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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pathogenic mechanisms and signaling pathways in Plasmodium falciparum

Sedillo, Jennifer L 31 March 2014 (has links)
Plasmodium falciparum is a human intracellular parasite that is the causative agent of a deadly form of malaria. This species alone is responsible for 200 million cases of malaria annually resulting in over 1 million deaths worldwide. The excessive mortality due to P. falciparum infection is due to its ability to cause severe pathogenesis through hyperparasitemia and cytoadherence defined as the ability of infected red blood cells to adhere to host vasculature. Cytoadherence is mediated through the export of parasite proteins to the surface of the infected red blood cell (RBC). Exported proteins have been identified but the pathway for protein export is still being elucidated. Many protein coding genes in the P. falciparum genome are hypothetical and therefore still need to be studied. Random transposon mutagenesis using the piggyBac transposable element in P. falciparum has given us a library of mutants to use for forward genetic studies. In this work, we describe a novel approach for screening P. falciparum piggyBac mutants to look for differences in cytoadherence. We utilized an image-based approach in order to quantify cytoadherence in P. falciparum NF54 wild-type and thirty-four piggyBac mutants. We found cytoadherence to be affected by the expression of genes with specific gene ontologies including nucleic acid metabolism and post-translational modification. Many of these genes are annotated as hypothetical or putative and this work may result in further revelations of a role for these genes in parasite pathogenesis. We further characterized a piggyBac mutant that was increased in cytoadherent abilities as an atypical mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase (MKP) named PfMKP1. We were able to demonstrate phosphatase activity in a generic substrate-based assay and identify a putative substrate as mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (Pfmap1). Furthermore, we found Pfmap1 to be differentially phosphorylated and a difference in localization (through immunofluorescence assay) in the PfMKP1 mutant line compared to the wild-type and complemented mutant. This adds to the recent work characterizing this gene as important in cell cycle progression within the erythrocytic cycle and lends to the hypothesis of a functioning mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in P. falciparum for which it is currently unknown. Supplementary work focused on the development of tools to further investigate the MAPK pathway and the role for PfMKP1 as an atypical MKP of Pfmap1 in this pathway. A mass spectrometry-based technique was developed to look at Pfmap1 and its potential active state based on its phosphorylation status. This approach needs further development but the methods are described here within. In addition, the tools needed to further characterize the binding interaction between PfMKP1 and Pfmap1 were established. The mass spectrometry screen and immunofluorescence screening of Pfmap1 can further our knowledge of the MAPK pathway in P. falciparum and lead to the identification of external stimuli that can induce growth or stress response in the parasite. Taken together, the elucidation of mechanisms for cytoadherence and signal transduction pathways in the parasite can lead to new drug target identification.

Dynamique de la mémoire au cours du développement post-natal, étude chez le raton

Languille, Solène 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les deux aspects essentiels de la mémoire sont la formation de la trace et la rétention du souvenir à long terme. Afin de comprendre ces processus, nous avons étudié leur mise en place au cours de l'ontogenèse. Chez le raton, nous avons montré que : 1) ERK1/2 et la synthèse de nouvelles protéines sont nécessaires à la consolidation et reconsolidation dès 3 jours postnatals ; 2) les cinétiques de stabilisation de la mémoire raccourcissent au cours du développement post-natal ; 3) une mémoire précoce peut s'inverser avec l'âge ; 4) la capacité de rétention à très long terme apparaît pendant une période critique (une semaine avant le sevrage). Il semble donc que la mémoire précoce implique des mécanismes moléculaires similaires à ceux observés chez l'adulte, mais sa dynamique évolue au cours du développement post-natal.

Contrôle de la mort cellulaire par la voie des MAPK1/3 (ERK2/1)

Cagnol, Sébastien 04 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La mort cellulaire programmée ou apoptose est un mécanisme conservé chez les eucaryotes multicellulaires qui contribue au développement embryonnaire et à l'homéostasie cellulaire des organismes. Dans les cellules vivantes, l'activité des protéases qui exécutent le programme de mort cellulaire, les caspases, est contrôlée par des signaux de survie provenant de l'environnement cellulaire. Les caspases initiatrices de l'apoptose régulée par l'environnement, la caspase 9 et la caspase 8 sont activées respectivement par l'apoptosome et par les récepteurs de mort. Les signaux environnementaux, parmi lesquels le contact avec la matrice extracellulaire ou la présence de facteurs de croissance, activent des voies de signalisation contrôlant la machinerie de mort cellulaire. La voie des MAPK1/3 est une voie de signalisation contrôlée par le proto-oncogènes Ras et comportant les kinases Raf, MEK1/2 et MAPK1/3 (ERK2/1 ou p42/p44). La voie des MAPK1/3, qui est impliquée dans la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire, joue un rôle essentiel dans la survie cellulaire. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de caractériser les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans le contrôle de la mort cellulaire par la voie des MAPK1/3. Ce travail est basé sur l'utilisation d'une forme active et inductible de la kinase Raf-1 (DRaf-1:ER) dont l'activation forte et prolongée correspond à une induction pathologique de la voie des MAPK1/3. Nous avons montré que, selon le type cellulaire, l'activation de deltaRaf-1:ER favorise la survie ou la mort cellulaire. Dans les cellules fibroblastiques CCL39, l'activation de deltaRaf-1:ER protège de la mort cellulaire mitochondriale induite par la privation en sérum du milieu de culture. Dans ces conditions, nous avons montré que la stimulation de Raf-1 :ER bloque l'activation de la caspase-9 mais n'empêche pas la délocalisation du cytochrome c, la multimérisation d'APAF1 ni le recrutement de la procaspase 9 dans l'apoptosome. Ce mécanisme post mitochondrial de protection contre la mort cellulaire dépend de la néo-synthèse des protéines et nécessite une activité continue de la kinase MEK. A l'inverse, dans les cellules HEK 293 issues de rein embryonnaire et présentant des caractéristiques neuronales, nous avons montré que l'activation soutenue de la voie des MAPK1/3 par DRaf1-ER induit une mort cellulaire massive. Celle-ci est caractérisée par l'activation des caspases et la fragmentation de l'ADN. La mort cellulaire est détectée plus de 24 heures après l'activation de Raf1-ER, elle est maximale à 48h. L'induction de la mort cellulaire ne requière la synthèse protéique que durant la phase précoce d'activation mais nécessite l'activité continue du module MEK/MAPK. La mort cellulaire résulte de l'activation de la caspase 8 et n'implique pas la voie mitochondriale, elle est caractérisée par une vacuolisation importante du cytoplasme des cellules qui l'apparente à une forme particulière d'apoptose. L'inactivation des fonctions du récepteur fas et de son adaptateur FADD indique que le processus d'activation de la caspase 8 est indépendant de la voie des récepteurs de mort. L'ensemble de ces travaux apporte des connaissances nouvelles sur le contrôle de la mort cellulaire par la voie Raf/MAPK1/3. Nous avons montré que la voie de signalisation peut, selon le contexte cellulaire, favoriser la survie cellulaire ou induire la mort. Dans les deux cas, le contrôle de la mort cellulaire dépend à la fois de la synthèse protéique et de mécanismes post-traductionnels. Les mécanismes moléculaires affectés par l'activation prolongée des MAPK1/3 seraient impliqués aussi bien dans la résistance des cellules tumorales aux traitements proapoptotiques que dans le développement des maladies neurodégénératives.

Rôle du couple Flt3-ligand/Flt3 et de l'activation des "Mitogen-activated protein kinases" p38 dans la dysmégacaryopoïèse des patients atteints de myélofibrose primitive.

Desterke, Christophe 25 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La myélofibrose primitive (MFP) est un néoplasme myéloprolifératif (NMP) chronique BCR-ABL1-négatif associant une dérégulation de l'hématopoïèse (myéloprolifération, dysmégacaryopoïèse et migration des cellules souches et progéniteurs hématopoïétiques (CSH/PH)) à une altération du stroma médullaire et splénique (fibrose ostéomyélosclérose, néoangiogenèse). Le mégacaryocyte (MK) est un acteur majeur de sa pathogenèse, via la production de cytokines et facteurs fibrosants, dans un contexte inflammatoire. Plusieurs arguments suggèrent que les mutations JAK2V617F et MPL515L/K qui caractérisent les NMP ne sont pas les événements initiaux de la MFP car elles ne sont retrouvées que chez la moitié des patients. L'objectif de mon travail a été de rechercher si d'autres anomalies, géniques ou non, pouvaient expliquer la pathogenèse de la MFP. Pour cela, parallèlement à une démarche génomique (transcriptome et CGH array), nous avons développé une approche de biologie cellulaire ciblée sur le rôle du stroma hématopoïétique. Bien que n'ayant pas identifié d'autres anomalies génomiques que celles décrites dans la littérature et en particulier, la délétion 13q, les approches génomiques que nous avons développées nous ont permis de préciser les bornes de cette délétion dans les PH CD34+ et les polynucléaires des patients. Cette délétion (région chromosomique minimale 13q14-13q21) est située à 2 mégabases (télomérique) du cluster FLT où est localisé le gène FLT3. Plusieurs arguments nous ont ensuite conduits à rechercher si le couple Flt3-ligand/Flt3 était impliqué dans la dérégulation de l'hématopoïèse et plus particulièrement dans la dysmégacaryopoïèse observée chez les patients. Parmi ceux-ci, citons : 1) l'existence d'une modulation d'expression de gènes inclus dans la zone de délétion 13q et dans le cluster FLT, dont le gène FLT3 et 2) le fait que Flt3, un récepteur clé de la régulation de l'hématopoïèse primitive, soit souvent impliqué dans la pathogenèse d'hémopathies malignes et que son ligand, Flt3-ligand, soit majoritairement produit par le stroma hématopoïétique. Notre étude montre une dérégulation de Flt3 et des MAPKs p38 dans les PH CD34+ et les MK des patients atteints de MFP et ceci, quelque soit leur statut mutationnel Jak2. Elle démontre également que la persistance de la stimulation de l'axe Flt3/p38 en réponse à une production accrue de Flt3 ligand, participe à la dysmégacaryopoïèse qui caractérise la maladie. En effet, nous avons mis en évidence : 1) une augmentation du taux sérique de Flt3 ligand et de son expression par les cellules du stroma médullaire et splénique ainsi que par les PH des patients atteints de MFP, 2) une surexpression spécifique de son récepteur Flt3 et de sa phosphorylation dans les CSH/PH CD34+ et les progéniteurs mégacaryocytaires (MK), qui persistent au cours de la différenciation MK, quelque soit le statut mutationnel de Jak2 des patients, 3) une activation de Flt3 dans les progéniteurs MK en réponse au Flt3 ligand conduisant à la phosphorylation en cascade de la voie de signalisation des MAPKs p38 et à l'expression de ses gènes cibles tels que AP-1, p53, NFATc4, ATF2, IL-8, 4) une restauration de la mégacaryopoïèse et une inhibition de la migration (Flt3-ligand)-dépendante des progéniteurs MK des patients après inhibition de Flt3 ou de p38.Nos résultats confirment l'importance d'une altération des MAPKs dans une dérégulation de l'hématopoïèse et soulignent le rôle d'une activation persistante de la voie p38, via le couple Flt3-ligand/Flt3, dans la dysmégacaryopoïèse qui caractérise la myélofibrose primitive. Ils suggèrent également que cette dérégulation participe au processus inflammatoire à l'origine de la réaction stromale et " lit " d'une transformation leucémique potentielle. Ce dialogue altéré entre les cellules hématopoïétiques pathologiques (Bad seeds), en particulier mégacaryocytaires et les cellules stromales (Bad soil), conforte notre concept " Bad seeds in Bad soil ". Ce travail pourrait contribuer à l'amélioration de ce dialogue par des approches thérapeutiques ciblées sur l'axe Flt3-ligand/Flt3 médié par l'activation de p38 qui, en réduisant le processus inflammatoire, rétablirait un lien entre le " Seed " et le " Soil ".

Ras-MAPK signaling in differentiating SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells

Olsson, Anna-Karin January 2000 (has links)
<p>Neuroblastoma is a malignant childhood cancer, originating from sympathetic neuroblasts of the peripheral nervous system. Neuroblastoma is a heterogenous group of tumours, while some are highly malignant others can spontaneosly mature into a more benign form or regress. Less than half of the patients survive and this statistics has improved only modestly over the past 20 years. </p><p>SH-SY5Y is a human neuroblastoma cell line established from a highly malignant tumour. The cells have retained a capacity to differentiate <i>in vitro</i> in response to low concentrations of the phorbolester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in the presence of serum or defined growth factors. Differentiated cells are characterised by neurite formation and upregulation of neuronal marker genes. SH-SY5Y are unresponsive to nerve growth factor (NGF), but when transfected to express the NGF-receptor TrkA, they differentiate in response to NGF. Protein kinase C (PKC) is pivotal for the differentiation response to take place.</p><p>We have investigated the role of signaling through the Ras-MAPK pathway in differentiating SH-SY5Y, with respect to neurite formation, expression of neuronal marker genes and growth control. Our results show that differentiation-promoting treatment induced a sustained activation and nuclear accumulation of the MAPK ERK in SH-SY5Y. The nuclear accumulation of ERK was PKC-dependent. However, nuclear accumulation of ERK was not sufficient for a differentiation response to take place in these cells, but ERK activity was needed for the characteristic upregulation of <i>NPY</i> and <i>GAP-43</i> induced by TPA. ERK activity did not induce neurite formation, neither was it necessary for TPA-induced neurite formation. Instead, stimulation of a pathway distinct from MEK/ERK, but downstream of Ras, was needed for morphological differentiation. We could also show that differentiated cells still entered S-phase and that there was no correlation between expression of the CKI p21<sub>cip1</sub> (an ERK target), BrdU-incorporation or neurite formation. </p>

Role of MAP Kinases in the Life and Death of Beta-cells

Makeeva, Natalia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The development of diabetes mellitus depends on the balance between beta-cell proliferation and death. As mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) may control this balance, the aim of this study was to investigate the events leading to MAPK activation in beta-cells and the consequences of these events. Overexpression of the SH2-domain containing adaptor protein Shb resulted in the assembly and activation of multiunit complex consisting of at least Shb, IRS-1, IRS-2, FAK and PI3K. Consequently, the phosphorylation of Akt was enhanced under basal conditions in Shb overexpression cells. This was paralleled by an attenuated activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2. Thus, Shb-induced alterations in the IRS-1/PI3K/Akt/ERK pathway might explain the increased proliferation and apoptosis of beta-cells overexpressing Shb.</p><p>The importance of the MAP kinase p38 in nitric oxide- and cytokine-induced beta-cell death was also investigated. Knock-down of p38 expression resulted in a lowered cell death rate in response to a nitric oxide donor. In transient transfections MKK3 over-expression resulted in increased p38 phosphorylation in RIN-5AH cells. In addition, a short-term MKK3 expression resulted in increased cytokine-induced cell death. A nitric oxide synthase inhibitor abolished the MKK3-potentiating effect on cytokine-induced cell death and inhibitors of phosphatases enhanced MKK3-stimulated p38 phosphorylation. Finally, as the dominant negative mutant of MKK3 did not affect cytokine-induced p38 phosphorylation, and as wild type MKK3 did not influence p38 autophosphorylation, it may be that p38 is activated by MKK3/6-independent pathways in response to cytokines and nitric oxide.</p><p>In further support for an MKK3/6-indepedent mechanism, the adaptor protein TAB1 significantly increased the cytokine- and nitric oxide-stimulated phosphorylation of p38. The TAB1-mediated activation of p38 was paralleled by a compensatory inhibition of ERK and JNK. In summary, p38 MAPK, activated mainly by TAB1, promotes, at least in part, beta-cell death in response to cytokines or nitric oxide.</p>

The Chondrogenesis of PDLs by Dynamic Unconfined Compression Is Dependent on p42/44 and Not p38 or JNK

Fritz, Jason Ronald 01 January 2009 (has links)
Articular cartilage lines the surfaces of load bearing joints and has limited capabilities for self-repair due to its alymphatic and avascular structure. Attempts at making repairs to this tissue has resulted in substandard materials and/or causing further injury to the patient making this tissue a prime candidate for tissue engineering studies incorporating adult stem cells. These studies have given rise to some answers and many more questions including a search for alternative stem cell sources and what biochemical changes the cells undergo during the differentiation of these stem cells into chondrocytes, the cells which make up articular cartilage. Recently, periodontal dental ligament stem cells (PDLs) have come to the forefront as a practical alternative to other adult stem cells as well as the involvement of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in stem cell differentiation via mechanical stimulation. During dynamic unconfined compression, levels of p42/44 MAPK increased by 50% (p<0.05). Additionally, the expression of the chondrogenic differentiation factor SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 (SOX-9) increased by 3-fold (p<0.05) as well as the chondrocyte marker aggrecan by over 2-fold after 4h of dynamic unconfined compression. Addition of the p42/44 phosphorylation inhibitor PD98059, along with compression, yielded no change in SOX-9 or aggrecan expression levels from basal levels in uncompressed controls. Inhibition of p38 MAPK or JNK phosphorylation during unconfined compression had no effect on the elevated expression of SOX-9 and aggrecan as compared to compressed cells without the addition of an inhibitor. It is therefore the overall findings of this study that PDLs possess the ability to differentiate into chondrocytes by mechanical compression and this differentiation is mediated by the p42/44 MAPK cascade.

Rhabdomerorganisation und –morphogenese im Komplexauge von Drosophila / Rhabdomere organization and morphogenesis in the compound eye of Drosophila

Witte, Jeannine January 2009 (has links)
Sehzellen von Insekten sind epitheliale Zellen mit einer charakteristischen, hochpolaren Morphologie und Organisation. Die molekularen Komponenten der Sehkaskade befinden sich im Rhabdomer, einem Saum dicht gepackter Mikrovilli entlang der Sehzelle. Bereits in den 70er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts wurde beschrieben, dass die Mikrovilli entlang einer Sehzelle eine unterschiedliche Ausrichtung besitzen, oder in anderen Worten, die Rhabdomere entlang der Sehzell-Längsachse verdreht sind. So sind in den Sehzellen R1-R6 bei dipteren Fliegen (Calliphora, Drosophila) die Mikrovilli im distalen und proximalen Bereich eines Rhabdomers etwa rechtwinkelig zueinander angeordnet. Dieses Phänomen wird in der Fachliteratur als rhabdomere twisting bezeichnet und reduziert die Empfindlichkeit für polarisiertes Licht. Es wurde für das Drosophila-Auge gezeigt, dass diese strukturelle Asymmetrie der Sehzellen mit einer molekularen Asymmetrie in der Verteilung phosphotyrosinierter Proteine an die Stielmembran (einem nicht-mikrovillären Bereich der apikalen Plasmamembran) einhergeht. Zudem wurde gezeigt, dass die immuncytochemische Markierung mit anti-Phosphotyrosin (anti-PY) als lichtmikroskopischer Marker für das rhabdomere twisting verwendet werden kann. Bisher wurde hauptsächlich die physiologische Bedeutung der Rhabdomerverdrehung untersucht. Es ist wenig über die entwicklungs- und zellbiologischen Grundlagen bekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Identität der phosphotyrosinierten Proteine an der Stielmembran zu klären und ihre funktionelle Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des rhabdomere twisting zu analysieren. Zudem sollte untersucht werden, welchen Einfluss die inneren Sehzellen R7 und R8 auf die Verdrehung der Rhabdomere von R1-R6 haben. Für die zwei Proteinkinasen Rolled (ERK) und Basket (JNK) vom Typ der Mitogen-aktivierten Proteinkinasen (MAPK) konnte ich zeigen, dass sie in ihrer aktivierten (= phosphorylierten) Form (pERK bzw. pJNK) eine asymmetrische Verteilung an der Stielmembran aufweisen vergleichbar der Markierung mit anti-PY. Weiterhin wurde diese asymmetrische Verteilung von pERK und pJNK ebenso wie die von PY erst kurz vor Schlupf der Fliegen (bei ca. 90% pupaler Entwicklung) etabliert. Durch Präinkubationsexperimente mit anti-PY wurde die Markierung mit anti-pERK bzw. anti-pJNK unterbunden. Diese Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass pERK und pJNK zu den Proteinen gehören, die von anti-PY an der Stielmembran erkannt werden. Da es sich bei ERK und JNK um Kinasen handelt, ist es naheliegend, dass diese an der Entwicklung des rhabdomere twisting beteiligt sein könnten. Diese Hypothese wurde durch die Analyse von hypermorphen (rl SEM)und hypomorphen (rl 1/rl 10a) Rolled-Mutanten überprüft. In der rl SEM-Mutante mit erhöhter Aktivität der Proteinkinase erfolgte die asymmetrische Positionierung von pERK an der Stielmembran sowie die Mikrovillikippung schon zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt in der pupalen Entwicklung. Im adulten Auge war die anti-PY-Markierung im distalen Bereich der Sehzellen intensiver sowie der Kippwinkel vergrößert. In der rl 1/rl 10a-Mutanten mit reduzierter Kinaseaktivität waren die anti-PY-Markierung und der Kippwinkel im proximalen Bereich der Sehzellen verringert. Die Proteinkinase ERK hat somit einen Einfluss auf die zeitliche Etablierung des rhabdomere twisting wie auch auf dessen Ausprägung im Adulttier. Die Rhabdomerverdrehung sowie die Änderung im anti-PY-Markierungsmuster erfolgen an den Sehzellen R1-R6 relativ abrupt auf halber Ommatidienlänge, dort wo das Rhabdomer von R7 endet und das von R8 beginnt. Es stellte sich deshalb die Frage, ob die Rhabdomerverdrehung an R1-R6 durch die Sehzelle R7 und/oder R8 beeinflusst wird. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen wurden Mutanten analysiert, denen die R7- oder die R8-Photorezeptoren bzw. R7 und R8 fehlten. Das wichtigste Ergebnis dieser Untersuchungen war, dass bei Fehlen von R8 die Rhabdomerverdrehung bei R1-R6 nach keinen erkennbaren Regeln erfolgt. R8 ist somit Voraussetzung für die Etablierung der Rhabdomerverdrehung in R1-R6. Folgendes Modell wurde auf Grundlage dieses und weiterer Ergebnisse erarbeitet: Im dritten Larvenstadium rekrutiert R8 die Sehzellpaare R2/R5, R3/R4 und R1/R6. Dabei werden R1-R6 durch den Kontakt zu R8 „polarisiert“. Abschließend wird R7 durch R8 rekrutiert. Dies führt zu einer Fixierung der Polarität von R1-R6 durch R7. Die Ausführung der Mikrovillikippung anhand der festgelegten Polarität erfolgt in der späten Puppenphase. Die Proteinkinase ERK ist an diesem letzten Morphogeneseprozess beteiligt. / Visual cells of insects are epithelial cells with a characteristic morphology and organization. The molecular components of the signalling cascade are arranged in the rhabdomere, an array of densely packed microvilli along the side of the cell body. Already in the 70s of the last century it was described that microvilli point in different directions in various segments of the rhabdomere. Thus, in Dipteran flies (Calliphora, Drosophila) microvilli in the distal part of visual cells R1-R6 are nearly perpendicular to the microvilli in the proximal portion. This phenomenon is termed rhabdomere twisting and decreases the sensitivity of visual cells to polarized light. For Drosophila, structural asymmetry was shown to correlate with molecular asymmetry in the distribution of phosphotyrosinated proteins to the stalk (a non-microvillar region of the apical plasma membrane). Furthermore, this asymmetric distribution of antiphosphotyrosine (anti-PY) provides a light microscopic marker for rhabdomere twisting. So far little is known about the developmental and cell biological basis of rhabdomere twisting. Purpose of the present study was to identify the phosphotyrosinated proteins at the stalk und to analyse their functional relevance for the development of rhabdomere twisting. Moreover, influence of the inner visual cells R7 and R8 on rhabdomere twisting should be examined. Two protein kinases of the MAPK-type, Rolled (ERK) and Basket (JNK), show for their activated (= phosphorylated) forms (pERK and pJNK respectively) an asymmetric distribution to the stalk comparable to labelling with anti-PY. In addition, this asymmetric distribution of pERK, pJNK and also PY is established shortly before eclosion of the fly. Preincubation experiments with anti-PY abolished labelling with anti-pERK and anti-pJNK respectively. These results indicate that pERK and pJNK belong to the proteins on the stalk recognized by anti-PY. ERK and JNK are kinases and therefore are likely to be involved in the development of rhabdomere twisting. To test this hypothesis I analysed hypermorph (rl SEM) and hypomorph (rl 1/rl 10a) rolled mutants. In rl SEM mutants with increased kinase activity asymmetric positioning of pERK to the stalk and tilting of microvilli occurred earlier during pupal development. In the adult eye anti-PY labelling was more intensive in the distal part of the visual cells, and congruently the microvillar tilt angle was increased. In rl 1/rl 10a mutants with reduced kinase activity anti-PY labelling and microvillar tilt angle were reduced in the proximal part of visual cells. Hence, protein kinase ERK has an influence on developmental establishment of rhabdomere twisting and its specification in the adult eye. In R1-R6 rhabdomere twisting as well as changes in anti-PY labelling pattern take place within a narrow range halfway along the rhabdomere where the rhabdomere of R7 ceases and that of R8 begins. So the question arises whether rhabdomere twisting of R1-R6 is influenced by R7 and/or R8. To answer that question I analysed mutants that lack R7 or R8 or both visual cells. Most importantly absence of R8 leads to a disorganized rhabdomere twisting in R1-R6. Consequently R8 seems to be required for the establishment of rhabdomere twisting in R1-R6. Following working model was developed: in the third larval instar R8 recruits pairs of visual cells R2/R5, R3/R4 and R1/R6. In that process R1-R6 become „polarised“ by the contact to R8. Finally R7 is recruited by R8. That fixes polarity of R1-R6 by R7. The active tilting of the microvilli on the basis of the given polarity is carried out in late pupal development with the help of protein kinase ERK.

Ras-MAPK signaling in differentiating SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells

Olsson, Anna-Karin January 2000 (has links)
Neuroblastoma is a malignant childhood cancer, originating from sympathetic neuroblasts of the peripheral nervous system. Neuroblastoma is a heterogenous group of tumours, while some are highly malignant others can spontaneosly mature into a more benign form or regress. Less than half of the patients survive and this statistics has improved only modestly over the past 20 years. SH-SY5Y is a human neuroblastoma cell line established from a highly malignant tumour. The cells have retained a capacity to differentiate in vitro in response to low concentrations of the phorbolester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in the presence of serum or defined growth factors. Differentiated cells are characterised by neurite formation and upregulation of neuronal marker genes. SH-SY5Y are unresponsive to nerve growth factor (NGF), but when transfected to express the NGF-receptor TrkA, they differentiate in response to NGF. Protein kinase C (PKC) is pivotal for the differentiation response to take place. We have investigated the role of signaling through the Ras-MAPK pathway in differentiating SH-SY5Y, with respect to neurite formation, expression of neuronal marker genes and growth control. Our results show that differentiation-promoting treatment induced a sustained activation and nuclear accumulation of the MAPK ERK in SH-SY5Y. The nuclear accumulation of ERK was PKC-dependent. However, nuclear accumulation of ERK was not sufficient for a differentiation response to take place in these cells, but ERK activity was needed for the characteristic upregulation of NPY and GAP-43 induced by TPA. ERK activity did not induce neurite formation, neither was it necessary for TPA-induced neurite formation. Instead, stimulation of a pathway distinct from MEK/ERK, but downstream of Ras, was needed for morphological differentiation. We could also show that differentiated cells still entered S-phase and that there was no correlation between expression of the CKI p21cip1 (an ERK target), BrdU-incorporation or neurite formation.

Role of MAP Kinases in the Life and Death of Beta-cells

Makeeva, Natalia January 2006 (has links)
The development of diabetes mellitus depends on the balance between beta-cell proliferation and death. As mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) may control this balance, the aim of this study was to investigate the events leading to MAPK activation in beta-cells and the consequences of these events. Overexpression of the SH2-domain containing adaptor protein Shb resulted in the assembly and activation of multiunit complex consisting of at least Shb, IRS-1, IRS-2, FAK and PI3K. Consequently, the phosphorylation of Akt was enhanced under basal conditions in Shb overexpression cells. This was paralleled by an attenuated activation of the MAP kinases ERK1/2. Thus, Shb-induced alterations in the IRS-1/PI3K/Akt/ERK pathway might explain the increased proliferation and apoptosis of beta-cells overexpressing Shb. The importance of the MAP kinase p38 in nitric oxide- and cytokine-induced beta-cell death was also investigated. Knock-down of p38 expression resulted in a lowered cell death rate in response to a nitric oxide donor. In transient transfections MKK3 over-expression resulted in increased p38 phosphorylation in RIN-5AH cells. In addition, a short-term MKK3 expression resulted in increased cytokine-induced cell death. A nitric oxide synthase inhibitor abolished the MKK3-potentiating effect on cytokine-induced cell death and inhibitors of phosphatases enhanced MKK3-stimulated p38 phosphorylation. Finally, as the dominant negative mutant of MKK3 did not affect cytokine-induced p38 phosphorylation, and as wild type MKK3 did not influence p38 autophosphorylation, it may be that p38 is activated by MKK3/6-independent pathways in response to cytokines and nitric oxide. In further support for an MKK3/6-indepedent mechanism, the adaptor protein TAB1 significantly increased the cytokine- and nitric oxide-stimulated phosphorylation of p38. The TAB1-mediated activation of p38 was paralleled by a compensatory inhibition of ERK and JNK. In summary, p38 MAPK, activated mainly by TAB1, promotes, at least in part, beta-cell death in response to cytokines or nitric oxide.

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