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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre phénoménologie et apophatisme : à partir de Jean Luc Marion / Between phenomenology and apophatism : starting from Jean-Luc Marion

Piro, Vincenzo 20 December 2017 (has links)
« Poète et non honnête homme. On ne consulte que l’oreille, parce qu’on manque de cœur » : il y a peut-être une très grande proximité entre cette pensée de Pascal et l’inspiration de la pensée de Marion. Dans l’article « De la “mort de Dieu” aux noms divins » il fait allusion à une logique de la charité à développer, comme tâche pour la pensée. Ce qu’on a tenté de reconstruire, c’est le développement de cette inspiration, en ayant comme point de départ le concept de négation, tel qu’il émerge dans Certitudes négatives. La négation constitue, dans ce texte, par le concept de certitude négative, un troisième élargissement de la phénoménalité, qui saisit non seulement l’excès de l’intuition par rapport aux concepts, mais l’impossibilité que l’excès impose aux concepts. Marion présente un discours sur la limite, transcendantale, à entendre comme le lieu où se donne un degré redoublé de réalité. Cette avancée, qui montre qu’aussi la négation relève de la donation, doit être mise en perspective avec le constat, qui caractérise la fin de Reduction et donation, que la négation, par l’ennui, est la condition pour accéder à la donation. On a essayé d’approfondir ce nœud par la reconstruction de l’émergence de la négation dans la pensée de Marion et de ses caractères, avec une particulière attention au concept de distance et à sa genèse. Par cette voie on a pu mettre en évidence l’articulation concrète et la centralité dans l’œuvre de Marion du rapport entre phénoménologie et apophatisme, et la façon avec laquelle elle peut se développer en une logique de la charité. / Between phenomenology and apophatism : starting from Jean-Luc Marion « Poet and not honest man. We consult only the ear, because we lack heart ». There is perhaps a great proximity between this thought of Pascal and the inspiration of Marion's thought. In the article « De la “mort de dieu” aux noms divins » he alludes to a logic of charity to develop, as a task for thought. What we have tried to reconstruct is the development of this inspiration, having as a starting point the concept of negation, as it emerges in certain Certitudes négatives. Negation constitutes in this text, by the concept of negative certainty, a third enlargement of phenomenality - after the givenness and saturated phenomena - which captures not only the excess of intuition in relation to concepts, but the impossibility that excess imposes on concepts. Marion presents a discourse on the transcendental limit, to be understood as the place where a redoubled degree of reality is given. This advance, which shows that the negation belongs to the givenness, must be put into perspective with the finding, which characterizes the end of Reduction and givenness, that negation, through boredom, is the condition for accessing the donation. We tried to analyze this crux by reconstructing the emergence of negation in Marion's thought and its characters, with particular attention to the concept of distance and its genesis. In this way it has been possible to highlight the concrete articulation and centrality in Marion's work of the relationship between phenomenology and apophatism, and the way in which it can develop into a logic of charity.

Intersubjektivita a postmoderní společnost: K fenomenologii druhého / Intersubjectivity and postmodern society: On the phenomenology of the Other

Tlapa, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The main topic of the doctoral dissertation Intersubjectivity and postmodern society: On the phenomenology of the Other is the problem of intersubjectivity. The work discusses the question of the other with the particular part of phenomenological thinking which does ask how we experience the other. Our starting point stems from the context of postmodern society, which we discusse in the first chapter ("The paradox of atomicity"). The aim of the second chapter ("Tacitness") is to enable us to phrase the question of the other properly. The third chapter ("Searching for the other in dialogue with Edmund Husserl") at first introduces selected fundamental concepts of the Husserl's phenomenology related to our topic (e.g. epoché) and then discusses the understanding of the other in Husserl's works Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy - Second Book and Cartesian Meditations. The fourth chapter ("Breaches of harmony") is focused on such types of experience that problematize and disturb the altogether harmonic world of Husserlian intersubjectivity. We deal with the phenomenology of the blindness (Jana Moravcová) and the phenomenology of emotions (Jean-Paul Sartre). The fifth chapter ("Strange, weired eyes") uses the them of exile in the poetry of Josef Straka to...

Availability of Supermarkets in Marion County

Heintzelman, Asrah 20 July 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Concern over significant increase in obesity has prompted interdisciplinary research to address the physical food environment in various regions. Empirical studies analyze units of geography independently of each other in studying the impact of the built environment in the health of a region. However, we know that geographical spaces have neighbors and these adjacent areas should be considered in analytical analysis that attempt to determine the effects present. This research incorporates the first neighbor influences by developing a refined hierarchical regression model that takes spatial autocorrelation and associated problems into account, based on Relative Risk of corporate supermarkets, to identify clustering of corporate supermarkets in Marion County. Using block groups as the unit of analysis, 3 models are run respectively incorporating population effect, environment effect, and interaction effects: interaction between population and environmental variables.Lastly, based on network distance to corporate supermarkets as a cost matrix, this work provides a solution to increase supermarkets in an optimal way and reduce access issues associated with these facilities. Ten new sites are identified where policy should be directed towards subsidizing entry of corporate supermarkets. These new sites are over and above the existing block groups that house corporate supermarkets. This solution is implemented using TransCAD™

Acclimation effects on thermal tolerance in ameronothrid mites at sub-Antarctic Marion Island

Deere, Jacques Andries 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Evidence for widespread ecological impacts due to rapid climate change is on the increase, with further warming predicted over the next century. This increase in warming has lead to organisms adjusting their distribution range and where this is not possible organisms must cope with the stressful environments in a different way. One potential way to handle environmental stress is via a mechanism known as phenotypic plasticity, which allows an organism to express different phenotypes depending on the biotic or abiotic environment in a way that may alter that organism's fitness. Acclimation temperatures can potentially cause plastic (reversible and irreversible) changes in the response of individuals to stressful experimental conditions that could increase their survival. The issue of whether this acclimation will be beneficial to the organism or not remains contentious, with support offered both for and against the idea of beneficial acclimation. The aims of the investigation were to determine the thermal limits of five ameronothrid mite species (Halozetes marinus, H marionensis, H belgicae, H. fulvus and Podacarus auberti) from varying terrestrial habitats and to test whether there is beneficial acclimation on the thermal traits. Along with the beneficial acclimation hypothesis several alternative hypotheses were also tested. In addition, locomotor performance was determined as it has been suggested that locomotion performance is a reliable and practical measure of potential fitness of animals. The same hypotheses testing the effects of acclimation temperature on the thermal limits were tested on three performance traits; performance breadth, optimum speed and optimum temperature. Support for beneficial acclimation was found in the performance breadth and optimum speed traits for all species except for Halozetes marinus. For the optimum temperature trait the prediction for the compensation hypothesis was met and that of the beneficial acclimation hypothesis rejected, with the only exception again being that of H marinus. In the case of the locomotor performance traits the prediction for the beneficial acclimation hypothesis in the performance breadth and optimum speed traits are the same for that of the compensation hypothesis, therefore the overall response of the more terrestrial mite species is one of compensation. However, support for beneficial acclimation was not found in the thermal limit traits of all five species, with the higher acclimation temperatures (specifically 150 C) resulting in negative responses in LLT in H. marinus and H. belgicae, and in ULT in H. fulvus. Phenotypic flexibility varied between marine and terrestrial species. The less variable marine environment showed lower flexibility than that of terrestrial species in the performance breadth trait and optimum temperature trait, but there was a lack of variation between the marine and terrestrial species in the temperature tolerance traits. These results show that the effects of acclimation on various traits, especially fitness related traits, are complex and require more attention if the consequences are to be fully explained. This study therefore provides insight into the effects of acclimation on performance traits and thermal limit traits and has implications for the evolution of plastic responses in terrestrial arthropods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bewys vir wye ekologiese impakte as gevolg van vinnige klimaatsverandering is aan die toeneem, met verdere verwarming wat voorspel word gedurende die volgende eeu. Dié toename in verwarming het alreeds veroorsaak dat organismes hulle verspreidings verander, of waar dit nie moontlik is nie, moet hulle stresvolle omgewingstoestande op 'n ander wyse hanteer. Een moontlike manier om omgewingsstres te hanteer is deur gebruik te maak van 'n meganisme wat bekend staan as fenotipiese plastisiteit, wat dit vir 'n organisme moontlik maak om ander fenotipes te toon afhangende van die biotiese of abiotiese omgewing in 'n wyse wat die organisme se fiksheid beinvloed. Temperatuur akklimasie kan moontlik plastisiteit (omkeerbaar of onomkeerbaar) veranderinge in die reaksie van individue tot stresvolle eksperimentele toestande tot gevolg hé, wat gevolglik hulle oorlewing kan verhoog. Die kwessie of hierdie akklimasie wel voordelig vir die organisme is of nie is steeds betwisbaar, met beide steun vir en teen die idee van voordelige akklimasie. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om vas te stel wat die termiese limiete van vyf ameronothrid myt spesies (Halozetes marinus, H marionensis, H belgicae, H fulvus en Podacarus auberti) van verskeie terrestriële habitatte is, en om te toets of daar voordelige akklimasie in die termiese eienskappe voorkom. Tesame met die voordelige akklimasie hipotese is daar verskeie alternatiewe hipoteses ook getoets. Verder, is bewegings prestasie vasgestelomdat dit al voorgestel is dat bewegings prestasie 'n betroubare en praktiese mate van die potensiële fiksheid van 'n dier aantoon. Dieselfde hipotese wat die effek van akklimasie temperatuur op die termiese limiete toets, is op drie prestasie eienskappe getoets; prestasie wydte, optimale spoed en optimale temperatuur. Bewyse vir voordelige akklimasie is gevind in die prestasie wydte en optimale spoed eienskappe vir alle spesies behalwe Halozetes marinus. Vir die optimale temperatuur eienskap was die voorspelling vir die kompensasie hipotese korrek maar dié van die voordelige akklimasie verkeerd, met H. marin us die enigste uitsondering. In die geval van die bewegings prestasie eienskappe is die voorspelling vir die voordelige akklimasie hipotese in die prestasie wydte en optimale spoed eienskappe die selfde as vir die kompensasie hipotese. Daarom is die algemene reaksie vir die meer terrestriële spesies een van kompensasie. Bewyse vir voordelige akklimasie is egter nie gevind in die termiese limiet eienskappe van die vyf spesies nie, met die hoér akklimasie temperature (spesifiek 15° C) wat 'n negatiewe reaksie in LLT in H. marin us en H. belgicae, en in UL T in H. fulvus veroorsaak het. Fenotipiese buigsaamheid het verskil tussen mariene en terrestriële spesies. Die minder variërende mariene omgewing het 'n laer buigsaamheid in die prestasie wydte en optimale temperatuur eienskappe getoon as die van terrestriële spesies, maar daar was geen variasie tussen mariene en terrestriële spesies in die temperatuur toleransie eienskappe nie. Die resultate wat hier voorgelê word wys dat die gevolge van akklimasie op verskeie eienskappe, veral fiksheids verwante eienskappe, ingewikkeld is en vereis meer aandag om die gevolge volledig te verduidelik. Hierdie studie verskaf dus insig in die gevolge van akklimasie vir prestasie eienskappe en termiese limiet eienskappe en het gevolge vir die evolusie van plastiese reaksies in terrestriële arthropoda.

The interaction between a keystone plant species and its dominant epiphyte on Marion Island : climate change implications

Buwa, Ziphokazi Siyasanga 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Climate has shown some remarkable changes over the past century, especially at the polar and sub-polar regions. Southern Ocean Islands provide good models for studies related to climate change effects, since effects may be evident in the short term and may also be clearer. Marion Island is an example of such a system with a harsh abiotic environment, and low species richness often vulnerable to change. Climate change is predicted, and also reported, to have biological consequences on plant communities, affecting the phenology, morphology, and the interaction between individuals and species. This study examines the association between the keystone plant species, Azorella selago Hook. (Apiaceace), and its dominant epiphyte Agrostis magellanica Lam. (Poaceae). Two complimentary approaches were used, one observational and the other experimental. The main objective for the observational study was to quantify bioticallyrelevant microclimate temperature, as well as the morphology, epiphyte load and phenology of A. selago at three different altitude sites on Marion Island. This provided information on baseline variation for understanding specific variability in plant response to the experimental part of this study, against which future patterns arising from biological monitoring can be compared. Studying plants at different altitudes provides a possible analogue for temperature-related climate change consequences for the ecology of A. selago, and its interaction with A. magellanica. The microclimate temperature associated with A. selago differed between the three sites examined. This difference was related to local topographic conditions and altitude differences. Cushion size differed distinctively between the three altitude sites, with this difference related to environmental heterogeneity such as differences in age and substrate structure. Azorella selago annual growth rate was estimated through stem length and the number of leaves on both exposed and shaded stems. Within-site variability, as well as epiphyte cover were found to be the contributing factors on A. selago annual growth rate. This highlights the importance of site-specificity when estimating growth rate within and between different altitude sites. Leaf characteristics differed between the sites, with this attributed to local habitat conditions, such as topography, as well as epiphyte cover. As expected, the difference in leaf size between exposed and shaded leaves demonstrated a larger specific leaf area on leaves shaded by A. magellanica. Agrostis magellanica abundance and density were altitudinally related, with A. selago demonstrating facilitation effects on A. magellanica. The trend shown in this study suggests that in spite of general facilitative effect of A. selago on A. magellanica towards higher altitudes, the abiotic environmental threshold for A. magellanica occurs at lower altitudes than it does for A. selago. Phenological differences were also apparent between the three sites. The objectives of the experimental part of this study were to quantify the effect of the dominant epiphyte, A. magellanica on biotically-relevant microclimatic temperatures, as well as on the phenology and physical condition of A. selago. Different treatments were applied to cushions at the three altitude sites to examine the shading effect of epiphytic A. magellanica on cushion plants, as well as the effect of treatment-related disturbance. Azorella selago microclimate temperature showed no significant difference between treatments, suggesting that on average epiphytic A. magellanica cover has no effect on cushion microclimate temperature. The percentage of flower budding and flowering of A. selago was negatively related to epiphyte cover. Cushion vitality was also responsive to epiphyte cover, with higher vitality scores on low grass covered cushions than on high grass cushions. This shows that A. magellanica competes with A. selago, while A. selago facilitates A. magellanica. Heavy epiphyte numbers impose negative effects on A. selago vegetative and reproductive performance, as well as cushion vitality. Therefore, the results of this research show that the vegetative and reproductive performance of A. selago and cushion vitality are likely to be negatively affected under ongoing climate change on Marion Island if this brings about heavier epiphyte loads on this keystone cushion plant species. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die afgelope eeu het die klimaat in die Antarktiese en sub-Antarktiese gebiede merkwaardige verandering getoon. Die Suidelike See Eilande dien as goeie modelle vir studies verwant aan die gevolge van klimaatsverandering, aangesien die kort termyn effekte in die gebiede duideliker mag wees in die toekoms. Marion Eiland is ‘n voorbeeld van so ‘n sisteem, met ‘n ruwe abiotiese omgewing en lae spesies rykheid, wat vatbaar is vir verandering. Daar word voorspel, en is reeds bevind dat klimaatsverandering biologiese gevolge op plant gemeenskappe het, in terme van morfologie, fenologie en die interaksie tussen individue en spesies. Hierdie studie ondersoek die assosiasie tussen die hoeksteen plant spesie, Azorella selago (Apiaceace), en sy dominante epifietiese gras, Agrostis magellanica Lam. (Poaceae). Die studie is op twee komplimentêre maniere benader, naamlik deur waarneming en eksperiment. Die hoof doel van die studie was om die biotiese belang van mikroklimaat temperatuur te kwantifiseer, en die hoeveelheid epifiete, die morfologie en die fenologie van A. selago te bepaal by drie verskillende hoogtes op Marion Eiland. Laasgenoemde het inligting verskaf oor die variasie in die reaksie van plante tot die eksperimentele aspek van die studie, waarteen patrone vanaf toekomstige biologiese beheer vergelyk kon word. Deur plante te bestudeer by verskillende hoogtes bo seespieël word ‘n moontlike analoog vir die gevolge van temperatuur-verwante klimaatverandering in terme van die ekologie van A. selago, en laasgenoemde se interaksie met A. magellanica verskaf. Die mikroklimaat temperatuur geassosieer met A. selago verskil tussen dié drie liggings. Die versil was verwant aan die plaaslike topografiese toestande en die verskillende hoogtes bo seespieël. Die grootte van die kussingplante het duidelik versil tussen die drie liggings, met die verskille verwant aan die omgewing se heterogeneïteit, byvoorbeeld die verskille in ouderdom en substraat struktuur. Azorella selago se jaarlikse groeitempo was bepaal deur die stingel lengte en die aantal blare, op beide die wat oorskadu is deur die gras, en die was nie oorskadu is nie. Daar is gevind dat die faktore wat bygedra het tot die jaarlikse groeitempo van A. selago, varieër binne die verskillende liggings, en bedekking deur epifiete. Dit beklemtoon die belang van spesifisiteit van ligging wanneer groeitempo in en tussen die liggings van verskillende hoogtes bepaal word. Die blaar eienskappe het verskil tussen verskillende liggings, as gevolg van plaaslike habitat toestande, soos topografie en bedekking deur epifiete. Soos verwag, het die blare wat oorskadu was deur A. magellanica ‘n groter spesifieke blaar area getoon as blare wat blootgestel was. Die hoeveelheid en digtheid van Agrosits magellanica was verwant aan hoogte bo seespieël, met A. selago wat fasiliterende effekte toon op A. magellanica. Die tendens waargeneem in hierdie studie is dat ten spyte van die algemene fasiliterende effek van A. selago op A. magellanica, die abiotiese omgewingsdrempel op ‘n laer hoogte is vir A. magellanica as vir A. selago. Fenologiese verskille was ook duidelik tussen die drie liggings. Die doel van die eksperimentele deel van die studie was om die effek van die dominante epifiet, A. magellanica, te bepaal op bioties relevante mikroklimaat temperature, asook op die fenologie en fiesiese toestand van A. selago. Verskeie behandelings is aangewend op die kussingplante by die drie liggings om die effek van skaduwee van die epifietiese A. magellanica op die plante te bepaal, asook die effek van versteurings versoorsaak deur die behandelings. Azorella selago se mikroklimaat temperatuur het geen betekenisvolle verskille tussen behandelings getoon nie, wat voorstel dat epifitiese A. magellanica oor die algemeen geen effek op die kussingplante se mikroklimaat temperatuur het nie. Daar was ‘n negatiewe verwantskap tussen die hoeveelheid epifiete op A. selago en die persentasie blomme en blomknoppe op die kussingplante. Die plante se vitaliteit was ook afhanklik van epifiet bedekking, met ‘n hoër vitaliteit telling vir kussingplante bedek met lae gras as die bedek met hoë gras. Dit toon dat A. magellanica met A. selago wedywer, terwyl A. selago vir A. magellanica fasiliteer. Hoë epifiet getalle het negatiewe effekte op A. selago se vegetatiewe en reproproduktiewe nakoming, asook die kussingplante se vitaliteit. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dus dat die vegetatiewe en reproduktiewe nakoming van A. selago en kussingplant vitaliteit heel moontlik negatief geaffekteer sal word indien klimaatsverandering op Marion Eiland hoër epifiet getalle op die sleutel kussingplant spesie tot gevolg sal hê.

Patterns of variability in Azorella selago Hook. (Apiaceae) on sub-Antarctic Marion Island : climate change implications

Nyakatya, Mawethu Justice 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Understanding the responses of species to climate change is a scientific problem that requires urgent attention, especially under current conditions of global climate change. The large and rapid rates of climate change reported for sub-Antarctic Marion Island makes the island highly suitable for studying the biotic consequences of climate change. Furthermore, the extreme environments on the island result in a close coupling of the biotic (e.g. population dynamics) and abiotic (e.g. climate) factors. Therefore, examining the response of the dominant and keystone plant species on the island, Azorella selago Hook. (Apiaceae), to climate-associated environmental change (e.g. temperature) may provide insight into how A. selago and the associated species communities will be affected by climate change. This study described the variability in microclimate temperatures associated with A. selago across altitudinal gradient and between the eastern and western sides of Marion Island. Microclimate temperatures were also compared to the island’s Meteorological data to determine variation between temperatures experienced by A. selago cushion-plants in the field and those recorded at the island’s Meteorological Station. Temperature variation inside and outside A. selago cushions was also examined. Azorella selago cushions were found to have a buffering effect on temperature, such that species occurring epiphytically on A. selago experience more moderate temperatures than the surrounding environment. However, A. selago were found to experience more extreme temperatures than temperatures recorded at the Meteorological Station. Therefore, A. selago may possibly experience greater environmental warming than recorded by the Meteorological Station. While temperatures decline with altitude, temperature conditions on the western side of the island were more temperate than the eastern side. This presents the first record of temperature conditions on the western side of the island. This study also quantified fine-scale (e.g. within-site) and broad-scale (e.g. island-wide) variability patterns of A. selago (morphology, phenology, and epiphyte load) across Marion Island. Altitudinal gradient and climatic exposure at different sides of the island were used to understand the likely effects of climate associated environmental change on this dominant component of the fellfield habitat. Site-specific processes were found to determine the spatial structure of A. selago characteristics at fine-scales. However, broad-scale observations established strong responses of A. selago characteristics to altitudinal gradients and different sides of the island. Azorella selago morphological features (e.g. plant size and leaf size) were found to be more responsive to differences between the eastern and western sides of the island than to altitudinal gradient. Azorella selago micro-morphological features (e.g. leaf trichomes and stomatal densities) were also found to be more responsive to climatic exposure at different sides of the island than to altitudinal gradient. However, differences in A. selago epiphyte density (e.g. Agrostis magellanica) and phenology resembled microclimate temperatures in that they were more responsive to altitudinal gradient than to side of the island differences. From these results it can therefore be predicted that the A. selago of Marion Island is likely to be morphologically fairly resilient to moderate climatic shifts, although at lower altitudes and on the eastern side of the island, it may be outcompeted by the epiphytic grass, Agrostis magellanica. The results also suggest that the warming climate of Marion Island may result in an early occurrence of phenological processes particularly at lower altitudes and the eastern side. Azorella selago at lower altitudes and on the eastern side of Marion Island are therefore expected to largely show more symptoms of climate change (e.g. warming) on this species. Azorella selago is also predicted to move up altitudinal gradients in response to warming. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Begrip van hoe spesies reageer op klimaatsverandering is ’n wetenskaplike vraag wat onmiddellike aandag benodig, veral onder huidige globale klimaatsverandering. Die groot en snelle tempo waarteen klimaatsverandering waargeneem word op sub-Antarktiese Marion Eiland, maak die eiland hoogs geskik om die biotiese gevolge van klimaatsverandering te bestudeer. Verder veroorsaak die uiterste omgewing van die eiland tot ’n nabye koppeling tussen die biotiese (bv. populasie dinamika) en abiotiese (bv. klimaat) faktore. Dus, deur die reaksies van ’n dominante- en sleutel-spesie op die eiland, Azorella selago Hook. (Apiaceae), op klimaat-geassosieerde omgewings verandering (bv. temperatuur) te bestudeer, mag insig verskaf hoe A. selago en geassosieerde spesie gemeenskappe geaffekteer sal word deur klimaatsverandering. Hierdie studie beskryf die wispelturigheid in mikroklimaat temperature geassosieer met A. selago oor ’n hoogte gradiënt asook tussen die oostelike en westelik dele van Marion Eiland. Mikroklimaat temperature was ook vergelyk met die eiland se Meteorologiese data met die doel om die mate van variasie tussen temperature verduur deur A. selago kussing-plante in die natuurlike omgewing met die van die eiland se Meteorologiese stasie te vergelyk. Temperatuur variasie binne en buite A. selago kussing-plante is ook vasgestel. Dit was gevind dat Azorella selago kussing-plante die temperatuur buffer, met die gevolg dat spesies wat epifities op A. selago voorkom, meer gematigde temperature ondervind as die onmiddellike omgewing om die plant. Daar is egter gevind dat A. selago meer uiterste temperature ondervind as temperature gemeet by die Meteorologiese stasie. Dus mag A. selago groter omgewings verwarming ervaar as wat temperature gemeet by die Meteorologiese stasie dui. Terwyl temperatuur afneem met ’n toename in hoogte, was temperatuur aan die westekant van die eiland mere gematig as die oostekant. Dit verskaf die eerste rekord van temperatuur toestande aan die westekant van die eiland. Hierdie studie bepaal ook die fyn-skaal (e.g. binne-terrein) en groot-skaal (e.g. oor die eiland) variasie patrone van A. selago (morfologie, fenologie, en epifiet lading) oor Marion Eiland. Die hoogte gradiënt en klimaat blootstelling aan verskillende kante van die eiland is gebruik om die waarskynlike effekte van klimaats-geassosieerde omgewings verandering op die dominante deel van die felfield habitat te verstaan. Daar is gevind dat terrein spesifieke prosesse die ruimtelike struktuur van A. selago se klein-skaal eienskappe bepaal. Groot-skaalse waarnemings dui egter ’n sterk antwoord van A. selago eienskappe op die hoogte gradiënt en aan verskillende kante van die eiland. Azorella selago morfologiese eienskappe (e.g. plant- en blaar grootte) is gevind om meer te reageer op verskille tussen oostelike en westelike kante van die eiland as op die hoogte gradiënt. Azorella selago mikromorfologiese eienskappe (e.g. blaar trigome en stomata digtheid) is ook gevind om meer te reageer op omgewings blootstelling tussen verskillende kante van die eiland as op die hoogte gradiënt. Verskille in A. selago epifiet digtheid (e.g. Agrostis magellanica) en fenologie het egter mikroklimaat temperature gevolg, in dat beide meer gereageer het op die hoogte gradiënt as eiland-kant verskille. Hierdie resultate voorspel dus dat dit waarskynlik is dat A. selago van Marion Eiland morfologies redelik terugspringend sal wees ten opsigte van matige klimaatsverandering, al mag dit uitgekompeteer word deur die epifitiese gras, Agrostis magellanica by lae hoogtes en aan die oostekant van die eiland. Hierdie resultate dui ook dat verwarming van Marion Eiland se klimaat ’n vervroeging van fenologiese prosesse mag hê, veral by lae hoogtes en aan die oostekant van die eiland. Dus word dit verwag dat Azorella selago by lae hoogtes en aan die oostekant van Marion Eiland om meer simptome van klimaatsverandering (e.g. verwarming) te dui. Dit word ook voorspel dat Azorella selago opwaarts teen die hoogte gradiënt sal beweeg in reaksie tot verwarming.

Simplex sigillum veri : généalogie de l’ego cartésien chez Nietzsche / Simplex sigillum veri : Genealogy of cartesian Ego in Nietzsche’s works

Bocchetti, Andrea 03 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a comme objectif de repenser le rapport entre Descartes et Nietzsche à travers une continuité qui se construit sur le fil conducteur thématique du statut cartésien de l’ego. L’interprétation heideggérienne du lien entre Descartes et Nietzsche est pour cette raison fondamentale : en effet, en relevant à l’intérieur ce rapport les signes du déploiement d’un Même qui a marqué l’époque de la métaphysique de la subjectivité, Heidegger définit un espace fondamental commun entre les deux philosophes. Cet espace, qui se développe à partir de l’émergence de l’ego, semble cependant déborder les limites constitutives de la métaphysique, lorsque Nietzsche retrouve dans le commencement cartésien une ouverture de l’ego au sein du vivant interprété comme volonté de puissance. Sa démarche, loin de seulement le néantiser, vise à tra-duire l’ego dans une dimension morphologique : l’ego serait donc l’effet d’une organisation d’une agrégation de forces, qui prennent forme par le biais d’un centre en devenir. Le chemin de la déconstruction nietzschéenne suit des étapes bien précises : en premier lieu, reconduire le statut de l’ego à une égologie de la substance ; en deuxième lieu, déplacer la certitude fondamentale du cogito vers un sentiment de l’ego (Ichgefühl) qui se fixe comme semblant-à-être ; en troisième lieu dévoiler l’ipséité en tant qu’abime, contre toute possibilité d’interpréter le corps comme sujet, ou mieux, comme fondement. C’est en ces termes que la constitution onto-théo-logique de la pensée cartésienne élaborée par Jean-Luc Marion, permet de suivre le chemin nietzschéen : rapporter à l’ego la manière d’être de toutes les substances est le point de départ d’une généalogie qui vise à dépasser l’ego, tout en montrant sa nécessité à être, qui seule permet au vivant de dire je, à savoir d’être. / The purpose of this doctoral dissertation is to nuance the understanding of the relationship between Descartes and Nietzsche through the cartesian statute of the ego. From this perspective, Heidegger’s interpretation of the link between Descartes and Nietzsche is fundamental. Furthermore, Heidegger defines a fundamental philosophical area explored by both Descartes and Nietzsche. This common area, based on ego’s emergence, tends to exceed the constitutive bounds of metaphysics wherein the Cartesian beginning opens the ego as a form of life within the will to power . His argumentative path leads to a morphological concept of ego— the ego is taken as an effect of the organization of a multiplicity of forces, which take form by becoming a center. The Nietzschean deconstruction is realized through these specific steps: 1) to bring the ego’s statute on an ecology of substance; 2) to dislocate the fundamental certainty of cogito toward an ego-sentiment (Ichgefühl), which situates itself as a seeming-being 3) to reveal the selfness as an abyss, against any interpretations that consider the body as a fundament. At this regard, the onto-théo-logic constitution of Cartesian thought, elaborated by Jean Luc Marion, allows one to follow the Nietzschean approach: by bringing back the ego to the way of being of every substances, it is possible to fix the genealogical starting point to exceed the ego and at the same time to show its necessity to become a being, which only allows life to say I, that is to say to be.

The architecture of Samuel M. Plato : the Marion years, Grant County projects, 1902-1921 / Marion years, Grant County projects, 1902-1921

Smith, Jon Charles January 1998 (has links)
Samuel M. Plato (1882-1957) is a relatively unknown African-American architect who practiced in Marion, Indiana from 1902-1921. The limited information available concerning Plato has hindered the research and documentation of the architecture produced during this era of his life. The current opinion is that Plato designed and constructed several houses and one church for wealthy white clients, and a single African-American church during his Marion tenure. This project has produced an historical context statement for Marion's African-American community, and a biographical sketch of Samuel M. Plato based primarily on daily newspaper accounts from 1902-1922. This research provided the needed insight to document the role Plato held in black society, and also produced the historical data necessary to document additional Plato structures. The findings of this study will be used to advocate further research and documentation of Plato's work throughout the United States. / Department of Architecture

Saving children from the white plague the Marion County Tuberculosis Association's crusade against tuberculosis, 1911-1936 /

Gascoine, Kelly Gayle. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Indiana University, 2010. / Title from screen (viewed on June 4, 2010). Department of History, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): William H. Schneider, Robert G. Barrows, Stephen J. Jay. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 107-112).

L'horizon comme problème. Contribution à une histoire plurielle de la phénoménologie / The horizon as a problem. Contribution to a plural history of phenomenology.

Djian, Aurelien 09 December 2017 (has links)
L’enjeu de la thèse est à la fois d’esquisser une cartographie des usages phénoménologiques du concept d’« horizon » au XXème siècle, et en même temps de justifier l’idée d’une histoire plurielle de la phénoménologie. Plus précisément, il s’agit de montrer l’existence d’au moins deux versions alternatives de « la » phénoménologie au XXème siècle, délimitant deux cadres conceptuels et problématiques radicalement distincts qui déterminent deux manières dont il est fait usage de l’« horizon » et deux histoires de ce concept. Ainsi, chaque version — l’herméneutique phénoménologique d’inspiration heideggerienne, incluant le premier et le second Heidegger, Gadamer, Levinas, Henry, Marion vs. la phénoménologie husserlienne — repose sur une certaine conception du « phénomène » — ce qui est structurellement caché et inconstitué et est le fondement (= phénomène par excellence) de ce qui se montre (= phénomène vulgaire), raison pour laquelle il faut le laisser se montrer d’une manière herméneutique (Leben an und für sich, Sein des Seiendes, Sein als Lichtung, la vie, Autrui, la donation) vs. tout objet en tant que sens réduit constitué comme unité d’une multiplicité de conscience et exemplaire arbitraire d’une structure eidétique à décrire — qui définit le type de problèmes et d’usages de l’« horizon » en jeu dans chaque version : dans l’histoire de l’herméneutique phénoménologique, de la stabilisation de l’horizon de la vie en et pour soi et l’explicitation de l’horizon de l’être dans les Problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologie et Être et Temps à la nécessité de dépasser l’horizon, concept intrinsèquement lié à la métaphysique moderne de la subjectivité, chez le second Heidegger, Levinas, Henry et Marion, en passant par l’option synthétique dans Vérité et Gadamer qui assume l’horizon subjectiviste critiqué par Heidegger tout en maintenant sa critique à l’égard de la métaphysique de la subjectivité. D’un autre côté, chez Husserl, l’histoire de l’horizon commence par la détermination de son rôle local comme opérateur synthétique temporel et intentionnel entre multiplicité des perceptions externes et unité de la chose dans Chose et Espace, avant que sa fonction soit généralisée dans les Ideen I comme opérateur temporel et intentionnel de constitution du phénomène transcendant et immanent comme tel. C’est précisément la définition générale du phénomène de la phénoménologie husserlienne comme unité d’une multiplicité synthétisée par horizon qui constitue alors le catalyseur de développements théoriques concernant les trois opérations méthodiques censées être adaptées à l’étude du phénomène — l’épochè, la réduction eidétique et l’analyse intentionnelle, la réflexion phénoménologique —, développements que nous essayons de retracer, des Ideen I aux derniers textes, dans la seconde partie de ce travail. Cette analyse menée sur les deux fronts — l’horizon et la phénoménologie — nous mène alors à deux résultats importants : d’abord, nous aurons dégagé la signification du concept d’« horizon » dans ces deux versions de la phénoménologie que nous aurons radicalement distinguées ; ensuite et surtout, après avoir différencier ces deux versions de la phénoménologie sur la base du caractère alternatif des concepts de « phénomène » qui les fondent, nous aurons justifié théoriquement la possibilité d’une appropriation à venir de la phénoménologie d’inspiration husserlienne qui, plus d’un siècle après la parution des Ideen I, reste encore à accomplir. / My work aims at proposing a cartography of the phenomenological uses of the concept of horizon in the 20th century, as well as justifying the idea of a plural history of phenomenology itself. In fact, both issues are intimately related for the main goal is to show the existence of (at least) two alternative versions of phenomenology in the 20th, defined by two radically different conceptual and problematic frames determining two different way of using the term « horizon », and two different histories of this notion. Thus, each version — Heidegger-inspired hermeneutical phenomenology, including Heidegger himself at his « first » and « second » stage, Gadamer, Levinas, Henry, Marion vs. Husserlian phenomenology — is based on a very distinctive conception of what a « phenomenon » is — what is structurally concealed, unconstituted, and founds what structurally shows up, reason why it has to be made hermeneutically manifest (Leben an und für sich, Sein des Seiendes, Sein als Lichtung, life, the Other, giveness) vs. any possible meaningful object constituted as a unity in a multiplicity of any possible consciousness, constitutive correlation whose character of possibility must be grasped as that of an eidetic structure the phenomenologist has to describe — which define the kind of problems and uses of the « horizon » that will be at stake: as for hermeneutical phenomenology, it all starts with Heidegger’s explicitation of the horizon of Leben an und für sich and being and ends up with the further rejection of such a concept, considered as connected to modern metaphysics of subjectivity, by the second Heidegger, Levinas, Henry and Marion, through Gadamer’s attempt to combine the use of the term of « horizon » and a renewed critic of metaphysics; on the other hand, as for Husserl’s phenomenology, the horizon is first considered in Thing and Space as a temporal and intentional synthetic function in virtue of which the unity of the thing is made out of a multiplicity of external perceptions, before its synthetic function is generalized in Ideen I to the constitution of each and every transcendant and immanent objectivity. Then it is precisely such a generalization which, as it defines Husserl’s concept of « phenomenon » itself as a unity constituted in a multiplicity synthesized through an horizon, implies theoretical developments related to phenomenology’s methodical operations — épochè, eidetic reduction and intentional analysis, phenomenological reflexion — in virtue of which such phenomena can be studied, developments we try to follow in the second part of this work. At this point, we are finally led to two main results: first, we’re from now on able to value the differentiated significance of the concept of « horizon » in both versions of phenomenology; secondly, and more importantly, by radically distinguishing those two ways of doing phenomenology, we pave the way to (and justify theoretically) a further appropriation of Husserl’s phenomenology that, more than a century after the publication of Ideen I, is still to be carried out.

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