Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anufacturing engineering"" "subject:"amanufacturing engineering""
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Simulering av bultsvetsrobotar med IPS 2.0 : För att utreda optimerings och balanseringsmöjlighet / Simulation of stud weld robots in IPS 2.0 : To investigate optimization and load balance opportunitiesOmicevic, Admir, Elbing, Roger January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie är genomförd på en bultsvetsstation med fyra bultsvetsrobotar från ABB som används i den dagliga produktionen i karossfabriken på Saab Automobile i Trollhättan. I dagsläget används off-lineprogrammerade robotprogram från IGRIP i flera robotceller på karossfabriken. IGRIP har under flera år används utan att man har någon metod för att utvärdera för hur kapaciteten i robotcellerna utnyttjas. Begränsningarna hos IGRIP är att det inte automatiskt kan beräkna och generera kollisionsfria banor vilket är mycket tidskrävande. Programmeringen av via-punkterna sker via manuell inmatning i programmet vilket medför att de inte utnyttjar maximal kapacitet i robotcellen. Dessa problem har lett till att Saab ville undersöka potentialen för att frigöra kapacitet i en robotcell med hjälp av en programvara under utveckling, IPS 2.0. Den nyare programvaran utvecklas av FCC och besitter optimerings- och balanseringsfunktioner samt genererar kollisions fria rörelsebanor för robotarna i robotcellen. En optimerad bana och en referensbana har skapats för att kunna utvärdera en procentuell förändring av tiden. Det visade sig att det finns stor potential att frigöra kapacitet i den undersökta cellen med hjälp av IPS 2.0. / This study has been performed on a stud weld station consisting of four stud weld robots from ABB which are used in the daily production at the body plant of Saab Automobile in Trollhättan. Currently, off-line programmed robot programs from IGRIP are used in several robot cells in the body plant. IGRIP has been used for several years without having any evaluation method for how the capacity has been used in the robot cells. The limitations of IGRIP are that it cannot automatically generate collision free paths, which is very time consuming. The input of the via-points is done manually by the programmer which results in less than maximum capacity in the robot cell. These problems have triggered Saab to investigate the potential for making capacity available by using a software under development, IPS 2.0. The software is developed by FCC and has optimization and balancing functions. It can also generate collision free paths for the robots in a robot cell. One optimized path and one reference path have been created in order to evaluate the time reduction in percent. It was shown that there was potential to free up capacity in the robot cell by using IPS 2.0.Date:
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Robotized Polishing and Deburring with Force Feedback ControlKrantz, Marthin, Andersson, Rikard January 2010 (has links)
Force control is introduced to robots to solve the problem in machining applications due to the fact that the robot compliance might cause deviation between actual and desired robot path. Also large tolerances in the casting process as well as positioning errors from the clamping create deviations for which the force control technology can adept. Force control has also shown successful in automatic learning of paths along non linear surfaces. This study investigates the possibility of introducing robots equipped with force control at Volvo Aero Corporation in order to robotize polishing and deburring processes. These are today performed by manual labor. This study investigates more specifically the ABB Force Control machining application package. The polishing process has shown to be very complex and today’s version of the ABB force control package cannot give sufficiently robust results to be recommended for implementation. The major issue is the non-existing compliance of tool orientation needed to adapt to casting and positioning deviations due to varying work piece dimensions. The deburring process has however shown to be easier to handle, and a robot cell and methodology is proposed in this report.
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Assembly Analysis - Fixed Leading Edge for Airbus A320Gunnarsson, Linus, Bitar, Nadim January 2010 (has links)
The objective with this thesis project was to with the simulations software Delmia make a working build philosophy for the new concept of the fixed leading edge for the Airbus A320 airliner, but also to make two conceptual fixtures in the modular framework BoxJoint for pre-drilling of two sub assemblies. Everything started with a study in Delmia to both recap on previous knowledge and to learn more about it. This was followed by early simulations on the new concepts that were provided by project partners. Then a study was made in the Affordable Reconfigurable tooling, ART-concept. A suggested build philosophy was created and possible areas for automation were identified. These areas were all the drilling and fettling operations except the drilling in the last stage where the pre-drilled holes are opened up. More investigations needs to be done to see if a robot can install and remove slave pins that are used in the last stage. Two conceptual designs on fixtures were created where one uses two industrial robots with vision systems to get the correct accuracy when drilling the product. The other was build to be able to use a Tau-Gantry robot solution together with a vision system.
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Robotized assembly simulation of a couplingKlevendal, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
The goal of this master´s thesis is to simulate a robotized assembly of a small model of VBG Group couplings. By the software; Process simulate has the simulation model built up and the simulation been done. The simulation model is built up of the coupling parts and resources; conveyor, fixtures, compress machine, grippers, nut and screw sorter. All parts and resources, except the compress machine, the fixture and cage for the shaft, have been designed under the whole project. A study on how assembly simulation works in the software has also been done.
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Transport av volymelement : Förutsättningar ur ett företags perspektivAndersson, Paul, Ladan, Igor January 2011 (has links)
Building with volume element is relatively new and has started to increase more and more. The regulations that exist to regulate and determine how the transports of volume elements are to be conducted are diffuse and not very well adjusted to address the issues with transporting volume elements. Today there are a number of instances that a company has to turn to in order to get a somewhat different view, what regulations say and interpret it in order to know what applies and not applies regarding the transportation of volume elements. regulations. The rules that are in place make it tough for the volume element producing companies to develop and continue to be active on the market. New stricter laws regarding environment safe building leads to the volume elements getting larger which makes it even harder to transport them from a law and rules point of view.
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The automatic manufacturing processes : the technique of controlling a mobile robotOlsson, Christian January 2010 (has links)
In today's industry it is of mayor concern to keep the manufacturing processes as effective and flexible as possible. The usage of robots and automatic technology is a much known way to achieve the goals of rationalization. The disadvantage lays in the fact that implementation of robots is usually a very resource consuming task. However, in some circumstances a solution to this matter may be to simply implement mobile robots instead of fixed robots. The task of this project is to successfully control and understand the system of a mobile robot in a automatic manufacturing process.
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Informations- och kunskapsflöde i byggbranschen : En studie av informations- och kunskapsflöde till och från produktionsledareEriksson, Stefan, Levén Svensson, Hampus January 2011 (has links)
This report that is written in cooperation with Peab Sverige AB, studies the information and knowledge management from the production support to the production management. The conclusion of this report is that to have a good and functional information and knowledge management it is necessary that the company has a good way of regain and handling experiences from its projects. The way to do this is to develop the managing system on the production management’s terms. It is also critical to find an easy way for the production management to use the system.
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Arbetsberedningar : för att minska slöseri i byggproduktion / Work preperations : to reduce wastage in productionJohnsson, Tobias January 2011 (has links)
Med produktionsplanering menas att på ett effektivt sätt koordinera ett projekts aktiviteter och resurser. Genom god planering kan potentiella konflikter förutspås. Arbetsberedningar är ett verktyg som ser över arbetsmomenten, kartlägger arbetsflöden och kan hitta det mest effektiva sättet att genomföra arbetet på. Arbetsberedningar kan användas för att dela erfarenheter och standardisering av arbetsmoment inom företaget. Syftet med rapporten är att studera arbetsberedningar, samt vilka uppgifter produktionsledning och yrkesarbetare har vid framställning av arbetsberedningar. Undersökningen har genomförts som en fallstudie med två datainsamlingsmetoder; litteraturstudie och intervjuer. I undersökningen har produktionschefer, arbetsledare och yrkesarbetare intervjuats med syfte att kartlägga hur Skanska arbetar med arbetsberedningar i distriktet Kristianstad. Syftet är även att analysera nuläget och jämföra det med litteratur och med kunskap om detta påvisa förbättringsmöjligheter. I Skanskas verksamhetsledningssystem, Vårt sätt att arbeta, beskrivs arbetsberedningen som en detaljerad planering av ett arbetsmoment. Syftet är att ta tillvara allas kompetens, säkra arbetsmiljö, kvalitet och miljö samt öka förutsägbarheten avseende produktivitet. Risker som bedöms vara betydande för projektets tid, ekonomi, kvalitet, miljö eller arbetsmiljö ska arbetsberedas på en detaljerad nivå i produktionen. Från intervjuerna framgår hur anställda på Skanska arbetar med arbetsberedningar idag. Arbetssätten varierar mellan olika individer och arbetsplatser. Samtliga anser att arbetsberedningen är ett bra verktyg för planeringsarbetet i produktion och använder sig gärna av det, men att tidsbrist är en av orsakerna till att arbetsberedningar inte görs till fullo. Respondenterna inser också vikten av att nyttja alla medarbetares kompetens och kunskaper vid framställning av arbetsberedningen och ser gärna samarbete på arbetsplatsen. Medverkande i undersökningen har en positiv inställning till arbetsberedningar och tycker det är ett bra hjälpmedel i produktionen. Således behöver inte synsättet på arbetsberedningar ändras, däremot är inte samtliga införstådda med betydelsen av vad arbetsberedningar kan medföra för effekter. Förståelse för att denna typ av produktionsplanering är viktig måste öka. Ledningen bör förmedla syftet och målen med arbetsberedningar tydligare till alla medarbetare, på så vis kan förståelsen för arbetsberedningar förbättras och en reduktion av slöseri i byggproduktion kan ske. Arbetsberedningar tar tid att göra och därför prioriteras de ofta bort, men tid sparas snabbt in när aktiviteten börjar genom att frågor och osäkerheter elimineras samt att tid sparas in för åtgärder av de fel som uppstår. Brist på tid borde alltså inte vara en orsak till att göra mindre arbetsberedningar, tvärtom. För att arbetsberedningar ska bli en standardisering i produktionsledningens arbete krävs att de arbetar mer rutinmässigt med arbetsberedningar. / The meaning of production planning is to effectively coordinate a project's activities and resources in the most effective way possible. Through good planning, potential conflicts can be avoided. Work preparations is a tool that reviews the operations, mapping workflow and can find the most effective way to carry out work on. Work preparations can be used to share experiences and standardize operations within the company. The purpose of this report is to study work preparations and what tasks production management and skilled workers have when work preperations are done. The study was conducted as a case study with two methods of data collection, a literature review and interviews. In the study, production managers, supervisors and skilled workers were interviewed to identify how Skanska is working with work preparations in the district of Kristianstad. The study also aims to analyze the situation and compare it with literature and with established knowledge in order to highlight possible improvements. In Skanska’s business management system, Vårt sätt att arbeta, work preparations is described as a detailed planning of an operation. The aim is to take advantage of everyone’s skills, safe work environment, quality and environment, and to increase predictability regarding productivity. Risks that are deemed significant to the project's time, finances, quality, environmental or health should be prepared at a detailed level of production. The interviews show how employees at Skanska are working with work preperations. Approaches vary between individuals and workplaces. All respondents believe work preperations is a good tool for planning in production and gladly uses it. But one of the reasons for not using it, is the lack of time. Respondents also recognize the importance of utilizing all coworkers’ skills and knowledge when producing work preperations, and encourages cooperation in the workplace. Respondents in the study has a positive attitude to work preperations and think it aids them in production. Thus, do not the opinion of work preperations have to change, however, not all respondents understand the importance of work preperations and what effects they can have. The understanding of how important this kind of planning is must increase. Skanska’s management should convey the purpose and objectives of work preperations to all employees, in that way the understanding of work preperations can improve and reduction of wastage in construction can take place. Work preperations takes time and therefor they are not always prioritized. There is however time to be saved when activities begin due to questions and uncertainties are eliminated. Time can also be saved by not having to take measures of produced errors. The lack of time shouldn’t be a reason for not doing work preperations, on the contrary work preperations saves time. To make work preperations a standardization in production, the management are required to work more routinely with work preperations.
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Framtagning av korrigeringsfaktorer för enhetstider och kapaciteter : Ett sätt att öka kvalitén på Skanskas normallägen.Pettersson, David January 2011 (has links)
Skanska is using work schedules that are specifically designed for employees in the production. These work schedules are called best practice. These are guides containing technical descriptions, design references, capabilities, etc. for work activities. This support function facilitates the work preparation and planning of future work. For placing unbound base course, there are only few capacities specified in the best practice model. The possibility of correcting the capacities is considered to be minimal. Hence, Skanska has requested to supplement the best practice with correction values based on factors that affect it negatively. With the correction values capacities can be used for similar projects. The purpose of the report is to assess an approach taken to produce correction values. A general process model was used to produce correction values. The model follows four steps to generate correction values using reported production data. By collecting data, categorize and process the data, correction value can then be calculated. The model's second step categorizes the production data by similar factors. An average correction value can then be calculated for every category. During the study, it has been clear that the production data must contain the right information to allow categorization of data. In order to verify and ensure the right information is provided, own follow-up forms can be designed. The focus of the follow-up forms is to answer questions that enable a categorization. The study examined road-width and settlements as influencing factor in placing unbound base course.
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Optimering av betong med Byggcement (CEM II) till håldäcksproduktionEriksson, Martin, Eriksson - Karlsson, Jimmie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis has been developed inassociation with Strängbetong AB, Sweden. A few years backCementa AB introduced a new type of cement on the Swedish market: Byggcement,which is a Portland Limestone Cement. This type of cement is better for theenvironment and cheaper than Rapid Hardening Cement which is used today at SträngbetongAB. Strängbetong AB isvery interested in a change of cement in the factory and wants to know what ittakes to make a transition from Rapid Hardening Cement to Byggcement. This final projectaims at investigating how the workability and strength development are affectedby a transition from the existing cement to Byggcement and how we can change theproperties of the concrete by adding different types of superplasticizers. Laboratory and factoryexperiments were made, to investigate the transition.
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