbkodierten Duplexsonographie lieferten zusätzlich Informationen zu Gefäßzahl, Gefäßdurchmesser und Gefäßverteilung innerhalb eines Tumors. Die Exstirpate wurden pathohistologisch untersucht. Die aus der Gewebetypisierung entsprechend der WHO-Klassifikation resultierenden Gruppen sind so klein, dass nur eine deskriptive statistische Auswertung möglich war. Es erfolgte die Zusammenfassung unterschiedlicher Gewebetypen zu den Gruppen der „malignen“ bzw. „benignen“ Tumoren. Für Malignität sprechen eine unregelmäßige Randkontur (32 von 61 malignen, 4 von 48 benignen Lokalisationen), eine Schallverstärkung (36/61 malignen, 9/48 benignen Lokalisationen) oder –auslöschung (8/61 malignen, 0 /48 benignen Lokalisationen) hinter dem Tumor, Verkalkungen (20/61 malignen, 6/48 benignen Lokalisationen) sowie ein unregelmäßiger Durchmesser der Tumorgefäße (25/61 malignen, 12/48 benignen Lokalisationen). Meist gutartig sind Umfangsvermehrungen der Mamma, denen sonographisch eine klare Abgrenzung zum umgebenden Gewebe fehlt (15/61 malignen, 36/48 benignen Lokalisationen). Außerdem solche mit indifferentem retroläsionalem Schallverhalten (17/61 malignen, 39/48 benignen Lokalisationen). Kombiniert man mehrere der Parameter miteinander, ist die resultierende Teilmenge der betreffenden Läsionen kleiner, die Aussagekraft höher. Für Bösartigkeit spricht beispielsweise eine Kombination von Verkalkung und unregelmäßiger Randkontur (13 von 61 malignen, 1 von 48 benignen Lokalisationen), Verkalkung und echodichtem Randsaum („deutlich“ oder „fraglich“; 9/61 malignen, 0/48 benignen Lokalisationen) sowie mittlerer Echodichte und retroläsionaler Schallverstärkung (21/61 malignen, 6/48 benignen Lokalisationen). Für Gutartigkeit sprechen mittlere Echodichte des Tumorzentrums in Kombination mit indifferentem Schallverhalten (13/61 malignen, 33/48 benignen Lokalisationen) sowie regelmäßiger Gefäßdurchmesser bei diffuser Gefäßverteilung (3/36 malignen, 14/29 benignen Lokalisationen). Es konnte dargestellt werden, dass sich mit Hilfe der hochauflösenden B-Mode-Sonographie Kriterien aufzeigen lassen, die tendenziell für Gut- oder Bösartigkeit eines Mammatumors sprechen. Dabei ist es zweckmäßig, mehrere Parameter in die Beurteilung einfließen zu lassen. Auch die farbkodierte Duplexsonographie kann dabei einen Beitrag leisten. Die Ermittlung von Resistance- und Pulsatilitätsindex hingegen erweist sich als nicht sinnvoll. Ein Parameter, welcher in der Humanmedizin eine entscheidende Rolle zur Unterscheidung bösartiger von gutartigen Tumoren der Mamma spielt ist die Randkontur eines Tumors. Dies ist das einzige Kriterium, das auch bei Mammatumoren der Hündin einen diagnostischen Nutzen aufweist. Anhand einzelner sonographischer Parameter ist es nicht möglich, die Dignität eines Tumors vorherzusagen. Die sonographische Untersuchung kann jedoch in einigen Fällen beim Abschätzen der Prognose helfen. / In 53 bitches that underwent surgery because of tumors of the mammary gland at the Department of small animal medicine of the University of Leipzig we carried out a preoperative ultrasonographic examination of the mammary gland. Furthermore eight pregnant and one lactating bitch were examined the same way. We aimed to find out, whether high-resolution ultrasound helps differentiate benign from malignant tumors. Also we wanted to evaluate criteria established for that purpose in human medicine. Use of colour-coded duplex sonography, resistance index and pulsatility index for this question are reassessed too. The total number of mammary complexes examined for this study is 114. A GE Logiq™ 9 with a 14 MHz linear array transducer was used for all examinations. Seventy of the 114 sites of mammary tissue underwent a colour-coded duplex sonography after the B scan. Blood vessels were detectet in 70 of the tumors. In 47 of these sites the PW-Doppler was used to gain flow patterns to achieve resistance- and pulsatility-index. The images were analysed retrospectively. In B scan images lesions were judged by 12 parameters. Additional information about number, diameter and distribution of vessels within a tumor was taken from the images of colour-coded duplex sonography. The excised complexes were evaluated pathohistologically. Only descriptive statistical analysis was possible because the resulting groups were very small after being sorted according to WHO-classification. Therefore the complexes of mammary glands were subsumpted into two groups – „malignant“ and „benign“ tumours. An irregular contour of the tumor (32 of 61 malignant, 4 of 48 benign tumors), signal enhancement (36/61 malignant, 9/48 benign tumors) or total shadowing (8/61 malignant, 0/48 benign tumors) behind the tumor, calcification (20/61 malignant, 6/48 benign tumors) and irregular vessel diameters (25/61 malignant, 12/48 benign tumors) are signs of malignancy. Tumors that miss a clearly detactable borderline (15/61 malignant, 36/48 benign tumors) and tumors with no signal alteration behind the tumor (17/61 malignant, 39/48 benign tumors) are benign more often. The combination of parameters reduces the number of adequate tumors and rises significance. A tumor showing an irregular contour and calcification (13/61 malignant, 1/48 benign tumors) is more likely to be malignant as well as a tumor of medium echodensity showing signal enhancement (21/61 malignant, 6/48 benign tumors). Tumors of medium echodensity without signal alteration behind the lesion (13/61 malignant, 33/48 benign tumors) and tumors with diffusely distributed vessels of regular diameter (3/36 malignant, 14/29 benign tumors) are more likely to be benign. It could be shown that high-resolution B scan parameters can help differentiate between malignant and benign tumors of the mammary gland, especially if they are used in combination with each other. Parameters from colour-coded duplex sonography can increase predicting value of B scan examinations too but there is no use of analysing resistance index or pulsatility index. One of the criteria established in human medicine ist the contour of a tumor. This parameter is of diagnostic use in mammary tumours of the bitch too. It is not possible to clearly predict the character of a tumor of the mammary gland of a bitch by only a few parameters based on a sonogram but sonographic examination can be helpful for assessing prognosis sometimes.

Efeitos do tratamento prolongado com isoflavonas de soja no útero, mamas, tecidos adiposo e ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas / Effects of prolonged treatment with soy isoflavones on the uterus, breast, adipose and bone tissue of ovariectomized rats

Raimunda Ribeiro da Silva 21 March 2013 (has links)
A menopausa, fenômeno fisiológico que ocorre em todas as mulheres, em média, aos 51 anos, é acompanhada em cerca de 80% dos casos de sintomas como fogachos, secura vaginal, irritabilidade e insônia, que interferem na qualidade de vida e na produtividade socioeconômica das mulheres, além de predispô-las a doenças crônico-degenerativas, como arteriosclerose, obesidade e distúrbios cardiovasculares. A terapia de reposição hormonal à base de estrógenos, que visa reduzir os incômodos da menopausa, está associada ao aumento do risco de câncer de mama e do endométrio, como foi demonstrado em estudos científicos. Considerando que as mulheres orientais, consumidoras de soja, apresentam doenças crônico-degenerativas e câncer em taxas inferiores às dos países ocidentais, as isoflavonas da soja têm sido testadas em estudos clínicos e experimentais, porém com obtenção de dados até contraditórios. O presente estudo investigou o efeito da administração crônica de isoflavonas de soja no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo de ratas ovariectomizadas. Quarenta ratas Wistar adultas foram distribuídas em quatro grupos experimentais: a) ovariectomizadas: grupo ISO, recebendo isoflavonas de soja (100mg/kg/dia/v.o.); b) ovariectomizadas: grupo BE, recebendo benzoato de estradiol (10g/kg/dia/s.c.); c) ovariectomizadas: grupo OVX, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.); d) controles: grupo FO, recebendo salina (0,1ml/100g/dia/v.o.). Antes e durante os 90 dias de tratamento, foram analisados os esfregaços vaginais, para acompanhamento do ciclo estral, determinação do peso corporal e do consumo de ração semanal. Após esse período, os animais foram anestesiados e o sangue coletado para análise de estradiol e progesterona séricos, por radioimunoensaio; e lipidograma e glicose, por espectrofotometria. Posteriormente, os animais foram sacrificados e necropsiados, coletando-se o útero, mamas, gordura intra-abdominal e fêmur para macroscopia e pesagem. Os tecidos selecionados para o estudo foram corados em HE, analisados por microscopia óptica e histomorfometria, visando investigar alterações do crescimento celular (software V.S NIH Image-J; imagens digitais-optronicos CCD). No grupo tratado com isoflavonas, o peso corporal diminuiu em relação OVX, no qual ocorreu aumento de peso em comparação aos animais falso-operados. O exame macroscópico revelou que o útero diminuiu de peso nas ratas do grupo ISO, semelhante às do OVX. Além disso, a histopatologia das glândulas endometriais não mostrou alterações entre os grupos ISO e OVX. Contudo, o grupo BE apresentou proliferação glandular, pseudoestratificação epitelial, frequentes mitoses típicas, metaplasia escamosa, infiltrado eosinofílico e hidrométrio. A concentração de estradiol no grupo ISO foi semelhante à do OVX. Porém, no grupo BE, o estradiol e o peso uterino apresentaram-se aumentados em relação ao OVX. Não foram observadas diferenças na histomorfometria mamária entre os grupos. Houve redução no peso do tecido adiposo abdominal no grupo ISO, comparado com o OVX, sem identificação de alterações morfológicas significativas, apenas hipotrofia celular, confirmada pela histomorfometria. Apesar de não ter havido diferenças na concentração de glicose, colesterol total e triglicerídeos, entre os grupos, o colesterol-HDL apresentou aumento no grupo ISO. Não houve diferença na densitometria do fêmur entre os grupos avaliados. Esses resultados indicam que o tratamento crônico com isoflavonas de soja, na dose testada, não induz mudanças significativas no útero, mamas e tecidos adiposo e ósseo, sugerindo segurança no tratamento, sem risco para o desenvolvimento de câncer. / Menopause, physiological phenomenon that occurs in all women, average age 51, is accompanied by about 80% of cases symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irritability and insomnia, which affect the quality of life and socioeconomic productivity women's, and predispose them to chronic degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity and cardiovascular disorders. The hormone replacement therapy based on estrogen, which aims to reduce the discomforts of menopause is associated with an increased risk of endometrial and breast cancer, as has been shown in scientific studies. Whereas that women, consuming soy, had lower rates of chronic degenerative diseases and cancer at rates lower than those of Western countries, soy isoflavones have been tested in clinical and experimental studies, but with contradictory results. The present study investigated the effect of chronic administration of soy isoflavones on the uterus, breast, bone and adipose tissues from ovariectomized rats. Forty female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: a) ovariectomized: ISO group receiving soy isoflavones (100mg/kg/dia/vo); b) ovariectomized: EB group receiving estradiol benzoate (10μg/kg/dia/sc); c) ovariectomized: OVX group receiving saline (0.1 ml/100g/dia/vo); d) controls: FO group, receiving saline (0.1 ml/100g/dia/vo). Before and during the 90 days of treatment vaginal smears were analyzed to monitor the estrous cycle, given the body weight and food intake monitored weekly. After this period, the animals were anesthetized and blood was collected for analysis of serum estradiol and progesterone serum by radioimmunoassay, and lipid and glucose by spectrophotometry. Subsequently, the animals were euthanized and necropsied, collecting the uterus, breasts, intra-abdominal fat and femur for macroscopic exam and weighing. The tissues selected for the study were stained with HE and analyzed by light microscopy and histomorphometry, in order to investigated possible changes in cell growth (NIH Image software VS-J;-optronics CCD digital images). In the group treated with isoflavones a decrease in body weight decreased compared OVX in which there was an increase in weight compared to the false-operated animals. Macroscopically, the uterus weight was lower in ISO group, similar to the OVX group. Furthermore, no change was showed in the histopathology of endometrial glands between ISO and OVX groups. The EB group showed glandular proliferation, pseudo-stratified epithelium, frequent mitoses typical squamous metaplasia, and eosinophilic infiltrate and hidrometry. The estradiol concentration in the ISO group was similar to OVX. However, EB group showed increase in estradiol and uterine weight in relation to OVX. No differences in mammary histomorphometry were observed among the four groups. Fat abdominal tissue weight was lower in ISO group compared with OVX group but, no morphological changes were seen on microscopy, only a cellular hipertrophy confirmed by histomorphometry. Although there were no differences in the glucose concentration, total cholesterol and triglycerides among groups, the cholesterol-HDL was increased in the group ISO. There was no difference in femur density among the groups. These results indicate that chronic treatment with soy isoflavones, at the tested dose did not induce significant changes in the uterus, breast, bone and adipose tissues, suggesting safety in handling without risk for development of cancer.

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