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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urocortin 2 Aktivierte Signalwege in isolierten Kaninchen-Ventrikelmyozyten / Urocortin 2 Activated signaling pathways in isolated myocyte of the ventricle of rabbits

Renz, Susanne 31 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Skirstymo baltymo GAB1 svarba epidermio augimo veiksnio receptoriaus signalo perdavimui / The role of docking protein GAB1 in epidermal growth factor receptor signaling

Aksamitienė, Edita 30 January 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas nustatyti skirstymo baltymo GAB1 ryšį su anti-apoptoziniu PI3K/Akt bei mitogeniniu Ras/MAPK signalo perdavimo keliais ir įvertinti GAB1 įtaką šių kelių sąveikai EGFR signalo perdavimo tinkle. Darbo uždaviniai: įvertinti epitelinių ląstelių endogeninio GAB1 veiksmingumą EGF signalo perdavimo metu; nustatyti sąveikos pobūdį tarp PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK kelių EGF signalo metu; kiekybiškai įvertinti GAB1 svarbą EGF signalo perdavimui per PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK kelių in vivo, rezultatus lyginant su matematinio modelio prognozėmis in silico; nustatyti GAB1 veiksmingumo ir jo reguliacijos grįžtamaisiais ryšiais įtaką PI3K-MAPK sąveikos stiprumui priklausomai nuo EGF dozės ir laiko; ištirti GAB1 svarbą EGFR ir insulino receptoriaus signalo perdavimo tinklų sąveikai; modifikuoti Westerno pernašos metodą palyginamajai kiekybinei ir kokybinei baltymų analizei. Darbo išvados: stimuliavus EGFR, skirstymo baltymas GAB1 tampa veiksmingu; EGF lemia reciprokinę PI3K/Akt ir Ras/MAPK signalo perdavimo kelių sąveiką per GAB1; GAB1 yra pagrindinis teigiamo atgalinio ryšio elementas PI3K kelyje, padedąs pagreitinti, stiprinti ir išlaikyti MEK/ERK kinazių atsaką; PI3K-MAPK sąveikos stiprumas kinta laike ir yra atvirkščiai proporcingas EGF signalo stiprumui; GAB1 reikalingas sinergistiškai stiprinti insulinu ir mažomis EGF dozėmis stimuliuojamų ląstelių Ras/MAPK atsaką; sukurtas „Multi-juostelių“ imunopernašos metodas yra tinkamas palyginamajai kiekybinei ir kokybinei baltymų analizei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the thesis was to determine a connection of endogenous docking protein GAB1 with anti-apoptotic PI3/Akt and Ras/MAPK signaling pathways and to estimate GAB1 contribution to their crosstalk in EGFR signaling network. The tasks: to evaluate GAB1 efficacy upon EGFR stimulation; to examine the nature of crosstalk between PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK pathways; to evaluate the contribution of GAB1 to EGF signaling via PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK pathways in vivo comparing the results with prognosis in silico; to estimate the EGF dose- and time-dependent impact of GAB1 efficacy and its feedback regulation on the strength of PI3K-MAPK interaction; to investigate the role of GAB1 for crosstalk of EGFR and insulin receptor signaling networks; to modify Western blotting procedure for comparative quantitative and qualitative protein analysis. The conclusions: the docking protein GAB1 is functional upon EGFR stimulation; PI3K/Akt and Ras/MAPK signaling pathways crosstalk reciprocally via GAB1 in response to EGF; GAB1 is major positive feedback element in PI3K pathway amplifying and sustaining MEK/ERK response to EGF; the strength of PI3K-MAPK interaction depends on time and is inversely proportional to EGF signal strength; GAB1 is required to synergistically potentate the Ras/MAPK response to tandem cell treatment with insulin and low EGF doses; the developed Multistrip immunoblotting method is suitable for comparative quantitative and qualitative protein analysis. In comparison with a... [to full text]

La régulation génique chez Solanum chacoense : de la pollinisation jusqu’à l’embryogenèse

Tebbji, Faiza 07 1900 (has links)
Chez les végétaux supérieurs, l’embryogenèse est une phase clé du développement au cours de laquelle l’embryon établit les principales structures qui formeront la future plante et synthétise et accumule des réserves définissant le rendement et la qualité nutritionnelle des graines. Ainsi, la compréhension des évènements moléculaires et physiologiques menant à la formation de la graine représente un intérêt agronomique majeur. Toutefois, l'analyse des premiers stades de développement est souvent difficile parce que l'embryon est petit et intégré à l'intérieur du tissu maternel. Solanum chacoense qui présente des fleurs relativement grande facilitant l’isolation des ovules, a été utilisée pour l’étude de la biologie de la reproduction plus précisément la formation des gamètes femelles, la pollinisation, la fécondation et le développement des embryons. Afin d'analyser le programme transcriptionnel induit au cours de la structuration de ces étapes de la reproduction sexuée, nous avons mis à profit un projet de séquençage de 7741 ESTs (6700 unigènes) exprimés dans l’ovule à différents stades du développement embryonnaire. L’ADN de ces ESTs a été utilisé pour la fabrication de biopuces d’ADN. Dans un premier temps, ces biopuces ont été utilisé pour comparer des ADNc issus des ovules de chaque stade de développement embryonnaire (depuis le zygote jusqu’au embryon mature) versus un ovule non fécondé. Trois profils d’expression correspondant au stade précoce, intermédiaire et tardive ont été trouvés. Une analyse plus approfondie entre chaque point étudié (de 0 à 22 jours après pollinisation), a permis d'identifier des gènes spécifiques caractérisant des phases de transition spécifiques. Les annotations Fonctionnelles des gènes differentiellement exprimés nous ont permis d'identifier les principales fonctions cellulaires impliquées à chaque stade de développement, révélant que les embryons sont engagés dans des actifs processus de différenciation. Ces biopuces d’ADN ont été par la suite utilisé pour comparer différent types de pollinisation (compatible, incompatible, semi-compatible et inter-espèce) afin d’identifier les gènes répondants à plusieurs stimuli avant l'arrivé du tube pollinique aux ovules (activation à distance). Nous avons pu démontrer que le signal perçu par l’ovaire était différent et dépend de plusieurs facteurs, incluant le type de pollen et la distance parcourue par le pollen dans le style. Une autre analyse permettant la comparaison des différentes pollinisations et la blessure du style nous a permis d’identifier que les programmes génétiques de la pollinisation chevauchent en partie avec ceux du stress. Cela était confirmé en traitant les fleurs par une hormone de stress, méthyle jasmonate. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous avons utilisé ces biopuces pour étudier le changement transcriptionnel d’un mutant sur exprimant une protéine kinase FRK2 impliqué dans l’identité des ovules. Nous avons pu sélectionner plusieurs gènes candidat touchés par la surexpression de cette kinase pour mieux comprendre la voie se signalisation. Ces biopuces ont ainsi servi à déterminer la variation au niveau transcriptionnelle des gènes impliqués lors de différents stades de la reproduction sexuée chez les plantes et nous a permis de mieux comprendre ces étapes. / In higher plants, embryogenesis is a key phase of development during which the embryo establishes the main structures that will form the future plant, synthesizes, and accumulates the reserves that will define the yield and nutritional quality of the seeds. Thus, understanding the molecular and physiological events leading to the formation of the seed is of major agronomic interest. However, analysis of early stages of development is often difficult because the embryo is small and integrated within the maternal tissue. Solanum chacoense, whose relatively large flowers facilitate the isolation of ovules, was used to study the biology of reproduction, in particular the formation of female gametes, pollination, fertilization and embryo development. To analyze the transcriptional program induced during these stages of sexual reproduction, we produced amplicon-derived microarrays with 7741 ESTs isolated from ovules bearing embryos from different developmental stages. These chips were first used to compare cDNA of unfertilized ovule with ovule cells of each stage of embryonic development (from zygote to mature embryo). During embryogenesis, three major expression profiles corresponding to early, middle and late stages of embryo development were identified. Further analysis, of time points taken every 2 days from 0 to 22 days after pollination allowed the identification of a subset of stage-specific and transition-specific genes. Functional annotation of differentially expressed genes allowed us to identify the major cell processes implicated at each stage of development and revealed that embryos are engaged in active differentiation. The DNA microarrays were then used to compare different types of pollination (compatible, incompatible, semi-compatible and inter-species) to identify genes responding to various stimuli before the pollen tube reach the ovules (activation at distance). We found that the signal received by the ovary was different and depended on several factors including the pollen source and the distance traveled by the pollen in the style. Another analysis comparing different pollinations with wounding of the style showed that the genetic programs of pollination overlap with those of stress. This was confirmed by treating the flowers with a stress hormone, methyl jasmonate. lastly, we used the microarrays to study transcriptional changes in mutant ScFRK2. The over expression of FRK2 affect the ovule identity. We were able to select several candidate genes that may have a role in ovules identity signaling. These chips were used to determine the variation in transcription of genes involved at various stages of sexual reproduction in plants and has allowed us to better understand these steps at the transcriptional level.

Couplage du récepteur à sept domaines transmembranaires GABA-B1 aux voies intracellulaires de signalisation en absence de GABA-B2

Richer, Maxime 02 1900 (has links)
Le GABA est le principal neurotransmetteur inhibiteur du SNC et est impliqué dans le développement du cerveau, la plasticité synaptique et la pathogénèse de maladies telles que l’épilepsie, les troubles de l’anxiété et la douleur chronique. Le modèle actuel de fonctionnement du récepteur GABA-B implique l’hétérodimérisation GABA-B1/B2, laquelle est requise au ciblage à la surface membranaire et au couplage des effecteurs. Il y est cependant des régions du cerveau, des types cellulaires et des périodes du développement cérébral où la sous-unité GABA-B1 est exprimée en plus grande quantité que GABA-B2, ce qui suggère qu’elle puisse être fonctionnelle seule ou en association avec des partenaires inconnus, à la surface cellulaire ou sur la membrane réticulaire. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous montrons la capacité des récepteurs GABA-B1 endogènes à activer la voie MAPK-ERK1/2 dans la lignée dérivée de la glie DI-TNC1, qui n’exprime pas GABA-B2. Les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce couplage demeurent mal définis mais dépendent de Gi/o et PKC. L’immunohistochimie de récepteurs endogènes montre par ailleurs que des anticorps GABA-B1 dirigés contre la partie N-terminale reconnaissent des protéines localisées au RE tandis des anticorps C-terminaux (CT) marquent une protéine intranucléaire. Ces données suggèrent que le domaine CT de GABA-B1 pourrait être relâché par protéolyse. L’intensité des fragments potentiels est affectée par le traitement agoniste tant en immunohistochimie qu’en immunobuvardage de type western. Nous avons ensuite examiné la régulation du clivage par le protéasome en traitant les cellules avec l’inhibiteur epoxomicine pendant 12 h. Cela a résulté en l’augmentation du marquage intranucléaire de GABA-B1-CT et d’un interacteur connu, le facteur de transcription pro-survie ATF-4. Dans des cellules surexprimant GABA-B1-CT, l’induction et la translocation nucléaire d’ATF-4, qui suit le traitement epoxomicine, a complètement été abolie. Cette observation est associée à une forte diminution du décompte cellulaire. Étant donné que les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT (LYK) codent un ligand pseudo-PDZ et que les protéines à domaines PDZ sont impliquées dans la régulation du ciblage nucléaire et de la stabilité de protéines, en complément de leur rôle d’échaffaud à la surface cellulaire, nous avons muté les trois derniers résidus de GABA-B1-CT en alanines. Cette mutation a complètement annulé les effets de GABA-B1-CT sur l’induction d’ATF-4 et le décompte cellulaire. Cette deuxième série d’expériences suggère l’existence possible de fragments GABA-B1 intranucléaires régulés par le traitement agoniste et le protéasome dans les cellules DI-TNC1. Cette régulation d’ATF-4 dépend des résidus LYK de GABA-B1-CT, qui modulent la stabilité de GABA-B1-CT et favorisent peut-être la formation d’un complexe multiprotéique incluant GABA-B1-CT, ATF-4, de même qu’une protéine d’échaffaudage inconnue. En somme, nous démontrons que les sous-unités GABA-B1 localisées au RE, lorsque non-hétérodimérisées avec GABA-B2, demeurent capables de moduler les voies de signalisation de la prolifération, la différentiation et de la survie cellulaire, via le couplage de protéines G et possiblement la protéolyse régulée. Les mécanismes de signalisation proposés pourraient servir de nouvelle plate-forme dans la compréhension des actions retardées résultant de l’activation des récepteurs 7-TMs. / GABA is the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS and is implicated in brain development, synaptic plasticity and the pathogenesis of diseases such as epilepsy, anxiety disorders and chronic pain. In the current model of GABA-B function, there is a requirement for GABA-B1/B2 dimerization for targetting to the cell surface and effector coupling. However, there are certain brain regions (putamen), cell types (glial cells) and times during brain development where GABA-B1 is expressed in higher amounts than GABA-B2, suggesting that GABA-B1 might be functional alone or in association with unidentified partners, either at the cell surface or on the ER membranes. In this thesis, we first show the capacity of endogenous GABA-B1 receptors to activate the MAPK-ERK1/2 pathway in the DI-TNC1 glial-derived cell line which does not express GABA-B2. The underlying mechanisms remain incompletely defined but depend on Gi/o and PKC. Immunohistochemistry of endogenous receptors shows that GABA-B1 N-terminal antibodies recognize ER-localized proteins and that C-terminal (CT) antibody shows intranuclear distribution. This data suggests that fragments of the GABA-B1 receptor are generated by proteolysis and indeed we show that agonist treatment affects the intensity of certain C-terminal GABA-B1 fragments both in immunohistochemistry and western blots suggesting that the GABA-B1 receptor is subjected to regulated proteolysis. Since a 13-residue potential PEST sequence was localized immediately distal to the ER retention motif in the GABA-B1 CT, we examined proteasome regulation of the cleavage event. Following a 12h treatment with the proteasome inhibitor, epoxomicin, we detected increases in intranuclear staining for both GABA-B1 and a known interactor, the pro-survival transcription factor ATF-4, using confocal microscopy and by western blotting of nuclear extracts. These increases are due either to proteasome inhibition or activation of the ER stress pathway. In cells overexpressing GABA-B1-CT, ATF-4 induction and nuclear translocation, which normally follows epoxomicin treatment, was completely abolished. This observation was associated to a strong decrease in cell number. Since the last three residues of GABA-B1-CT (LYK) encode a pseudo-PDZ ligand and that PDZ domain protein regulate nuclear targeting and protein stability, in complement to their role in scaffolding at the cell surface, we mutated the last three residues of GABA-B1-CT to alanines. This mutation completely reversed the effect of GABA-B1-CT on ATF-4 induction and on cell number. This second set of data suggests the existence of agonist and proteasome-regulated intranuclear GABA-B1 fragments in DI-TNC1 cells. Further, the GABA-B1-CT pseudo-PDZ ligand appears to be critically important in regulating ATF-4 induction by modulating GABA-B1-CT stability and perhaps by favoring the formation of a multiprotein complex with ATF-4, ATF-4 interactors and an unknown scaffolding protein. Overall, we show that ER-localised GABA-B1 subunits, when not dimerized with GABA-B2, can still modulate proliferation, differentiation and survival pathways, both through G-protein coupling and regulated proteolysis. The signalling mechanisms which we propose could serve as a new platform in understanding the long term effects of 7-TM receptor activation.

Etude de l'impact de la protéine antimicrobienne humaine hCAP18/LL-37 sur le cancer du sein / Study on the impact of the human antimicrobial peptide hCAP18/LL-37 in the breast cancer

Zreika, Sami 15 December 2011 (has links)
Le peptide hCAP18/LL-37, une partie de la défense immunitaire innée, a maintenant été reconnu comme multifonctionnelle pour les cellules eucaryotes. Nos études démontrent sa contribution au développement du cancer, montrant qu'il est surexprimé dans la plupart des tumeurs mammaires humaines, active la signalisation la famille de ERBB et augmente le potentiel métastatique des cellules cancéreuses du sein. Notre comparaison des deux lignées du cancer du sein n'a pas révélé de récepteurs communs, mais une structure peptidique identiques mais de chiralité différente est pré requis pour le peptide dans toutes ses activités. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que LL-37 active indirectement des récepteurs transmembranaires en se liant à la membrane cellulaire. Des peptides tronqués dérivés de LL-37 inhibent ses activités et peuvent aider à concevoir une future thérapie anticancéreuse. / The peptide hCAP18/LL-37, part of the innate immune defense, has now been recognized as multifunctional for eukaryotic cells. Our studies demonstrate its contribution to cancer development, showing that it is overexpressed in most human breast tumors, activates ERBB signaling and increases the metastatic potential of breast cancer cells. Our comparison on two breast cancer lines did not reveal any common receptors but identical structural prerequisites for the peptide in all its activities. We hypothesize that LL-37 indirectly activates transmembrane receptors by attaching to the cellular membrane. Truncated derivatives inhibit its activities and may help to design a future anticancer therapy.

L'expression de nestine est associée à l'entrée des cardiomyocytes de rats néonataux dans le cycle cellulaire

Méus, Marc-André 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Sensibilização central induzida pelo vírus HSV-1: uma análise de mecanismos de dor crônica em modelo experimental de neuralgia pós-herpética / Central sensibilization inducted by HSV-1 virus: an analysis of chronic pain mechanisms in experimental model of post herpetic neuralgia

Laís Regina Rossi 11 January 2018 (has links)
A dor é descrita como uma sensação sensorial e emocional desagradável de extrema importância para sobrevivência e integridade do organismo. As dores crônicas de origem neuropática são de difícil tratamento e seus mecanismos fisiopatológicos pouco conhecidos. Este estudo foi realizado após inoculação do vírus HSV-1 na pata traseira esquerda de camundongos machos da linhagem Balb/C, e teve como objetivo investigar comportamentalmente o desenvolvimento de alodínia mecânica e hipernocicepção nas fases herpética e pós herpética, caracterizar a atividade de vias intracelulares de sinalização das proteínas JNK, AKT CREB, P38, ERK, Glutamina Sintetase e Stat 3, através de western blot na coluna dorsal da medula espinal nas fases herpética e pós herpética, além de verificar a presença do vírus HSV-1 na medula espinal e gânglio dos animais por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RT-PCR). Os resultados evidenciaram alteração de sensibilidade nos animais a partir do 7º dia que permaneceu até o 28º dia após a inoculação do vírus. Houve uma mudança na expressão das proteínas MAPKs, com aumento na expressão de JNK, AKT e CREB no corno dorsal da medula no 8º e 21º dia após a inoculação do vírus HSV-1, aumento na expressão de P 38 e P ERK no 8º dia após inoculação do vírus e uma diminuição na expressão da proteína Stat 3 no 8º e 21º dia após a inoculação do vírus, sugerindo assim a participação dessas proteínas na alteração de sensibilidade tanto no período herpético quanto pós herpético. Também ocorreu um aumento na amplificação do DNA viral HSV-1 na medula espinal e gânglio espinal esquerdo no período herpético após inoculação do vírus HSV-1 / The pain is described as a sensorial and emotional unpleasant sensation of extreme importance for survival and integrity of the organism. The chronic pains that has neuropathic source are hard to treat and its physiopathologic mechanisms not well known. This study was performed after inoculation of the virus HSV-1 in the left back foot of male Balb/C mouse, and had as main objectives to behaviorally investigate the development of mechanical allodynia and hyper nociception during the herpetic and post-herpetic phase, characterize the activity of the intracellular signalization paths of the proteins JNK, AKT CRB, P38, ERK, glutamine synthetase and Sat 3 during herpetic and post-herpetic phase using Western Blot, besides checking as well for the presence of HSV-1 viral load in the spinal cord and ganglions using RT-PCR. The results evidenced alteration of sensitivity in the animals from the 7th day that remained until the 28th day after inoculation of the virus, a change in the MAPKs proteins expression, with a raise of expression of JNK, AKT e CREB in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord in the 8th and 21st day after the HSV-1 virus inoculation, thus suggesting the participation of these proteins in the alteration of sensitivity both in the herpetic and post herpetic periods. It is also possible to observe the presence of viral load in the spinal cord and left spinal ganglion in the herpetic period after HSV-1 virus inoculation

Résistance au tamoxifène et au fulvestrant dans le cancer du sein hormono-dépendant : stratégies de réversion par inhibition des voies PI3K/Akt/mTOR et MAPK : identification de nouveaux biomarqueurs associés à la résistance / Resistance to tamoxifen and to fulvestrant in hormone-dependent breast cancers : strategies to reverse the resistance by inhibiting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK pathways : identification of new biomarkers associated with endocrine resistance

Ghayad, Sandra 01 July 2009 (has links)
La résistance à l’hormonothérapie est un challenge majeur en clinique dans le choix du traitement chez les patientes atteintes de cancer du sein RE+ et l’activation des voies de signalisation PI3K/Akt/mTOR ou MAPK semble être impliquée dans la résistance à l’hormonothérapie. L’objectif de ce travail a été dédié à l’exploration de stratégies de réversion de la résistance à l’hormonothérapie et à l’identification de nouveaux biomarqueurs associés à cette résistance. Nous avons identifié dans des lignées résistantes à l’hormonothérapie ayant acquis l’activation endogène des voies PI3K/Akt/mTOR et MAPK, l’activation aberrante du système ErbB, pouvant être à la base de l’activation de ces deux voies de signalisation. L’inhibition d’au moins une des deux voies (par un inhibiteur de mTOR, un inhibiteur de PI3K et/ou un inhibiteur de MEK) a conduit dans la lignée sensible à une augmentation de la sensibilité au tamoxifène et au fulvestrant et dans les lignées résistantes à une restauration de la sensibilité à l’hormonothérapie. La réversion de la résistance au fulvestrant par la rapamycine a été démontrée non seulement au niveau de la prolifération cellulaire mais aussi au niveau de l’expression des gènes, explorés par une approche génomique. Par ailleurs, par une approche gènes candidats, nous avons identifié une signature de trois gènes (TACC1, NOV et PTTG1) présentant une valeur pronostique et associée à la résistance à l’hormonothérapie pouvant représenter un nouvel outil de diagnostic des patientes atteintes de cancer du sein hormono-dépendant. / Endocrine therapy resistance is one of the main challenges in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients and the activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR or MAPK signaling pathways seems to be implicated in the acquisition of the resistance. The objective of this work has been dedicated to the exploration of strategies to reverse the resistance to endocrine therapy and the identification of new biomarkers associated with this resistance. We have identified in cellular models resistant to hormone therapy, which have acquired the endogenous activation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK pathways, the aberrant activation of the ErbB system which may be the cause of the activation of these pathways. The inhibition of at least one of these two pathways (by an mTOR inhibitor), a PI3K inhibitor) and/or a MEK inhibitor) was shown to increase sensitivity to tamoxifen and fulvestrant in the sensitive cells and to restore sensitivity to endocrine therapy in the resistant cells. The reversion of resistance to fulvestrant by rapamycin has been demonstrated not only at the cell proliferation level but also at the gene expression level explored by a genomic approach. In addition, using a candidate gene approach, we identified a signature of three genes (TACC1, NOV and PTTG1) with prognostic value and associated with resistance to endocrine therapy. These genes may represent a new diagnostic tool for patients treated with endocrine therapy.

Contribuição do estresse oxidativo para a ativação das vias NF-kB, FOXO e MAPK para atrofia muscular associada à insuficiência cardíaca: efeito do treinamento físico aeróbico / Contribution of oxidative stress to NF-kB, FOXO and MAPK signaling pathway activation in atrophy induced by heart failure: role of aerobic exercise training

Telma Fátima da Cunha 20 January 2015 (has links)
A musculatura esquelética tem um papel fundamental para a manutenção da homeostase do organismo. A perda de massa muscular está relacionada a prejuízos na qualidade de vida de indivíduos saudáveis, além de piorar o prognóstico de pacientes com doenças sistêmicas, como o câncer, o diabetes e a insuficiência cardíaca. Em quadros mais graves de insuficiência cardíaca, a perda excessiva de massa muscular associada a um reduzido consumo de oxigênio de pico, são considerados como preditores independentes de mortalidade. O aumento do estresse oxidativo tem sido apontado como um dos principais desencadeadores do aumento da degradação de proteínas na atrofia muscular. Na presente tese, investigamos a contribuição do estresse oxidativo para a ativação das vias de sinalização NF-kB, FOXO e MAPK na atrofia muscular desencadeada pela insuficiência cardíaca. Para compreender melhor os mecanismos envolvidos na ativação dessas vias pelo estresse oxidativo, utilizamos a linhagem de células musculares C2C12. Observamos que o tratamento com peróxido de hidrogênio (1,2mM, 12h) induziu um aumento do estresse oxidativo, o qual foi capaz de aumentar a atividade do proteassoma, desencadeando a atrofia dos miotúbulos. Verificamos também um aumento da expressão proteica de alguns componentes dessas vias de sinalização, como p-p38 e NF-kB; apontando para uma ativação diferenciada dessas vias pelo estresse oxidativo. Para verificar se essas vias de sinalização relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo estavam também relacionadas à atrofia desencadeada pela insuficiência cardíaca, avaliamos um modelo experimental de ratos com insuficiência cardíaca induzida pelo infartado do miocárdio. Observamos uma redução da área de secção transversa do músculo plantar, acompanhada de um aumento da inflamação sistêmica, de p38 e das atividades de NF-kB e do proteassoma. Como o treinamento físico aeróbico tem se apresentado como uma estratégia terapêutica não farmacológica eficaz na redução do estresse oxidativo e no restabelecimento da atividade do sistema ubiquitina proteassoma, submetemos os ratos infartados ao treinamento físico aeróbico em esteira rolante. O treinamento físico aeróbico preveniu a perda de massa muscular, reduzindo a inflamação sistêmica e as atividades de NF-kB e do proteassoma. Em conjunto, os resultados apontam para o estresse oxidativo como um fator preponderante para o aumento da degradação de proteínas relacionada à atrofia muscular, seja por indução de inflamação (TNF-α) ou por sua ação direta. Além disso, observamos que as vias de sinalização são ativadas de forma diferenciada nos dois modelos, sugerindo que a degradação de proteínas nos miotúbulos está relacionada ao controle de qualidade de proteínas e, nos ratos infartados, às alterações do metabolismo, servindo como fonte de energia. Já o treinamento físico aeróbico comprovou sua eficácia no restabelecimento da atividade do proteassoma, reduzindo a inflamação e a atividade de NF-kB, prevenindo assim, a perda de massa muscular / About 40% of human body mass consists of skeletal muscles, which are involved in all aspects of movement including breathing, eating, posture, walking and reflexes. Skeletal muscle is also important as a source of heat generation and as a regulator of intermediary metabolism. Loss of skeletal muscle mass and function (skeletal muscle atrophy) leads to several functional impairments, affecting health and quality of life. It occurs in several chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart failure. In heart failure, atrophy is considered an independent predictor of poor prognosis. Oxidative stress has a crucial role in atrophy, activating different signaling pathways capable of stimulating the ubiquitin proteasome system to degrade proteins. In this study, we investigated the oxidative stress contribution to NF-kB, FOXO and MAPK signaling pathway activation in heart failure-induced atrophy. To better understand the mechanisms involved with oxidative stress and signaling pathways activation in atrophy, we have used C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. We observed that, even in high hydrogen peroxide concentrations, oxidative stress increased proteasome activity, phosphorylated p38 and NF-kB protein expression, causing myotubes atrophy. In an experimental heart failure model of infarcted rats, we evaluated plantaris muscle and verified a reduced cross sectional area, accompanied by increased systemic inflammation, p-38 protein expression and increased both NF-kB and proteasome activities. As aerobic exercise training causes a lot of beneficial effects on skeletal muscle structure and function in chronic diseases, we submitted infarcted rats to 8 weeks of aerobic exercise training on a treadmill. Aerobic exercise training prevented atrophy by reducing inflammation and both NF-kB and proteasome activities. Collectively, our data suggest a differentiated activation by oxidative stress in muscle cells and animal models. In the first case, protein degradation was involved with protein quality control; and, in the other, oxidative stress is a second messenger, stimulating protein degradation to provide substrates to metabolism. Aerobic exercise training re-established proteasome activity by reducing inflammation and NF-kB activity, preventing muscle atrophy

Influência do excesso de iodo na ativação do oncogene RET/PTC3 na linhagem PCCL3 de tiróide de rato. / Influence of iodine excess in RET/PTC3 oncogene activated PCCL3 thyroid cell lineage.

Ana Paula Zen Petisco Fiore 04 August 2008 (has links)
Carcinomas papilíferos (CP) estão relacionados à ativação da via de sinalização MAPK por diversos oncogenes. Estudos têm relacionado a incidência de CP com a disponibilidade de iodo, um dos mais importante reguladores da função tiroidiana. Recentemente, nosso grupo descreveu que a inibição da via de sinalização TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b pode estar vinculada ao desenvolvimento de CP. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar os efeitos do excesso de iodo na transformação de células tiroidianas. Utilizamos células PCCL3 com indução do oncogene RET/PTC3, tratadas com excesso de iodo. Observamos que o iodo reduziu a proliferação, sem alterar a morte das células e recuperou a expressão de genes específicos tiroidianos, evento geralmente vinculado à transformação maligna tiroidiana. O tratamento com excesso de iodo, ainda, reduziu a expressão de proteínas envolvidas na via MAPK e promoveu o restabelecimento da expressão da via TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b, uma importante via inibitória da proliferação de células tiroidianas. Concluímos que o excesso iodo tenha uma ação antioncogênica durante a transformação maligna tiroidiana. / Papillary Carcinomas (PC) are frequently related to MAPK signaling pathway, activation by several oncogenes. Recent studies had related PC incidence and iodine availability, one of the most important thyroid function regulators. Our group has recently showed that TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b pathway inhibition is directly related to PC development. Our aim was to evaluate iodine excess effects during thyroid cells transformation. We used the PCCL3 cells with RET/PTC3 oncogene induction, treated with iodine excess. We observed that iodine reduced the cell proliferation, not altering cell death and recovered thyroid specific genes expression, event frequently liked to thyroid cells malignant transformation. Iodine excess treatment also reduced MAPK proteins expression and reestablished TGF<font face=\"symbol\">b pathway components expression, an important inhibitory pathway of epithelial cells. We can conclude that iodine excess treatment plays an antioncogenic role during thyroid malignant transformation.

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