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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of Russia's security discourse 2000-2008 : state identity, security priorities and Chechnya

Snetkov, Aglaya January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the evolution of Russia’s internal and external security perceptions from 2000-2008. Drawing on social constructivist ontology, it argues that the Putin regime’s articulation of security priorities evolved in relation to its reconceptualisation of Russian state identity from a ‘weak’ to a ‘strong’ state. To trace this evolutionary relationship between state identity and security perceptions, official discourse on Chechnya is examined. In this way, Russian narrative constructions of the process of securitisation and desecuritisation of Chechnya, and the role that this discourse played within the articulation of state identity and security priorities are investigated. The thesis suggests that the initial securitisation and subsequent desecuritisation of Chechnya are best understood within the Putin regime’s discursive construction of state building and changing security priorities, rather than as a reflection of shifting material conditions. The thesis concludes that analysis of individual security policies should take into account that the narrative construction of these policies shape, and are shaped by, the multifaceted and evolutionary meta-narratives of Russian state and security identity. Moreover, it is argued that Russian security policy should be studied as a subject in its own right, investigating both internal and external security issues, rather than being subsumed within a broader foreign policy analysis.

American Gypsies: Immigration, migration, settlement

Stephens, Katherine Bernice 01 January 2003 (has links)
The intent of this thesis is to provide new information about American Gypsy history, specifically migration, immigration and settlement in the United States.

Infinite regress: the problem of womanhood in Edith Wharton's lesser-read works

Smith, Alex 01 May 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Wharton’s heroines are ordinary women who fight to secure material comfort and create selves that satisfy their emotional and sexual needs. These women often find that the two goals are mutually exclusive, since society strictly dictates appropriate behavior. This code of behavior stems from their relation to men: as objects to be won, as wives, and as mothers. In many instances, women are not even aware of their prescriptive roles and confuse their search for self with a search for security. Material comfort does not nurture Wharton’s heroines’ inner selves and they feel a metaphysical dissatisfaction, often seeking to find contentment through divorce or affairs. What they find in either case is that the cure to their ennui is not material, but mental. Wharton’s women seek a transcendent self—a self that is not dependent upon popular notions of respectability; a spiritual state that is independent from any attachment to social imperatives.

The Victorians and role performance : the middle class gentleman in John Halifax, gentleman and Great expectations

Bird, Barbara January 2001 (has links)
This project investigates the social role of gentleman in Victorian England as defined in two Victorian novels, Dinah Maria Mulock's John Halifax, Gentleman and Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Mulock and Dickens promote the middle-class gentleman as a role that prioritizes the fulfillment of duty. Mulock's protagonist, John Halifax, displays this gentlemanliness throughout his social and economic rise. He bridges the upper and lower classes and embodies both a model and a pathway to middleclass gentlemanliness. Dickens's protagonist, Pip, develops this middle-class gentlemanliness as he learns from his own and four other characters' experiences. Dickens separates the inward, duty-focused gentleman and the outward, appearance-focused gentleman in the four characters that influence Pip, thus emphasizing their relationship and the power of social role encoding. These two novels reveal the performances of roles as social constructions that utilize the power of group definitions and the role writers play in shaping those definitions. / Department of English

Head of darkness : representations of "madness" in postcolonial Zimbabwean literature

Chigwedere, Yuleth 09 1900 (has links)
This study critically explores the numerous strains of “madness” that Zimbabwean authors represent in their postcolonial literature. My focus is on their reflection of “madness” as either an individual state of being, or as symptomatic of the socio-political and economic condition in the country. I have adopted insights from an existential psychoanalytic framework in my literary analysis in order to bring in an innovative dimension to this investigation of the phenomenon. I consider this an appropriate stance for this study as it has enriched my reading of the literary texts under study, as well as played a crucial role in providing me with effective conceptual tools for understanding the manifestations of “madness” in the texts. The literary works that I critique are Shimmer Chinodya’s Chairman of Fools (2009), Mashingaidze Gomo’s A Fine Madness (2010), Brian Chikwava’s Harare North, Petina Gappah’s An Elegy for Easterly (2009), Tsitsi Dangarembga’s The Book of Not (2006) and Yvonne Vera’s Without a Name (1994) and Butterfly Burning (1998). These selected texts offer me an opportunity to analyse the gender dynamics and discourses of “madness”, which I do from a peculiarly indigenous and feminist perspective. My study reveals that these authors’ representations are located in and shaped by very specific temporal and spatial contexts, which, in turn, shed light on the characters’ existential reality, revealing aspects of their relationship with the world around them. It demonstrates that their notions of “madness” denote different markers of identity, such as race, class, gender, and religion, amongst others. Significantly, my literary analysis illustrates the varied permutations of “madness” by exposing how these authors characterise the phenomenon as trauma, as alienation, as depression, as insanity, as subversion, as freedom, and even as a sign of the state of affairs in Zimbabwe. This investigation also reveals that because “madness” in these authors’ fiction is intricately linked to the question of identity, it manifests in situations where the characters’ sense of ontological security is compromised in some way. What emerges is that “madness” can either signify a grapple with identity, a loss of it, or a struggle for its redefinition / English Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (English)

Le Banquet et la "transformation du monde romain": entre Romanitas, Barbaritas et Christianisme :espace romain occidental, IVe-VIe siècle / Banquet and the "Transformation of the Roman World": between Romanitas, Barbaritas and Christianity :Western Roman World, 4th to 6th century

Raga, Emmanuelle 24 June 2011 (has links)
Ma thèse se concentre sur la question de la transformation de la pratique du banquet classique face, d’une part, à la nouvelle situation sociopolitique découlant de l’installation des royaumes dits successeurs et de la dissolution des structures politiques classiques ;et d’autre part, face à l’intensification de ce que l’on appelle communément la « christianisation » du monde romain. Mes recherches concernent le monde romain occidental (Gaule, Italie et Espagne) à partir du moment où le discours ascétique oriental se diffuse massivement en occident dans la seconde moitié du IVe siècle, mettant fin à ce que Robert Markus appelle le « christianisme antique ». La question principale de ma thèse concerne le discours chrétien et ascétique qui porte sur les questions alimentaires et les réponses données par les groupes sociaux dont l’usage du banquet classique est suffisamment documenté. En l’occurrence les aristocrates (en ce compris les évêques), les communautés cénobitiques et le mouvement anachorétique. La seconde question abordée dans mes recherches est celle posée par la présence « barbare » et l’image du mangeur barbare en ces siècles de transition socioculturelle. Le terminus ante quem de mes recherches se situe à la fin du VIe siècle, en un monde romain désormais indubitablement transformé.<p><p><p> <p>La mia tesi si incentra sulla questione della trasformazione della pratica classica del banchetto nel confronto, da una parte con la nuova situazione sociale e politica dovuta all’insediamento dei regni post-romani, e, dall’altra, con l’intensificazione della cosiddetta “cristianizzazione” del mondo romano. La tesi riguarda lo spazio romano occidentale (cioè Gallia, Italia, Spagna) a partire dal momento in cui si diffonde la grande moda dell’ascetismo orientale dalla seconda metà del IV secolo. La questione principale della tesi, che occupa i capitoli tre e quattro, riguarda il discorso cristiano e ascetico sull’alimentazione e poi le risposte date dai gruppi sociali il cui uso del banchetto è documentato a sufficienza, in fatti specie gli aristocratici, il mondo monastico, e gli eremiti. I due primi capitoli riguardano, rispettivamente, la pratica del banchetto classico nella tarda antichità e la questione della presenza “barbara” e dell’immagine del mangiatore barbaro in quei secoli. La conclusione della tesi si colloca alla fine del VI secolo, in un momento in cui il mondo romano è indubbiamente trasformato.<p><p><p>My doctoral thesis concentrates on the question of the transformation of the classical banquet through the encounter with, on the one hand, the new sociopolitical situation due to the migration and installation of the new successor kingdoms ;and on the other hand, with the intensification of the Christianization of the Roman world. My research focuses on the Western Roman world (Gaul, Italy and Spain) from the moment in which the eastern ascetic discourse spreads widely in the West in the second half of the 4th century, causing what Robert Markus calls “The end of Ancient Christianity”. The main question of my thesis regards the Christian and ascetic discourse on food practices and the answers given by the social groups who’s uses of the banquet is documented enough. In this case, the aristocrats (within which the bishops), the monastic communities and the hermits. The second question taken into consideration in my thesis is the one presented by the “barbarian” presence and the literary image of the barbarian eater in these centuries of socio cultural transformation. The terminus ante quem of my research is placed at the end of the 6th century, in a undoubtly transformed Roman world. / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les politiques du mariage et de la sexualité au Congo Belge, 1908-1945: genre, race, sexualité et pouvoir colonial

Lauro, Amandine 11 December 2009 (has links)
Enjeu politique majeur pour le pouvoir colonial, l’intimité sexuelle, familiale et domestique des populations en situation coloniale a fait l’objet de nombreuses tentatives de contrôle de la part des autorités belges au Congo. Utilisé comme preuve de l'infériorité supposée des Africains et de la supériorité supposée des Européens, le domaine de l’intimité fut à la fois au cœur de la construction des hiérarchies raciales et de la "mission civilisatrice". Cette étude retrace l’évolution des politiques de l'administration coloniale liées au mariage et à la sexualité au Congo Belge entre 1908 et 1945, telles qu’elles sont élaborées en métropole puis relayées et appliquées sur le terrain colonial. Elle illustre notamment les difficultés du pouvoir colonial à discipliner la vie privée de ses propres agents, et à imposer de nouvelles normes d’intimité et de genre aux populations colonisées. L'étude est structurée autour de trois parties. La première traite des régulations morales dont est l'objet la communauté colonisatrice, c'est-à-dire de la manière dont le pouvoir colonial débat et tente de policer, au milieu de multiples contradictions, les "mœurs" de ses agents européens et de leurs familles. La deuxième partie analyse les régulations du mariage et des formes de sexualité dites "traditionnelles" des populations colonisées. J'y étudie tout d'abord la polygamie et les systèmes de compensation matrimoniale: ces pratiques constituent les deux principaux sujets de débats et de mesures pour les autorités coloniales qui y voient, non sans raison, les fondements des systèmes matrimoniaux congolais. Sont ensuite abordées la question plus confidentielle de la fixation de l'âge de puberté des jeunes filles "indigènes" en même temps que celle du "mariage des filles non-nubiles" (expression utilisée pour désigner les mariages précoces). La troisième partie de la thèse s'interroge sur les anxiétés et les régulations visant les évolutions "modernes" du mariage et les nouvelles formes d' "immoralité" qui sont associées aux espaces urbains. Après avoir interrogé les redéfinitions des frontières du moral et de l'immoral à l'aune du développement urbain de la colonie (de manière générale et à partir de l'exemple de la catégorie des "danses obscènes"), j'ai privilégié l'étude des pratiques prostitutionnelles et des défis qu'elles posent aux ambitions de contrôle des autorités coloniales. Enfin, le dernier chapitre clôt la boucle en revenant aux conjugalités "licites" et en abordant les "troubles" que la modernité coloniale est supposée y avoir généré (adultère, divorce, abandon de domicile conjugal, concubinage, etc) et dont les femmes sont en grande part jugées responsables. <p><p> / Doctorat en Histoire, art et archéologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy

Dzebu, Munyadziwa Jane 30 November 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe contributing factors that influence the perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy. The area of research was delimited to issues of hysterectomy among women with fibroid uterus. The study employed a descriptive explorative method and data were collected by means of structured questionnaires. The study was conducted in one academic referral hospital, over a period of six months. The respondents were the patients with fibroid uterus and the doctors and nurses in the gynaecological units of the hospital. The majority of the patients indicated that they were afraid of undergoing a hysterectomy because of the social stigma associated with this life-saving procedure, such as alienation or marginalization by members of their respective communities. The nursing staff and gynaecologists in the unit emphasized the deep-seated fear of hysterectomy amongst women from diverse cultures. The study found that women need information about their bodies and how they function. Health education is also needed for women and their communities. Research is needed amongst members of different communities and diverse cultures to voice their perceptions of women undergoing hysterectomy because of ill health. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)

The perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy

Dzebu, Munyadziwa Jane 30 November 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe contributing factors that influence the perceptions of women with fibroids from diverse cultures regarding hysterectomy. The area of research was delimited to issues of hysterectomy among women with fibroid uterus. The study employed a descriptive explorative method and data were collected by means of structured questionnaires. The study was conducted in one academic referral hospital, over a period of six months. The respondents were the patients with fibroid uterus and the doctors and nurses in the gynaecological units of the hospital. The majority of the patients indicated that they were afraid of undergoing a hysterectomy because of the social stigma associated with this life-saving procedure, such as alienation or marginalization by members of their respective communities. The nursing staff and gynaecologists in the unit emphasized the deep-seated fear of hysterectomy amongst women from diverse cultures. The study found that women need information about their bodies and how they function. Health education is also needed for women and their communities. Research is needed amongst members of different communities and diverse cultures to voice their perceptions of women undergoing hysterectomy because of ill health. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)

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