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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

God's permission of sin: negative or conditioned decree? : a defense of the doctrine of Francisco Marin-Sola, O.P. based on the principles of Thomas Aquinas /

Torre, Michael D. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Graduate Theological Union, 1983. / Includes bibliographical references (p. [928]-537).

Early Modern Players of Folly

Pranič, Martina January 2015 (has links)
Early Modern Players of Folly Thesis Abstract This thesis examines the ways in which folly is used in early modern literature. It asks: how is it that such an ephemeral concept proliferated and endured in the culture of early modern Europe? My understanding of early modern folly as a discursive phenomenon that was used as a way of questioning the knowledge of the ostensibly reasonable world is illustrated by case studies of four characters-four players of folly. Dedicated a chapter each, they are Till Eulenspiegel, the great German jester; Pomet Trpeza, a typically Ragusan wit of Marin Držić's Dundo Maroje; Brother Jan Paleček, a Bohemian representative of holy folly; and Sir John Falstaff, the embodiment of folly in Shakespeare's 1 and 2 Henry IV. Although they emerge from different cultural, linguistic and generic traditions, they nonetheless share a propensity for employing folly in ways that uncover possibilities for new understandings and challenge rigid certainties of the world around them. Early modernity, the era that produced the works I explore, has become associated with shifts and instabilities. In this Age of Discovery, man was compelled to understand afresh a suddenly unfamiliar world. However, where man and his reason reign, folly gladly follows. I read each of my four players of folly as...

Développement de cathodes microbiennes catalysant la réduction du dioxygène / Development of stainless steel microbial cathodes for microbial fuel cells

Debuy, Sandra 08 January 2015 (has links)
Depuis 2002 a émergé le concept de « catalyse électromicrobienne ». Cette même année, une équipe du LGC a démontré un phénomène de transfert d’électrons entre un biofilm aérobie marin et une cathode d’acier inoxydable. A partir de ces biofilms a été isolée une souche bactérienne, Algoriphagus yeomjeoni, pouvant former un biofilm électroactif monoespèce. Les objectifs de ce travail ont été de rechercher cette capacité à réduire du dioxygène chez des bactéries marines mais également chez une souche issue de l’industrie agroalimentaire Lactococcus lactis. La première partie de cette étude porte sur l’étude d’Algoriphagus yeomjeoni. Les essais électrochimiques ont eu lieu en eau de mer synthétique, dont on contrôle la composition. Aucune production de courant n’a pu être détectée même en repassant en eau de mer naturelle. La perte d’électroactivité de cette souche nous a amené à la deuxième partie de ce travail qui a été la recherche de nouveaux isolats bactériens électroactifs à partir d’un biofilm formé en milieu marin. La population microbienne de ce biofilm a été étudiée par pyroséquençage. Puis, quatre souches bactériennes ont pu être isolées et identifiées. Ces souches appartenant au genre Bacillus, Roseobacter, Pseudoalteromonas et Marinobacter ont toutes présentées des capacités de réduction du dioxygène à la cathode aussi bien en eau de mer naturelle qu’eau de mer synthétique. Enfin, des essais électrochimiques ont été réalisés avec Lactococcus lactis. Cette souche a présenté des capacités électrochimiques dans un compartiment anodique avec un record de performance de 400 mA.m-2. Et, pour la première fois, Lactococcus lactis a été capable de catalyser une réduction impliquant le dioxygène à une cathode avec une densité de courant maximale de 50 mA.m-2. / Since 2002 emerged the concept of "microbial electro-catalysis". That same year, a team from the Chemical Engineering Laboratory demonstrated a phenomenon of electron transfer between a marine aerobic biofilm and a stainless steel cathode. From these biofilms was isolated a bacterial strain Algoriphagus yeomjeoni which form a mono-species electroactive biofilm. The objectives of this work were to seek the ability to catalyze a reduction of oxygen amongst marine bacteria but also in a strain used in food industry Lactococcus lactis. The first part of this study focuses on the study of Algoriphagus yeomjeoni. Electrochemical tests were conduct in synthetic seawater, whose composition is controlled. No power generation could be detected even by returning in natural seawater. The loss of electroactivity of this strain led us to the second part of the work that has been looking for new electroactive bacterial isolates from a biofilm formed in a marine environment. This microbial population in this biofilm was studied by pyrosequencing. Then, four bacterial strains have been isolated and identified. These strains of the genus Bacillus, Roseobacter, Pseudoalteromonas and Marinobacter have all shown the ability to reduce the oxygen at the cathode in both natural and synthetic seawater. Finally, electrochemical tests were performed with, Lactococcus lactis. This strain showed electrochemical capacity in an anode compartment with a record performance up to 400 mA.m-2. Furthermore, and for the first time, Lactococcus lactis was able to catalyze the oxygen reduction involving a cathode with a maximum current density of 50 mA.m-2.

Étude de la symbiose dans le plancton marin par une approche transcriptome et méta-transcriptome / Study of symbiosis in marine plankton by a transcriptome and meta-transcriptome approach

Meng, Arnaud 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les relations symbiotiques entre organismes sont essentielles pour l’évolution de la bio- diversité et le fonctionnement des écosystèmes. En milieu terrestre ou en milieu marin benthique les symbioses sont assez bien décrites. Si dans le plancton marin, les relations entre hôtes hétérotrophes et symbiontes photosynthétiques sont des phénomènes observés dès le 19ème siècle, les mécanismes fonctionnels qui régissent ces symbioses restent largement inconnus. C’est le cas de la symbiose entre certaines espèces de radiolaires et leurs symbiontes dinoflagellés. Il s’agit d’un modèle symbiotique, composé de deux unicellulaires eucaryotes, sur lequel je me suis concentré au cours de cette thèse. Ces deux organismes sont connus pour être largement répandus dans les océans et pour leur importance au sein des écosystèmes marins, et il est donc important de mieux caractériser ces symbioses afin d’approfondir nos connaissances de ces organismes. Grâce aux technologies de séquençage haut-débit il est désormais possible d’obtenir, pour ces organismes non cultivables mais isolés depuis l’environnement, une quantité sans précédent d’information génomique. Ces approches représentent une opportunité de décrypter les mécanismes à l’oeuvre dans ces interactions symbiotiques. Mon travail de thèse a combiné la création d’outils bioinformatiques dédiés à l’analyse de données de transcriptomique des holobiontes de radiolaires et dinoflagellés et l’étude de ce modèle de symbiose. Ce travail de doctorat contribue à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’adaptation fonctionnelle et évolutive des organismes photosymbiotiques marins. / Symbiotic associations between organisms are essentials in biodiversity evolution and ecosystems functioning. In terrestrial environments or in the benthic marine environment, the symbioses encountered are fairly well described and studied. In the marine plankton, photosymbioses are phenomena described and observed since the 19th century. However, if the actors of these associations begin to be identified, the fundamental functional mechanisms for the establishment and the maintenance of these symbioses remain largely unknown. This is particularly true for the symbiotic association between symbiotic radiolarians and their dinoflagellate photosymbionts, two unicellular eucaryotes, which I was interested in during this thesis. These two organisms are known to be widespread in the oceans and for their key role in marine ecosystems, and it is therefore important to characterize these symbiotic events in order to deepen our knowledge of these organisms. Thanks to high-throughput sequencing technologies it is now possible to obtain an unprecedented amount of data for these unicellular organisms that are not cultivable and need to be directly isolated from the environment. These new technologies represent a unique opportunity to better characterized the mechanisms involved in these intimate cellular interactions. My Ph.D. work has combined the implementation of bioinformatics protocols and tools dedicated to the assembly and analysis of RNA-seq data as well as to the study of holobiont transcriptomes of radiolarians and dinoflagellates. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms of functional and evolutionary adaptation of marine photosymbiotic organisms.

Design, techno-economic and environmental risk assessment of aero-derivative industrial gas turbine

Abaad, Abdelmanam 08 1900 (has links)
Increased availability of natural gas has boosted research and development efforts to further increase gas turbine performance. Performance has been increased remarkably and unit cost reduced due to achievements gained in improving thermodynamic cycles and cooling technologies. However, increased complexity in power industry regulations and fluctuations in fuel price have indicated that all the aforementioned improvements in gas turbine performance could not cope with the increased competition in the gas turbine industrial market. Innovation within the aero-derivative concept has enabled further significant improvement in the performance of industrial gas turbines. It allows a more beneficial approach than developing new designs of industrial gas turbines owing to reduced designing time and cost. Objectives in this project focus on developing a methodology of design and assessing aeroderivative gas turbine engines derived from a 130-seat aircraft engine. Developed methodology includes techno-economic and environmental assessment, conducted through further developments of models based on Techno-economic and Environmental Risk Assessment (TERA) philosophy, to be applied in further industrial applications. Tools used in this investigation include a significant literature research on the development of aero-derivative gas turbine technologies, including thermodynamic cycles and its land-based applications. Turbomatch is a homebased code developed in Cranfield University, used in calculating design point and predicting off-design performance of parent aero-engine and the aeroderivative engines developed. Excel and FORTRAN code are also used in calculating engine’s design parameters, and creating a model of life estimation Creep. Moreover, FORTRAN code is used for building emission and economic models for power generation and combined heat and power applications. Finally, MATLAP code is used in creating a small model for generating performance TXT files, and running marine integrated models platform. All models needed to develop the methodology have been created, and calculations of an engine’s performance and assessment were conducted based on this developed methodology. Sensible results are generated from the investigated methodology and they show acceptable designs of aero-derivative engines on different thermodynamic cycles. Based on the acceptable level of technology and material thermal barriers, all design and off-design performance limitations of new developed aero-derivative engines have been determined for a wide range of ambient conditions. Techno-economic and environmental assessment performed through implementing the developed aero-derivative engines on power generation and marine applications under different operating scenarios. Results of operating the engines on power generation and marine applications have been investigated and compared. It is observed that engines respond differently when operating under different environmental profiles, depending on the number of units engaged and their thermodynamic cycle as well as mechanical configurations. Also, the selected specific gas turbine engine can be the best economical choice for operating on determined scenario, while it cannot be when operating in different scenarios. Assessment of developed engines on the investigated application shows how the lowest specific cost (small engine size) can constitute important criteria in engine selection.

Towards an atlas of green microalgae (Chlorophyta) in the ocean / Vers un atlas des micro algues vertes (Chlorophyta) dans l'océan

Tragin, Margot 15 December 2017 (has links)
La lignée verte (i.e. les plantes) est représentée dans l'océan par les algues appartenant aux Chlorophyta. Celles-ci contribuent en moyenne à 25% des séquences photosynthétiques (Dinoflagellés exclus) retrouvées dans les inventaires moléculaires pan-océanique. Bien que les Chlorophyta jouent un rôle important dans l'écologie de l'océan et nous permettent de comprendre l'histoire évolutive des plantes terrestres, leur diversité et leur distribution dans les eaux marines du globe est peu documentée. Après avoir optimisé une base de données de séquences de références ARNr 18S, j'ai procédé à l'analyse de données de métabarcodes produits par Ocean Sampling Day (OSD), qui a fourni des données utilisant 2 régions hypervariables du gène du 18S appelées V4 et le V9. La comparaison des images de diversité produites par le V4 et le V9 a illustré l'influence de la base de référence sur la diversité. Ensuite, l'analyse de l'ensemble des V4 a permis d'étudier la distribution des Chlorophyta dans l'océan mondial. De plus, la vérification de l'assignation automatique des OTUs par reconstruction phylogénétique grâce à la base de référence produite en début de thèse, a permis de confirmer l'existence de nouvelles lignées de prasinophytes et de confirmer que la classe des Mamiellophyceae dominait les eaux côtières, alors que les clades VII et IX des prasinophytes dominaient les eaux océaniques oligotrophiques. Ces analyses ont aussi permis de montrer l'écart entre la diversité environnementale et celle dans la base de référence, en particulier pour les genres Ostreococcus et Micromonas (Mamiellophyceae). / The green lineage that dominates on land is represented by Chlorophyta which account in average for 25% of photosynthetic sequences (Dinoflagellates excluded) in global marine molecular inventories. Although Chlorophyta are major keys for ecological understanding of the ocean, as well as the evolutionary story understanding of land plants, their diversity and distribution in marine waters has been understudied. This thesis aims at investigating the environmental diversity of marine Chlorophyta and describing their distributions based on available large scale metabarcoding datasets. First, a reference database of publicly available 18S rRNA sequences of Chlorophyta was assembled and critically curated. Next, the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) 18S metabarcode datasets were analysed. Chlorophyta diversity was compared for a limited sample set based on two regions of the 18S rRNA: the V4 and V9 regions. Then, Chlorophyta distribution was studied using the full OSD V4 dataset. Careful taxonomic investigations using both automatic and hand checked assignation of OTUs using alignments and phylogenies allowed to confirm the existence of new environmental prasinophytes clades and to confirme, that the Mamiellophyceae were the major group in coastal waters, while prasinophytes Clade VII and IX were dominating the oceanic oligotrophic stations. Comparing V4 and V9 regions illustrated the influence of the reference database on diversity. Moreover, the taxonomic investigation highlighted the diversity gaps between reference databases and environmental datasets. This work emphasizes the neglected importance of Chlorophyta in marine waters and provides some suggestions for future research.

Mouvements verticaux à la surface de la Terre par altimétrie radar embarquée sur satellite, marégraphie et GPS. : un exemple d'application : le Golfe du Mexique / Vertical land motions on Earth surface by satellite radar altimetry, tide gauge and GPS. A case study : the Gulf of Mexico

Letetrel, Camille 25 August 2010 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la hausse actuelle du niveau marin, la détermination du mouvement vertical à la côte est cruciale pour deux principales raisons. D’une part, parce qu’il est enregistré dans la mesure marégraphique et constitue une source d’incertitude dans l’estimation des variations long terme du niveau marin (suivant les auteurs ces variations sont de l’ordre de 1 à 2 mm/an de montée au cours du siècle passé). Et d’autre part, parce que les processus de subsidence à la côte sont un facteur aggravant des effets de la montée du niveau marin avec parfois des taux qui résultent en une montée relative du niveau marin de l’ordre de 1 cm/an, soit des projections de 1 mètre en un siècle, sans accélération des contributions climatiques actuelles. Cette thèse de doctorat s’attaque à la détermination des mouvements verticaux à la côte par GPS et par une méthode originale de combinaison des données de marégraphie et d’altimétrie radar embarquée sur satellite. La méthode proposée ici est basée sur celle de Kuo et al. (2004), reprise et étendue en appliquant un filtrage spatio-temporel issu de l’analyse EOF des deux types de séries de données. La méthode est appliquée dans le Golfe du Mexique sur la période 1950-2009 en utilisant les quinze séries marégraphiques de plus de 40 ans d’observations disponibles dans la région au PSMSL et les séries altimétriques mises à disposition dans AVISO sur la période 1992-2009. La comparaison avec les mouvements verticaux issus des cinq séries de positions de stations GPS co-localisées avec marégraphes montre un écart moyen quadratique sur les différences de 0.60 mm/an révélant la grande précision de la nouvelle approche. Les séries temporelles GPS ont préalablement fait l’objet d’une analyse poussée du bruit et des incertitudes associées, légitimant l’utilisation des séries GPS dans la correction des tendances du niveau marin obtenues des marégraphes. Les incertitudes obtenues des vitesses verticales GPS sont de l’ordre de 0.5 mm/an ce qui est significativement inférieur à d’autres analyses de ce type. La méthode altimétrie moins marégraphie mise au point offre donc des perspectives intéressantes dans la détermination précise des mouvements verticaux côtiers où il n’existe pas de mesures géodésiques. / In the context of the current sea level rise, the determination of coastal vertical land motion is crucial for two main reasons. In one hand, tide gauge measurements are affected by vertical displacements and this is a source of uncertainties for the estimation of long-term sea level variations ( those variations are in the order of 1 to 2 mm/yr of sea level rise during the last century according to different authors). On the other hand, coastal subsiding processes could aggravate the effects of sea level rise with rates leading sometimes to 1 cm/yr of relative sea level rise, that is 1 meter over a century, without any acceleration of climatic contribution. This PhD thesis addresses the determination of coastal vertical land movement by GPS and by an original method combining the data from both tide gauge and satellite radar altimetry. The method which is suggested here is based on those of Kuo et al., (2004), repeated and extended by spatio-temporal filtering from EOF analysis of the two kinds of series. The method is applied in the Gulf of Mexico over the period 1950-2009 using the available fifteen tide gauge series of more than 40 years of observations selected from the PSMSL and altimetric series selected from AVISO over the period 1992-2009. The comparison between vertical land movements from the five position time series of the GPS stations collocated at tide gauge locations shows a root mean square error of 0.60 mm/an over the difference , highlighting the high accuracy of the new approach. Beforehand, GPS time series underwent a detailed noise analysis and their associated uncertainties, legitimating the use of GPS series in the correction of tide gauge sea level trends. The uncertainties from GPS vertical velocities are in the order of 0.5 mm/yr which is significantly lower than other analysis of this type. The adjusted method altimetry minus tide gauge presents interesting prospects for the accurate determination of coastal land motion where there are not geodetic measurements.

Varifrån kommer den svenska marinens kunskap och erfarenheter om strid till sjöss?

Åberg, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Varifrån kommer den svenska marinens kunskap och erfarenheter om strid till sjöss?   ABSTRACT: A robust doctrine should consist of solid arguments and theory that explain the background in order to give more effect. The Swedish naval doctrine Doktrin för marina operationer (DMarinO) is based on knowledge and experience. The problem is that the doctrine does not mention where Sweden´s knowledge and experience from naval warfare originate. Since Sweden has not been to war in over 200 years it is hard to argue that all knowledge and experience originate from own naval warfare. The issue is whether national or international naval theory can be found in DMarinO.   The thesis is based on the two naval theorists, Landquist and Hughes, who each assigned six variables representing their theory. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Landquist and Hughes´s naval theories is found in DMarinO and to increase understanding of naval theories connection to Sweden´s naval doctrine.   The results show that both theories are reflected in DMarinO. Theory from Landquist can be found in a higher degree than theory from Hughes. Therefore it is possible that DMarinO could be influenced by both national and international naval theory, but more research is needed in order to confirm that.     Nyckelord: Landquist, Hughes, militärteori, sjömilitära teoretiker, marin doktrin, DMarinO

Étude du vieillissement de biopolymères en milieu marin / Study of ageing of biopolymer in marine environment

Deroiné, Morgan 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les matériaux polymères ont de nombreux avantages comme la légèreté, le coût, la formabilité… mais sont aussi à l’origine de certains problèmes environnementaux actuels. La substitution des polymères conventionnels d’origine pétrochimique et non biodégradables par des polymères biosourcés et biodégradables tels que le polylactide (PLA) ou les polyhydroxyalcanoates (PHA) peut apparaître comme une alternative crédible. Cependant, un des freins à leur développement demeure la faible connaissance de la durée de vie de ces biopolymères lorsqu’ils sont exposés à différents types d’environnements, en particulier en milieu marin si l’on considère une application marine. Dans le cadre de cette étude, il a donc été entrepris de suivre le vieillissement naturel et le vieillissement accéléré du PLA et des PHA en milieu marin dans l’objectif d’appréhender les mécanismes et les cinétiques de dégradation. Dans le but de découpler les effets liés à l’eau, aux sels minéraux et aux microorganismes, les échantillons ont été immergés dans différentes conditions, i.e. en eau distillée, en eau de mer naturelle et en eau de mer filtrée et renouvelée à différentes températures. L’influence du milieu sur la dégradation de ces biopolymères est analysée et discutée, de même que l’influence de la géométrie des pièces (films de différentes épaisseurs, éprouvettes ou fibres). Enfin, la prédiction de la durée de vie de ces polymères a été envisagée par l’intermédiaire de deux approches, conduisant à une estimation de leur durabilité dans un milieu bien défini et au regard d’une propriété donnée. / Pollution of nature by plastics is a major environmental problem and better management of the lifetime of polymers is a major challenge for the future. In recent years, bio-based and biodegradable polymers, such as polylactide (PLA), or polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) have appeared as an alternative solution in order to solve these problems. One of the limits remains the relative lack of knowledge of their lifetime and degradation behaviour in aqueous environments, and more specifically in the marine environment. In this study natural and accelerated ageing tests were performed under several conditions, distilled water, filtered and renewed seawater and natural seawater, at different temperatures, in order to decouple enzymatic and hydrolytic mechanisms. The aim of this study is to establish a baseline on degradation mechanisms and kinetics, in order to make lifetime predictions of biopolymer behaviour in seawater.Degradation phenomena have been identified. Biodegradation tests were also performed in a marine environment by following the release of CO2. Then, lifetime predictions of the properties of these biopolymers at seawater temperature were made using two different approaches.

Wave Loads and Peak Forces on Moored Wave Energy Devices in Tsunamis and Extreme Waves

Sjökvist, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Surface gravity waves carry enormous amounts of energy over our oceans, and if their energy could be harvested to generate electricity, it could make a significant contribution to the worlds power demand. But the survivability of wave energy devices in harsh operating conditions has proven challenging, and for wave energy to be a possibility, peak forces during storms and extreme waves must be studied and the devices behaviour understood. Although the wave power industry has benefited from research and development in traditional offshore industries, there are important differences. Traditional offshore structures are designed to minimize power absorption and to have small motion response, while wave power devices are designed to maximize power absorption and to have a high motion response. This increase the difficulty of the already challenging survivability issue. Further, nonlinear effects such as turbulence and overtopping can not be neglected in harsh operating conditions. In contrast to traditional offshore structures, it is also important to correctly account for the power take off system in a wave energy converter (WEC), as it is strongly coupled to the devices behaviour. The focus in this thesis is the wave loads and the peak forces that occur when a WEC with a limited stroke length is operated in waves higher than the maximum stroke length. The studied WEC is developed at Uppsala University, Sweden, and consists of a linear generator at the seabed that is directly driven by a surface buoy. A fully nonlinear CFD model is developed in the finite volume software OpenFOAM, and validated with physical wave tank experiments. It is then used to study the motion and the forces on the WEC in extreme waves; high regular waves and during tsunami events, and how the WECs behaviour is influenced by different generator parameters, such as generator damping, friction and the length of the connection line. Further, physical experiments are performed on full scale linear generators, measuring the total speed dependent damping force that can be expected for different loads. The OpenFOAM model is used to study how the measured generator behaviour affects the force in the connection line.

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